From: Gat 2 HawaiiSent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 4:25 PMSubject: Would you like to work in Hawaii?
Dear Scientologist,
That’s right, there are openings for Tech staff at the Hawaii Org !!!
What better job could you ask for then working as an Auditor, or Supervisor, or C/S, or other Tech or Qual post, while at the same time, living in Paradise.
The Hawaii Org is going Ideal, and its happening faster then you think.
We will help you with all logistics, jobs, housing, anything you need to accomplish your dream of Tech Training. Take this window of opportunity to get trained, full time, at the FSO, and report to Hawaii to join their tech team.
If you are interested, or want more data, answer these questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your Tech training level?
3. If you are not Tech Trained, would like to be
Golden Age of Tech/Ideal Org Project, Hawaii
Perhaps some other words of Alice more appropriately describe this emal:
“Oh, dear! What nonsense I’m talking!”
I was on the KTL training in 1990. We were 5 on our team, Two new recruits. Within 6 months the new ones had blown or routed off. After a year all but one was gone. People on that evolution lost theri homes and jobs as they were not allowed to return until completed and many were held to man ITO. I thought that back then things were going crazy and management was nuts or lazy trying to order the large as well as tiny orgs with blanket orders that applied to all. Little did I know that it would just get worse. As students at ITO walking down the stairs from the dining room after our 20 min meal break (where you had to chew all the time in order to get enough food in your belly before it was time to go back on course), we used to go “Baa baa baa” .
If orgs have to send 4 trainees to Flag I’d assume these have to be new recruits.
My guess is few orgs have 4 auditors. If you look at the posts of “Flag2005” on ESMB
he details how superpower training failed, and 90% or more failed to make it as auditors.
Meanwhile, Auckland Org is sending out “begging emails” asking their already beggared Public to help fund airfare for Trainees to FlagI
I think that Jo’burg Org and Jo’burg North Org are recruiting new staff to go to Flag. Seems existing staff don’t want to go. Hmmmmm. I wonder why? More lambs to the slaughter…
If the existing staff don’t want to go to Flag for GATII then maybe they are wising up.
Maybe they can run a small hotel in with unused spaces in the and pay you to night -manage it. Those jobs at least have a small studio apartment. I lost count of the hats for all that.
Mmmm, yeah. Move me to paradise and then make sure I don’t have any time or money to enjoy it.
Mike, I’ve run out of original ways to thank you for what you are doing, so I ask that you please consider that all of my posts include in each of them a grateful acknowledgement to you.
So the ALL the OOTs, ALL 800 OF THEM, from EACH AND EVERY org, have to comp BEFORE GAT II. is released! “MARON!”, as my Italian neighbor would say.while she shakes her right hand laterally.
This is an astonishingly risky vital target for him under ordinary circumstances. There could be some stragglers who won’t comp with the others. It doesn’t make sense EXCEPT in one way, which has theoretically nothing to do with GAT II but everything to do with what is I think truly absorbing his attention right now, and that would be his sister’s court case, coming up 7/25.
My theory is the Dwarf really doesn’t want any eyes on him right now until this case is over and done with the charges against her handled and she is sufficiently paid and therefore effectively shut up with a shore story that will be accepted in place for the sheeple. My guess is he doesn’t want any real action until he knows how this case will shake out, and in the meantime he’s hunkered down at Flag doing his smoke and mirrors, grandstanding for the OOTs at Graduation, building anticipation, showing re-runs of past glories, and in fact doing actually nothing whatsoever except watching over Mrs. Gentile’s court case, which, IMO comes with ruinous publicity baggage for him. Ruinous not only because of her actions and she being his sister but because ANY mention of the Dwarf’s name in the mainstream media brings with it all the OTHER reasons he’s been in the media. All this stuff is tied like tin cans to a black Dodge Durango.
That’s my take on where he be at for the next few months, or until her case is settled.
“All this stuff is tied like tin cans to a black Dodge Durango”. Eloquent imagery, Aquamarine. Its going to be a noisy exit when it does happen.
Hawaii Org has FOREVER been the dumpiest Org in the West US next Twin Cities. I was once their Programs Chief in the 80s at CLO WUS..This email message blows me away.
Does anyone have a copy of the Inspector General Network Bulletin “Arbitraries removed” and would be kind enough to share…? I’m putting together some data on the timeline of the “evolution of 100% standard tech” and so far I couldn’t find a copy of this “milestone” :-). Thanks!
Globetrotter, I am sorry that I do not have a copy of that. I am very interested to see what you find. I think a timeline of all the times we have heard “arbitraries removed”, with their accompanying issues and releases, would be very revealing.
Bela, I have a lot of pearls already… starting from the 80’s. I’s amazing how many times Miscavige said that a certain HUGE project (tens of thousands of manhours, etc.) resulted in “ALL LRH materials” having been “meticulously” reviewed, compared to the originals word by word, and the then current, re-released materials being “100% on-source”. Then a few years later – lo and behold, he finds again that the previous “100% on-source” materials were all messed up and you must discard them immediately and only use the NEW “100% on-source” versions. You must be blind and deaf and have no memory to still believe a word Miscavige says about anything he publishes being “100% on-source”.
Miscavige’s continuing “bigger, better, higher” bullshit is lulzy as hell. But he’s playing an increasingly dangerous game. Soon, all that pressure he’s putting on the lower orgs is going to make something blow, and he’s going to lose an eye — or worse.
800 outer org trainees at Flag getting all trained up so they can fire back and help crash their orgs even more. Is that even possible? And Miscavige can try to suck money from the orgs empty bank accounts to pay Flag for having done the training. This may be the end of the line for Cl V orgs. Which means Flag will soon thereafter be sucking on an empty tank. No wonder DM is waving a red flag.
Well, one good thing about going to Hawaii; at least when you finally blow from the out tech and abuse, you can hang 10 til you make enough at your wog job to get back to the mainland. Mahalo.
Can you imagine joining Hawaii Org….excuse me, Hawaii Ideal Org staff and starting at Flag to do your training. Spending several years or Dave’s FAST FLOW TRAINING and only several months. Having to pay your own airfare to Hawaii, arriving and finding no org……what to do then?
I’m tempted to apply, darn it, I think I will 😉
“Use Google to find a job and place. You can make things go right. By the way, we’re having all-hands past midnight for the next 6 months because too many staff have already blown. Welcome to Hell.”
CO$ operates on “Lures”, “Exaggerations” and “Misleadings” … it never delivers anything unless it’s a paid-for service; anyone who has been around for decades knows that all too well. They feel entitled to our support, but don’t actually make good on any exchange. Criminals … but that’s OK because it’s for the greatest good for all concerned.
I find the name “Golden Age” interesting. The original Golden Age is Greek, and refers to an age long ago when everything was wonderful, and everything went to hell since then. The death of Pan is connected to the end of the Golden Age. Modern Golden Ages are in comic books and science fiction. But you never call the age you are in a golden age, it’s always something that is past. It just seems like a poor metaphor for a retread of previously released stuff.
Philly org isn’t going ideal any time soon, that I can see. There was apparently a table outside when Google drove by, but I haven’t seen anything but locked doors.
Could they not put a sign on the building? Locked doors are understandable I used to live and work in Philly and that is a necessity. ARC Bill Dupree
Re: empty failing orgs, whether cloaked in “Ideal” MEST, or a tiny store front, LRH very specifically said that if an org was not an L. Ron Hubbard org, then the public would stay away in droves. Today we do not have L. Ron Hubbard orgs but rather David Miscavige orgs, hence emptiness.
Wait a sec, they send out an email to come to Hawaii to work at their Idle Morgue (paradise – if you enjoy getting screamed at five times a day), but they will also help you find a job? Oops! So, what they’re really saying is that staff pay is so bad that once you get to “paradise”, you’re going to have to find another job to moonlight to pay the rent and eat something other than PB&J sandwiches for every meal. I think I’ll stay where I am. It might not be “paradise”, but at least I make a living wage and have health insurance.
That email is really bad news for anyone who falls for it. Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. In Honolulu and Waikiki, rents are on a par with New York City and the upper strata areas of LA like Beverly Hills and Malibu. Housing is extremely scarce. Almost all food is imported from the US mainland and very expensive. Dole pineapple, which is grown there, cost more there than it does on the mainland. Jobs are scarce and very low-paying. Most jobs are in the tourist industry or related to tourism such as restaurant work, and these jobs are coveted because of the tips. Working as a clerk in a hotel is considered a prestige job; indeed, working for tips is the only way to make any decent money there. Hawaii is flooded with cheap labor. In Hawaii it is the norm to find highly educated people driving cabs, caddying and waiting on tables because white collar jobs are so limited and salaries so low anyway that the only way to survive there is if you make tips.
That said, it is very beautiful, but I wouldn’t call Hawaii “Paradise”, not even the outer islands. Its an attractive, contrived, semi-tropical tourist trap, IMO and fine for a great vacation, but paradise? I think not.
Try living here, Aquamarine. Sure, there’s touristy places, but overall- and I have traveled to most of the States, and many exotic foreign locations, as well as living on the West Coast, the Mid West, the East Coast, the South East, and the South West in my life- Hawaii IS a paradise.
Through the Looking Glass and Down the Rabbit Hole pretty much applies to the Church of Scientology these days.
You think of the phalanx of Government agencies once arrayed against the Church at one time would destroy it.
Yet despite these attacks the Church not only survived but expanded as well.
Now with full religious recognition as in “Government Approved” and its 501Ciii fully recovered the Church seems to be collapsing like a dark star sucking its public into an event horizon of some kind.
This can pretty much be summed up in one word or phrase:
Out Tech
Which leads to:
No results
There was an interesting lecture I listened to while I was on the Briefing Course about what happens when you give someone a wrong item i.e. “the blind leading the blind” and that is they will dramatize it harder than an actual item.
One could also say it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
I mean here we have some moron who has never even done an FEBC, never mind an OEC and who himself is a failed auditor who never properly completed an internship.
Rumor has it, that the reason he never did was because he physically assaulted one of his PCs which is about as blind as blind gets when one feels that one has to resort to threats and physical violence to “keep a PC in session”.
Yet there he is claiming to be the undisputed “leader” of the Church “leading” those who want to be led down the road to oblivion and who are still unable to see that they are being led down the road to oblivion.
The blind leading the blind.
They are so blind and unaware that they are unable to see what a catastrophe GAT I was.
Well all I say is good luck with GAT II.
“I mean here we have some moron who has never even done an FEBC, never mind an OEC and who himself is a failed auditor who never properly completed an internship.
Rumor has it, that the reason he never did was because he physically assaulted one of his PCs which is about as blind as blind gets when one feels that one has to resort to threats and physical violence to “keep a PC in session”.
I hear through the Flag Graduation rumor mill that there is a new GAT II auditing procedure that has been piloted by DM guaranteed to reduce the time needed to EP a process. The OOTs are in training in the basement of the new Super Power building and will not be allowed out until they get a pass from COB RTC.
The auditing position is feet on the table and hands on the neck of the PC. Squeeze until eyes begin to bulge and then command: ‘Cognite you c*&k s%^&ing M&^%er F%*&er.’ repetive to EP! Thanks for your magic Davey…….now the blind will be able to see!
You’d really have to see the current scene in Hawaii to get the full impact of the delusion this email exemplifies. If day and fnd orgs combined sent 5 staff off to Flag, there would literally be no one left. At this point they may not even be able to muster up a compliment of 5. Also, the entire org occupies a total of not more than 800 sq ft on the 2nd floor of a rather 3rd class office building in an area where foot traffic is at a minimum, and the only signage is a small folding thing (like realtors use) that is taken in every night. I can’t imagine a more moral sucking post than “GAT/Ideal Org project I/C” in Hawaii, but being quadruple, or even octuple hatted, probably takes the mind of such things.
wow…I’m speechless…and that’s hard to do.
I think David miscavige has had enough ,hardly no stuff,he nows what’s going on ,is he trying to resurrect the dead or something ,his only option out of this madness ,is write his overts and withholds,and seek forgiveness ,or my gut feeling is he might end up in jail.
Mike, your observations are correct and since you live right down the street from the FLB you are in a good position to monitor . I was at the FH a couple weeks ago and I could see no indication that there were 800 people either at the Coachman or FH or downtown CW for that matter. Having been the Intern Supervisor at Flag some 20 years ago now I can tell you the atmosphere of the place now compared to then is like a morgue, the people in the surrounding environment were introverted and out of the 50 or 60 people I did encounter during my visit to downtown CW only 3 of them actually looked me in the eye or even acknowledged my presence (of course that changed a bit when I walked into the front door of the FH and told the security guard I was there to speak with either DM or Marion Pouw, having announced my visit to both of them some weeks before). The building across from the FH where the Gray Moss Inn used to stand was empty as far as I could tell possibly a indicator of what is to come (i.e. silent emptiness ). It looked much the same as it did to me on my last visit there when I spoke to you in 1996 except the exterior landscaping seems complete.
Is being in paradise mean no pay, no food, no fitting uniform and nothing to do but wandering around the empty corridors? Who wouldn’t want that as the fulfillment of their dream?
Also I was just wondering how many OOTs are at Flag from say Joburg?
Right! Where are they really keeping ALL these “800” trainees? Locked up in the SP building? There is a fully functioning galley in the basement…..sleeping on floors?
Wow! It’s like a scholarship to college, just servitude for 5 years when you eventually get back.
But wait. They are also willing to find you a job? Then what are you training for? I would think with the Hawaii Org going Idle there would be plenty of work right there. I guess it’s never planned for that to support staff.
So, lets see… quicky training (time undetermined), followed by 5 years of 2 full time jobs – one to support yourself and one for the gipper. All while living in paradise. Sign me up!
Good point, Bonny! They are openly advertising that you will not earn enough money as a staff member to support yourself…not very “Ideal”, is it? Funny thing is, they don’t even see the outpoint of all that. It is now just common knowledge and acceptable that staff don’t get paid for working their asses off. It is all “justified” with some think of how they owe their help, or how it is their duty to clear the planet now…whether they get paid one penny or not.
Would this amazing experience involve joining SO, or was this sent only to SO? Still learning how things work…
Hahahaha! You could make a sit com with this BS!
I can look at my life and say two big highlights of my life were when I
Wow, Rory….I agree 100%.
DM has probably around a 100 or so sheep/blind mice who just keep giving regardless of what happens. I will call them the 100 BLIND mice. Maybe they too will wake up and see DM is totally a smoke and mirror guy with a love for controversy, battle and an expert at using PI’s and the legal system BUT when will the charade end?
The Barnum and Bailey show of DM continues!!!! Does anyone know the entire Miscavage clan has left C of S including his father? People of good caliber and people who sees what is going on have all eft to get on with their lives and left the insanity. People are leaving in droves and NEW PEOPLE into the church is NON-EXISTENT!!!!
they left out the bikini babes 🙂
I am amazed to see all these “Hats” evolving, this one is the GAT/Ideal Org project. In another of your postings was the “Fundraiser I/C” and yes, what nonse could if follow? Some of us might have thought it could not get any worse, but in fact is getting worse and worse as minutes tick.
Devil Moron (DM) has the minutes ticking for his downfall to occur..tick…tick..tick…