Crackpot scientologist Carole Eddington sent around an email with some collected “wisdom” from “Dr.” Hubbard about germs and vaccines.
The guy who said not smoking enough cigarettes is the real cause of cancer, has some other interesting medical advice about how germs don’t exist and that the “first 100 soldiers admitted with smallpox in WW II had all been vaccinated.”
It gives a pretty good glimpse into the mindset of a true-believer.
To any outsider, this is just Hubbard being Hubbard: making up stories, theories and lies. Unfortunately scientologists buy it as gospel. If Hubbard so much as quoted someone else it gave the statement a signed and sealed certificate of authenticity.
And they claim there is no “faith” in scientology….
From: Carole Eddington
Date: October 1, 2021 at 1:29:08 AM PDT
Subject: LRH References on Germs and Vaccinations
Dear Fellow Church Members:
The Church has lately been providing us with some LRH quotes on germs. In this document, I have collected other great LRH references that not only apply to the current situation, but some of us have found them extremely helpful. So I thought I would share this with all the Scientologists I could reach.
LRH References on Germs and Vaccines
“All you have to assume is that safety is desirable, to have all the ills of Pandora’s box swarm around your head.”
“I seriously doubt the existence of any given germ – seriously doubt it.”
“The formula for creating an illness is to establish a terminal, get everybody convinced that this terminal is there (preferably without showing it to them), then refuse to let them communicate with it and then refuse to let them talk about having been prohibited. And the natural consequence of this will be that these people will assume they have to protect themselves from it. I don’t care what it is.”
“Aberration is caused by a cut communication with the mass and is remedied by re-established communication with the mass.”
“Where communication is cut, an aberration is almost certain to occur. A set of ideas foreign to, invented, confused, upset, will take place.”
(These are all from the LRH lecture Communication and Isness, 27 Feb 1957)
“A child could be guaranteed an utter failure of his endocrine system, if he were trained thoroughly to avoid all impacts. If he were trained thoroughly to avoid germs, to avoid illness, to avoid conditions which are described as highly detrimental to him, he will then be made to close terminals with those conditions. Why? Because he is cutting communication, cutting communication, cutting communication, cutting communication. “Now, just as soon as he learns thoroughly that he mustn’t go into contact or communication with impact, with germs, with this, with that, he just gets, as a thetan, smaller and smaller, withdraws more and more, is less and less alert, is less and less in communication with things and finally will be unable to heal any part of his body. This would be a sure method of making the American Medical Association (a small club in Chicago) rich. It’s a small club in Chicago dedicated to no experimentation and terrific amounts of practice. The main thing I’m trying to point up here is that a society gets headed in the direction of *avoidance.* It gets headed in the direction of *fear* and so becomes controllable. It is an overt mechanism on the part of anything or anyone seeking to control a society, to cut the communication of that society.” -LRH, 7th American ACC, lecture 9 “Exteriorization” 28 June, 1954 Volume 1, first transcript booklet, page 131
“The end product, the end product of all aberration is being careful. And that goes hand in glove with some research I did the other day. I was reviewing the overt-motivator phenomena and I was getting it all kicked together and once more ran into the factor, this time with more weight than ever, that doingness is dangerous. And the people consider—the more people consider doingness dangerous, the less they do and that’s a direct index to aberration. So of course “careful” fits right in there.”
- Ron Hubbard, SHSBC Lecture of 31 May 1962, Page 26
“Give you some idea. They go around scratching people for smallpox* and they’ve cut the smallpox down in the world most amazingly. I am sure they have cut it down to the degree they’ve made people believe they wouldn’t get smallpox, or something of the sort. But do you know that the first one hundred soldiers admitted into military hospitals with smallpox in World War II had, each one of them, been vaccinated properly and in the proper period of time to be immune? The first one hundred soldiers admitted into military hospitals – all been properly vaccinated and they all had smallpox.
“You see, science has a habit of saying, ‘That is the answer!’ And after that, instead of being reasonable about it, to point their professorial pens, to point their lecture guns, their grade systems straight at the individual and say, ‘Now, don’t think about it anymore! Don’t examine it again! Don’t look it over, because we’ve said so.’ Get the idea?
“And all you have to do is go around and take some of the favorite theories held by these people, like vaccination – just take this favorite theory – and now go out and actually look. And know and deduce and have intuitions about it and finally come up with an answer everybody can agree with. And the answer that everybody can agree with is that vaccination has very little to do with the situation.
“Now, it’s very true that those American soldiers who had had typhus shots, when they were put in prison camps in Europe, did not, in any large proportion, get typhus. And with great glee we see all medical science making a great deal out of this saying, ‘Look! Look, look! Look how effective our typhus shots are.’ Let me point out something else to you. There’s very little typhus in the United States. These soldiers just happen to be, possibly, a strain of people that don’t get typhus easily, see? You see how smelly this scientific logic is if you once hold it up. So cover it up quickly and put it away if it begins to smell like Limburger and go on your own ability to know thereafter. You got it?
“If something doesn’t stand up to your observation and if you cannot agree with the thing, you get another condition which is quite important to you in research and detection. And that is, if you can’t agree that that is a fact, if your knowingness does not add up to knowingness after you have intuitivated and deductivated and looked and inspected and crept around it and sniffed at it and patted it on the head and so forth and then you still don’t know what that is all about, then you’d better reject it – you’d better reject it. Either decide you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist, or that you aren’t looking for it in the right way, or decide something else, rather: ‘I must go on looking for this,’ and certainly never decide this: ‘I must believe it because somebody said it was true.’ Oh, all the gravestones in the universe were erected upon that mound and every one carries the legend ‘I must believe it because another said it was true.’ Fascinating.
“When you have injured the ability of Man to inspect, you have hurt his ability to live. He must be capable of inspecting. He must be able to get at the evidence. If he cannot do so, you have a slave society and you don’t want one of those. Slaves are no good to anybody, least of all to their masters.”
LRH, from Lecture: “The Detection of Engrams, the Search to Know”
5th London ACC, page 11 of transcript, 5 Nov 1958.
*smallpox, scratching people for: a reference to the practice, developed in the late 1700s, of scratching a healthy person’s arm and introducing a small amount of infected matter from someone ill with a mild disease known as cowpox. This created immunization of the healthy person, reducing his chances of coming down with smallpox, a highly contagious, often fatal disease characterized by prolonged high fever, vomiting and widespread eruption of pimples that blister, produce pus and often leave scars when healed.
Dr. William Howard Hay on Vaccination, Quoted by LRH:
“The soil conditions that make necessary the presence of the germs are our real field of search, but we have lost sight of this field almost entirely in our frantic hunt for germs, and we lay the blame for this wrong steer at the door of Louis Pasteur.
“After one is vaccinated or serumized, immunized, we have destroyed the only proof that counts, for we have no way of knowing whether or not the vaccinated or serumized person would have contracted disease in the absence of this so-called protection;not all do so.
“Is it any wonder that the public is getting a little suspicious of us and our vaunted “discoveries?” The wonder to me is that there are still seven millions of them willing to submit to vaccination and serum treatment.
“The true figures on vaccination for smallpox have never got before the public, though they can be seen in the files of the various departments of the army as well as the government, if one cares to ask for them. If the record of vaccination in the Philippines alone were ever to become matter of general knowledge, it would finish vaccination in the whole country, at least among those who are able to read and think for themselves. After three years of the most rigid vaccination, when almost every little brown man had been vaccinated from one to six times there occurred the severest epidemic of smallpox that the island had ever seen, with the death rate running in places to almost sixty per cent, and in all well over sixty thousand deaths. Did you ever know this before? Assuredly not.
“Yet it is found in the government records in just this form. Manila and the surrounding province were vaccinated most thoroughly, also they showed the highest case record and death record of the whole archipelago, while some of the outlying country was not so thoroughly vaccinated and escaped with proportionately less disease.
“How much good did we do these poor fellows? Ask Edward Jenner! He knows now, if so be that we know after death, and I am willing to believe that he would gladly spend a part of his eternity in purgatory if he could undo the wrong he did the world by vaccination. “
~ from HCO INFORMATION LETTER, WHO ARE THE QUACKS?, 22, AD. 13, By William Howard Hay, M.D., Buffalo, New York. LRH issued his article as an HCO INFO LETTER.
Talk about a hypocrite. He was so paranoid about germs that his person living space was disinfected 100X better than a hospital OR!
Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, and Dr. Gumby. You are needed in brain surgery. Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine…
So if germs are just BTs then does that mean microscopes are magical devices that let up visualize BTs? And does that also mean if i just give my strep throat some therapy it’ll go away? Has any tried throwing magcal on a slide with some streptococcus?!?! I may have just solved the antibiotic resistance crisis using LRH tech!!!!
*eye f*cking roll*
Ron was such a card, joking like that ALL the time at the Doctors’ expense.
And his belief in the MAGIC of calmag; turns out that a calcium surplus can shut down the thyroid. ANOTHER reason scns can be tired, listless, and rundown.
He SURE aptly named his techniques RUNDOWNS, as doing them will run you into the ground, perhaps literally.McSavage’s “survival” rundown takes punishment to a whole ‘nother level. The EP is “I SURVIVED!” (?)
Miss Popkins
My sister was on staff for 20 years in LA and staff were required to get the flu vaccine, and not just once, to keep them on post. With that happening, I don’t know how any Scientologist can claim a religious exemption to any Covid vaccine mandates, despite over 700,000 adverse events reported, 16, 000 deaths, and at least half of the fully vaccinated being hospitalized with the Delta variant.
The history of corona virus vaccines, is that they mutate so fast, because it cannot kill off all its host as it needs them to survive, that by the time a vaccine is created it’s no longer effective. When they mutate they weaken. Dr. Robert Malone, who was involved in the invention of the new mRNA technology these vaccines are based on, says this and says these vaccines are leaky and causing dominant variants.
“I don’t know how any Scientologist can claim a religious exemption to any Covid vaccine mandates,”
No need to. No one can be forced to get a vaccine in the USA other than by their employer for work requirements or to attend a public school. The gov has no such power.
He talks in gibberish circles. How do his followers not notice this? I’m hoping at least some of these Scientologist are at least smart enough to get a vaccine. At the very least, some of them have to have jobs that now require it. Covid doesn’t care what your beliefs are. There has to be Scientologists who have died from Covid.
Teresa : “He talks in gibberish circles. How do his followers not notice this?”
Very very and very good question .
This is call mental conditioning, the core activity of Cults to control their followers.
For example before you enter in playground you have been told by your couch that opponent team uses asteroid mix drinks to win the game.
So, you prepare your mind that if we loses the game its because of that reason.
So for every failure they let you believe ” some one” is responsible for it.
That’s how Cult put their followers in an scripted physical and mental condition.
The beauty of it , justifies Cult’s oppression as just cause …for the greatest good …….
This phenomenon is commonly known as ” Stockholm syndrome ” , based on real event.
Tubby didn’t live long enough to see Smallpox eliminated in the wild, Measles all but gone in America, and polio nothing but a nightmare of the past, something our grandfathers had to deal with, not us. Had his wish come true and he was in charge of health worldwide, Many more people would be dying from germs he declared were all in our minds. or BTs, or something equally immaterial.
I’d hate to live in the world he envisioned. Wasn’t much enamored with the little asylum he DID create.
Small pox was announced eliminated from the word 6 years before Hubbard died. It was BIG news and he saw it. Polio was also gone from the USA long before Tubby assumed room temp. Measles was all but gone.
Emerging covid research does seem to suggest natural immunity (post infection) is as good as or better than vaccine-induced immunity. See:
Sivan Gazit, Roei Shlezinger, Galit Perez et al. Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections medRxiv 2021.08.24.21262415
Hall VJ, Foulkes S, Charlett A et al. SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of antibody-positive compared with antibody-negative health-care workers in England: large, multicentre, prospective cohort study (SIREN). Lancet. 2021
Harvey RA, Rassen JA, Kabelac CA, et al. Association of SARS-CoV-2 Seropositive Antibody Test With Risk of Future Infection. JAMA Intern Med.
Turner, J.S., Kim, W., Kalaidina, E. et al. SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells in humans. Nature 2021
Wang, Z., Yang, X., Zhong, J. et al. Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 generates T-cell memory in the absence of a detectable viral infection. Nat Commun 12, 1724 (2021).
Nabin K. Shrestha, Patrick C. et al. Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals medRxiv 2021.06.01.21258176
NB. Posting this in the spirit of debate. I am neither endorsing Hub’s gobbledegook nor any particular stance on covid vaccination. How people choose to look after their bodies is their business, not mine.
“Emerging covid research does seem to suggest natural immunity (post infection) is as good as or better than vaccine-induced immunity”.
Yea, tell that to the 5 million people who have died so far.
Get the f*ckin vaccine. And definitely don’t listen to Hubbard’s Bullshit.
My argument FOR getting vaccinated is the idea of NOT GETTING SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE as apposed to getting deathly ill, surviving, and not getting sick again. And let’s not even begin to discuss all the after-affects on the cardio, pulmonary, digestive and other bodily systems. Even the few people who catch Covid after getting the jab get milder cases and NO after-affects.
Our daughter, her sister in law & all their friends are R.N.’s They’ve SEEN the devastating condition people who are NOT vaccinated go through, including their death. Patients who had refused to get vaccinated, suffering, then BEGGING for the Covid vaccine…..when it’s far too late.
The families of these patients still not comprehending for the most part, until their loved one dies needlessly from REFUSING a vaccine that would have helped.
700,000+ & COUNTING……morgues, crematoriums, funeral homes & cemeteries doing a great business….all too damned sad.
I’m an RN, too. I actually work in hospice, so I watch people die regularly. Death is supposed to be a natural part of life. It’s often tragic, but usually it’s part of the circle of life. A preventable virus that people die from because of foolish choices is not natural or part of the circle. It’s completely tragic and cruel to those who are left behind to mourn.
Bless you & Thank You for what you do to provide comfort to those in need as they approach life’s end. My mother & my Uncle were in hospice until their passing away. My mother in law (97) is now in hospice care.
I am “one of those” that feel anyone who refuses to be vaccinated should be LEGALLY REQUIRED to sign a waiver indicating they FULLY UNDERSTAND etc etc & that they WLLINGLY KNOW & ACCEPT they will NOT be “entitled to medical intervention” should they acquire the Covid 19 or Delta Virus.
I have two friends whose family members have to WAIT until there is a bed available….a friend’s father passed as he could not receive treatment……
I am keeping you Theresa in my thoughts & prayers….again Thank You
Hubbard regularly declared scientific findings which had been proven true time after time without exception, as being false, SOLELY on his say-so, no supporting evidence, no science having been done
And then declares the SCIENTISTS are quacks.
Looney Tunes logic at its worst.
About smallpox: 50 years later, we live in a world where smallpox is virtually extinct; only extremely rare, isolated cases popping up in those small regions where vaccination was blocked by the same sort of illogic as Hubbard’s. The man was a hazard to society.
As for me I found these references interesting, since I had the covid. There is also B-cell Memory as an additional aid in our immune system. Research is still ongoing but appears to last for years or more.
An additional note. Here in Italy they have implemented – I would say forced – the obligation of the Green Pass which certifies that you have been vacinated or cured. We are at the point that those who do not have it cannot work and now they want to extend it to youngers and get them vaccinated to go to school. It becomes a form of vacinal obligation. Now without getting into controversy but it is easy to risk going from one extreme to the other.
Possibly, but the problem is that to get it requires greater risk from contracting the disease, than getting vaccinated. It’s misleading, and a miscalculation of the big-picture risk versus reward calculation, to focus on it – which is exactly the flaw of a lot of pseudo-science and conspiracy theories.
I’ll draw a parallel to Hubbard’s use of techniques that are potentially dangerous and can harm some people, such as triggering or causing psychosis. But I think he knew the risks, and his deliberate cynical calculus was that it was better to break some weak people in the process of supposedly “making the able more able” — or, of course, just to ‘dispose of them without sorrow.’
The real problem is that catching Covid-19 is SO likely to have side-effects ranging up to body death. After that, you no longer care if you can catch it again. Their Woo, woo is like alcohol. It isn’t a solution, but it can make you forget the problem.
Which is more amazing: men who lived in the era of common Smallpox, Polio, Typhus, Scarlet Fever, Malaria and Cholera would crap on vaccines or if that someone who has lived through the last 18 months of the COVID pandemic would think any of that twaddle is helpful or even worth repeating?
This is the sort of drivel that makes me want to be a hermit and exactly the sort of fecal word slurry I would expect from the author of “Battlefield Earth”.
“fecal word slurry” is good and well descriptive, just not what I needed as I was sipping my morning coffee.😇
Sue me. I’m retired, so can darn well have breakfast just before sunset. or just after midnight.
Sitting in my chair and pounding the poor defenseless keys is FUN for me, though it’s different than when I was paid to beat the dumb machines into submission. At heart I’m a computer bully, not a cyber bully (except to flat earthers and young Earth creationists. They’re FUN to mock, and it’s easy as they’re blissfully unaware of the idea of logical thought.
“then refuse to let them communicate with and then refuse to let them talk about having been prohibited”
Carole could be talking about disconnection, fair game, xenu and the body thetans, command intention overriding any and all Hubbard policy, human trafficking, the list goes on.
A dash a racism spices up the monologue about the Philippines, plus muddying of the waters by claiming the true figures will never be revealed. Obviously smallpox was eventually eradicated there as WHO declared it defeated everywhere in 1980.
What motivates Carole to whip up the faithful to avoid jabs? I bet she doesn’t even know defendant Miscavige has a vaccine mandate for the people who work closely with him.
“What motivates Carole to whip up the faithful to avoid jabs? ”
As always, FOLLOW THE MONEY. Carole and other FSMs make pretty good money selling that balderdash to the easily-swayed masses. That’s a good income if you have the stomach for it.
Rule #1: Make money. Make more money. Make other people make money.
Since I’ve never been subjected to a regging or FSMing, it is too easy to forget that scientology is also an MLM.
Everything is some sort of lying or other form of marketing in scn. When he lost track of marketing, stats crashed, though not as badly as McSavage has succeeded to crash things. No one who understands/believes KSW can have much enthusiasm selling what Davey is pushing, so even without Davey’s active suppression, his squirreling succeeds to keep the old gung-ho groups from gaining any traction, any enthusiasm.
All gone!
Janis Grady and other Apollo vintage staff I’m sure could tell of how Hubbard ordered all vaccination laws be followed by the Apollo crew.
There must be Sea Org OODs or other Flag Ship Orders type writings by the Medical Officer all requiring the Apollo staff to get their vaccinations and shots required for moving around the areas that the Apollo moved.
The anti vax Miscavige allowed era for Scientology is counter I presume the pro vax era of Hubbard during the Apollo years.
Chuck Beatty
Exactly this. Tony Ortega in the Underground Bunker has shared a few “Avast” orders from the Apollo years which clearly say “Get your shots”.
Chuck: Did Hubbard REALLY comply with local medical requirements? Seems not, just listening to the twaddle Carole and those of her ilk “quote” Hubbard as saying.
Still, when we were being shipped off from LA to Flag, we were all jabbed for *some* vaccination, which I later surmised was a “tropical disease” afflicting the land base in Daytona Beach.
Yes, I think even in Janis’ books, she’s quite candid that they didn’t non comply with shots for crew, and the Medical Liaison Officer made sure all got their shots, and even MLO gave shots.
Well, Surprise, surprise! ONE arena where Hubbard did NOT openly flaunt local and international laws and regulations, no matter what he said in confidential briefings to advanced practitioners in the Briefing Course, ACCs, or whatever. He DID sorta sometimes somewhat “believe” in germ Theory when it could have affected the abilities of his serfs/slaves to MAKE that MONEY.
Jere, I’ve read that one time Hubbard ordered the destruction of a load of vaccines that had come from port authorities, and the crew’s cards falsely marked that they had been vaccinated. Perhaps that was early on, and after a nasty disease outbreak or two he decided it would be more expedient to follow ‘wog’ maritime health practices.
Hubbard quotes William Howard Hays a very early anti-vaxxer. Hays had little proof that vaccines were bad. We are taking 100 years earlier. Hays had his own agenda. Leave it to Ron to find a way to disparage the medical community. Hubbard talked about researching carefully but he obviously didn’t understand confirmation bias. Because he sought out any quack who would attack his alleged enemy’s. Hubbard spent his life fighting the medical and mental health community. Those community’s advanced and Scientology never did. It’s a sick and dying cult because it won’t change.
Geoff, Tubby attacked anyone/anything he feared might expose his con for what it was. Additionally, having psychs and medicos as rampaging enemies focussed his slaves on a common enemy, so Tubby could demand more work/money from them. Nice scam if you had the stomach for it, as Ron did — in spades.
JL, Yes, Hubbard was so insecure. He was clever how he got others to fight his battles.
“The formula for creating a ‘Suppressive Person’ is to establish a terminal, get everybody convinced that this terminal is there (preferably without showing it to them), then refuse to let them communicate with it and then refuse to let them talk about having been prohibited. And the natural consequence of this will be that these people will assume they have to protect themselves from it. I don’t care what it is.” I changed a couple of words in this quote. He’s talking about how it’s a fairy tale to protect yourself from germs. I’m talking about how they actually try to protect themselves from so-called Suppressive Persons. Kind of ironic, isn’t it? On one hand, you can prevent illnesses by ‘communicating’ with them but the only way to avoid contamination from an SP is to NOT communicate with them. Hypocrite!
Spot on Miss Dutch. Spot on!
Hubbard wouldn’t have recognized Hypocracy when it came up and slapped him across the face. His only concern was to enslave as many as he could. He succeeded pretty well in that by the end of his life, though he eventually concluded that he’d failed. Although he had at least 1,000 slaves directly around him, that was far fewer than he wanted, I suppose. He never did get that country to rule that he’d wanted since the Rhodesia/South Africa debacle.
Miss Dutch, YES! You hit the nail on the head And with the Scns believing and spreading the rumor that speaking out against Scn and being an SP means you will contract cancer, well this just ensures that the Scns who disconnected from their family will never talk to them again and ensures that they justify this overt by telling themselves, “they brought this disease on themselves by speaking out against Scn Serves them right.” Shame on them.
OMG! Trying to wade through all that shit only reminded me of all I suffered over decades of trying to understand and get something out of Blubbard’s gibberish. All, I repeat ALL of it NEVER made ANY sense whatsoever.
But I was able to study and practice law! Not nearly as complex as medicine but close. But Blubbard’s gibberish, never. Puke!
Thanks Mike for reminding me.
I’m amazed at Scientologists who can actually “study” his gibberish. I find that I can only get through two lines of his writing before my eyes glaze over and I start scanning and scrolling.
Glenn, it ALL made sense; at least we were charged with somehow twisting his word salad until it made SOME sort of sense to us which could fit within the framework of previously-manufactured “revealed truths” he spouted endlessly. If it didn’t make sense to you, you chose the wrong definition of one or more of the words he threw at us.
Ha, ha, ha. Thanks so much for the laugh. Totally reminds me of the mindset we were all forced to adopt. And of course all the emotional and financial costs we might suffer if we found ANY fault with Blubbard’s “work”.
From what she says at the beginning of the release, this would come from management without a doubt.
So they are clearly saying not to get vaccinated, and only because hubbard said what he said.
I got covid a little over a month ago. I came out very well. But only because I dealt with it by immediately making the appropriate treatments. My wife is vaccinated but she too took it mildly. This virus is an ugly beast and the aftermath even after the fever has gone are incredible and last for weeks.
One can decide whether or not to get vaccinated and it is his choice, but telling others not to do it is criminal.
Some of these scientologists certainly have pathologies or predispositions that can be fatal if they contract covid. It amazes me that they don’t say what to do at the first symptoms, these treatments have saved so many people from getting worse. They are just out of their minds.
I’ve heard that the aftermath of Covid can extend for months, perhaps for the rest of your life. Please work with your doctors to mitigate the side-effects of what the naysaying anti-science sheeple first said was just another type of cold. It was the “cold” that almost ate the Earth, and it’s coming around for another pass of trying to eliminate the scourge of Humanity from this planet.
Jere. Thanks. There have also been aftermaths for quite a while. In my case they are increasingly diminishing. I don’t know that in some cases they can last for a lifetime, it always depends on various factors. As soon as I noticed it, I took specific medicines and after 6 days I was out of fever and more or less active. Fortunately I did not take paracetamol as strongly recommended by our government – Italy – because in many cases it acts instead as a covid activator.
My personal opinion after this experience is certainly that it is not a normal cold, indeed I would say that the way it works it is not ‘natural’ and I might even think that it was somehow ‘engineered’. But that’s just my opinion.
The one thing that LRH showed any expertise in was separating fools from their money.
He was excellent as a con man, wasn’t he? Sadly the con caught up to too many of his followers.
It damaged ALL of us, AFAICT.