Dublin is one of the stranger scientology orgs on earth.
An enormous investment was made into this organization in a country where scientology has never been even remotely popular. There was a small, failing, bankrupt mission in Dublin. That was the extent of scientology’s presence. Miscavige then bought one of the “Hubbard Offices” to try to preserve his “legacy” (and as a way of spending money for IRS purposes). For a short while Hubbard had an office in Merrion Square in Dublin where he delivered the “Personal Efficiency” course which was supposed to be the tool that boomed scientology. It has never been successful there or anywhere else.
But, to add to the collection of his old office in London, the house where he wrote Dianetics in Bay Head NJ, the house he lived in for a short while in Johannesburg, and his old house in Phoenix, they found themselves with a “PR Office” in Dublin. But no org. Couldn’t have that…
So, Miscavige decreed that Ireland get its own “ideal org.”
Of course, the biggest problem opening an org of any size in a country that has had no scientology operation (other than the aforementioned bankrupt mission) is that there are NO SCIENTOLOGISTS.
They purchased a building on the outskirts of the city where there is absolutely no traffic, and then set about trying to find people to man it up.
They brought in Sea Org members from around the world, and enticed others to join staff there with the promise that the grass is always greener in Ireland. While that is in fact literally true — it’s not called the Emerald Isle for nothing — this “ideal org” is as much of a failure as all the rest of them, but on a grander scale.
For those unfamiliar with the politics of being a Class V org staff member (as opposed to Sea Org), you are bound by a 2.5 or 5 year “contract” with the org. Truthfully, as you are a “volunteer” it is not strictly speaking an enforceable contract. But like the Freeloader Debt, there are ramifications within the scientology bubble if you “break” this “contract.” And even if you fulfill the “contract” and work for the designated 2.5 or 5 years, when the “contract” is up you are expected to sign up for a further tour of duty. And if you don’t sign up, it is demanded of you that you “find yourself a replacement” on your post as to not do so is a “Crime.”
With that context, the plea below will make more sense.
Kent Auerbach was lured to Dublin and now wants (or needs) to go home to the US.
But he cannot just leave because that would be a “Crime” — even if he “transfers” his “contract” to another org. Dublin doesn’t care about what he does elsewhere or his well-being. They only care about what happens in Dublin.
So, he is begging for a “replacement” — but it’s so bad, he is not even trying to find someone to take over HIS post (which is what the supposed crime is — leaving your post without replacement). He is just asking for ANYONE to join staff.
And get his pitch.
The place is run by Sea Org crew. Like that’s a big plus rather than an admission they cannot make it doing the usual.
There are “over 100 staff between Day and Fdn” (there are supposed to be 100 staff in BOTH Day and Fdn).
It’s the “highest priority” to make sure staff don’t need to moonlight (note he does NOT say you are paid enough to live on, just that it’s the highest priority).
And people come to Dublin org “from over 50 countries” — gosh, they are the only org in all of Ireland (there is no scientology outpost at all in N. Ireland) you would think they would have enough people to keep them busy there?
Here’s a recent promo piece.
I doubt “Eduardo” is catering to the Spanish speaking population of Ireland.
Even with a huge investment of money and resources, they cannot make an org function viably anywhere on earth.
Even in one of the most beautiful and wonderful, magical places on this planet.
Bonus for today.
My latest interview with Jon Atack.
Ireland…. Religion… Scientology… really?
Oh my god… poor guy. The whole “ad” makes no sense… 1. If so great, why want to leave? Family? How did that happen. ” 2. Most important is to have your basics covered? 3. Why SO execs? If Scientology expanding so well and 4. Why even need a replacement if so many great people are there?
I just feel extremely sorry for this guy… and everyone else still in Scientology. Oh boy. when they realize the “millions” are just a couple of thousands…
I just stumbled across David Miscavige’s facebook page. I wanted to puke.
Gotta be an EU or UK citizen? … Drats!!!! … That leaves me out!!!
Can’t fly out from my home in Thailand now anyway …
*Ireland is not always cold by the way , VERY pleasant in the summer and other seasons too, and yes, it is a breathtakingly beautiful country …
The picture shows a sign stating: Church of Scientology & Community Center.
So how is that Community Center PR thingie working out Davie?
I found that the Scientology cult has a curious double bind (among many, many others). They are against anyone using the word cult in a negative way, but try to follow the words of Ronald Hubbard as sacred scriptures (really sacred science which is both perfect logic AND holy gospel as described by Robert Jay Lifton in his eight criteria for thought reform, so it as a double bind of its own has content assumed to be perfect reason that simultaneously is above doubt or independent or critical analysis because it is too sacred, like when a person is told they lack the rank to question David Miscavige, as if he is too sacred to be doubted).
So, they don’t accept anyone using the word cult in a negative way but have the problem that Hubbard used the term in a negative way multiple times!
He mentioned “evil cults” in Science of Survival!
And he mentioned cults as using hypnosis to control people covertly! Again, in Science of Survival!
So, when Scientologists object to your use of the word please refer them to Hubbard’s own words!
“Hypnotism “reduces self-determinism by interposing the commands of another below the analytical level of an individual’s mind … It is the sort of control mechanism in which an authoritarian individual, CULT, or ideology delight. People who indulge in hypnotism may, only very occasionally, be interested in experimentation upon the human mind … Genuine experimental hypnotism, strictly in the laboratory and never in the parlour, and done wholly in the knowledge that one is reducing the efficiency of the human being on whom one is experimenting and may do him permanent damage, and the use of hypnotism by a surgeon … should end the extension of hypnotism into the society. Submission to being hypnotized is analagous to being raped, with the exception that the individual can, generally, recover from being raped. To any clear-thinking human who believes in the value of people as human beings, there is something gruesomely obscene about hypnotism. The interjection of unseen controls below the level of consciousness cannot benefit but can only pervert the mind … The individual who would permit himself to be hypnotized is, frankly, a fool … It was thought by hypnotists that the mere remembering of … suggestions would relieve them, and that the power of the suggestion died out with time. These two ideas do not happen to be true” (SOSII, p.220f; see also pp.225f). JA Jon Atack pointed this out in his article Never Believe a Hypnotist.
I watched your most recent video with Jon Atack and wanted to contribute a collection of Hubbard quotes from my blog that you may find useful. All but one show the original source and the one that does not is a quote we are both familiar with from our studies on course.
I have written extensively on Hubbard’s use of contradiction and double binds at Mockingbird’s Nest blog on Scientology and can share a list of posts on the topic for anyone who is interested.
Scientology, Ron Hubbard and Hypnosis 3 – Hubbard’s Intentions
I have repeatedly run into talking points used to derail or disrupt posts and threads on the covert use of hypnosis by design in Scientology. I have had to deal with the same issues over and over.
So, to be efficient I am going to try to address the most frequently used points here and to have one place to route these ideas when they come up in the future.
To continue, this is the third post in a series. The first post addressed two claims.
Claim: hypnosis is outdated and no longer accepted by psychology.
Claim: Hypnosis has no scientific evidence and therefore as a claim presented without evidence can be rejected without examination.
The second post addressed one claim.
Claim: You cannot “know” if Scientology founder Ron Hubbard knew a lot about hypnosis because he lied so much and he plagiarized so many ideas.
I recommend that anyone interested in reading my response to those claims to read the appropriate post. I tried to be concise and thorough enough to address those issues clearly.
Claim: You cannot know the intention of Ron Hubbard. Some people forward this claim and believe Hubbard was alternating between good and evil or that he lied or contradicted himself too much to be deciphered or that Scientology is too filled with contradictions to be understood.
Fact: Hubbard was a pathological liar and frequently contradicted himself. That is true. He also had behavior that can be compared against his statements and we can decipher his true intentions from the combination of his claims AND behavior and his private communication.
Supporting Evidence: Hubbard made statements in his affirmations (private self-hypnosis commands intended for himself and no one else) that I call the Rosetta Stone of Scientology because they help ex Scientologists decipher the information in Scientology.
I have them posted at Mockingbird’s Nest as
A Psychiatric View With Comments On The Admissions By Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1947)
I will put a few excerpts here to highlight Hubbard’s intention regarding hypnosis and in general. To understand Scientology I absolutely recommend reading the post in full. These excerpts are just for this post on his intentions.
LRH is obviously L Ron Hubbard
LRH:Your psychology is good. You worked to darken your own children. This failure, with them, was only apparent. The evident lack of effectiveness was “ordered.” The same psychology works perfectly on everyone else. You use it with great confidence.
LRH: Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves. Elemental spirits are your slaves. You are power among powers, light in the darkness, beauty in all.
LRH : Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler.
LRH: No matter what lies you may tell others they have no physical effect on you of any kind.
LRH: Lord help women when you begin to fondle them. You are master of their bodies, master of their souls as you may consciously wish. You have no karma to pay for these acts.
LRH: You can tell all the romantic tales you wish. You will remember them, you do remember them. But you know which ones were lies. You are so logical you will tell nothing which cannot be believed.
LRH: You use the minds of men. They do not use your mind or affect it in any way.
So, Hubbard in his private affirmations clearly described his “psychology” as such that it “hypnotizes” people and that men are his slaves and regarding women that he was master of their bodies and souls. He described himself as being able to lie and be both believed and he was immune to physical effects from his lies. He described himself as the ruler of people who uses the minds of men but they do not use or affect his mind.
Imagine having these goals and using self-hypnosis commands repeatedly for years to bring these things into your mind.
To gain more insight into Hubbard’s intention I want to quote a letter he wrote to his wife Polly, who he called Skipper and it has come to be known as “The Skipper Letter” among Scientology watchers. It was written in 1938 after Hubbard allegedly wrote a manuscript entitled Excalibur that he hoped would give him fame.
“Living is a pretty grim joke, but a joke just the same. The entire function of man is to survive. The outermost limit of endeavour is creative work. Anything less is too close to simple survival until death happens along. So I am engaged in striving to maintain equilibrium sufficient to at least realize survival in a way to astound the gods. I turned the thing up so it’s up to me to survive in a big way . . . Foolishly perhaps, but determined none the less, I have high hopes of smashing my name into history so violently that it will take a legendary form even if all books are destroyed. That goal is the real goal as far as I am concerned. Things which stand too consistently in its way make me nervous. It’s a pretty big job. In a hundred years Roosevelt will have been forgotten — which gives some idea of the magnitude of my attempt. And all this boils and froths inside my head and I’m miserable when I am blocked.”
Here is a small excerpt from the article What Motivated L. Ron Hubbard? Historian Jon Atack Follows the Clues (posted at The Underground Bunker blog on August 26, 2013
Hubbard added that he was going to “make Napoleon look like a punk” in comparison to the fame he would come to enjoy.
So, “Excalibur” was not about spiritual immortality, or spiritual anything. Hubbard felt that he had made contact with some underlying force in the universe, and that he was the only person ever so to do, but he wanted to exploit that force not for the good of the world (which finds no mention anywhere in this five-page letter), but to “smash” his name into history.
Believers will say that Hubbard changed his mind, but at the very end of his life, there is a telling confirmation of his “only goal.” When Hubbard dropped his body, almost fifty years later, he had failed to spend $648 million of the monies he’d extracted from the Dev-OTs. A paltry million went to the wife who had endured prison to protect him, far less to his surviving children. But half a billion dollars went to the Church of Spiritual Technology, which lists as its corporate purpose, “To perpetuate the name L. Ron Hubbard.” Not the “technology,” just the name, please note. end quote Jon Atack
Okay, it seems pretty clear to me that Hubbard wanted to control people by enslaving men via his lies, psychology and hypnosis and to control the souls and bodies of women by similar means.
He gave us strong evidence in word and deeds that he sought these goals in life and fame in death.
But I can add a bit more from his vast collection of statements in Scientology doctrine.
Regarding wanting to control people with his lies and psychology that hypnotizes people:
Quotes from Ron Hubbard on the Confusion Technique:
Now, if it comes to a pass where it’s very important whether or not this person acts or inacts as you wish, in interpersonal relations one of the dirtier tricks is to hang the person up on a maybe and create a confusion. And then create the confusion to the degree that your decision actually is implanted hypnotically.
The way you do this is very simple. When the person advances an argument against your decision, you never confront his argument but confront the premise on which his argument is based. That is the rule. He says, “But my professor always said that water boiled at 212 degrees.”
You say, “Your professor of what?”
“My professor of physics.”
“What school? How did he know?” Completely off track! You’re no longer arguing about whether or not water boils at 212 degrees, but you’re arguing about professors. And he will become very annoyed, but he won’t know quite what he is annoyed about. You can do this so adroitly and so artfully that you can actually produce a confusion of the depth of hypnosis. The person simply goes down tone scale to a point where they’re not sure of their own name.
And at that point you say, “Now, you do agree to go out and draw the water out of the well, don’t you?”
“Yes-anything!” And he’ll go out and draw the water out of the well.
[End Quote]
Ron Hubbard Lecture, 20 May 1952 “Decision.”
source Lermanet.com
“If you can produce enough chaos — it says in a textbook on this subject — if you can produce enough chaos you can assume the total management of a psyche — if you can produce enough chaos.
The way you hypnotize people is to misalign them in their own control and realign them under your control, which necessitates a certain amount of chaos, don’t you see?
Now, the way to win through all of this is simply to let the guy have his stable data, if they are stable data and if they aren’t, let him have some more that are stable data and he’ll win and you’ll win.
In other words, you can take any sphere — any sphere which is relatively chaotic and throw almost any stable datum into it with enough of a statement and you will get an alignment of data on that stable datum. You see this clearly?
The whole society is liable to seize upon some stupid stable datum and thereafter this becomes a custom of some sort and you have the whole field of morals and mores and so forth stretching out before your view.”
Hubbard, L. R. (1955, 23 August). Axiom 53: The Axiom Of The Stable Datum. Academy Lecture Series/Conquest of Chaos, (CofC-2). Lecture conducted from Washington, DC.
“Another way to hypnotize somebody would be to put him in the middle of chaos, everything going in all directions, everybody shooting at him and suddenly throw him a stable datum, and make it a successful stable datum so that it’s all called off once — the moment he grabs this. And this gives you the entire formula of brainwashing: interrogate, question, lights, pain, upset, accusation, duress, fear, privation and we throw him the stable datum. We say, “If you’ll just adopt ‘Ughism’ which is the most wonderful thing in the world, all this will cease,” and finally the fellow says, “All right, I’m an ‘Ugh.’ ” Immediately you stop torturing him and pat him on the head and he’s all set.Ever after he would believe that the moment he deserted “Ughism,” he would be drowned in chaos and that “Ughism” alone was the thing which kept the world stable; and he would sell his life or his grandmother to keep “Ughism” going. And there we have to do with the whole subject of loyalty, except — except that we haven’t dealt with loyalty at all on an analytical level but the whole subject of loyalty is a reactive subject we have dealt with. ”
Author: Hubbard, L. R.
Document date: 1955, 21 September, 1955, 21 September
Document title: Postulates 1,2,3,4 In Processing – New Understanding of Axiom 36, Postulates 1,2,3,4 In Processing – New Understanding of Axiom 36
“A confusion can be defined as any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution. More broadly, a confusion is random motion.”
“Until one selects one datum, one factor, one particular in a confusion of particles, the confusion continues. The one thing selected and used becomes the stable datum for the remainder.
“Any body of knowledge, more particularly and exactly, is built from one datum. That is its stable datum. Invalidate it and the entire body of knowledge falls apart. A stable datum does not have to be the correct one. It is simply the one that keeps things from being in a confusion and on which others are aligned.” – Ron Hubbard [ref]
“Any time anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude…if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject…he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as a hypnotic suggestion….With parity, such as occurs between acquaintances, friends, fellow students and so on, there is no hypnotic suggestion” (Education and Dianetics, 11 November 1950, Research and Discovery, volume 4). Source Jon Atack
Also, even earlier, in 1950:
One error, however, must be remarked upon. The examination system employed is not much different from a certain hypnotic technique. One induces a state of confusion in the subject by raising his anxieties of what may happen if he does not pass. One then “teaches” at a mind which is anxious and confused. That mind does not then rationalize, it merely records and makes a pattern. If the pattern is sufficiently strong to be regurgitated verbatim on an examination paper, the student is then given a good grade and passed.
[End Quote]
Ron Hubbard lecture 29 August 1950, “Educational Dianetics.”
source Lermanet.com
From a tape on the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures in 1952 entitled Structure/Function we get this:
Structure/Function: 11 December 1952 page 1
“All processes are based upon the original observation
that an individual could have implanted in him by hypnosis
and removed at will any obsession or aberration,
compulsion, desire, inhibition which you could think of – by hypnosis.“
“Hypnosis, then, was the wild variable;
sometimes it worked,
sometimes it didn’t work.
It worked on some people; it didn’t work on other people.
Any time you have a variable that is as wild as this, study it.
Well, I had a high certainty already –
I had survival. Got that in 1938 or before that. And uh…”Ron Hubbard
From the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures we have a couple extremely relevant quotes. The tapes are listed by their number:
Of course, we go on a tradition “if you learn anything about man that will help him,
you help him with it.” …
“If you learn anything about man that you can manipulate him
You’re going to manipulate men,
you’ve got to change their definitions
and change their goals
and enslave them and do this and do that.
Now, brainwashing simply is the trick of mixing up certainties.
All you have to do if you want to know and develop the entire field
of brainwashing as developed by Pavlov,
is simply to make somebody ….. into a confused or hypnotic state in which he can believe anything. Ron Hubbard
Complimenting this is a quote from Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture tape numbered 39 from 1952 – known as the games maker tape or lecture
“Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.” End quote
THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.
Lecture: “Off the Time Track” (June 1952) as quoted in Journal of Scientology issue 18-G, reprinted in Technical Volumes of Dianetics & Scientology Vol. 1, p. 418. Ron Hubbard
Hubbard plainly defined “postulates” broadly as decisions, conclusions and this can be called beliefs. Changing postulates in a person is changing their beliefs.
So, he called brainwashing the trick of mixing up certainties. Putting a person into a confused state in which he would believe anything was how he phrased it. He said if you can manipulate men you WILL, not leaving any exceptions for himself ! And he said you will change their definitions and their goals which were their certainties and you will enslave them !
He said he started with hypnosis which could “implant or remove any inhibition, compulsion, aberration or desire you could think of BUT it has the wild variable that it works on the some people but not others and it works sometimes but not others.” So, he was trying to see who it worked on and when and likely how to get it to work as often as possible on as many people as possible. He wanted people in Scientology to shift around the certainties, the postulates, the decisions and beliefs of people to change their definitions and goals, to definitions he wanted them to believe and goals that benefited Hubbard.This all aligns with the “game” he wanted.
His private communication to himself and to his wife Polly make it clear that his ideas regarding “you” using psychology, hypnosis and brainwashing and lying to control people as he described in Scientology doctrine was really him describing his own intention. The evidence is overwhelming.
Mike, you and Jon fully agreed that Hubby was a dreadful human being. He suffered for a good year from his motorcycle accident injuries yet somehow he couldnt cure himself from those injuries like he claimed he did from his alleged severe war wounds. He was a nut, a habitual liar and a worthless excuse for a human being. He died alone and paranoid. It is amazing that there is still followers that ignore what they can read on the net.
Listening to Mike talk about that was fascinating. It wasn’t a new story to me, but the inside angle and view was a treat.
I REMEMBER reading the OODs about OTs and being exterior. and remember it being tried out and used by a few of our own field OTs. (Class V orgs got copies of OODs various ways, they were even sent regularly for awhile, and I had access to old ones)
My belief in Hubbard was so complete, I wonder how I would have processed the idea that he suffered.,
I mean, he was at least Cleared Theta Clear, right?
I would think the reason there has never been any support for this scam in Ireland has to be attributed to the “Luck of the Irish”. Seems to me they must be a very lucky people indeed.
I just wish the rest of the world could be that lucky. Maybe they could round up some Leprechauns and wish for even better luck in order to turn things around. The deal is that if you ever capture a Leprechaun, they must grant you a wish in order to effect their escape. Isn’t that true? Well, wouldn’t the best wish that Irish people could make be to wish for an end to the Irish Plague. Don’t you think? Or maybe it has to do with The Twerp paying thousands of dollars for each bottle of Scotch whiskey when all he really needs to do is use his abundance of Super Powers to capture a Leprechaun and wish for them to “punch up” Irish whiskey so that it has the same powers as Scotch? Seems to me that might just be the best way for him to do some good after capturing one of the “Little People”. After all, who else would know a better way to take advantage of the Little People than The Twerp? After all, they are likely related, don’t you think?
Maybe he could even capture a Leprechaun and keep it under wraps by introducing the little creature to Shelly? The two of them might make a Bonnie Pair? Umm … how do you say “Bonnie Pair” in Irish? I think the original term is Scottish after all. Isn’t it?
Yo, Kent. You should know, by elementary mathematics, finding some poor sucker to replace you isn’t expansion, it’s at best staving off contraction for a short bit as new staff generally leave, or blow, whichever is possible for them, as soon as they actually SEE the conditions they’re forced to endure to have a *chance* at whatever was the “gold ring” promised which lured them into the scam.
In the mid to late 1970’s I worked for a year at a mission and for six months at an org. I don’t recall signing any contracts and I left both of them on good terms without incurring any penalties or freeloader debt. Maybe that was because I paid for any “advanced services” outside of the mission or org out of my own pocket.
(Or maybe I just wasn’t that important and nobody cared – haha)
I split over 40 years ago so my memory is fuzzy and I’ve never been able to reconstruct my exact scn “time track” of what I was doing when and where. No doubt attempting to achieve total time track recall would short circuit and fry my miserable homo sap two chamber brain.
Aerial photo website shows the org in Dublin is a HUGE building with only 3 to 10 cars in the parking lot in the period Aug 2018 to Sept 2020.
Toggle the date icon at the bottom to see the changes.
Not surprising is it?
I feel so bad for the unwitting that glibly go in, join staff and have NO idea how hard it will be to leave.
When I finished my contract, I just didn’t show up anymore the next day. I had informed the proper people that I was not continuing on staff and was on the routing form for this, but there was never time for the sec checks. Anyway, when my time was done, I just didn’t show up the next day. Nobody except HCO knew I was going to leave, as it would have been considered a crime to tell anyone else. It was really absurd. One day I was there, and the next day I was gone and nobody knew I was leaving. But no one accused me that it was a crime. For a while I had no contact, and finally they contacted me to complete the sec check, so I could take services as a public, which I did for a year or so. Then finally I left all together, I “blew” from the PTS/SP course, so I must be a real SP. The last time I set foot in the org, a Sea Org staffer from Copenhagen was trying to persuade me for hours into the night to join the Sea Org. That was the final drop,
Great interview with Jon Atack by the way.
Ludo, you did exactly right in not caving to their other-intention and make-wrong for fulfilling exactly the terms of the contract, no more, no less. You did the time, so there is no crime.
Thx. Yes I know. I was just surprised to read Mike saying you’re expected to find a replacement. I don’t think it was on the leaving routing form, or they would have enforced it on me I guess. Anyway, glad to be out of there.
50 HOURS of objectives!? Might be where Davey got the idea of the SRD, the only possible EP of which is “I. SURVIVED.” (I think).
My only interaction with Hubbard was at the first Florida Land Base in Daytona in September/October ’76. During a course break, he came up the elevator with a small entourage and seemed to try to blend in with the wall, almost shy. He said something to me about his recently having read some psych text. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to ask if they had learned anything. Well, of course a bit after that, Ron came up with “New Era Dianetics” (NED) and “NED for OTs”, (NOTS). I don’t claim that that was where he stole the material from, but the timing was about right.
50 hours of Op Pro By Dup. I believe I heard. Book and Bottle. twinned it’s a hundred hours…
On the new GAT II SRD I did just over a hundred hours as a PC and delivered about 30 as the auditor.
Damn near killed me.
On a full time schedule, doing that process day after day after day after day all day long all night long all day long….
I think it would show up my bloody brain scan.
My take of this is, when it finally dawns on you Scientology is just smoke and mirrors & that the tech you’ve really put your heart and soul into is, at best, a fabrication of “wishful thinking” turned into a hypnotic scam, the realty of failure is one the bitterest of pills you’ll have to swallow & the taste never really leaves you, not completely. That poor guy isn’t there yet, but he’s sampling the beginning of just how much of a trap he’s walked into. It is one shock to know you’ve walked into a minefield and quite another awaits you to try get out of it. To make it even worse, no one else on the planet knows what is happening to you and just how serious it can become except those that have been there before you and have walked into the same trap. The loneliness Scientology creates is akin to the emotional baggage of a dark passenger, as expressed in the fictional series Dexter. He was forever trying to find a reason for what he feels, is & does.
I feel for the guy, as I sure everyone else here does.
Dexter, who knew about his emotional & psychological problems, if not exactly the why of them (until later), was in better shape than those who perpetuate the scam of scientology because he could honestly deal with his psychopathy by directing his baser impulses in a “good” direction, ridding the world of “bad” serial killers who didn’t have his code which demanded he improve things by eliminating wholly-evil actors who he was in a unique position to recognize. I came to like the character, warts and all, and still wonder, from time to time, what happened to him after the series closed. Did he and his “girl”, Hanna, stay together? How did his son turn out? I was totally bummed when he laid his sister, the sanest person in the series, to rest. SHE could have been the ideal partner for him and they clearly had a chemistry that survived much — including being siblings for most of their lives.
I really can’t say as much for those who knowingly perpetuate the steaming pile of lies which calls itself scientology these days. They have to lie to everyone, most especially themselves, to continue to commit their crimes. In one respect, DM is acting just like Dexter, ridding the world of any chance that scientology will “clear”(take over) the world — ever.
He’s the most accomplished SP and squirrel that scientology has ever met, and FAILED to deal with per policy.
Nicely put, Yawnalot.
Yeah, I liked Dexter too, lots of good twists. Boy, didn’t that show attract some great actors!
I added the latest podcast interview I did with Jon Atack to this morning’s post.
Mike I just finished to listen to it. Really enjoyable. Thanks.
Sounds like “fun”, Mike. Glad I didn’t show up there with you, all things considered. I fell for the Sea Org scam only after you all had been dumped on the shores of America to build the “Land Base”. Were you in the Daytona contingent, or were you “foreigners” dropped off someplace else?
Yes, the Neptune Inn, Daytona Beach
really enjoyed it, you are always so easy to listen to.
I’ve been around since the 70’s, so many things resonate and the experiences are so shared.
Also, I can feel how far I’ve come, listening to various things.
Kent Auerbach is the face of the Clampocolypse. With recruiting being dead in the water, there are no new bodies in the shop and no new staff or Sea bOrg to man the ramparts. This castle is falling down and good riddance. Go away, or the French guards will taunt you some more.
Zee Moo:
“French guards will taunt you some more” sounds like it should be familiar, but I’m drawing a blank…. is it from Monty Python? The Brits never have had much respect for the French. Justifiably, IMO.
Yes it is from Monte Python and the Holy Grail movie.
O/T. On 3/5/21, NationTown TV reposted the video of a lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad). At 1:38:10 in the video, he calls for racial separation and for Black people to be given “a separate state or territory of their own” pursuant to step 4 of the Nation of Islam Muslim Program:
During the lecture, Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad refers to a graphic of step 4 of the Nation of Islam Muslim Program, which provides:
* * * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own–either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years–until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.
Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Memorialized with an additional screenshot on ESMBR at:
Instead of a nation, NOI should get the billions in Scientology and all of the buildings.
Maybe scientology should use its billions to BUY Liberia and properly do the relocation/repatriation thing that failed in the 19th Century. D’ya think it might work right THIS time? the wiki on Liberia gives a nutshell account of the first attempt’s failures. Will NOI attempt to do the exact same things, expecting a different outcome? It’s for sure that the NOI leadership consider themselves smarter, better than everyone else they see, much as the first Liberian-Americans did.
If you thought the NOI was off-balance, that “Muslim Program” would confirm it for you. They offer no explanation for their one-sided demands, no justification for them and no promise or even an indication of an outline of anything that they are required to do in exchange. The sheer gall of their demands is fantastic: If they are given these poorly-defined things — which I’m sure would bloat if they achieved ANY of them — THEN what? It’s all fixed? Then they demand the next level of unreasoned demands? How ’bout THEY do the things required of the rest of humanity? Like finish school and learn those basic lessons we all were required to absorb? Like take care of your family through thick and thin? Like take care of your property and that of those around you? Like taking care of the people around and supporting you? Obey the law? Be moral and GOOD?
Sorry for the rant, but I’m still too much of a scientologist to let out-exchange demands like that go unchallenged. 40 years isn’t long enough to throw all of Hubbard’s claptrap into the trash bin of mistakes made. Of course Hubbard had no time for my first point, getting a solid basic education. he was a WIZARD who knew everything without studying anything.
Someone might want to mention to Minister Abdul that while their former slave masters may indeed be obligated to provide those things, said slave masters are currently all dead , so it is highly unlikely they will be able to fulfill those obligations … I’d like to ask my own father to leave me more of an inheritance, but as he died 45 years ago, that’s about as likely to happen …
You need a replacement? No you don’t Kent!
This guilt trap makes you believe you owe them.
You don’t owe them anything.
They owe you for joining and working long hours for lousy pay.
They owe you the time and money you will need to get back on your feet after you stop doubting your gut feeling and leave this sinking ship.
(Long hours for lousy pay and doubting your gut feeling are trademarks owned by RTC.)
The Vikings settled in Dublin from 841 AD onwards. During their reign Dublin became the most important town in Ireland as well as a hub for the western Viking expansion and trade. It is in fact one of the best known Viking settlements. Reconstruction of Dublin c. 1000 AD.
Hubbard followed Theodoric the Ostrogoth who was King in Northern Italy in the 3rd Century AD. It is not surprising that he would follow the warlike policies of the Vikings. Theodoric is famous for inviting his rival to dinner and then murdering him with his bare hands. First incident of Fair Game.
Anybody know if this Kent Auerbach is related to the Dan Auerbach that used to be a technician working for Hubbard at Creston?
Around 1984 he came to the Int Base to see how the Music Studio construction was going. He told me to insert gold-plated copper sheeting in the walls to shield the equipment from EMP. Needless to say this idea was honored only in the breech.
I’ve often wondered what happened to Dan. He wasn’t among the ones that moved from Creston to the Int Base after Hubbard became one with the Pacific Ocean.
I don’t know about the relationship. However I heard of Dan Auerbach when I joined an aerospace company around 2010. He apparently was held in high regard for his technical contributions as a EE. I was still a Scn then. I found out he was a Scn when a staff mentioned that Dan tried to get him in Scn, half jokingly. That was during some talk around his sudden unexpected departure from the company, with speculations of being at loggerheads with someone. So I never met him.
According to https://folkworks.org/features/passings/47427-rip-dan-auerbach Dan was married to a woman named Cassandra.
When I looked her up I found
from which I gather Kent is his son. Not sure of course.
For Kent I have this
LRH is quoted, in part, saying “if the weather is cold, the Irish heart is warm. The country and the people could not be improved upon”.
Okay, why then put an org there and try to “improve” folks who are already perfect? Oh right! Its all bullshit anyway.
Guess the truth is it is truly and only all about the money.
Usual stat push for PR purposes. Poor guys sent there to suffer.
DM has the same idea to get soon also Oslo and Helsinki ideal orgs. Helsinki is still a small mission while Oslo is a serial killer for SO members. Half CLO Europe will move there. We will see.
We should applaud Oslo as a “serial killer for SO members.”
Every one who leaves is another for our ranks.
Jere. I believe that to make something out of that place will require to send there platoons of SO members on vikings dresses . They will be remembered as the Sea Hords, sent to conquer the north and sacrificed to make something out of a nothing.
One day perhaps we will meet them in the Valhalla (or on this blog).