What I call the one man-wrecking crew in the UK, Alex Barnes-Ross, has done it again.
As readers here know, he has been exposing abuses of scientology and has called out local officials in East Grinstead and Sussex for their way too cozy relationship with scientology.
After months of working with the reporter, the Daily Mail (the largest circulation newspaper in the UK and the biggest news website on earth) has published a two page spread: Has the local council of a sleepy Sussex town fallen under the spell of SCIENTOLOGY
It’s worth reading.
Support the efforts of Alex — he is doing great work. Subscribe to his website Scientology Business and his YouTube channel Apostate Alex.
My loved one is in a high demand conservation group based very close to East Grinstead. The ideologies and ‘training’ are very close to Scn and I suspect the founder is perhaps a breakaway scn (or maybe still involved) who decided to set up his own group.
My loved one has broken contact with me as I was too outspoken about my concerns. I know one other person who managed to leave the same charity organisation after 3 years involvement, this person confirmed all my suspicions were true – in fact worse than I had feared.
Is it common for scn’s to start up their own sub-groups? I hope with all my heart my loved one realises sooner rather than later, it has been devastating.
I wrote to Alex, to say thank you. Hubbard,s old home, and a big symbol, for beginning Scientology, should not own the town counsel. The Way Alex went around getting the article, into such a big newspaper, was clever. Alex deserves so much more, than what scientology (SPTV) throws his way.
Alex is a firecracker….
TORNADO….. that will return and return.
Alex should have the motto WE COME BACK !
This is great! Way to go Alex!!
When I read these articles, many questions come to the surface. Anyone who has been in scn, even for a short time, knows that one of the first things you learn, and that is then hammered into you forever, is the ARC triangle (Affinity/Reality/Communication). You learn that by acting on one corner, the others increase as well.
Then one looks and sees that scn’s ARC with the world sucks big time. Where do they go wrong? They should be the champions.
Why do they have to use Tom Cruise, or lie, or somehow corrupt institutions?
In reality, ARC doesn’t even work within the bubble, and it’s simply a manipulation tool where ethics come in right after.
Scn’s ARC outside is useless if it doesn’t generate trust, and trust is tied to facts, not their chatter. So, you have to use other manipulation tricks.
What’s scn’s communication like? False and deceitful. How’s the affinity towards wogs? Zero, unless they enter some statistic. What’s its reality like? False and deceitful as it wants Always to give an idea of itself that it isn’t.
And this keeps trust away.
The Daily Mail article is quite detailed. Love it. Thanks.
The photo with the West Sussex Fire and Rescue in front of Saint Hill Manor pictures Janet Laveau from OSA. The blonde woman on the right could be Lizzy Calcioli / Gaiman.
The Gaimans are the owners of the East Grinstead based G&G Vitamins company so they can and probably do provide the local business angle when the cult schmoozes with local officials.
Holy sh-t, today I got my usual weekly email from a big swedish Healthstore. And they had this crap from G&G!
I have written to them…
Interesting. I’d be curious as to their answer.
After sending them a nudge I got an answer today where they write that they only have the product information and a short story of them and they choose not to go into any religious or political….
Think I will write to them just that word.
Thanks … and perhaps ask if it is okay to use that as Halsokraft’s official position in an article about the cult’s human trafficking network 🙂
The DM is the paper that has reported more on Cults in the UK than other paper in recent years. I know for a fact (others can vouch) that other papers sat on the story of Lighthouse International Group when the DM reported on them in April 2022 — and when Lighthouse retaliated against those who spoke out, the DM ran a follow up highlighting the group’s criminality.
Lighthouse were shut down in the UK High Court at the petition of the UK Government on March 28th last year.
Good work Alex and the Daily Mail! More please!
Alex is one of the only anti/ex- Scientology creators I watch now along will Marc and Claire. He is doing fantastic work and is actually doing good. He is very respectable. (Unlike others who are all about the drama). I hope your and your family are doing well Mike.
Yes for sure. I do watch ptsforlife, because of his calm way to communicate too. I believe Leah Remini is In an important courtcase, with the help of Mike. Alex, Jeff ptsforlife Leah and Mike are all doing something. No drama. Kind regards Kim
The facts potentially support a criminal Bribery Act violation that English authorities ought to investigate.
People can file reports of fraud at https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/
They can also make intelligence reports by calling the non-emergency number in the UK on 101 and stating the constabulary when asked.
Alternatively they can file a report on a constabulary’s website which can be found via google (e.g https://www.sussex.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ ).
Mostly, this information is accepted without prejudice.