Scientology is desperate.
And the most desperate of them all is the Freewinds. Trying anything to get people to the home of OT VIII, whether they are ready for OT VIII or not. One of those only comes along every few weeks, hardly enough to keep 200 SO members busy, so they have to come up with other ideas to get people to come to the Freewinds to hand over their money.
And what better idea could there be than an “Ebony Awakening” convention? Scientology is notoriously white.
But in recent times it has used Alfraudie Johnson to cozy up to the Nation of Islam, even going so far as to award the head of the NOI Western US, Tony Muhammad, it’s highest recognition, an IAS Freedom Medal. And given their prominent mention on scientology tv last night this seems timely.
The scientology org in DC has become the go-to location for NOI people.
So I guess the Freewinds is hoping to cash in on the NOI audience like Applied Scholastics did when they rented out their facility to an NOI weekend get together.
Scientology and the Nation of Islam are NOT compatible.
Sooner or later this whole thing is going to explode.
Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan has been making headlines. Someone sent this to me recently:
And here is some more detail from the New York Times:
Mr. Farrakhan gave an anti-Semitic speech at his organization’s annual convention last month.
The Feb. 25 speech, which was given at an event for Saviour’s Day, a religious gathering of the Nation, ran for almost three hours. During it, Mr. Farrakhan said that the “powerful Jews” were his enemies, and that Jews were “responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men,” as well as other incendiary remarks.
And if you wonder whether Tony Muhammad the scientology promoter is less radical than Louis Farrakhan, here is a posting he did on Facebook yesterday coming to the defense of his other leader:
Now, how does scientology square itself with this? They claim they are for tolerance and the rights of everyone to practice their religious beliefs.
Hell, they even have an organization (STAAD) that claims to exist solely to fight AGAINST religious discrimination. But you don’t find any mention of this horrendous anti-semitism on the STAAD pages?
How utterly predictable.
Scientology sees MONEY in the NOI membership. The equation is that simple. When anything doesn’t make sense or add up in the world of scientology, just look at it from the perspective of whether it is a money- generating activity and it will likely become clear.
Rizza was raised a Scientologist, spent most of his childhood at the World Literacy Crusade in Compton..working for his Mother Hanan Islam and his Father Alfreddie Johnson,..Rizza became a Member of the Nation of Islam after he and his Mother and siblings were charged and arrested for fraud…this was at the same time Rizza disclosed that Alfreddie was his father..Rizza posts videos on an almost daily basis on facebook,its a mix of Scientology and NOI viewpoints including anti-Semitic rants..this video is uncut..some of these videos get up to 8000 views… so the propaganda reaches their intended target..the NOI..the cartoonist text, his..
I have 4 of these Videos, this is the 4th one..this one Minister Tony tells a little about how Alfreddie got Tony Muhammad involved..that Alfreddie was In Communication with Louis Farrakhan about Tony, the Time he was beaten by the LA PD.. (there are a few interesting bits in each of the other 3 videos) this was the recent Dianetic’s seminar Feb 2018 at Saviors Day (the crowd assembled was small btw) .
this video might interest some here, since the NOI is doing much more that Dianetics..
Maybe Louis Swartz will write a poem about Calypso Louie.
I notice that the promo refers to Sharron as “Ms” rather than Mister-the usual Sea Org usage. This must be out of deference to the NOI and its very traditional views regarding women/men and their respective roles. Had not seen any advertising with Sharron for a while-she’s looking kind of thin and haggard…
“Scientology and the Nation of Islam are NOT compatible.”
Awe….come on now. What better place for Davey to open and build an ideal Org than Mosul, or perhaps Islamabad. How about Baghdad and just spread out from there. I will go watch the grand opening…from a distance.
No need to travel so far: They’re the Nation OF Islam, not the nation in Islam or (Islamabad) no visa needed and they seem to speak English and rhetoric.
Thanks for the clarification. I understand it can get damn hot over there anyway.
Wouldn’t that be a battle to watch Scamology v Nation of Islam , it will be the epic tale of ” the immovable object meets the unstoppable force ” and we all know what that means , Mutually Assured Destruction !!!!! , bring it on I say we will be rid 2 parasites at same time PERFECT !!!!
At this point in Scientology’s PR status in society, there is nothing they can do to change the PR.
The more they make themselves available to be experienced — media push, the more society will be asking the questions we all now know:
Where is Shelly.?
Why are all critics criminals?
Why did Ron say there is no Christ and then say he was a pedophile?
If OT levels are so great why did Ron wish for suicide?
There are sooooo sooooo many questions society is armed with now. The more DM becomes a media personality the more he will hate his role.
Because the press will not let up on the questions that reveal DM as a crazy maniacal Hubbard-Hypno-Bot.
Please keep promoting Dave. The more you do the more we find out your crimes against families and friends.
There is nothing that will change your PR Dave.
We know who you are and we know what you are doing.
Brian, I could not have said it better (or telepathically communicated it better, as tomatoes have no mouths).
Scientology’s darkness has been brought to light by the brave work and words of Mike, Tony, and all truth tellers. Thank you. I am grateful, for I wouldn’t know the truth if not for you. I love that the public awareness of the group is growing by leaps and bounds, thanks to Mike and Leah and all who courageously participated.
Yes, well said, Brian. In fact, my brain does a happy dance when I see a comment from you.
?????????And Leah Remini too!
I truly love scientology.
$cn and NOI together is going to provide better entertainment than most writers could dream up in fiction.
I’ve got the popcorn ready…
Butter you serious?
So I thought scientology does not like bigots? How can the common scientologist put up with this?
1. Farakhan saying anti-semitic remarks…
2. LRH saying the following:
“You can put these things into the hands of some Chinese and send him to Hong Kong and we’ll have cleared ch***s.” – Secrets of the MEST Universe, lecture 1, Nov. 6, 1952
And in a letter to his wife: “You shouldn’t be scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees. Get yourself a n*****, that’ what they’re born for”…
You are right Mike, something is going to explode, and that thing is the mind of any scientologist, trying to wrap one’s head around these disturbing facts.
It strikes me that the NOI leaders are the sort of people who seem to relish flaunting their extreme ideas, both as an ideological exercise but also precisely because it is provocative.
Scientology, beginning with Hubbard, seems to follow the strategy of just subtly dropping some hints that people with a bent for such things will pick up on, such as Hubbard’s comment that “Our enemies on this planet are less than 12 men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles.” which, particularly in his day, was well-understood coded language referring to Jews. The continuation of that, “they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups in the world which have sprung up” also brings up Hubbard’s favorite target of “psychs,” or psychiatrists, another group, again particularly in his day, identified with Jews. Both references would still be understood as such today, in far-right and neo-Nazi circles.
Similarly, Scientology carefully covers up its ongoing homophobia including adherence to Hubbard’s belief that homosexuality is “aberrant,” while the NOI openly proclaims it.
Scientology once again talking out of both sides. Human rights, freedom of religion, truth, yada, yada, yada. Then they team up with NOI. How on Earth is that going to work?
What I find hilarious is where it says in the promo:
Suuuure. I would love to see the NOI board the Freewinds and then tell the crew not to let any white people on board because they are all devils.
NOI is marketing the freewinds Ebony Awakenings event, on facebook
she makes a reference to OT8 at the 4:00 minute mark..
What a smashup of two cult languages.
the woman in the video Is Nayyira Tivica Muhammad…She is one of the 4 Clears so far in the NOI…and runs the Dianetically Speaking facebook page…
first sister clear (picture)
The Nation of Islam has no more similarity to Islam than Scientology has to Christianity.
NOI has only the trappings of Islam; Scientology has only the trappings of Christianity
Scientology positions itself with Christianity ,calling its establishments “churches”, fashioning their own version of the Christian cross, celebrating Christmas and Easter, while at the same time no actual Scientology belief or practice is in the least accord with Christian beliefs.
The NOI has co-opted Islam in a similar, appearance only fashion, in requiring members to adopt Muslin names, their adoption of Muslim garb and in its own name, “Nation of Islam” but othing NOI actually believes or practices has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with Islam and in fact the Muslim community does not recognize NOI as one of their sects.
Both Co$ and NOI have selected their own clearly defined, simple, go-to scapegoats as the source of ALL evil and the cause of ALL their and everyone’s problems.
For the Church of Scientology its psyhiatry; for NOI, the Jews.
Fake Christians aligned with fake Muslims – The Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam; perfect together.
Also, Scientology has roots in occult lodges like Crowley’s OTO, and through that and other sources including Rosicrucianism, going back to Freemasonry.
NOI has its roots in the Moorish Science Temple of America, a Freemason-like lodge (on of many such, in that era) that borrowed heavily from Rosicrucianism.
In a certain way, they’re kind of long-lost second cousins. The strange yet in some ways similar pseudo-scientific cosmologies of Scientology and NOI are a particularly obvious mark of common sources including Rosicrucianism. Both are products of a largely forgotten early 20th century milieu in which there were many fraternal and mystical lodges, and numerous self-help and personal development systems and groups.
I don’t know much about Islam, but I’ve always thought the real Islams (not NOI) were Anti Semitic. More since the creation of Israel, displacing many from their homelands.
That said, the few of that faith that I know personally are peaceful, beautiful people.
It’s New Era Islam! … or if you prefer , The Golden Age of Islam, Phase II
Just my POV but it makes sense (well, Scientology sense) to push for alignment with other religious organizations at this point and not just due to needing bodies. The whole religious freedom argument to deflect criticisms is going to garner a lot more traction if they’ve got allies in the religious community. And there aren’t too many who would accept Scientology. IMO evangelical Christians won’t get past the forced abortion issue, mainstream Religions of all varieties would be unlikely to be completely blind and/or accepting to a number of Scientology practices and most of the out there cults would either be fundamentally unable to go with the “respect other’s beliefs” bit or don’t want more critical eyes on them. So NOI is probably the ‘best’ available when it comes to allies. Pretty sad.
Liz, B, unfortunately the evangelical Christians in their various groups – NOT as individuals – I’m not saying that! – but banded together in their various groups DO in fact support the Church of Scientology despite what has to be their FULL awareness of the cult’s forced abortions.
No Christian Evangelical leader or spokesperson has EVER publicly condemned Scientology’s forced abortions for its clergy nor the Disconnection policy that has ruptured so many Scientology families. Nothing. Not a whisper of disapproval in the media from them.. So much for the “integrity” and “family values” of the official coalition that comprise the Christian Reich. Pretty spineless. Maybe they’ll grow a pair and become “outraged” once there’s enough media coverage and general public condemnation to make it safe for them to condemn Co$ for its crimes against the unborn.
PS: Exception: there’s a pastor in Florida who DID speak out against Co$. Forgot his name! A real stand up guy! Not sure if he’s Evangelical or not but no matter, he’s a prince, he’s got guts.
Pastor Willy Rice. I was honored to meet him at the Lucky Anchor and give him a hug.
That’s the one! Pastor Willy Rice. I’d be honored to meet this gentleman also.
He is a giant! In both personality and presence..
That would be Pastor Willy Rice of Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater.
This is a link to a video of him speaking at a forum at the church about $ci. He doesn’t pull any punches as he speaks of the takeover of Clearwater, fair game and abuses, etc.
Got it, thank you!
Perhaps they aren’t “publicly” condemned because CoS is right up there w/ JWs and Mormons.
With one exception: aliens from space are deemed fallen/demons. Part of the 1/3 rd that fell. IOW … CoS are outright devil worshipers.
In fact – many sermons rail against the “others” – but it isnt in the best fiscal interest to do it publicly.
When 80% of Evangelicals vote Conservative Republican as a block on the principled stance that abortion is nothing less than the MURDER of the helpless unborn – when millions of Born Again Christians vote as a block to elect a president they KNOW will nominate only Supreme Court Judges who are also against abortion – when the rights of the unborn are stated by these people to be of paramount concern, taking precedence over ALL other matters, in that its against God and murder in cold blood – OK, fine, I’m with you, Evangelicals, I get your point, and God bless. I respect your principled stance, your fervent convictions.
Then for these SAME people to hear that a CHURCH has been reported by its EX-CLERGY as having FORCED them to undergo abortions in order to REMAIN in that church, and that the REASON said ex-clergy LEFT said church was because of being threatened with ex-communication and loss of their ETERNITY if they did NOT abort, that the ONLY way for them to REMAIN AS CLERGY would be to abort – for this same group’s LEADERSHIP, learning of these reports, to react publicly with -NOTHING?. No condemnation. No opinion. No comment, period! CRICKETS! Amazing, no? More than a little inconsistent shall we say? Hypocritical, possibly?
The Evangelicals COULD be a powerful voice, you know, speaking out, shedding light on Co$’s human rights abuses – the forced abortions, the horror of Disconnection, human trafficking…they could do plenty of good by speaking out, and it would ALL be in sync with what they purport to fervently believe. All consistent with what they PREACH. One would THINK they would be ALL OVER THIS, n’est-ce pas?
But no. Crickets. Chirping away.
End of rant.
Aqua, you missed one critical thing. Those hard core Christians you are talking about don’t consider scamology to be a church or religion. Hence, no reaction. The entire membership of scamology is not even as large as the membership of one of their churches in a small city. Not on their radar at all.
WE consider scamology to be something significant because we were involved. In a nation of 300 million, a group with an active membership of no more than 5-6,000 is NOTHTING
“Those hard core Christians you are talking about don’t consider scamology to be a church or a religion.”
Point taken. Of course, the Christian Right’s LEADERS know that legally Co$ is a religion. But you’re right; the Evangelical parishioners number in the 10s of millions and Co$ is not on the radar – yet.
Yes, if the leaders are reading their parishioners correctly as not even considering Scientology as a church or a legitimate religion, then, the fact that they as leaders and spokespeople don’t inveigh publicly against Co$’s abuses is understandable. No less unprincipled, inconsistent and unprincipled of them, mind you! Because THEY know the truth.
But certainly expedient of them, to avoid going head to head with a vexatious, extremely litigious, billion dollar cult, unless and/or untilits safe to do so.
Far better to let them be road-kill. Yes, very practical of them, and I’m not being sarcastic. I DO get it. I’m practical too.
Then again I’m not going around preaching to others about how we all need to live a certain way so as to avoid eternal hell and damnation, and THEY ARE.
So this is just another example of why I have a kind of free floating contempt for organized religions in general. Not God. I’m no atheist. But religion? What a joke.
Because when it comes to these organizations, “God’s principles” are for Sunday Sermons while Monday thru Saturday pragmatism and expediency rule the day.
@Aquamarine –
I hear what you’re saying.
Re: Trump election: the evangelical he put in his back pocket is Paula White. I met that thing and saw her preach more than anyone should. SHE is one of the superstars of Prosperity Doctrine.
Google Paula and you will find a wake of destruction and controversy.
I was even around when she was hot and heavy with Benny Hinn (they deny it to this day but there are photos).
TD Jakes bought her a Bentley. She was even allegedly in my Pastor’s pants.
The organisation is a spiritual cult.
An obedient follower of Christ does what the man/woman of God says. No questions.
And obedience is a BIG thing.
(We get blackballed and shunned)
Having said all of that –
IF they thought they could roll in $$$$ By trashing LRH and his ilk, you better believe it would be happening.
The preaching is for the flock. And the flock is for the fleecing.
And if this isnt enough – don’t think that there arent forced abortions/sexual abuse/emotional psychological physical abuse among the ranks.
Just smaller #s comparatively.
PS. If you run across the name DAVID HUSKINS – hit me up. I was witness to the truth about his suicide.
“Point taken. Of course, the Christian Right’s LEADERS know that legally Co$ is a religion.”
There is no “legally a religion” in the USA. That is not a gov granted status.
But, seriously to most American’s, scamology is a nothing and at most a cult adhered to by a handful of Hollyweird types. There is no way to judge somebody by if they attack it or not. It just isn’t important enough to be on people’s radar.
I too am very adverse to organized religion though. I don’t see a purpose for it. But religion is HARDLY the only group in this country trying to tell others how to live… 😉
I can’t locate it right now, but this flyer should include what LRH said about blacks!
This is what I can recall. Hubbard came in to some room and saw his wife scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees. He said something to the effect,’ Get up! Get a (N word) to do that.
What does the NOI get out of running Dianetics on their members? They get a well programmed robot who will do as they are told. Farrakhan gets a kick back of all the money his people spend on $cieno auditing and the NOI is happy.
What does Miscavige get? He gets to sell (at a hefty discount, or perhaps free when you throw in Farrakhan’s kick back) more books and e-meters and he will get a few who go beyond ‘Clear’ and he gets to brag about his African American friends. Not much payout for $cientology is it? Well, sell out the Fleecewinds a few times and the $cieno bottom is looking much better.
I think the next question is, does the NOI reach a point at which they feel that they’ve learned enough of the “tech” for their purposes, are done dealing with Scientology and kick it to the curb? NOI is probably one group that Scientology doesn’t want to pick a fight with over going off on their own and “squirreling.”
It’s been said before, Scientology is probably taking a gamble with this relationship, and it may not pan out well.
I don’t think the NOI are very good swimmers…..all that gold jewelry weightes them down!
The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the NOI as a hate group.
Interesting. Do they mention Scientology?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is quite correct.
Interesting information, chukicita. I wonder what the NOI communication is like with Islam, or, more specifically, Hamas? Some can only wonder.
NOI is not embraced by Muslims any more than Westboro Baptist Church is embraced by Baptists.
I saw the Fox news report and was elated. Waited for the scientology connection, but didn’t happen then … yet. Good to hear some mentioned it.
Mike it was so wonderful meeting you and all the other contributors to the Aftermath. Such a great time. Downtown Clearwater is a bit like the twilight zone, very weird experience. Thank you so much for all you do to bring this cult down!
According to the NOI ,the white race is an evil race that was an experiment gone wrong.
The white race was created by an evil black scientist 6,000 years ago.
The ultimate goal of the NOI is to overcome the evil white devil, especially , the Jew,and take back their power.
The way I see it Dianetics and Scientology is their Trojan Horse. A means by which the NOI followers can become more competent and more powerful ,so as to achieve their goal.
Anyone can google this.It is not a secret the origin of NOI.
Yes, I’ve read this in the book ‘Message to the Black Man In America ‘ by Elijah Muhammad.
Farrakhan deserves his own spot on the $cientology Network. What a great forum for him to show people what he’s really all about.
Ebony Awakening sounds like the title of a softcore porno or something.
You mean it’s not?
This is bigotry through association and also bigotry being ignored by Scientologists in good standing. Thanks for pointing this out Mike.
Scientology’s silence regarding the vile anti-Jewish rantings of Louis Farrakhan speaks volumes.
This isn’t guilt by association. It is a reminder, that, as Dante wrote, “The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
On the same night that Scn opened it’s tv station, Vanity Fair had a show about the disappearance of Shelley Misavige. It was on the ID channel (Investigation Discovery). They did a good job of it and also talked about the Lisa McPherson death and even quoted Marty with his picture as to how he was ordered to destroy and shred incriminating evidence in Lisa Mc P death. They went over how the room they kept her in was cleaned and re-cleaned so that not one bit of evidence, not even a pubic hair, remained in the room. When the police got there to look at the room she’d been kept in, it was clean, fresh linens, boquet of flowers, etc. I will bet my bottom dollar that the ID show about Shelly and Lisa McPherson got more viewers than Scns new station.
Wow. Very interesting. I missed it. I wonder when it will be on again. Shoe about Lisa and Shelly. I mean
I contacted everyone I knew and told them to watch ID – The Queen of Scientology. I had my friends googling Lisa McPherson and learning the truth about how David Miscavige ultimately was responsible for her death, how he hid it – what he did to the medical examiner, Joan Wood, and how she quit her job after Scientology ruined her utterly….and then sadly died of cancer….
WOW WOW WOW – there is a buzz on the net about how Scientology / David Miscavige killed Lisa McPherson and then covered it up – may she rest in peace.
We will not forget Lisa McPherson. She is going to get justice after all.
Thank you Xenu!
RE: Vanity Fair episode last night…
I was in the bubble during the Lisa McPherson incident (1995). The story was censored within the cult. (Please be aware that Freedom Of Speech DOES NOT EXIST in scientology).
Now that I’m out, I needed to see this — put it into perspective with Shelly’s disappearance…the writers and producers of VF brought a lot to light.
Mind blowing.
As people find their way out, they need to know as well: It’s not just the crime, it’s the cover ups. Many, many, many of them….The lengths this cult will go to protect its “image” is staggering. I have my own experiences with this.
To me, the most poignant statement of all was at the end. Janis Gillham Grady said something like: If you want to leave or have left…my door is always open.
None in the cult bubble would ever dare say anything like that and offer their support–unless, of course, you had some wiggle room on your credit cards for your next “handling…” and they’d get their 10 percent “commission” as your FSM (Field Staff Member)!!!
In scientology, you have to buy “friends.”
Do those in the bubble actually care what happens to “a ‘comrade’ in need, in danger or in trouble as EL Wrong writes in the Code of Honor?
I think we know the answer to that and what really happens to those in need (until now) in the Aftermath.
Janis’s book, Commodore’s Messenger helped me understand how the sh*t flowed downhill.
Thank you, Janis for this great read — it helped me turn important corner in my life.
This reminds me of the Russian saying, “You can walk with the Devil until you get to the other side of the bridge.” El Wrong Hubtard’s version was, “The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.”
‘There are none so blind as those who will not see’. These Reprobates have absolutely No idea of how the Real world views them or the fact that ‘you are judged by the company you keep’. United they stand, and united they Will fall. Praise Xenu!
Man. Anti-Semitism is horrible, but damn that is funny. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
I saw a news snippet (as I’m sure millions of others did) with the exact hate-filled quote by Farrakahn and then the news person mentioned how NOI had connected up with Scientology and Dianetics – the correct positioning for the church of scientology – not the positioning the church wants.
Let the games begin…..
Mixing NOI with Scientology is like lighting a match to dynamite.
It will end in disaster….
What Psychopathic Sociopath will win?? Louis Farrakahn or Slappy Miscavige?
My bet – Miscavige will destroy Farrakahn first.
Then – Slappy will go to jail.
News people are getting smarter. Yes, millions saw that positioning. So glad the church does PR so wrong.
Than you Mike for pointing this out. NOI is a hate group. They make COS look like a pussy cat. How they think they can work together only God knows.
Well Dave seems like an easy enough guy to get along with….. as long as you know how to operate a toothbrush $cientology style.
And here I thought he’d have to LICK the bathroom floor clean.
🙂 Newc, you’re very ill.
He’s very ill…but in a good way!
Melbrooksitis. There’s no cure.
This is just another solution to inflation position of the C of S! Ignore racism to bring in the bucks! Ugh! The C of S is so corrupt!
New Slant on Strife…
1 a : bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension political strife
b : an act of contention : fight, struggle
2 : exertion or contention for superiority
#2 above is why the two cults are not-so-strange bedfellows…..
Friends With Benefits – Both share in their lust for power, control, hate and ruthlessness. Both hold the principle belief that people outside their groups are “inferior” human beings.
What’s in it for COS?
Size matters: COS has a shrinking “member” (pun intended) “ship.” NOI fulfills COS’ wanton desire to appear as though its growing….the two of them have “safe sects” protection under Civil Rights/Religious Freedom Act.
However… Since COS is primarily white, NOI offers the race card–a second powerful protection under Civil Rights. (The more categories of potential “discrimination” nefarious groups like this can claim, the greater the protection under the law).
What’s in it for NOI?
COS fulfills its avid craving for mind control techniques. Nothing more.
So it’s not a meaningful relationship. It’s just a “sects act.”
(Head’s up, NOI, your lover is only after you for one thing….)
ROTFLMFAO! New Slant on Strife! Still laughing! Nicely done, TW!
;0) OSD
Its been weeks with no call from the Dwarf.
Loonie Louie frets and fumes:
“The nerve of that man! Taking me for granted! Well, its my own fault! I should have played much harder to get. Next time, when the next billionaire cult leader comes along, I’m won’t be so damned easy”.
Great article. The dichotomies in the cult keep getting more and more prevelant.
Miscavige certainly maintains his insane consistency.
NOI as an ally is going to blow Scientology sky high.