Please watch this short, self-explanatory video.
It is important for Clearwater citizens to know that one candidate for the City Council is on the ballot and he is not afraid of scientology.
Mark Bunker will represent the interests of the citizens of Clearwater. He is a smart, kind man with a backbone of steel. He will not be intimidated or cowed by bullies of any sort.
Please take a moment to do what you can to support him. You don’t need to be a citizen of Clearwater. Scientology wants to make Clearwater the first scientology city. Note, they say “First”. If they are not stopped in Clearwater, they want to do the same everywhere else. If you don’t want to see scientology grow even more dominant in Clearwater, vote for Mark Bunker. If you can’t vote for him because you don’t live in Clearwater then donate to his campaign so more citizens of Clearwater become aware that he is the candidate they want on City Council.
Just donated $100. to Mark’s campaign I hope Mark wins. The city of Clearwater needs to clean out the $cientology infestation along with their strictly self-serving influence!
Is there a way to send him funds personally? Say for his entertaining videos? Or whatever . . .
So much for religion & child molestation….. The Jehovah Witnesses….
I believe that the cult will manipulate the outcome. They will try to do it in a way that Mark B. will look like the culprit.
Are there any precautions or is he naive?
I donated again.
Such a worthy cause.
Mark Bunker is a perfect candidate for balance in a city taken over with money and clout.
if one does something not quite right, should one post it???
Just made a donation! Someone has to be able to stand up against these thugs.
Mark Bunker is indeed the Clear Choice!
I hope Mark Bunker gets in. He sure deserves it and so do we Clearwaterians.
Just donated for the second time. Go, Mark!
Ok, I had to fake a US address but it went through.
Sending a few Canuck bucks!
I wanted to as well, but apparently candidates are not allowed to accept donations from outside the U.S. Let me know if your donation went through.
I had to choose a US state for the donation…apparently I live in Arkansas!
Campaigns are prohibited by law from accepting donations from foreign nationals. This isn’t just a payment processor limitation. I really think it’s a bad idea to subject Mark to potential liability by doing this.
JJ is right. I do not live in the USA, so never met Mark Bunker , but he seems like a really good man who is needed on the Clearwater City Council and will no doubt do a great job when elected.
So how do I fix this?
I agree with this. I live in the US, but CO$ woukd use any excuse to delay or disqualify Mark in the campaign. So while everyone’s heart is in the right place, maybe finding an American friend to donate the money would be a better, cleaner way to accomplish what they want.
I’m donating because I don’t live in Clearwater. I would like to, but I’m unwilling to do so because of Scientology owning the place. Here’s hoping Mark can help take the city back for the people.
Based on Florida’s campaign finance laws, I believe that all donor names & addresses will be publicly available to OSA. It won’t affect our decision to donate but those who wish to remain under-the-radar should be aware of this.
“By Florida law, campaigns, committees, and electioneering communications organizations are required to disclose detailed financial records of campaign contributions and expenditures. Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, regulates campaign financing for all candidates, including judicial candidates, political committees, electioneering communication organizations, affiliated party committees, and political parties.”
—– AND —–
“Candidates and committees must report all contributions, loans, expenditures, distributions, and transfers, regardless of the amount. They must report the full name and address of each person making the contribution or receiving the expenditure and, for contributions over $100, the occupation.”
Aqua, $ci is faced with an aging and dwindling membership. It appears that most of their new members are from poor countries where people are attracted to the belief that they will get a better quality of life moving to America. I don’t see any way that they can go after another city when they are spread so thin now. $ci will collapse. It is only a matter of time.
Gordon, everything you say is true, BUT the cult doesn’t actually need people to buy up property – just money!
They have no people but that doesn’t stop them from buying up property!
The cult has been lying about their “unprecedented expansion” and withal their huge need for bigger buildings for the past 15 years.
And Still Ins, against all evidence, believe what the cult tells them, and donate to the Ideal M’Org Program!
All the cult needs to buy up property anywhere is money, and of that they have plenty. Even if everyone including the whales and celebs stopped donating for new buildings the cult still has billions.
And if it decided to go to some other depressed area in Appalachia or Mississippi or Louisiana, Alabama or the Midwest or upstate New York or western Pennsylvania, or to Montana, or New Mexico, ditto – any failing town in any flyover area that has a large percentage of the population on welfare and food stamps – these people are vulnerable. The cult will flash a lot of cash around.
One could not blame such people for selling their property to the cult – all cash, always, always all cash – one could not blame such people, if land is all they have and they happen to be desperate to get away from some area where there are no jobs except Walmart, desperate, some of them, to start new lives elsewhere, and all that holds them back is lack of money! Now, not all of these people WANT to move, but from what I read, there are those who WOULD if they could, and for them, the cult buying their land would be a dream come true, and they couldn’t be blamed for grabbing it, just like the Clearwater people who sold their property to the cult did!
Done. 🙂
Just donated. Want to help get the word out there to as many people as possible in Clearwater that they CAN do something about the Cult-Takeover of their city.
What Mike said about Clearwater being the target for the cult’s FIRST Scientology city is DEAD ON ACCURATE and very scary.
There is NOTHING to prevent the cult from buying up all kinds of property and taking over some other hapless, clueless American town just like they did in CW.
And it could happen even FASTER than it happened it CW because the cult is much richer now , and, in many flyover areas, people are truly poor, jobless, uneducated (a certain president is not the only one who loves the uneducated) and desperate for the cash that the cult will flash before their dazzled eyes. And that would be “ALL CASH” the cult will offer. They NEVER get mortgages. And if they overpay, so what? Its Ideal M’Org money – so what if they property is overpriced?
The cult takes over Clearwater altogether and its on to the next depressed area vulnerable area with low property values (sorry, no disrespect intended, but after all, the cult is not going to targeting NYC, SF, Boston or Chicago).
The cult HAS to keep buying property don’t forget. If there’s nothing left to purchase in CW, well…