Almost the LAST person I would want to tell me how to live my life (her husband Grant would be joint top of the list with David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and Michael Chan, she is next tier down). The Cardone Scammer Family Syndicate is not who anyone should emulate.
And they are charging $500! Is anyone actually going to pay for this?
It makes you long for the good old days of the yearly postulate seminars by Clive Rabey which were free and were just as effective as this one will be. After all, Clive hasnt made his postulates for 10,000 onto Solo NOT’s for 30+ years now….
Oh, late breaking news, the day AFTER the Elena event, you can get a FREE seminar with some other public scientologists (?) and Laurie Webster (who doesn’t qualify for a photo apparently…)
Of course, these “postulate seminars” are just another excuse for creditors to swoop in on unlucky attendees because the “postulates” will be steered towards “advancing on the bridge” and “increasing status” in the IAS/Ideal Org/LRH Hall/Planetary Dissemination scams because, as every good scientologist knows – this is what makes you into an all-powerful being.
They must be constantly looking for new scams and get-rich-quick schemes to dupe the WOG masses into paying for the whales Bridge donations. Would almost be less work to get honest, but almost isn’t good enough for Miscavige.
I postulate for 2024 Scientologists re-read Keeping Scientology Working and notice LRH allowed people to quit fast.
I postulate people widespread for 2024 quit Scientology fast and choose another 8th dynamic activity which is less oppressive.
Non-existent Xenu and his non-existent body-thetans willing.
More Scientologists need to know of their secret snipe-hunting Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans faux exorcism/soul-freeing scam, and quit.
(Hubbard made the outfit such a long futile runway of steps and auditing and courses.
The members never can get their heads around the whole thing.
Plus Hubbard made it taboo for verbal data spreading members to simplify it since Hubbard failed to, Hubbard wants his captive audience for life!
Members linger way too long in it, get embarrassed to admit they’ve bought into this long con, plus they are disallowed a reasonable off ramp, they aren’t allowed to “quit” without dire penalties.)
I’ve got to tip my hat to how easily and shamelessly $ci. floats back and forth between its 2 parts.
Part 1 Salesmanship, Business of Talking about making you MONEY all the while picking your pocket and actually impoverishing you and Protecting the Brand.
(High 90% of time and effort spent in this category.)
Part 2 Pretending to be sort of religion-like. *
(Less than 5%? of time and effort in this category.)
* If you include – private detectives following/harassing people and lying efforts to trouble and harass people – as religious actions, then this % goes up.
Possibly off topic but I was watching the Dallas Detroit football game Saturday night. During one of the commercial breaks there was a Scientology commercial. At the end of it Miscavige said “regardless of what you’ve heard about scientology, if you didn’t hear it from us you didn’t hear the truth”. Or something like that.
Because these people have successful businesses, they can preach to you about making your postulates stick because of course their postulates stuck – look how rich they are – what more proof do you need. Once, you get their hatting on the “tech” on the necessary glue needed to stick a few postulates then your life will move lickety split onto that Bridge to Total No Where – I mean Freedom.
If your postulates still don’t stick or don’t work then you’re doing something wrong. Well then, you must borrow the money and go into your closest org and get your overts and withholds off. Because clearly, your transgressions are preventing you from moving up the Bridge.
Makes purrrrfect sense. Tell the cherch all about those things you don’t feel good about so they can blackmail you with it for money ….. OR ……. (should you be fresh out of greenbacks) talking you into committing bad deeds against those that Julian and Co. tell you are bad people in need of Ethics ‘handling’ ………… spelled DISCONNECTION ……….. which the cherch does not Cordone, I mean condone.
Yo Dave,
Speakin of postulates good buddy, howz those idle Morgues coming along this year. I’d say you need to git several more echo chambers up and ready fer delivery to yer world full of nobodys.
Oh man- idle morgues made my day! 🙌
Always, makes my day to read your comments Cooper. I do wonder if Julian is now hidden away somewhere never to be seen again. Too may lawsuits implicating him as well.
Love your little notes to Dave also. He has GOT to be going through the scotch.
Life should be getting interesting for Lerch. I suppose he will be in the bilges of the freakwinds by the time the Masterson civil suit approaches.
Can’t risk him giving away the state secrets.
Mary Kahn, I might add to your excellent post: Rinse and repeat.
Mary, I think they are more con artists than real business people. The Cardones’ angle of boiler-room type sales of pieces of rental properties bought when interest rates were unusually low and occupancy rates historically high, may well fail as that market returns to more normal conditions. Others like Cummins’ and Bridgeforth’s resale of energy using questionable claims of savings could collapse if the feds tightened up rules to avoid fraud.
What they know at best (and may have partly learned from Scientology) applies to operations based on high pressure “big league” type sales, not real businesses where producing valuable products and services, operating efficiently and keeping customers satisfied over the long term are key. Most people don’t have the heartlessness and predatory energy for that sort of work, and aren’t in those sort of businesses, so the seminar is unlikely to actually help them much, though like with auditing they may walk out of the session feeling they’re ready to take on the world.
I hear the sessions at Flog don’t always turn out that way. Its especially noticeable at the AO when the hammered and fleeced meetup with the Dir I & R folks on the sex month checks.
” Did you happen to glance at the legs of the waitress when you had the opportunity?”
I see. Well perhaps a small dono can square things up. I’m sure it was an honest mistake and don’t forget, it’s going to a good cause.
The promo piece for the seminar says; “Please send us questions you would like answered”
Wonder what they’ll do if I ask “Where is Shelly?” I mean besides having OSA goons try to track me down digitally.
I think there is no photo of Laurie Webster since she is quite elderly now and likely not fitting for such.
What’s going on? Flag auditioning for their version of “Whose line is it Anyway?