A Special Cortrespondent sent this in with the following comment:
I read it because I was intrigued that there was someone out there working hard on dissemination. “Jim Seagrave achieves Elite Disseminator” got my attention. Having once brought in more than 50 totally new people one by one in a period of no more than six months I was impressed at this new title I hadn’t heard of before.
It soon went way downhill from there.
I think this should be spread. It is truly sickening.
Like everything else in the world of fundamentalist scientology, “disseminating” has morphed into a purchasable “status”.
You can become a “humanitarian” by giving money for idle orgs. An “elite disseminator” by giving money to buy Way To Happiness books (at full price). A “patriot” by giving money to CCHR. And let’s not forget you can become a “Silver Meritorious” by turning over a few million to the IAS (I guess a silver, gold platinum and diamond meritorious is the truly elite status of actually becoming MEST rather than some sort of superhero).
They have used up virtually every name you can think of — CCHR has dibs on the following:
The Idle Orgs statuses run from:
Not even going to bother with the IAS.
But what is amazing to me is that people routinely talk about the “case gain” they get from their status. It is a sad indictment of the state of “the only route to spiritual freedom” when that route consists almost exclusively of giving money. The old saying comes to mind: “You cannot buy your way to heaven”. But that has never prevented those selling tickets from lightening the bank accounts of anyone they can persuade to give it a shot.
What is so amusing is that if you asked any of these people how this differs in substance from the catholic church selling indulgences, they would look at you like you are insane.
The hypocrisy here is that the church of scientology asserts a holier than thou attitude of superiority over all “other religions” that “they have no tech and deliver no product, just promises of salvation in the afterlife.”
Pot, meet kettle.
Scientology is the Bridge to Total Freedom.
But then this is no longer applied, what’s in a name?
“We are fortunate to have Katie and people like her…”
Yeah, I’ll bet Katie is real friendly. I bet she’s always full of compliments to you. A real friend.
Let me guess, does Katie often call on a Thursday, just after lunch, right before her sales target has to be met at 2pm?
Amen. Sounds like this guy has a misunderstood word, namely the word “dissemination”.
To do dissemination one must actually get into communication with an actual person, find out what they need and want in life, hopefully find something in the subject of Scientology that can help them to achieve it and then present that to them.
Whatever this gentleman is doing, he isn’t disseminating.
A little off topic – I thought of writing to Seth MacFarlane and suggesting that instead of doing a sequel to Ted, he do one called Dave. He could have DM about half Mark Wahlberg’s size telling him to get his ethics in and give him more money and tell him he SCOHB. That last line should get a few laughs as a lot of people suspect movie stars of being gay. Probably wouldn’t be casting Giovanni Ribisi in it though.
“having brought in more than 50 totally new people one by one in a period of no more than six months…”
Yes Mike, dissemination was once introducing new people to Scientology and bringing them into the org. I used to do quite a bit of that myself once upon a time. I would actually BRING NEW PEOPLE INTO THE ORG and this was considered “dissemination”. Back then.
After a while I had to give up doing this because those new people would get immediately leeched on before they could even look around the place and get a concept of what it was about. They learned quickly that it was primarily about money and thus not very spiritual.
Mr. Miscavige is just warming up his creativity for more ways to identify contributors to His coffers. Here are the latest status categories and donation levels He’s considering:
1. Naked Emperor’s Mistress – $1,000,000+
2. Courtesan – $100,000
3. Paid Companion – $25,000
4. Gigolo – $10,000
5. Call Girl – $5,000
6. Male Escort – $100
7. Window Worker – $500
8. Hustler – $250
9. Streetwalker – $100
10. Crack Whore – $5
Just Me, If I may, just in case people want to up their status:
Naked Emperor’s Mistress Meritorius
Naked Emperor’s Mistress Meritorius With Honors
Naked Emperor’s Mistress Silver / Gold / Platinum
Cornerstone Courtesan
Cornerstone Courtesan Copper
Cornerstone Courtesan Brass
Crusading Courtesan
Creating A New Civilisation Courtesan
Paid Companion Planetary Salvager
Paid Companion Planetary Salvager / With Honors
Call Girl With Honors
Crusading Call Girl / Meritorius
Male Escort Maximus
Window Worker Wunderbarius
Hustler Honor Roll / Hustler Roll With Honors
Street Walker Sponsor
Crack Whore Crusader
Aqua – LOL!
You know, The Way To Happiness is just not that good of a book. Doesn’t matter if it ends up in all libraries, everywhere. It will have very little to no impact. It’s not a bad little book. You know, don’t murder, tell the truth, brush your teeth, etc etc. Not a bad children’s book maybe. But the significance it is given is delusional. Yes we need to get more ethical behavior on this planet. The first step in doing this would be to set a good example. So first step would be to find out why Scientology doesn’t apply its own precepts. (Isn’t “don’t be a hypocrite” somewhere in that book?
What a Dummy…..that’s all I’ve got.
DM could sell cock-sucking statuses, inasmuch he apparently has a penchant for telling subordinates that they do just that on Hollywood Boulevard. Swallow more and up your status today…
As long as its not His 🙂
The definition of “insanity” in the tech dictionary keeps coming to mind “6. the best of definition of which I know would be: the person widely believes that the symbols are the thing.”
The first time I read it, I didn’t really get it, and when I thought I had it, it seemed like a weak definition. Insanity, I thought, is when a person can’t see, and superimposes things in order to avoid looking, makes bizarre associations of his own, and you get very extreme situations in which a person perhaps can’t tolerate being himself for some reason or another, and adopts or makes up synthetic personalities (schizophrenia).
But isn’t that just what the definition says?
A person makes up facsimiles of things – symbols – and widely believes those are the thing. He superimposes symbols over things. It has to do with escaping, and it’s a gradient. In Dianetics, you get the “adopting valences” phenomenon. And to some extent, I guess, everyone is a bit insane when they identify with their profession or calling, such as “Physicist” or “CEO” or “Movie Star” and you do get people in authority who believe they’re right because they have the symbol of PhD or Professor Emeritus or a Huge Office (or whatever) which says (proves) they’re right. The right or wrong gets lost in the symbol.
Most people recognize that they are a bit nuts, see the nutty things they do, and can make fun of themselves. Some get frustrated with others who buy into the symbol and expect them to have all the answers (and you can go to the “Simon Bolivar” piece if you want, or you can go the abused wife who is expected to do everything).
And for certain an awful lot of people get very frustrated with those people who follow or adhere to symbols of authority and follow them blindly. It isn’t that ALL is completely false and bogus, it is simply that those are symbols, not the thing, and not the individual himself.
One way an SP attacks, is calling you “g-r-e-a-t” and “g-e-n-i-u-s” to try to make you stick in your own symbolic representations, which in fact moves you towards being an object, easier to manipulate, and eventually can drive you insane – even create mass insanity.
You see this in “Sports Stars,” too. It gets to the point where crowds expect the world of them, an the athlete is hampered in his performance because he’s forced to “be the symbol.” The chant “USA” is a bit nuts, but we recognize it as a symbol for the individual, and one reason Kirk Gibson got such a resounding ovation for his amazing home run is because he brought himself, the genuine individual, to the game, injuries and all, representing what all of us are – people with injuries who continue to do the best we can, against all odds.
I think you nailed it Carcha. This is the insanity that’s being run by dm and his crowd. Case gain is a status, spirituality is a pin or commendation, auditing is a building. The ias statuses are all just symbols, just passing money along doesn’t make one a hero or humanitarian. It’s become a game of bartering symbols. The spirituality has left the really fancy building. Nice comment!
Where would Davey be without all his symbols?
Hey Jim…..communities are the building blocks
of society. Without them there is no world to conquer.
I would recommend you listen to the entire tape where
the quote came from. I bet you’ll find LRH is talking
about something completely different…..oh like maybe
becoming an auditor?
Besides I would guess all the stuff going to China (if
there is any) are still in customs stuffed away in a back
room never to see the light of day in China society.
I validate your willingness to help but instead of listening
to that gal tell you how, why don’t you inspect things for
yourself and see where the help is really needed.
I hope any WTH that they send to China are at least translated into Zhōngwén (written Chinese). These days I wouldn’t even trust them to get that right.
Wait! Hold the presses! COB found a glaring omission in TWTH. It seems the transcriptionist (now declared) missed one key word. It has now been corrected and fully verified from a talk given by LRH in 1985 addressed to DM himself, proving that Ron wanted to ensure power would be flown to the head of it all as befits a leader of DM’s stature. This is BIG!!! The corrected title now reads: ‘The Way to Dave’s Happiness.’
I worked with the public school system for 9 years and trust me, they do not want WTH dvds. 100% of the families I met, with children in public schools will not welcome ANY interference in their religious beliefs or lack thereof. Most people want to keep their private lives private and insist on the right to parent as they wish. The staffs have their hands full with academic basics and an astonishing amount of rowdy kids. The administrators have a keen eye for separation of church and state and won’t buy this for one second. Don’t waste your money! So a community is too small a game now? The public schools are community based schools and are working hard to create a community, (parents, businesses, school staff) that is working together, to benefit the next generation of kids, so your premise is antipathetic to your goal. Duplicity and black Scn again, at least the rcs is consistent.
Personally I don’t remember anything in the original RED regarding WTH where Ron said you handed it out to anyone other than individuals as it violated the policy on Groups vs Individuals.
Yet trying to feed it to groups is obviously the course that the “Church” is taking these days. Just another example of how *off* policy the Organization is these days.
Does David Miscavige think of these next status levels by himself or does he have some minion do this for him? Is there a trophy assembly line at Int Base or is this farmed out ? I mean this could be never ending
till there is nothing left but status certificates and gaudy trophies by the warehouse full and no people.
Eventually Scientology would become a CARGO CULT like in the South Pacific.
Give all your money to the Miscavige God , get a cert and trophy, who get the most certs and trophies goes to Heaven. Am I late on the curve ? we are already there.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why they have a whole group dedicated to recovering people who have been off lines for ages. Public hears the word Scientology and runs like hell, but old off lines people, even if they are not happy with the “church,” have at least been inoculated so the odds are better. Slim, but better. So occasionally they get a live one as evidenced here.
My first thought when first called was “I wonder what emergency is going in, because they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel if they’re contacting me.” Great first thought. The Gift of Fear.
SInce there is so much love in the Church of labels and titles of status, how about some less disingenuous titles: Sap, Dupe, Bankruptee, Exploitee, Sucker, Suckup, Povertus Maximus, Intimidatee (yes, I know I am making up words here), Victimus Maximus, Enabler, Collaborator, etc
Kiss-Ass Maximus, COB Suckup Glorious and Dave Doll with Honors and we’re good.
Where can I get a Dave Doll? I can feel a plan coming together!
Hasbro is working on it. They said they’re going to give it a swelled head and when you squeeze it, it’ll whine ‘More money!!!’
Cooper – Do you mean a Davie-Bobble-Head? (I can see a potential market for something like that.)
Me too ……………..out at the gun club!
I know three more that apply: moron, idiot, imbecile.
Could add super sucker, meritorious mark as well.
If they really believe this money is actually used for actual dissemination.
However I’ve noticed that many of these big buck “contributors” use their “contributions” (call them bribes which is basically what indulgences were. Lucre given so that the clergy would overlook their heinous crimes.) to peddle influence as well which is really why I can’t sympathize with their “plight”.
In either case it is either a fool and his money are soon parted or that they are trying to buy the Organization.
Just when he though the was out they pulled him back in. Sounds like, I don’t know, something from a movie about a mafia.
I wonder how much case gain Bill and Melinda Gates got from donating most of their billions to charity. Measured in money they must have been blown several million lightyears out of their heads. They claimed it was the best thing they ever did. Admittedly, their foundation actually produces visible, measurable results.
Dear Jim: You’re a business man. Go find some measurable, visible results.
Whether it’s the billboard sized certificates or the obscene ideal org buildings smothered in crosses and triangles or the absurdly comical ‘statuses’, it just goes to show the abysmal ignorance of basic Scientology by the remaining lemmings. If they knew their Know-to-Mystery scale, they would realize that symbols are way below body death and the antithesis of where they are supposed to be.
The answer to the question “How is this different than the Catholic Church selling indulgences?” would always be “Because we have the real tech”.
I don’t consider myself to be a religion-basher, but “THE ENDS JUSTIFIES THE MEANS” idea, in my opinion, is what has justified any violence, crimes or dishonesty that gets committed in the name of religion.
When you believe that ONLY your or your group have the answers, and that the fate of EVERYONE hangs in the balance of whether you or your group wins…that just opens to door to a big ‘ol can of worms.
That firmly held belief will justify ANYTHING. Anything at all.
My wife Loy was the HAS AOLA while I was the Qual Sec AOLA. Between the two of us we’ve seen enough abuses committed on Sea Org members, and more lies sold to the public to last several lifetimes.
But it was all for the “greater good”.
I never imagined that I’d look back on my time in the SO and see that the group is no better than the most crazy extremest religious cults I used to read about while thinking “How could anyone be like that?”
Hahaha! Perfect Freudian slip. I am truly sorry about what you witnessed. I am not really a fan of blanket statements but I feel pretty safe in saying there probably isn’t one SO member who has not seen (and possibly perpetrated) more than their fair share of abuse. Hopefully the organisation will collapse under the weight of their testimony.
I learned the art of lying glibly and with conviction while in Sea Org. I learned how not to care that I was lying. Learning how to tell the truth again and learning how many people I damaged by my lies “for the greatest good” was a horrifying experience.
Valerie, hats off and my thanks to you for admitting this. It is helping me resolve something.
Just what is the ‘ability regained’ for each one of these status levels? Jeff needs to write that up on otviiiisgrrr8.com
Ability to be insouciantly bankrupt.
In my line of work I’ve unfortunately met several people who make a habit of being insouciantly bankrupt every 8 years. Or, the really creative ones do a Chapter 13, followed by a 7 so they can declare bankruptcy twice in a couple of year span. OSA please brief your Regges that these options are available for all the insouciant status seekers still left in the bubble.
Ideally insouciantly insolvent.
Here’s a status for the still ins.
Super Gold-plated Master Confronter of Evil.
All you need to do is walk away. There is no saving this criminal group.
Or stay and you will be known as one of the Most Criminal Benefactors in History.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– not a status, just a label, so society will know you are dangerously reasonable.
Once you give them some money, they will come back for more. Also, the regges have always claimed that people get case gain from these donations. What an outrageous lie.
I’m going to very controversial and state here that IMO, some people get case gain from “making it go right” to give money they don’t have to the IAS or Ideal Morgues or whatever they BELIEVE is a very good cause. Case gain is subjective, don’t forget. Now, the fact that their money is not going to make an iota of difference toward the achievement of the stated goal, the fact that they don’t know that they are being conned – these are objective factors. Yes, they are deluded, but they don’t know that they are deluded.
Centuries ago, people believed that the world was flat and that if they ventured too far out there were monsters or other dangers, or they could fall off the world or some such. They also believed that the sun moved around the earth. The horizon LOOKED flat; the sun LOOKED like it was moving in the sky. Scientific truths eventually showed people the truths and dispelled their delusions, but before that happened there could well have been many people who got “case gain” from operating on them.
I agree that people may get “case gain” from giving money — but in that case, why promote you have the “only route to spiritual freedom” which consists of dianetics and scientology auditing? It’s a contradiction of “only route”.
Can you imagine this guy telling his reg “It’s OK, I got massive case gain out of giving my money to the Red Cross and I don’t have any left for you.” He would be routed to ethics as some sort of “other practices, off purpose asshole.”
Personally, I think the “case gain” they will get is feeling what it may be like to be “insouciant”. This may be a new thing for a person. Yes, case gain can be made in many ways, one of which is getting rid of things. Like your money.
Why is it the Co$ compares it’s current (modern day) behavior with centuries old (and discontinued) practices of the Catholic Church? Indulgences have not been sold for centuries, excommunication is nothing like disconnection, etc. COB calling himself the “pope of $scientology”………. little obsessive IMHO. It’s as if the Co$ thinks it can explain it’s abuses by comparing itself to former abusive practices of other religions. The only problem with this approach is that the Co$ does not seem to realize these practices were seen as abusive and therefore discontinued.
An easy search on Google would allow them to learn that:
The Council of Trent instituted severe reforms in the practice of granting indulgences, and, because of prior abuses, “in 1567 Pope Pius V canceled all grants of indulgences involving any fees or other financial transactions” (Catholic Encyclopedia). This act proved the Church’s seriousness about removing abuses from indulgences.
The Co$ might also want to know that modern medical practices no longer include leeches, over the counter heroin and cocaine sales, etc. And no medical practice ever endorsed running around a pole for 12 hours.
First of all, the pope, practices his religion every day with his parishioners: lives as they do, is completely transparent with his management of the catholic religion, is respected by leaders of other diverse religions, etc. This is NOT A DESCRIPTION OF THE LEADER OF SCAMMYOLOGY!!
I looked up Jim Seagrave and found out that he is a professional financial consultant in Connecticut. He is easily located via Google. I wrote him an email linking to this article and sent him some other links as well about the library scams and what the Church actually is up to with this. I hope he listens. If nothing else, at least I tried to do something to warn him. As to whether he listens….
Nice work Chris!
Chris you ROCK! Hopefully he knows your past status in this dispicable cult. WOW, about the neglect of her kids, how can people support this group!!??
He will likely be called and “handled”. Maybe you’re latest video explaining how it is a cult will help?
you should attach their tax returns
Great idea, Chris. Well done.
Wow. You’re amazing, Chris. Please let us know if you get an answer from him. Wow wow wow! Cool job. Yes… he will get “handled”… but that could just be the crack in the wall that starts to shed some light on things for him. That might save him from throwing the rest of his retirement down DM’s endless pit. Right on, Chris! You’re a hero!
Yes Chris, you are a hero for personally reaching out to Jim. I hope some light shines, however miniscule. Jim is at an age where he can be thoroughly broken financially because he doesn’t have time on his side to work for another 25 years. I have seen this happen to public, where they may not be “rich” but donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the IAS and are now in their 60’s with no property, liquid assets or cash saved in the bank. They are struggling terribly and this is awful to see. That never stops the vultures though. They will sit back and blame it on the guy for giving it in the first place and that he’s responsible for his own condition. No pan-determinism there!
Yes… attach the Tax Returns… as well as photos of COB’s offices. And a link to your videos. !
Scientology is a Bridge to Total Status.
lol, nice, and accurate!
the bridge to pats on the back
the bridge to miscavige’s pocket
the bridge to badges
we don’t need no stinking badges!
During the Clearwater hearings in the 1980’s Scott Mayer once referred to Scientologists as “psycho-political dupes”. Not much has changed.
They also have achieved the status of “Ideal Blindness Notorious By Unprecedented Stupidity”
Katie Paquette is my ex wife. I like Katie. We have two grown children together ages 32 & 34. Even though we’ve been divorced for nearly 30 years I still maintain good relations with her mom, sisters and brother. The following is a fact: Katie loves her children but since our kids were young teenagers she has probably spent less than 30-60 days TOTAL time with either of them. I do not believe she has been with either one for any of their birthdays since the early 1990s nor do I believe she has spent any holidays with them during that time period. Katie is also a soon to be a grandmother. No one is expecting her at this time to make any attempt to meet her grandchild. Is this the Way to Happiness? I think not.
No. It is not the ‘Way to Happiness’ to ignore your children and not acknowledge the existence of your grandchildren. In the real world, that might be considered a little antisocial. In the Scientology world, it’s a “distraction”, “other fish to fry” or “off purpose”. How sad.
Kevin – that is F’d up. Reminds me of the song from the musical Hair: “Easy to be hard”
And especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do they only care about the bleeding crowd?
How about a needing friend? (OR CHILD/GRANDCHILD!!!!!)
Hi Kevin… sorry to say this, but I don’t believe she loves her children. What a person DOES is who they are. The fact that she has not spent more than 30 to 60 days TOTAL with her children during the last 20 years does not speak love. Love is actually a VERB. Loving.
I’m not saying that she is a bad person. She just doesn’t have any love to give. She probably doesn’t have any clue as to what love actually IS. (A lot of people don’t. I didn’t think love existed until I was in my 30s. Then I was fortunate enough to discover what I was missing. It was a huge shock — and I had to re-examine everything in my life.) It is a tragedy that she should choose to drain her life force away in the prison confines of the church and literally ignore her children. And her grandchildren. And all the other juicy irregularities of being a human being on the planet.
Kevin, Perhaps you are not seeing the larger picture here. I mean really, we are all Thetans after all and birthdays simply represent the event of creating a body which we all know is a very very low toned activity. Creating a significance out of a birthday is almost like becoming mest so it is not really a big deal at all to ignore the physical relationship of one body to another whether it is a son, brother, mother or whatever.
My Daughter Haley who is in the SO at PAC and works in the HGB building with all of the other lovely thetans there who are saving the planet have no time for the mundane activities related to such mest activities as birthdays and so on. Long before I was declared Haley told her Mom that she would refer to me as Cooper rather than Dad. I’m sure either one of those is a lot nicer that what she would call me today. I might hazard a guess that it would run somewhere along the lines of someone who SCOHB or what ever her seniors approved of. Haley is 32 years old and I have seen with my own eyes how a child can go from a loving wonderful caring and creative person to a soulless foul mouthed skeleton of a being who only parrots what she is told.
I am sorry Haley. As your Dad and as a friend I consider that I should have been much more vigilant in looking out for your well being and helping you through tough times. I am here if you ever need a hand. Call me at 209-532-1123.
Yo OSA, If you have half a ball in your nutsack, why don’t you pass this along to Haley Kessel over at the HGB.
And Julian, Say hello to your Dad, I mean Louis, if you ever see him for me. We had some great times together.
That made me cry. I hope she calls you. Us “never-ins” can never truly know what the exes have been through, or the pain you continue to feel to this day, but I assure you, many hearts ache for each and every story like this one.
I hope for nothing but the best for you Cooper.
Thank you for the kind thoughts NOLAgirl! The fat lady has not yet had her day so we will continue……………
Your post almost made me cry, Coop. I too have seen wonderfully sweet, caring, thoughtful daughter and son both change toward the no-sympathy, arrogant chrome and steel RTC beingness. It breaks my heart to see it because I knew them as they really were before that. The church not only splits up families, but destroys lovely thetans. I hope they come to their senses at some point and get out. And then let the triage begin.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 17th grandchild in September. I have already forked out the $1000 for plane tickets to be there. My great grandson was born in December 2012, I was there. More than half my free time is spent with my children, my husbands children and our grandchildren. I would be destroyed if that portion of my life was taken away from me. Clearing the planet one bundle of joy at a time. Poor Katie.
Two things occurred to me.
First, if reading casually out of the corner of one’s eye, as I initially did, one could perhaps mis-read “disseminator” for “inseminator,” making Mr. Seagrave’s amazing achievement sound more like he’s a prize bull at a cattle ranch than a guy wasting his life on the hopeless cause that is corporate Scientology.
Second, while “Elite Disseminator” sounds pretty impressive, the level of achievement needed to reach this amazing super-winning achievement might not be all that high considering the overall level of incompetence in the cult today. Recall that Mike leaked a Flag OT Committee minutes document recently that showed the the most super-powerful beings toiling in the fertile fields of the biggest concentration of Scientologists anywhere moved their book sales stat to “Affluence” by selling five books in the prior week, up from four the week before. So an Elite Disseminator, to earn that amazing level of ultra-theta achievement, might have courageously pinned a couple of “come in for a free personality test” business cards on the community posting board at his local grocery store. Now THAT is planetary clearing in action, not to mention a big dose of confronting and shattering suppression on the front lines of creating a saner world!
H.L Mencken once said a clergyman is “a ticket speculator outside the gates of Heaven”. I can only imagine the ridicule he would heap on scientology, inc.
As for dear Jim Seagrave, you just can’t fix stupid.
Excessive hyping has its downsides.
The members start noticing the sham hype inequalities compared to past sham hype.
Sorry …. can’t resist this …. so this Katie calls him up to “brief” him on getting WTH into schools in CN (yeah … kids are just dyin’ to read these) so this idiot coughs up 500 bucks …. then she calls him to brief him on China (!) and he spews forth I would guess many many thousands of dollars more and this doofus is convinced HE IS MAKING CASE GAIN by saying yes to some bunko artists. Hey – Earth to Jim – Katie’s next phone call will be a “briefing” about freaking MARS (very out ethics place) and getting a spaceship ready to send them WTH (need to finance translations first into Martian of course) .. ready for a bigger “game”? Maybe a month in the mental ward (don’t worry – you can up your CCHR status)
And after Mars it will be the new final challenge to overcome all obstacles to planetary clearing ever, the hot, the new, the most fucking wonderful LRH Hall which is proposed for MARCAB (Most Awful Ridiculous Crappy Assed Building).
I can’t help but wonder if Jim knows that none of that money he donated is actually going to do a thing to get TWTH books into school libraries in Connecticut, much less where his donations are going to go to get the nebulous “materials translated for China”. It is so sad to see men like Jim, who’s probably a really good guy, taken advantage of like this.
I’ll give Katie Paquette the benefit of the doubt, but she doesn’t really deserve it. If she thinks about it at all, she probably believes that the money she rips off is earmarked for something constructive and special, even if she knows that it doesn’t go towards what she is regging it for. She’s not going to check up on that – she doesn’t care. All Katie cares about is not getting annihilated this week because her stats are down. She will say and do anything to bilk people like Jim out of their hard-earned money so that she can keep her stats up. She doesn’t see any of this money herself. It’s all just numbers on a graph to her. She doesn’t recognize that this is Jim’s retirement money or savings or representative of his hard work. All she sees are numbers and people yelling at her to get her stats up. So she will lie, steal, cheat and swindle anyone she needs to in order to eek out her meager existence as a Sea Org member in PAC. And next week, she’ll start at 0 again on Thursday at 2:01pm and she will start scouring lists of “prospects” so she can do it all again.
And the money rolls on up the line into the big Miscavige Melting Pot and who knows where it goes from there. We know where it’s not going. It’s NOT getting any Way to Happiness books into any libraries. It’s not clearing China of suppression. It’s not doing anything to bring any real relief or help to anyone. What a total scam.
Beautifully said. She has no idea how much work it took Jim to make that money. None of the guys in the SO have any reality on what it takes to amass a serious amount of money. Most of them are very young… and blithely indifferent to the concept of saving for retirement. Like you said, the only thing they have a concept of is getting their stats up so they won’t be yelled at. It is such a hamster wheel. A vicious hamster wheel.
BTW – On Tony’s site today, in the video by Karen de la Carriere… in about the middle there are 2 photos of DM — One from March 2013 and another from November 2013. He looks terrible in the Nov photo. I had to stop the video and just stare. Same suit. Same background. And he looked like he went from robust and healthy to a haggard old man. Interesting. He has missed the point of being alive.
“It is so sad to see men like Jim, who’s probably a really good guy, taken advantage of like this. ”
Agree Chris but all of us have been there and done that. Yes it is sad. Better to be glad……..that it is OVER!
True Chris. I saw and heard an IAS reg, Bridget Kelleher at PAC once talking to a student outside on the canteen patio about giving her pension plan to the IAS. How sickening that was to listen to. The student was obviously not well off and sat there is fear as Bridget told her “I know you’re a good person and that you will do it”.
I made me assess why I was even there and what was I doing associating myself with this group. Just one of the straws that broke this camel’s back.
Yo Jim,
Yes, your community is way too small a game to play. Get with the frickin program buddy. Get on a Project Prepare routing form into the SO, lose what is left of your bank account and your miserable small game life and take on some real case gain by signing your billion year contract and securing your eternity.
Oops, I forgot……………….remember to pay off your debts before you route into the SO. Well maybe you can find some small game playing public to donate to your big game and they can be shamed into paying off your debts rather than having to join the big game themselves. Just sayin Jim……………..
Cooper, you hit the nail on the head. I know a woman in LA who did that twice! She was public and decided to join SO and then sent around a massive email to all her friends, family, associates, near strangers, asking for donations so she could pay off her $100,000 debts so that she could go in the SO. She shamed people into it by saying that if they didn’t have the confront to join the So or the time or money to join, they could support her so that she could go since they hadn’t signed on the dotted billion year contract line. And she got lots of donos. But then she somehow didn’t route in. And kept the money. Then fast forward 10 years later, and she pulls the same stunt, same story, joins SO and asks for money to pay off debts so she can arrive. I saw her at Flag a few months later and she was public staying at the FH and getting auditing. I asked her why she wasn’t in the SO as that was what she said she intended to do? She said that yes she will eventually route in but that she wanted to get onto or through Solo Nots before going in the SO. So that was how she justified keeping everyone’s money, by saying, “I will go in some day, when I’m already OT VII.” In the meantime, she used the money donated to get her auditing. What a scam! And the sad thing is that she was able to pull it off twice! No one got wise after the first time!
When LRH said that half the gain is from training, he didn’t mean training on how to reg money and bilk people out of all their resources. But look who she learned from.
Cindy, and her name is what? (Really should let her friends know, so they can grant her a proper ack.)
I recommend you let us all know exactly who this person is. Protecting her name creates future risk for all people on the planet.
Still using the same BS quote Daily, monthly and yearly… Same BS… pffff they can’t get standard dissemination going.
And for those teens with inherited wealth or just have lots of cash (don’t worry, it doesn’t matter how you got it) who want to be in with the beautiful people, we now offer ‘Awesome Fucking Fundraiser’ or AFF for contributions of $100,000. Show your jealous friends your cool trophy! This is the game where you can have a big win dude!!!
I applaud Jim’s desire to help the world by getting LRH tech in the hands of people. Too bad Jim missed the part where LRH said do not do fund raising because it’s destructive to the group. I hope Jim wakes up before he gives away everything.
“Status”… Div 6 stats are almost where the should be: about -10 per week it seems. “Pull a Remini” pilgrims, Just take your wins and blow.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha …… ANOTHER status to move up to? Ha ha ha ha …… Martin Samuels (who I do not know and never met) was probably the greatest disseminator in the history of Scientology and wound up being treated like a combination leper, child molester and ex-Nazi prison guard ….. and yeah, LRH was still around then and I think Samuels had been pronounced kha khan once (which is about as worthless as used Kleenex you’ve sneezed in).
Listen here’s the thing. The folks who issue these promo pieces about another “status”, case wise, just as beings, are about as SOLID and TRULY ignorant as you can get ….. scratch that ….. there’s only one group of people who are MORE solid and MORE ignorant about what is going on …….. THE IDIOT MORONS WHO RESPOND TO THIS STUFF BY SENDING IN MORE MOOLAH!!!! Any of you remember that TV preacher Tipton who used to send out prayer cloths when you sent him enough money? His brain dead senile looney audience was ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE higher than these Scientologists, because these guys just accept the SAME exact lines over and over and over again. Talk about unfair! It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. it’s freaking TOO EASY getting money from these guys. Tipton would have given up one of his mansions to be in on this racket bleeding this group. You know, if I knew thirty years ago what I know now, Id’ have that FSM gig going full tilt, buy computer stocks with the pure profits and it’s all protected – it’s religion, baby, religion!. Why let Davey and about twenty others get rich on this scheme? I’d of taken this action myself. What a sorry sorry group these “marks” are. THESE are the most aware people on the planet? #$@&*(%^##@!$^& Pardon me, I gagged on a peanut butter cup for a moment there.
Nice rant Joe! Keep up your accurate observing and willingness to say what you have observed…………….you make a difference!
The beauty of this scam is that the Scientologist actually does gain the benefit of being greater and greater “cause” in his own estimation, of course. He believes that his donation(s) are making things happen in the physical universe, things he wants to have happen. Not only is he “making good things happen” on a bigger and bigger scale he’s also garnering brownie points with the CofS. Wow! His life is sweet. Much later, at the point he can no longer up the ante because he is drowning in debt that he will have an inkling that m-a-y-be this wasn’t what he thought…
Kind of a rude awakening, eh?
All around rude awakening, at every level. Meaning staff not knowing they were not really making OT superpeople, but thinking we staff were making them, and then the public not becoming OT superpeople/souls.
Joined in the ’80’s, out for many years until retrieved in 2011, and a cash cow since.
It is said that when a recovering addict/alcoholic relapses, they don’t start from scratch, but where they left off.
The similarity is striking.
Poor Jim. He does not realize that he has been worked over by a well drilled registration process that has been used by Scientology on thousands of folks to coerce them into giving donations on an ascending scale that starts with a little “feel good” amount and gradually moves up into a truly alarming, harmful sum that puts their financial future at risk.
Jim also fits the mold of someone who has lived long enough to acquire some savings and other assets, which makes him a target not for joining staff (which is primarily reserved for young folks who have nothing but time to give) but for being fleeced by a well oiled machine designed to make him feel good as long as he keeps donating.
Once Jim stops donating, or has nothing left to give, he will be ignored or worse by the very same folks who now go out of their way to love bomb him with romantic notions of sector salvaging.
If salvaging this sector means getting COB another personal car or luxury villa, then salvage away Jim. You are a true Elite Disseminator and should be proud.
Meanwhile, Miscavige is laughing out loud at you and the others who have been duped.
Yep. Looks like he was re-snagged around the same time I was. I had been “off-lines” since 1985. Only thing is I had far less cash to grab in 2011 than Jim evidently has. So my financial mugging and beatdown was over a lot quicker.
Jim, we had it right the first time back in the 80’s. $cientology=AVOID.
What could be better for dissemination to China or (pick a location) than to actually send the Pope of Scientology there? Of course he’ll need an appropriate papal mansion. Weak extradition laws would be a plus.
I guess I was lucky. When they tried to re-snag me after more than 30 years, I managed to avoid the poison bait from the start, I checked the internet after blowing them off the first time. It took hundreds of phone calls and thousands of “leave me the f*#^ Alones”, but I finally got it through their head that I read the internet. I’m glad I’m a paranoid old so and so.
Yeah, sorry Jim but Katie from “Planetary Dissemination” saw you coming a mile off. Funny thing, there was actually a time when planetary dissemination kinda meant something – Jeff Hawkins tells all about it in his remarkable book “Counterfeit Dreams” and guess what – not a reg in sight. Just a lot of hard work, intelligent market research and being allowed to get on with your job.
“We can’t have that.” Miscavige to Hawkins
I wonder if he got to keep the tacky little globe trophy? Nah, what am I thinking? Well, at least he got to have his picture taken next to it.
Jim, when you come down off your high and see your personal financial statements I’m guessing it won’t feel much like a win. It’s too bad your “church” won’t want to hear about that.
So true! Thanks for the great work! Mj