The saga of empty “ideal” orgs continues.
Miscavige shows up to yank his ribbon, they import people from out of town to make a “crowd” — always inflated by a factor of at least 5 — they take photos and video and then the circus leaves and things settle back into the normal void on nothingness it always was. Except the few footsteps echo in large, deserted marble halls now, instead of the moldy carpets of an old strip mall.
Desperate to get anyone to come into their empty palace, they start promoting for people to hold “events and functions” — because they don’t know what else to do with all their empty rooms. And they cannot persuade people to come in the door to find out about scientology. They hope they might have a better shot if they can get them in the building for any reason.
Interesting their pitch is for “businesses”.
Usually they try to get other religions to come on down — they hope to ally them and then be able to claim how they “work together” with “other faiths” (but don’t you ever call scientology a “faith” because there is no faith involved it is all science).
The other major pitch is to Law Enforcement. They love getting police and sheriffs to show up so they can “ally” them and create “safepoints.” It is a very effective technique for hiding your own dirty laundry. If you ever watched Breaking Bad you would have noted a classic example, the drug dealer Gustavo Fring who pretends to be an upstanding citizen who supports the police department, attends their events and gives them money.
But for any of you who may contemplate taking scientology up on their offer, be aware that doing so comes with some strings attached.
You WILL be used to promote scientology.
And, scientology WILL dictate who might attend your event.
When the Hollywood Division of the LAPD agreed to hold one of their events at the Celebrity Centre Pavilion, scientology insisted on vetting the attendees. They refused to allow Detective Kevin Becker to attend because he was a friend of Leah Remini and had taken her Missing Person report on Shelly Miscavige. While the higher ups in the force didn’t seem to mind scientology dictating who is a “good cop” and who is a “bad cop”, the rank and file would not stand for it. The venue of the event was changed.
If you are a business in the Detroit area who has decided to hold an event in the scientology ideal org and you have an employee who is a declared SP, or has written negative articles about scientology on a blog, or, or, or… they will insist you not allow that person to attend YOUR event.
“We are champions of human right and stand for freedom of religion and freedom of speech” — except when we don’t like the religion of the other person or don’t like what they say. Then we are human rights abusers.
So, what would happen, IF street people came and helped themselves to these empty buildings?
From reading and listening, it appears that scientology does not like noise comming their way.
What would happen if a group kept these buildings in the mind and eye of the public? Simply challenging scientologies agendas for these buildings. Wordplay will have to be a priority, as it appears to be scientologies strength.
So, what would happen, IF street people came and helped themselves to these empty buildings?
From reading and listening, it appears that scientology does not like noise comming their way.
What would happen if a group kept these buildings in the mind and eye of the public? Simply challenging scientologies agendas for these buildings. Wordplay will have to be a priority, as it appears to be scientologies strength.
It finally struck me, the 10X “expansion” may have actually have a specific meaning, in typical Scientology deceptive weasel-wording. I’ve looked into a number of older org locations, and many of the smaller ones are (or were) in spaces around 5,000 square feet, so I’m thinking it may actually have been something like an old minimum specification.
And, of course, the specification for an “ideal” facility is 50,000 square feet – the buildings have to be that, or very close to it. So a lot of orgs are indeed getting new premises that are right around 10X larger.
It’s not “expansion” in the normal sense of the word, if it doesn’t involve more activity, or more business. But Scientology seems to love childish word games, as if saying something in a misleading way, somehow isn’t really lying.
Wow! I wonder if that’s exactly what it DOES mean? Interesting
Scientology’s use of “expansion” is definitely a propagandistic re-definition of the word – higher level Scientology officials almost certainly know that that they are facing contraction of their membership and activities, and are only expanding their (empty) square footage, while spinning that in a deceptive way to put a brave face on things.
The interesting question to me, is how people at various levels in the organization justify to themselves telling such “acceptable truths.” They may believe – or be trying to make themselves believe – things such as that Scientology’s influence is somehow expanding nebulously through means like ScnTV, and that though membership is lagging that it will somehow start to pick up if they just keep up their efforts a little longer.
I really hope that some day we get some insight into what local and mid-level officials really were thinking, when they said these sorts of things about supposed “expansion” and the size of their membership. In some cases it may just be as banal as that they dared not do anything other than promulgate the propaganda line that came down from higher up.
PM – You have done a lot of excellent research into scientology statistics. Another way to look at it is – Bend over and the CoS will give you an “expansion”.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Word games. 🙂
I have never heard of anybody keeping a cop out of a party because he is or was a friend of somebody and, brothers and sisters, I’ve been to a lot of LA parties both on and off the job as a cop. Wow. However, I’m exceedingly pleased that “the rank and file” decided otherwise and the venue was changed. Glad to know that there are still some no nonsense police officers in an all too PC LAPD.
Kind of off topic. Watching a special about WW II tonight. There has been a lot of whining from CoS accusing detractors of acting like nazis. I see a clear resemblance in the situation but not how they are insinuating. CoS diehards act a great deal like the “Aryan master race” Germans who felt superior to the rest of Europe. The Germans made up stories about being persecuted by Jews and other races to have an excuse to torment these people. They need to shut up the nazi whining before people figure this out and confront these people about thinking they are so superior. Too bad no one ever taught them any history. I’m tired of them using the nazi excuse. That really offends me. Millions of people died in that war and they don’t even know it.
Ok. I’m off my soap box.
Soon after I left Scientology I looked back at the “We know everything about everything” attitude and realized I had been in cult and wrote it off as that. Even so I carried forward the idea that I knew things other people couldn’t know. I wouldn’t call it arrogance but more like a subtle feeling of superiority which I have now recognized and hopefully dismissed. Scientology is sticky.
In my time in Scn from around 1975 to 1982 I don’t recall any big push toward “Expansion”. Maybe that was because I didn’t hold any admin positions and wasn’t aware of any push from other parts of the organization, or maybe it was because at that time Hubbard was more interested in consolidation and dictatorial control over his baby rather than Clearing the Planet which was a good sales pitch to Utopian dreamers. As a guess there might have been 100,000 or more people “on the bridge” during that period and maybe he just wanted extract more money and power from that group.
Richard, that was because you weren’t a staff member with a production quota. You don’t even remember major parts of the “tech” you studied so don’t reply on your memory about that time period. It is obviously heavily damaged.
The rose colored glasses are off and damage control is in progress! Wynski, did you never have at least one Floating Tone Arm? (For never-ins, a Floating Tone Arm is an e-meter phenomenon which signifies a BIG win.)
I occasionally mention something in Scn which gives some logic to why people stay in Scn for years, at least in my time. Even in the current Cherch of Miscavige I suppose some people still have “wins”.
Scn had all the answers for Planetary Salvation and everlasting life. What more could anyone ask for? (joke)
Interesting about “expansion,” which of course now has been re-defined to mean building monuments while actual membership and activity contract.
Jesse Prince’s book probably gives a good idea of what was going on in Hubbard’s inner circle – but I haven’t had time to read it yet.
Generally, Scientology, like every other organization or institution that attracted young baby boomers, was probably flooded with recruits from the mid 1960s through about the mid 1970s, and likely almost overwhelmed coping with virtually organic growth.
But from the mid 70s on, Scientology was coping with problems including the end of easy pickings.
In 1976 Scientology’s spying operations against the government were uncovered, and in 1977 they were raided. In 1979 the indicted conspirators including Mrs. Hubbard were tried and convicted, but their appeals dragged out until 1982.
In 1979, the large Riverside mission was raided for loan fraud and banking crimes, which put an end to a financing scheme that a number of missions had used to fuel their operations.
During this period there was a push from Hubbard to extract the maximum amount of cash possible from operations. “Make money. Make more money.” didn’t necessarily imply expansion of the membership, though obviously it was easier for the orgs and missions if they had more customers – including a lot of turnover.
Also, I doubt there ever were really 100,000 active Scientologists, though there may have been that many people who really had read a book or taken a course, and would have identified as such in a survey. The several dozen most active orgs and missions served numbers in the low hundreds, not even thousands, at any one time, and I’d guess that added up to a number more in the ballpark of 50,000 worldwide, at most.
A couple of the “ideal” facilities have been branded or co-branded as “community centers” in areas where Scientology seems to have felt the need to try to reach out like in Harlem, West LA – and Ireland (which probably says something strange about how Scientology views the Irish and the org there). I think it partly represents an unfulfilled “postulate” that these buildings could be used to draw outside groups in, “safepointing” and legitimizing Scientology, and also of course providing recruiting opportunities (as has worked in the case of the NOI).
Scientology’s SuMP studios and ScnTV also debuted with promises or implications that they would allow for collaboration with other groups as well. I suspect that there was some real expectation that would occur – though it also occurs to me, if nothing else it makes a good selling point to the “whales” members when Scientology is trying to fundraise for these Potemkin Village structures.
It’s a good point that outside access to these facilities doesn’t come without onerous strings. Scientology’s vetting of attendees is a form of religious discrimination in at least some cases. And the staffing and services of the facilities are provided by Scientology’s human trafficked contract workers and Sea Org personnel, whose pay and labor conditions violate most of the Fair Trade principles that ethical people would apply to companies that they typically do business with for things like coffee and clothing – working conditions inside the “ideal” orgs are comparable to third-world sweatshops and forced labor camps.
Great comment Peacemaker.
Wow, so many critical comments of religion in general…I think I like Australia!
It sounds like they need someone to rent their spaces to pay the utility bills. It would be harder to justify charging exorbitant amounts to churches to hold events there but for other businesses, hey, they can gouge away, however they will have to screen nonstop for pesky SPs. Either way its a losing proposition.
“Champions of Human Rights”….NOT. I can’t imagine having to take a BABY SITTER with me whenever I have to visit my physician/optometrist etc just to make sure I do NOT RUN OFF (BLOW).
I can’t comprehend the fact that a Staff Member HAS to be accompanied anywhere, that Staff Members are NOT permitted to come & go as they please or need to. Any association/organization that behaves like that is NOT a religion, it’s a prison camp who intends to hold on to it’s staff/members with an iron fist to make sure they have no way to ever be FREE.
Two words come to mind immediately: RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Yes, maybe you supposedly “signed up” for this with that so called “Billion Year Contract” yet IMHO….that alone should not allow a “religion” to hold you prisoner for the rest of your life. NO WAY in HELL should you have to plan an escape & leave loved ones behind…NO WAY should ANY religion tutor it’s members to make the painful heart breaking choice
and after much soul searching, sleepless nights, trying to decide what is best for one’s later on be
DISCONNECTED/DEFELLOWSHIP/SHUN/BLACK BALLED because you want to untie yourself &
QUIT the religion & LEAVE of their own free will.
NO religion should place it’s members in JAIL….the so called “HOLE” that seemingly does NOT exist…yet it does. NO ONE from outside COS can get INTO the highly secured PRISON in California…& NO ONE CAN GET OUT. Since when does a church property need razor topped fencing to keep it’s members/staff INSIDE. As has been stated…if you even TRY to leave through the GATE….you WILL BE STOPPED & returned….WTF.
It’s like FLDS….their GOD SQUAD rides around and follows people they don’t recognize or seem suspicious as in trying to help one of those darling sweet nubile young girls to ESCAPE FDLS & not be available as a teen bride to some first cousin, second cousin, Uncle or some 40/50/60+ year old man.
When Mike’s wife “Cathy” confronted him in the Dr’s office parking lot…she did NOT come ALONE….she HAD to be accompanied by MINDERS/BABY SITTERS. What the Hell is with THAT ? In what world does one have to bring WITH them “back up singers” in order to confront one’s former spouse let alone anyone else. Add to that the absolute icing on the cake…bringing two Private Detectives along as well?
It seems that COS gave the IRS enough harassment until they could not take it anymore…they gave IN to COS in order to shut them up & make them go away….which they happily did once they received exactly what they wanted…..TAX EXEMPTION & now IRS can sleep peacefully while the abuse continues..
Hear, hear Balletlady. I often thought that the fact that SO members had to have minders was sick. So much non-production because of it.
So obvious that if they worry about people leaving that it really is THAT BAD!
Sneaky Hypocritical Income Terrorists, abbreviated SHIT.
Scientology uses staff, public and organizations like Dixie Cups: They use them and then throw them away when they don’t or no longer will help enslave, abuse or rip-off people.
Bait and switch is their consistent Modus Operandi. “Help us do good” is the bait. The switch is “we just need more money to help destroy more people’s lives.”
I was watching YouTube video of some random Sea Org members outside their org, either L.A. or Fla. Saw a rather elderly guy in sea org uniform. He looked to be in his late 60’s/early 70’s. I got so very sad seeing him, knowing what lay ahead for him-once he can no longer “pull his weight”. Kicked to the curb, bus fare to hopefully some family that will take him in.
Such blatant disregard for human frailty.
Maybe Tony should contact them about holding Howdycon in one of their buildings!
that’s gold, he should seriously do that.
…and when the reservation is declined perhaps we can ask STAAD to assist us in getting some tolerance for our religious freedom…
If the rank and file of the LAPD doesn’t stand for their dictation, why is it ok then to take their money, be photographed with them, speak at their events and for not pursuing charges against Danny Masterson and really looking into where Shelly is? I think “The Hole” is in Florida so I know the LAPD wouldn’t be involved in that but why is Florida FBI or anyone looking into if Heber and the others in the Hole are really being held against their will. They are senior citizens now. Why is Adult Protection Services not doing a welfare check? Religious freedom is a very broad interpretation of what they are doing and what the First Amendment says. Treating people like crap has nothing to do with being able to worship as you want.
Good questions My Inner Space. I’m pretty sure the hole is at Int Base, or Hemet, California though. But I’m not positive. I’ll look that up later. Lol.
FWIW “The Hole” (which scientology claims does not exist) is at the south side of the Gold Base. That’s not in LA, but it is in California. If Shelly is being held at Twin Peaks, that is also in California but not in LA. But there’s lots going on that they are ignoring whether or not its in their jurisdiction IMO.
I believe the “hole” is well east of LA by just under 100 miles, not IN LA, and definitely NOT in Florida. Don’t blame the LAPD, but the law enforcement folks in the right county, OR the California state cops, whatever they’re called. IIRC, the Hemet PD likely has had a few events to investigate at the Gold armed camp, which MIGHT be of interest to the FBI, or ATF even. What’s a “church” camp doing with big fences topped with razor wire, anyway? The cops I’ve known were smarter than that and would have noticed all the oddities of the place adding up by now….
My Inner Space. Rank and file LAPD members are hired off duty by the Church. To the tune of hundreds of thousands per year. And no, “the hole” isn’t in CW. That would be too dangerous as there is no large, private compound there. And the FBI doesn’t go looking for people just because they don’t come out in public.
My neighbor “works” at Tampa Ideal Org”. I will be going to Ybor City and while there will Check this place out. Just to spy mind you. I hate these people and wish I could get these young girls to see that they are wasting their lives with this Cult. I never see any of the girls family coming to visit them. It’s really weird. I kinda feel bad for them.
OMG Sue Mac, can you find out of some people work there still. Get the list of staff and post here?
I am looking to see if my good friend, Spencer Gill, blew or not.
Last time I talked to him, he and his 2-D had some huge doubts.
They were watching Leah Remini’s show on A&E secretly and reading blogs on line.
I hate that Org. There are some very evil staffers who don’t care about anyone and will do anything they can to destroy people. They have taken on the valence of David Miscavige.
I’d hope they are not getting into trouble because of your post, should they be UTR
It always gets worse as you press into the L. Ron Hubbard theoretical world.
It’s way more empty at the topmost secrets of the movement.
There are no “body-thetans” soul debris on earth to exorcise.
There is no soul-flying on the highest L 10, 11, and 12 quack pseudo-therapy from Hubbard, this highest quackery that is supposed to result in guaranteed out-of-the-body experiences which ought to prove one’s immortal soulness, but it doesn’t.
The empty buildings of lower Scientology are relics and the only payback Scientology does to society, by renovating old buildings in cities.
The emptiness of Hubbard’s promises at the top of the Scientology movement are foreshadowed by the empty lower echelon buildings.
No Xenu’s “body-thetans” to be proven by any Scientologist, it’s all been educated into their heads by the Scientology nonsense.
Scientology gets the members to believe they are full of Xenu’s “body-thetans” to then teach those highest Scientologists to exorcise those non existent ‘body-thetans” off their bodies.
That’s a con.
Selling blue sky.
It’s emptier and worse the higher you go in Scientology.
Your perspective is a good synthesis of the state of things in Scientology and what you’ve shared here has been concurred by many others who experienced Scientology. –(and it is insightful and eloquently described).and I appreciate your comments.
If they are champions of Human Rights, how come they have imprisoned Shelly? Or, how come they still hold many Int staff in ‘seclusion’? Tsk…Tsk…
Those “champions of Human Rights” “know” that any woman raped by her boss in an Org *caused* that to happen and the boss goes scot-free, not even an investigation by ‘ethics’.