The witch-hunt to curtail the “leaks” from the OTC Minutes continues.
So, here you go, the newest Flag OTC Minutes, though there isn’t much new.
Flag OT Committee
Meeting Minutes (14 April 2014)
Call to Order
The OTC’s Chairman, Kaye Champagne, welcomed the attendees. Kaye then welcomed and introduced our new CES (Communications Executive Secretary) — Sue Young — who is over Div 1 and 2 of the Org Board.Our “Recruitment of OT Committee Members” Officer (Chantal Valtin) welcomed all of the new members who were in attendance — Michele Carter, Shelley Jaffe, Joyce Nicoletti, Drew Robb, and Maria Robb.
Kaye announced the following completions since last week:
– Peggy Patrick had completed New OT VIII. Peggy came to the front and shared some wins; she said that it had been “a phenomenal action”, and one which is hard to put into words.
– Betty Carlton completed New OT VII, and gave some wins; she said that “it’s everything I had expected and more! I did the new Advanced Solo Auditor’s Course, and then within a few weeks, I’d completed the level.”
– Sue Young comped Super Power!
– Jack Dirmann comped the 4th ACC!
– Kyra Delaware completed the Survival Rundown!The 10,000 on Solo NOTs Officer — Naomi Davis — announced that Michael Chan would speak at the “Keys to OT” event, which will be held in the Ballroom at 7 PM. A large turn out is expected, so it will be earlier than usual. He will speak about “How to Get Energized to go up the Bridge”.
Debbie announced that the Clearwater Community Volunteers will be holding their annual “Gi-normous” Easter egg hunt on April 20th (Easter Sunday), and they could still use more volunteers! During this event, thousands of “The Truth about Drugs” and TWTH booklets are distributed, and — there to provide assists and more, will be our Volunteer Ministers!
On behalf of the IAS, Debbie announced that we’re very close to achieving our highest-ever stats for the numbers of memberships and statuses, encouraged us to work on our own statuses or donations — and help others to do the same.
Kaye further announced that Sunday Service is at 11:00am on Sunday mornings in the Grand Chapel, and IT IS AMAZING!
In our game (to get 100% of Flag OTC members onto service), we are at a whopping 95% — we only have 17 members to go! The Div 6C Sec. FSO (Roxanne) added that we can get the 100% by Wednesday evening — then announce this achievement at Flag Graduation on Friday.
The East U.S. “Ideal Org Alliance” is being rescheduled — date TBA.
The Personal Efficiency Course (at Flag) will be held on April 27 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the Ballroom, cost $75 per person; anyone who gets 3 others to come will get in for free!
At Tampa Org, there’s a Freewinds Event on Saturday April 26th about “POSTULATES”. If purchased this week, tickets are $50; if purchased between Friday April 18th and Friday April 25th, $75; and, if purchased at the door – $100.
There’s a survey to be filled out — those who’re interested, see Kaye after the meeting.
There will be a party for OT VIIIs — at Jim Bridgeforth’s home, on Sunday May 4, from 3:00 – 6:00 PM for OT VIIIs (and their spouses).
A Captain’s Field Briefing will be held on Sunday May 4th, from 11 AM.
———-Sue (D/Chair) reported the following stats from the last week of production:
Arrivals – up from 87 to 107
Total Training Starts – up from 40 to 50
IAS donations – in steep affluence
IAS Status completions – up to 11Sue also briefed us that we’re at “Highest Ever” on most stats, but still need to work on IAS donations (so they can be up over last year) and also keep the flow of Arrivals going.
I’ve heard that several org websites and mailing lists – often hosted by normal web hosting companies, and paid for by the orgs – are being abruptly shut down and moved to (where their mailing lists can be easily monitored and culled of those whose fealty to Dear Leader is in question), often with no forewarning.Kaye set a target that we get the remainder — 17 members out of 414 — of our members onto service by Wednesday. Kyra and Kaye went through the list of those who aren’t on service, and several members present took responsibility for contacting these people.
———–Kaye read an LRH quote from a PL entitled “Slow Admin”, and then led us in a round of applause for LRH, before adjourning the meeting.
Minutes by Carol Gulasa, Meeting Secretary
Edited and Approved by Susan Moore, Deputy Chairman
Funny, the only number they don’t include is the amount of money to the IAS? Wonder why?
IMPORTANT ARTICLE: See Tony Ortega’s blog this morning for a VERY interesting article about the state of Narconon Arrowhead with internal stats.
Yes, the little differences to identify the leak. So trivial that even I predicted it. And pretty useless if there is more than one mole.
Oh well.
“In our game (to get 100% of Flag OTC members onto service), we are at a whopping 95% — we only have 17 members to go!”
Do the maths, they only have 340 OTs, I’d hate to be the OT 10,000 I/C!
The saddest thing I take away reading these comments is that there seem to be entirely too many of you who think Scientology would be peachy-kean if only they could get rid themselves of Miscaviage. LOL. Enjoy.
Did someone say whack a mole?
Hmm, their stats sure do contradict each other, if this stats and math geek’s calculations are correct.
In these April 14 Flag OTC minutes:
– First they report having 95% of their membership on service with 17 (or the remaining 5%) left to get on service. Calculating using those figures, the total number of members would work out to be 340.
– But later in the minutes is a statement that they have 414 members – which is a lot more than 340.
– And later they state they have 5% of that 414 remaining to get onto service which would calculate to about 21 – not 17 as reported earlier in the minutes.
So do they have 17 or 21 left to get onto service? So do they have 340 or 414 members? Who the heck knows. Maybe none of those figures are correct.
What’s also interesting is the seeming jump in members from only a month ago. In their March 10 Minutes:
– They reported “that 98% of our OT Committee members are on Service”
– They also reported “Total OTC Members on Service up from 62 to 202”
– So if you calculate, that would mean total members would be at 206 back on March 10.
So they are reporting that total members jumped from 206 on March 10 to either 340 or 414 on April 14.
In all the years I was deeply involved with the Flag OTC and collecting all their stats, I never saw the membership increase that much. I smell something fishy here.
why don’t they use their OT powers to find the leaks?
oh that’s right the most ablest people in the world don’t do parlor tricks.
Mike – I love that your busting them for sending slight differences in an attempt to catch the culprits. One step ahead and still driving them type 3.
These minutes seem more and more sanitized. Descriptions of wins are omitted. I guess if they catch a witch they’ll be declared. Let’s respond by adding some names to the Indie 500!
Technology is here to take us into the future and yet the people who told us they would lead us into that future move more and more into the shadows of secrecy.
The tech world is in enthusiasm about new technology and the curch is trying to hide from it.
We will take the churh into the future kicking and screaming; “resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.”
Will Mike, Marty, Monique or Dave be the first to speak up on Colbert’s new TV gig? Not Dave, that is for sure. Perhaps Leah, as a first guest.
Whack a mole, Lol!
KNOW THE ENEMY and Mike – you do!!
I love this: ” So, I mix them up a little more and add in a few more changes and mix them up a bit. It’s like playing whack a mole”.
We have used this tech as well when we leak out our propaganda from the Org’s!! LOVE IT!
Today, there are more moles than Scientologist’s and they are leaking out propaganda, e-mails, announcements like never before because Scientology has lost it’s teeth – it is toothless and can’t do anything about it!
LOL – Fuck you David Miscavige! We have heard from other moles that you ARE HOWLING because we are winning!!
You may want to consider Oxicontin in lieu of Scotch for your “key out”….it won’t weather your skin so much and the buzz is amazing according to THE PSYCHS! LOL Just be careful of those awful side effects!
Heh Miscavige – we know you are reading this and we love the fact that we are forcing you to cut your own comm lines and before you can say Ideal Destruction of the Cult – you, “Slappy” will be ordering a COMPLETE STOP on all internet usage and cell phones at anytime by anyone…or else. It is just the right thing to do given the blast of pr your cult gets daily! You can trust no one inside – many fringers leaking documents…many in doubt and leaving in droves.
Yes, that means all Scientologist’s everywhere will be ordered to never use a computer or cell phone again or their eternal freedom is at stake.
It will be a high crime if anyone is caught and will be immediately DECLARED!
ONLY telexes (from the 1950’s – obsolete and totally inefficient) will be allowed and of course, monitored by Scientology OSA department.
You see – we can go through the history books to find the “tech” on regimes and dictator’s. It is all laid out in a beautiful order on how these cults go down.
We are in the last phases before total death of the Church/Cult of Scientology.
Dave, any last words?
Yes! I AM Scientology! LHR didn’t do shit! I had to rescue Scientology from itself! I, and I alone have done all the work! It was ME that discovered all the LOST TECH! It was ME that found out Hubbard didn’t really know what he was writing! That’s why I came out with the new Basics. And, I had to come with them a second time because all of your fucks don’t know what you’re doing! My wife is where she belongs! All the Exec Strata is where they belong! I’m the only one who gets anything done! “What?” “Oh, it’s my nap time? Ok, I’ll be there in a minute.” As for the rest of your SPs and DBs, you can just kiss my ass! Under my command, Scientology has 4 BILLION members! And that’s all because of ME! All ME! ME alone! ME, ME, ME, ME, M zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good night little pick.
That’s what I thought. Guards, commence shooting at my command. Ready, aim, FIRE!!!!
More like “Ready, Fire, Aim!”
This part said it all for me: “Sue also briefed us that we’re at “Highest Ever” on most stats, but still need to work on IAS donations (so they can be up over last year) and also keep the flow of Arrivals going.”
The most important thing is the IAS donation. The “flow of new Arrivals” is just a secondary concern.
Well I imagine “flow of new arrivals” to the outside world is highest ever! They’re keeping that going pretty well. 😉
Number of suppressed thoughts that DM is an SP – Up from 1,000 to 10,000. Screaming affluence!!!!!
Yes FOT, that also struck me. The IAS was the most mentioned stat and is where the attention is. The “New Arrivals” stat was an afterthought. And number of auditors made and pcs well-audited? Fagedaboudit.
Oh great! I bring my kid to an Easter egg hunt, and the next thing I know he’s being hectored with The Truth About Drugs. Jesus, leave the religious sanctity of an egg dispensing rabbit unsullied, why don’t ya?
Meanwhile in David’s home town, 16.6 million houses 55 families. Those families have more security than a Sea Org member.
This WOG gives a hand up. David stuffs his most valuable players in trailers in the desert. To sleep on the floor while he attends to needs in his custom 20 million dollar office building. Who is more civilized?
David’s Philadelphia project:
“… welcomed all of the new members who were in attendance…”
In case anyone thinks this means someone said “welcome,” let me set the record straight. Being welcomed to the committee means being fitted for your slave collar.
Very smart of you to watch out for their lame attempt to pinpoint the leak Mike. As usual you’re 10 steps ahead of them. Must drive them mad!
It’s actually simple for them to get 100% of their members onto service. Just declare anyone who isn’t on service and VOILA! Every member is on service. Easy stat to retain too. Drop off service, get your goldenrod.
Regarding Narconon, I would say the depressing stats are not a result of no help from their senior management. More likely a direct result of more senior management “help.”
“Peggy Patrick had completed New OT VIII. Peggy came to the front and shared some wins; she said that it had been “a phenomenal action”, and one which is hard to put into words.”
Yes, when there is nothing, it is hard to make up words for. This is what the “church” is now composed of. People who are blind but stuck in the cult for a myriad of personal reasons. Sad but fortunately it is only a few thousand people out of the entire population of Earth.
p.s. It took them that long to figure out to make little changes in each copy and they botched even that simple task! LMAO
Same trick used on mailing lists to discover bootlegged lists.
Skip the leak drama and make auditors! Deliver well done auditing hours.
If it was me, I would put a glass case outside the Org and post OTC minutes
for anyone who wants to read it 24/7. Publish OTC minutes in the Times!.
Exactly! What’s the big f ing deal. If one wants to learn Lessons In Contraction, study this group.
The only thing ‘gi-normous’ and ‘amazing’ in Clearwater last Sunday was the cloud of cigarette smoke generated by the indentured servants. Even that was probably not ‘highest ever’.
Question for the experts: If the OT VIIIs are having a party, can’t the just go exterior to attend? If so, how much chip-n-dip to you have to put out??
Bystander, The answer is obvious. Yes, but how does one sign in, so they can count the stat? You have to bring a photo-ID card, therefore you need a place to put it, along with your other cards. (Now, you can be regged.)
Also, “going exterior to attend” means ability to exit the same way. (This would be considered counter-intentioned to being regged.)
You have to evaluate it from the ideal spiritual viewpoint of regg-ability. (I hope this helps.)
Enormously, thanks.
IAS Status completions? Does this mean
there is an IAS Status grade chart?
Would love to be a fly on the wall
at the OT VIII party.
They want $50 to $100 to find out
about postulates? There is a definition
in the tech dictionary and one could
also go through the HCOB vols index
and find the HCOB’s and PAB’s with
data on postulates….all for free.
Reminds me when I was a young tike and
my brother would read the newspaper
to me. Of course I had no idea if what he
was reading was true or if he was just making
up stuff. I just sat there and soaked it all in.
IAS Status completion = your check cleared.
IAS – Inane Autocratic Spiel
Number of Independents – Up from 1,000 to 10,000
And growing. Unheralded expansion!
I believe those stats but feel they are much higher.
The C of S to recoup would need 45,000 new happy churchies
which would be much more than numbers on board now.
This is a crash scenario, I know of NO business model that would fix this.
They’re bleeding from their arteries.
“There will be a party for OT VIIIs” -Don’t bother to showing up if you’re just a dirty little Clear still carrying around your counter-intentioned saturated body and space. I guess you have to achieve the state of full physical transparency to be one of the partying cool kids out in Clearwater.
This is the way the OT VIIIs acted on the Freewinds as well. In the dining room they had a special table that only those on OT VIIl could sit. It was just another show of status as the spiritually anointed filed in to have their lunch. It was very disappointing behavior as far as I was concerned. If your that far up the Bridge why hasn’t enough humility and graciousness begun to show itself that would allow you to sit with the great unwashed who are only part way up the Bridge?
I like your comment KF. A table for OT VIII’s.
A table for OT VII’s, a table for OT III’s & IV’s.
A table for Clears to OT II. All of the rest of the
lower bridge lackeys have to wait till the anointed
are done eating. All trained/interned auditors have
to eat in the engine room. We don’t want these trained
folks missing withholds on the higher ups now do we?
Typical Scientology think. That’s exactly how I felt when I was in, and for years after I left. It was probably the worst thing that Scientology ingrained in me was that I was “so much better”. Humility never has been looked upon as a virtue in Scientology. It is one of the worst things you can have in your arsenal. Such bullshit. It took a lot of years to learn to humble myself enough to understand how little I really knew.
I want to reply to Valerie below but the reply button isn’t there for some reason but maybe she will see this. Valerie, I find your current self-awareness about your prior lack of humility absolutely courageous and beautiful. I don’t know you but I’m really proud of you. What a gracious thing to be able to say. You definitely made it.
Great comment. Of course this drive to keep the “classes” separate is so very appealing to those lacking self esteem.
Just think how many people they get to stand on to be at the top of the pile? Looking down, they get that warm and fuzzy feeling when they reassure themselves, once again, how far above those losers they are.
Just like Jesus when he fed the multitudes.
The thing about the OT VIII’s having their own table in the dining room on the Ship is not their doing. It is the Ship’s rule. I was on OT VII auditing on board the Ship and went to sit with the VIII’s and was told I couldn’t. My friend there who was doing OT VIII apologized and said that it wasn’t their doing but that the Ship insisted on the VIII’s eating separately with only the other VIII’s. I asked why? She said the Ship told them it was so that they didn’t get any enturb on their lines and go PTS while on OT VIII. Hmmmm, sounds like fear and paranoia on the Ship’s part. The VIII’s themselves liked mingling. But this separation into classes and statuses is really bad and that is what our church is pushing. That kind of thinking is what brought on the Nazi extermination of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Who would think that a “church” would do this when most churches teach loving your fellow man and helping and furthering your fellow man. “1984” speak lives in COS.
Gee, I wonder where it’s coming from. Couldn’t be Dave, could it?
Thanks Cindy I didn’t know that the OT 8’s were being cordoned off intentionally.
The church doesn’t believe in its own products. Are these OT’s made of crystal? I thought their case was gone after OT 7 and that a group of them would be an irresistible force. Are they going to shatter if they have to endure a snarky comment or get hit by a stray 2D flow while onboard the ship? If they can’t stand up to what might take place on the Freewinds, which is supposed to be carrying the top 10% of the top 10%, how can they be expected to rule the whole planet?
A lot of these OT’s did their L’s as well and one of the products of those is supposed to be, “Not likely to EVER go PTS again.” …..EVEEERRRR !!!
Love the drawing! It illustrates exactly the purpose behind these with hunts.
eeer , witch hunts.
“So, I mix them up a little more and add in a few more changes and mix them up a bit. It’s like playing whack a mole.”
Laughter! That was really bright! That would have gone over my head!
+1 The wack a mole was very funny!
Is that like muck a scavage?
You change them and mix them up. Smart, Mike. “Whack a mole” – luv it.
Mike is in fine humor and form as usual. Those of you with kids know what “whack a mole” is. Just think Chuck E Cheese!
They are imploding. By withdrawing so much, due to the terror of ‘Management’ to be found out, they are closing all comm. lines and keeping it all INSIDE under tight control – this is implosion with lots of force from OSA and ‘above” who, in turn, are in full paranoia trying to find the leaking sources when, in fact ,their terror comes from their own crimes.
What a horribly solid game: chasing your own religion’s parishioners and members, trying to hide your crimes, blaming others for your condition, lying and so on. This is a game that only real criminal black souls can consider worth playing.
My sentiments exactly. You said it better than I would have.
As an aside though, I wonder if the names of people who have been declared or died are taken off of the IAS stats.
It’s a full time job.
You know, we never-ins would have more respect for this organization if they said “yes, we’re hurting–we’ve gotten such bad publicity” than if they keep saying “we’re growing by leaps and bounds”.
Not to speak for everyone, but I would be willing to bet if you took a poll, you would find that those of us who have left feel the same way. A lie is a lie is a lie. Just sayin’
You know I would have imagined that if you brought a bunch of enlightened, powerful, causative beings together in a room — people privy to the great secrets of the universe and trained to function at the highest possible levels — the conversation would be pretty lively, to say the least. My concern would be, Can I possibly keep up with this? Will I understand a word they’re saying?
I guess I’m just feeling kind of let down.
“I guess I’m just feeling kind of let down.”
Probably most of us are.
I’d not be surprised if individual emails are not encoded with a unique identifier (one unique set of characters) which they can use to identify who actually forwarded an email to the enemy. Such an offender might then “disappear”. Just beware,
That seems to be the case here, with little differences in the wording, according to Mike. It’s 101 for detecting a leak of information in an organization. But apparently Mike is tweaking the e-mails before posting them here a little bit, and having several sources means that finding one particular leaker won’t solve the problem.
They should all just relax, have a cup of coffee and take a leak.
Not very difficult to mask the sources unintentionally – just combine the originals and retype your own combined copy using different font, etc. and you introduce you own subtle changes. Some of the tells will sneak through but they will be difficult to distinguish from those added by the retyping. I bet Mike enjoys doing this.
How ridiculous that this seemingly enormous effort to plug the leaks of OTC minutes is ongoing. OTC minutes is about the most minor detail of a relatively minor activity in the first place, but now is sucking up major attention and effort.
I did also want to comment on the Narconon Arrowhead article on Tony’s blog. Some of the figures don’t seem to add up. Run through, week by week, the stats of income, bills paid and owing, cash on hand, reserves and it is impossible to reconcile them, and it seems that they are paying more in bills than they could possibly be able to do based on their income. Not sure why this is.
You are right of course. It would appear they are being subsidized to stay afloat. They have 2 staff for every client. ANd if their stat of cost to operate is correct, they are way in the red every week. But their Cash/Bills is not worsening as it should be. And they are paying more bills than reported income…. As usual, there are no doubt false stats in this.
They had quite a lot in reserves when I worked there, in more recent times.
Some of their bills may be to other scientology entities which may explain why some bills are over 430 days overdue. Either way some very creative accounting. What disturbs me most is they still have patients.
Could it be that the CO$’s “favorite celebs”.have a financial interest in the international drug rehab biz?…and they limp along. .
It looks to me like the “Weekly Operating Cost” figure of 133,000 is an FP#1 amount. It is the same, week-to-week, throughout the tables.