Fundraising in scientology drives everything.
Colin Davie has sent out some doozies before. In this one he flatly states that at the MV Event EVERY SEA ORG AND CLASS V STAFF is doing Ideal Org fundraising. Yes, you read that right. EVERY staff member is fundraising.
That has become the OVERRIDING activity of scientology. The “event” is merely an excuse to get people together in one place so they can get their money.
Amazing how brazen they are — he sent this message out to public like it is a perfectly normal thing. Unfortunately, it is. Usual, not normal.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
“Would you consider a gift to the 4th dynamic?”
Uh, how about, NO!
edge says
As they get more desperate, they get more obvious. $500 for a commends? Shoot, where do I sign up? But my absolute favourite part is the implied blackmail that goes like this:
Large donations will go into your file.
Failure to donate will also go into your file.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
No bodies are left to file those files, no fresh meat coming in, nobody cares about the fantasies of Old Mother Hubbard anymore.
Those still in, get out now, before you look even more foolish as this all crashes in around you.
OhioBuckeye says
Off Topic-Off Thread…
Hi Mike. I have been rewatching the Aftermath Series and happened to notice in your introduction that you left CoS in 2007.
Congratulations on your ten years of being an “Outie”!
Juan Carlo Ocampo says
“commendation for your file” …OMG, I don’t even want to have a file in scientology, you know whats on those files, BLACK MAIL MATERIAL!!!!! so FU and your files. They use to ask for money for the 3rd dynamic, now is for the 4th oh gosh please make them disappear.
(Balletlady) says
Add to that the stacks and stack and stacks of files that are still NOT filed, that might be simply piled up and laying around for ANYONE’S prying eyes to view…..what a sick mess…
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Exactly. This mule is dead, why bother beating it anymore?
donald king says
Is there really a Scientology fundraiser called Zee Fear?
Joe Pendleton says
With no public to deliver to, what else do SO and staff members have to do all day long but hit the phones and grind for crash. Anyway … great practice for their eventual wog careers … telemarketers.
BKmole says
Wow. Go back to the 70s and it was all about making money but delivering more Scientology services. It was call exchange. It wasn’t some airy fairy let’s give “a gift to the 4th dynamic.” That’s the biggest crock on the planet.
Andy says
if y want some good reading to fall asleep try this
Wynski says
BKmole. They cannot. THAT is why the fund-raising. Once the Boomers grew up that train LEFT the station. Never to be replicated by another generation.
Aquamarine says
I just said a prayer of thankfulness. From the bottom of my heart, to the height and depth of my soul I am soooooooooooooo – actually, I could write “so” so many times and still not communicate the degree to which I am relieved and grateful to be part of this out ethics insanity no longer. Excuse the drama but its how I really feel. Thank you, God.
Just Hummin' Along says
Sometimes you just have to shout for joy! Make it a good one, you’ve earned it!
Aquamarine says
APBS says
Half the room cleared out before the second half of a recent IAS event. They knew the out right asking for free money was coming. Talk about awkward.
Aquamarine says
That’s funny! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall.
APBS says
You should have seen the IAS rap music video they played at the beginning. Now that was true comedy gold.
Aquamarine says
IAS rap music…OMG, now you’re making me fantasize about disguising myself with fake ID and coming to one of these things. What a caper!
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Please elaborate APBS. Are you still “in” but pretending to be so? That’s delicious.
bixntram says
Where was this if I might ask? Also, can someone refresh me on the 4th Dynamic? I forgot what it is. Thanks
Aquamarine says
The 4th Dynamic is Mankind, all humans everywhere.
Doug Parent says
Giving a gift to the 4th dynamic……..right. Liars and scammers.
Kronomex says
Incredible commendation reads: They paid the $500.00 so MAKE SURE they get hit up AGAIN and AGAIN and…
Even a few commendations will dump a heap into Central Files. I predict more CF parties! Can’t wait to see the invitations.
exccla says
i think there used to be a scn process about ‘the end of the endless something.’ they now need the end of the endless fundraising.
fred says
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster only requires $25US to get a Certificate of Ordination. The CFSM certificate would likely be of greater value.
Brad Boehringer says
Barbet says
If I was donating, I’d want one of those awesome mega trophies!
I Yawnalot says
Me too! Especially one of those gaudy 3 foot high monstrosities. Wana bet in a couple of years it’ll be a chrome plated image of DM with bells and whistles and a little (Venus) train going “toot toot” round and round the base? Plus a cookoo clock mechanism with fat cat with an LRH face popping out DM’s saying, “donating is good, donating is good,” every quarter hour. AWESOME havingness!
Old Surfer Dude says
You’ll have to get behind me, Barbet! I’ve got my eye on a 15 foot Super Trophy.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
The kitsch factor of those worthless scientology trinkets may have some value one day as a souvenir of a harmful menace, much like the third reich hardware that is sought by weirdo modern collectors and misfit fringe fascists.
For the lives lost and nest eggs squandered, the gaudy and disgusting scientology hardware deserves the utmost scorn of society.
And shame on all those who ever accepted any shitty trophy or necklace from that predatory human rights violator that calls itself scientology. All those “whales” and celebrities will be remembered as advocates of scientology. What a horrible legacy for those poor fools.
Stephen Hutcheon says
I had many from Colin when he was in Australia but they cost me back then $5,000 a piece……..minimum!
Apart from this he was actually a nice guy, doing what he thought was best to do in his universe. Sad he gave away a professional golf career to join the sea org.
Alex Castillo says
Mike, I wonder if, with all the bad publicity and so many people leaving the cult, is Miscavige still raking in millions every week? Do you know? Just curious.
Marie says
I would LOVE to know this as well! I have often wondered.
(Balletlady) says
We can hardly wait til the CO$ TV Channel hits our TV Sets……it MIGHT go something like THIS:
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits.
Of course, in addition…there WILL be a disclaimer that you are EXPECTED to send in a DONATION!
Barbet says
Ballet lady, how funny…I remember outer limits just like that…
A diamond says
LMAO. I knew it sounded familiar. Very clever! And, of course, it wouldn’t be Co$ w/o a donation request.
Todd Cray says
And your reward is … (drum roll) … “a commendation to your file”
It is sad that some folks have been led to believe that a person’s church experience should include files being kept on them!
White Light says
Propitiation is quite low on the emotional tone scale (apparently) and yet they expect ‘loyal Scnists’ to propitiate by handing over more of their hard earned money to prove that they are ‘good Scnists’. It isn’t even getting them further ‘up the Bridge’ by buying more services. They get nothing but the ‘carrot’ of a commendation in their file, which will be worthless if they decide to no longer support Scn, so what is the point?
This is a huge indicator that these orgs are not only NOT expanding anymore, they can’t even sell enough services to pay for these so called events or ‘Ideal Orgs’ expansion plans. They can’t sell enough services so they just hold out their hands and say ‘gimme’. Absolutely sickening.
And not to mention all those poor haggard unpaid ‘Sea Org and Class V staff’ who have all been roped in and ordered to fund raise, ordered to attain steep and unrealistic quotas, whether they are trained in regging, selling, fund raising or not. They will all have been told to make their quotas under pain of death, or even worse ethics conditions or manual labor, or several more all-nighters on top of what they are already enduring ….
They lost their ‘religion’ ages ago. This money grabbing has nothing whatsoever to do with religion or religious belief. It’s only about taking money from ‘parishioners’ through emotional and mental manipulation (guilt and false promises) to add to Scn’s increasingly massive property portfolio. This has nothing to do with religion – when will the IRS realize this?
Just Hummin' Along says
Just curious, I know what propitiation means in regards to Christianity, what does it mean in Scientology terms? Thanks!
Bruce Ploetz says
Propitiation in Scientology means trying to buy off an enemy.
Hubbard assigned it an “emotional tone level” right between Grief and Sympathy. Sympathy is a low emotional tone because Hubbard thought of it as inherently insincere. Since Hubbard could not conceive any power higher than himself, the humbler human sentiments were considered to be signs of weakness, not expressions of reverence for the divine.
Aquamarine says
Propitiation, in Scientology is BAD.
VERY bad, contemptible. WAY down the Tone Scale!
LRH had MUCH to say about the low level of intelligence of those in religions which demanded sacrifices to their Gods whether the sacrifices be animal, vegetable or human.
Meanwhile, that’s ALL the Scientology Still In Sheeple ever DO is propitiate!
Be they regular folk, celebs or whales, they’re propitiating constantly!
It is DEMANDED of them by the very “church” whose “scripture” disparages propitiation!
Very funny, and very sad…how I view this depends on my mood.
I Yawnalot says
Ahhh yes! The true Scientology affluence attainment formula is all its glory.
Let’s see how the parishioner’s stats stack up…
1st Dyn’s – fucked up – check
2nd Dyn’s – (this one was lots of fun, difficult at first but,) all fucked up – check
3rd Dyn’s – only Scientology allowed, all the rest – all fucked up – check
4th Dyn – BINGO, (the current button) GOLD MINE! – check, make that a double!
And since Scientology is above and beyond any mere celestial, or mest governing principles, let’s have all who dwell on earth pay homage to, and make them fully aware of the one true purpose they all have, the one and only, true super God! Fundraising for Scientology – a work in progress but a half check anyway (keeps COB happier if we say that).
Oh, what’s for supper?
alternativeviewpoints says
Wanted to write something but realized I couldn’t surpass the comments that are already here. Wow.
Steve Friedl says
Well if that’s how it works, I’m running a special on Incredible Commendations, only $250!
Just call 888-YO-MONEY and get yours today!
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ll take two!
I Yawnalot says
Trade you one for a 1959 wooden emeter case tastefully re-crafted into a kitty kat litter box. Being small the cat misses a lot but that’s half its charm and endless fun watching pooh pooh time, mmm?
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Pages from Dianetics line the bottom of bird cages worldwide.
mwesten says
You could give a gift to the 4th dynamic, Colin. Stop abusing people. Use the hoard that is int reserves to build schools, hospitals, shelters and soup kitchens. Do something. Make a real difference in people’s lives. You are out exchange with the 4th dynamic, Colin. Your tax-exempt “church” does nothing to help mankind. Handing out TWTH after a terror attack is not helpful. Offering free back rubs to disaster victims is not helpful. You have zero impact on literacy rates, drug use and recidivism. This is criminal exchange, Colin, and the 4th dynamic won’t tolerate it. Its gift to you will be revocation of your tax exempt status and being sued out of existence. Enjoy.
Old Surfer Dude says
Outstanding post! Very well done! The cult is all that and more…
I Yawnalot says
Straight to the point – good work!
Mark Granger says
How much will that incredible commendation be worth when they are trying to get you to disconnect from your declared family members?
LDW says
I wonder how long it will be before they issue a miscavige approved multi-level marketing fundraising scam. bring in $1,000. Dave gets 90% to build his real estate empire, the other 10% gets divided up to your downline.
Sue says
Desperate !!!
Overrun in California says
After all the parishioners donate all the $ they got and more for Ideal Orgs, there won’t be anything left for Scientology services. Is that no plain enough to see? Gee, I wonder why the buildings are so empty? And if it’s so important to get Scientology out there, then perhaps make it a bit more affordable. Christ, even rich folks can’t afford it. If you want to clear Beverly Hills….maybe. A planet? ……Idiots.
Aquamarine says
Overrun, immediately after reading your comment above I got a flash:
Scientology will go out the way Enron went out. No warning. False PR up until the very last. Up until the last, nearly everyone believing the company was doing very well. Only a select few in the know as to the real scene. And then, poof!
Everyone else shocked, dismayed, confused “…how could this be?…we thought…we were told…etc. etc. etc”.
I now have this picture regards the cult’s demise.
scientology411 says
An incredible commendation? I’m sold!
Old Surfer Dude says
Pssssstttt…Hey! Ya you. A commendation? Forget about it! I got a bridge I can sell you!
(Balletlady) says
At least the paper “commendation” can be used for TOILET PAPER when they run out…..the bridge….well… know the answer to that
Skinny Vinnys Mom says
Yawn–don’t the members ever get donation fatigue? If everything is urgent, then nothing is urgent. The pleas for money (money grab) are so frequent and consistent, I would think people would become immune or tone deaf to these campaigns.
Gimpy says
Yes they do, towards the end of my involvement the donations had tailed off to a few hundred $ rather than 10’s of thousands as they used to be, people, me especially, stopped coming when we knew there was fund raising involved, as this became standard at pretty much every event I just stopped going to any of them.
outandabout says
We!!, at least you get a commendation for your file!
Cindy says
I had a lot of commendations in my file. It didn’t stop them from lying to my kids in order to make them disconnect from me.
thegman77 says
The commendation, however, is removed from your folder should you break ANY rules, including any yet to be written. Just as Miscavige “took back” someone’s Freedom Medal. Publicly!
Cindy says
Thegman, I didn’t know that DM took back someone’s Freedom Medal publicly. Wow, when did this take place? Who was it that he took back from? Details please.
gtsix says
Augie Pinto is the only person who ever had his medal taken away, by Captain Miscavige personally in the lobby of the hotel in Lausanne.
Old Surfer Dude says
I know, huh! My file was thrilled to get a commendation! My file will now be put back into the filing cabinet.
bixntram says
Unbelievalbly brazen: selling indulgences to buy your way into space opera eternity. So what do these publics think when they get asked for $500 and hear all the “fantastic news” about all the new org buildings going up? Silly question: they don’t think. Amazing that someone could be so disconnected from reality, but at this point I shouldn’t be surprised.
Mrs. B says
Selling indulgences with more than a soupçon of pressure tactics … Putting “Zee Fear” of DM into the sheep.
Aquamarine says
“Zee Fear”. I can hardly believe this is someone’s real name. I don’t even want to know if its a man or a woman. Let’s keep it an it.
dungeon master says
‘an incredible commendation for your file.’ For $500. Hmmm. I’ll have to think about that! (Ha!)
Interested Party says
But Colin… with all the incredible expansion we’re experiencing thanks to the SPs why is there any need to donate anything more than $5? Surely all the new members are taking up at least that much slack?
Old Surfer Dude says
Five dollars! You were going to give away $5! As a cheap Scotsman, I wouldn’t give away 2 cents. Aarrrrrggggggg. ”Tis good to be a Celt!
Spike says
The org is a bizarro version of its former self.
Spike says
In the 70’s, I was never aware of any fund-raising at any event, and I went to all of them, for several years, in Toronto and LA.
Jonathan Mark says
Is the commendation to protect Scios from Ethics investigations?
thegman77 says
Not on your life! As I mentioned earlier, they can delete it from your file as quickly as they put it in. No return of your funds, however.
rectalBT says
Well you can’t just have your auditors, course supervisors and case supervisors sitting idle.
Old Surfer Dude says
Sure you can! I’ve seen them playing cards all the time. I mean, there’s not much else to do.
I Yawnalot says
Drinking coffee passes the time too, but looking busy when you’re not is an essential skill much employed by the staff Scientologist. There’s no checksheet on it but it’s learnt with lightning speed!
omegapaladin says
Good Lord.
It’s like a bunch of aggressive hobo panhandlers getting in your face.
Old Surfer Dude says
And you better pay up…
Robert Almblad says
When “all hands” are instructed to get more money NOW, NOW, NOW from the current members, this is a sure sign they are imploding on themselves. . The general public discovered that Scientology was a destructive cult (thanks to so many people speaking up, despite personal danger), and so now they suck the life out of the remaining members inside. Poor devils. It’s a good time to be free of this horrible organization that destroys families, preys on children and lacks any moral compass what-so-ever.. Just saying…
Aquamarine says
Yes, they know there’s no more “food” (new people coming in) and they’re going to die so they’re in cannibal mode now. Gruesome, when you contemplate it. They’re eating their own. So glad I’m not there. Can’t say it enough.
A diamond says
Lmao. This ought to get more members running away! Great job Co$. KAW – Keep Aftermath Working
Old Surfer Dude says
Keep Aftermath Working. Best slogan I’ve heard in a long, long time!
Nicely done, A diamond!
A diamond says
**Bowing…..Tks Old Surfer Dude. Been saying it for awhile now. I’m proud of it. Hope it catches on.
Ms. B. Haven says
“Anything over 500 gets an incredible commendation for your file.”
I guess that anything less than 500 gets you just a plain ol’ commendation for your file. Either that or a trip to ‘ethics’ to sort out why all the counter intention. Sec checks at your expense of course.
Idle Morgue says
I had a shit ton of “commendations” in my files due to GIVING DONATIONS to ScienDollatry’s various front groups that actually fund David Miscavige’s war chest so he can HIDE the crimes ScienDollatry has been doing since its inception.
They did not do me any good when I finally ASKED to see WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO?
That got me a Non-Enturbulation Order issued.
I was SUPPRESSED by the Science of Suppressing Scientologist’s from knowing the truth about the Criminal Cult called $cientology.
Harpoona Frittata says
“They did not do me any good when I finally ASKED to see WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? ”
Love to hear the full story of your “Waking up to the reality of being in a cult” moment sometime!
Imagine that, a bonafide charitable religious organization sanctioning one of its own long-time supporting members merely for asking for an accounting…such faux heresy against the One True Faith, whose motto really should be, “Your money or your Eternity!”
Old Surfer Dude says
You can’t buy nothin’ with commendations.
Newcomer says
Anything over 500 gets you an incredible commendation ……………… that has an expiry date of ten minutes or until you are out of the parking lot.
Anything under 500 gets you a KR (and a ‘loser’ status in the cult whisper campaign) ………… that never expires.
Any upset or zero dono gets you a sec check ……….. that will cost you a bundle and go on forever! Plus, all of your cult friends will know that you cannot seem to make anything go right; I mean it’s a lousy 500 stinkin bucks for christs sake. Do it!
Yo Dave,
Nice work. You have those still-ins by the short and curlies good buddy. Most of your public financial slaves will choose to make the over 500 dono because it is cheaper than the sec check and less painful than having to deal with Julian Schwartzenegger and be terminated from seeing your family and friends.
What a wonderful and lovely Cult you have created Dave. But make no mistake, Your trajectory is down, down, down and …………………. ‘thump’.
Oh yea, one more thing before I forget Dave, don’t forget to tune in to the A& E series coming up this Fall. That ought to jack Your TA! So whaddyagonnado Dave?
Old Surfer Dude says
And here I thought the expiry date was 5 seconds.
Shirley Hubbert says
Any info yet on when Season 2. Will start ??
Old Surfer Dude says
“Anything over $500 gets an incredible commendation for your file.”
Boy oh boy! Is my file going to be happy or what!
Badafuco says
My file has been sitting idle in Ventura and Santa Barbara for over 15 years. Perhaps it needs some cheering up. Wait, no, I can cheer myself up and get much better commendations for $500 bucks. Off to the dispensary I go!
Old Surfer Dude says
Bring me back something nice…
Badafuco says
Are you in So Cal by chance?
Old Surfer Dude says
Yep! Huntington Beach.
Glenn says
Oh sign me up! I need more commendations in “my file” so maybe I can finally begin a service I paid thousands of dollars for and have been trying to get “qualified” for for many years. Ah, now I get it. I can’t actually get the service I paid for unless and until I fork over more dough. The further I fall down the rabbit hole the darker it gets.
Old Surfer Dude says
I hereby bestow on you…unlimited commendations! Congrats, Glenn!
Glenn says
Wow! And that didn’t cost me a cent! Thanks OSD.
Shelley Taylor Wilcome Trinh says
You’re making a difference Mike you and Leah and all the others, they’re getting so desperate COB is WIGGIN LOL
Aquamarine says
I agree. Its all the cult can do so they’re ramping it up to ultra high speed to get every last dime possible out of anyone anywhere before they go under.
Sarita Shoemaker says
Yeah. This is a religion. How many ways do they need to prove OTHERWISE before authorities step in and change things?? They get away with EVERYTHING it’s disgusting.
john johnson says
Makes sense: No income = game over and Miscavige will have to hop a plane to a country without US extradition.
Joe Pendleton says
I say that a sheet of toilet paper is ten billion times more valuable than a commendation in your “file.” ( even if it’s an INCREDIBLE commendation , and really … very few if them ARE at all credible)
Wynski says
Every time I read one of these I hear the Benny Hill show theme music followed by a crashing sound.
It would de funny except people are being harmed.
Old Surfer Dude says
(Hot chick). “I always give tit for tat.”
(Benny Hill) “Tat.”
Aquamarine says
OSD, from “When You’re Good To Mama” in “Chicago”
They say that life is tit for tat
And that’s the way I live,
‘Cause I deserve a lotta tat
For what I’ve got to give.
Not referring to myself here. I actually don’t deserve a lot of tat 🙂
Wynski says
MrsShark says
Wow As the cult gets more desperate, it’s not surprising that every member including non-SO will be forced to give every last dime. This ship is sinking fast. Thank G-d