Tonight we have the first “Listener Q & A” episode.
I will post the link as soon as its available.
We asked you for questions and you came through! Many more than we could possibly answer in a single episode. So, we will no doubt do more of these.
Your question may have made the list this week. We covered a broad range of topics, from scientologists coming back after death, to the 411 on Leah’s fingernails.
A couple of things I mentioned that we would put up on the website (and here)…
The reference concerning how pc folders are kept for future lifetimes.
The scientology steps for returning to good standing after being declared a Suppressive Person — “A – E”.
This is the taken from the original Hubbard Policy Letter of 23 December 1965 entitled: SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS THE FAIR GAME LAW. The policy has subsequently been revised to delate reference to Fair Game, but the steps “A – E” remain the same.
If a person or a group that has committed a Suppressive Act comes to his, her or their senses and recants, the HCO Secretary:
A. Tells the person or group to stop committing present time overts and to cease all attacks and suppressions so he, she or they can get a case gain;
B. Requires a public announcement to the effect that they realize their actions were ignorant and unfounded and stating where possible the influences or motivations which caused them to attempt to suppress or attack Scientology; gets it signed before witnesses and published broadly, particularly to persons directly influenced or formerly associated with the former offender or offenders. The letter should be calculated to expose any conspiracy to suppress Scientology or the preclear or Scientologist if such existed;
B(1). Requires that all debts owed to Scientology organizations are paid off;
C. Requires training beginning at HAS at their expense if Division 4 (Training and Processing) will have the person or the group members;
D. Makes a note of the matter with copies of the statement and files in the Ethics files;
E. Informs the Chairman at Saint Hill and forwards a duplicate of the original copy which shows signatures.
Any Potential Trouble Source owing money to any Scientology organization is handled the same as any other Scientologist. Failure to discharge a financial obligation becomes a civil Ethics matter after normal, within-org avenues of collection have been exhausted.
Any PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from the SP who is making him or her a PTS is, by failing to do so, guilty of a Suppressive Act. Civil Court action against SPs to effect collection of monies owed may be resorted to, as they are Fair Game.
Until a Suppressive Person or Group is absolved, but not during the period when the person requests and has a Committee of Evidence, or an amnesty occurs, no Scientology Ethics other than this HCO Policy Letter applies to such persons, no Committee of Evidence may be called to punish any Scientologist or person for any offenses of any kind against the Suppressive Person except to establish in cases of real dispute whether or not the person was suppressing either Scientology or the Scientologist.
The homes, property, places and abodes of persons who have been active in attempting to suppress Scientology or Scientologists are all beyond any protection of Scientology Ethics, unless absolved by later Ethics or an amnesty.
I have never heard an accurate description on these shows about the actual truth of how children are raised in Scientology. There are many ways, but only the SO version is ever described. It’s wrongly described to apply to all Scios.
This recent podcast’s description again does a disservice to those poor bastards still IN who can’t see their way out. Because it doesn’t describe truth. It won’t help them out.
After 40 years in, working in almost all areas of scn, Able, Narconon, APS, six Class V orgs as public or staff, O/O training in LA and Flag, years at Flag, ASHO, AO, years in LA, and East Coast, I have seen all manner of attitude and raising of children.
Hubbard gives conflicting information as usual. Hence, there is a plethora of writings that people do follow to “love and help children” and recognize that they are to be treated as people. There are many scios who sacrifice to teach and raise children with love and interest in their hearts and shown to the children. Children with Christmas’s and birthday and parties and outings and camping and and bedtime stories.
YAH, in the SO and in some AssHat families, maybe that meant the kids were writing OWs at 6 and pulling all nighters in your family boiler room, But within the hundreds of scio families I’ve known, most bore more similarity to normal wog family life than what is EVER EVER spoken of in these shows
Some people have regular jobs, make money, go on course, kids go to wog school, and go to college.
The children of Class V org staff all can lead very different lives depending upon the their situation. Many staff children do not have nice childhoods, are put onto course and are “volunteering” in CF and stuff after school, weekends, being groomed for staff. Or taken care of by low level, often NEW staff, bad babysitters, awful situations. I know dozens of those who have grown up and are in the SO or trapped on CLV staff.
SO children: that’s known about. Abuse and neglect. All those stories, those of the ranch schools, all that stuff is the bottom barrel of truth awfulness.
My main bitch is the way I seem to keep hearing on these shows how we all just abandon our children to be raised by the cherch.
That’s bullshit.
In the Non Celeb public world of orgs, and staff of groups and missions all over, you do us a huge disservice with these sweeping statements.
we fucking loved our kids and did a lot for them while altruistically working our asses off, sacrificing everything , saving the planet,
BAck off that and get some other info.
I hate what the cult did to my life and family. But I was not a monster parent, thank you very much.
This is not my theory but one that you could consider discussing in a next “listener questions” episode.
On Reddit recently people were speculating on Shelly Miscavages whereabouts and someone suggested that she may be raising the new LRH reincarnation. Perhaps due to her high status and maternal nature she was tasked with the duty of raising LRH in his new form until he is ready to reprise his role. This would explain both his “lateness” and the sudden nature of Shelly’s disappearance but why authorities think she’s fine.
As I said, this is not my theory but might be worth discussion – the poster who wrote it said “it might be bat shit crazy, but so is Scientology – so who knows?”
Keep up the great work.
This was a great podcast!
I missed asking a question.
Here’s one for the next questions episode: Has anyone ever filed a report with Adult Protective Services for any missing member/loved one?
I finally listened to it this morning. Very informative and sometimes funny pod cast. The part about what it takes for someone to leave the cult was interesting. Asking questions or beginning to question privately just made so much sense.
Hi Guys. Thoroughly enjoyed this last podcast – just one thing, the sound, at times it’s great, like you’re talking into the mic, other times, it’s like you’re across the room (probably just leaning back or turning your mouth away from the mic). I was listening in the car and either had sound on high or was jabbing the button to lower the volume. Are you able to see what happened?
I listened to one of you’re recent episodes of fair game where you had marc vicente from nxivm, and wondered if you guys have watched the series of nxivm on hbo max and if so can you compare the manerism of both cult leaders. I kept wondering while watching the show and listening to you’re podcast if they had any similarities regarding the way they communicate with their parishioners? Thanks 😊
It seems to me that whether you’re doing A-E or not doing A-E, you’re always doing A-E while you’re in the cult. It’s just that the subjugation process goes by many other names such as sec checks, knowledge reports, repairs, auditing, etc.
Get cracking! That prison of belief doesn’t build itself.
O/T. Scientology adds to its majority on the Clearwater Downtown Development Board.
Tampa Bay Times: Scientology adds to its majority on this Clearwater downtown board
The Downtown Development board has little authority. But its makeup changed at the same time companies tied to Scientology bought more downtown property.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
CLEARWATER — Members of the Church of Scientology further increased their representation on an advisory board aimed at revitalizing downtown by winning seats in the third election in recent years.
Real estate agents Terri Novitsky and Ray Cassano, an incumbent, were the top two vote getters in the four-way race last week for two open seats on the volunteer Downtown Development Board. When Novitsky takes office in January, the number of officials who are also Scientology parishioners will increase from four to five on the seven-member board.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
@ ISNOInews,
Yes, well, as they say, the fix is in.
Ray Cassano, Realtor “Emeritus” of Clearwater.
Cult Realtor for the past 42 years, helping his fellow Scientologists buy high and sell low.
This might be O/T, but those pictures of you guys on this page are great: Full of light and friendliness. Leah is particularly radiant.
Mike, sounds like Leah cut you off before you got to fully explain the Scientology Cross. Though I agree with her, it’s BS of the highest order, but the real story is pretty funny.
The short spikes are the four “thetan” dynamics: Life, Matter/energy/space/time, the Spirit, Infinity. The big legs are Self, Sex (or Creativity for those too decrepit to have Sex like the latter-day Hubbard), Groups, Mankind. We can be forgiven for speculating that the longer leg extending down is for the Second Dynamic, though the suggestion is pretty sexist. No actual explanation is given for the asymmetry. You’d find that kind of thing on the Minister’s Course.
Of course that’s all horseshit, in one of the tapes Hubbard admits that he copied the cross from a Spanish Colonial mission he saw somewhere in the southwest. Purely adopted to add some credence to his religious fakery so he could avoid the IRS.
The Christian symbol of the Cross is supposed to remind one that Christ died on the cross for your sins. Whether you believe in it, or reject it, or don’t pay much attention it is still pretty obvious as a symbol. The same could be said for the Star Of David and other religious symbols.
Only the Scientology Cross is pure fakery intended to convey a meaning that doesn’t actually exist. It probably made perfect sense to Hubbard, fits right in with the therapy he stole from Korzybski, tone scale he stole from Mathison, birth trauma and the concept of the Bridge he stole from Crowley, past lives he stole from Dr. Ian Stevenson and so on. Why not steal a few ministerial vestments and symbols while you’re at it?
Great post, Bruce.
Sometimes I wish Leah would listen to Mike a bit more; she cut him of to say what he had just said while he was trying to make a point about the real answer vs the party line…
That last part there mentioning Fair Game and going to former member’s houses, that is evidence of organized crime activity. Going to their houses to Fair Game them and collect missing money owed?! That sounds like a mafia tactic, which would explain why five high-ranking Scientologists went to jail for these types of tactics back in the 70s.
What is the Church of Scientology really up to that it writes up these policies that if followed would be committing crimes (i.e. trespassing at the least and implies much worse)?
Would be nice if Suri, when she is of legal age, decides to speak out:
“Dad, where were you? Why do you choose the COS over me?”
She’s 14 now, so it’ll take 4 more years I guess?
Also, her mother may have signed some confidentiality agreement, but she hasn’t.
Always enjoying this moment with you guys. A lot of good informations.
If hubbard should come back, I am pretty sure that DM wouldn’t lose a tenth of a second to hang him on the 8 pointed cross.
By the way Mike and Leah, are you aware that this podcast isn’t just heard in the States or some English-speaking countries but also in Italy, Scandinavia, Holland etc, etc,? And this is only for people that I am in contact with. You have gone global guys!
Ha! If Hubbard in another body tried to come back to the Sea Org and the Dwarf was sure that it was Ron for real, he’d have him in the RPF as soon as the ink was dry on his billion year contract.
Aqua. Laughing. Yeah, the buried forever in some hidden facility, doing the worst jobs he could get.
No mercy.
Podcast heard in the Philippines also so really gone global
David this is great! Really global.
I just saw that the cult now has some ‘going global’ campaign happening. Well what do you see? Just some Albanian guys or kids from Kenya with WTH booklets. What an impact. Something that tonight is already forgotten.
Only to be used for some event and to ask for donations.
I love that Aussie term “Crim”, keep it up and try not to be come completely American.
My theory on the trigger that makes one start to question there beliefs. It is there soul. Something your inner self can not make you believe. Your inner self can not repackage it to fit the truth, the real, the acceptable format. In my world it is called “trust in your gut feeling”. It is at that point that one starts to question and needs something called proof. You will go looking for your own answer.
I just read a news release that said Danny Masterson failed to get his rape charges dismissed and must go to trial on Nov. 2 (which is the day before the US Presidential election).
Please excuse me if this news was announced in this blog. I never saw it. Here is a link:
I am happy at this news regardless. I just wonder what it would take or how it could be arranged to send the DwarfenPipsqueak to trial for all of his many crimes.
Hello Again,
I am doing some checking and I was wondering if I found someone who believed that they had been the Duke of Chug in a past life, would you and Leah want to talk to them to see what information they could impart? Also would love to hear about Captain Bill Robertson and David Mayo. Especially how they could justify to themselves forming Independent Scientology groups when according to the KSW policy you are not supposed to do that.
A-E is a truly stunning read. It pulls no punches when it comes to threatening wayward cultists that “anything” can happen to them if they fail to comply. They will simply cease falling under the protection of the cult don . Protection from the cult, that is. “Apostates” can expect adverse action of any kind imaginable.
Also, it puts the lie to the frequently dispensed claim by cult apologists that disconnection is a voluntary act that scientologists may engage in at their own discretion. As Hubbard spells out clearly, it’s not! Don’t expect to remain in good standing (with all consequences) unless you disconnect as ordered.
It makes it clear that nothing but complete and unconditional submission to organization and ideology will do. This includes snitching on anyone who may also not be in complete and unconditional submission (or is suspected).
Other than that, no topic gets more billing than the sacrament of turning over all of your money to the cult.
B(1) and C go on about it. E does so a grand total of three times. Lest one forget the top priority of this “religion.”
So the wayward get to choose between paying up or facing none too subtle threats against their “homes, property, places and abodes.” How did such a protection racket ever gain tax exemption for their extorted gains?
As many on this site know, I was a Class XII case supervisor literally looking over 100s of 1000s of cases for years and years and I am going to reveal the following:
In the case histories that came across my desk::::
2000 + said they were Jesus Christ in an earlier life.
500 or so said they were Julius Cesar and ran the assassination in the session
250 said they were Napoleon in former life
100+ said they were Henry the 8th ordering all those executions in the Tower of London.
At least 250 pcs said they were Cleopatra….
Etc etc etc.
A case supervisor really gets a broad spectrum view of all of this….
Past Life memories and identities. 🙂
May I guess how many of the following the Dwarfenfuhrer said he used to be?
Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the Terrible, Ivan the Horrible, Ivan the Awful, Ivan the Baby Killer, Ivan the Misunderstood.
You forgot Ivan YSCOHB.
For anyone who would like to know what the acronym “YSCOHB” means, I will provide a partial expansion and I hope you will be able to figure out the missing word(s).
Common Translation – YSCOHB – You Suck Co*& on Hollywood Boulevard (in front of the great big empty cult building).
Literal Letter-Based Translation – YSCOHB – Why is it that C-Nile Old Folks from the Hole are B-ing starved to death?
LOL Skyler LOL.
His mother Loretta RIP did call him “Little Hitler”
He had a violent streak from early on.
Karen de la Carriere said, “His mother Loretta RIP did call him “Little Hitler”.
“Little”? That strikes me as an inappropriate positive adjective.
Instead of “little”, I would say, “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Poopy-Head.”
It comes from the well-known childhood poem called, “Itsy Bitsy Spider” which goes like this.
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
I tried to rewrite this poem to suit the DwarvenSquirt. But I quickly realized the difference between myself and Scribe was a fundamental lack of talent. (meaning I just don’t have any talent for writing like Scribe can write). So I decided to just abandon this project before I made it clear just how foolish I truly am.
I have given Karen de la Carriere’s post a little more thought and I have decided that this blog really deserves to have its own theme song. I may well be mistaken and no one else may be interested in a theme song. But I thought I would propose maybe we could have a contest to take some existing poem or children’s song and convert it into our very own theme song.
I will propose maybe trying to modify the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” nursery rhyme. The original version goes like this:
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
Here is my first proposal for the Mike Rinder Blog’s theme song:
The itsy bitsy Fuhrer climbed up the waterspout.
He tried to escape the Feds who wanted to lock him out.
Out came the Feds and turned on the heat.
And the itsy bitsy Fuhrer was all alone in the pen with no one left to cheat.
I’m quite certain that many people here are far more talented than I am and I would invite anyone who may be interested to submit their own version.
Wait a minute! I was Julius Caesar.
Karen thanks for sharing these informations. Wow. Basically for what I can understand all of them runned that same episodes and each one of these hundreds got reads on the meter. Unbelievable.
Yes and then they get the pleasure of finding out those past life identities were not real when they do OT VIII. They find out they are just themselves without any or many past life identities, which is where they were before they got into Scn — it came full circle. If you can just avoid joining the cult in the first place, you’ll save yourself a lot of money and heartache.
Cindy very well said. I have found meditation (like zen) more effective (and no costs) and the result is that you know to be simply consciousness in a continuous present.
ALL the rest is just mind stuff. Who I was? What I did? Why this happens to me? Mind crap
OT 8 isn’t even closer as a such realization or result. It keeps talking about being a thetan that hasn’t yet reached the final destination. But it could become a long talk. Do well.
Thank you.
It is more complicated than that.
Not all ran the same episodes.
Some admitted they had seen those scenes in a movie and were running that.
Others felt they were running an earlier Julius Caesar than some 2044 years ago down the far track and so on.
Hubbard himself named several celebrity past lives such as Cecil Rhodes and past life military heroes.
Karen thanks a lot, I perfectly understand.
And let’s not forget that in all his humility LRH said he was the Buddha or Mettreya in another lifetime. Even wrote a musical poem about it.
This all makes me feel very inadequate … My own past life claim to fame was when I was Morty Schlababowitz and won the numbers racket TWO days in a freaking row in 1921 when I was living on Mott St., like what are the odds?, cleared $600, no small amount in the Roaring Twenties …
All kidding aside,a VERY famous Class 8, iconic Scientologist in the SF Bay Area claimed he was Jack London and even met with one of London’s daughters (she must have been around 90 at the time ). Not gonna name him here (but it was not Drew Johnston by the way if anyone was wondering) …
But this scam will take anyone with some cash in their pocket or with the means to get some cash quickly. It doesn’t matter one bit who they used to be or who they think they will become. If you have two nickels, you don’t even have to know how to put them together to get a dime. The Scam will take your two nickels and they will take your dime as well.
Just remember their creed, “Money, Money, Money, Take, Take, Take, Never Give, Never Give, Never Give.
That pretty well sums up this scam nicely.
I’d love to know how many OT8s have since “verified” they had actually been those figures.
Going up, Hub is quick to blame dub-in, BTs, et al., but I’d wager there are still a whole host of ppl at the top of the Bridge who have had it “confirmed” they were Christ.
Karen, did anybody ever say “I was Joe Schmo Scientologist” in a past life and get their folders unsealed?
Lots of folks I used to know say they were “cleared by Ron” or something but never anything specific like “I was Lt. Fred Smith at Oak Knoll hospital and got some sessions in the gardens”. Anything traceable or provable.
Greetings Bruce.
I experienced studying pc folders where although the pc had never mentioned they had done any form of SCN or DNs previously, came forward to say they were “a past life clear.”
No specific last life names.
Hi Karen, did you come across anyone claiming to be a former BT? What type of auditing did they then get, if so?
Oh my gosh! Bruce! That is totally amazing!
I have never told anyone this before and please do not tell anyone because it is a big secret. But I feel like I now must tell you that I was indeed once “Joe Schmo Scamatologist” in a previous life and Xenu once told me that I would become “Joe Schmo Jr. Scamologist” in a future life as well! I am now just sitting and waiting on needles and pins until the day arrives when I will drop this body and pickup a new one (hopefully, I will pick up one that looks like Jennifer Lopez). But, all kidding aside, I must tell you all a very important message that I got from Xenu and he wants me to give this message to all of y’alls.
Xenu is enormously pissed off and he wants us all to know that his name is spelled “Zenu” and not “Xenu” and every time that we misspell his name, he gets terrible pains – as if there were needles and pins being stuck into his body.
Also, he wants us all to know that it is not needles and pins. But instead, it is pins and needles and he wants us all to know that he thinks we all are a bunch of dummies because we cannot spell hardly any words at all and he thinks it is terribly shameful to blame our inability to spell on Tubby because we should be able to use the wonderful tech he taught us to open dictionaries from a seated position (remotely) and look up the keerect spelling of any word at all. After all, Tubby could forsee COVID coming and he knew we would all be doing shit remotely.
Zenu’s message to all of us is, “Shame on Y’all! Fer shame! Fer shame! Fer shame! Stop blaming Tubby for all the problems with the tech. After all, he did the bezt that he cud do and the rezt of it is all on us – not Tubby! So, as Valerie Haney would say, “Knock it off! Get with it!”
By the way, what are the chances we could get Valerie to participate in a future podcast? I think Valerie is terribly under used and she could be a great spokesperson for the cause of crushing this scam. I would like to ask the question in a future Q&A podcast, “Could we please get more Valerie? Please? “
Karen, what did case supervisors make of those supposed past lives where everyone imagined the same historical figures, essentially in proportion to their fame in our culture? Did it leave any of them doubting the validity and legitimacy of what was going on?
I don’t know if you caught the recent discussion about reincarnation theories where I cited your reporting of hallways at Flag full of Jesuses, but it’s a really helpful data point from within Scientology – thanks. The problem with subjects, particularly in hypnosis or regression, identifying with the same famous figures, was known before Hubbard’s time. Modern research has demonstrated that it’s part of the imaginitive and subconscious workings of the mind also at play in out-and-out false memory syndrome, and I think it pretty conclusively debunks at least Scientology’s approach and most or all of the supposed memories elicited (including prenatal ones).
Peacemaker thank you.
It is very strictly forbidden to discuss “CASE”
This means anything you said or experienced in an auditing session can be spoken about to anyone even spouses.
Strict ethics penalities ensue if violated.
No case discussion is permitted.
WINS can be shared.
Therefore no one knew others said they were that very same identity.
ONLY Case Supervisors reading case history after case history would know.
Above should read:
This means anything you said or experienced in an auditing session CANNOT be spoken about to anyone even spouses.
I know two people who claimed to have been Shakespeare in another LT. And one wrote a long poem in iambic pentameter to prove it. It was dueling pens. They both knew the other one claimed to be Shakespeare just like the one had because both were on the BC and pc folders were passed around and looked at by all the BC student auditors.
I know. That’s one of the things that always makes me chuckle about all the New Agers (including scientology’s ideology) who are into reincarnation: Since the vast majority of people are, and have always been, every(wo)men you would expect people’s reincarnation history to be equally ordinary. And yet, the fact that so many claim these glamorous previous lives makes it readily apparent that we are dealing with fantasy wish fulfillment here. No one ever claims that they were a grocery bagger, Walmart greeter or meter maid (no offense to any of these meant) in a previous life…
Plus, what does it say about your cosmic soul journey to have been all these extraordinary things and had all these stupendous learning experiences previously and wind up reincarnated as a scientologist, stuck in a cult? Sounds a bit like a Kafka story where a man goes to sleep and wakes up as a beetle…
With so many being the same person in previous life recollection would that not dissolve the belief of previous life. Or does the church think that if they continue to ask , some day someone will come up with real name real person.
It would be interesting to find out the personalities of those people who picked from famous history. Were they brutes and bully types who chose the powerful famous from the past. What did the submissive pick?
Also what does the church think about DNA testing?
O/T. Scientologist Robert Duggan Among Billionaires Who Made Six-Figure Donations To Committees Supporting Donald Trump Since July.
Forbes: At Least 23 Billionaires Made Six-Figure Donations To Committees Supporting Donald Trump Since July
* * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Other recent donors include Bass Pro Shops founder Johnny Morris, who gave $200,000, pharma CEO Robert Duggan ($200,000) and hedge fund pioneer Julian Robertson ($100,000). Morris supported Trump in 2016, but Duggan and Robertson made their first contributions in August and September, respectively. Robertson gave to Tom Steyer before the Democratic primaries.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
What’s your point?
Most of the scientologists I knew are for Trump. I still get their emails. Perhaps that is his point. Most scientologists are Trump supporters. Have you observed that Scribe?
Well, my point is neither anti-Trump nor pro-Trump. I would post precisely the same thing if the contribution had been made to the Biden campaign.
I believe it is significant when a Scientologist is politically active. I believe it is even more significant when a Scientologist billionaire is politically active.
As I said when Trish Duggan contributed more than $4 million to the Trump campaign, the importance of these donations is not just how much is donated, but also what it portends for the future.
Republicans could reasonably think, “If between them they have already donated more than $4 million to Trump, and they donated $360 million to Scientology, how much might they donate to our candidates in the future?”
Will any Republican in Washington take on or antagonize Scientology if it means pissing off the Duggans and causing them to stop making political contributions to Republicans?
And again, I would ask precisely the same question if the contributions had been made to the Biden campaign. My concern is non-partisan. It is solely about the political influence of Scientology generally, regardless of party. For example, I furiously tweeted and posted the story (including here) about Biden VP hopeful Karen Bass having spoken at the Inglewood Org opening and praising Scientology front-groups six months before the story “broke” on the Daily Caller.
I don’t see how any candidate will be swayed one way or the other by the support of some rich Scientologists. Scientology is small potatoes as far as that goes, but I get your point.
Robert Duggan and Trish Duggan are both Scientologists. (They are now divorced.) Since July 14, 2020, little more than three months ago, they have collectively given a total of $4,834,600 to the Trump campaign, the Republican party and Republican political action committees:
Politico noted that this made Trish Duggan a leading Trunp donor. Robert Duggan is the 178th wealthiest person in the US, and has stated that he planned to contribute more to Trump in the closing weeks of the campaign.
I don’t see how this makes them “small potatoes.”
Small in the sense that I don’t see Donald Trump being swayed from the course he’s on just because someone gave millions to his campaign.
In any event, it’s probably not a good idea to make this forum a political debate.
I agree with Scribe. There’s no real political upside for any politician taking on Scientology. There simp!y aren’t enough people who REALLY care about this issue. But do I think a huge political contribution might even further dissuade a political party from getting involved? Yeah, probably.
They said I could do A-E if I came to my senses … But I decided to do A-J instead … Seemed like more fun …
I did A-Z as I didn’t want to be non-inclusive.
The only problem with the phrase “come to your senses” is that when you do, you will leave Scientology.
I did A-E, got undeclared and got back in “good standing” (ha). In hindsight, I realized that it was all part of Scientology’s elaborate mind control system, and that the entire Bridge is a convulted, endless loop to entrap people.
So long Ron.
I would love for you both to talk about the Duke of Chug and also go over just how did Miscavige succeed in getting rid of Pat & Annie Broker.
Troubled Thetan – love your handle. LOLOLOL – Spit coffee on computer screen “Duke of Chug”.
Very clever and funny. Thanks for making me laugh.
Thanks for the compliments. What’s funny is that the Duke of Chug was mentioned in some of LRH’s Advices in the early 80’s. Hubbard had a division of the Church of Scientology created called INCOMM (International Network of Computer Organized Management). In these “Advices” Hubbard talked about a planet called Chug. On this planet millions of years ago the Duke of Chug who ruled the planet, was embezzling taxpayer money. So the computer that ran the planet Chug, arraigned for the Duke to be executed. After that the story goes that everything was all good on Chug. Hubbard then wanted a computer created to run all of Scientology. So far it hasn’t worked. Only a handful of people have seen the Chug Advices. Here are some links to more information:
Hubbard Policy Letter Establishing INCOMM:
Robert Vaughn Young on INCOMM:
Chris Shelton’s Video on INCOMM:
Karen De LaCarrie’s Video on the Duke Of Chug:
Robert Vaughn Young on the Chug Advices:
I am obsessed with you and Leah, the show, the podcast and everything scientology! Even after everything I have seen and read…I still get so shocked at the shit the cult pulls.
Question…What are your thoughts on “My Scientology Movie”…it was kind of odd. The only thing that fascinated me was Marty Rathbun.
He was clearly unstable through the whole movie and wondered if he talked to you about this and if you were involved indirectly…(as a sounding board).?
You guys RULE!!!
Keep up the FIGHT!!!!
I thought the same about Marty but particularly at the end when Louis pushed him on his deeds when in the cult.
In the third red box: a misspelled word by the great El Con:
I assume that “pes” is supposed to be “pcs” but what does this never-in know?
This is horribly out-source, out-policy, and out-tech and may be the cause of so much out-int.
Sounds like to be forgiven:
YOU think you’re a big shot, huh? Think you can get away with bad mouthing us? YOU will be SORRY you ever left. We will make your life pure HELL on EARTH. Did you ever hear of DISCONNECTION…??…Yeah, that right asshole, we will keep your entire FAMILY & FRIENDS from you forever. You will NEVER see or hear from them again…we will follow you, harass you night and day, spread rumors about you, stand outside your house with signs & drive you off the…..blah blah blah……..
Of course…on the OTHER HAND….IF you AGREE to walk through fire, crawl over broken glass, take 50 lashes, get tazed 50 times, be hung by your thumbs,be in “the hole for six months then eat SHIT & drink PISS………hmmm we MIGHT just forgive for…..BUT…..
No thanks after re-consideration….. I’ll pass after all…..I’d rather listen to MIKE & LEAH……
With oceans of hate,
your former idiot OT….
After reading your post, I have decided that you are most definitely a lady after my own heart.
Fuck the scam and fuck the DwarfenSquirt.
I am happy you found LIFE outside the realm of the bubble of mind control & financial drain to escape what’s been drilled into you for years.
When we watched ALL the Aftermath series, read the books, seen & heard the TV documentaries & newspaper articles….time & time again, each time we viewed or read something a second or third time, we LEARNED something new & understood it even more fully.
As we sit here & think about Mike & the rest of the vast number of people who stopped drinking the Kool Aid, removed the rose colored glasses & actually SAW & UNDERSTOOD what this is all about. It was their/your OWN personal wake up call as to the reality of rethinking and considering “THIS can’t be ALL that’s available to ME?”.
CRITICAL THINKING….a CULT DOES NOT WANT YOU TO ACHIEVE THAT. Forbidden to view, read, listen to ANYTHING AGAINST their TENETS is a “serious offense”….because should you obtain THAT KIND of information, it might cause you to LEAVE & “they” can’t have that happen…a decline in membership & FINANICIAL DONATIONS is the DEATH KNELL to them…
The heartache of seeing Mike’s tears..still blaming himself because He “got them into this”….the burden of guilt he carries to this day & thetears over the disconnection by his eldest children……& the other former members REBUKED by their parents who now can’t have contact with their Grandkid… husband & I can’t imagine NEVER seeing or sharing a meal or day with our now adult children…let alone grandkids.
CUT OFF from your OWN loved ones as PUNISHMENT….Yes, that’s a control tactic many religions use to keep you in the fold…’s disgusting. How can one willingly walk away form a religion so ingrained & some from BIRTH….to CHOOSE freedom from OPPRESSION & FINANCIAL DRAIN…..having to leave one’s extended family to SAVE ONE’S SELF.
There “Mighty Mouth” is….alone….swigging his booze & not missing his wife SHELLEY….BTW WHERE IS SHE? I know if I were missing, my husband & family would move Heaven & Earth to FIND ME….he cares nothing about his OWN WIFE….he KNOWS where she is & how she is being treated because HE controls that.
I’ve said it before….YOU CAN’T SAVE SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO BE SAVED……tragically that’s how it goes……all too sad.
Hello Balletlady,
So nice to hear from you – like always. I was only in the bubble for 3 or 4 days. But even if I was a never in, Mike & Leah’s Aftermath show was a tremendous revelation and it was so valuable to me in many ways. It made me realize there are scams and slick conmen (and women) around every corner who have enough experience to cheat most anyone out of their life savings and even out of their lives.
To anyone who has never watched The Aftermath, I would like to recommend it is an excellent show to watch – no matter whether you have ever been in a cult or not. It will give you some excellent information to help you avoid being cheated by many different kinds of people in many different kinds of circumstances.
To Mike and Leah, I want to say thank you again for the terrific service they have done to the world. I know that I am greatfully grateful. Even gratefully grateful too!
All these rules and regulations made my head spin.On a lighter note,a quote from the black comedy,Office Space.”Hey,Peter,did you get the note I sent you about the new covers for your TPS reports?”Asked no less than half a dozen times by his superiors and co workers.
Considering how Flag stored PC folders in the middle of the Garage, I doubt that any past Flag crew or public could ever get further processing if that policy were ever followed and they completed A-E. Many of the folders were illegible and/or disintegrating back in the ’70s
Great. By the way on the web I looked for the Leah’s interview at Oz and I found also another one she did recently. Both times the host talked about your podcast. A big advertisement for you. So many more people to listen to you and be informed. Compliments.
Reading the past-life directives, I can easily see that Hubbard went obsessive to make sure he covered all the bases about finding the name and pc folders of the ‘returnees.’ He even makes the helpful tip to get them to at least identify which continent the were on.
I admit to being a tiny bit impressed. He truly shows the breadth of his sci-fi imagination, applied to impossible (but salable) ideas. How comforting to know I don’t have to pay again for courses completed, if only I can remember who I was, and what continent I lived on, in my past life!
Then along comes Miscavige, who makes Scilons run around the pole again and again. He doesn’t care if you did a course once, or twice, or three times already. I doubt if he gives a you-know-what about past lives, anyway.
Sheesh, the A to E. I won’t even touch that. It’s pure punishment, all about making people grovel in the most abusive manner. Again Hubbard ranges far and wide in his imagination, and invents practices that will make sure anyone undergoing them will be a beaten, subservient, and obedient member. Of course Hubbard doesn’t forget ‘his’ money – the steps also demand that “all debts owed to Scientology organizations are paid off.”
That is quite the picture of you sitting at your desk. You have a happy expression on your face that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. It is truly wonderful to see that. Congrats on your podcasts and all your other recent successes.
In one way, I find myself hoping The Scam never quite disappears entirely. It is just too much fun watching them make assholes of themselves without fail time after time.
But in another sense, if the DwarfenFuhrer ever got thrown into the Penitentiary where he belongs and the organization crumbled and died, that would be a huge burst of fun that would last for a long time.
Mr. Skyler. Lol. Please allow me:
The pleasure for something can be enjoyed as well while waiting it happens. Not just thinking when it will finally happen but being present while taking delight of this downfall in each current moment.
Very lovely post. Quite correct as well. I love all the moments when these fools say and do things that show the public just how ridiculous and foolish they are. Just as well is when they show the public how their greed is as insatiable as greed ever gets. I get a good laugh from that all the time.
Skyler that’s absolutely the correct way to go about it. Do well.
I look forward to the podcast!
The “Handling of past-life auditing” contains this excellent piece of advice, which could be applied very broadly across Dianetics and Scientology:
“It is out-tech and a violation of the Auditor’s Code to evaluate for a child or for anyone about their case, or to suggest possible past-life identities or case states achieved in a past life. It can confuse the thetan and can result in misconceptions or invalidation of true memories, and should simply not be done.”
The “tech” is full of examples of “evaluating” or suggesting possible past-life incidents, from horrendous womb depictions in Dianetics to every one’s favorite wall of fire OTIII. They tell you what to expect and then ask you to recall it.