We have another episode of listener questions this week.
I will add the link as soon as the episode is available.
The topics this week include: Why is scientology popular with dentists? What happened to Pat and Annie Broeker? And much more.
We mention a couple of items that I promise to include here and on the fairgamepodcast.com site.
The first is the “LRH Departure event” where David Miscavige, Pat Broeker and lawyer Earle Cooley spin the tall tale about the final days of L. Ron Hubbard.
The second is a list of recommended reading from Leah:
Here is a partial list of books that have helped me on my path to healing, It takes work to get on the road of healing your pain, but it is courageous and it is a step towards self-love and care
I hope you can take the first step for yourself.
Still so many mysteries in the cult. The more secrecy, the more control Miscavige has. The devil could learn a trick or two from him.
Is it wrong to be thoroughly entertained by tv, videos, blogs and podcasts on this shit of a subject…Scientology???
I think I should just call it learning!!
Thank you Mike and Leah, from your student in Sydney, Australia.
What podcasts would u recommend to go along with your book recommendations?
I’m sure COB won’t be happy to hear that the Aftermath is coming to Netflix. Wonder how many people will be sent to the RPF over this?
I just now read that Kieth Raniere of NXIVM was sentenced to 120 years in prison.
Did you hear that Davey Boy? How much longer before they will be coming for you?
Your best bet is to move some money around and leave the country (and the continent) (and maybe even the planet). Otherwise those footsteps you hear coming will be those of the FBI.
Your time is very short now.
P.S. Sorry for this O/T post. But oh so joyful at the thought of the DwarfenFuhrer in his very own DwarfenCell!
Mike, when speaking of Miscavige and his missing wife, it made me wonder if he has any secret girlfriends or mistress’s? Have you ever delivered women to him or know of anyone that has?
This one’s for you Dave:
TIny tyrant
Ain’t no giant
Pissing on a fire hydrant
Oh Scribe!
Bravo! Bravo! Boy-O! You continue to smash through the plateaus of the So-and-Sos!
It is so great to have you around. So many people just go up and down like yo-yos.
But we can always count on you to provide us with first class shows!
It sure is great to have you here. Thank you Mr. Scribe-O!
How kind of you Skyler.
I appreciate this forum, giving me the opportunity to freely express myself. I’m glad if I put a smile on your face!
Hey Scribe? That post you just made … about the fire hydrant … may very well be the very best post I have ever seen you make. If the Brits had not be-fowled the word “brilliant”, I think I would have labelled that post as “brilliant”!!!
However, it is still really and truly wonderful! You outdid yerself on that one, Mr. Scribe. I’m sorry to be gushing, like this. But that poetry is a thing of beauty and truly deserves 5 and one half gushes! Wonderful, Mr. Scribe!!
Now, just for posterity:
TIny tyrant
Ain’t no giant
Pissing on a fire hydrant
That there is a gold medal poem!
You’re too kind Skyler. 😘
He’d have to aim pretty high to get it on the fire hydrant!
He’d also have to keep an eye out for all the relatives of the dogs in his doggie RPF.
Another great episode. I found it enjoyable that you and Leah talked about you too and what it was like walking away from the cult.
When I left, I too felt that immense space of freedom. Very particular and beautiful. I can still feel it.
One book that really helped me set things right is Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. It give me a real understanding about many things.
But was this blog that opened the way for me to recover from that madhouse.
Thanks to Mike and Leah but also to everyone who has left his own comments and experiences.
I absolutely agree about Tolle’s “Power of Now” I read it for a seminar series about 10 years ago, and still go back and read it again. A beautiful, powerful book.
I’m so glad you got out, Loosing!
Bridget thanks a lot. Yes it is really a powerful book that I would recommend to who has left scn and has still obvious confusions. Scn is a “labeling machine” where everybody get labeled and judged and finally one becomes just that label.
What really amazed me was when I understood that scn hadn’t nothing to do with true spirituality. A big round zero. Above all the crap it may include, however there is no real ‘awakening’ that happens. A surrogate get forced on the person but with the only result to strengthen the ego. Greetings from Italy. Do well.
Mike, you keep posting the wrong video for DM’s announcement of LRH’s death.
Should be this one
TrevAnon hilarious and quite snarky. LOL!
Always looking forward to all of yours and Leah’s podcasts.I always learn something new regarding Scientology.Keep it up!Thank you so much.
Cooley’s final diatribe begins “He (LRH) has, in effect, told us…”. I don’t think I caught that little gem at the time. Did anyone here, at the time?
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Becoming Supernatural. A great how to book. Explained scientifically how auditing sometimes worked.
BKmole said, “… Explained scientifically how auditing sometimes worked.”
I have not read that book. But it must be right. There are many sayings that confirm this. One of the most common is …
“Even a stopped watch is correct twice every day.”
There is another very funny one that refers to animals. It might be something like …
“Even a blind cat will catch a mouse once in a while.”
I sure do wish I could remember the right one. All I remember for sure was that I found it very funny. Would anyone else know that saying?
Even a blind squirrel gets a nut some of the time.
Thank you Mike, for all you and Leah do.
It seems to me like the children might be the way to crack open the secrecy of Scientology. In Florida, education is mandatory, to a certain age.
See https://statelaws.findlaw.com/florida-law/florida-compulsory-education-laws.html#:~:text=Every%20state%20requires%20children%20of,school%20diploma)%20to%20attend%20school.
If children are being taught by other children, how is S meeting these requirements?
There are also child labor laws in Florida.
If former members, like Leah who was supposed to be going to school in FL, can attest to the lack of education and the amount of labor, could it be possible to get the state or federal government involved to investigate?
From IL2L at ESMB
re: LRH Departure event . . .
I hope we get some behind-the-scenes anecdotes and “inside baseball” commentary from Mike on, in my opinion, this most pivotal moment in scientology history.
Instead of taking a moment to “clear the air” about Hubbard, a cabal of high-level SO executives sat in a room and invented a bunch of shore stores that turned the whole enterprise from the lies of one man, Hubbard, into the lies and conspiracy of several. Maybe no one cares anymore. I’d like to know the whole story.
I hope Mike names some names. It’s about time someone does.
I still favor the pillow over the face of LRH as the mode of death.
Cause over death – mmm, which flow should make a difference I suppose. However, whichever way it is interpreted from whatever motive, it’s criminal if it’s linked to Scientology – no matter how delicious a result it appears. All we do know is that his death made it a lot easier for a lot of money & power to change hands.
Looking at Leah’s list of books, one thing really strikes me – the authors. They are nearly all M.D.s or P.H.D.s If Scientology were to put together such a list of books you would not see those credentials. For that matter, they would probably only list books written by that cheap hack L.R.H. He not only lacked any reasonable credentials/education, but he himself lived an UNproductive, UNhappy, UNhealthy life.
Wait a minute! LRH got a degree from Sequoia University, one of the top diploma mills in the country.