We welcome an old friend of mine, Lucas (Luke) Catton to the Fair Game podcast this week. Luke was a very prominent member of the Narconon team for a number of years, until he saw the light about scientology. He subsequently spoke out and was targeted by scientology in response. We discuss a wide range of things relating to Narconon, scientology’s involvement, the effectiveness of the program and the Fair Gaming Luke has been subjected to.
I will include the link as soon as it becomes available.
A few of the things we mention during our talk.
Here is a copy of the public image.doc we talk about:
Luke has written two books about his experiences:
And his latest: Reconnection
These are links to two excellent pieces by Tony Ortega’s blog about Luke: Narconon and the Church of Scientology are committing fraud daily
Former Executive’s Tell-All Adds to Scientology Rehab Program Meltdown.
We mention a list of scientology front groups — below is a Wikipedia entry on the subject. Though it includes many scientology owned businesses. There are a few they have not included to add to this list, there may be others: Freedom Ethics Watch, STAND, Freedom Magazine, Youth for Human Rights and Drug Free Marshalls.
This is a link to an article I put on my blog concerning the Purification program and niacin.
This is the diagram we talk about that Miscavige used to show that Narconons fall under their local church of scientology and it is scientology that is responsible for propagating Narconon despite what they try to convince the public (Narconons circled in red):
Here is Luke with David Miscavige at Narconon Arrowhead. ALso in the picture between him and Miscavige are Rena Weinberg (former President of ABLE Int), Laurie Zurn (former head of ABLE Int) and Gary Smith, head of Narconon Arrowhead.
And finally, the infamous Freedom mag edition that caused so many people to start questioning scientology and their Fair Game policies (including Luke). Surprisingly, it is still available on their website.
Narconon to me is one of the most cynical parts of Scientology but also right out of the standard cult recruitment playbook. I first became aware of it when I myself was desperate and in need of drug treatment and thought it was 12-step (thankfully the internet, due to the courage of former members speaking out, is right there telling you what it really is). Without help, I ended up handing wads of cash over to a psychoanalyst who used in hindsight a lot of the same tactics I’ve heard from Scientology members to get them to part with their money. I was a student making about $20,000 a year and had inherited about $70K that I was using to help get me through school and as the only savings to my name and she drained me in a matter of months and left me with a few thousand dollars (I couldn’t actually extricate myself normally, she kept talking me into staying, making suggestions about how to get more money… I finally just stopped showing up, which is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done). I share this not to compare my small experience to yours, but just to say I never, ever saw myself as someone who would “fall for” this type of thing, but even the most skeptical among us are susceptible and especially so when we are in pain or desperate. These people will convince you that the nagging voice inside that is saying something isn’t right is the addiction speaking. This was 15 years ago and it shattered my trust in others and myself.
I am in awe of the work you and others are doing, I cannot begin to fathom the courage it takes to speak out when the response is lawsuits and harassment. I’m here because I wanted to tell you that.
Wow! Great outpouring statement, by Mike, 49:40
Really Mike gets on a great roll, “….befuddles….”
Thankyou so much Luke, and Mike for showing how important persons like Luke are.
In fact, you Mike, are a huge repeating whistleblower person, being the PR man for Scientology, and being the Scientology nasty branch boss for a couple decades.
And Leah, just the first ex Scientology celeb to stay doggedly on the Scientology story.
Well, all you three, Luke, Mike and Leah, one for one, couldn’t be better whistle blowers.
Luke’s helping officials, being on a Grand Jury, that is so much wished for, in the future.
Just an excellent podcast.
So much appreciated for all involved.
The chat sites of days of old, the 1990s, 2000s, all the contributing voices of reason, all the “never ins” who shared smart advice, thanks to everyone.
Mike recently posted a quote from some LRH manual that read like this:
When Intelligence fails it becomes a PR matter.
When PR fails it becomes a Legal matter.
When Legal loses or declines it become an LRH matter.
But I think Mike missed the following paragraph that read like this:
When Intelligence falls below the cracks in the ceiling it becomes a matter for the wall inspectors.
When a Wall inspection falls below the floor it then becomes a floor inspection.
But when a floor inspection falls below the rocks and the bugs and the scum and the lowest of the low, it then becomes a matter for Little Davey Boy. Who else?
I was fascinated with this week’s Scientology Fair Game Podcast.I congratulate Mr.Catton for leaving Narcanon but am sorry how much he was hounded and attacked by other Scientology members afterwards.They are like cockroaches.You can never get rid of them.They just keep coming back for more.Such a vile institution.Leah and Mike,keep the podcasts coming,please.
NarcoNut. Heh – Thanks for the hello and we are happy to hear we helped give you courage to come out. We are hearing many of “us” who worked in Oklahoma are now gone.
It helps to know others are in the same boat, especially dealing with this organization who will go after those who dare speak.
Well, thanks to Mike and Leah, they paved a path for us to speak and think outloud about what we think about Scientology.
For anyone reading this blog and are also hiding incognito – you better do your own research and think for yourself.
The ex Scientologist who helped us wake up and get out said
“Don’t believe what you “hear” from Scientology. Believe what you see IN Scientology.”
Some sound advice and it helped us leave forever.
Excellent advice to those who are still in.
I’d like to express the opinion that the laws of Karma or laws of Nature can sometimes be so wonderful. In the case of the DwarfenFuhrer v Mike Rinder and Leah Remini, it is easy to imagine how when Leah first left the scam, Tiny FuhrerMan would have just minimalized that event with the attitude, “Oh, that ain’t nothing. She will be begging us to come back in a month or so.”
But as time progressed, there has been one big body blow after another. First, A&E hosted the Aftermath TV show. Then there were the Emmys. Then … so many other blows to the Little Leader and at each turn, it is easy to imagine how he would just rationalize the event as being trivial and unimportant while he beat the snot out of yet another of his poor slaves.
To cut a long story short, the blows just keep coming. The latest blow being how Netflix is now streaming all three seasons of the Aftermath TV show. For those of us who understand what an evil and despicable criminal scam this really thing is, each new blow brings a warm sense of satisfaction. There are so many terrible things going on in our world these days. But the laws of Karma just keep on giving the Tiny Turd more payback every day. I know it ain’t much. But it’s a chunk of satisfaction that I really appreciate. Thank you so very much to the Laws of Karma!
I agree Skyler. I don’t believe in past lives or that we will live lifetime after lifetime because there is no evidence of that anywhere, especially in Scientology.
I do believe in Karma and we enjoy watching Karma kick the little dictator’s ass.
It is only a matter of time before he is caught and locked up.
Look at what happened to Keith Rainier – from NXIVM
Prison for eternity.
David Miscavige – you are next. Better watch out cuz the Fed’s are going to take you and put you in prison for life too. You rancid little evil bastard.
I absolutely agree! I come here daily for a dose of sanity – good people doing what they can to right a great wrong. It gives me hope and comfort.
I have always found it so telling about scn and narconon that they put a failed comic, Clark Carr, in charge of an international drug program. Now there are credentials for you. I worked with him at Delphi, another front group for scn. He acted like his being there was a gift from the universe. Last I heard he was hiding out in Mexico.
Amethyst said, “Hiding out in Mexico”!
I don’t know exactly why, but that just makes me smile and laugh.
Smile and Laugh. The universe is working – at least in this one tiny area. It may well operate against us in a big way tomorrow. But, for now, it seems to me we really need to take any of the small victories we can get.
Amethyst. Thank you for your post. I enjoyed that. Smile and laugh – indeed!
I got caught up in the exact way you talked about at the start of the podcast by the Drug Free World foundation.
I work as a civilian member of a law enforcement body in Canada. Part of my job is visiting schools and participating in community events to talk about/educate about issues in the communities we serve.
Last year, a public health employee showed me the Drug Free World booklets and I was amazed at the details and ressources available for free (!! This is government, so obviously our budget for stuff like that is minimal). I ordered a ton of stuff and was happy to pass it along to my schools. One day, a coworker asked me to let them know where to order more, so I flipped to the last page in the very small print and found….Funded by the Church of Scientology. The person I had spoken with, the website and ressources never had lead on at all (but that little almost hidden annotation) that this was associated with Scientology.
Needless to say I was shocked and felt stupid. I basically heard Leah talk-yelling at me “Nothing is ever free! C’mon!”. I haven’t used the kits since on a principle matter but I’m sad I’m not able to use that ressource for my students anymore!
That being said, I can TOTALLY understand how someone without knowing could be roped in/appear to be a sympathiser without having any idea they are involved with Scientology.
Thanks Leah and Mike for opening our eyes and continously doing what’s right and not what’s easy!
So happy to hear this
Mike said:
I note at the outset that I am not a chemist or biologist. But I can read.
Hello Mike. Pls do not publish this post unless you think it would be valuable to address this problem I had for the benefit of others who post here.
For the past three days, I have not been able to make a single post to this forum. I tried to make posts in the usual way. But they never appeared with the message, “Your comment is awaiting moderation” and I never saw any trace of them after trying to post them.
I don’t know the reason for this problem and I don’t know if this happened to other people. But if you see fit, I’d be interested to learn if this same thing happened to anyone else and whether you know the reason for this.
Regardless, best wishes to you and keep up the great work.
Publishing this because I dont know if anyone else had a problem… I would not know as I only see what appears for moderation, not if it doesnt.
I haven’t had any trouble, but as a Never-In I assume I’m under their radar. I have noticed a marked drop in comments – it may be due to this.
Looks like Rena Weinberg in that picture had no idea what she was getting herself into with Li’l Davy.
NOBODY expects the “feeble flailing fists of fury”™,Scribe
Yes, many have been surprised by the tiny tantrums of toddler tyrant.
Mike, one of the responses today makes me wonder how many calls a day, week, month you and Leah get from current $ci members? On the aftermath series it appeared you get a number of calls. Can you share how often you get calls from current $ci members or concerned family members/friends?
Not many calls. A lot more emails and DMs on Twitter, FB and Instagram.
And how many would that be between you both?
Probably 2 or 3 a week on average
That’s great Mike. Good to know.
I’m only around mostly travelers and campers and I’d say its half especially among women that watched the Aftermath. That is alot
Thank you and your wife for continuing on with getting the truth out.
How do you like your public image now Ron?
This is kinda off thread, but funny. Thirsty Alley (oops, I mean Kirstie), had a few minutes of fame on Fox News last night. They put her on because she blasted someone at CNN about spreading fear regarding the Covid Virus. And that reporter responded with disdain and sarcasm and made a shot at her old sit com, Victoria’s Closet, saying it was an old, not popular and not watched show. So when she got her minute of fame on Fox instead of starting out with the story on Covid, as was the plan, she had to say that that reporter was wrong about everything: “my show was not low in ratings. It was in the top ten.” Just goes to show her ego is alive and well even if she is old and has been.
I saw that too, it was a hoot. Of course, somebody should tell Hannity that she was just parroting the old moldy Hubbard routine that the press are “Merchants of Fear”.
In the case of CNN reporting about Covid, looks like he was right. Nothing like a little fear-mongering to get your favorite politicians over the finish line, when they don’t have much else going for them.
good comment, Bruce. I had to laugh that they had her on for one talking topic, and she subverts it to be how good her little sit comm was and that the reporter who said it didn’t do well was wrong. The ego in this one is large.
Jane what you say is really interesting. By the time someone reaches certain spiritual “high levels” such as OT 8 they should have long since gotten rid of their ego. However, as in her as well as in many other famous OTs or not this does not happen rather it is strengthened as now they are completely ‘certain’ of what they have become – “I AM this label and it has been confirmed!”.
Spirituality is definitely something else than scn.
Good point, LmR. Most religions emphasize humility before some higher power, but not Scientology. In Scientology the goal is to become a higher power and humility be damned.
Consider the emotional “tone levels”. From apathy up through grief to covert hostility, anger, antagonism, conservatism, enthusiasm to use the old version. In the later Scientology versions lots more levels above enthusiasm were added, all the way up to “Tone 40 Serenity of Beingness”.
Serenity of Beingness, sounds so spiritual and ethereal. But there are drills, called the “Upper Indoctrination Training Routines” where you learn what it is really all about. You learn how to control someone else so thoroughly that they obey without even thinking of objecting. The drill involves issuing commands like “Touch that wall!” and the objective is to achieve instant compliance. Sort of like you become one with the other person, take over his consciousness and will.
All of Scientology is supposed to be like that. Somebody has max-ed out credit cards but you think you can get their son or daughter in a Narconon – no hesitation. Tone-40! Get a new card approved now now now using your contacts in the credit card company and the new Narconon victim is on their way! Cash in the tiller before the week ends at 2 PM on Thursday!
How ironic it is that Hubbard thought the highest spiritual level was synonymous with total submission to his every whim. It makes complete sense, though, if you realize he was a malignant narcissist. To him there really were no others to consider, it was all just his will.
Losing My Religion, I have seen what you speak of. It is a phenomenon in both the OT VIII and the others who are on the outside viewing the OT VIII. People will do business with an OT like that without checking any other credentials, will give money to them, put them on a pedestal and just think of them as not just a cut above but of another world. But we’ve seen that the OT VIII’s don’t perform better than or get more good products than many others who are not at that level.
Jane Doe 2 said:
“…even if she [Krusty alley] is old and has been.”
Was Krusty ever anything but an old, fat failure? In the most recent PR shot I’ve seen of her, she looks AWFUL.
IIRC, even when she was on “Cheers” (Anyone remember THAT?, I didn’t see her as particularly reasonable-looking. Wasn’t she playing another character’s Mother? In other words, she always looked older than her poor mistreated body’s years.
She was not always old. She was very attractive in her early career.
PeaceMaker, what good fact checking! Thanks. Seems its early popularity was it was behind a number one show, Seinfeld. A lucky break.
And Krusty was a pretty good looking Klingon on Star Trek where she had her first break.
I agree on this with Mike. Plus, I try, too, to not get too much into slamming people, men or women, for outward appearance.
Ms. Kirstie has broken my heart, because I did absolutely find her humorous and talented. When I was in the group, seems like she was very sincere about finding help through Narconnon program and genuinely wanted others, who needed it, to get relief and help.
Besides comedy, people may not remember, she did a very well-received dramatic piece, too. TV movie “David’s Mother,” where she played a devoted mother with a special needs child (autistic), based on a true story. Excellent work. She was received for an Emmy for dramatic performance.
But, in the last couple decades, her presentation and image is often cantankerous and very self-absorbed, even for a celebrity.
I did sometimes have misgivings, over the years, as to HOW her ethics officer let her get away with some of her antagonistic public rants. I recall, when she was struggling with weight, Kirstie did a quite long interview with Oprah where she just whined & emoted, on and on, about unfairly she was being treated (by reporters). It seemed, to me, like something to work out privately without having to “dramatize” across the airwaves. By the group’s own standards, a violation of “No case on post.”
I thought that she looked great in Star Trek II. Just my opinion and that doesn’t mean much. Bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter if she looked like a super model or a dog’s breakfast. It’s her actions that count. Not many of us can do much with the cards we were given in the looks dept. There have been some pretty ugly people throughout history that have done great things and some of the beautiful people in the world are just shits. Just as Miscavige’s height doesn’t mean much, short people can be just as big of assholes as tall people. Better to focus on deeds rather than looks. We’re all getting older and possibly uglier by the day so character is worth more any day in my book.
Character can change. Take our proprietor for example. I would have to say that in the early 80s, Mike was one of the biggest assholes in the executive ranks of our favorite cult. Look at where he is now. Character can change for the better or worse. Mike’s has obviously changed for the better. I happen to think that he looks a whole lot better too since he put on some weight after escaping from the cult and getting some decent meals under his belt. What really makes him look good though is the integrity he radiates as a result of doing the right thing no matter the obstacles thrown in his way. And he has endured more than most of us ever will.
Here here! I agree with Miss Behavin
you always have to fact-check scientologists’ claims about “stats”. as seems typical for most scientologists’ acting (and other) gigs these days, it only took off initially due largely to good fortune, and went bust before long:
“The series premiered on Sept 25, 1997, after Seinfeld, to 35 million viewers. Its title was derived from the “real life” lingerie company, Victoria’s Secret. Hammocked between Seinfeld and ER within the Must See TV lineup, the show was a top 10 hit, although the initial ratings died down later in the first season. The sitcom spent the first two seasons on Thursdays at 9:30 (after Seinfeld in season 1 and after Frasier in season 2).
NBC moved the show out of Must See TV to a new time slot, following Suddenly Susan (another NBC sitcom centered around a professional single woman), on Mondays for the 1999–2000 season. Ratings fell more than 50 percent, and NBC put both shows on hiatus. The show returned on Tuesdays at 9:30 (after Will & Grace) with only a slight boost in ratings. NBC canceled the series in 2000, along with Suddenly Susan, due to low ratings.”
-> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veronica%27s_Closet#Broadcast_and_ratings_history
As a former addiction counselor, Narconon’s fraudulent & life-threatening division of the Co$ criminal enterprise network was, and still is, particularly infuriating. Once when the facility where I worked was undergoing our annual inspection for Professional Compliance, I spoke about Narconon with the field officer for the California Department of Public Health reviewing us, and he said, “This is strictly off the record…I was unaware of the true nature of Narconon at the time I visited their facility; they gave me a ‘dog and pony show’ geared towards compliance with our requirements so I had to sign off on them. If I review them in the future, I’ll look much harder at their operation.” I urged him to watch the Aftermath series, and supplied links to the trove of online Narconon revelations I’d amassed.
I so hope the new administration coming to power will embody a far stronger attitude towards national criminal organizations such as Co$; meanwhile, may the Truth Warriors, Mike, Leah, Tony O, and the ever-increasing ranks of courageous ex-sci escapees, continue speaking out, that the Scientology stain upon humanity may be driven back to the nothingness from whence it sprang.
Have a question for you. As a former addiction counselor, do you know of any in Southern Calif? Specifically near the cities of Glendora, San Dimas, Claremont, etc.? Someone very close to me struggles with addiction and needs help. Would appreciate any help with that. Thanks.
Lets give a hand to our top disseminator, NETFLIX, who will be advertising A&E’s series ‘Scientology and the Aftermath’ EVERY.SINGLE.DAY for the world to see basically for FREE. Meanwhile, back at SuMP, it dwindles and swirls down the drain into the nothingness that it has always been. A total failure by David Miscavige. Wasted money, wasted time.
I wonder how many Sea Org Staffers at the Int Base are getting beaten to a pulp for this flap?
Netflix diseminating Leah and Mike’s show has to be driving the dwarf midget crazy.
Slappy Miscavige will be slamming the Scotch and beating members to a pulp. Hopefully, one escapes and gets the FBI and SWAT teams involved to take that dictator out.
Peeked observed:
“Slappy Miscavige will be slamming the Scotch and beating members to a pulp. Hopefully, one escapes and gets the FBI and SWAT teams involved to take that dictator out.”
And it’ll be as likely that he’ll waste much of the Scotch against *that* wall over there, thimble-full by thimble-full, thimbles being the largest vessels his tiny little hands can handle.
Fat chance HE’LL ever walk over to THAT wall. He’ll just have his minions tear it down and rebuild it to HIS standards — yet again.
Congratulations to you and Leah and all of the Aftermath folks – when I tuned in on Netflix last night the show was listed as #9 in the top viewed shows in the country.
Love it!! That’s awesome.
Miscavige the dwarf will be furious… lol
Makes me smile and laugh! Made my day.
Hey! So do I!!!
FANTASTIC! Turns out, that was a bonus Birthday gift for my 68th a few days ago.
scientology and the Aftermath”: The gift to mankind that keeps on giving and giving….
This sounds really interesting and I can’t wait to watch. As a recovering alcoholic who is active in Alcoholics Anonymous it infuriates me that they use “anon” in their name. Some people may mistakenly believe that it is a legitimate 12 step program and end up harmed.
Lisa, you’re totally right! I was active in Al-Anon for years and continued to volunteer when local groups used rooms at our church. Then the church started their own 12-step program guided by Celebrate Recovery and a regional AA/NA program admin. What was SO scary was how many people thought Narconon was shorthand for Narcotics Anonymous and therefore that NA was the group running the Narconon centers!
Mike – One thing that makes Niacin especially dangerous to this community of people is that many (if not most) already suffer from a compromised liver that’s had to work overtime either because of alcohol and/or the acetaminophen so prevalent in most opiates. Regular niacin was recommended at RDA, but clients were HEAVILY warned about the dangers of the slow-release forms due to the impact on the liver and, I think, also the renal system. So while a 100% healthy person sees some risk with the purif’s extreme degree of overuse, imagine the strain for someone who’s liver has been working overtime for years?!?! Also, their whole premise on which “toxins leave the body” via sweat and the flushing all being proof… I could take far less niacin and get the EXACT same result even without the sauna (& I have personally) when I had to take niacin and other B-Vit supplements! I flushed heavily, sweated up a storm, sweat was super yellow or darker (Dr said this was due to the B-Complex which tends to make everything – including urine – super yellow… which coincidentally is part of the reason it’s so effective as a bug repellant – they can smell us a mile away w/B vitamins in our systems) and had sudden renewed energy and felt generally much better. Throw in a sauna and some exercise, esp in people who don’t prioritize fitness or health, and you suddenly feel like Superman with an adrenaline rush. It’s the same EXACT feeling as the “runner’s high” many of us are familiar with and requires no Purif or OD’s of niacin to come by honestly!
jennyfurr, so true about niacin. No scientific evidence for any benefit from their massive overdoses of up to 5,000 mg per day, and lots of evidence of damage.
Soon after the discovery of vitamins that when absent from the diet cause deficiency diseases like scurvy, kwashiorkor, rickets etc. many speculated that massive vitamin overdoses could provide benefits.
Millions of wasted dollars and thousands of ruined lives later the evidence is in – it’s a stupid idea. I say ruined lives because of those that took vitamins instead of getting treatment for diseases like cancer etc. Not just the damaged organs.
Narconon to this day peddles this anti-scientific nonsense. They try to say that you can massively overdose on niacin by also massively overdosing on other vitamins at the same time, maintaining a “balance”. So they massively overdose on other vitamins that are also harmful in high doses. To make it worse, they answer any bad results with more overdoses and more sauna time to “run it out”.
If you are lucky you will get a nice “runner’s high” going in the first week or so and get off the program before you suffer long-term damage. If not, they extend the time of the routine. Some have done it for months or even years like poor Amy Scobee. She is in the “Posse of Lunatics” cover, looking at her laptop.
The most horrible part of it is that they cannot change. Hubbard wrote the sacred texts on it, and in their world he knew more than any doctor or scientist. Hubbard is gone and left no successor that is authorized to update or change anything. As long as they are willing to call themselves Scientologists they are stuck with this destructive and pointless procedure.
Any who try to change it will come under the guns of Dave Miscavige and his high pressure legal and management teams. They are well and truly committed to failure, leaving a trail of broken lives and shattered hopes in their wake.
The only way out for these guys is out.
The entire Purif is just a bunch of nonsense. Also, the idea that drinking oil straight is going to replace the “bad fat” is just ridiculous. Drinking straight oil is really bad for the body. And it doesn’t replace the bad fat, it just adds to whatever fat you already have.
Thank you Bruce – means a lot coming from you. I can’t fathom what someone’s body would feel like, forget mental health at that point, after months or years on the Purif. For all those cleared in advance by Dr’s, I’d love to see a liver and renal panel AFTERWARDS!
I had forgotten how long Amy was forced to stay on the Purif. To me the scariest thing about much in Scientology isn’t even the individual crises they create for people, but that fear of how long this can go on so it may be better to just submit.
“The only way out for these guys is out.”
I feel the extensive amount of fact checking and information you post here is likely responsible for many of those coming out. You have a way of being pragmatic without it shaming those who are just coming out. Not to mention your expertise and ability to speak the language – I think that’s what makes this blog so valuable. The posts get everyone thinking, but the subsequent expansion of the topic and placing it in context for someone still caught up… THAT is what has people reading here UTR for ages without you guys ever realizing the true number of those you’ve helped retake their lives!
What a nice surprize to tune into one of my favorite SP News stations if I want to find out the truth about what is happening with Scientology and the front groups. What a pleasant surprise to see Luke’s photo and read his story. We ordered your book. We would like to thank A&E and Mike and Leah for helping us see the truth. We have been very curious for many years about Leah Remini and why she left. I mean, she is a powerhouse and a mega star. Mike was in for years and rose to the top ranks of the Organization. There has to be something to this. Why would they leave the Church of Scientology? So, we started watching the program on A&E Scientology and the Aftermath series. Luke, we worked with you in Oklahoma but we have to stay incognito. It is embarassing to realize how long we had been conned. Thank you for being so brave to speak out. We are going to use Netflix to help other Scientologists we care about, get out. ALL Scientologists are curious as to what is going on. The Church is dying a slow death. The buildings are empty. We are going to purchase Netflix and then invite our Scientology family and friends to use it for free. Each account can have 5 members. It is easy to get them to look – it will be advertised. It is the least we can do. Mike, yes, “something can be done about it”. You, Luke, Leah and others are living proof of that and we will do our part too. Thank you for being so brave. We may still be trapped if it were not for your courage and strength to reveal the truth that was hidden from all of us for too long.
Oh, this is so great!! All of us who are regulars here hope and pray that those Still In might find Mike and Leah’s work and find a way out. Welcome to the world! It’s far from perfect, but at least it’s up to you how to live in it – better than the restrictions of Scamology!
Bad things happened to them.
Joe –
So glad that you’re out and you found information that helped. Interesting to hear about how curious so many are, especially seeing Leah leave and become an activist. Totally understand why you must be incognito or “UTR” (under the radar). Please be graceful with yourself, no need to feel ashamed… what’s important is that you found your way out so your life going forward can be directed by YOU and you can learn to trust your own gut feelings again, vs being made to feel shame or weakness because you have feelings, questions, etc.!
I’m a Christian, yet I’ve met many people who’ve ended up in Christian cults! Having faith in something isn’t a weakness… the weakness is someone evil and callous enough to take that desire, twist it and use it to control or take advantage of others. That takes a special kind of evil and/or sociopathy! Hugs and welcome!
Jennyfurrr – thank you. We appreciate your kind words and enjoy your posts.
Thanks for the post Joe. Your post gave us the courage to say hi and let you know we also worked at the facility in Oklahoma with Luke and you.
We slowly slipped into incognito mode too so we don’t get fair gamed and further harmed by Scientology thugs
Been reading Mikes Blog for a few years.
Watching every show about Scientology. Thanks Mike, Leah, Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright.
Netflix is going to help us all disseminate Scientology and the World will say no to ever getting involved in Scientology. It is a brain washing cult that does more harm than good . Society will destroy it by not getting involved.