Leah and I talk with Stefani Hutchison this week, and the conversation was a true delight. We cover a lot of topics. Stefani was never a scientologist, but she has become a very effective and vocal whistleblower on the abuses of scientology. She is an example of what anyone can do if they want to take an active role in ending the pain and suffering that scientology causes for so many.
I will post the link here once available.
Here is how Stefani describes herself on her blog.
I am a stay at home mother of one wonderful son. Married over 25 years to a wonderful man who puts up with all my moods. I am a published writer who loves to read, crochet, cook and bake, play on the computer and spend time with my family. I’m a fan of Survivor, Big Brother, Ghost Hunters, The First 48 and LivePD. I love a good debate, have strong opinions and was in the convent for 2 years after graduation. I am also the survivor of two family members who committed suicide, lost my mother to prescription drug addiction, endured a childhood of anger, loneliness and abuse and lives with General Anxiety Disorder. I am also vehemently opposed to Scientology and all it stands for. As a Never-In I want to reach the average person not intimately familiar with this cult. I would like my writing to open serious thought and discussion about what Scientology is really about. You can find me on Twitter @UltioetVeritas where I expose Scientology lies, defend Mike Rinder from Fair Game attacks and support anyone who has left the cult.
This is her blog Confront and Shatter. I highly recommend it. She is an intelligent and talented writer. She researches and reaches out to people and has exposed some of the lies of scientology in a unique and effective fashion.
Stefani is absolutely great. She is doing so much good work to take down Scientology. She seems like such a kind and wonderful woman!
I just listened to the podcast with Stephanie Hutchinson. Always good to hear about the work she is doing. I just wanted to point out in regards to 9/11 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) didn’t exist yet. They were established after. The DoD, FBI, and State/City officials would have been in charge. I was with the DoD at that time and no entity like Scientology would have gotten (clearance) to be at ground zero. At best they may have been able to support in some safe zone, IF they were there at all.
Keep up the great work! Cults thrive on misinformation and unfortunately the law is not able to handle these dangerous organizations as we have witnessed in Jonestown, and many other instances.
Fascinating podcast, Stefani. Thanks to you and people like Mike and Leah, there will always be a source of factual information about this putrid cult. Although the mission is a marathon, not a sprint, the truth about scientollgatherers will gently filter into the minds of the afflicted.
Keep up the good work!
Great podcast.
Man, I love this gal.
I’m going over to the blog……
Stephani you have moved me to do more digging. Im new to learning about the abuses and practices and I cant seem to get enough information now. Keep up the fight and thank you to Mike and Leah for ALL that you ALL continue to do.
I haven’t even finished listening to the whole podcast and I’m on the verge of tears. Stefani is amazing and I feel like the biggest jerk. A never-in, I’ve been following the abuses of Scientology since I was a teenager watching the Cult Awareness Network resist the eventual takeover by the CO$. I lurked on the alt.religion.Scientology newsgroups and clambake all through college. I read Tony Ortega every day since the Village Voice. I knew what happened to Lisa McPherson as soon as the word spread, and remember wanting to wear the bracelet. And here I am, after Going Clear, The Aftermath, Troublemaker, The Underground Bunker, Blown For Good, Chris Shelton, and this blog, and I’ve done NOTHING. Hell, I even boycotted EarthLink and Sprint for years. I have two friends from HS, one is in the Sea Org and one is a Public with her husband, both high OT’s. It breaks my heart. I just reached out to a mutual friend I haven’t talked to in a decade to say, Why isn’t anyone doing anything?? How is this okay?! We really do just sit by, and I can’t even excuse myself by saying I never knew, because I always did.
Stefani, you’ve inspired me to make a change. I always figured I didn’t have “the Rank” to speak up because who am I? I never walked the walk. How can I complain about what happened to my old friends when Mike can’t even talk to his daughter? I’m going to do something, anything, even just a poorly written letter to an official.
Thank you to Mike and Leah for giving a voice to the caring and devoted Never-Ins! We are out there, and we do want to help!
Hi! Just curious if Stefani has been subjected to any fair game practices. Thanks
I was wondering the same thing! Has Stefanie been harassed and followed?
So far I haven’t been bothered by Scientology. I’ve always chalked it up to the fact that they hate Mike and Leah so much more than they ever could a little fish like me, lol. So I’ve just been skimming along behind them and going unnoticed. (Thanks, Mike!)
If that changes I’ll deal with it. I have no intention of letting Scientology bully me into silence. One thing I was taught when I was in the novitiate is that no one should force you to go against your conscience. No heretical, abusive cult is going to stop me from trying to help.
Thank you so much Stefani! I’ve been to scared to do anything! But I’ve been learning everything thing I can about cults! It started after growing up in the Mormon church, and finally getting clean! I think we need more people like u!! If u ever need help with anything I’m here!
O/T. New book by an ex-Scientologist — “Out of the Darkness: My Escape From Sin,” by Michael D’Aigle.
Kindle: $2.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Paperback: $6.99
Kindle 169 pages.
Paperback151 pages
First published December 15, 2020.
My journey from the darkness – from the depths of sin to the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. This is my testimony of a broken young man tossed out of his home. Hitch-hiking across America, panhandling,stealing doing whatever to survive. Then later touring the U.S. with Dick Wagner and The Frost, where I was exposed to the dark side of the secular music world. Drugs, sex, rock and roll were all I lived for – then disillusioned and desperate for answers to the emptiness inside; I became involved with Scientology as a staff member working in Detroit, Michigan. Realizing later that I was trapped in a religious cult that had me under their control – I began to cry out to God to help me escape from Scientology. God heard my prayers, and not only rescued me out of Scientology, but delivered me completely out of the world of lawlessness and rebellion that was all I had known. God didn’t change the world around me – He changed me.
Just listened to the podcast and have been binge-reading Stefani’s blog since then.
She is an excellent writer. She has really done her homework(and continues to).
Love and respect to her-and Mike and Leah👍🏽♥️
Great interview! And her blog is amazing. One of the best bodies of work in exposing, in detail, Scientology’s twisted and abusive world. She writes well and has the facts. I’m a fan.
One of my favorite interviews so far. She was just great and very real.
Big, big respect and kudos! Thanks so much for what you are doing.
I just discovered that the audio of the Fair Game podcast is also on YouTube.
Scientology: Fair Game – Episode 23: Activist and Blogger Stefani Hutchison
I recommend that people also follow Stefani on Twitter:
Lucky losers have friends. The truth gains all because it hasn’t any winners and losers. The truth is above the game of winners and losers.
Stefani, thank you so much for being on this episode, and what you do. I had been unaware of your work and now follow your blog, so now I’ve got four anti-Scientology blogs that I follow. I’m more SP than ever!
Now I am really looking forward to listening to the podcast.
Mike and Leah, loved the show and love your podcast. I didn’t have much knowledge on Scientology and was appalled when I found out what they get away with. Like Stefanie, I watched the show and have been wondering how I can help. I live in Tampa and am horrified each time I pass through downtown Clearwater which is a ghost town. How can the children in Scientology be helped! Our government has failed the innocent children.
Yay Stefani! I’ve been a fan of your excellent writing already. Kudos to you. I hope one day to join in the legal arena.
Hello Stefani,
Thanks for fighting the good fight.
“The multitude of Angels with a shout
Loud as from numbers without number, sweet
As from blest voices, uttering joy, Heaven rung
With Jubilee, and loud Hosanna’s filled
The eternal Regions.”
Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
I mean WOW. I’m impressed. Can’t wait to listen to this!
If I can do even one thing to help stop Scientology from inflicting pain like they did to you and so many others then I’ll be content.
Hello Stefani,
If no one here has previously welcomed you, allow me to say, “Welcome” and anyone who works to end the abuses caused by this cult is a true hero on this site.
Thank you SO much!
Stefani, thank you for the good work you are doing and welcome to the group.