The newest episode of the Scientology Fair Game podcast features one of my favorite scientology survivors, Paulette Cooper.
Her life story is amazing, and if you have not read Tony Ortega’s excellent The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, I recommend you do so.
The story of what scientology did to try to destroy her is unbelievable. Literally. And unless the FBI had recovered documents in the raid on scientology in 1977, what scientology had done to her was not believed by anyone — it was so far-fetched it seemed it could only have been lifted from the pages of a cheap spy novel.
Paulette mentions in the episode that she has made her original book available for free (Scandal of Scientology) at her website
In this episode we talk about “dismissed attackers” — which is covered in my earlier blog post Dealing with Critics of Scientology– The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.
That post also includes the documents from Hubbard calling for hiring Private Investigators and “Noisy Investigations”, and how one goes about finding “buttons” and what someone is “seeking to protect.”
We also mention R2-45 — where Hubbard says Sea Org members are to employ this piece of his “technology” (shooting someone in the head with a .45 pistol) on someone.
Here is that document, where Hubbard proclaims some “squirrels” are “Enemies of mankind, the planet and all of life” for pretending to have upper level materials!
Scientology claimed R2-45 was a “joke” but as Leah points out, joking is NOT a thing in scientology. In fact, there is a Hubbard “bulletin” on this too…
Here is one of the forged bomb threats the Guardian’s Office used to get Paulette indicted:
And some of the documentation concerning Operation Freakout
You may also want to look at the Wikipedia entry on the Snow White Program.
And we make reference to scientologists lying which is covered in detail in my earlier posting, Why Do Scientologists Lie?
Listen to the podcast. It opens the door to a whole dark world of scientology. that unfortunately, is not “historical” as though it happened in the 70’s and 80’s, nothing changes in scientology because it is all etched in stone (or perhaps on stainless steel plates in titanium capsules in nuclear proof vaults) in the words of L. Ron Hubbard. And his words are unalterable and must be followed.
Hi! I’m catching up on old episodes and cannot seem to even access Paulette’s website, let alone her book – which I really want to read. Please Help!! Also, did Scientology have anything to do with that??
Same. Access to the site is not working.
Did anyone get a response on how to access the book? Still not working and it’s October.
Paulette’s website is working as of Nov 13, 2020. It links to the book “The Scandal Of Scientology” at:
You can also find the book (along with plenty of other information about Scientology) at the Operation Clambake website:
The REAL Scandal is the story behind the book:
Her phony “boyfriend” trying to persuade her up onto the ledge of a 33 story building is a ghastly turn.
I’d suggest the links should be in the Media section on the front page.
It was a really great episode. Very neat summary of her story and good interview. Only thing that was a bit off was that after Paulette describing the incident with the gun, Leah then later refers to it as a murder attempt. Mike and Paulette neither confirm nor deny that and it kind of left this issue open – ended.
I was previously under the impression it was simple terrorism: that scientology wanted to scare her, but that there was no actual assassination attempts. If there is some information or evidence that it was an actual failed assassination attempt, I’d like to hear more.
Wow, I knew it was bad, but not that bad. I’m not reading the Scandal of Scientology and about half way through.
Thank you Paulette for everything you have endured. We will keep the fight going! Miscavige and Hubbard’s policies must be exposed and stopped.
Hey Michael, I don’t mean to be stupid but when you said, “I’m not reading the Scandal of … “, is that a typo? Did you mean to write, “now”?
I just do not want you to appear to be uneducated. People might mistake you for a member of this despicable criminal cult because they do not see any value in providing any education for their members except where it concerns how to get MORE MONEY and MORE MONEY and MORE MONEY from their pockets into the coffers of this cult. I just thought I should let you know however, in case you want to be clear that you were never enslaved by this piece of shit evil organization.
Yes … Meant now. But autocorrect has a mind of its own.
After listening to yesterday’s podcast with Paulette Cooper, on the one hand I feel truly revitalized and I’m looking for better ways to step up the fight against this wretched criminal scam. But on the other hand, I am truly stymied. Why?
Seems to me that almost every time when some innocent has been tortured or messed around, the people in the USA eventually are willing to stand up and see that right is done. Americans are proud of their slogan, “The land of the free and the home of the brave” and in general they really believe that and they will go to war to help the underdog.
So I cannot understand why or how the nation can stand by as a witness to the incredible harm and wrongdoing in which this cult engages. It is so obvious to me that Hubbard was just a miserable old bastard who had a good mind and decided to hate the world and get back at it because no one would follow his teachings and admit he was some kind of “living god” (PUKE!).
He realized that starting a church was a good way he could lie, cheat and steal his way to a fortune and he was right. But so what? It doesn’t take a lot of brains to rob a bank. In fact, that has to be one of the most stupid crimes ever.
So, please? Can someone please explain to me why and how this nation that ordinarily will not stand by and watch innocent people victimized and bruatalized … why did they stand by and allow all these atrocities to happen to Paulette Cooper?
Seriously, this really stymies me and I’d really like to know if anyone has any honest answers to this.
Pretty sure it’s because of Scamology’s frightening retaliation tactics. They have many of the police departments in their pockets (because they line their pockets) and the FBI? Too many skeletons in too many closets – I’m willing to bet there have been many conversations within their walls about Not Poking The Beast. And most people who follow the news here and at Tony’s site know what can happen if you come to the notice of Scamology in a bad way. Terrifying.
Unfortunately Hubtard got one thing, and only one thing, absolutely right. Scare them and you can keep them in line.
Jokers and degraders pull members from deck and they are not only evil, they are also psychotic.
This explains what happened to me after my PTS 3 label that the ED slipped and told me about. I had the Org staff showing up at my house when I wasn’t there to confront my wife about not being on course, and one day when she took my son to school the power was cut and the house ransacked. This goal besides the dismissed attacker is to enturbulate. I had a high rank SO tell me a few weeks prior that they perform black ops, as he called it. I never found out for sure, neither did the police investigator. The Org staff that showed up the day prior to the break-in was working at Delphi school in Oregon last time I spoke with him, and his wife was on OT auditing in LA. At the time they were both at the same Org which I went to.
Now, I also had a dog die a few years after leaving. I attributed it to his breed, as I spoke with a vet and his breed can have gas issues that can be fatal. Now, I wonder if he was poisoned. He was a pure bred Weimaraner, and only five years old. I never thought they would be that low to do it, so I assumed it was due to overeating. That’s inhumane if they did it or have done it to others, or even ever truly had a rundown 45. Seriously insane, brain washed, and spiritually immature.
Am I getting confused or was there also a woman (Sea Org member?) who was planted in Paulette’s building to also spy on her?
Kennerado, I remember the episode of Mike and Leahs Aftermath show that talked with some lady that happened to. But I don’t think it was Paulette Cooper. I could easily be mistaken about this because I can’t remember who it was. But I seem to remember they were talking with some lady P.I. who became an operative for this scam and she may be the one who described how she did this to someone.
Sorry I can’t be of more help.
YEs, that was Cierra Westerman, she moved into a house across the street from us. There was another woman who did the same thing, Heather McAdoo.
Let’s not forget Paula Tyler who, if i recall right, was sent in to be Paulette’s roommate. I knew Paula a little back in 1970 or 71 in my early days in the SO.
Civmar you may be correct, I think I saw her on some show where she spoke about it.
there were actually 3 spies on the operation: the woman “Margie Shepherd” who entered my apartment and took my stationery; she later came back and introduced me to “Paula Tyler” who needed an apartment so I got her one in my building; and she introduced me to her “boyfriend” Jerry Levin who later moved in with me.
Hello Paulette,
I am so happy to see you here. I want to tell you just how much I enjoyed your participation in Mike & Leah’s podcast.
I also want to tell you just how much I love and respect what you have done in your life and especially the way in which you stood up to those miserable bastards. I sure do wish I could have known what was going on while it was going on so that I could have tried to help you. I would have loved to have helped you. You are a lady for the ages. People of all ages can look up to you and have enormous respect and admiration for you. In the parlance of the younger generation, please allow me to say, “You go girl!!!”.
Hubbard was a Fascist and his leanings were detected by his contemporaries. As a Fascist he would have sympathized with Hitler and the Nazi’s. Paulette is born in Belgium and her parents are killed by the Nazi’s. The United States Army invades Europe and Hitler is defeated. Seeking freedom, Paulette comes to the United States. Lurking under a dirty rock was Hubbard the Nazi sympathizer. Hubbard hides his Fascism in a religion and tries to kill Paulette. The United States Army does not invade Scientology or Hubbard even with its evil intentions. Hubbard hides under the cloak of a religion but it is in reality Fascism. Paulette never gets justice because the chicken shit lawyers protect Hubbard the Fascist. Paulette spends a lifetime under duress.
George, Hubbard’s claimed “very good friend” Crowley’s OTO had ties to, and shared roots with, the German occult lodge that spawned the Nazi party and its ideologies, including mystical and pseudo-religious aspects, cultivated in part during several years he spent in Germany as Hitler rose to power, so Scientology definitely is a cousin of sorts. Thelema roughly means “will” in Greek and Crowley talked about the exercise of pure will and had “do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” as a motto, and of course the infamous Nazi propaganda film was titled Triumph of the Will, as an example of the thematic connections.
If nothing else, Crowley overally had a self-centered, heartless and bare-knuckled view of the world that fits generally with fascism, and that Hubbard would have been both attracted to and inspired by.
Thank you very much. Your comment really helps. I did not know the details about Crowley’s connection to the Nazi’s.
Listening to this, already knowing some of Paulette’s story, I am absolutely stunned!!!
It just makes it so very real.
The end just can’t come soon enough.
Very well said. “absolutely stunned” is the perfect description.
I had known the basics of Ms. Cooper’s story but after listening to her speak on the podcast. I am truly stunned as well. She has to be the most courageous (plus a very long list of other adjectives) person I can imagine. I hope she may read this some day. I want her to know that I am in awe of her. I would never have imagined that any human being could be so heroic. I will have dreams about having married her and stood by her side while she fought these despicable bullies.
But they are just dreams. I could never find the fortitude to stand with her against these lousy bullies. She is like a real Superwoman. What an amazing lady! Paulette is an inspiration for all of mankind and womankind too. I want to say more. But fortunately for all of you, words just fail me.
Has the CoS ever publicly apologised for what it did to Paulette?
I’m assuming the answer is no…but someone surprise me, please.
You will not be getting any surprises today.
The only reason the Church would admit that it was wrong would be to keep DM out of jail. The rest of you poor dumb bastards, staff, SO members are expendable. You, like myself, can all die as long as DM is safe with his billions and his Apollo (brand name) diving gear and his dominion over all. If you don’t like it, then do something about it. I do not mean to imply that anyone is not doing anything about it; surely I am not doing much more than anyone else. I just feel bad that I am not doing more to handle the situation. The SO viewpoint is that one can handle anything and does not accept the idea that it is too hard.
I look forward to the day your story appears on screen – with this simple fact appearing at the end, just before the credits roll.
As Leah said to Paulette, “We are just lucky to have someone like you in this world.”
Once again, Mike, Great interview! I was shocked to hear more than I already knew.
Great interview with Paulette! The three of you together are like the magic trio.
Paulette made the point about 150,000 Scientologists in the late 60’s early 70’s. I can verify that as I was part of it and got caught up in the movement. By the way her book “The Scandal of Scientology” is an excellent read. In 1972 at the New York Mission I met a guy who was boasting about how he was protecting Scientology by “handling” an author of a book. I assume he was talking about Paulette.
When Flag first opened up in the mid 70’s, I went down to Clearwater for about a week. There were literally thousands of Scientologists in the streets moving from building to building. You had to wait in line for lunch. Thankfully it all ended when enough of us did OT VII and found out that Hubbard’s Targs, entities,demons and Body Thetans turned out to be frauds.
This was one of the most horrific disgusting stories I’ve ever read. Talk about “science fiction”….it’s almost unbelievable that ANY of this happened & that tactics like this is almost “approved by the authorities”
Paulette is an amazingly strong woman…..and when I say AMAZING I MEAN AMAZING.
Seems like the “officials” are too afraid to have their OWN SINS EXPOSED…so all of this is left to “slide by”…..excuse me….I think I need to go get stomach sick.
As usual, I find myself standing with you Balletlady.
Rest assured, the vicious Fair Game policy of Co$ has not abated. Just prior to the onset of the pandemic, a “passionate” comment to an article on another revelatory blog earned a visit by three armed sheriffs, obviously dispatched at the behest of OSA minions scrupulously monitoring the interweb for any and all anti-Co$ entheta. As the dinosaurs thrash madly in the tarpit, the waters of LRH paranoia rise ever higher.
One thing anyone can count on is that Hubbard (or his followers) will do the wrong thing.
Another great episode, what a wonderfully strong person Paulette is, and what a great job both you and Leah are doing.
Keep up the good work and continue to fight the good fight, and hopefully one day people will open their eyes to all these cults that are masquerading as something innocent.
Just to be clear for the uninitiated, there is much misuse of the word “refute”. Refute = to show proof of untruth not just to deny.
How is it not a legal precedent that any Scientologist witness in a court of law is not automatically deemed to be lying as it is in the public domain that it was mandated by Hubbard.
Possibly because they are non yet recognized as an organized-racketeering mafia-like entity yet. That religious designation is protecting them on several fronts.
Once that is removed (Xenu willing) then we might see more enthusiasm on part of prosecutors to actually do their job and apply the law blindly.
Great episode, indeed! I would say touching. Something that will become part of the history of exposing the cult.
Paulette Cooper went through something unbelievable. What a strength.
I would have loved to ask her what she may think about the scn and NOI love affair.
Thanks again Mike and Leah for all your passion.
Yes indeed. Please allow me to add my thanks to Mike & Leah for the great job they have done and continue to do.
Absolutely disgusting — which means they deserve each other
Thank you Paulette. I thought that too.
Thanks a lot for what you have done and keep doing. Very inspiring.
The Church of Scientology is a Mafia-like Crime Syndicate. People/Companies ordinarily refute false allegations, not Scientology … they deal in Fair Game, Black PR and Stasi Psych-Op tactics to ruin people … because they have no valid argument to refute much of anything.
Mafia like? It’s a full blown CULT!
A Mafia Crime Syndicate is far worse than a cult. The latter doesn’t necessarily hunts it’s member down in cold blood.
Interesting statement….in that BOTH will track you down to the ends of the Earth & you’ll never have ANY peace as you’ll be looking over your shoulder forever.
Both will follow you, spy on you, intimidate & threaten you in one way or another. Both will HOLD your family hostage until “some form of payment is made”….either by giving your life or ROBBING you of your freedom & life by taking every cent you have.
The wear & tear on one’s physical & mental stability & sanity are mind boggling. I’ve friends living in different areas in Brooklyn…..and NYC…..& enclaves on Long Island & upstate NY as well a “Jersey”……let’s say people think the Mafia are a done deal but NNaaahhh. they like COS are all over the map too….
When I was 16 my then BFF Angela’s Uncle was shot & killed in the circular drive in front of his home….a Mafia hit… Her Uncle & his wife had no children, but loved kids & Angela was their one and ONLY treasured God Daughter. They LOVED to have her & her friends (including myself) visit for Pool Parties & BBQ’s where you were fed like Royalty……we were in a sense part of “the family” & much adored.
Her Uncle’s “rub out”, i.e. murder made the NY Daily News… did my other girlfriend’s then boyfriend Ruben….who got involved with “politics & Unionizing” for the NYC Dept Of Sanitation….he was found shot to death in the trunk of a car parked at JFK along with his cohort friend.
COS seemingly knows no bounds….Paulette is lucky she’s kept her sanity & hopefully has had good health…..I pray for her.
But lets not forget about Foolproof. He she or it has not weighed in here in awhile and I would expect some sort of refuting to be going on.
Yo Dave,
Time to let yer favorite pit bull out to set the record straight good buddy. But ya better drill em thoroughly or Paulette and co. will have em for lunch. What about dragging some of yer other closet friends out fer a trial run Dave?
Get Julian spruced up and have him do a Pee Are piece with say Kathy Morrow over at valley morgue and Alphonso and Jasmin from Flog. Have Marion and Hansuili drill em first and then show the world what a friendly group ya’ll are.
Hell, why not toss in Samantha from the freakwinds. She could do a ruthless piece on Oh Tee Ate participation stats during yer pandemic. Prove to the world how dedicated and able all those Ates are in handling their sectors Dave and how effective ya’ll are at handling measels and covid and stuff. Dang, what a wonnerful and special world the Cult is! Yadda be proud Dave!
Shit, fer al you’ve done maybe take the rest of the day off. Cruise on down town and do some dildo shopping Dave. Big question is whoze on yer mailing list taday?
And say hi to Foolproof from all of us.
Newcomer…that’s a crack up
So funny!!
I think ole foolproof got banned for good by Mike. I’m not 100 Percent sure but I remember something about foolproof stepping way over the line regarding child abuse.
Mike banned Foolproof from the site some time ago, after FP attempted to support a Scamology policy (direct from Lardo) that explained that child molestation is OK – because the child is really just a Thetan.
Good riddance.
Amen to that Briget……..ANY FORM of Child Abuse, Neglect…physical/emotional is NOT TOLERATED.
Remember 1 800 4 A CHILD …..
Glad to hear it! Our stats are up and it’s not even Thursday.
Yo Dave,
Yer really such a clever fellow ………. not sure why ya don’t create a new handle for Eff Pee such as Fool Unproof and go at it again. I’d guess that ole’ Effie Poo is licking his wounds in the Are Pees Are Pee Eff.
No doubt yer rehab farce is growing faster than mold on a warm bucket of shit. Think about tomorrow at too Dave. Stats down …….. again ……… for gawds sake, do somethin’.