Leah and I welcome Dr. Steve Hassan to the podcast this week.
A former Moonie, Steve is today an internationally recognized expert in the field of cults and undue influence. We cover a lot of territory, including undue influence, hypnosis and the methods used to control people.
Dr. Hassan holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Cambridge College and a Doctorate in Organizational Development and Change from Fielding Graduate University School of Leadership Studies. He is a member of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law at Harvard Medical School. He is Founding Director of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center, which provides training, consulting and support to individuals who are struggling to leave a cult, and to families and organizations that are concerned about cult behaviors. He developed the Strategic Interactive Approach (SIA), as an effective and legal intervention alternative for families to help cult members, the BITE (Behavior, Information, Thought, Emotional) Model of Authoritarian Control and the Influence Continuum model.
Recently he was featured on Heaven’s Gate: The Cult of Cults on HBO Max and Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult on Starz.
Steve has authored a number of books on cults, most notably:
Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves
Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs
We discuss the Ethical to Unethical Influence Continuum:
Steve recommends a video by Jon Atack on Hypnosis
Steve mentions his Dissertation
This is the Abstract giving the overview of what it contains:
The justice system needs to be updated to incorporate research that explains the psychology of predatory exploitation and factors that can help to identify it when it occurs. Too often, people argue that judgments about undue influence constitute a “slippery slope,” or that “People are responsible for their actions once they reach 18 years of age.” It is also said that “One cult is another person’s religion” whenever the topics of brainwashing, thought reform, mind control or undue influence are brought up in legal cases.
This dissertation offers quantitative evidence about the BITE model (Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion) as a potential tool to help evaluate cases involving exploitative control or undue influence. BITE (Hassan, 1988, 2015) offers a clearly defined model based on observable behaviors that expert witnesses can use to evaluate the presence of mind control or thought reform across a variety of settings and groups.
The term undue influence has a several hundred-year-old history in British common law, but its use has mostly been confined to the area of wills and testaments. The studies of systematic
social influence have produced several models to describe exploitative influence over a person or group of people. A literature review was conducted on existing laws that address trafficking, coercive control, and undue influence. An analysis of major models of thought reform, mind control, or brainwashing was done using Robert Jay Lifton’s Eight Criteria (Lifton, 1961); Edgar Schein’s model which includes Kurt Lewin’s model for change (Schein, et al., 1961); Margaret Singer’s Six Conditions (Singer & Lalich, 2003); and the Influence Continuum and BITE Model (Hassan,1988). Scheflin’s Social Influence Model (Scheflin, 2015) offers an overall framework for expert witnesses to comprehensively evaluate any potential undue influence situation.
Legal systems value quantitative research over qualitative research. A total of 1044 participants took part in this study designed to determine the efficacy of the BITE model in identifying undue influence. The items in the BITE model of mind control were found to have a reliability score of .98, and a Cronbach’s alpha of .93 demonstrated internal consistency and validity. A principal component analysis identified one highly significant factor that captures undue influence: Authoritarian Control. The BITE model offers a look at the dimensions that allow one to predict the presence of Authoritarian Control, particularly where undue influence is suspected in both civil as well as criminal contexts. Implications are discussed.
Steve also mentions a video with Nancy Many and Larry Brennan:
Just finished episode 40 – I’m catching up! I recently found an author that I think you and Leah should speak to in order to learn more about the effect cult language has on the intense “us versus them” attitude. She even talks about Scientology (as well as Jonestown & she mentions Steve Hassan when writing about the Moonies!) in her book – “Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism”… The one and only Amanda Montell! I would love to tune into a discussion involving you three!
Very interesting episode. Cult like group behavior is more common than we thought.
“Don’t be culty”
“They stole the election” “Our rights to free speech have been shattered” LOLOLOL Please provide one scintilla of evidence for these claims. Methinks someone watches too much Fox, OAN or Newsmax.
Given the increasing politicizing going on here, I think I will check out from this blog for now. The political polarization and bad-mouthing has essentially driven me off social media generally, usually found this blog was a place that unseemly crap could be avoided. Not any more, at least at the moment. Good luck all, I am out.
We had a moment there, but I have basically stopped anything further as I know people don’t want to read this here. Unfortunately, the guest on our podcast had written a book and some just can’t let something like that go…
Mike, my withdrawal is not meant to be a criticism of how you administer the blog or even that the post had that book in it. It is that political discourse leads to childish crap from both sides of the spectrum. I am politically a registered Independent, and generally politically moderate, and the discharges between opposite political poles here, as seemingly everywhere these days, is just stupid to me.
I could not agree with you more. It’s why I always refer people to The Social Dilemma doc. It explains this nuttiness that has engulfed the country.
Steve Hassan has tarnished his credibility as a cult expert. Go to cultnews.com and read Steve Hassan, the BITE model and Donald Trump. People went to rallies the way fans go to a concert. That’s not a cult. No one is bullied into giving money to Trump. No one is “fair-gamed” for leaving the Republican Party. Do you folks care about cult victims or just want to spin self-righteous political messages? I’m truly disappointed in Hassan, who seemed like a significant authority to me before he went down this Trump road.
Hassan got in the Moonies in NYC about 1976. Fortunately I heard a full day of their Bullshit before that in about 1972-1975. Spent 13 months in South Korea from 68-72. Kim was a classic Korean con artist. Saw through him in a few hours.
I do remember the ‘love bombing” as the best part of the religion.
When I went to the Grand Meeting, the speaker traces Biblical figures and linked them to Sun Yung Moon. Everyone in the room “gasped” at the sine wave outcome. Here you get an ignorant South Korean con artist, painting a false picture of himself South Korea is noted for its con artists. That is why we have North Korea, South Korea, Japan and China
At least in scn we didn’t get sucked into believing in a “divine” leader. Mr. Hubbard was just “Source” which didn’t sound too religious and going OT sounded cooler than getting saved or something like that. 🤔
There were still a lot of comparisons – haha
Richard, that may be what you got, but Hubbard hinted at bein godlike if not god, and a lot of his followers have certainly deified him to one extent or another. In particular, he claimed to be the reincarnation of Buddha:
“Am I Mettayya?” Hymn of Asia
“And what we have just talked about in terms of knowing the way to Knowingness, is very, very closely associated here with Buddha, or Lord Buddha, or Gautama Buddha, or the Blessed One, or the Enlightened one.” Phoenix Lectures
In 1974, Hymn of Asia was published as a hardcover book and from accounts, distributed and promoted to burnish Hubbard’s virtual deification.
“Maitreya (Sanskrit) or Metteyya (Pali) is regarded as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. … According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maitreya
Here was my entry into scn. I didn’t know what I was getting into.
I like this stuff
“Ghost” is a mock Satanic musical group. The music industry is competitive and that’s their hook. As a baby boomer I’m mostly into rock music and a few years ago I started listening to their music and I enjoy it from a music point of view and I also did a lot of word clearing of the lyrics and got a pretty good idea of the “other side” of Christianity.
Relating to scn, Ghost generally presents Lucifer as the Bringer of Light, inspiring us with insurrection and spite in opposition to a tyrannical God who demands total obedience and allowing us to exercise free will. If Elron said he was coming back as Lucifer I suppose he was putting himself in the position of a religious figure even though he trashed religion. Here’s another Ghost song for anyone interested. “He [Lucifer] Is”
The above song is mellow and pretty which I didn’t have time to add before the edit ran out. I’m not promoting Satanism or Luciferianism! Lol
The Latin in the “He Is” song translates to “He is my Father and my Mother” probably relating to the concept of the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost which does not manifest with gender.
I apologize for being such a blabbermouth today and making so many posts. But I just want to sum up my thoughts on why I think Dr. Steve Hassan was such a great guest.
It has to do with the fact that he is two people in one. He is both an expert PhD who has read and studied his subject and also someone who has lived the life of a slave in a cult and has emerged to live a full life once more.
As a result, he provides two perspectives and that is so much better than almost everyone else who just provides a single perspective.
Remember when he described how he began to wake up from his mind control? He described it as a house of cards falling – one card at a time. Then, he added the sound effects for the cards falling. I can’t replicate the sounds he made with his mouth but it was something like, “Ping! Ping! Ping!”.
The man provided us with sound effects! For crying out loud, who else does that? That is just one example of the humanity he was able to provide and I loved that so much.
Then, I read the Abstract of his Dissertation. For those who may not know, everyone who gets a PhD has to write a long document called a “Dissertation” whose purpose is to add a piece of knowledge to the sum total of human knowledge about a subject.
For example, someone who has a PhD in Physics had to create a document that adds something to the human knowledge of Physics. Steve’s summary begins like this:
“The justice system needs to be updated to incorporate research that explains the psychology of predatory exploitation and factors that can help to identify it when it occurs.”
I have been trying to put forward this idea for some time now. But I could never find the words to say it. If you consider our prisons, over time we have reformed our prisons to try and avoid harsh and unusual punishment for several reasons.
I’m quite certain that if humanity survives this pandemic and all the other threats we face like nuclear war, pollution, climate change, over population, etc., etc., … at some point in our future, starting a cult that exploits people will be a serious crime for which people will suffer serious penalties.
Well, it is just so great to have one person speak of the problem with cults both from the academic POV and the human POV. This is why I loved listening to Steve so much and why I hope we get a chance to hear from him (and see him) again (and again).
“God wanted Nixon to be president”
Where have I heard similar recently, eh?
A fantastic podcast. The nexus of Erickson Hypnosis/NLP, Narcissism and Cults again! Please check out https://www.reddit.com/r/EducoWorld/ as I try to build awareness of this actively recruiting group in the UK
(p,s, Don’t be culty… how is Steven Hassan a charlatan; did you see him tackle Roy Masters? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-A8nCm_32Xe5ktpKDBXa7QqKFUkTTFpx Steven’s a good ‘un)
I hope people will not object to my suggesting a kind of approach to hire any kind of counsellor (like a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist or any kind of doctor).
But before giving one of these people any money, I would think it would be only prudent to talk with them and ask:
1) How much will you charge me?
2) What will I get for my money?
3) Do you offer any kind of satisfaction guarantee? If I am not satisfied with your services, will you offer me a portion of my money back?
4) Can you give me the names of some people you have served in the past who I can call and ask them for some references about you?
I’m sure there are other standard sorts of questions to ask. I would hesitate to ask someone what their credentials are. Most professionals hang a copy of their degrees to prove they have a doctorate degree or belong to some association you can call and ask about them or call and make any complaints you might have. It just seems to me to be very awkward to ask a doctor what kind of degrees they have and where they got them. But it should not be difficult to find out what their credentials are and before you go for treatment and before you pay them money, you really should know their credentials and you really should be able to check their references.
It seems to me these are just some of the things people should ask or find out before they agree to get services from any kind of professional – no matter whether they are a doctor or a building contractor who agrees to do repairs to your home. Don’t you think?
I just want to tell everyone that I have watched the Youtube link above in which Steve Hassan goes face to face with Roy Masters. If you don’t know who Roy Masters is, this video only takes 4 minutes and it is a very revealing look at the characters of both these people and it is well worth watching. Steve really held his own in this fight. These kinds of televised fights or quarrels get really ugly and stupid and usually wind up with two people screaming at each other while ignoring whatever the other person has to say. But IMO, you will learn a fair bit about both these people – at least you will get your 4 minutes worth – for sure.
I think this is remarkable TV and the much younger Steven is brilliant. You can see how he’s changed over the years but he ROCKS
It should be noted that these videos come from Linda Method’s YouTube channel, and she appears in the clips and is equally brilliant!
Talk about BEING CULTY!
This is one podcast I won’t watch.
Mike – you suppress others from having a political opinion that differs from yours. It is very sneaky and covert how you manage to get your digs in on Trump. You are “being Culty”. Allowing the Trump bashing self proclaimed cult expert here to promote his ‘Cult of Trump’ info here? Wow. That just goes to show you. You Democrats have been run a hate propaganda campaign and the lies were told by MSM so much, you all believe them. And you don’t know you are under undue influence getting manipulated to HATE TRUMP and Trump supporters.
Steve Hassan is another charlatan taking advantage of others who are vulnerable coming out of cults.
This proves you are not very good at spotting undue influence either. You really think you are right.
May I suggest you do some research on Steve Hassan besides what you want to see.
Ask Rick Ross and check out Steve Hassan reviews.
My bet. You won’t post anything anyone says that goes against your cult narrative.
That is how Cognitive Dissonance works. And you really think it does not effect you. You have work to do if you don’t think you have not been unduly influenced by your beliefs about “being a Democrat”. There is no such thing. Just as there is no such thing as a Republican as far as what they actually mean. It’s political manipulation just like spiritual.
Maybe you should read his books, including the one about the Cult of Trump. You are all bent out of shape because I include a book he wrote that you disagree with (without reading it) and claim that I am the one who is censoring. Somehow you are terribly hurt and offended and start railing against ME because you think you are being slighted.
You know, there are a lot of opinions in this world. ANd people who have different views than you. That doesn’t mean they hate YOU. This is the problem that social media has created. Us vs Them. I suggest, as I have to many, that you watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix. It is dividing this country like never before.
As for the “You Democrats” comment, you are pretty presumptive. I am a registered Independent. That I find Donald Trump to be an unlikable human being and con man doesnt make me a Democrat any more than it makes Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney or George Bush Democrats.
Chill yourself out dude. You are not being personally insulted because someone wrote a book.
Mike, you get plenty of feedback and well deserved praise from others and don’t need my small bit but….
Your reaction to Don’t Be Culty’s rant is a consummate response. You have a way of cutting to the chase with an insight and facility with language that characterizes the media and analytical successes you have achieved.
And you display a humanity and morality that is impressive and has been hard won.
Mike. Thank you for not censoring my post.
I did read all of Steve Hassan’s books including ‘Cult of Trump’.
I make sure I am not “Being Culty” and I look at everything including MSM. Steve Hassan is in a Cult called the “Hate Trump Cult”. Writing a book and calling it “Cult of Trump” and claiming it’s not BEING CULTY is gas lighting at its finest. You are contributing to that Culty motion. Just think about it. The Democrats gas lite the entire World with the help of MSNBC, CNN, ABC and other MSM stations. It has been an epic mind Fucking of this country and the World. They stole the election. Our rights to free speech have been shattered. All lives matter! Don’t be Culty.
You are projecting. Please stop submitting similar comments from different names and the same email address trying to discredit Steve Hassan because he wrote a book you disagree with.
You are pretending to be “open minded” and yet rant here about the “stolen election”. That’s a fantasy that has been disproven in every court where actual evidence is required but people like you keep the lie alive. Why?
Please stop trying to spread conspiracy fantasies here. If you don’t like Steve Hassan and think he has nothing valuable to say the answer is easy. Don’t listen. You already know everything he says is bs.
Your unhinged comment is not helping your cause to gain agreement with your point of view.
And please stop using different handles to make it seem like you are a bunch of different people who agree with yourself.
Mike – wow
You are something else
I guess you just can’t help BEING CULTY
“Attack never defend”
Just goes to show
You can get the man out of the cult but you can’t get the cult out of the man
I’ll laugh when I see you promoting
“Don’t Be Culty”
Do you think name-calling makes you look good?
Mike – I sure admire you on the subject of Scientology. You are my hero. I can’t see where I called you any names. I am simply giving you an opinion of how I find this stuff you slip out about politics – Culty. It is this type of behavior that is surprising to see. I love your blog and I love you and Leah. I hate when you slip in politics and pretend you are not.
Thank you for giving me a voice here. You are a true gentleman and I appreciate your hard work.
Oh wow, are you a weasel with your comments here and then below. (at 5:32)
The “cult/culty” seems to really get to you that you so vehemently sling it at Mike, criticizing him for not having any introspection which indeed you are showing lack of.
Your performance here has less to do with voicing your opinion but more with pushing your political stance, exactly what you are criticising Mike for.
Btw: It’s HIS blog! Who are You to tell him and demand that he should not put any politics here (or lets say in the way that it is displeasing you) and to stick to Scientology? The nerve of it!
What you’re doing isn’t a mystery to anyone. You’re engaging in conspiratorial thinking to cope with the reality of an election loss. I hope you find healthy ways to move on.
I have two complaints with the current podcast. The first is that Mike hardly ever speaks at all and so I don’t know how anyone could accuse him of being culty or anything else in these podcasts since he hardly ever says anything. I really wish Mike would speak up more in these podcasts. If there are three people present, wouldn’t it be only fair for Mike to speak for approx one-third the time? I want to hear more from Mike in these podcasts. I don’t know why he is so quiet like a mouse. Mike! Your experiences and your knowledge is really valuable and I want to to hear more from you. So please speak up if you can.
My second complaint is that even though we heard quite a lot from Dr. Steven Hassan, I would really like to have heard more from him. His personal revelations about cults was amazing and anyone who has any kind of interest in cults would (again IMO) benefit tremendously from hearing more of what he has to say.
It is very rare that an “expert” like Dr. Hassan also has the personal experience to back up his opinions and his knowledge. But in this case, Dr. Hassan has that experience in spades. I have only listened to this podcast once but I feel the need to listen to it more. I really want to hear Dr. Hassan again and again. He is terrific!
Moreover, it was truly downright entertaining to hear from Dr. Hassan about his own experiences. It is really wonderful to hear from an expert about their own experiences. There is a world of difference hearing about cults from an expert who has read about them and studied them vs. hearing from someone who has walked the walk and lived through them. I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Hassan. So I will stop talking now.
Dr. Steven Hassan certainly does seem to be all the things that people have accused him of so far. Things like brilliant, extremely knowledgeable, and many other superb adjectives. I thought he was really great and I also watched the TV show about the Heavens Gate cult and IMO, his performance in that show was also superb. He was a great guest and I’d really like to hear more from him anytime.
Dear ‘Don’t Be…’
Very small mind at work. A surefire ‘tell’ is the political indignation and the us against them polarization. Fascinating to watch, indeed.
You have much to learn young Padawan.
Dear Zola
Short attention span, eh. It’s a curse.
A post containing about 30 words is too long? That’s cute.
You absolutely read it; you just didn’t like it.
It is fascinating Don’t be Culty
Fascinating because you made many assumptions and then cried censorship
My only complaint is the same as Skyler23, not hearing more from Mike. Mike, you have so much to say and even if it through a mix of Scientologees(sp) we can hear you. If need, link the scn on line dictionary or let your listeners ask.. eg like what is Amprinistics(sp) 🙂 (ps Mike already answered me)
I really enjoyed this podcast because Dr. Hassan is/has been one of my heroes. His TedTalk is what keeps me moving and doing my quiet part. He is brilliant and kind. I loved his answer on how to speak to people in a cult and how a simple kind open dialogue will lead them to remove themselves from the mind f*ck cults create.
And, again, Mike. You have a kind Soul and your intensity comes across with sincerity and honor even when it seems to overwhelm someone. Please keep being you, the world is a much better place where you, Mike, continue to be you.
Hello Diane.
I’ve been sitting at my keyboard for some time now trying to find a suitable reply to your post. But I can’t seem to choose one. So, I will show you some of the ones I considered and you can pick whichever one you like.
A perfect post, Diane.
Well said, Diane.
I can’t agree more, Diane.
One of the best posts I’ve seen in a long time, Diane.
You hit the mark right on the head, Diane.
See what I mean? It’s tough to pick one when all you’ve got is winners.
Skyler23 your are adorable <3
For Mike ps: I am always being told I'm to intense, too overwhelming and even sometimes too aggressive.
What I have learned:
They can go twirl themselves on a pole in an inappropriate way.
I will Stop apologizing
We i am is who i am
Mike, you are who you are, Say what you want to say with that intensity and all the facial expressions you want.
I promise you, the people who are ready to hear you WILL hear what your saying.
The rest can do my version of the pole dance
Have you “listened” to any of Mike and Leah’s podcasts? We don’t “watch” them they are audio podcasts. Are you an ex-scientologist? If you are, have you worked with any therapists to deprogram from the insidious Hubbard brainwashing?
I agree with Mike, you need to chill. You have taken Mike’s blog today and blown it way out of proportion to something it isn’t.
And from my years of experience in the Scientology cult and working in their marketing programs, every time I watched Trump or his publicity I was reminded of Scientology events and propaganda.
From the “Press Release Handout, “. . . How the President Uses Mind Control . . .” You gotta be kidding! Implying that anyone favoring Trump or Republican POLICIES is under mind control is rather condescending, I might say. LOL
“FASCINATING to watch.”
… Your rant and how you have a go at Mike Rinder and your projections onto him, indeed is.
That episode was extra special because you were touching on Q, which is a real threat not just to the U.S but to the whole “western” world. It already found it’s way to Europes I was always wishing for you to talk about on your podcast.
Anyways, I really appreciate you and Leah for the work you do. I wish there would be a equivilant to your podcast in other languages so a lot more people around the globe would finally realise how dangerous cults are. Sadly your show isn’t available on Netflix in my country either.
Just keep up the good work.
I became interested in $ci and Leah and Mikes show because my parents were among the first 10-20 couples in the US to become involved with The Divine Principle Unification Church and the Rev Moon who claimed he was the messiah. This was approximately 1966-67. They were in for roughly 2 years. Surprise the “church” wanted money. I met the Rev Moon twice. The worst XMAS ever was spent at their US HQ in Washington DC in an old 3 story home. My brother and sisters and I slept in sleeping bags and listened to the radio for entertainment while they prayed. The Rev Moon was there with his two right hand ladies who if I remember correctly spoke much better English than he did. On our last morning there when preparing to drive back to St Louis they asked if we would like to see the new house they just bought for Rev Moon so his wife and kids could stay there while he was traveling. We went to see it and it was a brand new home with shag carpeting, built in dishwasher, console color tv, a pool table and at least 5 bedrooms, finished lower level, 2 car garage, etc. The church taught it was most important, then family, then material goods. Once we got in the car/van to drive back to St Louis I pointed out to my parents if material goods aren’t that important why does he have a part time home way nicer than yours with a color tv, pool table, etc. look what your money helped buy him. There were a lot of 4 letter words laced into that statement. By the time we arrived back in St Louis a couple of days later my dad was out. It took my mom several more months to see the light. I’ve said it here before. It is amazing what people can make themselves believe when they are looking for “the answer”.
Thank you, Gordon Weir, for sharing that story. I am a Scientology watcher too because of all the crazy stories told by ex members.
My parents were Moonie freaks too. They never left.
I honestly can’t say I had a very good experience with Steve Hassan.
I was in the Moonie’s for most of my life and left quietly and stayed UTR.
I called Hassan after I left when I was experiencing a lot of pain.
He charged me a lot of money up front before he would talk to me.
He provided no help and told me to buy his book.
I felt so betrayed and ripped off.
I got a lot of help from Rick Ross. He does not recommend Steve Hassan either. I personally feel Steve Hassan exploits vulnerable ex cult members who are confused and hurting, for his own profit and provides no compassion or help. Read Rick Ross website.
Thank you Gordon Weir for sharing that story. My parents were Moonie freaks too. They never left. I can’t say I had a very good experience with Steve Hassan. I was in for most of my life and left quietly and stayed UTR. I called Hassan when I was experiencing a lot of pain. He charged me a lot of money up front before he would talk to me. He provided no help and told me to buy his book. I got a lot of help from Rick Ross. He does not recommend Steve Hassan either. I feel Steve Hassan exploits vulnerable people for a profit and provides no compassion or help.
Gosh Gordon, you seem to think there is something wrong with Messiah Moonie having a luxurious home.
Don’t you realize that saving the world is a very stressful occupation and the glorious Messiahs who undertake this work must have luxury homes, luxury vehicles, luxury clothing, luxury jewellery and all manner of luxury everything else to help them cope with the stress of their noble occupation.
The stress they must endure is so great they also must also have luxury drugs and alcohol – AND LOTS OF IT! – to cope with the horrible stress. Surely you would not deprive His Holyshit Moon the Grand Poobah any of these necessities. I’m surprised that His Holiness Most High Moonie has only two ladies to ease his stress with Holy Blowjobs. Most Messiahs require all of the ladies in their cults to be on standby – ready for blowjobs – to ease their stress. What is wrong with you?
They also need to have billions of dollars at hand so they will not succumb to the worry of being broke like so many of us have. Again, that is to combat the stress they suffer. Surely you must appreciate these Messiahs are not ordinary blue collar folks like the rest of us and as such, they must be protected from the common worries and stresses of the common fucks like all of us.
P.S. I’m just trying to be humorous. But I’m not very good at it.
When I was a teenage boy growing up, I was contacted by a recuiter for the Unification Church on the Nicollet Mall. I stated I was an atheist and she thanked me for my time and went away. This may have been the first time I came out as an atheist.
Mike, I wanted to tell you about a recent business dealing I had. It was about insurance and I told the rep that I wanted to change the beneficiaries on m life insurance policy because my kids had disconnected from me and I didn’t want the insurance payout to go to two kids who turned their backs on their mother and who would give all the insurance proceeds to the C of S if they inherited as the beneficiaries. She understood immediately. In fact, she told me she had seen the Leah Remini and Mike Rinder expose on Scn and said she knew all about disconnection and how inhumane and evil it is. She had watched all the Aftermath shows that Leah and Mike did. She was a fan of it. And she knew a lot about Scn’s workings for someone who had never been a Scn. So you two are making huge inroads.
Thanks Cindy. That’s great news. 😄
I’m so happy that you have DR. Steven Hassan! I’m so excited to hear the podcast when I finish work!
Steve is presented as a brilliant mind. I look forward to the podcast