This week we are joined by Leah’s mother, Vicki, to discuss the OT levels. Vicki achieved the very pinnacle of scientology auditing, doing OT VIII on the scientology cruise ship Freewinds. We talk about the earlier OT levels and our experiences on them and then Vicki’s recollections of OT VIII. Suffice to say, it was underwhelming.
This is the Freewinds, the only place you can do OT VIII – her usual location is tied up at a dock in Curacao or Aruba. For the last year or more it has been Aruba:
Here is some background information from an earlier post: The Real Story of the Freewinds
The OT Levels section of the Bridge:
What is OT I?
Most of the early OT levels are in Hubbard’s distinctive handwriting. There can be no mistaking the authenticity of these materials when they are in his own hand…
This is what people paid tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to reach. The exalted “OT levels”….
There is now a new version of OT I that is not handwritten, but is equally as lame.
What is OT II?
Here is where things start getting very strange.
There are literally hundreds of pages of “dichotomies” like the examples you see below. You read through these and note the reactions of the E-Meter:
What is OT III?
Now we get to the great “breakthrough” Hubbard called the “Wall of Fire.”
He announced it to the world in “Ron’s Journal 67”
Here are a few of the pages from OT III. If you have seen Going Clear or watched the South Park episode “Trapped in the Closet” you will recognize this material.
The first page gives the big picture of the story and identifies Xenu:
Page 2 makes clear that it kills you, except now Hubbard has solved this with his “tech development.”
He is the ONLY ONE to have done this in 75,000,000 years.
This is his breakdown of “Incident II” in 10 steps:
This is the list of volcanoes where the thetans were blown up with hydrogen bombs. Many of these did not exist 75 million years ago. Lots of spelling errors and inconsistencies — it’s like the list consists of ones he could remember (Mt. Ranier etc) and then huge generalities (Andes, Himalayas) and then “Tangier” and “Canada”…
Before Incident 2 (75 million years ago) there is Incident 1 — 4 quadrillion years ago.,
This is the entire description of Incident One.
What is OT V – New Era Dianetics for OTs (NOTs)?
Here are some pages from the NOT’s materials.
This is the first issue which describes what NOT’s does for you — makes you “CAUSE OVER LIFE.”
The procedure for handling Body Thetans (BT’s) on NOTs is MUCH simpler than on OT III. Same BT’s, but now instead of Incident 2 you just ask them “What are you?” and then “Who are you?”.
Even with this “new tech” they still get people to pay for the “old tech” and do OT III…
This is how NOTs supposedly solves the problem of cancer and other physical problems. It’s caused by BT’s…
How much does it cost to do the OT Levels?
A price list from Flag — the ONLY place where you can do OT VI and OT VII.
Listening to your description of the NOTs steps with Lea was atrocius! You reached the level of OT7 and she completed OT5 and neither of you can describe the correct way to do these 2 simple steps? WTF!!!
For all those wondering about the next OT levels, I was able to remote view a document in David Miscavige’s safe and discovered the following write-up in a blue folder. Here it is:
OT IX consists of traveling to Helatrobus after completing the Cause Resurgence Rundown and auditing any remaining entities. OT X is a re-do of the Cause Resurgence Rundown and picking up any entities that were missed. The final step is, you guessed it, one more pass at The Cause Resurgence Rundown until you achieve the certainty that you now know who you really are and are ready to find out what you could become.
When I saw the “Many are called” promo, I immediately gave the rejoinder: “And few answered.”, which seems to be the case for the enterprise calling itself scientology these days. I pity those staff who report ‘bodies in the shop’, or ‘new recruits’. It’s not easy to be in the cult these days. The truth is just too available, much more easily found, and easier to stomach & believe, than the “stuff” that Dwarfenführer® and his minions spew forth so irregularly.
In a telling passage from his upcoming biography, ‘Hubbard and Me: My Rise To Power’ David Miscavige speaks of an incident he would later come to regret: “I should have never let Rinder go to England.”
IIRC, Davey ORDERED Mike to go to England. Second-worst decision in his short life. Pissing off Leah was the worst, IMNHO.
Amusingly enough I did benefit and have fun on OT1 and OT2. I was awarded OT1 in mid 1971, and spent an hour every evening for 2 months working hard at each of the drills. Some of the ‘wins’ I got were described to me as wins that OT4 or OT6 students were having at that time. (I noted that as a red flag at the time) On OT2 I ended laughing for days over the several dichotomies that were run. OT1 and OT2 were definitely fun for me.
OT3 was another matter. WTF!!!!!! Oh well, I cranked at it for over a year until I got tired of ‘mocking up’ shit to run. There were some old ‘hats’ that I had been and some ‘valences’ that I had that this did not address, but could have. Oh well I guess Ron floofed the goof on that area too.
Jim, I’d bet that if you’d done almost anything else with similar intention and dedication, like meditation or chanting, that you’d have gotten similar results.
As I’ve said before, my perspective is that Scientology in its heyday was really more about what idealistic (mostly) young people brought to the table, than the constructs Hubbard provided.
I think that giving much credit to the “tech” itself would be selling yourself short, though of course humans are prone to false attribution, and Hubbard exploited that tendency to the max for his own aggrandizement and profit.
What was the EP on OT II for you?
I was 2/3 through OT2 and laughing daily when I was forced to turn in my materials in order to do a Drug Rundown. I read the blue on white order/edict (1973?) from hubbard hisself and protested loudly to qual and tech that I was in the non-interference area, not bogged, and had no previous hard rugs. No matter, the old man said drug rundowns immediately for all. I remember leaving the AOLA and at the door, turning back and shouting: ‘Hubbard has had a psychotic break and is fucking insane!!!’
Two years or so later my ex recovered me enough to go in for an ARCX session. After a bit, the auditor asked for my first ‘drug’ (a shot of scotch when 6 to stop my hiccups) which FNed, and then did I want to attest to OT2? Never got an EP on OT2 until I ran the materials off the web (2003) on all 3 flows The EP for me was the confident feeling that I would be very unlikely to get caught up in such simple implants in the future.
Thanks, I wasn’t even around
The EP of Scientology: I’ve been conned.
And it’s been going on since last 60 years , but now it’s on reverse gear.
Thanks to internet and social media the Cults are now becoming obsolete entities.
Why and how ?
They cannot answer queries of educated professionals , coming out of Universities.
Aristotle said ” communication is an act of persuasion ( let other agree to our point of view)
We see this in our daily life : we do it to others, others do it to us , infact that’s what I am doing right now.
But at the same time as we defend our views and if we can’t then we have to modify / change it.
Individuals do that , governments do that, even religious institutions do that ( that’s why there are two popes in Vatican)
But Cults don’t. They are outcome of obsession and need obsessed people to carry on.
For them it’s the Fact , despite repeated failures , they blame on ” others” ,and on top of it are University Scholars , Psychiatrist ,judges and last but not the least federal and international police ( looking for mafia and organized crime) like FBI and Interpol .
Now thanks to multimedia and social media cults are facing ” crisis of credibility ” with in themselves .
This is common with Urban base cults as they were watched by ” others” with the help of ordinary people.
Now , even Cult members hide their affiliation to their cult , in front of general public like Face book , Instagram and LinkedIn.
Now they are living with Guilt and shame, it got worsen after reading Mike and Tony posts.
I’m still confused about how OT8 is done.
Very long history on OT VIII from 1988 when it was intraduced. Suffice it to say that Miscavige took command from the “tech’s> OT VIII had some meat eary on but Miscavige eliminated it. Last OT VIII’s I spoke to years ago were just getting “auditing review of prior levels” with form 50? I think.
It is a complete mess
Another group of OT VIII;s called me and they had an E/P like the world is at peace and so am I. No real pattern her. Original OT VIII was accepted by the Church in Court, then rejected, then accepted with a different date.
It’s worth mentioning that while one is on OT VII (and in Vicki’s case this was 14 years) one goes through mental checking oneself to behave or not have negative thoughts or actions against anything related to the church because it will come up on your next 6-month check. It’s a mental lockdown and is such a mind fuck. This isn’t stressed enough as far as I’m concerned. It’s another aspect of the church of scientology’s mental abuse.
As regards OT VIII, there were many people who went to do OT VIII and after going through all the crap you have to put up with to get the Invitation to do OT VIII, while FINALLY in that courseroom they got blindsided with having to do Basic Books that they hadn’t done before getting there. They were not told before they got to the ship that this would happen; they could have done this before arriving on the ship costing them much less money in accommodations and time away from home and work and it’s considered “confidential” so they don’t talk about the books they are forced to do in the OT VIII courseroom. But at the graduations everyone is forced to go to on Friday nights, it is easy to observe the people in that courseroom graduating from a Basic Book.
Scientology, the gift that keeps on taking.
You are SO right about this aspect of VII.
My spouse basically hid their auditing room for a decade, withdrawing further and further from any possible source of “enturbulation”.
My own VII was stressful on a level that was beyond comprehension.
In the right hands, A filmmaker could make a helluva Dark film, diving into the mental shape shifting hell journey of OTs on the level.
I totally agree and for me it wasn’t OT VII in and of itself. I did it in ’86 and it took six month and no big deal confirming that in the end – big bang boom. In 2005 it became four solid years of hell that I don’t need to go into again. But you know what I mean. And I agree – someone should expose this for the hell and abuse it delivers to its members.
OT II was so stressful for me. I’m not finished. What was the OT II EP for you? I would be very interested
Couldn’t I just go to Times Square and do OT1 for free? 🤦🏼♀️
I did a bit of OT1 on Sunset Blvd after dark. That was a ripe area in 1971 to do this kind of stuff.
Thank you for this episode Mike. It was more than enlightening. I “only” got to OTIII so I didn’t have the glorious OTVIII experience of finding out that it was all a lie. Good thing I figured it out on my own and left. Saved me so much time. 😉
You saved a bunch of BUCKS and insanity, too.
What was the EP on OT II for you?
Hi, I was on II for a year and still wasn’t there, so I walked away nicely. Can you tell me what the EP was on II?
I admit that I still don’t get what OT VIII is… even after reading and hearing about it several times. Is it just too esoteric to explain?
The closest I have read to explain it would be the lyrics to Donovan’s ‘Season of the Witch’:
When I look out my window,
Many sights to see.
And when I look in my window,
So many different people to be
That it’s strange, so strange.
You’ve got to pick up every stitch,
You’ve got to pick up every stitch,
You’ve got to pick up every stitch,
Mm, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch, yeah,
Must be the season of the witch.
When I look over my shoulder,
What do you think I see?
Some other cat looking over
His shoulder at me
And he’s strange, sure he’s strange.
You’ve got to pick up every stitch,……..
Now, aren’t you happy you asked?
This was the best podcast yet! Bravo.
I want to thank Mike for providing this OT material. It’s saved me so much money! Of course, I hope I now don’t die of pneumonia!
Hubbard’s writing is atrocious.
O/T. Switzerland: Scientology booth removed for disregard of city’s requirements
Google translation follows.
Aargauer Zeitung: Police dissolve the state of Scientology – because they disregard the city’s requirements
In order to prevent people from being deceived, the city council decided that the stand and employees must be clearly marked with the words “Scientology”. Because this was ignored, the police made short work of it. Scientology opponents are happy about that.
Dennis Kalt
August 3rd, 2021, 5 a.m.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology’s stand campaigns at the Storchennestturm in Rheinfelden have recently caused unrest in the town again and again. In addition to complaints from residents, there were mutual provocations on site between Scientology and their opponents, who call themselves “Free Anti-Scientology Activists”. This prompted the city council at the end of May to adopt new and stricter rules for the stand actions of Scientology – and its opponents .
On Saturday Scientology was again present with a booth in town. As city clerk Roger Erdin says, when checking the stand action, the regional police repeatedly found that the municipal council’s requirements were not being met:
“In particular, the stand was not sufficiently marked as an action by the Scientology organization, and one employee was not adequately marked.”
Because of this, the police dissolved the site action. According to the decision of the city council, the stand must be clearly marked on all sides for all passers-by with the words “Scientology”. The stand employees must also be written to as Scientologists.
Because among other things, it came about that passers-by were deceived by the organization not appearing as Scientology, but under the name of “Dianetics” in the city. As Erdin says, Scientology has not requested any further stand actions at the moment.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Memorialized with two photos on ESMBR at:
It’s an old lady in a red shirt trying to hand out a flyer by a cheap red tent she unloaded from her trunk.
If this gets shut down their stats are going to CRASH.
Heads will roll.
Um. Ok. I get it. He. Was. Nuts. People you can have? Hello????
OT Free
1. Look at Hubbard arcana
2. Spot several lies
3. Notice you’re not like him
4. Laugh at how you were fooled
5. Walk away
Criminal Minds season 10: episode 11 “The Forever People”
It’s about a cult with steps and of course brainwashing. They believe they will live forever through the steps which includes staying in a freezer for multiple days.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all.
Psychopaths & sociopaths can be very cruel.
Oh, I get it now! COVID is just the planet free wheeling on OT3. And they are still trying to clear the planet while the rest of us are way ahead of them.
They need to come to PT.
Look around here and find something you could have.
Ol’ boy looked to be drunk or something when scribbling this nonsense.
I think he was out of his tree on, to use a phrase from an episode of The Goodies, certain substances when he wrote down a lot that crap. He wasn’t fully sane to start with and his paranoia and increasing delusions was exacerbated by his heavy use of booze and drugs (both legal and otherwise).
Merely drunk would have been on one of his better days, Jill.
Dave really needs to get busy and deliver on the Oh Tea Nine and Ten materials. I’m sure He really appreciates the data in your post today Mike!
Yo Dave,
Time to git busy on yer channeling of the great one over on Target Too and deliver on the next Oh Tea Levels good buddy. Should be fun having all of the Oh Tea Ate completions on bored to finally receive the carrot You have promised.
I recall your announcement to do your preps fer nine and ten back in the day. Wasn’t it about 2005 or so. I assume those preps will still be good since they were completed with Eff-N, Bognition and Vee Gee Eyes. Wonder how many will show up to do their next service?
I don’t think you will need a large room Dave, maybe just a closet! Perhaps just You and Tom!!!
“I don’t think you will need a large room Dave, maybe just a closet! Perhaps just You and Tom!!!”
Preferably soundproofed, padded and a large selection of S and M toys hanging on the walls. Dildo Masochist would be screaming in ecstasy as his Master was…well, you can imagine the rest yourselves.
OT IX and X will be released when enough people start taking responsibility and quit dumping their hats in my lap and crashing the stats.
Davey’s been doing an EXCELLENT job destroying what he carved out of Hubbard’s creation. Those stat-crashing minions he claims are trying to deliver what was promised, making them CICS.
ALL HAIL COB, The most successful squirrel and SP in scientology’s long history.