We have a special treat this week. Leah and I talk with Ian Rafalko and Dylan Follo.
Ian became an internet sensation when he posted a TikTok video about his father, scientologist chiropractor Eric Berg. His message has been viewed by millions. Ian met Dylan when they were training as auditors at Flag in Clearwater to return to their ideal orgs in Atlanta and NY respectively. They are the first people we have spoken to who have actually been on staff inside an “ideal” org and their experiences are pretty shocking. Ian’s family has been torn apart and his wife chose scientology over him. Dylan returned to his org as a Class V auditor, but there were no public to audit, so he was called before a Committee of Evidence for “low production.”
This is an episode you don’t want to miss.
Some background information:
Tony Ortega’s piece on Ian at the time he first put out his TikTok.
Ian’s dad, Eric Berg, who has 5 million followers on YouTube:
A recent post about Atlanta Ideal Org
New York Ideal Org
You can follow Ian Rafalko on Twitter. He is also on Instagram at ianrafalko
What is a Comm Ev? Here are a couple of earlier articles from my blog.
The Scientology Committee of Evidence
A Scientology Committee of Evidence is NOT Arbitration
This post contains a copy of the full policy letter detailing the structure and proceedings of a Comm Ev.
The Hubbard writing about Full Responsibility from Advanced Procedures & Axioms:
I wish I could adopt them
Great success stories.
Mike. I’m not a Scientologist and have never been involved with it but I was drawn into the show on A&E years ago and have been a fan since. A week or two ago, King Of Queens was on TV and it made me think of you and Leah. After doing some research I found your new podcast and I’m happy because I was bummed the TV show was over. It’s great. Sadly, in looking stuff up I came across the smear website that Scientology made for you…and it’s so disgusting. I can tell you are a genuinely good guy and even hearing you on the podcast helps ease my anxiety. My heart breaks for you and what you’ve had to deal with regarding disconnections and the smear campaign Scientology put your family on. It’s so fake. Anyway, I just want to tell you you’re a good guy and I’m happy I have a weekly show I can hear from you on now. Keep fighting the good fight brother.
Thanks so much for your kind words.
I also love all things Mike and Leah. HOWEVER-Ian Rafalko could use some public speaking lessons. His story is interesting, but I almost turned it off several times due to his inability to string his thoughts together. I hung in there, but he could have used your help to keep things moving.
Donna, I thought it more spoke of the ability scientology has to scramble a person’s mind. He’ll be OK. At least he is talking, he will heal up just fine
(PTSD is no take a speaking lesson and it’s gone)
I understand what you’re saying, Donna.
This unfortunate young man, however, has many issues, the least of which is leaving everything he could count on his whole life! He’s basically adrift and lost and just beginning a journey into normality. I can’t even imagine….
Given the context…I don’t even know if Ian is sure or aware of his own sexuality? A journey that is hard enough wo the influence of a cult. I wish him nothing but the best, and that he becomes the person he always should of been!
O/T. Aaron Smith-Levin Video: Let’s discuss Clearwater’s Scientology Problem. [He is running for Clearwater City Council next month.]
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Let’s discuss Clearwater’s Scientology Problem
Growing Up In Scientology
Aug 23, 2021
I discuss the exact nature of Clearwater’s Scientology problem and why I will be running for Clearwater City Council next month.
#Clearwater #Scientology
Aaron Smith-Levin
Twitter: @GrowingUpInSCN
Instagram: Asmithlevin
FB: “Supporters of Leah Remini” FB Group: https://bit.ly/2m6Me0n
The Aftermath Foundation
Facebook: https://facebook.com/AftermathFoundation
Twitter: @AftermathFDN
Instagram: TheAftermathFoundation
0:00 – Introduction
0:57 – Not a normal org
2:52 – Normal orgs want non-scientologists
3:49 – Flag
4:55 – Lower level orgs
5:50 – Upper level orgs
6:42 – Flag & Clearwater
12:29 – a Clear Takeover
16:17 – Putting on a show
19:15 – Scientology front groups
22:00 – Running for City Council
* * * * * END DESCRIPTION * * * * *
Thank you for bringing these two gentlemen onto the podcast. I wept a few times hearing each recount their CRAZY—yet I know thoroughly true (as a Former-In, I recognize this)—awful experiences in this group. Being on staff seems for anyone, ultimately, a PENALTY. The whiplash into PUNISHMENT mode to address staff members in a grueling and harsh way astonishes. So many parishioners—regardless of how many recruitment attempts—somehow know to NOT join staff. Ian and Dylan’s stories are representative of many Class V Org staff member experiences, I do not doubt it.
You are absolutely correct.
The staff and Sea Org cultures are just fucking bonkers; it’s
cult slavery.
I have listened to every single episode and this one had me completely entranced. I just want Ian and Dylan to know I am in awe of their courage and wish them nothing but the best. Praying and hoping for an amazing life after Scientology for them. Thank you for being willing to share your stories.
The young generation armed with Social media cannot be blind follower of any cult for long.
This is the Clear & Present Danger for all the Cults.
The internet revolution led to Ananomous movement via multimedia ,YouTube.
The Social media may now bring the 2nd wave of it. As that generation now get a platform which is embedded with Andriod and IoS ,can be accessed on real time basis.
Cities are jungle ,no place for Cults.
The COVID-19 vaccine hasn’t killed me yet.
You still with us?
Several people keep posting that every podcast you produce is the best so far. Better than all the rest. But despite your calling this podcast a “special treat”, I have to voice the opinion that it was not a special treat.
I found listening to Leah keep on throwing out the “F” word was unfortunately very unattractive and it detracted from whatever she was trying to say.
Thanks for your input.
As my good friend Marc Headley likes to say: “It is what it is.”
Is this “Katherine1NCali” the longtime commenter “KatherineINCali” (just with a “1” now) or again a/the imposter like the one who was purporting that he/she would be “PeaceMaker”?
This is another imposter trying to look like a real poster. KatherineINCali is the real deal. Katherine1NCali is a faker.
No surprise.
But why would this imposter want to pretend to be me? What did I ever do?
They just look for someone who has regularly posted and hope that by pretending to be you they will have credibility with other commenters. The problem they have is their comments don’t look like the person they are trying to impersonate so they invariably get caught out.
It’s a little bit of added entertainment…
I also find this amusing given what we know about the constant use of the F-word (and every other swear word) within the core of Scamology. They are the LAST people who can claim to be sensitive to “language”!!
Gosh Mike, I had no idea.
It is very reassuring to know this blog is in your hands.
Katherine, Because if they ain’t lying they ain’t a sceintologist.
To all,

I fuckin’ love Leah’s f-bombs! No bullshit with her, just the
abso-fuckin-lute truth!
Mike, keep fuckin’ doin’ what you’re fuckin’ doin’ !
To sillyness…and beyond!
Right? Let Leah be Leah!

What you said!
That’s what makes Leah, Leah! She has a heart of gold and don’t cross her!!! Lol
O/T. TwoCircles.net (TCN) calls the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office a “leading rights organization.”
Reporting on the recent letter requesting that India be classified as a Country of Particular Concern, TCN said:
Indian Americans welcome USCIRF report placing India in religious freedom blacklist for second year in a row
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That letter was co-signed by leading rights organizations, including International Christian Concern (ICC), Christian Solidarity Worldwide (UK), Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR), Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA), Justice For All, American Muslim Institution, American Sikh Council, Church of Scientology National Affairs Office and Just Law International.
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About TCN:
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TwoCircles.net (TCN) is the non-profit voice for the marginalized sections of India i.e. the mainstream.
TwoCircles.net is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the state of Massachusetts, USA.
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Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR and WWP at:
I contacted the Aftermath Foundation after Ian posted his first video on YT. I thank them so very much for getting him help with everything and that he is still around!! Thank yall so very much for reaching out to him
It was exactly what the Foundation was created for — we were glad to be able to help.
You’ll need to put the episode on the internet for people to not miss it.
Why is his name Ian Rafalko when his father’s name is Eric Berg? Just curious.
I think his name used to be Berg. I remember seeing certificates he was holding in older pictures and it said Ian Berg.
My best guess would be that he changed it to distance himself from his parents/his past?
Stand League already debunked all of this weeks ago. If you would just listen to the source there wouldn’t be an confusion or issues.
Requesting a link to the debunking of all of this by Stand League weeks ago so we can listen to the source there to resolve our confusion or issues.
Hi Jean,

If you don’t know what the actual bunk is and who its source is, how can you factually contest it?(“to reduce the funk, investigate the real bunk” Mack the Marcab, Squadron 47, 4th Marcab Invader Force)
I worked with Ian’s mom. I took my mother to Eric’s office years ago so that she, like any new customer, could be hard-sold a bunch of “services” that she didn’t need or want. I use to see Ian and his sister Ollie drift in and out of the DC org when I worked there.
Karen and Eric are typical arrogant, narcissistic, money-grubbing Hubbard OT (onanistic twerker) acolytes who reverently kiss the raisins of the Macallan Muppet King. They will dump Ian’s ass like a bad habit, if they haven’t already, for merely communicating freely to whomever he chose to(so much for self-determination and “ARC” in “the church”).
Full marks for creeping in here and inserting your robotic “confront and shatter” patter, though. It’s not Thursday at 2 pm, yet, though; keep reading and keep posting, please!
In the mean-time, pop a few extra niacin tablets, have a cup of cal mag, and read on! May you never be the same thereafter!
To Helotrobus-and beyond!
Oh bugger off, OSA troll! Mike Rinder blew – you can too!
If I understand you correctly, I must agree. He did blow and he will blow more in the future and he continues to blow all the time – especially when he does these dreary podcasts. The are so dreary they make listeners vomit from one end of the country to the other. Bleccccchhhh!!
I enjoy hearing stories of how people were hip-deep in this incredibly depraved organization before they even realized it and their subsequent struggles to extricate themselves. Compelling listening.
Dear Jean unfortunately Stand League is like a regime newspaper. It is better to stop referring to it as a ‘source’ for true informations.
“[J]ust listen to the source”??? What iare.you talking about? Ian is obviously a percipient witness regarding everything that happened to him and what he, himself perceived. Anything published by the STAND League is by definition hearsay unless they directly quote a percipient witness (e.g., Ian”s father).
Even if the latter were true, Ian would remain a percipient witness and thus a “source.” We would simply have a credibility contest. I know who I would believe — Ian.
You must be a scientologist. Unfortunately, you don’t even know the truth about scientology because you are not allowed to know. You are only allowed to be told about this subject by scientology. It makes sense to you only, while the rest of us know the truth. I do not feel sorry for you, maybe someone else does.
I only know this through the experience that thirty years in gave me. How many years along are you?
O/T. References regarding the position of the Church of Scientology on the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ issues. (Continually updating threads on ESMBR and WWP.)
First, for text, Mike Rinder’s essay “Scientology Homophobia, which addresses Scientology scripture:
Second, Nora Crest’s video, “Why You Can’t Be Gay In Scientology,” which also addresses Scientology scripture:
Third, the academic paper, “The Dangerous Discourse of Dianetics: Linguistic Manifestations of Violence Toward Queerness in the Canonical Religious Philosophy of Scientology.”
Fourth, Tony Ortega’s story, “Scientology’s Homophobia: Even the Church’s Token Gay Guy Was Disgusted.”
Fifth, the Church of Scientology admits that it does not perform gay weddings.
Memorialized with video and screenshots on ESMBR and WWP at:
I added a sixth reference.
Sixth, on 5/20/21, the Church of Scientology replied to a question about sexual orientation as follows:
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“Sexual orientation is not a criteria for membership in the Church. The first statement in the Creed of the Church of Scientology is that “All men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights.””
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Church of Scientology’s reply is non-sequitur and disingenuous. What do race, color and creed have to do with sexual orientation?
The Creed of the Church of Scientology does NOT say that “All men of whatever race, color, creed OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION were created with equal rights.”
The fact that the Creed of the Church of Scientology deliberately omits those who have a different sexual orientation (i.e., LGBTQ) from the class of people who have “equal rights” is what is important, telling, and indeed controlling.
Memorialized with a screenshot on the same ESMBR and WWP threads.
Thank you for your ongoing, very thorough tracking of these 2 wacky groups!
And the “Creed” of the “Church” of Scientology has NEVER been particularly honored except in the breach. scn isn’t bound to its tenets in any way, shape or form. Hasn’t been since Tubby immortalized (er … immoralized) the words to paper.
Sea orgs slogan is “We come back”. People living in pharanthesis will also return perhaps more serious.
Can’t wait to hear this one! I had a waning interest in keto about 2 years ago and Dr. Berg’s videos were always the top search results on YouTube. Never actually bought any of his products, but shocking how many products/services are stealthily pimped by Scios. They seem to never mention their “religion”… even casually.
who or what is keto?
Keto is a dieting concept that restricts carbohydrate and protein intake, while encouraging heavy a fat content diet (5-10-85%). It’s a diet that revolves around a simple concept that every other diet relies on: caloric deficit (or some derivative of a caloric deficit like atkins, paleo, weight watchers etc.).
Jane Doe 3 asked: “who or what is keto?”
Google is your *friend*. Sadly, the best-looking reference on page 1 was blocked by my ad-blocker extension. There were two or three definition pages offered up, though.
Who or what is Google?
Ian Rafalko, I was just thinking yesterday about you and hoping that you would be ok (as much as one can do ok in such a situation and after disconnection) and was hoping that you would have availed yourself of the Aftermath Foundation.
What a surprise to hear today that you are on the Fair Game podcast. I’m looking very much forward to the interview with you and Dylan Follow!
Best wishes for your future!
O/T. Syncretism: Bookshelf of Scientology Clear Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad: Quran; books by L. Ron Hubbard and Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Top to Bottom:
The Holy Quran.
Self Analysis, by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.
How to Eat to Live, by former Nation of Islam leader The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Science of Survival, by L. Ron Hubbard.
Message To The Black Man, by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Dianetics, by L. Ron Hubbard.
Memorialized with a screenshot on Instagram, ESMBR and WWP at:
ISNOINews- Does your “post” or whatever it’s called on Instagram mean you can now freely post on the internet? Your site on the internet was previously censored, wasn’t it?
I don’t recall the details but I think you got 86ed for posting some stuff by Farrakhan but it was just part a report on scn and the NOI, something like that.
Thank you for asking.
Account permanently “suspended” by Twitter.
Never had a Facebook account.
On Instagram at:
syncretism – the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
I wonder if she will ever take a shot at OTIII and the rest of “The Bridge”. She’ll need to do a lot of “blending” to get through that and maintain the identity of Muslim. The NOI believe in the devil or maybe devils within so that might work.
ISNOINews replied to me on ESMBR with a clarification and said I could post it here. He was busy with something else.
“The NOI seizes on Hubbard’s statements in the book Dianetics and in lectures that Engrams were misidentified as devil’s or evil spirits in prior practices to argue that Dianetics and Scientology are consistent with the theology of the Nation of Islam.
The NOI also cites the fact that both the COS and the NOI (coincidentally) say that the universe is trillions of years old.”
While I’m at it he also answered my question above.
ISNOINews said:
Thank you for asking.
Account permanently “suspended” by Twitter.
Never had a Facebook account.
On Instagram at:
Login • Instagram
One last comment on this. Sister Nayyirah is an energetic person and is very active in the NOI community presenting workshops around the country like “Repairing the Black Family” and so on. My guess is that she is satisfied with the “information” she already has and is well aware of what is on the OT levels and has no interest in pursuing it.
From what I’ve read on the subject, NOI is about as Islamic as I am (not at all).
Yes, it’s definitely “squirrel” Islam. Nevertheless the NOI consider themselves Muslims with “apdta”, all praises due to Allah, mentioned all over the place. Without checking my guess is they’re not the only squirrel Islamic group. Even the Shia and Sunni Muslims accuse each other of being squirrel – Lol
Hybrid NOI/SCN “Muslims” are definitely one of a kind although they insist they are only “using” scn and dianetics for self improvement.
For anyone who hasn’t been following this the NOI consider their scripture The Wisdom and scn tech The Knowledge. Syncretism.
What does NOI think about BTs and OTIII?
O/T. I am sure that everyone will probably see the following anyway, but since the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam is sort of my “beat” I will post it out of an over-abundance of caution.
Tony Ortega: What is it going to take for the LA Times to take the threat of Rizza Islam seriously?
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Alex Jones admitted that he was envious. On August 3, the guest on his Infowars program was Rizza Islam, who, we told you earlier, had been named one of the 12 biggest sources of online disinformation about vaccines.
“I’m a little jealous here because I didn’t get on this hit list of twelve. I’m a little bit upset here,” Jones told Rizza during the broadcast, explaining why he’d been asking to have Rizza on the show.
In the segment, Jones and Islam both took it as gospel that the Covid-19 vaccines have been “proven” to be killing the people taking it, and the only question was whether this was actually the work of Satan himself.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * ,* * *
The LA Times. It’s a good example of why print news is on its way out; Too chicken to cover the actual news and too unintelligent to realize the reason for its own demise.