One of our favorites joins us this week, Mat Pesch. Mat was formerly in charge of the money-making and money control divisions at the Flag Land Base — the single largest source of revenue for scientology on earth. Mat joined us on The Aftermath S 2 Ep 9 The Business of Religion. His no nonsense explanations of the inner-workings of the scientology business machine are at times humorous, but always horrifying. We cover a lot of ground in this episode.
Mat was the Dissemination Secretary, over the 2nd (of 7) divisions of a scientology organization responsible for marketing, booksales and fundraising. This is a standard scientology organizing board showing the various functions of Division 2:
The statistics of the Dissemination Division are the total income of the organization (Gross Income) and the income from sale of Hubbard books and lectures (Gross Booksales).
Mat was also the Treasury Secretary — head of the 3rd Division of a scientology organization. This Division invoices all income, banks it, keeps track of the bank accounts, does the purchasing and pays the bills of the organization:
These are examples of scientology price lists for services at Flag:
These are the rates for rooms — this does not include the “food packages”
We mention Big League Sales — a “wog” book on how to sell. This is the description on Amazon:
Hubbard pushed Big League Sales as “standard tech” in scientology. Les Dane was even coopted to do personal training in scientology organizations.
We mention the ridiculous amounts of money scientologists fork over and the idiotic statuses that they are awarded for doing so. This is one of the most recent articles about Patron Statuses from Tony Ortega — you can see some of these people have handed over tens and even hundreds of millions…
My post on collecting funds for LRH Hall The L. Ron Hubbard Hall Boondoggle. Enough Already
The whole insanity of upper Orgs NEEDING Reges (in fact ANY “clear” NEEDED to be regg’ed) is what lead me out of the scam when I was young.
Very good talk about the financial scams the cult keeps getting away with. The Flag Land Base is like a giant magnet for your wallet that won’t even stop sucking when it’s empty.
O/T but very important.
Minnesota Court of Appeals denies discharge from civil commitment as a sexually dangerous person (SDP) for person who participated in Scientology courses instead of Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP).
In the Matter of the Civil Commitment of: Brad Ronald Stevens.
Filed August 30, 2021
Reyes, Judge
Commitment Appeal Panel
File No. AP19-9157
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Appellant argues that a Commitment Appeal Panel (the CAP) erred by dismissing his petition for provisional discharge or full discharge from civil commitment as a sexually dangerous person (SDP) to the Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP).
Appellant submitted a self-authored “SRB report.” Much of this report consists of appellant’s legal and factual arguments, including assertions that he engages in prosocial behavior, does not require treatment, participates in Scientology courses instead of MSOP’s treatment program, and does not suffer from a mental illness or sexual disorder.
Finally, appellant submitted letters of support from his relatives and a member of the Church of Scientology.
Appellant argues that he engages in alternative treatment, including meeting individually with a primary therapist, and takes Scientology courses. But nothing in the individual-therapy records indicates that appellant no longer needs treatment in his current setting. To the contrary, his MSOP therapists conclude that he needs further treatment in his current setting. And appellant’s uncorroborated, conclusory assertion that Scientology courses address his risk factors cannot satisfy his burden. Poole, 921 N.W.2d at 69.
Appellant also relies on letters of support from relatives and the Church of Scientology to argue that his provisional-discharge plan adequately protects the public and will assist his transition to society. These letters show that appellant has support in place if he is released from MSOP. But they do not demonstrate that appellant’s provisional-discharge plan sufficiently protects the public or that appellant’s dangerousness has been reduced.
IV.The CAP did not err by dismissing appellant’s petition for full discharge.
Appellant asserts that: (1) he no longer needs treatment because he has no sexual disorder, his diagnosed mental disorder does not impact his behavior, and his present mental status shows he does not need treatment and (2) he is no longer a danger to the public because he has low risk-of-recidivism scores and has shown good behavior at MSOP. We are not persuaded.
A person committed as an SDP “shall not be discharged unless . . . the committed person is capable of making an acceptable adjustment to open society, is no longer dangerous to the public, and is no longer in need of treatment and supervision.” Minn.
Stat. § 253D.31. But “the criteria for a provisional discharge are more lenient than the criteria for a [full] discharge.” Larson, 847 N.W.2d at 535-36. Therefore, the committed person’s failure to make a prima facie case for provisional discharge means that he cannot succeed on his petition for full discharge. Id. at 536. Because appellant failed to make a prima facie case for provisional discharge, we conclude that he likewise failed to make a prima facie case for full discharge.
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Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR and WWP at:
An earlier 2011 Minnesota Court of Appeals decision explains why Stevens was civily committed:
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Stevens’s civil commitment is based on three incidents of criminal sexual conduct. In May 1993, a Martin County jury found Stevens guilty of first-degree criminal sexual conduct for an incident occurring in January 1991. Also in May 1993, Stevens pleaded guilty in Martin County to first-degree criminal sexual conduct for an incident occurring in July or August 1991. The district court imposed concurrent sentences of 134 months of imprisonment for each offense. In March 2003, Stevens pleaded guilty in the Goodhue County District Court to attempted fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct for an incident occurring in November 2002. The district court imposed a sentence of 36 months of imprisonment.
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This is the man: (1) for whom a member of the Church of Scientology submitted a letter to the Commitment Appeal Panel (the CAP); (2) who the Church of Scientology had on course; and (3) who the Scientology courses allegedly cured such that he no longer a sexually dangerous person (SDP) and could be freed.
How did Stevens get on course?
Memorialized on ESMBR and WWP at the links set forth in the OP.
O/T. Academic Paper: Attitudes Toward the Electability of Atheist and Nontraditional Religious Candidates [Including Scientologists]
One key result:
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Findings suggest that atheists are not viewed as unfavorably as Scientologists (groups perceived as cults), though atheists were viewed unfavorably on all measures of trust, disgust, and fear.
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Brittany Escobedo, Walden University
Date of Conferral
Hedy R. Dexter
Atheists are underrepresented in political office compared to their numbers in the general population. In the United States, anti-atheist prejudice is prevalent, likely contributing to the disparity in atheist representation. Informed by social identity theory and the sociofunctional approach to prejudice, the purpose of this study was to examine the comparative electability of atheists compared to other minority religious identities, as well as one nonminority option for a baseline reference of attitudes. Using the voter likelihood scale and three 7-point semantic differential scales, 579 participants rated their intention to vote for and their feelings of trust, disgust, and fear toward one of four political candidates representing different religious groups but who were otherwise the same candidate (Protestant, Mormon, Scientologist, and atheist) presented to them randomly. Data were analyzed using four separate 2 X 4 factorial analyses of variance. Findings suggest that atheists are not viewed as unfavorably as Scientologists (groups perceived as cults), though atheists were viewed unfavorably on all measures of trust, disgust, and fear. Generating grassroots discourse about religious minority underrepresentation in elected office, as well as the prejudicial views many Americans hold toward minority religions, may build awareness and acceptance leading to positive social change.
Recommended Citation
Escobedo, Brittany, “Attitudes Toward the Electability of Atheist and Nontraditional Religious Candidates” (2021). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 10905.
Political Science Commons, Religion Commons, Social Psychology Common
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Download Complete 207 Page Thesis:
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR and WWP at:
Mike, it broke my heart to hear that they’re making elderly Sea Org members get credit cards to pay off with their social security payments. I mean, it doesn’t surprise me, but it’s still heartbreaking. As someone who had to read and word clear Big League Sales from cover to cover more than once, I know exactly what pressure the regges are under to get that money. It doesn’t make it any less painful to hear, though.
To Anne – I echo your heartbreak here. Mike’s report strikes me as thoroughly true. I remember being on the Freewinds, possibly this was 2009. A new way to apply a ton of pressure to visiting public to donate large sums of money to the various Freewinds’ “mankind betterment” campaigns was to tell us that Sea Org members aboard the Freewinds had taken on and maxed out credit cards for donations to these “important campaigns” themselves.
“Anything to help,” one aging Sea Org member told me.
I just knew this was upside-down and wrong; implausible how someone who makes $50 a week could keep up with card payments on a $10,000 or more balance.
Hi Mike, thank you for everything you and Leah do to get the word out.
I was never in but after listening to this episode it really spooked me. To get people to donate, you said they would find your “ruin”. Some would say helping animals is it. With the middle east in the news again, a friend of mine recently read a book called “Babylon’s Ark, The Incredible Wartime Rescue of the Baghdad Zoo” by Lawrence Anthony (with Graham Spence). At the end of the book, it showers praise on LRH (I’m paraphrasing). My friend asked me if this meant L. Anthony was a scientologist and she told me she wouldn’t have read the book if she’d known that ahead of time. I googled him and yes, it turns out he was, in fact, a scn for 40 years! What about Graham Spence? Was he in too?
Anyway, this fact was disturbing because I’m now wondering how much of the book is bullsh*t and/or how much money did scientology make out of this scheme (if it was in fact a scheme)?
It also turns out L. Anthony had a group called “Earth Organisation” which is still around. Bottom line, do you know anything about this guy and this project? Was it legit? Do they still have a presence in Africa/South Africa?
Just when you think scn can’t get any lower….
Thanks Mike
Lawrence Anthony was definitely a scientologist. He was awarded the IAS Freedom Medal for his work (which included disseminating LRH tech). I dont know about Graham Spence. Google him and if nothing comes up then likely he was not.
Lawrence did do a lot of work with animals. I think it was his passion even before he got involved in scientology.
The Earth Organization is run by scientologist Barbara Wiseman (or she is very much involved). Her husband, Bruce Wiseman, is the big CCHR guy and one of the “Godfathers of Good”
Thanks for the info, Mike. The more I read about scientology the more it’s clear that scientology is eL-Ron’s psychotic mind made manifest. Incredibly so.
This is something that I wish I hadn’t read. Anthony’s book the Elephant Whisperer is one of my favorites – an incredible story. The elephants at his Thula Thula preserve even kept vigil after his death. The good news might be that we have stayed at Thula Thula and met his wife Françoise Malby-Anthony without there being a hint of Scientology.
I personally met Lawrence Anthony and knew his CEO Barbara Wiseman quite well.
Lawrence did do amazing things to help and save animals. The horrible part is how Scientology glommed on to his good work and steered him to shill for Scientology. And Scientology did him no good. He died before his time. And his organization the Earth Org. does some good except it is run by scientologists and is used to infiltrate other well meaning ecology groups.
This is what I was afraid of. As if humans don’t do enough to the animals we share this planet with, then scientology has to pile on. I’ll be on the lookout for these type of loathsome scammers.
Thank you Mike & Leah (and my wonderful husband) for this revealing episode!
I can confirm that THE statistic of scientology’s top management is TOTAL RESERVES.
In the Watchdog Committee (WDC), we also kept TOTAL COLLECTIONS and TOTAL GROSS INCOME as statistics that we were pressured to increase every week.
While not as priority, WDC also monitored Total Liabilities (comprised of unused Advanced Payments, outstanding Refund/Repayments and unpaid bills) – all of which could potentially backfire into legal problems if unhandled. Total Liabilities reached 1/2 billion dollars when I was in WDC. Who knows what that figure is now!
Off topic. I saw that Tony Ortega time to time is listing in his blog the possible OT powers of Tom Cruise.
In parallel with this I just read a news article where Tom is in the UK to finish the last parts of Mission Impossible 8-8008 but he had a terrible pull-in.
The bodygard’s BMW was stolen from the hotel with Tom’s suitcases and clothes inside! The police then found the car but no trace of the clothes and suitcases.
The journalist has suggested that Tom went a bit out Trs and got very pissed off.
Technically speaking this should fall fully into the definition of an ugly pull in.
Wow! A great episode with Mat,indeed.
This cult is really a perfect scam. The fact that the international stat is money (SO reserves) and nothing else tells alone everything one needs to know without add more evidences.
In my 15 years in it I collected huge amounts just for the SO reserves and this money was not only coming from the orgs weekly percentages but as well from other sources. Imagine the amount being collected weekly worldwide.
What’s really ridiculous is that miscavige stat is kept up no matter what, while scn is disappearing.
Mike ,there is one confusion about BIG donors.
Like other nonprofit organizations, when some one gives substantial donation, in millions of dollars, press release is issued, the name of donor is highlighted along with his or her affiliation with the organization. This becomes a public information and can be used by IRS , SEC , banks,Court , creditors , competitors etc.
But here, it’s announced in a private ceremony ” how much an individual ” made donation. It’s like fashion show where the donors walk on models, getting photograph.
It is then published in a magazine for members.
Then it is “private but non confidential “information, which is not credible as public information ( as mentioned above).
If IRS picks it up, then the donor may take the plea it being a ” pledge” a promise made in private function , which is only relevant and significant to that non profit organization. Like wise it has no value for financial institutions, SEC or creditors.
As per normal.practice ,donations are announced when the donor hands over the Cheque to organisation with a photo for press , public record.
Are those donations are actual cash.or pledges ?
They are actual cash.
Thanks Mike
Any reason for not issuing press release ,when donation are made, like in normal course of business
They think if people at large knew how much money they take in, it would cause them more PR problems.
It shall create more issues for donors ,who are wealthy due to wog customer base.
And above all it shall be public info and can be google any time.
“If IRS picks it up, then the donor may take the plea it being a ”pledge” .”
Mark, the IRS doesn’t care if people donate money to anything. In fact for non-profits no donor would lie to the IRS and say it was only a pledge as then they couldn’t do a write down…
A couple of comments about Hubbard’s LRH ED 236 Int (above).
Target 35 orders that Scientology salespeople (registrars, or reges) who fail to close the sale and get a service paid in full are to be considered a “REG GOOF” and are to be sent to the Qualifications Divison for “correction”.
Targets 39 and 41 state that a hidden listening device is to be installed on the reges’ desks so that the Executive Director can listen in on and tape the conversation.
There are hidden microphones in every sales office and the Director of Sales monitors the sales from a hidden office. When a sales person fails to get the money the Director of Sales writes up what the error was and the person is sent for “correction”. The execution of LRH ED 236 is constantly enforced and kept in.
Furthermore, if a registrar fails to complete his/her cramming order, the Qualifications Secretary is empowered to order the salesperson’s pay withheld until he/she complies. The reference is HCO PL Qual Stat Change – A New One.
Mark, staff don’t get pay. LOL!!!!!!! Not in any meaningful measure anyway.
But really the only orgs I’ve seen the hidden recorders in were AOLA & FLOG and they don’t pay there.
They were in use at ASHO.
That would have been in the 90’s at the earliest. AOLA had them in around ’86. Ivan O. used to listen from his office when he was C.O.. FLOG didn’t get them until later too.
ASHO had listen-in devices installed at least as early as 1975. I can say this with 100% certainty because I was posted in ASHO Treasury at the time, and I witnessed them being used. The reg area was adjacent to ASHO Treasury.
In all likelihood, the listen-in devices were probably installed in the summer of 1974 since LRH ED 236 Int was issued in July of ’74. I can’t say they were in use in 1974 because I didn’t go on staff at ASHO until the following year. I could (and probably will) ask my old friend, Carl Carlson, since he was Commanding Officer ASHO Foundation in 1974.
Wow thanks for the info. Now I know why Hy Levy, my Flag reg, would always ask me to go outside with him to smoke. No recorders outside.
Empty. Buildings. Everywhere.
O/T. A third and last attempt to post this on the current story where people will see it rather than on a day old story. [I don’t know what I did wrong; I’ll blame my browser.
Academic Paper: [Alleged] Religious Discrimination against Groups Perceived as Cults in Europe and the West [including Scientology ].
Eti Peretz & Jonathan Fox
Published online: 24 Aug 2021
[Note: As I recently explained, one of my self-appointed hats is to try to note all new academic papers, books and previously unreported news items concerning Scientology, good or bad, if they are substantive, so that people know what is out there and can, if necessary, refute or otherwise address them. ]
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This study examines the comparative levels of discrimination against cults and other religious minorities in 37 European and Western democracies using the Religion and State-Minorities (RASM) dataset and data on four religions many governments consider cults—the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, the Unification Church, and the Mormons—collected specifically for this study. There is a considerable theoretical literature that argues that perceived cults experience more discrimination because they are considered new and strange in many countries as well as dangerous. Several violent events involving groups seen as cults in the 1990s such as those involving the Branch Davidians, the Order of the Solar Temple, Heaven’s Gate, and the Aum Shinrikyo exacerbated this trend. Our analysis finds that perceived cults experience higher levels of religious discrimination by governments in these countries and this trend increased in the mid-1990s which is consistent with it being at least in part a response to the series of violent perceived cult-related events in the 1990s.
We thank the funders for their support. ny opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the supporters of this research.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Additional information
This research was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant 23/14), German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (Grant 1291-119.4/2015) and the John Templeton Foundation.
Notes on contributors
Eti Peretz
Eti Peretz received her Ph.D. in Political Studies from Bar Ilan University in 2018, is a research associate at the Religion and State Project, and currently works at Tihon Hayovel Herzliya.
Jonathan Fox
Jonathan Fox (Ph.D. University of Maryland, 1997) is the Yehuda Avner Professor of Religion and Politics at Bar Ilan University and director of the Religion and State project. He has published extensively on various topics in religion and politics. His most recent books are Thou Shall Have No Other Gods before Me: Why Government Discriminate against Religious Minorities (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Why do People Discriminate Againast Jews? (Ooxford University Press, 2021).
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NOTE: The entire paper is available for $45.00 at:
” . . . using the Religion and State-Minorities (RASM) dataset and data on four religions many governments consider cults—the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, the Unification Church, and the Mormons—collected specifically for this study.”
“The Fantastic Four” or the “Fab Four”? There is no mention of the results or where scn ranked among them unless you pay the $45.00. Sometimes I think these “papers/studies” are busy work for professors to maintain their relevance and credentials but I suppose some of them have value.
OT. “Christian” Scientologist Joy Villa is looking for a romantic partner (“2D”) on a message board for Scientologists.
HT Aaron Smith-Levin.
Memorialized with a screenshots and two graphics on Instagram, ESMBR and WWP at:
VIDEO: Scientology’s Head of External Threats: Mike Rinder & David W
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Scientology’s Head of External Threats: Mike Rinder & David W
Shaun Attwood
Aug 28, 2021
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That SOB Mat applied closing tech better than anyone else we knew. There was a period in the late 90s – early 00s that we let every call go to the answering machine out of fear that they were going to reg us for more money. Between super power, reed slatkin, and the dot com bubble, the last thing we needed was a call from flag. Boy could these guys CLOSE.
Well, sorry to disappoint. Mat was not himself a reg. He was their boss. He didn’t get the money himself.
Surely we all remember the bulldog Charmaine
Everyone who had their door darkened by Charmaine remembersher.
Not sure what that has to do with Mat?
Nice try, OSAbot.
Is this really what you got into scientology for?
Yes. “Jean Spinner” agrees with an aspect of the topic which is ruthless regging and includes the podcast guest, Mat Pesch, in that category to denigrate him.
No doubt there are blown registrars and others who engaged in asset stripping and now regret it and have to deal with it in their own way.
Jean, they were just doing what Hubbard wanted with Big League Sales (which technically makes it scripture, right?). Do you have a problem with LRH?
“pinpoint [] the most effective, miracle closes”
– Big League Sales Closing Techniques
“MAKE MONEY, MAKE MORE MONEY, MAKE OTHERS PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MONEY.” is certainly scripture from Source himself (Governing Policy, LRH, HCO PL March 9 , 1972)
You need to stay off these sites. I really can’t afford to report you to the MAA again.
Howie you have to write that report otherwise you become accomplice!
Krs in scn are made for the sake of the other – even though the person doesn’t usually get it and gets pissed off.
I really have no idea why you have such a problem with me. I am just expressing my opinion about my religion. I will be surprised if the Mick does not delete my opinions. That puts him in the same league as the people he bad mouths and criticizes.
Well so be it. After all, it’s just like he admits. All this is just what it is and this blog is just a crank for his own opinions.
The most amusing thing about this is that all the people who believe they are now free and empowered have just substituted one leader for another. They seem to believe that Rinder is the new dear leader and they are now drinking his Kool Aid. Well, y’all will get what you deserve.
Jean. This is my personal view. First if it’s your religion this is the worst place show up. You know what they do in scn to who comes here…
But few infos tells me you could be well off lines or even declared. So whats your point?
To me Mike is a good friend more than a ‘leader’.
What he says is all well documented.
Try reading it once.
I never heard of him abusing the blog’s readers or pushing fundraising.
Instead this happens in your church and has exterminated the number of members and fundraising it is COMPLETLY against policy).
Think really for yourself. Try.
I never directly did sales myself, in person or on the phone. It was hard enough to watch. I was assigned the post of Dissemination Sec, it wasn’t by choice. Once on the post it becomes a matter of survival. I sucked at the job and was soon transferred to be the Treasury Sec which I liked and did well at for about 7 years.
Hey Jean
There is a list of >3,000 ex-COS-members speaking about what happens in your church.
It has actual evidence for each entry. Maybe you’re interested taking a look at it.
(Hey. I should at least try.)
Is $cientology a ‘religion’ or just multi level marketing company? Why can’t it be both? No one gets ahead in the CO$ unless they sell, sell and then sell some more. Ok, the accountants and other bean counters get to actually run the scam, but even they answer to the Chairman. Chairman Dave and his Little Red Book of Administration and coercion.
Cannot wait to hear this. Mat is one of my favorites to read or hear speak.
Thanks Mary. Unfortunately the sound quality is poor when I speak. Probably due to my antique, Fred Flintstone lap top.
The sound was good enough.
What scientology *needs* is a “hall” just big enough to handle the actual # of scns they can force to attend at any one time. As I recall, they HAVE that already: The auditorium on the second floor of the western wing of the Fort Harrison. It holds perhaps 1,000 chairs and is already under their total control. Of course, unless Dwarfenführer decreed a replacement, the carpet in there likely is the same one we laid down 45 years ago. There MAY be a wear mark around the main entrance, and the room will require a complete rebuild to fit the state-of-the-art A/V equipment the Dictatorial Munchkin™ requires to look larger and more imposing than life.
Jere, what DM needs is a hall like shoe lifts, that makes things look bigger than they actually are. In addition to that, I expect they would build a hall that could be reconfigured to always look full even when it was at less than capacity.
They have been using Eckerd Hall, capacity just over 2 thousand, so they have a ways more to shrink yet before the could fit everyone in the Fort Harrison auditorium. Plus the current reported trend of members giving up on local orgs and moving to Clearwater might actually swell their numbers for a while.
And if I recall, they did elaborate renovations of the hotel some years ago, mostl notably the ballroom, but I’m guessing also that auditorium.
PeaceMaker – I think you can omit (the original) in your posts. That’s just giving a continuing “acknowledgement” to the stupid troll that tried to impersonate you. He/she is long gone.
Plenty of people on the blog have you covered if the fool returns which is unlikely.
After reading some of the recent daily blogs, I had a revelation about this terrible cult.
It became very clear to me that these crooks don’t care where the money comes from or how they trick people into parting with the money. All they care about is getting the money into their crooked sweaty palms.
If they can get some poor dupe to fork over a thousand dollars, it makes no difference if they get that money selling courses or selling auditing or whether they get it under the guise of helping people suffering from COVID or from a hurricane – REAL or IMAGINED. Can you believe they will advertise people in need of charity because of some terrible hurricane that doesn’t even exist? Would you believe that?
I would guess they will soon move away from selling tech. They won’t bother trying to sell courses or auditing any more because that is just too difficult. Too many people understand now that is all a pile of crap.
Somehow or other, they will bait and switch and try to trick people into contributing to needy causes with the flimsiest excuse that it has something to do with this stupid fake religion.
So watch out and be careful! Do not send any money to anyone claiming that money has something to do with this fake religion. It doesn’t make any difference.
Just keep your money! Do not donate or contribute your money to anyone you don’t know or to any cause that you are not positive is worthwhile. This includes phony web sites or charitable orgs or so-called blogs and ESPECIALLY phony religions. Just do not do it! It’s all just a big swindle. Do not allow yourself to be swindled.
This is not my comment,
Mike please check my previous comments to see the reference email.
The culprit maintained the anti Cult stance ,sounds like me. However in future shall do thing, reason for which he or she impersonate myself.
I never thought to be considered as target, interesting.
Mark Kamran – the real one – I assume you are English second language so it was easy to see that the impostor’s comment with perfect grammar and spelling was not you. Not very smart on his/her part.
I’m glad you caught it and that you just regard the impersonation as “interesting”. Your comments are interesting. (smiles)
You got it.
English is my second language, therfore its not “pure “
Just for fun I’ll take a guess at the impostor’s intention. The impostor writes “So watch out and be careful! and “Just keep your money!” and “Just do not do it!”.
The impostor wants readers to think that people who are critical of scn are just plain paranoid. Didn’t work – Lol
Lol , since when my bad grammatical and wrong spelling post can be pain in a…. for any one.

If it is so , that’s the highest compliment I ever got for my poor English.
“Big league Sales alone should ample evidence that the enterprise calling itself scientology is a money-making business. Any resemblance to a religion revolves around GROSS INCOME, the primary “stat” of every org.
Delivery stats? “We don’t need no stinkin’ delivery” sez Dwarfenführer®.
“Delivery stats” in scientology:
Beatings given(“delivered”) by the Hubbard Homunculus, per hour
Cases of Macallan delivered to HH, per month
Number of “effective blows” delivered to “enemies”, per week, by
lawyers, private investigators, OSA thugs, and freelance thugs
Number of “likes” delivered to cult social media posts by bots, per day
Pimping Pontiff has to keep the Potemkin Paradise Pumped Up
Talking people blow minds and ruin cults.