Leah and I talk with our old friend Ron Miscavige, father of scientology leader David Miscavige.
We discuss how he has been Fair Gamed by $10,000 a week Private Investigators, disconnected from his family and his daughter-in-law Shelly.
We also talk about the involvement of Lisa Marie Presley in Ron’s journey, how she was abused by Ron’s daughters at the behest of David, which resulted in her walking out of scientology. We talk about other celebrities in scientology and what Ron hopes will happen in the future.
We discussed a few things, here are the links.
This is his book Ruthless.
And here is a link to Ron Miscavige Podcast.
And the story that was broken by the LA Times.
This episode really delves into the complex dynamics of leadership and familial relationships. The concept of fair gaming adds an intriguing twist, highlighting the lengths people will go to challenge authority. I found the character development especially compelling—can’t wait to see where the story goes from here!
Apparently, being diabolical does not make someone an ineffective leader. It’s like the universe sometimes rewards immorality. There is no natural justice.
The Church of Scientology is total bottomfeeding scum.
A very concise and very accurate assessment. Many people – including myself – find a way to say this same thing but take about ten times more space to say it. Well done.
Hey David Miscavige, please reach out to Mike and Leah to be a guest on their podcast.
It shouldn’t be a problem for you to handle them, should it?
You attest that scientologists are dauntless and defiant, so let’s see how brave you really are. You wouldn’t be hiding from anything, are you?
It’s so funny! David Miscavige isn’t qualed for the SO, let alone RTC, or holding the COB post.
He’s PTS up the yinge yang. It doesn’t matter what handlings he might do, or disconnections – his familial ties bar him from exec posts.
His father, brother, niece…all close ties and “rabid SPs”. (public attack of scn = Rabid SP)
Tons of stuff, his connections have caused more bad PR than anyone in the history of staff/SO members.
Besides that, if COB isn’t even at cause over his family, what does that say about his state and the efficacy of culty-cult scientology?
David Miscavige isn’t qualed for the SO, let alone RTC, or holding the COB post. …
That’s an unusual way to look at it — but it is absolutely true!
Seems to me it’s a clear invocation of the Golden Rule, “The psycho squirt with the gold is the one who makes the rules.”
Strict enforcement of Hubbard policies applies only to the riff raff of Scientology, not the highest senior management. Neither John Gotti nor Al Capone themselves abided by the instructions they gave to their mobster hitmen. Kim Jung Un does not personally apply the advices he gives to his people … they live in abject poverty, he lives like a king. Scientology policy is a smokescreen to control its members.
Love the podcast and the series. You two have talked a lot about how hard it is for sea org members to leave Scientology. Was interested in you two covering how it is for regular members, not in the sea org, or people like Leah how it is for them to leave Scientology. Thank you
This is probably very dry, but I’m interested in the logistics of all of the fair game-ing going on. How many people work within OSA that collect, track, store, and organize all of the data and constant reports coming in from PIs everywhere? Is this their only job, and don’t they find that somewhat alarming? I’m guessing it may not be alarming since these are enemies of Scientology, but it seems like the logistics of creating and maintaining the slanderous websites, sending PIs out, collecting the details, and organizing the info in a way to make it useful is quite a task.
I find the day to day operations and logistical details pretty fascinating and not a topic that is frequently discussed (I don’t think).
Then you might find the following document from 1993 interesting:
Great to hear Ron Miscavige tell his story. David needs a wake up call. He has totally turned into the fascist that Hubbard wanted him to be.
My involvement in studying Scientology ended when I started to study King Solomon and the demon Asmodeus or Xenu who was King of Hell. Hubbard explains his total foolishness on his Tape “Universes” with Mary Sue in 1952. Hubbard freely admits that he is following King Solomon’s stories which are strange tales about OT magic. Actually it is possible to study entities and body thetans as far back as far as 10,000 BCE as told by the Sumerians. As a follower of the Occult, Hubbard designed a theory of Theta which is based on Solomon’s demons and Sumerian deities. In essence, the theta being is a fascist who can never win because it is surrounded by entities. Demons prevent a theta being from winning thus they should all be eliminated. Fair Game is really then only the fundamental Fascism of the religion. Hubbard ends in contradictions because he only perceives theta and entheta. Entheta is black and found first in Zoroastrianism. So Scientology is the fundamental mind of the fascist turned to religion. Sick man Hubbard. Those who follow him end in death.
O/T. “Highly Commended” Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad says:
“It’s September 1, 2020 and Separation is The ONLY Solution. Period.”
One reason why I post these “Separation” news items is that at the same time the Church of Scientology is trying to ingratiate itself with President Trump and the MAGA community through the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, Trish Duggan, Greg Mitchell, Joy Villa, etc., it is supporting a group, the Nation of Islam, that literally wants to dismember the United States.
I absolutely agree! President Trump should without delay be told that Scientologists Trash Duggan, Groggy Mitchell and Joy Villain believe that Jesus Christ was a pedophile lover of young boys, and that Heaven and Hell don’t exist and are merely implants given to souls who after body death report to a place called the Between Lives area…probably located on Mars…I think President Trump would find these rather interesting and possibly tweet-worthy.
I also think our President should be told that the Church of Scientology is playing him for something of a fool, in that this wolf-cult in sheep-church clothing has many Nation of Islam members who want to take away one of his Red States from the Union so that (gasp!) ONLY Black Americans can live there! Now if THIS isn’t grist for a powerful Presidential tweet, I don’t know what is! Besides, it would certainly divert attention for a while away from the dismal Covid news.
I would like to comment on the statement Ron made when he said, “they shoot themselves in the foot – not with a .22 but with a shotgun.”
I’m not going to explain this because I think most people here understand what he means. But I would like to give my opinion because I think this is hilarious.
I think most folks would agree that a person who causes their own misfortunes by essentially shooting themselves in the foot are really pretty stupid. But a person who does that with a shotgun instead of a .22 has achieved whole other level of stupidity – call it Level 2 Stupidity. But that is not enough for this cult because they then go ahead and repeat this behaviour – not necessarily with the same event, but with an entirely new and different event – they shoot themselves in the foot again. Level 3 Stupidity.
Finally, they make a great big noise about it. They publish all these web pages making crazy charges against a lot of fine people and spend a huge amount of money publishing magazines and starting TV channels. What can I say about that? I know – Level 4 Stupidity.
I am now waiting to see if they ever will achieve Level 5. I’m pretty sure they will. But it will be interesting (and very funny) to watch just how they manage to do that. What a bunch of dumbfuck imbeciles!
Loved your series. Watched all the episodes. But Remini’s rant against a woman who has lost her son only a few weeks ago – for the second time since it happened – and obvious resentment against her was way off-putting and unnecessary, for me personally at least. The same recklessness she accuses scientologists of having towards their enemies, she has just shown against someone she obviously no longer likes one bit – when she’s at her lowest. all without knowing what is going on with said woman.
Good luck with everything.
So you know, this episode was recorded before Benjamin’s death. We recorded Episode 1 Deaths and Suicides well after this, even though it aired earlier. We discuss the tragic death of Benjamin (and Kelly Preston) in that episode. What was said in Ron’s episode is true. We should have noted the timing.
Honestly, the best lines that had me laughing, although it was a very serious podcast, was Mike describing his daily meeting with DM having his coffee and his camel, then Mike saying the cigarette, not the animal. I just pictured DM the baby prince sitting cross legged with his turban on (it made him look taller) and his faithful camel standing by his side.
(I know, I have an odd sense of humor. It’s a blessing and a curse.)
Of course, a camel standing next to the tiny tyrant would make him look smaller; them’s BIG beasts.
A turban, or not, would make LITTLE difference.
The way Ron escaped the cult is one of the great stories of survival, especially that it was ultimately COB’s fault!
This is off topic. But I have always wanted to ask Mike his opinion about the reason Tommy Davis disappeared into oblivion.
How likely do you think it is that the Dwarfenfuhrer got angry with him because he blamed him for causing Leah to leave the scam and for the huge disaster that became? Do you think it was that event that caused him to be expelled?
Or maybe he got smacked around for disappointing the Fuhrer and left on his own accord? I’d love to know if anyone has any info about this or even if you are willing to share your own opinions.
As I have recounted, he blew in the middle of dealing with John Sweeney after telling Sweeney he spoke to Miscavige daily — yet the story had been that Miscavige was too busy to be bothered with the BBC and knew nothing about it. It was right after the “screaming” incident. Tommy was being a “tough guy” and he realized what a fuck up it was and took off to Vegas. He was “recovered” and sent to Flag to scrub dumpsters and be sec checked by Jessica — who ultimately became his wife. Tommy was used to be the BMOC and having an unlimited personal expense account. I don’t know what happened to him after that incident. I imagine if things got “tough” for him again, he decided he preferred to be pampered and he sailed off into the sunset with Jessica (until he left her and re-married).
Thank you Mike. While I am off topic here, I will get back on and say a few things about Leah.
I am incredibly proud of Leah. After a few of us expressed the opinion that it was hard to listen to her say some affirmative word every few seconds (like “Right”), she didn’t do it at all in this podcast.
No wonder she is a great actor. It takes some real discipline and talent to just stop something cold turkey that one has been doing for years. I was shocked but very happy and proud.
Leah, are you listening? You are terrific and fantastic and I got a thesaurus with about 100 other words but I’d better cut out now and just say to Leah, “Excellent podcast this week and you were the best part. I have always loved your work and I loved it today even more.
100% agree. Leah is a smart, courageous woman.
I wonder. Why does the image of a female lion come to my mind whenever a discussion turns to Leah? Is she a Leo? That would be one explanation. Her behavior is a lot like the leader of a pride of lions. The leader is always a female and you sure don’t want to mess with any lion when they are in a pride when the leader is close by.
Very few things in life are more courageous or more ferocious than a leader who has been told, “You don’t have the fucking rank to ask that!”
Oh baby! If you ever hear someone say that to a pride leader, just step back because the sparks are about to fly and the blood is about to flow! You do not want to mess with Leah Remini. That’s for sure!
Oh well. I just checked Wiki and saw that Leah is not a Leo. She is in fact a Gemini and for what it’s worth, the characteristics of Gemini are pretty close to Leah’s nature.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That’s the Gemini experience in a nutshell. Appropriately symbolized by the celestial twins, this air sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself. Read your sign’s full profile here. Next, read this month’s Gemini horoscope predictions.