In this episode we talk to our old friend Aaron Smith-Levin about a wide variety of topics, including the status of Goliath the SP dog, but focus on his announcement that he is running to be elected to the Clearwater City Council and the activities of the Aftermath Foundation.
Aaron appeared in the original season of The Aftermath, in one of the more memorable episodes:
My recent post about Aaron running for City Council:
Aaron Smith-Levin for City Council website:
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath Clearwater Episodes
Buying a Town Part 1 and Buying a Town Part 2
Aaron’s YouTube channel: Growing Up In Scientology
Recent Scientology and religion blog post
Why were the names of the celebrities no longer practicing Scientology bleeped out of the podcast? Can you share who they are here?
I didn’t realize they were bleeped????
What is time where the bleeping occurs? I know we talked about Laura Prepon snd mentioned Beck snd Jason Lee…
Thanks. I came here with same question. Was wondering what celebrities names were bleeped out. It was the 3 you mentioned above. All of the other people you guys mentioned were left in.
That’s really weird. Not sure why they did that….
I was just listening to that episode and heard the bleeps. Just went back to re-listen and that part has now been edited out!?
Looks like they deleted the original published 10.4.21 and replaced with edited version
Whole podcast was deleted, bleeped names edited out completely and altered episode published 10.6.21@5:45 pm PDT??
Another fine episode of the Scientology: Fair Game podcast. Always appreciate hearing an Aaron, Leah, Mike banter and exchange of views. Best to you Aaron in your Clearwater City Council run. My hunch is you’re going to get in! The community and the council will be fortunate to have you. You are an experienced businessperson, engaged citizen, proud dad and husband. This is an excellent combination of interest, knowledge, and experience areas for a public servant.
Listener question: What are the things that you Leah liked about Scientology?
Hello Mike it’s me Milton again. Can you ask Leah if she still has new acting projects coming up. I’m a big fan of her. I watch the King of Queens every day and can you give her my regards? I also want to compliment her on the Emmy that she received for the documentary. I am so glad that she finally received one. She deserves an Emmy for the work that she does. If it were possible I would ask her many questions about the King of Queens.
Good luck A – aron!
Don’t mess up!
Hi Mike and Leah,
I have some questions for a listener questions episode.
After doing some of my own research on Scientology, it struck me that Scientology ‘churches’, as far as I can tell, are based in city or metro areas. Is this on purpose? Do people in the country not require Scientology? Are we beyond saving? 🤣
I’m from South Australia. Back in 2019, Scientology reportedly purchased the old Messenger newspaper building in Port Adelaide for $3.2million. As far as I’m aware nothing has actually been done to the building since. Historically, Port Adelaide is a working class area. Although there has been a lot of redevelopment lately, the population in the area immediately surrounding the building are definitely not wealthy, many working class or on welfare. It doesn’t seem the logical place to have a church that sells itself on celebrity and relies on patreons purchasing their material. As Port Adelaide and near by Outer Harbour can accommodate larger sea vessels, could the purpose of buying the messenger building have something to do with docking the Freewinds and accomodating existing scientologists on board it?
Hello Missy from my old hometown!
My question is: Why did David Miscavige hold a higher position than Ron Miscavige? It defies me why David Miscavige ended up becoming the leader of Scientology and not Ron Miscavige. Ron Miscavige is his father, therefore I thought, that he would become the leader of Scientology before his son David Miscavige. I used to think that he is Ron Miscaviges successor.
Ron came into Scientology after Dave. Dave was one of the Commodores messengers if I recall correctly.
Almost. Ron got into scientology and then brought Dave in to help deal with his asthma. Dave joined the SEA ORG long before Ron and was a Commodore’s Messenger. Ron joined the Sea Org to be a musician.
Early answer if you can accept one from someone who is never on TV.
Scientology is not hereditary. Though some have suggested that Hubbard’s daughter Diana should have been a successor to Hubbard. Not because she is the eldest etc. but just because she is the only one in the family to still be involved at all. Dave Miscavige made absolutely sure she would never succeed by sequestering her at the International Base and restricting her access to the general public.
Scientologists don’t believe in family, love, inheritance, familial relationships etc. To a Scientologist the most important part of your identity is your eternal theta beingness, unique to you, eternal, and having absolutely no relationship to the body you happen to inhabit this time around the sun.
This tenet of Scientology has an incredibly destructive effect on the Scientologist’s family and often results in suicide. A Scientologist believes that destroying his current body just facilitates a transition to another body, the latest of thousands or millions of such transitions in his ancient history as a being.
It also intensely damages the children of Scientologists, as they are considered to be strangers just visiting for awhile. Not precious gifts, just adults in small bodies that happen to be hanging around. The most egregious abuses of children are made to seem logical by this insane idea.
It seems likely that Hubbard never really thought through the idea of a successor. Either he really thought he would never die, or didn’t care, or bought his own lies about returning some day to take up the reins again.
Some evidence exists that he thought of his close assistants near the end of his life, Pat and Annie Broeker, as successors or transitional caretakers of the faith. Or maybe this was all in the mind of the Broekers themselves. Pat set himself up as Admiral after Hubbard’s departure, but Dave put the kibosh on that idea with extreme prejudice, sequestering Annie in a sinecure position at the Int Base and driving off Pat Broeker by abuse.
Dave, as reported by several of his co-conspirators, believed that “Power is assumed”. Certainly he assumed power by discrediting, ejecting or disempowering anyone who could rival him in any way. At one point he even effectively imprisoned the entire executive structure of Scientology, the incident referred to as the rise of the “Suppressive Person Hole”. A hole in one for Dave.
Probably Mike could fill in a lot more of the details.
Bruce Ploetz
Great post.
You summed it up !
★★★★★ FIVE STARS ★★★★★
O/T. Scientology Clear, Class 4 Auditor, Gold Meritorious, and 3 Ls, Super Power and Cause Resurgence Completion Joy Villa praises God and thanks Jesus.
Gold Meritorious = $1 million in cumulative donations to Scientology.
Villa recently said: “I’ve been a Scientologist for 10 years. It’s my life!”
Villa also appeared in an ad for the Scientology religious artifact known as the E-Meter.
Archived with screenshots on ESMBR at:
As recently noted, “Christian” Scientologist Joy Villa is also a Scientology Minister or Minister-in-Training:
Hey Leah and Mike, when does your next listener questions episode come out? I have an interesting question to ask about the career of David Miscavige and his family background. I also hope, that you can get into Ron Miscaviges role in Scientology. Because I don’t quite understand his role in there. But I can specify my request shortly before the next listener questions episode.
Not sure when, but you can leave your question now. We have hundreds of listener questions, so it’s a game of chance if yours is included in the next episode. But we keep them if they dont get answered and roll over to the next episode.
To Milton Paca: The now passed Ron Miscavige, Sr., delivered over 100 video interviews in a YouTube program, “Ron Miscavige: Life After Scientology.” These are great episodes, including Ron’s music interludes playing the trumpet. These videos capture the soul of the man and what a down to earth, great human he was.
How many big lies does the Clampire preach? Being a Christian or Jewish or Moslem and being a $cientologists too is indeed a lie.
How many ‘promises’ does $cientology keep?
You don’t need glasses anymore.. No
Your IQ goes up. No
You are at cause for Matter, Energy, Space and Time. No freakin way
So little time and space to list all of the lies…
Though it may sound a big fat lie at present ,but 25 years from now after the end of copy right on original books of LRH , there shall be various types of Scientology , as you like it : American Capitalist Scientology , Russian Socialist Scientology, Chinese Confucius Scientology , English Royal Scientology , Kabbalist Scientology, Gnosist
Scientology, Sufi Scientology, Yogi Scientology, Zen Scientology etc etc etc
So if they are preparing themselves for that day , so be it.
I really hope he wins. I also would want to be in the room when dwarfish miscavige finds out. I pity the messenger that has to deliver that news.
I hope he wins too. Given the scale of the event, they will choose for their safety to anonymously send him a paper plane from the window with the news above.
Always remember that you’re not paranoid if the really ARE out to get you. AND that the dirty tricks escalate with their imagined threat level the target occupies. Perhaps it’d be a good idea to wear a body cam at all times to document their in-person harassment.