One of the long term scientology whistleblowers joins us this week, Tory “Magoo” Christman. Her story covers the gamut — OSA dirty tricks, disconnection, the Lisa McPherson Trust, being Fair Gamed and a whole lot more. It is one of those episodes that might have continued for many hours. She is such a bright, smart and kind person, especially in light of all she has been through.
Such a wonderful lady, we thoroughly enjoyed talking with her.
Tory is all over social media. Follow her and connect:
There are a number of documents and things we discuss in the episode that I am including below:
Attestation from Tory Christman
The Aftermath episodes where we discuss Gabe Cazares and Bob Minton
Andreas Heldal Lund’s groundbreaking Operation Clambake website
What is a 6 month check?
Magoo Dancing in Boston video by Bunker
HCO Bring Order — what is it? This is an excerpt from the Hubbard Policy Letter of 17 March 1965 Rights of a Staff Member, Students and Preclears to Justice:
In times of stress, commotion, riot or threats to person, an HCO personnel may instantly deputize any other Scientologist merely by saying loudly, “HCO. Bring Order,” making it known in any way that the Scientologist or Scientologists present should intervene or act. Any Scientologist whose help is thus commanded at once becomes deputized by Division 1 by the fact of required assistance and may not be charged before a Committee of Evidence for any act committed in rendering assistance to HCO during the period of stress and must be protected by the organization from any civil authority and the organization must pay any fines or expenses incurred or reasonable costs for damage to dress or hospital aid. When the incident is over, the HCO personnel must say, “HCO thanks you for bringing order,” thus ending the deputization.
An HCO Personnel requiring an eviction of a person or persons from a premises or meeting or area need only point to the person or persons and say, “HCO. Order!” Any staff member or Scientologist present is instantly deputized as above and must act promptly to carry out the eviction or be liable under Justice Codes when failing to do so. This can be used in any circumstances, no matter how mild the offender even down to slovenly or unauthorized persons on the premises or in any office. When the person or persons are removed, the HCO personnel removes the deputization by saying, “HCO thanks you for order.” These orders apply even when the person causing a disturbance is an officer, director or councilman of another division and none may be disciplined for complying but may be liable under Justice Codes for not doing so.
The Mary Tabayoyan declaration concerning forced abortions.
Who is Penny Atwell Jones? I did an earlier post about her here.
Tory featured in the What Is Scientology? book, ironically in the chapter entitled The Effectiveness of Scientology:
Tory in the later publication What Scientologists Say About Scientology:
The Tory Christman Program with added notes in red italics from Tory.
These are the Hubbard issues the Tory Christman Program (and all others like it) are based on Counter Attack Tactics and Intelligence Principles. There is a breakdown and explanation of these in my earlier blog post Dealing with Critics of Scientology — the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.
Tory’s dad — Paul Christman
Very true, Marie. Once I realized OSA wasn’t “getting rid of evil people”, as they had told me those accounts would do. Once I realized they were really, systematically stopping free speech, that began my waking up. (It really wasn’t until that night, when I went to “just do a de-brief, telling us what happened” per my auditor and then still trusted friend.
At that meeting, when all these men, including Bill Yaude began screaming at me…. The second I snapped and ran out .. that was the END of my trust with Yaude, and the End of my willing to work with OSA. That was
TOTAL TREASON in my book.
Note: if this is a duplicate… Please don’t post it. Just post the first one, unless it is a very different communication.
Thank you! 🌹
Tory, You can see by the abundance of affection expressed here, many of us were keenly interested to hear you featured in the Leah & Mike Scientology Fair Game Podcast. Each step you have taken and all that you so willingly share is greatly appreciated. I have benefited from reading every single post in this blog entry. You can see how your story details prompt other Former-Ins to share their experiences as well.
While in, I was a good citizen who followed the firm orders to not look at anything counter to Scientology. Being out and learning all these things — listening, viewing, reading memoirs written, including Leah’s excellent memoir– is alarming.
Each of us who were formerly in had one or more dreadful encounters with staff and Sea Org that align with what you and others describe. One of the key encounters I had finally showed me the true nature of the group, its true “emotional tone” as it were, rather than its “social veneer.”
It was chilling, how his address of me penetrated into my bones. It was what I imagined the situation would be like if I was in an arrangement with a bloodthirsty loan shark, an agent of a dark criminal operation set up to victimize people and willing to terrorize.
As you know, one can not speak openly of this while in the group, because then you are “nattering” about a “senior executive” and you, even as a public, are being “counter-intention” to the almighty “command intention.”
I found that encounter traumatizing; it lingered. Later I realized that dude did me a favor. After I got out, I could see how his brutal (emotional, verbal) treatment of me had a catalyzing effect for me to see: This is NOT a nice group and I need to STOP in my mind sugarcoating the realities.
With each step hearing about and reading about others’ experiences, I see more clearly what a true cult this is. Very complex, because of the way in which it is set up so we trap ourselves.
Thank you, Tory, for all you have done and the courage you demonstrate.
You are most welcome “Peridot”. 👍
A few key points:
I was not on staff at Narconon.
I worked at Narconon, International for a few months.
After the Sea Org, I joined Celebrity Center as a non sea org (NSO) staff. I audited there. Once they cancelled NSO, I then joined AOLA NSO, and audited there until I had to leave to give birth to our wonderful son.
I also worked at a number of W.I.S.E companies where the last one got super abusive.
In 1989 my Mother-in-law paid $200,000 for our OT 5-8. I was told “You are not allowed on the Flag Land Base”. I took on the entire base..and insisted all my folders be sent to RTC.
One month later the entire Flag Land Base tech terminals (people) were crammed/corrected on their false info re medicine.
There’s more, but those are key things that happened while “in” Scientology
Also there are tons of Fair Game
Things Scientology did to me.
Thanks for listening! ♥️
And super thanks to Mike & Leah. 🌹
I just listened to the podcast.
I loved it.
I was in Scientology for twenty five years and left in 2014.
One of the very first people who helped me was Tory.
I was stunned and confused and in her videos she had Saud anyone who wanted to could call her. So I did and explained my situation.
She told me how OSA had messed with her and I said “I am not OSA!”
She said, “I know, because they NEVER call me and will not talk to me on the phone!!”
She helped me to figure out what to do and was very nice to me. I spoke with her several times and she is just the nicest person you could ever meet. She has helped thousands of people to understand Scientology, to leave Scientology, and to avoid Scientology!
I wish her nothing but the best!
Thank you Mockingbird!
I loved to talking with you.
Thank you Mockingbird! I’m so happy I was able to help you. I wish you the same 😊🌹
Enjoyed finally discovering who Tory is! Great story that I can relate to. OSA, David Miscavige and L. Ron Hubbard’s policies CREATE more enemies than they “dismiss” …
Case in point.
In early July 2014 I was declared an SP by CC Int (an org I had never been to for service). I requested a Comm Ev to clear my name. Getting the Comm Ev took roughly 5 months after 8 in writing requests (meanwhile I had lost family members, friends, my job, income, spouse and had to move onto a friends couch).
Then when I traveled to CLO WUS for the Comm Ev in November they took their sweet ass time doing it, all the while it’s costing me more money. They didn’t complete the F&R’s until later January 2015 with absolutely no regard for my living situation or lost income or anything.
The Committee found me innocent on every charge which technically should have resulted in a dismissed SP Declare and restoration to good standing.
Guess what the Finding’s say? Innocent across the boards. Guess what the recommendations say? Amends project, lower conditions, Sec Check at SO Org at my expense, must be done within 3 months or the SP declare won’t be lifted. Talk about a kangaroo court. I looked at that and all the past injustices and the arrogance of the Church and decided to cut my losses. I’m not paying thousands of dollars for something I didn’t do based on a Comm Ev that declared me innocent of all charges. That’s insane!
So yea, from being quietly stepped away from Scientology in 2014 to being Declared, losing my job, family members and friends all overnight to being MADE into an ENEMY for LIFE.
That’s right, an enemy for life. I was content to just STFU and live my life, but they attacked my livelihood and family. Then while admitting they were wrong, they still upheld their injustice. THAT is how you make an enemy for life. The fall out wasn’t just my loss. Even more people connected to me walked away after they saw what happened to me. So yeah, Scientology’s arrogance and policies are it’s undoing and why it’s a flailing, bully of a cult in a long death throe.
So very sorry you had to go through that nightmare. But…. You did, and you are
Free! Thank you for sharing your story.
I am so sorry you had to go through this. However, you are now free! Thank you for sharing your story
Best to you,
Tory/Magoo 💜
The “Tory Christman Program” written by OSA is absolute proof that they are out to mentally destroy someone as well as attack their livelihood and whatever else they value. It is a demonstration of the pure psychological terrorism they employ and is insane!
Tory, thank you for all you have done to expose the cult!
Very true Ruby!
I’m not sure why, but I can only see part of it. If you can see it all, please tell me how.
My best 💜
For those who want to listen on You tube:
Cool… Thanks! Can you please tell me how to put this on my YouTube site?
I would *greatly*: appreciate bit!
My best,
Tory/Magoo 🌹
My YouTube site, for any who missed the above link (thank you Mike for posting that)
1) go to YouTube
2) type in the search bar ToryMagoo44
That’s it!
http:www. YouTube. com/ToryMagoo44
This was such a phenomenal interview.
Thank you Tanner! 💜
I wonder if any of the Scientologists from the Tory Boston video left the “church”?
This was an absolutely fantastic podcast!! What an amazing woman.
Thank you Peggy L
I appreciate your kind words!
My best,
Hey Mike, great podcast episode today. Keep up the good work.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t Miss Cabbage who made the rule about no free re-do’s if the Church screwed up. It is IRON CLAD Hubtard policy to NEVER give free service. Even if your auditor serves up physical beatings instead of auditing sessions the PC cannot get those hours credited as it is the fault of the PC for not being better trained.
BTW, Tory is about the nicest human you’d ever want to meet. Brave too.
Thank you so much Real!
Are you RS?! If so, I’ve loved meeting you!I 💜
t’s true! We did OT5-7.
Miscavige then announced at an event:
“The reason the OT 7’s are screwed up is because we trained them wrong”
We were then routed to regges who told us” you need to pay $25,000 to re-do it”. No kidding! 🥵
Tory, is a that rare person who combines courage, intelligence and love. As a result she has been able to spread the truth and expose the destructive and toxic nature of Scientology. She has my respect and gratitude. Rock on Tory!
God I love you! I have known and admired you & your music since the 70’s
At the original Celebrity Center. Boy those were amazing days! 😊
My best to you,
Tory/Magoo 💜
Great episode! Just curious why Tory wasn’t on the Aftermath? (ML from Adelaide … an Aftermath Foundation volunteer if anyone from Scientology here wants to escape.)
Wish she had been. Just so many weeks of shows and not everyone could be included. Thanks for your support of the AFtermath Foundation. You are all SO appreciated.
I will never understand how they can get away with sharing private details from people’s sessions– whether it’s considered a religious confessional or professional counseling session. There should be some sort of action that can be taken when things revealed in confidence to either a therapist or pastoral counselor are published on the internet and the like. A priest can be excommunicated; therapists can lose their licenses. But the Cos can just blab your most private stuff to whomever. It’s gross.
Actually they probably CAN be sued for that Joni.. The problem is proving who and how the info was released plus the cost of doing so. Damages are hard to prove also.
Tory is a champion, as I understand she left when she understood that freedom of speech didn’t exist in Scientology .
Can’t wait to listen to the podcast tomorrow.
I love Tory. I’m very keen to listen to this one.
She is wonderful
Awww… Thank you Mike! I feel the same about you
Much love,
Tory/Magoo 🌹