This week we have another of our favorite Listener Questions episodes… We have a lot of great questions, including what the organization does with all the money it makes? Are the PI’s scientologists? What would happen if we tried to rejoin scientology? What is the most bizarre Hubbard policy? What’s the story with Mimi Rogers? Does David Miscavige tune in? And a lot more.
Some of the documents we mention:
What are the A-E steps that a person declared Suppressive must do in order to get back into good standing with scientology?
My earlier post about scientology PI’s and which ones are scientologists: The Black Bag Department
Just who is Rick Moxon? One of the unindicted co-conspirators from Guardian’s Office prosecution (along with L. Ron Hubbard), in house lawyer for scientology, OT VIII and father of Stacy Moxon who committed suicide at the Int Base (it was covered up as an accident).
The infamous 20/20 clip with Monique (Muffins) Yingling. Unfortunately the only way I have found to see Monique with her impressive display of muffins is to watch Part 1 and allow this video to then go to Part 2. At 00:30 Monique shows up with the muffins baked with love by the slave sat Gold.
Monique Yingling and Tommy Davis on AC 360 lying about disconnection:
Two of the most bonkers Hubbard policies (in my opinion–you can chime in with your own personal favorite)
Hubbard on odors and perfume — another of his completely bonkers writings (Note, his ramblings seemed to become even more unhinged towards the end of his life — though it is hard to top History of Man) ….
Maureen Orth’s excellent VF article about Tom Cruise that details what happened to then-scientologist Nazanin Boniadi who had been selected and groomed as Cruise’s new mate.
Passionate kiss quote from Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health
List of recommended books from Leah (and new one):
Great podcast. I was crying listening to Leah. I hope she sees all the support here for her.
I was wondering about stars like Michelle Stafford. She’s always posting with ppl that aren’t Scientologists and seems to always be trying to help ppl out. Not only that she had her children with a surrogate. Is that allowed in Scientology? It doesn’t seem like it would be.
I love her so it makes me sad if she’s still in’.
Thanks for any info
Thank you for saying that therapists are smart! I am a licensed therapist and program manager. Your comment came at a time of burnout, when I really needed it. So you are helping non-scientologists too! I have been inspired by your podcast as it helps me to better understand the trauma of mind control. I often feel that there is little understanding of the training and dedication that goes into our work. I love the podcast inspiring and funny all at once!
Please make sure Leah reads this. I understand you 100%!!! Your baby leaving for college is hard on many of us. It’s also hard because Leah is still recovering emotionally from Scientology and learning what the heck to do with yourself when difficulties arise or emotions get tough. My daughter, our only child, went to a college in our town, but we barely ever saw her and it was very hard the 1st year (I also felt useless). It gets easier as time passes. Those that want their kids to leave are the ones who aren’t getting along with them.
Leah, to handle this transition, start planning NOW how to fill your time with other things. In fact, START the other things right now – it will help you cope with your feelings. Is there anything you wanted to do that you have not yet (other than help ex-Scientologists)? It’s time for your 2nd act – my feeling is working directly with people outside your own house is the way to go for you. Consider these options but it could be anything:
– create or produce TV, movie, other entertainment
– start more businesses to employ ex-Scientologists
– volunteer for charity, UNICEF (Audrey!!) … local or global
– volunteer at a soup kitchen or somewhere that directly serves the less fortunate
– design something you can sell to help the needy
– take up knitting and make caps for babies or blankets for the homeless
– the homeless often need socks and underwear
– take up painting like Grace Slick, Jane Seymour, Paul McCartney etc.
– learn a new, preferably difficult and time consuming, hobby
– design clothing, jewelry, makeup, skin care or other
– fitness and diet, are there any big changes you want to make? Have you seen Adele!?!?!?
Good luck … this too shall pass …
What your therapist did was to express empathy. It allows us to connect and know we’re not alone. So important. Of course, there is a balance but we have to take the time to feel our feelings or it causes troubles in our body and/or spirit. Enjoy you guys so much. You are doing so much good. Lots of unknown folks did NOT go into Scientology because of you two. God bless you.
Hello my name is Ibrahim (IB-RUB-HEEM) and I am a 19 year old first generation USA citizen from Africa living in Texas. I am an Ex-Puritan cult member, I haven’t seen my family in 6 years. I recently found out my father passed away 2 years ago and it was by chance (I called his work and they told me). So I feel for you guys soooo much. So I recently finished y’all’s docuseries and I laughed, cried, cussed, became ill and felt genuine fear. I have fallen into a rabbit hole and honestly I have a question that I’d like to be answered. Can you go into detail on how that group of Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses is? I feel like everyone forgot about them and that makes me sad because they matter too. Also I just have to say that after watching all of Mike and Leah’s content I can tell that y’all are so passionate and loving people, you are an inspiration. I mean I’m gay and I have a crush on both of you… lol 😉 I love you both thank you for actually doing something about this even though they could destroy you. You have no idea how many people you’ve touched, when Leah cried I cried but when Mike cried I fucking lost it! Thank you for reading my question. Love Ibrahim!
Another nice enjoyable episode.
Regarding what Leah said for her daughter I can only say not to worry that they will come back and they will also be more present and more aware of what you have done for them.
My two girls have been gone for a few years now, they have daughters now, and not a day goes by that they don’t call my wife several times. They are always looking for us for anything and they know we are always there. They are always the number one priority.
For better or worse they are almost all useful experiences but denied or avoided for those who are in scn. The cult comes first. Such a pity.
Seeing your daughter growing up, forming her personality and becoming a woman, and being able to be part of it, really gives you a full meaning to existence.
When at some point you see all this and what you have done, you understand that these are the real “OT phenomena”.
Hola Mike I love the podcast today! And I’m really sorry of your lost and that you where not allow to grieve on that time.
But I’m really happy of the beautiful family that you have Now and I hope that at some point in life the rest of your family reunite.
Lost of love.
Hi Leah and Mike! I love your show so much, and I think that you two are some of the most genuine and caring people I know (I feel as though I know you).
Leah, my heart went out to you as you were telling us about your struggle with Sophia growing up and growing away. I just want to let you know that they come back. I have 3 boys and 2 girls, and I had a really hard time when my children were at the age where I felt they didn’t need me anymore. But as they had their own growing up struggles, they came to realize that I was not the nerdy, know-nothing adult that they thought I was. After their initial breakaway from my husband and me, they all came back in their own time – I sometimes wish I could have some time off from their need for my attention! 😀 And the ones that have given me grandbabies so far, well, that’s the best! Sophia does have that bond with you, and she will always have a connection with you. And if she ever has kids, believe me, you will be her source of wisdom and BABYSITTING! My religion teaches that families are bonded together forever, and I truly believe that. You guys are the best!
This is a listener question:
Does David Miscavige have to go on the E-meter? If so who is his auditor? (I’d be scared shitless to do that job) If he doesn’t have to do sessions on the E-meter, what is the explanation or reasoning? Thanks, love you and Leah so much! Keep up the good fight!
Dear Leah,
My heart went out to you listening to you talk about your daughter getting ready to leave the nest. This summer I dropped off daughter number three in four years to college. Thankfully I still have two at home. Hearing you talk honestly about your feelings brought up those same ones in me.
In 2017 the whole family moved from the United States to Sri Lanka. We had one year here before it was time to take the oldest daughter back to the US for college. I bawled like a baby many times before her and I even got on the airplane to go back. I bawled when I got her set up in her apartment. I bawled when I said goodbye. I bawled when I got back to Sri Lanka. In 2019 we dropped the second daughter off and the whole process started again. 2021 I went through the process again. I will go through it again in 2023 with daughter number four and finally in 2025 with my son.
Invest in Kleenex. It is ok. Those that say they are glad to be rid of kids are putting up a front. Parenting is not for the weak.
The shrinking world of Cults.
Does any one knows from where, exactly, those text came from ?
Cults are by-products of obsession , supported by like mind psychos .
As the time goes by Cults may pick and choose forbidden and insane practices knowing they have no question asked policy.
That’s the delima with Cults , their own policies starts pushing them to oblivion after they got exposed.
They were like those gamblers who with successive losses increasing their bet to recover previous losses, but in the end they lose them all.
Common sense demands to exit before this stage but the agony of defeat don’t let them do so.
Last chance, go in isolation in any agrarian
ommnunity for atleast next 50.yesrs.
It’s not me ,it’s written on the wall.
The man who professes mental stability is literally bat-shit insane.
The sweet irony.
Ah, Hubbard’s bonkers bits of “wisdom”, vis-a-vis his “policies”, edicts, advices, orders, and other thetanic farts…So much whacko garbage…
No sexual or sensual pleasure, no humor, no empathy…No room for doubt, no space for empathy, and definitely no possibility of evolving or improving his 100% perfect “technology”…No room for fairness and humane treatment of staff or of non-scientologists…and forget about the group’s organizations and their programs providing any real, lasting, graciously-given social benefit to the world…They can’t engage and communicate and cooperate, only lie and “handle” and dominate and control and “uttetly ruin”…
Contrary to his claims, scientology is neither a “study” of anything…nor a therapy based on scientific research, born of a selfless desire to “help mankind”.
So much toxic shit, delivered with incessantly narcissistic drama and manipulative, malignant intention. UGH.