We welcome back our old friend Marc Headley to talk about Scientology and the internet, including covering the bonkers domain names scientology has registered, and how they have unsuccessfully attempted to control access to information on the World Wide Web.
Marc’s wonderful book: Blown For Good
The Scientology Money Project blog article listing many of the scientology owned domains:
A YouTube video listing some of the troll domains registered by scientology:
The Jokers & Degraders PL/HCOB:
The Wikipedia entry on the infamous Scieno Sitter
The South Park Episode Trapped In The Closet where it details the contents of OT III with a banner at the bottom of the screen: “THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGIST ACTUALLY BELIVE”
Alexa Ranks — I did a recent post on this (Scientology is Smaller in the US than Tanzania?) — scientology has been using Click Farms in Tanzania to generate traffic to their site, but even then they still rank lower than my blog and Tony Ortega’s:
The recent Fair Game Podcast Andreas Heldal-Lund episode
The brilliant HBO documentary by Alex Gibney: Going Clear
Leah Remini; Scientology and the Aftermath on A&E and Netflix
The AC 360 “History of Violence” appearance of the “Inch wives” — my ex-wife, along with Tom DeVocht, Marty Rathbun and Jeff Hawkin’s ex-wives. A perfect example of scientology rehearsed and drilled lies:
The Marty Rathbun “Rotten Rat” site — you can still visit this site “rottenrat.com” a fake “Marty Rathbun blog” with links to many of the other scientology hate sites, and also to L. Ron Hubbard articles!
This is off topic, but just timely to the ongoing podcast. I saw Spanky on another podcast and I think I spotted her in the audience of your big finale of The Aftermath. I would love to hear more about her story in general and how her Fair Game experience has been. Is that possible?
Hey Mike, great episode!
Question for the next audience Q&A episode, semi-related to a tangent from this one. It was mentioned that Fair Game is simply a game of attrition, and the Church usually comes out ahead because they always have more $$$ than the average person.
IF someone wanted to defend themselves from Fair Game and win, what sorts of funds/wealth would they actually need to have? Could a run-of-the-mill billionaire with a team of expert lawyers actually come out ahead in a Fair Game situation?
Just curious because, to my knowledge, Fair Game has never been waged on someone whose wealth matches/surpasses the Church.
Awesome question. If it really is just about having enough money to go the distance?
They went after Eli Lilly in the 90s.
Lilly just paid them off.
Miscavige happily took their money and the Fair Gaming ceased.
This is an organisation that promises to end psychiatry and big pharma’s conspiratorial reign…but will happily bend over for some cash, no matter where it comes from.
Great to hear Claire (Clare?… I’m drawing a blank) and Marc recently. Marc has such a twisted and great sense of humor, he is clearly an 80’s kid.
Just when you think that you’ve heard everything about Scientology and the BS they constantly pull, here’s Marc spilling more of the tea. Just downloaded his book and looking forward to losing a couple of days reading it.
Thank you Mike and to Leah, of course, for continuing this amazing and difficult work.
What a great episode. Marc is a great guest, so entertaining!
It’s time to turn up the heat on all CULTS operating in America. Unfortunately, many Mormons have risen to high places in our government to turn back the clock.
The Mormons that control everything like having Scientology to take the heat and until that cult is exposed don’t expect any progress with this one.
I know the most powerful people on the planet and they are afraid of the Mormon Church and as long as they continue to hold the precipice in the United States Senate, no action will be taken against any of these human meat grinders.
Leah and Mike are doing a great job along with John Delin with LDS but it’s time for a pow-wow with greater minds to begin to bring universal knowledge about what’s happening to our people. It’s bigger than all to comprehend and impossible to explain to simple minds.
I agree with John that small bites are best but some pretty big chunks every now and then would help people begin to understand the true nature of this beast.
William, there are a lot of questionable religious interests with political influence, such as the large and wealthy televangelism and prosperity gospel ministries. A number even have their own universities, like the Mormons if none quite so large.
That is such a great photo of Leah, Marc and Claire with their expressions.
And, I could listen to Marc Headly for hours.
DM shouldn’t mock others considering his short-comings. And he is not the head of a church, he is the head of a grifter operation.
oh great, love hearing from the headleys. Marks book was great, a really gripping inside read. look forward to this ep!
When I completed OT VIII on the Freewinds in 1988, I concluded that Scientology was a fraud and would never expand. There were many reasons. The most obvious involved the fact that Hubbard was totally confused about the history of religion on the planet. This was obvious from his child-like interpretations of Jesus and the Buddha.But there was a far, far deeper reason. Even after I granted to him his silly Xenu story, I realized that Hubbard was pulling the oldest trick in the book. He had pulled it many times before. On OT VIII he paints old entities but gives no solution. So Xenu and body thetans are meaningless. You have spent half your life fighting them and even if you get rid of them you still have no power.
Hubbard had his big chance in the United States from 1952 till 1988. Even if he could have predicted the internet, there is no way he could continue his bad science fiction and try to turn it into religion. Hubbard was a very poor follower of the Occult, with limited education. It is possible to look at his original OT VIII documents and see a weak minded approach to his belief in entities. Internet does not help him.
In typical Hubbard style, the word “curious” is totally wrong for Scientology. People are not curious about Scientology because its principles are confusing and old-fashioned. In 50 years I never heard anyone try to get to the bottom of Scientology. They give their time and their money for small “wins” in life. They do not care about the deep curiosity.
He was a fiction writer, wrote fiction.
Cults are fiction, they are product of that era, like the Cold War era.
Did you find any one try get meaning out from the teachings of Charles Mason, David Quresh , James Jonstome , Heavens Gate Cult ?
They have average product life of 50 years .
As the ideology which led to its birth get extinct ,same applies to them.
History is full of such examples since eons.
As the topic is disturbing therefore seldom discussed in mainstream media
Xenu is so bad of an influence, the Scientologists are not allowed to define Xenu to each other.
But other words they don’t understand, they must define.
But they will never define Xenu.
For public non Scientologists this never makes sense.
Why would the Scientologists who are fastidious about looking up words they don’t know the meaning of, why do the skip looking up Xenu?
The simplest most descriptive definition, and short, is simply:
“Xenu caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram.”
Scientologists do know what the Wall of Fire is, they are allowed to know this.
Scientologists do know what the 4th Dynamic Engram is, and they are allowed to know this.
So, by telling Scientologists this simple two and two description, that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, then Scientologists can be informed quickly correctly who Xenu was.
It unbrainwashes them, this simple little definition.
Further, and this gets into the kooky confidential beliefs (to them, not to regular non Scientologists this is not confidential, it’s on Wikipedia and everywhere on the internet), the additional info about Xenu is:
Xenu caused the dumping of surplus bodiless souls, called “body-thetans” (pronounced BODY. THAY-TONS) onto earth, and these surplus souls infest all humans today, and Scientology’s secret upper levels numbered OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism secret steps where Scientologists exorcise their share of Xenu’s “body-thetans” off their own human body, and fix up part of themselves spiritually.
So Xenu dumped all the “body-thetans” (surplus bodiless souls) onto earth that infest all humans and Scientologists use L. Ron Hubbard’s exorcism procedures from OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 to exorcise their body-thetans off themselves.
That’s who Xenu was, and why Xenu is important to all the exorcism that Scientologists secretly do to themselves on the upper secret levels of Scientology.
That’s all there really is to the Xenu and body-thetans secrets of upper Scientology.
When you read the Jokers and Degraders bulletin he explains the org’s down statistics on Jokers and Degraders who are also known as no case gain an SP’s. Well somewhere there is a list of all the Indie Scns who publicly left the church and declared that they were out of the church. It is called the Indie 500 list. But that is only 500 of the tens of thousands who have left the church and spoken out against it. So my question is: if the church ferreted out and declared that many people SP, then how come the church still has down statistics which have been going on for decades? You would think that after ridding itself of so many thousand SP’s that stats would go up, right? But yet here we are, stats down, orgs empty, not many auditors or OT’s being made, seems like they need to look a little closer to home to find the actual SP.
Cindy. In fact, as you say, it didn’t give any results except to worsen the statistics further.
Or the place is still chock full of J & Ds, SPs and no case gains to find!
And here some encouragement must be given.
Come on DM! Keep chasing them and razing the place to the ground until nothing remains standing. You’re doing great.
When you look a little closer you notice it is not the people who can make humor of life that are the problem, it it actually those that cannot find humor in life or themselves that are the real problem.
Yo Dave, Have ya had a good laugh lately good buddy? Thursday at Too ought to do it this week. Yuk it up furball.
What is Evil?
Many people have this vision of a villain (or villains) performing a vile act (singular or plural) wile gleefully rubbing their hands together.
The reality is far different.
Horrors (such as The Holocaust) are performed by normal people who believe they’re doing things that are right and proper. An example is that Scientologists who harass critics of Scientology (i.e. Fair Gaming them) believe themselves to be good people going a good thing. But in Reality what they’re doing is horrible. An example is the harassment of Paulette Cooper (or any other Holocaust survivor) by Scientologists.
…or the harassment of anyone at all who is minding their own business and trying to live their life free of Scientology.