This week Leah and I interview Karen De la Carriere, the former wife of scientology’s disappeared President, Heber Jentzsch.
Karen was the highest level scientology “technical person” — a Class XII Case Supervisor. There have been less than 50 Class XII C/Ses in the history of scientology. Perhaps no more than 10 who trained directly under L. Ron Hubbard like Karen.
Karen and Heber had a child together, Alexander, who was born into the Sea Org. He was raised with my children.
Karen is one of the most harrowing stories of ongoing Fair Game. Of course, as a prominent “tech person” and as the former wife of Heber, and because she is a loudmouth, she is a prime target for smears, cruelty and efforts to “destroy her utterly.” She has survived them all, and continues to crusade to end the abuses of scientology. That she is unbeaten is not a reflection of the lack of vicious effort on the part of scientology — none more so than the tragic death of her only son and scientology’s monstrous cruelty in the face of this.
Just some examples of the grotesque smear sites on Karen — financed by tax-exempt money. Scientology claims this is a valid religious activity. Seriously?
And though I probably dont need to make this point to anyone reading here — none of what they say is true. They literally make shit up — Karen “assaulted” her (unnamed — because they don’t want anyone to know she was married to Heber) husband just like I assaulted my ex-wife. At this point, nobody buys a word of what scientology says about any of their “enemies.” I only feel OK about repeating their bs at all because it is SUCH bs and laughable to anyone who is not in the cult (and nobody who is IN the cult is going to read this…)
We go into some detail of the story of the death of Alexander, and here is more information in articles by Tony Ortega for the Village Voice:
Scientology President’s Son Dies
Alexander Jentzsch, Son of Scientology’s President Memorialized At Sea
We mention Karen’s video channel Surviving Scientology — you should subscribe if you have not done so previously.
And we also mention her partner, Jeffrey Augustine’s blog Scientology Money Project:
This episode is heartbreaking.
Hello, the whole thing is going perfectly here and of course every one is sharing information, that’s truly good, keep up writing.
I was utterly fascinated and horrified at the same time listening to the latest podcast.Karen gave up her husband and son to work like a slave for this cult for forty years.She explained she had wanted another child but was not allowed.She never even saw her one son.He died an avoidable death if he had been taken to a hospital and given the correct medication for his illness.This sickened me.Please someone explain to me why ex-Scientologists are tortured and harassed after they leave the cult.Because of what some looney tune wrote in a bunch of nonsensical books years ago?And pertaining to the Scientologists that just seem to fall off the face of the earth with no explanation given never to be seen again,are these people actually detained as prisoners in a compound somewhere?What is this,Nazi Germany in the thirties?Another Warsaw Ghetto?And the police do nothing about it?I used to be a practicing Catholic until I left the church thirty years ago.That was it.Nobody went after me.My daughter was raised Catholic until she grew up,left the church and now is an atheist.I myself am agnostic but we still get along and are very close.We just do our own thing,do not hurt anyone or spread lies about people we know who do not share our beliefs,or lack thereof.I have great respect for the individuals that left Scientology with absolutely nothing.And it would be a cold day in hell if some sociopath told me to dump my husband or tell me how many children I was allowed to have.Congratulations,David Miscaviage,you are the last winner.Bravo,Karen,Leah and Mike.Keep up the good fight.From one Brooklyn girl to another.
Thank you kindly for voicing your feelings and your own journey in and out of the Catholic Church.
The difference between the SCN cult and other Churches is
Malice. Revenge. Retaliation.
The cult due to FOUNDER policy rampages with these.
I also watch Karen de la Carriere videos in her Utube site ‘Surviving scientology’. Very informative.
Thanks T-Rabbitt !
O/T. TONIGHT, 9/15/20 on Midnight Society with Tim Weisberg:
Guest Janis Grady – “Escaping Scientology”
Live at 10 PM Eastern/7 PM Pacific on:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Janis Grady – Escaping Scientology
Janis Grady talks about her life growing up in Scientology’s Sea Organization, working directly with L. Ron Hubbard – and how she escaped. She will also talk about her mother, Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch, who founded the Scientology Celebrity Centre.
Janis Grady was born into the Church of Scientology. She joined the Sea Org at age 11 and was one of the first four original messengers in L. Ron Hubbard’s Commodore’s Messenger’s Organization (CMO). Janis’ mother was Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch, who founded the Scientology Celebrity Centre.
Commodore’s Messenger: A Child Adrift in the Scientology Sea Organization
Commodore’s Messenger Book II: Riding Out The Storms with L. Ron Hubbard
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
O/T. Like The AV Club and Movie Piolet in Germany, Gamespot picked up on the Amazon TV series “The Boys” parody of Scientology interviewing possible wives for Tom Cruise.
Gamespot: The Boys Season 2 Episode 4: 20 Easter Eggs And Things You Might Have Missed
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
9. More Scientology connections
So far in Season 2, the Church of the Collective has been painted as a broad parody of Scientology. The Deep’s wife auditions, then, may have been inspired by Scientology’s alleged wife-auditing process for Tom Cruise, as described in Vanity Fair.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The phrase “Vanity Fair” links to:
Leah and Mike congratulations for your second Emmy. That’s a great news indeed.
By now I am sure DM already moved on the second box of McCallan 75.
Congratulations on 2nd Emmy ! You guys are amazing ❤️
Congrats on another Emmy Mike! You and Leah keep landing body blows to Scientology even a year after this amazing show. Enjoy the moment, it is truly deserved. I feel sorry for whoever is serving COBs breakfast tomorrow morning, lol.
Thank you so much Mike and Leah, for interviewing Karen.
We can’t wait to hear the podcast. Our hearts goes out to Karen. She is a strong woman and we just love her and her husband, Jeffrey.
Karen, if you are reading this – thank you for all you do. You are amazing. May you continue to be blessed beyond your dreams. You are loved by many of us lurkers under the radar. All of you guys are! Mike and Leah – big hug to you too. You are all making a huge difference.
Thank you Sam for your kind words. I send a warm hug right back at you.
Congrats on another Emmy win!!! ❤️👏
I was confused. I read this post, but I didn’t realize the podcast isn’t out until tomorrow morning. Will make sure to take a listen.
I will say while I was in Div 6, my Org had call lists of who I needed to get a hold of to return to Scientology. This was/is called recovery, and the lists were long of those who tried Scientology and left. It amazed me then how many people had gone through the Org without taking more than a course or two. Scientology simply wasn’t/isn’t for most people (shouldn’t be for anyone really). Sad to hear Karen’s ending to her story and the Fair Game against her. (Life as a game was also the stupidest analogy Hubbard could have came up with to demystify the mundane ‘livingness’ experience – Fair Game is also a derivative term of this stupidness. This explains why so many public left after only one or two courses and had to be ‘recovered’)
The fact that the Church of Scientology denies anyone their First Amendment Right to speak out against them, while the church enjoys First Amendment protections for themselves, is testament to their hypocrisy, vindictiveness and criminality. It’s all about protecting their money sources.
Karen is utterly unique, and likely there will never be another like her. A full bore Scientology, risen to Class 12 Case Supervisor, and years and years of Hubbard’s Scientology highest practices overseeing.
Class 12s do no grow on trees, and it’s a condemnation that even a subject makes it nearly impossible to make more Class 12s, that’s a whole other subject. (It’s a built in another deep flaw, there are so many layers of flaws to Scientology, Hubbard’s various solutions just cannot ever address the fundamental flaws of the Hubbard theories of the spirit and mind, on which the whole Hubbard quackery practices, as difficult and hard to perfect the practices, but some people do, and some, a few, become the Class 12 Case Supervisors of the movement—there are probably less than 3 Class 12 Case Supervisors even on duty in Scientology today, if that).
Karen’s a goldmine for researchers who at this time wish to look into the intricacies of the whole layout big long stepladder of the Hubbard/Scientology practices, it’s outrageous she is not interviewed more. Well, the only reason I can think no one interviews Karen more about the Hubbard stepladder practices is lack of interest, and unwillingness to go whole hog and dissect the whole Hubbard stepladder of quackery in full detail.
That whole chunk of Scientology, the stepladder (“the Bridge”) needs in depth critical review. (The quackery, level by level, process by process.)
Agreed. I catch Karen de la Carriere quite frequently on (Utube)’Life After scientology’, Host/proprietor is Ron Miscavage. He has a variety of guests and topics, All are interesting and each has their point of views and stories to tell.
Karen is a treasure trove of information after spending 40+ yrs in the co$. The information is much appreciated. : )
Chuck ~~
I am in very good touch with a range of journalists who use me for fact checking, corroboration and essays. 2 new articles should be out presently.
Thank you for your kind words.
Little is it known the brutal schedule of doing those interneships, the 70 hour weeks, no days off, endless video taping of sessions, each interneship becoming harder to attain and accomplish.
How bizaare that they would attack me like this after enjoying 20 years of dedicated service to the cause for $12 to $20 a week…. 12 cents an hour of slavery. Yes, I was a true believer til I was a recipient of their torture punishments and that was the beginning of the end..
Hi Karen,
I fell out of grace as a public. I will spare you the details why, but lets just say they treated me like a criminal and declared me PTS 3 a few months after making a huge donation. I was still on course, but I stopped getting twins on SRD. One Sup kicked me out of the Academy and sent me to the library to be on course cause it was messing up his stats. After, I was told I could only study in the Div 6 public course room (not the academy). I can’t imagine what you went through after falling out of grace from the pinnacle of Scientology. Wish you the best.
Thank you kindly.
If you wish to connect further, my Email address is [email protected].
Be well.
The Fair Game attacks on my wife Karen come straight from David Miscavige and the psychotics he has working for him in OSA.
The attacks are disgusting, but that is what the public has come to expect from the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology is disgusting on a systemic basis. This is why it is collapsing and is correctly viewed as a hideous and malicious Cult.
The Church of Scientology’s operating basis is simple: How can we break the law to the greatest extent possible and get away with it? The answer was simple: Become a religion. Hubbard morphed his system of Freudian-based Dianetics auditing into a religion by emphasizing the concept of the thetan, or spirit. Sigmund Freud could have made the same jump had he been an American looking to shield his income from taxation.
Like so many people who are involved in the matter, I’ve always considered the Church of Scientology to be fundamentally a criminal organization engaged in organized crime. L. Ron Hubbard engaged in tax evasion and money laundering.
As a front, Scientology as an organized criminal group offers and sells Scientology goods and services and calls this a religious activity. However, when you read the contracts the organized criminal groups makes no promises for what it sells, assumes no liabilities for anything it does, and forces all torts into a rigged system of binding arbitration.
The upside of auditing for the Church of Scientology is that it gains blackmail material on all of its members should the need ever arise to blackmail these people in silence, obedience, or compel them to destroy others by making knowingly false, malicious, and defamatory statements and videos. When Scientology can find nothing salacious on a target, it makes up lies per Hubbard’s policy of “find or manufacture” evidence.
L. Ron Hubbard determined that blackmail was effective. This is a computation a criminal would be expected to make. Therefore, Hubbard used auditing, sec checks, and O/W write ups as a way to get all of a person’s details in writing. Scientology called this a protected religious activity when it is actually intended for blackmail if needed. Even people who remain in Church live with the stress of knowing that the Church has everything on them.
The Church of Scientology will lose its religious status. This will happen due to criminal activity engaged in, or caused by, Scientology itself. All of the money the Church of Scientology spends to protect itself from the consequences of its criminal behavior has never stopped its continuing pattern of criminal behavior.
Thus we see the vicious cycle of Scientology’s own stupidity: Scientology engages in criminal activity, or criminal activity it can attempt to call protected religious activity, and then spends money to fight against lawsuits and criminal charges arising from its own conduct.
The vicious cycle of Scientology’s own stupidity has destroyed its reputation and yet Scientology is locked into its own self-created and self-perpetuating vicious cycle of criminal stupidity. This is because the Church robotically obeys the criminal dictates of L. Ron Hubbard.
The Church of Scientology is inherently self-destructive because its core logic of “Survival” is based upon criminal behavior, criminal stupidity, and cannibalizing its own membership by destroying publics financially and recruiting 2nd and 3rd gen kids into the Sea Org where they either remain indoctrinated and get worse (as has Julian Schwartz) or escape as have so many 2nd and 3rd gen Scientologists.
Your post is tops, because it calls a spade a spade … correct emphasis … in that the Church of Scientology is a legalized Mafia-like Crime Syndicate. It’s their criminal aspect that the public needs to be made aware of, whether it’s Operation Snow White, the Paulette Cooper frame-job, suiciding ex-members by way of Psych OPs, or/and destroying and ruining them.
This criminal cult needs to be brought down to it’s knees.
Thank you Formost.
Very Well Spoken !
They continue to make themselves THE most hated and despised 501C 3 entity.
The levels of the very carefully covered up CRIMES are slowly and inexorably being unraveled and exposed thanks to Leah, Mike and Tony Ortega.
True, the crimes need to be exposed front and center. Virtually all FAIR GAME perpetrated by the CO$ are criminal in nature. They still operate like the STASI and the KGB.
By the way … in response to the Black PR job done on you by the cult:
Ervin Scott in person sitting in front of me also told me he saw Miscavige assault a female PC after an auditing session at Saint Hill. There was no mention from Ervin about Miscavige having any form of asthma attack when he witnessed him assaulting said PC.
Did the CO$ just add a falsehood, or did Ervin tell you another version?
Very thorough post and very well said. I enjoyed reading it very much.
Scientologists are dead Hubbard’s captive audience playing out Hubbard’s mental ill health.
Great description of Scientology. I had no idea that Hubbard was so much into blackmail as an effective technique.
Jeffrey – Wow. What a write up. Thank you.
Here are a couple of definitions for anyone new to the conversation.
auditing – scn counselling – Comes from auditory which hearing or listening. Scn claims it doesn’t tell anyone what to think, the auditor asks questions and listens to the person’s answers.
(A King’s English definition of “auditor” from is #3. a hearer;listener
sec checks – security checks – A list of questions to discover a person’s overts or withholds while on the e-meter.
overts are transgressions or harmful acts. This is a made up Scn word.
withholds are overts a person attempts to keep hidden
So an O/W write up is the person writing down all of his or her overts which Scn keeps on file.
Incidentally, negative thoughts about Scn, Hubbard or Miscavige can be considered overts and need to be “confessed”
(maybe not perfect but good ’nuff – lol)
They continue to exist because the DEVIL LOOKS AFTER HIS OWN.
Hubbard had a sick mind and Scientology is stupid. I cannot believe the pictures that they published about Karen. Scientologists make themselves look like the fools that they are. Hubbard formulated policies that are wrong based on his wrong assumptions.
Thank you George.
There is an anecdote here that I punched Heber in a car.
It is complete fantasy.
Never happened.
I know that when interrogations go on and on the victim finally makes up shit just
to get the interrogation to stop.
That’s why innocent people even please guilty to homicide.
Makes me wonder what they did to Heber if in fact Heber did say this.
After all, it could be MANUFACTURED.
FIND or MANUFACTURE..(L Ron Hubbard)
Hey Karen — thanks. I know you probably feel the need to tell people none of this is real. Know that at this point, nobody buys a word of what they say about any of their “enemies.” But I realized I had been remiss and have added to the posting to make this clear. I only feel OK about repeating their bs at all because it is SUCH bs and laughable to anyone who is not in the cult (and nobody who is IN the cult is going to read this…)
Hey Mike…..NEVER IN & two sided coin….laughable & extremely TRAGIC about how really ridiculous they sound making these accusations…..add to that their version of “GET EVEN” by following people around….photographing people, hiring P.I.’s & others to intimidate & taunt, continuous badgering of lovely people like Karen, you, Leah & oh so many others.
They are what they are…ONLY because of AFTERMATH where those brave people stepped forward with their OWN versions of THE TRUTH to what length COS will go to… hear all those heartbreaking stories.
Those AT THE TOP KNOW THE TRUTH…..the underlings do as well…’s disgusting such a flesh eating disease like this exists in the world…
My greatest hope is that they eventually fade into oblivion…oh…there WILL be some who hang on to their death…that’s a given…as sad as it is.
My heart goes out to Karen… heart aches for what SHE KNOWS & for her Heber, whom no one can get to see or talk to…much like Shelley M…….& that’s considered to be LEGAL???
I was very touched by your post Balletlady. You are certainly right about AFTERMATH.
To that end, I think people here are talking about Karen and Mike and the stupidity of this cult. But I would really like to make the point that almost all of the progress made in reducing the size of this cult is the direct result of Leah Remini. In my opinion, the world owes her a tremendous debt of gratitude for taking the action she did.
I know that I have complained about her constantly interrupting the podcasts by saying something every ten seconds. But I just want to be clear that ain’t nothing at all compared to the world of good Leah has done – almost singlehandedly – in taking on this big, bad, fearsome cult and knocking it halfway down to size.
Thank you Leah and I’m really sorry if anything I said about you ever hurt your feelings.
Oh my Skyler….thank you ever so much! I don’t deserve your kind comments!
For Leah…it is so very clear that it’s her PASSION in this fight that is so great & it over whelms her to the point that she does interrupt the flow of conversation to insert her OWN opinion, point, and anger.
MIKE & LEAH are the “dynamic duo” who’s commitment to the cause keeps this continually moving forward. Their own bravery INSPIRED MANY OTHERS to FREE THEMSELVES OF THE PAIN & BURDEN THEY CARRY BY STEPPING FORWARD OUT OF HIDIING & EXPOSING COS & IT”S FAIR GAMES & ALL ELSE.
Those who are too afraid to step forward will only sink deeper in to the UGLY muck & mire….slowly sinking into it until their death….too afraid to leave & miss that “opportunity for a new meat body”….which in reality DOES NOT EXIST.
So proud as a NEVER IN to be accepted here & welcomed with such understanding & love!
Thank you Mike Rinder.
You are right.
Great post and comments. What a pleasure to read you all.
L. Ron Hubbard’s sick mind truly is the problem.
Hubbard having turned his mental ill health into Scientology theory and policies to protect the Scientology quackery theory/practices.
Scientologists are nasty due to following the Hubbard allowed nasty tactics, and the OSA wing of Scientology needs a deep book laying out the full Hubbard nasty theory behind the Scientology nasty branch that today orchestrates these deflecting smearing tactics.
Just keep exposing Hubbard and Scientology, is the correct response and ignore the Scientology smearing. (L. Ron Hubbard died with at least some moments of realizing he’d failed, I sure wish he let those thoughts sink in more and I wish he more methodically pulled the plug on the cult, but he didn’t, his mind was a mad mess—the final pages in Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear….” about Hubbard admitting failure and ordering the suicide device so he could kill himself, is such important history to respond to the world and keep revealing).
Hail Xenu’s “body-thetans” swarming and infesting all OSA staffers and lawyers who play ball with L. Ron Hubbard’s little nasty empire.
I wish some more new OSA staff would somehow defect and speak up.
Great to hear from you, Karen. I escaped the wrath of Scientology but lost about $120,000 wasted on my trip to OT VIII. The more I read about the people harmed by Scientology the angrier I get. It boggles my mind that they tell lies about people and publish such disgusting pictures. It is so foolish because the general public rejects the cult. My children did not get into Scientology because my wife and I left together. But when they found out we were in Scientology we had a lot of explaining to do. It took years to get them through the shock of knowing that we were both in.
Thank you George.
$120.000 rip off from “the most ethical group on the planet” !
Please be in touch Karendelac@gmailcom
Cruelty & harassment is what they thrive on.
I saw one of the Scn hate sites on Karen. How disgusting. No church should ever have tax exemption to spend on hate.
Bravo! Bravo!
I really like the way that Mike never fails to use the label “Tax Exempt Status” whenever he speaks of them spending money to do something stupid or nasty. That is very clever.
Oops! Scratch that! The only time they spend money is in the pursuit of the stupid and/or nasty. So whenever they spend money, I will, from now on, also label that money as “Tax Exempt Money”. Might as well drum the point home so that people will see it that way.
I would say that the biggest disappointment in my entire 35 years of working in Scientology was the viciousness in the way that Scientologists treat other Scientologists. This is by no means limited to people who are being fair gamed after being labelled as “suppressive.”
Scientology staff members routinely bad mouth each other behind their back, insult them to their face, abuse them emotionally and DAILY fail to apply the simplest principles of their OWN religion , such as the ARC Triangle , TRs, Comm Cycle and just simple decency towards people who for no money are busting their asses year after year trying to do a good job. Anyone who has been on staff knows what I’m talking about , and I joined staff while still a teenager in 1970.
Scientologists have virtually NO respect or appreciation whatsoever for folks who had been among the most important contributors in the history of their religion. Does it matter to Scientologists that Karen DLC was a Cl. XII auditor TRAINED BY LRH HIMSELF?, Of course not. She is smeared and publicly attacked in the most vicious ways possible. Just look at how the CoS treated Mary Sue and David Mayo (and yes, Ron himself bears most of the responsibility for promoting and allowing this phenomenon to take root, look at how he treated his own auditors, talk about missed witholds!).
It is true that one can make many close friends in Scientology. I had them for decades. And we all know that the vast majority of Scientologists will turn their back on a long time friend (or parent or son or daughter) in a hot minute to stay “in good standing.”
No “wog”or “pysch” has ever invalidated or made less of the promoted gains of Scientology auditing as has other Scientologists.
What a wonderful post!
I may be in a strange mood today. But it still is a wonderful post.
That’s so true. Like the “Lord of the flies” being on staff. SOP on so many levels. I joined the S.O. because I wanted to help. I ended up in the RPF’s, RPF’s RPF. (That’s right, 3 of them). Why? Because I couldn’t get a stain up off the Cedars Of Lebanon old hospital floor, (Big Blue), that no one else could get up either. I was put in the RPF, so I wanted to route out rather than blow. Big mistake. I was held prisoner, no exaggeration here, for many, many weeks. Fed maybe once a day with scraps from staff breakfast, and treated like a criminal. Long story. Ruthless tone 40 = just a bunch of fuckin assholes.
What a story !
I appreciate you exposing their dark secret places and underbelly of
mafia thug like dramatizations.
So sorry you went through this Overrun in California
Thanks Karen. Our paths did cross at one time pre-complex. Although I’m UTR, here’s a little clue. I used to drive you around in Hollywood when you didn’t have a car there. You used to sit in the front seat with me and we’d chat. You were great. The most important Scientology VIP around, and you’d sit and chat with me. That was cool! I remember a song that was playing on my car radio that you really liked. I still remember the song, it was “Music box dancer”. It came on the radio and you said, “What radio station is that”?
Karen is utterly unique and priceless.
Love to you Chuck.
Excellent points !!!
Thanks Joe Pendleton
Over the years, exposing the cult I have made it a HABIT to harp on kidnap, held against will, held hostage, as these are felonies.
I was held against will at INT Base for 6 months and it was just about the lowest point of my life. Holding someone against their will in a location they do not want to be in is what is done to PRISONERS for serious crimes.
It is a degrading thing to do.
I went to chief of security Gary Morehead “Jackson” and told him I was going to leave and drive my car through those gates.
That did not go over well.
My car keys were promptly confiscated and I was put on a Perimeter Watch List with less privileges and more watchful eyes.
In vengeance and retaliation on exposing their crimes especially kidnap/held against will and 11 million views to my YouTUBE channel the cult *SUDDENLY* after no such label for the first 5 years I was out, started this new label “She was a prostitute” which they have floated around with an invented “SnowSuzy” identity
Find or manufacture…..
Hubbard name called his 2nd wife Sara a prostitute.
The Guardian’s office name called Paulette Cooper a Manhattan Prostitute and even posted her availability in Manhattan toilets (tel no.)
30 years later the cult took out similar name to mine and tweeted for Johns for cash impersonating me as my YouTube channel was getting 5000 views a day.
Does anyone wonder why they are viewed as the most despicable hateful entity ?
I reported the account to Twitter who nuked the account, I saved some of the tweets…
You can see some of this *CHURCH* soliciting for prostitution for me here ~~
Hello Karen. Your post makes one thing really clear to me. When you spoke about threatening to drive your car through the gates and the result of that, it confirmed to me ..
When we have to deal with evil assholes, we cannot ever give them an inch. We can never trust them or believe them. We have to try to deal with them by going for the jugular just as hard and as quickly as we can.
I never realized that you went through so much pain and anquish. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you for your kindness Skylar.
I had only 2 options
When my 27 year old son died, disconnected from me by cult manipulation and orphaned with father in SP hole and mother “SP” he died for want of a $20 antibiotic which he never got. No medical only drugs.
I could have just withdrawn from it all in the overwhelm and ‘shoulda’ ‘woulda’ ‘coulda’
I chose to fight back and expose further. I have been on a winning streak ever since….
Did someone in OSA photoshop those “compromising” photos of Karen in her lingerie. such as putting her head on someone else’s body? I wouldn’t put anything past OSA.
It’s hard not to be affected emotionally by this episode.
I’m guessing the photos and ads are real. She’d have a slam dunk libel case otherwise.
Just because the church goes after someone doesn’t mean everything they say is made-up. Sure, some things are. And probably a lot is exaggerated or twisted.
Well jed if you truly believe that failing to sue Scientology for libel is proof that their lies are true you either understand nothing about how the legal system works or you are a Scientology troll trying to make some brownie points.
By your logic the fact I haven’t sued over the proven lies they say about me means they are true. There are a lot of reasons not to file a lawsuit that have nothing to do with whether you are right. Or have been defamed or hurt or lied about.
Those photos ~~ I had some “glamor” shots done for myself and boyfriend.
The cult got hold of them and have used them for the malicious propaganda and hate they are notorious for.
O/T. Today’s update on the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam.
First, we have long known that the Church of Scientology ignores its prohibition against “mixing practices” when it comes to members of the Nation of Islam who are doing Scientology.
That now extends to NOI members also mixing in the “Affirmation Magic” of the book “The Secret.”
As previously noted, NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad’s Repair of the Black Family “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class is based on Scientology, including the book “Science of Survival,” the Tone Scale, and the Scientology concept of “Be, Do. Have.” We now see that the class is also based on the “Affirmation Magic” of the book “The Secret.” See:
Second, a comparison between Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and Yakub in the theology of the Nation of Islam.
Nation of Islam Brother Luqmam Muhammad has completed the Scientology Source of Life Energy Course, and says:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Realization… Mr. L. Ron Hubbard extracted Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding through his study of Science, and particularly Quantum Physics and Vector Arithmetic, in the same manner that Yakub learned through playing with two pieces of steel.
One learned how to master a people. The other learned how to set them free.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Because in Nation of Islam theology Yakub was the person who “learned how to master a people,” it follows that L. Ron Hubbard was the one who “learned how to set them free.”
I find the degree of rationalization to be fascinating. In the theology of the Nation of Islam, Yakub created the White man as a source of evil. Yet, NOI members turn to a White man, L. Ron Hubbard, “to set them free.”
Addendum: For those who are unfamiliar with the story of Yakub and the magnetic pieces of steel, Wikipedia explains:
Yakub (Nation of Islam)
A quick update. Zoom screenshots show that NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad’s Repair of the Black Family “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class had 40 or 42 participants, depending on the time. See:
I don’t think that is too bad given the current state of Scientology generally. How many local Org events would do that well?
Also, how much money will she make in FSM commissions if these people sign up for proper Scientology courses or auditing through her? She has been a Power FSM the last several years.
No one deserves being in either group, but the alliance does seem to be a kind of karmic revenge swirling through the cosmos causing them each to find friendship in each other.
Who but NOI would find value in Xenu’s “body-thetans” earth dumping which Scientology’s modern OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism steps address. I wonder if the NOI leaders know about Xenu yet.
I wonder if any NOI staff have gotten through the Xenu “body-thetans” exorcism steps of Scientology, and how that makes them reevaluate their own beliefs, or not.
Nation of Islam Brother Alexander Ofori-Muhammad is at least OT 4, as well as being a Class 5 Auditor at the Church of Scientology of London.
I say “at least” because I have verified that he was OT 4 in July 2019 — I have a screenshot — but suspect he has gone past that point by now.
Karen is my hero. I couldn’t do what she has done and persevere through so much heartache. I’ve had to back away and try to move on because losing my son to disconnection is just too much to bear.
The cruelty and harassment the church has dish out against Karen is unimaginable.
❤️ for you Mary , I understand too much to bear .