By our regular guest contributor Terra Cognita.
Ethics and Justice Blurred
From the Chinese to the ancient Greeks, ethics has been defined through the ages by many societies. However, while Confucius and Socrates invited discussion and debate, L. Ron Hubbard did not.
In fact, LRH went so far as to say that unless man was entirely ethical by his standards and definitions, his technology could not be applied and man would not go free.
LRH defined ethics as:
“…rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the future race, the group, and mankind, and the other dynamics taken collectively. Ethics are reason.” (Science of Survival) And, “When one is ethical or ‘has his ethics in’ it is by his own determination and is done by oneself, his belief in his own honor, and good reason…” (PDC 37).
He wrote of justice:
“When the individual fails to put in his own ethics, the group takes action against him and this is called justice.” (Policy Letter, The Basics of Ethics) “Justice would be used until a person’s own ethics render him fit company for his fellows.” (PL, Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics)
In PL, The Basics of Ethics, LRH wrote:
“Ethics consists simply of the actions an individual takes on himself. It is a personal thing. When one is ethical or ‘has his ethics in’ it is by his own determinism and is done by himself. Justice is the action taken on the individual by the group when he fails to take these actions himself.”
Ethics is a personal thing. Justice is a group thing. “…when you try to substitute ethics for justice, you get into trouble.” Unfortunately for Scientology, it’s been in trouble since the days LRH commanded the Apollo.
The Big Blur
Over the years, the difference between ethics and justice in Scientology has become more and more blurred, the two merging together as a kind of amalgamation that serves neither the individual nor the group.
Today in Scientology, ethics has little to do with making decisions based on personal concepts, but has evolved to become what the church declares is right or wrong, correct or incorrect, appropriate or inappropriate. Parishioners must either believe a strict, fundamentalist doctrine put forth by LRH and brutally enforced by David Miscavige or they are considered “out-ethics,” and in need of handling by the justice branch of the church.
Out-ethics in Scientology has morphed to become anything DM or his henchmen dictate. Differing opinions are cause for justice actions. Questioning—or even discussing—the merits of tech or policy is considered a violation of group mores. Questions of right and wrong are no longer personal choices, but are made for the individual by the group—specifically by church management under the suppressive directives of Miscavige.
There is no room in Scientology for dialog or free thinkers. Members believe and practice what’s been laid down by LRH and his successor or they’re out-ethics and subject to sanctions. Period. Kind of sounds like a cult, don’t it?
One Man, Two Faces
As with much of what he wrote, LRH preached one thing but practiced another. The hypocrisy still runs deep. Ethics is a prime example. He spoke of personal choice and self-determinism and honor and reason in one essay, but then in the next, wrote that his word was supreme and must be followed without exception.
In The Basics of Ethics he wrote that, “…man cannot be trusted with justice” and wound up with an organization steeped in intolerance and fundamentalism where injustices are committed regularly.
In The Creed of the Church of Scientology, LRH wrote: “That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.” On the other hand, he made it a high crime to say anything the least objectionable about Scientology (more on this later).
In the Logics, #17, LRH wrote, “Those fields which most depend upon authoritative opinion for the data least contain known natural law.” In practice, he was supremely authoritative and ruled with an iron fist.
In his essay on Personal Integrity, LRH wrote, “Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation.” In the church today, any question or disagreement of anything he ever wrote is considered “the bank talking,” and out-ethics.
Only a Matter of Time
In line with LRH’s own writing, it is only a matter of time before the Church of Scientology implodes due to having committed so many overts (sins, crimes, offences). Individuals and organizations (collections of individuals) eventually do themselves in by their continual misdeeds.
“They cave themselves in because, in an effort to restrain themselves and stop themselves from committing more harmful acts, they start withdrawing and withholding themselves from the area they have harmed. A person who does this becomes less and less able to influence his dynamics and thus becomes a victim of them. It is noted here that one must have done to other dynamics those things which other dynamics now seem to have the power to do to him. Therefore, he is in a position to be injured and he loses control. He can become, in fact, a zero of influence and a vacuum for trouble.” PL, Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics. (For a complete definition of the Dynamics, see Mike’s January 3rd post.)
LRH mentioned Hitler and Napoleon in this same policy letter: “They realize they are criminals and cave themselves in.” One can only assume that David Miscavige and the church are on the same path and will lose control and become zero of influence in the near future.
Suppressive Acts
In PL, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, LRH declared that anyone who didn’t agree with him or Scientology was guilty of “suppressive acts”—which in the eyes of the church is tantamount to criminality. Among the many crimes are: “Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology organizations,” and “Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists…”
Essentially this means that one cannot speak to anyone—within or outside the church—about any aspect of Scientology that might be construed as negative.
Later in the PL, LRH wrote that, “It is a high crime to publicly depart Scientology.” First, all departures are public to one degree or another. And second, this means that just by deciding not to practice Scientology anymore one is guilty of a suppressive act and is a criminal! Technically, if one tells anyone they don’t want to do another course in Scientology, they’re being suppressive.
One of the most egregious abuses of justice was making any violation of his policy letter, Keeping Scientology Working, a suppressive act. He wrote, “Violation or neglect of any of the ten points of Keeping Scientology Working [was a suppressive act].”
One: Having the correct technology.
Two: Knowing the technology.
Three: Knowing it is correct.
Four: Teaching correctly the correct technology.
Five: Applying the technology.
Six: Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
Eight: Knocking out incorrect applications.
Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
Ten: Closing the door on incorrect application.
This means that not “applying the technology” or even not “knowing the technology,” is a crime! Not knowing and doing exactly what LRH wrote is breaking Scientology law. As ridiculous as it sounds, not even having his technology is a crime. So much for ethics being a “personal thing.”
Of everything LRH ever wrote, Keeping Scientology Working may be the most two-faced and duplicitous.
One of the biggest ironies in the church is that per Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, all its members regularly commit “suppressive acts.” On an almost one-for-one basis, all of LRH’s list of “suppressive acts” are systematically violated on a daily basis. Staff are guiltier than the public and DM is the worst of the worst.
Once again, the responsibility for Scientology’s abuse of ethics and justice rests squarely on the shoulders of LRH.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
As a former HCO guy, I can attest the whole KSW #1 charges. Those charges can be put in ANY and EVERY Comm Ev because hey, if the person had points 1-10 in fully, he or she wouldn’t be getting a Comm Ev. It was and is very much a “do you still beat your wife” sort of thing. Everyone is guilty and everyone owes the church their time, in the form of amends, and money.
Their justice system is a joke. I’ve proof of that fact … eg; I have data that a Comm Ev where they stated the person was innocent on every charge, had Recommendations which included Sec Checking, Amends and on a TM or else they wouldn’t lift the SP Declare that they themselves said was off-policy. Their justice system is a kangaroo court and they don’t even follow their own LRH policies, instead bowing to the pressure put on them by OSA/Miscavige. The grand inquisition. Everyone is guilty. These evil culties demand total obedience or total annihilation. There is no “lesser” form to their extremism.
They make their enemies. Even those, like myself who just wanted to walk away. They had to throw stones to try to be right. Well, now they have another enemy. One with resources, one with full documentation of their crimes and incompetence. And one with plenty of time and patience.
I pity tyrants. They’ve lost the most important thing:
“What shall it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul.” – MARK 8:36
Very Good Statement!
What about TR 0 and Mesmerism?
Really a Good pamphlet!
I was blackmailed getting a sp declare only because i told interested Friends that i went out of the cult.
The president said to me, “This is a highcrime and all 5 kids must Now Disconnect. If they do not so – they then become sp declared themselves. ”
You can imagine what happened…
Leah explained a lot about what was happening..for my understanding at least. When she said that they were working their way up through the OT levels…and not getting results, then, it comes down from the top C/S that the member must have an MU somewhere lower and has to go back down and start over and work their way back up again, at their expense, to handle the issue. But, that’s the thing. The tech doesn’t work so they assume you missed something lower, when you didn’t, and send you back down and you end up crashing, blowing or worse when you get back up to the high OT levels… because the tech does not work. Period. I am understanding so much now.
Diana, I’m glad to hear that you’re finding some understanding of a complex subject through the series and the work of its producers and participants.
I think it is important to keep in mind that what drives the whole dynamic that you’re describing, is the “cheese” that baits the trap initially, certain real or perceived benefits that people experience at the beginning or lowest levels.
Dianetics and Scientology probably produce some real results for many people, because initially they use adaptations of some of the same techniques and elements effective in treatments like talk therapy and hypnotherapy, and a variety of other borrowed and adapted practices.
But Hubbard also introduced some elements that are now know to be illusory.
It is ironic that one of the popular and now scientifically validated criticisms of the Freudian Analysis of the time that Hubbard was attacking psychiatry, is that a large amount of time (and money) can be spent going through an individual’s past in ways that generate “insights” that seem meaningful and even powerful at the time, but prove to have little if any real impact. Hubbard’s “auditing” clearly suffers from the same fault.
That sort of analysis or therapy, and particularly some of techniques from the first half of the 20th century (and later) that involved the vivid reliving of past traumatic incidents, also produces “catharitic” feelings of relief and even elation, and often a profound but temporary sense that one’s life has been changed, which research once again shows have little long-term impact. But Hubbard treats these phenomenon as valid, and even expands on them by getting into supposed past lives, producing “false memories”, another now-known pitfall of fanciful therapies.
Insight and catharsis can be part of therapies that produce actual results, but only when combined with other techniques effective at promoting real growth and change. They can also even get people “hooked” intellectually and psychologically on therapies or processes that are producing few if any actual results. Hubbard’s techniques seem to have captured a lot of the downside and so not much of the upside.
Thanks Peace 🙂 I only have experience in some auditing and I did the Purif , student hat and survival rundown. Thanks for the clarification. I was just trying to sum it up without taking too much writing space.
Catharsis is a word which points that hypnotic feeling you get from these practices.
It starts with the first handshake with the cult and goes down till you know HE is the luciferic angel as he wanted zu be since he was about 30 of age.
What a Crank! 500 Million old Dollars setasides only to keep his name at any price eternal. Who was more crank: HE or Hitler?
And we believed all this 🙁
Ethics has been the one thing that has bothered me for the past few days, solely due to the notion that scientology calls themselves the “most ethical group on the planet”. Yet their practices, particularly the practice of “Fair Game” wherein it is permissible to lie in order to protect scientology is the very definition of unethical. The obvious point being that if they were so ethical they wouldn’t need to lie in order to protect it because it would be able to stand on it’s own merit.
I am fascinated by the notion also that members are unable to even question the teachings. Any sound teaching is able to stand under scrutiny, and resistance to even accept criticism or doubt speaks higher volumes of it’s lack of foundation or plausibility.
The accusations by former members, even if they were exaggerated aberrations of what really happened, the church’s outright denial of such acts is preposterous. Even the catholic church has had to respond to allegations of sexual abuse within its walls. An organization made up of human entities is bound to have more than one detractor or abuser hiding within it’s ranks. It stands to reason that scientology would not be immune to that. The measures they have gone to to try to appear as if they are the ones at fault, they are the victims, they are the ones being attacked only lends to hurt their credibility and will undoubtedly be their downfall.
In the Bible there is a passage in Proverbs that speaks directly to the heart of what I believe scientology’s condition is: pride goes before a fall. DM’s pride is so swelled that it is simply a matter of time before he falls. As with most destructive cults, there does come a day of reckoning and his is surely at hand.
The people who have been speaking out about the years and years of abuses and liberties taken by the group of scientology will surely be the turning of the tides. Hopefully soon families can be reunited, the abused can be released from obligation, and real healing can happen. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed by the masses…
C., see my earlier comment below. The dissonance that you describe in seeing how “ethics” is used, comes from the fact that Scientology has redefined the word for their own internal purposes, whereas people generally think of it in terms of widely accepted standards.
“Ethics” in Scientology, is recast as whatever serves the greatest good for the greatest number of people. And Scientology is positioned as “the Only Hope for Mankind” to “save the planet”, thus making it the greatest good. So in the end whatever serves the organization and its growth, or even just protects it, they can justify as “ethical” in their terms.
This is also known as situational (or situation) ethics, and most of us apply it in minor ways daily when we do things like tell a white lie or fudge something, and accept that we do it as a society when we make certain decisions such as having emergency vehicles speed to where they’re needed even though that causes occasional accidents along the way. But typically for Scientology and also other cults, members and staff go through a gradual process of recalibrating their internal norms based on the organization’s teachings and practices until they will do and accept things that seem abhorrent and intolerable by common standards. Taking it to such extremes, they can rationalize actions that often actually achieve little more than reinforcing loyalty to the organization and promoting its public image, while causing real harm in the world.
On the subject of “ethics” in Scientology, I think it is very important in explaining it coherently for outsiders, to be clear that “ethics” has been redefined in typical cult-like fashion, to mean that which serves the purposes of the organization as the supposed best hope for mankind, rather than referring to some defined or external standard as most people tend to assume, much less to an idealistic standard.
If I have that right.
When Scientology is placed in the position of being the greatest good, at the pinnacle of worldly “dynamics,” anything done by members or to individuals inside or outside the organization can be rationalized as “ethical” if it furthers the purposes of the organization. It can be claimed as “ethical” to lie, cheat, and worse, if considered necessary – just how criminals and psychopaths excuse themselves. This is the sort of “the end justifies the means” thinking, philosophically known as utilitarianism, that is a hallmark of totalitarianism, and which leads to widespread human rights abuses.
I actually missed your post today, but sure you will make one after tonight. Been watching all repeats this evening on A&E.
Mike and Leah, I can’t tell you how much you both mean to me with this exposure. Thank you so very much.
My apologies — I am out of town shooting next week’s episode and didn’t organize things well enough…
To make a small clarification, those two issues, The Basics of Ethics and Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics were not written by LRH but were written by my ex-wife Sue (Goodban) Koon. These came out of LRH’s last year of heavy tech involvement, 1979 with the beginnings of the Key to Life Course, FDSing, and a ton of other developments. It is easy to tell which issues were written by LRH and which were written by others. These two issues were approved by LRH and Sue was very proud of them calling them the best issues she ever compiled.
Thanks for clarifying that, Dan.
Well there is a direct contradiction beetween Hubbard’s writings and church’s practice. Now 99% of Hubbards writing are “kosher”, meaning bona fide good scientology. Policies on suppressives acts and disconnection are suppressives themselves.
But if you look at Hubbard basic writing “anatomy of thought” which is Data Serie 1, justices policies are not basic laws at all. They were valid for a short time. Not at all in use on the seventie. Like Lois Reisdorf said, I have never seen one SP declare in the 1970. It was very uncommon, I was even not aware of the existence of disconnection. Actually at this time it was strongly opposed by the church. I knew of a woman who had a real crazy, violent boy friend and on the org they advised to put more ARC (which was idiot) but not to disconnect.
In 1983 disconnection was reintroduced to handle the situation with people going to David Mayo’s group. According to Dan Koon, Hubbard was even not the author the bulletin reinstating disconnection.
From 1982 there was thousands of SP declares and disconnections, and now disconnection look like being the first rule in scientology. Thiis is the reign of Miscavige, 35 years very long. Very long, oh my god, it’s even unbearable that this guy continue to exist!
So, I’m affraid to say that the devious use of ethics policies served the fascist purpose of David Miscavige. Of course many of this policies should have been cancelled. But if you listen to RJ68, he denonce verbally and clearly the practice of disconnection in saying “there is enough ill on this world without we add to it” And he says how sorry he is if he has caused griefs to any of the scientologists. And he says that scientology should not take the way of christianity with the inquisition.
I have of course witnessed and being victimized by the fascist use of ethics. It’s primarly on the militant’s DNA of some scientologist which have a zealot mind (actually some became zealot anti-scientologists !).
Wth the zealot mind you make communists, islamists and fanatics scientologists under the guidance of the totalitarian Miscavige. It’s also following rules blindly, human stupidity.
In the church, I had always to fight against this idiots.
And now, I find myself defending the roots of scientology. Have we been so idiots all of us to pactice scientology if there was not something good in it?
Of course destructives policies should be anihilated.
I think what you are witnessing is Scn moving through its lifecycle. The general atmosphere in the 70s was of servicing the public. Sure, it costs money, but there were many more people involved then. Orgs have always struggled, but didn’t always identify the “who” of their condition to their every own public. Once dissenters became visible and more numerous, the org reacted. That reaction was to surgically remove the “cancer” by SP Declare. At the same time, ethics were slammed in HARD. By the mid to late 80s, with far less people, orgs became less safe. In 1987, when DM took the reins, things became much more militant; fixed dedicated glare was expected of staff and public. DM had his own agenda. And things devolved from there. So, now we’re seeing the slow, painful death. Like an injured dog, they will bite and snap at anyone, even those trying to help them.
Yes statpush. I remember public in the early seventies, I was myself very young, hippy type looking for high without LSD ! (I had few bad trips, but some incredible extatic state of exteriorization, and only scientology could clearly explained what I experienced). Most of the public were the opposite of dedicated glare ! Non conform indviduals, and they were arriving by the many. And their company was fun. The hero was always some star auditor (who after 1980 was inevitably declared). I can’t remember any trouble with money. I was going from one course to the next. None tried to reg me for IAS, it was completly inimaginable that such things would ever exist. Utter science fiction !
I can remember the hard work of learning to audit R3R (dianetics) Tr 101 to 104 with bulbaiting ! What a fun, so exhilarating. And the first session I gave. I was completly amazed to see the PC going back in a past life ! He was not hypnotized ! He was quite a new PC !
Lois Reisdorf felt like suddenly she was on an “alternate world” around 1982. Scientology was under a violent attack from the inside. The first sign of madness did show on the seventies on the Gardian Office, where they were highly paranoid, with Jane Kember who like later Miscavige was an SP. Yes the tech on SPs at least applied to this two !
In 1982, I just finished OTIII and was extremely trained as an auditor, and just “pervade” the universe of scientology and had the frightning insight that we were striked with an incredible violence.
I just left for a couple of year waiting the hurricane to calm down.
I returned mid 80 to do Not’s and solo Not’s. Tech was still OK. But I spent huge amount of money, was also regged for IAS.
Deep down I knew scientology was in an alternate wrong way, but I had to suppress it (thought stopping) due to Eligibility sec check. In fact I was audited over the withold that I thought that Miscavige was an SP and that scientology was on wrong hands
More it was moving ahead worst my experiences with scientology became. The utter invalidation of ability to as is with the alteration of Not’s by “COB” made me fall from being OT to sick homo sapiens. Now I understand people who only knew this brand of scientology think that “el con” is a crook and scientology is a fraud.
Hubbard always said that the only thing which could destroy scientology was the alteration of scientology, and we have let it happened.
In 1982 we entered a kind of uchrony, a world were the real scientology was destroyed. Sort of nazis won the war.
None stopped Miscavige in due time. Hubbard to this point in time lost his game, with almost none soon to regret it. When church will be under IRS control and Miscavige away, people in the church risk to become worst anti-scientologist than the worst on this blog. And then scientology will not be even remembered.
Statpush, I like your reference to the “lifecycle” of an organization. I think that in the case of Dianetics and Scientology, a really complex developmental pattern is at work. I have been trying to analyze this in an attempt to explain a number of seeming paradoxes, such as the often-rosy experiences of members and low-level staff in the 1960s and 1970s at a time that we now know that Hubbard was abusing people on the Apollo and then unleashing the Guardian’s Office to commit crimes like “fair gaming” Paulette Cooper in this country.
To begin with I have found that year after year the dark and abusive side of Hubbard can be found consistently in everything from the “Men are your slaves” affirmation of the late 1940s to the punitive “ethics” of the 1960s to the ramping-up of “knowledge reports” and disconnection in the early 1980s. Part of what I think happened was that as Hubbard was trying to both build attract members and maintain control, a lot of idealistic young people came in during the 1960s and 1970s, who as public members and staff made the missions and outer organizations reflective of their own positive energy and high ideals. But then the Sea Org came ashore in the 1970s and started implementing the sort of control techniques that had developed in the confines of the ship to extend Hubbard’s will (and his personality) out to the far reaches of the Scientology organization.
There are a lot of additional factors to considered, such as how Hubbard’s deteriorating physical and mental condition affected the evolution of Scientology and its policies, and how when his initial plans to take over actual countries were thwarted that focus probably turned to creating an internal state of its own.
The responsibility of this madness goes no further than the writings of L Ron Hubbard.
Leaving no hat write up, but taking up his final days writing Battle Field Earth and obsessing over BTs and hiding from his own created condition of making false claims and hiding from the law………
L Ron Hubbard left behind the Instruction of how to keep power: The Resonsibility of Leaders in which Ron undercut and numbed our sense of conscience like The GE is a Family Man 3rd partied the family unit.
No doubt that David Miscavige use of these has been savage. But you may not be able to convince Paulette Cooper of Scientology and Ron’s original benevolence.
If Bolivar was not enough of a damaging evil doctrine for an unbalanced power hungry person like Dave, Ron made sure that his organization would always have as unquestioned practice the worship of thuggery as a religious duty.
It is the application of the doctrine of hatred and violence against critics, which IS the ideological source of Scientology’s demise.
All Miscavige had to do is word study, word clear, clay demo and apply these writings I have included.
If that makes me a ravenous anti Scientologist on par with a true believer, then I wear the mantle with pride.
It is the application of L Ron Hubbard and his pathological fear of criticism which is the ideological and karmic source of Scientology’s demise
Miscavige is only a symptom of an organization that worshiped power and money.
If L Ron Hubbard was a student of Gandhi or Mother Theresa, the emulated model for Miscavige could have mitigated his prenatal tendencies of anger and violence as communication style.
Observing Hubbard as a raving raging loon on set while being a camera man, was Dave’s first effect of Hubbard on his psyche. All he needed was this link below to seal the deal.
L Ron Hubbard, with his black ops military instructions for violence, left a loaded hair trigger machine gun for the nursery kids to play with.
Don’t blame the child for picking it up and shooting. Blame the crazed maniac who left it for the kids to play with.
Just a point of clarity:
I say karmic source because Ron’s words are meant to be applied. They become action in the real world. Actions done by people to people.
And when we have the violent overthrow, seeking to destroy critics, destroy lives, families, jobs, friendships in the name of saving “man’s only hope”…………
there is karmic payback baby. For every action there is an effect. For every action, there is an opposite action directed to the doer.
Throw a ball against a wall and it comes back. Send out black ops goons in the name of religion and Huston…… you gotta problem.
Dave is later on the chain.
Ron always was and always will be SOURCE.
Brian: I agree with you. The buck stops with LRH. He is ultimately responsible for the condition of Scientology today. He created the framework that allowed the likes of David Miscavige to take control and lead the church with impunity.
“Ron always was and always will be SOURCE.” Yep.
Exactly Terra. When I watched on the last episode of the Scientologist’s intimidating Mark Bunker with “give me your crimes” over and over, that was the perfect moment to be perceived: that these normal, common people are trained to be like this.
When the Scientologists agrees that all critics are criminals, which is part of the training, L Ron Hubbard has destroyed that persons ability to think critically and has destroyed their ability to reason.
The man was evil on some very deep level.
BTW, thank you for your essays. They gave me the courage to write mine
Thanks, and I like what you’re doing.
As I see it Hubbard was actually often very far from being Source. He heavily borrowed,plagarized and fraudulently claimed ideas and methods from authors both inside and outside of his organizations. What I would agree with would be that he was the source of the mixing in malignant megalomaniac, sociopathic and narcissistic ideas and methods to both forward his mess of self postulated admissions into a disastrous self -healing-aggrandizing- dangerous movement.
Much of the abuses we see in his legacy are precipitates of his paranoia driven efforts to hide and protect the disastrous rampaging tort filled experiment he ‘Sourced’
In 1980 there was no SP’s being declared. In Ethics they always told us to try to handle not disconnect! Ron was still alive. Now its like SP paranoia in the organization and everyone is being declared. They never told me to disconnect from my family unless my family was violent against what I wanted to do with my like and again it was my decision. Either its more control or a whole lot of MU’s now.
Life. I meant to say life. lousy autocorrect. 🙂 It was my decision and they Never tried to push me into anything..IMO, the tech has been altered since Ron passed away.
Diana, B.S. I was in HCO in ’80. People were being declared all over the planet. The IN TECH handling of a scamologist connected to an S.P. (NOT an antagonistic person) was disconnect.
Diana, on other recent topics if not this one commenters have even posted lists of many of the people declared before 1980. The practice started with Hubbard’s inner circle and the Sea Org and only later made its way to outer orgs and missions. People on the outer edges and the public were initially sort of insulated from some of these more abusive aspects by a number of factors. I think that one of those factors was a flood of idealistic staff and members in the 1960s and 1970s who brought positive ideals and energy of their own that permeated the lower levels of the organization. You can see to this day how many active public members and even lower-level staff seem to remain unaware of the real intents, purposes, practices and working policies of Scientology inner management.
You can go at least as far back as the first year of Dianetics and see how a paranoid Ron disconnected from and bitterly denounced his original partners and his first two families. It just took about 35 years for it to evolve that his will and personality were imposed all throughout a large organization.
Thanks Peace for explaining that to me..You are very kind. I think I was insulated from a lot of declaring that was happening being in a mission in NYC and being a new public. I was not involved very long in there. Maybe 1-2 yrs at most. I realized the bullying when I joined the SO for a few months and then I routed out. The people in the mission I went to were nice.
Sorry, but i must remind you that DM is doing right. He only uses Hubbards – the Real
SP – written orders. Like the Nazis did what Mr. Hitler or Himmler told them.
DM created the Hole. That wasn’t LRH’s.
Diana, when I look into things I find that that the ugly side of Scientology can be traced back to Hubbard himself, and found in traits that LRH exhibited from beginning to end. And I see that many others seem to have come to the same conclusion.
The most obvious precursor to The Hole that I can come up with is that Hubbard personally ordered people, including children, confined to the “chain locker” on the Apollo for weeks at a time. He also established the RPF to handle greater numbers of people, and then when he saw people he thought were not sufficiently cowed by that experience, created the RPF’s RPF.
Then there was also “overboarding” including of people who couldn’t swim, and the infamous incident in which Hubbard had Charlie Reisdorf and another man push peanuts around on the wooden deck until their noses bled (did Lois ever get back with her promised fact-check on the details of that?). And the Introspection Rundown definitely amounts to false imprisonment.
In the final years in California, Hubbard escalated the issuing of orders for individuals to be spat at and slapped by his messengers that had began on the ship. Jesse Prince says that DM’s violence towards others started with Hubbard ordering DM to slap people.
And if you want to go back in LRH’s life, just look at how he abused and psychologically terrorized his first two wives, particularly Sarah Northrup, the second wife he later claimed he “never had”. The most sensational charges that I’ve seen from that era are the kidnappings of both Sarah and their daughter Alexis, but it wouldn’t be surprising if false imprisonment was involved as well.
Thanks, old man Winter. This is a good explanation in Hubbards Criminal mind!
Hi Peace. I’m only re stating what they said on the show. Don’t shoot the messenger. 🙂
Another great read and such an exciting time
Very nice article. Philosophy aside, because after all, almost anyone could have cobbled together the precepts LRH did from existing literature, philosophy and comparative religion (and the Xenu crap needed only a couple of LSD sessions), the only real addition he made to the subject of “ethics” was adding the creepy simple e-meter doodad, and not really even that – he just managed to turn the idea of confession into interrogation and monetize it to extort money.
So the only thing really “modern” about his “religion” is the emphasis on invisible beings penetrating humans like busy little microbes (and their fascinating sci-fi origin to update something that would otherwise sound positively medieval like evil humors or spirits) and the cheap lie-detector to make it look like it’s something real and measurable. You can’t argue with religion because you don’t have to prove anything and using technology to “verify” it – as if measuring galvanic skin response or anything else has causal or correlative value – makes it look scientific and official.
Because it was so obviously hoaxy, a court threw the emeter out in the 60’s as an “illegal medical device”, LRH got even with science (and his arch-rival psychology) and twisted it into a religion, which really exacerbated his real condition, an untreatable one even on medication.
Even actual polygraphers say that the technology is pretty primitive and that the results are all in the art of interrogation. How clever, to substitute “auditing” for “interrogation” so it doesn’t sound like some kind of Cold War form of mental torture. The reason lie detector results are not admissible in court is for those very reasons. It’s just not scientifically sound and relies far too heavily on examiner interpretation.
I’d rather reduce my analysis to observing his behavior using jargon he’d absolutely revile – that of the actual medical community, particularly psychology. Like our president elect- he was a Cluster B personality disorder most likely. Highly instrumental, very little empathy for others, megalomaniacal, controlling, malignant narcissism, with some sociopathic tendencies, like the ability to be charming and glib, but always thinking he’s the smartest one in the room, and adherence to the means justifying any casualties.. He really is a shrink’s wet dream. There is no real treatment for malignant narcissism – they think they know everything and you have the problem (another attribute he folded into his dogma). Seeing whatever program he designed outside the influence of these personality parameters seems useless to me because the organization and its concepts is like a microcosm of his mind..
There are not many new philosophies under the sun to anyone who has actually studied them (and he makes sure people drop out of school before they ever even get to develop critical analysis skills, or, imitating of other fundamentalist religions, he controls the education process so that it is less about real knowledge and more about indoctrination. He can get by with all that nonsense when it comes to adults, but I don’t see how he can do it legally with children.
FLDS cult leader Warren Jeffs was finally put in prison for sexually abusing underage children even though those bigamists insist it’s religious doctrine marrying off 12 year old girls to creepy old men. Many states are starting to relax the statute of limitations when it comes to older victims of abuse coming forth, but I would think that civil or class actions suits could be filed for this and many other sins this organization perpetrates on minors even now. It’s becoming very unpopular in this country to doubt the veracity of survivors and harassing them is even more frowned upon.
I think a class action lawsuit on the basis of fraud is an excellent idea. Scientology claims their results are demonstrable, even though Hubbard humiliated himself with a public demonstration of the first “clear” years ago. Make them prove their claims in a court of law, with remuneration of every dime spent by complainants, plus punitive damages. I also think, as with the FLDS, pressure needs to be brought to bear on the Governors and Mayors in Clearwater, FL and Colorado City, AZ to end the practice of these cults of hiring local police as their personal security force. The police should never take money to advocate on behalf of one group of people over another. The FLDS should not be allowed to have their own security force of FLDS cultists, and local law enforcement should not get away with their favoritism toward the cult (because most, if not all of them are in the cult) as depicted in A&E’s Escaping Polygamy.
Yes – lets do now something better. This creepy guys are not worth to be discussed. They belong to prison.
who wouldn’t spend much of their lives in scientology trying to achieve the state supposedly know as “clear” and then “OT”, if it were only true. I’m not talking religion here, but science.
I wasn’t sure where to make this comment. Would it be safe to assume that, like the FLDS/Warren Jeff, DM is bending the origanal teaching of LRH? I don’t want everyone to think that I believe in what LRH stood for or believes in. I believe in justice for those being terrorized by a selfish manipulater. When will we see a situation like that that went down in Texas so long ago. Has DM taken something and manipulated it so much for his own personal gain? It just breaks my heart to hear the hurt in all of the victims. I absolutely love you and Leah. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wish there was more I could do…..
The net result of organizational execution of the policy on Ethics and Justice is that, there really is no ethics and justice system at work at all – it is all entirely arbitrary, whimsical and manipulated by dictatorship and group thinking as shaped by the great leader(s) who do not follow it and are above it anyways. My sad conclusion after participating in it for 3 decades, many times as perpetrator/agent and many times as victim.
SadStateofAffairs, Perfect summary. Thanks.
Excellent article. I was lucky to be OSA Staff in a way, because regges and HCO people didn’t dictate what I had to do, so, in a way I was in a separate bubble and we had really acknowledge the existence of the outside world. Perhaps the furthest you are from the top in Scientology the saner it is, so I didn’t suffer much from heavy ethics and intimidating tactics that are used on Sea Org members, but I have witnessed some heart wrenching and gruesome situations. I feel so sorry for people still trapped in. Ethics as developed by LRH is mainly a control mechanism to obtain compliance.
On this question of “ethics” there is some interesting reading on The Underground Bunker today regarding LRH’s opinions on the role of women in society. Basically that their only useful function is having children and taking care of men.
I wonder how many women still in the bubble, if they could get their hands on what LRH really thought about them, could keep up the happy face.
Dianetics doesn’t protray women in a good light. Women are busy chasing an orgasm, sometimes illicitly, and spend lots of time in the bathroom attempting abortions on themselves, douching or straining on the toilet. This activity is known as prenatal engrams. Men don’t fare any better; they beat their pregnant wives, knock them to the floor, kick them in the stomach, verbally abuse them, and routinely demand or force sex. It goes on and on in Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health. Not to say that these events could never happen but Ron claims that everyone has these chains of prenatal engrams, or prenatals. Scientologists kind of gloss over this view of how men and women behave on a personal level and interact with each other. Most Scns who have been in for a long time or who have done training will be familiar with the things Hubbard wrote about a woman’s place in society. It’s interesting how it was removed from New Slant on Life after Hubbard’s death, (though remains in Science of Survival), and the culture morphed into no kids, lots of abortions in the Sea Org where women are on equal footing to men because they “produce.”
When I first joined up, I tried to read Dianetics. It was too difficult. When years later before solo I ‘had’ to read it, I took a win that I was able to and attributed it to my increased IQ. I know, barfing in my mouth here. I read that stuff and thought, not in my pre-natals. And they won’t be in my kids’ either.
The weirdness and negativity about both men and women and relationships in Dianetics is this big red flag. Who is this author and why is he smearing mankind with this disfunctional eval? Why did I not see that as a deal breaker as far as listening to this man?
Drinking kool-aid. I knew other people (non-scilons) would not like reading that. I never wanted to sell or give that book. I didn’t believe books made booms either. Yet I let these huge cognitive dissonant moments roll by unexamined.
What I love about this blog and the commenting community are these many moments where I can say, like I did on reading your comment, “I remember that. And how weird it was.” And that is helpful in separating out from the still in puzzle pieces I sometimes find myself thinking with till I reject it. Thanks for being part of my recovery.
Happy to hear it, Clearly Not Clear. I’ve learned so much here too.
Alice Graves, over my 30 years as a Scientologist I observed that most Scientology women did not live their lives according to Hubbard’s view of women. In fact, they often neglected their children and husbands while working long hours in order to meet the financial demands of Scientology. It’s not unusual to see women Scientologists in demanding executive positions or as business owners.
I surmise that the pressure to give money to Ideal Orgs, the IAS, Super Power building, etc. puts so much financial stress on women (and men), that women don’t have the time or means to embody the LRH ideal of women.
Wonderful article. As mentioned, Socrates & Plato wrote and discussed the definition of ethics and justice over 2000 years ago. Why does Hubbard need to reinvent the wheel ? This is how cults ( in my humble opinion and experience ) suck people in. They skirt the truth but in a superior trademarked way. ‘We’ have insight into men and the universe, a real gift, that the rest of the world is not privy to. An us vs. them stance has begun. Money pours in from followers but information never flows out. An illogical, bizarre, insulated world is created. Followers feel protected and special in this oh, so different, rarified universe. Specific, special vocabularies are created which further enhances a members feeling of belonging, superiority. They deem themselves light years ahead of the rest of humanity so regular slobs are the disdained enemy. ‘We’ have our own enlightenment yet will not share it in order to better the world. The world is not on our level, not advanced enough. However, the cults are inclined to share salvation when you have checkbook in hand and lobotomy complete. Notice the negativity in us vs. them. The mocking and avoidance of people out side the group. The rest of the world is viewed in a glass half full stance while inside the womb it is half full. ( If not half full it is because you did something wrong, admit it.) The arrogance is astounding. I would rather stand on a street corner with a slob any day. In fact, I am now a slob and damn proud of it.
Excellent analysis, Terra Cognita. Thank you!
The ‘ethics’ and especially the ‘justice’ that Hubbard created are that of a fascistic regime and are executed in an Orwellian fashion. DM’s power trip is based on Hubbard’s policies with plenty of material for his justifications; although he violates them often, so did Hubbard contradicting himself frequently.
For those who use Hubbard’s empty phrase Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation* (Yeah, right!) well, it is in direct contradiction with Hubbard’s KSW (Keeping Scientology Working). If you have the slightest of another truth than Hubbard and you pick your “own Scientology” you are in gross violation of the KSW policy. Obviously, as he ordered it to be put first on every course pack (leave the introductory courses) it is Hubbard’s most important policy.
* It’s just an empty phrase to lull new people into a false sense of security till they are hooked on the Kool-Aid (and used as a PR tool).
Pluvo: “Empty phrase” is right. Nothing is true for you unless you have observed it in a book or course pack written by LRH.
That right there!
The source of most injustices stem from the capricious, unwritten moral code used by the church (depending on your country and/or case level). I asked my MAA what was the moral code of the church. Her response was to give me The Way to Happiness. Fair enough. However, none of my alleged crimes had anything to do with TWTH.
I realized, having gone through the justice wringer, that the true purpose of Scn Justice is: the protection of the church and/or its agents. Period. This is where members are “quietly disposed of.” The risk is assessed, and if you’re more of a risk than an asset – you’re gone. It has nothing to do with truth or fairness.
This is so true!
I wonder they would bring back the gillotine fot their worst offenders…
Of course there is Flag order 909 also issued as HCO PL 18 JUNE 1968 in which ethics purpose is stated as to remove counter-intention…and counter-intentionedess from the environment.
This sets Scientology up as able to be a dictatorship and in the USA leaning heavily upon the free exercise clause de facto sets up a country unable to be managed under the rule of laws established for we the people, but rather a state embedding and protecting groups practicing treason against the laws of the USA.
I am sure that was never intended by the founding fathers.
Dchoiceisalwaysrs, that isn’t a danger. Point in fact, even though the Koran says that believers can kill or enslave non-believers they will get arrested and tried if they do that in the USA. Even though it is part of their religious practice.
I am assuming you were joking and are not really that ignorant of how this works (de jure & de facto) in the USA.
I am ignorant of many things. However, destroying utterly can be accomplished in many ways Sure, direct outright murder is one method with a high probability of leaving enough evidence to be charged and convicted. Yet, how many scientologists have suffered because of the myriad of formats used by the GO and OSA? Disconnection is often a form of tort = harm. Enticement to set oneself for bankruptcy is another. Stalking from LAX all the way to Tampa, from the Free winds to the Midwest, from INT base to Boston are examples of another form of actions done outside the laws of the USA (liberty anyone?).
I could go on. Blown for Good, My Billion year Contract, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely fortunately didn’t lead to death/ murder but Rex Fowler did etc. Etc.add allots infinitum.
These are the results of battles in the war that the people of the USA have lost.
Does my argument hold no water?
” ideology has tragically ” become a free pass to torts.
I am certain this is not what the founders wished. Both Germany and Russia have seen this, and although I cannot condone all that they have done in attempt to resolve this issue, they at least recognized its danger.
For whom the bell tolls! There needs to be an civil solution, not a violent and oppressive one, just an civil one.
I thank you and all here who strive so.
“Disconnection is often a form of tort = harm”
WRONG. Adults HAVE the right of freedom of association. As such it CANNOT be a tort.
If DM says I stole his lobb shoes and had an affair with his mistress and you believe him and take his advice to disconnect from the SP dchoice, as an adult, has a harm of slander been committed by him only or has our friendship suffered a tort by your disconnection even though you thought it a freedom and a right. It is a right to disconnect, but still, at least as I view it in such a case an egregiously induced tort or harm. Please note I have zero legal training and ‘ as defined in statutes I may be erroniius in my stance or use of tort.
Thanks for the concise and very well-written short essay on $cn’s confused and confusing take on the relationship between ethics and justice.
I’d just add that while one might assume from reading all about Elron’s take on thics and justice in $cn that everyone would be subject to it on an equal basis, but that is decidedly not so. The Ethics system within $cn was never designed to hold the founder responsible for his actions in the same way that staff and parishioners were. That’s because Elron was the “Game Maker” and, as such, the maker of the rules and the creator of the entire “game” of $cn, not an equal participant player in it.
After Elron’s demise, Lil davey the diabolical not only usurped the absolute control and authority within the organizational structure of $cn that Elron once enjoyed, but he also put himself above ethics just as the founder had. Both of them imagined themselves as somehow above the same code of ethics that everyone else was expected to adhere to and even above being questioned about that status, just as you would not think of questioning God about his choices in creating the universe.
Obviously, when you have two highly imperfect individuals vested with absolute power and control, things are going to go really wrong, really fast. And if you have no formal or sanctioned avenue of recourse or means of correcting those errors, then they become part of the infallible Word of Elron too and can never be corrected because they can never be recognized as errors or mistakes to begin with.
As a result of his “above the law” criminal and abusive acts, lil davey has become a complete “vacuum for trouble” on his way to becoming a “zero of influence”. Getting lil davey all the way to zero influence even quicker will occur when still-in $cilons realize that he’s no “Game Maker” who’s above the kind of justice actions that the group has the power to mete out to all of its members. And Elron’s own influence will reach zero in the wider society as everyone realizes that, as Game Maker, Elron sought to elevate himself above group justice, as if he were God-like and infallible, when in reality he was a very morally flawed individual with some very serious mental disorders.
One of the key traits of a psychopath is the rules don’t apply to me.
Let’s see, Mao, Jim Jones, Hitler, Stalin…. oh, and Trump.
I have never been able to locate it, but I once read “something” put out by LRH – or his minions – which stated that “LRH could not be chitted”. That meant that he was no longer subject to correction in any way by anyone. I only wish I’d kept a copy since I don’t know anyone who has ever seen it. It was back in the late 60s, as I recall. I do remember feeling appalled that he was “above it all”.
May I make a suggestion? I’m a never in, and there are times when I don’t understand abbreviations ex*s use. Would someone be so kind as to make a glossary for those of us who want keep learning the ideology accurately. I remember seeing LRH*s science fiction books in the library in the 80*s, followed by his religious teaching. I also remember thinking to myself that the man must be insane if he thinks I would fall for that. Now I understand how he drew in such a following. I’m no smarter than any scientologist, just lucky I had a stable life.
Barbara, there is a very good online source for detailed explanations of Scientology terminology, please check “”.
Thanks Kathy, very much appreciated. It*ll help clarify things a lot.
This may help.
All other religions and valid spiritual paths all had the teachings of wise men and women as the guidelines for moral living.
L Ron Hubbard had his definition of Integrity and surviving across the 8 dynamics as a moral guideline. These doctrines were really there to serve creating Scientology.
First of all, Ron was not interested in moral guidelines. He considered them an impediment to his “will over love” “truth is a consideration of the individual” and not cosmically rooted from the will of the Cosmic Director: God.
A doctrine that puts the ego subservient to a higher good.
So in his definition of Integrity it was about knowing what’s true for yourself and having the courage to express that knowing.
This is no moral guideline at all. A bank robber may have as his truth not getting caught, so shooting someone to not get caught is his truth.
The definition of Integrity is really the meaning of authenticity and an ode to the ego will.
If it’s true for me it’s true. It’s an ego justification.
Religious, spiritual and even humanism morality is different. It asks the practitioner to live values outside of selfish motives.
Religious and moral laws of decency that Hubbard broke:
THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR vs. manufacture enough threat to cause them to be destroyed. Just look at all of the websites against Mike, Leah and the rest.
And for you Ron apologists just remember the false witness against Paulette Cooper.
Scientology is the science of bearing false witness against our neighbors.
And these quotes from Ron
“We are not moralists”
“I am not interested in wog morality” L Ron Hubbard
In Hinduism and Buddhism is the moral law of Ahimsa. It means do no harm. It means have a loving respect for all of God’s creatures.
L Ron Hubbard preaches violent retribution against critics.
L Ron Hubbard created himself as god, as the prophet of Buddha, as the only being in the history of forever to find the real truth.
L Ron Hubbard called Jesus a pedophile. Ron was anti God. I am sure Hubbard considered the Creator as competition.
In the Eight Limbs of yoga one of the moral injunctions is not to lie. To always tell the truth.
L Ron Hubbard’s entire life story is based on his consciously and intentionally fashioning his life on lies. Lies that would give him psychological Altitude with which to make us susceptible to his diabolical imprinting and delusional education.
Give me a break. Scientology gives not a wit of concern to honor parents. If they are anti-Scientology then bye bye mom and dad. I won’t let the GE get in the way of saving the universe!
Greed is considered by all religious traditions as a barrier to spiritual living.
“I can’t get enough power and money” as said by David Mayo when Ron was talking to him.
Scientology is anti moral decency. In fact, Scientology sees decency as a barrier to its power.
And Scientology, its churches, its apologists in the field, are personalities molded and cast from a man who was spiritually and morally corrupt.
“By their fruits yes shall know them”
The fruits of Scientology are rotten to the core. And when you hear apologists trying to counter my claims. Just pay attention to the stories of broken lives and families.
And the words of apologists are impotent in making us deny the realities that are clearly before us to witness.
Scientology benevolent morality does not exist.
Hi Brian.
Although I certainly don’t agree that “All other religions had the teachings of wise men and women”, I absolutely loved your post. Excellent, valid and difficult-to-dispute points all around, as usual.
Terra Cognita,
Why are you under the radar — to keep ties with family/friends? Hopefully Leah’s show will spur an exodus, though I’m guessing the only folks left at this point are the hard-core ones…
adfasdfasdf: Luckily, I don’t have any family members in Scientology. The reason I’m “under the radar” is so my spouse and I don’t get hassled unnecessarily. One of these days though…
If man can not be trusted with justice, how then can an organization, or even one man be trusted with justice? It’s like pig Latin or speaking backwards….. none of it is to be trusted.
Excellent article Terra. “The hypocrisy still runs deep”.
The hypocrisy, not only runs deep….it runs all the way to Hell. Which is quite common with this group.
I heard the Devil is on-lines but Miscavige RPF’d him for malfeasance.
Wouldn’t doubt it one bit. They’re catching up with Jonestown.
KSW is used as a tool in the Committee of Evidence (ethics trial) to make sure that you get Declared. If you plead not guilty to one of the points of KSW, they will argue with you as the day (or the night) is long to get you to ‘see’ how you violated it. One of their best tactics is to hold your Comm Ev at 10pm and expect you to sit there all through the night pleading your case about how you didn’t violate a finer point of KSW. It’s used as a weapon to make sure that you lose, no matter what.
The decision is made before the sham hearing. One person decides. And kicks you out. The decision is dressed in the so-called policy and process, to make it appear to follow policy. Policy is used as an adjunct to the decision. Papier-mâché.
Like everything in $cientology, ‘Justice’ and ‘Ethics’ need their own $cieno definition. Just another mindf^%ck through redefinition. North Korea is jealous, as is the ghost of Stalin and Hitler. The current tea party republicans who are going to run the US are studying this manual.
This is why Tom Cruise can ‘ruthlessly’ put Ethics on himself and everyone around him. Self actuated Ethics can mean anything in the KSW universe. Anything that pumps money or fealty into the equation. That is what $cieno math is all about.
It seems that humans have hard wired sense of ‘Justice’. Lron just wants to redefine it for his purposes. F%$k him.
This is a great companion piece to your essay, TC. It’s a detailed analysis of the Justice Codes and a look at how each of them fair against the code of a scientologist and the church’s creed.
Scientology “Tech” is full of these kinds of conflicts. Policies that conflict with each other, technical directions that work against each other, basic tenets that conflict with each other. Then there is the application and ritual that is ingrained in the organization with little thought. I was sent to “Ethics” by a visiting Sea Org missionary (a teenager that had very little training), because I didn’t have students stand and give three cheers for LRH at the end of each day in the courseroom. No one could show me in writing that this was a requirement, so they grudgingly had to let me go. (That didn’t stop her from sending a letter later to have me assigned Treason for failing to incorporate this ritual. I responded that they could pound sand.) Regardless, the most dangerous conflicts are the treatment of children and parents, families, and employees in general regarding health and safety.
RK – as a student I refused to stand up and clap for the LRH picture at end of study (or events). The D of T harassed me about this but I wouldn’t budge. She threatened ethics, etc. and like you all I said was show me in writing that I’ve got to do this. She hated me but I could give a shit. Needless to say I was always a thorn when it came to crap like this, org staff new to stay clear from me with their arbitrary rules. Would have loved you as my supe.
Ms.P: Not only did I hate clapping for LRH, I hatted clapping at events–never did I feel fully in agreement with whatever program they were serving.
Thank you Terra.So True.KSW one of the many Crimes of the cult.I always look for your pieces.?
Ann B Watson: Thank you.
Can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Ethics are based against survival in DLHDM’s world. If Daddy dies its better for me and my survival= in ethics. If I lie and get the sheeple to give me more money even if they can’t afford it and hurts them, its
still better and more luxurious for me. It gives me a better more survival bank account=in ethics.
God everyone else is against me because they are out ethics so therefor if I attack and punch them
I’m doing what is most survival for me= in ethics.
If my wife gives me any back talk I will have her taken away and hidden.=in ethics as I will feel better not having to hear her anymore.
Excellent point of ethics ….. do the right thing in life and no hurt others that’s ethics in in my opinion !!
Treat others as you would like to be treated. That is sooooo against their policy.
Does anyone remember when LRH, in a peevish mood it seemed, once declared that going past a word that was not fully understood was either a crime or a high crime?
I believe that it appeared in one reprint of the ethics book but disappeared in subsequent printings.
I always wondered what the circumstances of that were.
John Doe. That was in a HCO PL. It is still in force.
So passing a word you don’t know is a crime of the magnitude of murder, Arson, embezzlement.
Yeah, that makes sense.
John Doe, going by a misunderstood word is WORSE than murder, arson and embezzlement and you damn well know it! … (again, what does “arson” mean?)
Yep. Cult sense…
What’s a cult? I thought it was my favorite color…
Mine too!!!
Brilliant. I watched in particular, one fellow student on course, have the “audacity” to ask a simple question about a particular drill he was doing. After he spent hours looking for his misunderstood words, he was sent to ethics and kicked out of the courseroom by a senior tech terminal who said he was a squirrel. Mind you, he is an engineer, thinks through things very methodically, and just couldn’t wrap his head around a GAT drill. Eventually he quietly disappeared, like most who were in that courseroom. This courseroom was empty most days save the staff who were on the TTC (technical training corps-training to be auditors and supervisors etc.). There is no encouragement to think freely, unless you consider reciting only LRH from memory. I never felt like I could air my concerns for fear of being slapped with ethics. So I disappeared too.
Bravo !
very well expained…
Don’t know if it is known amongst readers here, but there is a list of Scientology related suicides.
Just wanted it posted.
Thanks for the link, TrevAnon! Everyone here should click on it. It’s a bit shocking, but, you need to see it.
WOW. Very disturbing. Long list of innocent people-victims of CoS. Technique 88 highlights LRH true maniac thinking and teaching’s!
Thank you for posting.
This is one of your better articles Terra. The one thing I am really grateful for with this site is the unraveling of Hubbard’s double standards. As this is primarily an ex-SO site with a large number of ex members posting, over time bits and pieces of irrefutable evidence are being presented. And nowhere better is the hypocrisy of Hubbard’s “do not do as I do but do as I say” more evident than as it is in the SO. Of course it filters down to every single person connected to Scientology but the sheer degradation of the SO staff in being lead to believe their sacrifice is them living an ethical life and all the while are being abused to an incredible degree. They are denied any opportunity of ever being personally ethical, let alone the right to administer justice. They live in a complete dictatorship bubble. If there was ever a perfect example of out-ethics, it is Hubbard. There has been no survival of his technology, it has been thoroughly altered time and time again, even by himself into something where results and exchange are impossible, but oh my, how the money flows in direct proportion to the enforced lies. There is no survival of his group. The church punishes their own as if it is a sport of some kind. And now the world is learning just what a crazy bunch of assholes they are by their practice of ripping families apart as their prime example of a Scientologist applying ethics/justice. Muddled & blurred – you betcha!
Mike- what in the heck happened to Marty Rathbun?? Why the sudden, questionable change of heart? First he speaks out against the church, now defending it and his wife dropped her lawsuit against cob and the church? Do you think the church had damning evidence to ruin him?
Allison , although you didn’t ask me , I will say that no one can read completely and accurately in a man’s heart , especially from a blog . But if you followed it , it seems Marty stood up against fundamentalism in the church and then in the anti scientology world. Now it looks like he is done. For his own reasons.
” what the heck happened ” is to me a sign that some miss him and his input..Hopefully not a sign of looking for more controversy, as we really don’t need more of that.
Thank you for your opinion. You’re right, I didn’t ask you.
I asked what the heck because I have watched many of his interviews, watched footage of the deliberate harassment his wife and himself endured. I heard what the church said as a direct slandering attack towards him. It’s clear they do not follow a professional business conduct and I find all their responses to people coming forward to be classless and it shows a lot about the very character of the church- sadly.
I don’t believe anyone who has come forward is being dishonest. I believe every account I have heard. Most have told it over and over in so many interviews over the years, and not once changed a detail. And every story seems to coraborate another. And it’s clear these people didn’t meet together and plan what they were going to say. It’s very sad.
Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you. I answered from “where I sit” without really knowing “where you sit”. Apologies.
No offense was taken, I Just wanted to make it very clear why I was asking and that it wasn’t to “look for more controversy”. I don’t see where that assumption came from on your end, these comments to this blog are, to my understanding, discussing the 20/20 special and that was an actual segment on the show. I had just watched “Going clear” and “my escape from scientology” Which was specially narrated by Mark Rathbun himself. Both are a few years old, a lot has clearly changed in that time. A lot of big thins came to light from his interviews, and while I understand he doesn’t want to bad mouth the church anymore, what led up to that is what I was questioning.
I Don’t know of any other religion that is so hateful towards people. THey claim to want to change the world and make it better….. delivering hate speech about former members, regardless of what they have said about the church is AWFUL. Unacceptable in any religion in my opinion. I think it directly throws the church under the bus and they are shooting themselves in the foot by blatantly proving what has been said against the church is in fact true. I think stalking a person who has said things you do not like is not only wrong, but dangerous. Serial killeresque… ANd that also isn’t starting controversy. You just always see major crimes begin with stalking and harassment. I think if this church wants any credibility moving forward they need to delete all their hate sites, quit releasing hateful statements about all their former members, seek a new attorney, an a new PR consultant. Because what they have right now is not making them look good in any way, shape, or form.
THank you for hearing my side and for sharing your opinion. I think it is important we can do that cordially and not in a defensive, negative way.
Since Marty’s wife, Monique, dismissed her attorneys and settled her case against the cherch right at the point at which it appeared to many informed onlookers that she had them by the short and curlies, many have speculated about what might have transpired secretly that could have caused that to have occurred in that way. Mike was not one of those who added his own speculation into the mix and, to my knowledge, has never publicly claimed to know what occurred there to prompt that sudden and otherwise inexplicable change of course.
Elron got most of his whacked cosmology wrong, but he did grasp a few important insights about human nature. One of those is that humans stick to mystery – we’re reflexively drawn to things that we don’t understand and when we can’t figure out the causal relationships that underly them.
Whatever occurred there, it is not mere speculation to note that Marty’s “career” as anti-$cn activist and leading critic either ended for good, or went on a long and continuing hiatus, shortly after his wife ended her case against the cherch without providing any sort of detailed explanation concerning her reasons for doing so. As a result, many have speculated that, either undue influence was brought against Marty and Monique by the cherch to coerce them into backing of, or that some secret settlement was reached in which both the cherch and the couple received something tangible in the bargain.
Only time and dox will tell, so while speculation on the truth of the matter is bound to be irresistible to many, we may be better served to just note the objective actions and events that followed on after the case was withdrawn and, like Mike, refrain from coming to any sort of premature conclusion about how all of those actions and events are causally related.
But, on the other hand, if you have a novel speculative take on what went down, then we’re all ears 😉
Thank you. Appreciate your sensible comment. Nobody knows what really happened and it is always easy to speculate. But that in the end achieves nothing and serves no real purpose other than to perhaps garner some attention for the speculator.
I am not therefore interested in hearing novel speculative takes. Just so everyone knows.
Mike thank you for your response. Honestly, I just was curious because I have watched Going Clear, and a short documentary with mark rathbun himself as the main participant- with Claire headly. Eye opening. And I learned a lot. I didn’t mean to sound like I wanted a conspiracy theory, it’s just with all that has been exposed- and mark being one of the main people to expose the violence with credible stories I just was curious what caused the sudden back pedals. I put nothing past the church’s leader.
I love watching Leah and you do what you do. It’s so matter of fact, classy, and educational. I saw there are talks of a second season and I got so excited. Before this show I didn’t know much of this religion… now I’m captivated with what I have learned. How can a belief system cause so much pain to so many people? It saddens me, but I’m glad you guys are finding the silver lining and coming together to expose this organization in a way that educates people to realize what is really going on. Keep doing what you are doing.
I think we need to allow people to be more or less active, according to their own wishes. Maybe they did reach a settlement, but the goal was to be allowed to live a private life without harassment or surveillance, wasn’t it? It is annoying that an explanation wasn’t offered, but I think there are more layers of the onion that need to be peeled off there. Marty was deeply involved in Scientology for a very long time.
I agree with what you are saying. I can understand wanting to no longer be followed, video taped, and recognized. And that does make sense, especially since they do have a small child. I just have seen all the awful things they have done to not just mark, but other members also. (mind you only from watching different documentaries, and reading on the internet)
I liked his insight, it was educational and eye opening. He was direct, and wasn’t trying to make himself be a victim, he owned up to his own misconducts while being in the church also. It was very honest and very raw. I respected it. THe total 180 just made me curious to know if something must have happened to him to make the light turn off. I put nothing past that church.
Allison, I’m late to the game in responding to this and you may never read my comment, but some people do just grow weary and turn around and walk away. I have no clue why Marty and Monique backed off. However, unlike a lot of people, I do not consider it my right to know or question why.
No one “owes it” to me to explain their reasons for deciding to do or not do something. I left scientology and no one there deserves an explanation. When I decided it was over, it was an exact moment of clarity and there was never any second guessing or looking back.
Shouldn’t we all just let Marty live the life he wants to live? Maybe the explanation is just as simple as this: he’s moved on to something else.
“Justice is the action taken on the individual by the group when he fails to take these actions himself.”
I am reminded over and over when I watch Aftermath and read the posts and comments, here, of one of the most insidious elements (IMHO) of organizations such as the one being discussed here…
Groupthink: a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment.”
For those in the know (or perhaps even present when this occurred) what is happening in the account detailed in the link below? Is it truth or fiction? And, if truth, is it an example of group justice (groupthink) attempting to reign in out-ethics?
@14SP14 Interesting recap of an EMT’s call. I have no verification but was wondering about the setting (if true story…). My first thought was possibly an extreme ethics meted out as a wacko Eye Wide Shut ritual scene? I found a comment in the thread that expressed the same thought.
Thanks for that original source citation! Group think is the inevitable result of Bubble World dwellers interaction. The more of a insular, walled-off bubble that little sub-culture world is, the more deviant from mainstream cultural views that it can become, with $cn and other high-demand, high control groups, like mormon polygamist splinter groups, being the very best examples there.
I’d just add that in $cn you have an intensification of this group think compulsion towards conformity that comes about through the cult’s standard practice of thought policing which has been procedurally systematized as metered sec checking, in which the interogatee’s thoughts, feelings and memories are probed and evaluated for “truthfulness,” based on the e-meter’s reaction during the interrogation session and the results being made available to higher ranking cult members to use as they see fit on the individual to ensure obedience and conformity to the group think.
“One of the biggest ironies in the church is that per Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, all its members regularly commit “suppressive acts.” On an almost one-for-one basis, all of LRH’s list of “suppressive acts” are systematically violated on a daily basis. Staff are guiltier than the public and DM is the worst of the worst”
Could you please clarify this statement?
aharonfr: Excuse my hyperbole but it’s clear that staff regularly commit these very crimes that LRH lists out in this policy letter. As I said earlier, it’s a crime to not even have LRH’s data. It’s a crime to bypass a misunderstood word.
It would appear that Miscavige has failed to put his own ethics in, and his minions have failed to use the correct justice actions on him. In fact his minions have taken on the color of enemies toward spiritual freedom and enlightenment.
Now Miscavige finds himself in the position of having mainstream celebrities applying the justice procedure of exposing his crimes to literally millions of people across the globe.
It’s right there in the Ethics Review Policy, Dave.
Like Elron, lil davey considers himself a Game Maker, not a Game participant, so ethics do not apply to him as they do to the Game’s players.
” In fact his minions have taken on the color of enemies toward spiritual freedom and enlightenment.”
This is a very important point to consider in detail! When you listen to many of the long time SO staff who escaped and are now vocal in their criticism of the cult, many of them mention that they stayed in for s long as they did out of an allegiance to the Holy Tech, and hoping that lil davey’s reign of terror would come to an end and $cn would get back on the course that Elron intended. Their realization that lil davey was there to stay had a lot to do with their ultimate decision to blow and many of them retained a belief in the Holy Tech and the Word of Elron long after they exited the $ea Orgy.
Now, for those still-in folks who still believe in the Holy Tech, the realization that they’re not only not helping the world to win with $cn, but colluding with lil davey to become an enemy of spiritual freedom and the instrument of his evil just has not completely dawned on them yet. When it does, they’re only choice is to either knowingly embrace that evil or to reject it and move away from it.
What Leah’s series and everyone’s personal stories do is to make it so that it is more and more difficult to NOT see that lil davey is the real Super SP I/C on $cn’s lines and to justify their own continuing support and participation in an organization whose actions are in direct opposition to its stated beliefs. In other words, $cilons who continue on with the craven butt nuzzling of this truly sadistic and sociopathic individual are no longer going to be able to remain in denial about who he is, what he’s done and how they’ve enabled him to commit the many acts of indecency and horror that he’s been responsible for.
Better get out now while the gettin’ is good instead of being the last one in this rapidly imploding cult!
Although I don’t agree with everything you write TC, I always look forward to reading your articles and the ensuing comments. In today’s post you say:
“Essentially this means that one cannot speak to anyone—within or outside the church—about any aspect of Scientology that might be construed as negative.”
This is one of the things that I really love about Mike’s blog. People with a wide range of viewpoints CAN post here and a respectful (mostly) discussion can unfold. This could never happen within the confines of the church of scientology. Never. This is a real red flag warning that you might be in a cult. Since leaving I have been involved in many different groups and almost without exception, there was a free and open exchange of ideas and viewpoints. I always found that enriching. While participating in scientology, I just felt more and more isolated from the society that we were supposed to be helping because of the restrictions put in place by Hubbard’s “ethics and justice” ravings.
That’s a meta-level evaluative criteria that could also just be called wisdom. Any group that prohibits and punishes the free exchange of ideas and thwarts communication is, by definition, not on a path to any kind of Truth that’s worthwhile seeking!
One of my biggest wins from my own cult involvement as a young adult was to realize that no matter how good something is made to sound like on paper, it’s the actual practice of the group that defines its true values.
There are about a million ways of pointing up the irreconcilable differences between what $cn espouses and what it actually practices.
Some of my favorites are ones that just accepts the scio-logic contained in the infallible Word of Elron in order to demonstrate how badly out-tech and off-policy lil davey’s actions have been. For example, Elron said that the way to boom $cn was by doing more $cn, not by fund-raising, bake sales and “Pirate Nights,” yet lil davey has all but eliminated auditing and auditor training, while going on an orgy of real estate acquisition.
Some ten years or more on in his squirrel program to expand $cn, the results are in: the cult’s most important success stats – well done auditing hours and auditor training course completions – are trending straight down and vertical. But to compound his high crimes with treason, lil davey has either falsified or failed to report these key LRH-designated measures of success.
What I want to know is where are all the high-integrity $cilons who should be applying KSW to stop squirrel boy and apply Elron’s policies as they were meant to be applied!? The real “ability gained” at the top of the grade chart appears to be “Freedom from your former self as a person of integrity and moral courage”
“What I want to know is where are all the high-integrity $cilons who should be applying KSW to stop squirrel boy and apply Elron’s policies as they were meant to be applied!? The real “ability gained” at the top of the grade chart appears to be “Freedom from your former self as a person of integrity and moral courage”. There it is you just said it all. No need to add to this, is why I can’t feel bad or respect any of the old timers THAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
Whether you agree with the tech or not, or agree with LRH or not, to me is not the point right now on this blog. To me, what drives me nuts, are all the old timers. The baby boomers, the reason we got in all this great supposedly shit we learned. All this KSW drummed into us course in and course out. Day in day out. Where are they these trained “auditors” and “OT’s”,letting this piece of shit DM get away with insanity?
My anger makes me ramble on, you know what I mean.
Didn’t we all read George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984?
Great post.
I dream about how the church is going to disintegrate off and on. Different scenarios probably because of the different ways I was involved.
One common part is that DM is planning to escape and disappear but that plan is foiled (how that happens is fuzzy) and he is put in jail, the church is liquidated, his attorneys (every single one that helped him ever) are brought to justice and the children that were forced to live in this cult are compensated so they have a minute chance at making dreams happen they had no concept would even be possible.
Anyone else dream stuff like this?
Yes I dream and hope the church goes down so I get my two kids back. Postulates are powerful and many people postulating the same thing is even more powerful, hence the prayer groups that pray for a terminally ill patient who miraculously gets well. These stories abound. One cute example: I watched Chopped Junior on TV, where young cooking prodigies compete against each other cooking up dishes, and through elimination only one is left standing and that one is the winner. When this little girl won, she told the judges that at home when she practiced for the Chopped show, each time she would cook something, her family would announce, “And the winner of Chopped is Suzie Q” and they would clap and she would bow and etc. They drilled this winning thing over and over, which is a positive postulate being drilled in. And guess what? It worked and she won! So the moral of the story is let’s all postulate the downfall and justice to Dm and his henchmen. Call it prayer or postulates, whatever — a rose by any other name would smell the same.
Me too, Cindy!
One thing for sure: One cannot, at the same time, play within the rules of the church of scientology and the rules of common decency or even common sense.
Scientologists would rail at the thought of common decency…
You would be called ‘reasonable’ at the very least!
Thrown into the RPF’s RPF?
And you know, I like being reasonable. The cult just wallows in their hatred. I can’t imagine having to living with that for decades…
“Once again, the responsibility for Scientology’s abuse of ethics and justice rests squarely on the shoulders of LRH.”
Yes indeed, it does!!! But try getting a cult member – and by “cult member” I mean ANYONE practicing “Standard Tech”, either in the CofS or in the “Field” – to understand the above, and you will crash against a wall two kilometers tick!!! That’s why I totally gave up and just moved on. One can not “save” those who doesn’t want to be saved. The problem isn’t Scn, the problem is the lack of self-respect and self-confidence that abounds among humans. Once an individual fully recovers those, he’ll drop Scn – or ANYTHING cultish for that matter – as if he had a red-hot coal in his hands : almost INSTANTLY!!
I never had a basic disagreement with LRH’s definitions of ethics and justice. For example, if a person goes out and rapes or kills, then the society has to obviously arrest and imprison him as the group uses “justice” on this person who couldn’t restrain himself and get his own ethics in Also I thought it was quite cool that an individual would decide on the greatest good for his own dynamics in making what he considered was the most rational decision.
BUT … when in Scientology you are NOT allowed to actually LIVE the LRH def of “ethics” in your own life in any way, shape or form. ANY decision you make that YOU decide is rational along your dynamics that “the group” disagrees with means a shitstorm coming your way. Reg sits down with you for a donation and you calmly state (even as a freakin’ OT8 who has finished the ethics and justice course) “I have determined after a study of my finances that it is not in ethics right now on my dynamics to donate any more money at this time. Let me contact you when I can.” …. do you think you will get a nice TR2??? (“I understand. Do let me know when it fits into your finances.”) Ha ha ha ha …The 49ers have a better chance of winning the Super Bowl this year (obviously we’d all have to go through a door to an alternate reality for that to happen. Same with the above ack.)
Decide it’s not rational for your 15 year to quit high school and join the sea org? REALLY?
At the very LEAST, you would have to fully explain your finances and your reasoning and you would be under heavy questioning on this, LOTS of doubt thrown at you on your own reasoning about YOUR decision about what is rational or optimum about YOUR life. Of course, the “least” would not be the usual. Your own decision on getting in your ethics on any of your dynamics that didn’t agree with what was decided or wanted for you would involve you getting hours and hours of HEAVY inval and grinding until you started to agree somewhat with what others wanted you to decide.
THAT is how LRH’s definition of “ethics”, as nice as it might sound, is in REALITY applied every single fucking day in the church of scientology. Force. Pressure. Punishment. To do as you are told. That’s how much YOU are allowed to decide what is rational for YOU. This is the way a totalitarian state operates. (thus what used to be called and maybe still is “a severe reality adjustment”. Think you can have your OWN reality …. ha ha ha ha ha …. in scientology? …. keep dreaming …. I don’t care WHAT it says in 8-8008)
As for the Soviet style “justice” system? Well, I will not assault you all with a description of it in this post, maybe at another time. Suffice to just mention kangaroo courts, show trials and the operating principle that “you are guilty until proven guilty” and that if you dare to oppose, you will be punished and it will ALWAYS cost you money, you can be sure of that.
The overarching premise that, if it were true, would make all of those money grubbing reges arguments to get you to pony up your last dime true is that if we really were in some sort of millions of year-long spiritual trap (with $cn as the only way out) and the Marcabians really were perpetuating our spiritual enslavement, then any means would justify accomplishing the end of escaping the trap and defeating the Marcabians, with their diabolical between-lives implanting stations.
The huge turd in that party punch bowl is that all of that grand, multi-trillion year historical account of the universe and its many space opera inhabitants (looking at you here, Xenu) is just utter sci-fi nonsense! But even if it were true, yelling at ashtrays and booting more folks out of the cult than are currently in it just isn’t going to get the job done there, I’m afraid.
I want to laugh like crazy at Scientology saying “trillion years” of history or existence. The universe is not that old and there is scientific proof. Ha ha ha LRH was such an idiot!
What I often pointed out in the early 1970’s was/is the utterly ignored 4th paragraph of that 1965 PL. Specifically:
“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students and pcs is ‘no results’. Trouble spots occur only where there are ‘no results’. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are ‘no results’ or ‘bad results’.
The blazingly useless ‘quicky grades’ of 1969, produced such a back lash that expanded grades were soon offered at discounted prices to get people back in. Yet this quote from ‘keeping scientology working’ never ever was appreciated.
And ron never truly addresses life conditions: Just some organizational mechanisms (stats) to quantify results, and make money.
KSW1 is the Achilles’s heel of Scientology. For very obvious reasons every single Scientologist has mu’s in it, on it and in it’s application. The writing of it was the watershed of ethics, justice and it could be suggested in Scientologese, is the prime motivator of all Scios and in particular Hubbard. It introverts every single Scientologist who reads it and it reinforces Hubbard as the top man, over and over again.
Hubbard’s delusions of grandeur are epitomized in that essay. imo it is when Hubbard pulled the gloves off and declared war on anyone who would not take him at his word. I didn’t always think this way but I sure do now, he buried himself with that writing and attempted to take out all his critics in one single swipe of the pen.
Hubbard sure is psycho on the subject of having to be boss man, and now Miscavige.
Simply put there are no results to be had with being a member of Scientology. Just madmen stealing your money and life. I don’t want to appear sexist though – the legal, money takes all, Monique “eye flapper” Dingaling is the new Scientology spokesperson and a Catholic to boot – I rest my case.
When I was an MAA back in the 70’s ethics had little to do with being a personal thing. The LRH policies and FO’s made it a justice action from the get go. Seniors were tasked (by L Con) with assigning ethics conditions to juniors who could get in BIG justice trouble if they didn’t do them and do them to the satisfaction of their seniors and the rest of the group. If a senior screwed up they would push the responsibility downhill to people who had no control of the actions above them. L. Con did that constantly.
In scamology L. Con made ethics about controlling the individual through evaluation, punishment and humiliation.
ANYONE who says otherwise is either
1) untrained on the LRH materials,
2) an apologist for the crazy tyrant.
3) not intelligent enough to understand what they read.
I’m not sure if I’m declared or not – couldn’t care less either. But I’m certainly ‘dead-filed’ and have to do steps A-E to get back in, if I was ever so stupid as to want to. So I don’t think there’s much difference. This came about because I was called in for an interview (and stupidly arrived) and within the confines of four walls and with nobody but an MAA, I said I hadn’t had wins from OT7 and didn’t feel like doing scn any more. I also couldn’t afford it. This was considered a public disavowal of scn. The reality is, the only ‘public dissemination’ of my viewpoint came from scn executives telling others about it.
I recall on one of the lectures on Level 2, LRH said governments had criminalised just about everything with the result that people constantly ‘broke the law’. The result was enforced missed withhold phenomenon against police who were consequently broadly hated. This is precisely what has happened with scn. I once recall a OT7 PC saying he’d had to declare the overt (in session) of having a second cup of coffee. You can imagine the resentment against scn that you can’t do anything at all, any more.
Had the same problem.No wins on ot7.Wrote on my worksheet.I am tired of this fucking shit.I am just getting fatfrom all the sitting and I already drove out 400.000 space cooties.I was sent to ethics for enturbulation.
That’s NOTs for you, spiritual poison. It is very cleverly dovetailed into the mind set system of Scientology. Even with the wildest stretch of the imagination it is simply an adjunct of a theory on a theory dreamed up to explain meter phenomena. It can be “proven by the movement of a needle.” Metering courses like a lot of academy protocols, implant solutions of a theory drilled practically and repetitively over and over under disciplinary and time restraint pressures, but they always leaves a student with a “not sure/maybe type of uncertainty” lurking in the back of their minds. Results aren’t forthcoming with such procedures, especially NOTs. Hubbard sat up late at nights working this all out. “Forcing the theory to fit the observation,” is interwoven through a lot of Scientology “technology”. And it’s all salted with, “if it’s true for you it’s true.” Bedlam appreciates that logic too.
If there ever was a “buyer beware,” it’s Scientology. It’s bobby trapped just like Hubbard said mysticism is. Do whatever you like with your mind and life, but please keep away from NOTs is my advice – it doesn’t go anyway except round n round internal. It never ends, it can’t because it preys on a beings ability of imagination & a desire to create games, problems and solutions and then pits it as a solution for ALL your woes, past, present & future.
Dr mac!!! You don’t want an awesome Golden Rod. Hanging over your fireplace??? How can you pass that up???
All nonsense aside, I’m glad you’re out and doing well.
Excellent article Terra! Really highlights the confused hypocrisy of Hubbard’s garbled philosophy.
Its a horrible trap to get stuck in, members are told that everything Hubbard said is infallible and must be followed, yet simply by following exactly what he says at one point, a “high crime” has been committed according to something he wrote a bit later on. As if the whole thing wasn’t enough of a mind f#@* without all the contradictions!
Just to add, now up to date with Aftermath. Emotional and informative as ever! Got about 20 of my friends and family watching in Scotland now.
Will the show ever get a proper UK showing do you think?
Keep on keepin’ on 🙂
I wanted to share these videos I did a while back. I feel that people new to this fight might find it enlightening. One has to wonder what type of ethics these people have to lie and cheat the way they do.
Video # 1 (Hidden camera where COS members are being taught how to get money out of people. She explains “THEY ALWAYS HAVE MONEY”)
Video # 2 (COS spokes person caught on hidden camera threatening a member with disconnection while publicly saying they don’t do that. Also the first and only time a SP Declare being issued ON CAMERA!)
As a “never in” these definitions of ethics and justice by LRH are gobbledy gook. Total nonsense. Ethics and justice are defined in terms of a basic human law or human right. Like murder or taking of another person’s life is wrong because it deprives them of the right to life. LRH’s definitions fail to include basic human rights which leads to Scientology abridging the basic human rights of it’s followers. This has led to the sad stories you are exposing. It’s like murdering a baby because she smiled at you.
Keep it up Mike. Keep exposing this madness for what it truly is.