Another excellent piece of investigative journalism from Tracey McManus in the Tampa Bay Times yesterday: Email detailed plans to obscure Scientologists role in Clearwater project
No wonder scientology spends so much time and effort trying to smear her — accusing her of being a bigot and a hater. It’s all they’ve got. Her stories are carefully researched and documented, and in this case she has a smoking gun email.
Her story details the land grab ongoing just north of downtown Clearwater, spearheaded by an Arizona real estate developer named Rodney Riley. He is a newcomer on the Clearwater scene, pushing a $350 million development plan.
Despite numerous denials from all involved, Tracey discloses that scientologists had recruited Riley to be the public face of the project.
You can read all the details in her article, I have two things to add:
If I was a gambling man, I would bet this whole thing is a scientology operation with a very specific purpose. I believe scientology is looking to build a replacement for the Sandcastle (Advanced Org) which will be rendered virtually useless once the Coachman Park facility opens and gets in full swing. The noise from the open air amphitheater will make auditing room and courserooms untenable, and they don’t want their most secretive “OT Levels” being in such close proximity to large numbers of non-scientologists coming to the park. But, they have a problem. The Sandcastle is a landmark, right on the water. Miscavige will not want to move it “inland” as that would be seen by him as a “retreat” and “contraction.” There is no suitable place for them to build a new facility along the water without changing the laws on the usage of the land. They know if scientology applies, they will never be approved. But if a developer comes in and gets the needed building code changes signed into law and then decided he can no longer carry through with the planned development and just coincidentally sells it to scientology — who can do anything? If the city then sought to rescind the changes scientology would scream religious discrimination and bias and likely sue the city again and win.
Scientology has engaged in far more complex and devious schemes than this to accomplish their ends.
The vehement denials, despite the email, are tell-tale signs there are things going on behind the scenes that the parties concerned do not want known. Why would the developer care about this story if he was NOT involved with scientology in some way? Why not just ignore it and make a simple public statement along the lines of “I don’t know anything about this supposed collusion. I think scientology is a cult” and carry on his merry way? Even in Clearwater, scientology created an elaborate scheme of front organizations and people to buy the Ft Harrison and Clearwater Bank building and denied their participation until the evidence was undeniable and they HAD to admit it.
The second thing that caught my eye is the involvement of Brian Andrus.
Tracey reports:
Since the purchases took off in 2019 in North Marina, companies tied to Scientology parishioners bought 66 parcels with $22 million in cash, the lion’s share of land in the 13 blocks around the boat ramp.
A company controlled by Brian Andrus, a developer and Scientology parishioner, built Marina Bay 880 on Osceola Avenue. The development features two towers that hug a private marina, with 87 luxury condos and amenities like an Olympic-sized pool and sauna.
The developer, Riley lives in a condo in that building:
“I wanted to lease a residence near the Marina District, and the unit was the only one I found that was available for lease,” Riley said.
In an interview last year, Riley confirmed he also took over construction management for eight unfinished townhomes being built next to the luxury condo towers, Marina Bay 880. Riley said the arrangement was part of the overall deal he reached with Ozsan to secure options to buy the remaining 55 parcels.
This is just TOO coincidental.
Why is Brian Andrus of interest? Because of his history as a Guardian’s Office operative. In fact, he was in charge of the Intelligence Bu of the GO for the entire US at one point and at other times over its Southeastern US operations. As part of those duties he was the case officer who ran Michael Meisner, the GO agent arrested inside the IRS who was held prisoner by the GO, eventually escaped, went to the FBI and gave them the evidence they needed to conduct the raid in 1977.
A leopard like Brian Andrus does not change his spots. You may have read the piece I did (US DOJ Scathing Takedown of Scientology) or watched the YouTube video about the stipulation of evidence in that case. If not, I recommend you check them out.
There is another extremely significant document from that criminal prosecution of scientology: STIPULATION OF EVIDENCE US V MSH
This document lays out all the facts the Govt and defendants agreed were undisputed in the case.
Here are some excerpts concerning Brian Andrus (why he was not indicted I don’t know). This is certainly not every instance of him being mentioned, but gives a flavor of who he is:
Following the removal of the defendant Richard Weigand from the position of Deputy Guardian for Information U.S. on approximately May 15, 1977, that position was assumed by Brian Andrus until June 16, 1977…
Then there are details about Andrus’ interaction with Meisner. Meisner, one of the two GO agents who had been arrested in the IRS, had been flown to LA from DC by the GO to keep him from surrendering to the FBI:
He also told Mr. Meisner that Brian Andrus would keep in constant contact with him and inform him of all new developments and solicit his views on all future matters. Heldt also promised Mr. Meisner that within six weeks the defendant Wolfe would enter his guilty plea and pave the way for Mr. Meisner’s surrender to Federal authorities in Washington, D.C. Mr. Andrus handed that letter to Mr. Meisner.
Mr. Andrus and United States. Deputy Guardian for Legal Bureau Mary Rezzonico gave the defendant Heldt’s letter to Mr. Meisner during a meeting they had at his apartment. At that meeting, Mr. Meisner told Mr. Andrus and Ms. Rezzonico that he did not believe it was necessary to enter a guilty plea. He preferred to return to the District of Columbia, surrender to the authorities, and go to trial putting the government to its burden as required by law. Mr. Meisner felt that in this manner he could challenge FBI Agent Hansen’s identification of him as one of the two persons she had confronted in the United States Courthouse in the District of Columbia.
On April 27, Mr. Andrus, following a meeting with Mr. Meisner, notified the defendant Weigand that Mr. Meisner was so concerned about the slowness of the Guardian’s Offices actions that Mr. Meisner intended on “leaving for either Canada or DC Saturday.”
On April 28, Ms. Rezzonico and Mr. Andrus, together with Jim Fiducia, Mr. Meisner’s auditor, visited Mr. Meisner at his Serrano Street apartment in order to convince him that it was not in his best interest to leave Los Angeles and return to the District of Columbia on his own. Mr. Meisner, however, was adamant that he would leave by April 30 unless he received assurances that the Wolfe situation in the District of Columbia would be resolved promptly.
On April 29, Mr. Andrus met with Mr. Meisner at Mr. Meisner’s South Serrano Street apartment and informed him that from that day on he would be placed under guard.
Mr. Meisner told Andrus that he would not accept the presence of guards. Mr. Meisner, also made it clear that if he were charged as a fugitive he would not enter a guilty plea. He complained that his whole situation had been mishandled by the Guardian’s Office and had resulted in his becoming a fugitive. He demanded that the defendant Heldt explain to him what action was being taken regarding his case. At the end of that meeting Mr. Andrus placed the guards outside Mr. Meisner’s apartment.
Southeast U.S. Secretary Brian Andrus and three guards, visited Mr. Meisner at approximately 2:15 a.m. on April 30. The defendant Weigand warned Mr. Meisner that he would no longer be permitted to make “demands and threats on the Church,” and “that he was to start becoming a decent, cooperative, contributing part of the venture and nothing else was to be tolerated.” With the guards’ assistance, the defendant Willardson searched Mr. Meisner’s apartment and personal property and removed any evidence connecting Mr. Meisner to the Church of Scientology. At approximately 6:30 a.m., the meeting concluded “with the guards in charge.”
On May 1, at approximately 6 p.m., Brian Andrus, Peeter Alvet, Information Bureau official Chuck Reese and two bodyguards visited Mr. Meisner and told him that he was to be moved to another apartment. Mr. Meisner refused to leave, threatening to cause a commotion if forced to do so. The two guards handcuffed him behind his back, gagged him and dragged him out of the building. Outside, they forced him onto the back floor of a waiting car. In the car one of the guards held Mr. Meisner down with his feet. Mr. Meisner was taken to an apartment which he later learned was located at 3219 Descanso Drive, in Los Angeles, California. After Messrs. Andrus and Alvet left, three guards remained in the apartment with Mr. Meisner.
In the meantime, Brian Andrus, on May 31, had ordered the defendant Raymond to find a “secured” place for Meisner to stay if and when he returned from Las Vegas. He suggested “a place where he could be locked in a room that has no or a very small window” and where he would have “no outside contact”.
Brian Andrus is a scientologist in good standing who is part of the master plan to take over Clearwater. He literally kidnapped a federal witness and concocted a scheme to lie to the authorities about him.
As the US Justice Department said in their sentencing memorandum, the scientologists involved in these activities had no regard for the law, had provided false testimony to a Grand Jury, had kidnapped a witness and much more.
Lying to the media (“Chaos Merchants” according to Hubbard) for the benefit of scientology is not a question in the mind of any scientologist. There isn’t even any potential criminal charge for doing so. Andrus was willing to put himself in jeopardy of going to federal prison to further the objectives of scientology. Lying to media is nothing. It’s just what they do — see Why Do Scientologists Lie blog post and YouTube video.
Ben Shaw’s name is put on a letter, clearly written by Miscavige, that is a perfect example of “always attack, never defend.” The denials in this letter are meaningless. They no doubt hire lawyers and PI’s as intermediaries and use front men like Brian Andrus and others to give them plausible deniability — “the church knows nothing.”
There is more going on here than meets the eye. Once again, Tracey McManus has exposed more of the real truth about scientology in Clearwater.
My YouTube video on this:
My favourite bit is the part in capitals, italics, bold AND underlined…. hahaha I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, even on Trumps verbal diarrhoea!
This plot would have originally been hatched around the peak of the “Chase wave” when Scientology had money rolling in from credit scams. But after that went bust, and the pandemic, it seems like a stretch for them even to manage open a renovated local org “church” building or two after 3 or 4 years, when they had an average of a couple of “openings” a year before that.
Does Scientology even have the ability to pull something major off anymore (how long did just the “Super Power” building take), especially now that their cover for this ruse has been blown? And aren’t the professional real estate investors roped into buying properties, likely to start getting antsy about having their money tied up unproductively for so long?
Very interesting data, Mike. Quick question if I may: What land use laws would Riley/as cult buyer/frontman need to get changed before making his excuses, bowing out and flipping the parcel(s) over to the cherch?
Mike I posted this yesterday but it didn’t take for some reason: Never mind on this question as it was answered in the article itself.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: The goals of Scientology.
I can answer those questions for you and SP Mike Rinder. The answer is:
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
Your little group is the only hope for a sane society?
You’re not even sane yourselves!
No love at all,
Kick ass, Alco 🙂
Always do!
By the way, you might want to watch the latest episode of Last week Tonight, apart from the Mickey Mouse piece, just for the last few seconds of the show after the credits.
Hey, I was about to post that!!
I love John Oliver😊
The cult stance is hypocritical to the most casual observer. On the one hand they say that anything said against them is bigotry and a witch hunt. On the other hand, they call those not in the cult WOGs, which we all know is a derogatory term and not just an average human. If you were in the cult but got out and you speak against them, you are not speaking from experience but are a terrible suppressive person. That is one step below a demon as far as I can tell. It seems to be worse than being a WOG but I am not sure.
It is okay for us to use derogatory labels for people but you cannot say one work against us. Yeah, hypocritical to the highest.
Mormonism isn’t much different. It’s okay for the Mormons to call other Christian churches false and apostate but if you question the ‘restored gospel’, then it’s persecution.
I wonder if Riley is being used more than he realizes. The e-mail says he “would ‘get to tell the truth while looking like a white knight coming from an outside market’,” which seems to imply that scientologists intended to keep him in in the dark about what was really going on – typical compartmentalization of information going back to old Guardian Office operations, if not earlier.
I will be interested to see if he even stays on after this has been exposed, whether it is either a wakeup call for him about how deviously Scientology really operates, or his cover having been blown so as to leave him unable to pull off what had been planned. Regardless, hopefully whatever the CofS was trying to pull off covertly, now fails.
The GO spy bureau personnel acted like characters straight out of central casting, and from those I knew, they took pride in being so. I’m guessing Andrus continued his staff antics once leaving the cult’s employ partly from being purpose-driven, but also because he had to perform penance in order to be granted permission to do services steps on the way to the highest spiritual ranks of OT. Part of a person’s penance program in such instances is also to do major course training in order to be allowed on the path of OT levels. I recall that Brian did a lot of training including the longest training course, St. Hill Special Briefing Course, which it appears he didn’t complete until 2010 and then he didn’t complete the highest personal spiritual advancement, OT VIII, until 2015. His added time in this spiritual progression was not due to lacking the money to pay for it as he has been a successful businessman. Thus, one is led to believe he had a penance program he had to do. He obviously is still purpose-driven, but wonder if penance has been engrained in him as a permanent activity.
The evidence is overwhelming that Brian Anus has been heavily involved in scientology’s shenanigans.
May 15, 1977: the removal of Richard Weigand.
Circa Jun 1, 1977: a Body Router introduced me to scientology at the Salt Lake City Mission.
June 16, 1977: Brian Anus steps into Weigand’s seat.
If only the U.S. government had shut those bastards down.
P.S. Are Richard Weigand and Janet Weigand related (I’m thinking I have her name correct here)?
My take is that COB dictated that letter, with specific words deleted and slurred words completed.
Sure sounds like this “comm” is coming from a major real estate developer – NOT 🙂
I doubt that any developer with his own authentic vision for this property would respond in writing with such pearl clutching histrionics. Instead of being angry and offended, the tone of the response would be cool, businesslike, and factual, with emphasis on the benefits that his plans for the property would bring to Clearwater. If Riley were for real he would merely clarify his position in a businesslike manner and disclaim all connection to the Church of Scientology and deny the accusation of his being a front man for their property acquisitions.
Mike, never mind that land use question I just asked as it is answered in the Tampa Bay article itself which I hadn’t read. The Riley plan is essentially for high end luxury high rise development of those parcels with land use rules changed to accommodate same.
And my bad, the pearl clutching is coming from Co$’s Ben Shaw, not Rodney Riley.
And the denials from both the cult and the developer are true if one parses the language very carefully. Legally, their denials are true.
But at the same time quite disingenuous.
” There no connection…there is no relationship ..there has been no communication between…” Undoubtedly true!
I mean, of COURSE there IS not, nor has there EVER been NOR WILL THERE EVER BE any DIRECT connection written or verbal between CO$ and this developer Rodney Riley.
Note the “No Comment” responses from both Epstein and Andrus with regard to questions posed to THEM concerning their participation in these prospective sales.
I pity poor Clearwater, who are enjoined from dealing with such liars appropriately. They lie consistently, though. I’ll give them that: That they’re well-drilled in TR-L AND have their stories — “acceptable truths” straight, from one to the next. Civilized justice assumes that people who swear to tell the truth WILL tell the truth, so the justice system is crippled. It’s only if scientology makes a crucial mistake that true justice can be served. scientologists, particularly those participating in a “caper” such as this, have been so solid coached in what scientology’s version or “truth” is that they know no different, and their jobs are so “vital” that they won’t step out of line lest they be accused of scientology’s version of high crimes and misdemeanors, which would ruin their scientology “career” AND their “eternity” for the next billion years.
After the disbanding of the Guardian’s Office, Brian Andrus was pulled into RTC as a recruiter. I think this was under Vicky Aznaran’s reign. He’s as hard core as can be. In his mind lying (not only to the media) is totally okay when it’s “for the greatest good”. He and his wife are of course also IAS donors: Gold Meritorious With Honors (about $1.75 million).
Yes, he was in RTC under Vicki — along with a number of other ex-GO Intel people, including Warren McShane, who remains there to this day as “President” because of his skills as a liar.
Please sir, don’t allow them to replace the Sandcastle. That is where I got more drunk at the 81 bosun’s party than I have been in this life after drinking a bottle and a half of Bacardi 151 proof rum. Although I admit; openly, that I have a bottle of 151 proof Everclear next to me and could down it all before I finish this sentence.
Fortunately or unfortunately for the cult, I am not a quarter as suicidal as I was then.
I still would still like I planned in 83,like to jump off the roof of the FH though.
What are the odds of me making it to the 10th floor?
Maybe one of you could assist me. You could probably get your SP declare cancelled if you assisted me to self- terminate.After all, you would be forwarding Command Intention. What could be wrong with that?
Mike, I have info…How can I talk to you?
click on “contact me” at top of blog home page