See earlier Terra Cognita: Scientology’s Only Hope… maybe, We Deliver What We Promise, Getting Emotional, Intention, Clear Schmear, Do Not Evaluate for the Preclear, The E-Meter, The Is-Ness of Is-Ness, Cause Over Life — Really?, BT’s in the Belfry, Two New Conditions!, The Condition of Liabilitiness, Condition of Doubtfulness The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC’s Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don’t FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown – The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology… Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
Exteriorization in Scientology
L. Ron Hubbard regularly bandied about the concept of exteriorization. He defined “going exterior” as, “the fellow would just move out, away from the body and be aware of himself as independent of a body but still able to control and handle the body.”
He defined exteriorization as, 1. “the state of the thetan, the individual himself, being outside this body. When this is done, the person achieves a certainty that he is himself and not his body;” and 2. “the phenomenon of being in a position or space dependent upon only one’s consideration, able to view from that space the body and the room as it is. That is exteriorization. One can view the body or control the body from a distance.”
One of the allures of LRH was how he made the extraordinary seem so simple—and so possible to attain. And so Western. You didn’t have to spend six years on a mountain top in Tibet. You just plunked down your cash and paid for your salvation the good old American way. “Exteriorization? Not a problem! Just decide to move out of your body and, bingo! It’s as simple as that. Nothing could be more natural. I’ve been doing it for years. Not a big deal, really. It’s just a decision.”
Another Big Carrot
Having the ability to go exterior is one of the larger carrots dangled in front of Scientologists to entice them up the Bridge. Who doesn’t want the ability to fly through the air invisibly, independent of his funky old body?
Being exterior is the equivalent of having the kind of super powers one reads about in DC or Marvel comic books. And the great thing is, you don’t have to have been bitten by a spider, exposed to massive doses of radiation, or have been born on Krypton!
Going exterior is an almost Holy Grail for Scientologists, who shell out thousands and thousands of dollars to achieve this lofty state of existence.
Good News, Bad News
The good news is you went exterior! The bad news is you need the Interiorization Rundown! Apparently, exteriorization is a very unstable state of being and people freak-out and can’t wait to get back in their bodies. So they can go exterior again.
Having “out-Int” is like being stuck in a mini-non-interference zone. You must handle your “Int” before continuing on the bridge. Please see the registrar.
According to LRH, there are different levels of exteriorization depending on the number of perceptics one possesses when operating outside his body. For instance, a person can go exterior with “full” perceptics, meaning he’s able to see, hear, feel, and sense virtually everything. Or he can feel “semi-exterior,” without any of the classic perceptions associated with leaving the body.
This quasi-out-of- body sensation allows people to rationalize they’ve gone exterior when in fact, they’re just keyed-out and feeling big and expansive.
The concept of a thetan bopping around outside of his body without all of his perceptics is contradictory to what a thetan is. Thetans are spiritual entities without matter, energy, space, or time. A non-seeing, non-hearing, non-omniscient thetan operating outside the body is a rationalization for a state of existence that doesn’t exist.
And we’re to believe this contradiction will resolve when one reaches OT 7? Or OT 8, 9, or 10? That is the hope. That is the aforementioned carrot.
Euphoria vs. Exteriorization
If people aren’t really going exterior like they think they are, what’s going on?
Many misinterpret sensations of euphoria, exhilaration, or the release from emotional trauma for the fabled state of exteriorization. Some perceive changes in their environment—it looks brighter all of a sudden!—and think they’re exterior when in reality they’ve just opened their eyes after a prolonged period of introversion.
Still others mistake the extroverting effect of taking a walk, as described in Problems of Work, as going exterior.
There have been many studies in which subjects were induced by one means or another to feel they’d left their bodies. (I won’t waste your time with a slew of links but just Google it. I did.) Many people think they’re exterior when they aren’t.
Imagination and group agreement play large roles in the belief of exteriorization, too. If one can translate what he’s seeing to a mock-up in his mind, he can believe he’s outside of his body. This belief is strengthened by others’ stories of going exterior. Scientologists are quick to relate the times they went exterior due to a process or something they’d read or some other “transcendent” experience (like DM walking on stage at the release of GAT II).
It doesn’t take much for Scientologists to believe they’re exterior—especially ones drunk on Kool-Aid.
Science vs. Scientology
If true exteriorization was so easily attained and had been achieved by so many, thousands of videos and scientific studies would exist validating the experience. Could anything be easier to prove?
Tom picks out a card from a deck and holds it up so Sally can’t see its face. Sally goes exterior, swoops around and looks at the card, returns to her body, and tells Tom what card he’s holding. The Ace of Spades! YouTube should be teeming with videos of people performing amazing feats while exterior—and they should be as common as the ones from Chris Shelton and Leah Remini.
Laboratories all around the world should have files and files of experiments demonstrating exteriorization is real, that people leave their bodies all the time, able to do all sorts of crazy things.
The CIA, MI6, and the Mossad should have whole divisions of exterior soldiers flying all over the world spying and gathering evidence. Except for dropping the occasional bomb in the Middle East, who would need drones? (Don’t try to tell me these organizations really do have legions of these people, because the magnitude of such an actuality could never be kept secret.)
And what about LRH? If anyone had the capacity to go exterior at will, it should have been him. If he was able to practice what he preached, he wouldn’t have needed a ship and a crew in his Mission into Time. Nor would he have needed so many messengers to communicate back and forth with people.
If going exterior is standard Scientology tech, why hasn’t Golden Era Studios produced a film on the subject? With so many OTs in the Sea Org, demonstrating leaving the body would be a cinch. Making a film on going exterior shouldn’t be any harder than making one on how to read an e-meter and should be standard training for all auditors. I can just imagine the special effects they’d use to show the thetan leaving the body.
Not to worry, though. I’m sure LRH already wrote the script and it just got lost in the closet.
Last Words
One can either fully operate outside of his body—like a real thetan—or exteriorization is a dream.
If anyone reading this is able to go exterior with full perceptics, then please tap me on the shoulder and whisper in my ear, “Happy Holidays, TC.” I’ll be the one wearing the ugly, red sweater sitting in the corner of the Starbucks at State and 9th.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
I know this is old, but —
Some of this description of “exteriorization” sounds like it would max out points on the dissociative experiences assessment scale. Like, I learned how to do that as a little kid, as a matter of necessity, and it’s taken me a shit-ton of therapy to un-learn it so I can live a somewhat normal life.
If I encountered this entirely independent of Scientology or any purported belief system, someone just said “hey, I’m taking these classes and the end goal is learning how to do this!” I would freak. the. hell. out. In my experience, the only people who want to deliberately induce and and then normalize states of dissociation are people who do really awful things to your body while you’re not in it.
Excellent. Very well said. I have to admit I have had numerous experiences I deemed out of body experiences throughout my life. But, whether they were real or imagination I only know I felt they were helpful in learning about what I call my true Self. These type of powers are spoken of in length in Patanjali and other yogic texts. However with that said I never had any sense of having control of this and feel very differently today then in 1970 when this is what I was promised but never obtained. Fortunately though decades of meditation and lots of other personal healing I know I have the freedom of living in peace each day that is what I really desired!
This has been one of the very best posts I’ve seen on ANY blog. The comments have been varied and spectacular. Thanks to all, pro or con.
About 25 years ago I was in Greece. I drank a bottle of ouzo and immediately fell asleep in my tent. When I woke up I was nice and comfy in my sleeping bag but about 20m from my tent, which was all correctly secured from the inside. To this day, I’m convinced extra terrestrials beamed me up, took sexual liberties with my body, and placed me back down on terra firma.
Yes, such things happen in Greece especially when you are dealing with ouzo. You are not the only one. I can attest to that since I am Greek.
Exteriorization was indeed a big carrot for me.
Having completed a dianetics workshop, I was auditing a young woman on book 1, when suddenly she exteriorized with full perceptions. That was very real to me, moreover she did not know anything about Dianetics or Scientology, so that was not the product of a former indoctrination.
That fueled my determination to advance in Scientology in order to reach similar abilities.
But it never happened to me in 15 years of training and auditing.
This thread is very interesting as that is a kind of survey about the experiences of scientologists in this area.
Exteriorization is achieved also in Buddhism in a variety of ways. For example the practice of Samadhi (mental calm), or Dream Yoga.
The Dalai-lama once talked about Dream Yoga, explaining that when doing this practice the person is out of his body. One of the purposes is to encounter Buddhas and get direct teachings from them. He concluded his lecture with a joke, saying that Dream Yoga is a perfect spying technique 🙂
I went exterior while the middle east was burning, hundreds
of thousands were killed all over the planet in the name of
God, the oceans were polluted beyond help, the ice was
rapidly melting, the storms were coming more frequently
and the ozone was dying. Scientology and priorities, bah!
Thanks for pointing out and reminding us that exteriorization with full percetion was the golden carrot dangling just out of reach. Sure we all experienced some lesser state that we called ‘exteriorization’. But as you noted, evidence of anyone achieving actual exteriorization with full perception is greatly lacking.
If Scientology was an honest effort to make spritual freedom obtainable, then the various states that peope do obtain would be studied and catalogued…in a scientific manner. The church’s coffers would be spent on meticulous research instead of self promoting events and pr.
Of course many persons and groups have studied and catalogued the various states of being that come about from meditation, metal processes, triumphant exertions or just sponaniously for no reason.
An interesting collection of such moments of extraordinary experieces, exalted wakefulness, etc. as recorded by great men and women throughout history is in a book called The Supreme Awakening by Craig Pearson. Although Pearson is promoting Transendental Meditation as the way to such states, he has assembled a few hundred honest accounts by famous poets, politicians, sports stars and writers, both ancient and contemporary. I found the telling of these experiences useful to unfix any remaining attention on that one golden carrot, and helpful to take a broader view.
off topic:
well well well!
There is no “exterior with full perceptics”. Material objects cannot be perceived without sensory instruments. This is because material objects aren’t anything but particle waves until they are ‘interpreted’ by a sensory system as an identifiable object. Without those sensory instruments there is nothing experienceable in the way of objects of perception.
This may sound like a mechanistic materialist point of view but I’m one of those “spiritual” types who says, “consciousness is the sole constituent of the universe.” That doesn’t mean there exists a magic that trumps the laws that make all of this possible. That which would wield such magic is itself a product of those natural laws and can do no other thing but operate within their auspices.
During Op-Pro by Dup, I exteriorized with full perceptions and have no doubt about it in my mind. I haven’t been able to duplicate that, to the extent it happened, but it happened … for sure. It’s one of the reasons I stayed in as long as I did. It is one of 3 life-changing experiences I can attributed to Scientology over the 16 years I was involved. I’d love to say I could exteriorize on demand, but the fact that it happened at all opened a whole new world to me.
During Op Pro by Dup, I insisted one of the two objects be a gun.
Robin the same thing happened to me only it was on one of the other Objective Processes. I had full perception and it was so cool that I purposefully didn’t tell the auditor for a while cuz I knew she’d end session. And that is what kept me in Scn too, wanting to duplicate that experience again and do it at will. Never got the “at will” part totally in though.
David Miscavige says that there are 11,000 orgs, millions of new Scientologists and 100,000s of people being helped by Narconon, so he must be exteriorizing to another galaxy or century. Or maybe just lying.
I am not the kind of person to talk about people or make excuses and I say this as not boast but:
David Miscavige is most likely lying as
A. Some people actually do believe him
B. Some people pretend they believe him
In any case who is the winner, the person that lies? the person that believes lies? the person that makes believe lies are true?
That is the scope of the Church of Scientology today and that is not much of a winning number if you aske me. 🙂
It happened to me twice during auditing (it only lasted for a few seconds) and is one of the reasons I stayed as long as I did.
“The CIA, MI6, and the Mossad should have whole divisions of exterior soldiers flying all over the world spying and gathering evidence.”
Reminded me of a really good book about a group that “goes exterior” at will during WWII to fight Hitler read “Lammas Night” by Katherine Kurtz. I got it many many years ago and have re-read it several times. Still one of my favorite sci-fi books of all time.
And still available at Amazon and other book outlets.
One of Dennis Wheatley’s thrillers (written perhaps 70 years ago) has Hitler sending sorcerer-types exteriorising out in to the universe to read the enemy’s secret documents — I see to remember them reading at some point the secret charts in or of a submarine).
Unlike most other religions whose claims of eternal spiritual life and transcendent realms of being are reserved for the afterlife, $cn makes the huge mistake of making objectively verifiable claims about what a Good Scientologist can attain in this very lifetime, in terms of the attainment of some truly astonishing superhuman spiritual powers. As TC and so many others have noted before, if any of these truly awesome “abilities gained” on the old grade chart were real, then the world would be at $cn’s door, all clamoring to get in and go up the bridge so that they too could exteriorize at will and with full perceptics. It’s a fabulous pipe dream vision…too bad that no one (NOT ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL) has ever demonstrated that they had attained any of these truly superhuman powers.
The feeling of being detached from your body is a fairly common one and can be achieved in a variety of different ways, ranging from huffing glue to spending years in meditative practice. I’ve experienced it myself, through several of those varied means, including auditing. Some of my earliest experiences of feeling detached from my body occurred when I was a young child and had a number of painful and very terror-inducing surgeries. Later on, I experienced a kind of oceanic expansiveness of being while under the influence of mescaline. Then finally, I popped right out of my head during some early auditing experiences and thought that I had indeed finally found a systematic set of procedural steps that would ultimately enable me to control and effectively utilize what I now had begun to conceptualize, not just as a feeling of being detached, but of actually having separable existence from my body.
Too bad it didn’t last and really too bad that, instead of actually attaining volitional control over exteriorization and the return of abilities that I could learn to perform without a body and at a distance, my early experiences in auditing were as good as it ever got. At some point in time, the very logical thought occurred to me that if the claimed super powers that were supposedly standardly achievable on the OaTy levels were real, then someone (anyone) would surely have been able to demonstrate them in an objective manner. Indeed, if $cn was 100% effective when correctly delivered, then there should be lots and lots of these superhuman beings. And further, what could possibly be a better advertisement for the efficacy of $cn’s spiritual technology or a boon to clearing the planet than the unambiguous demonstration of those attained superpower abilities? In short: If it works as claimed, then why not shout it from the rooftops!?
All I can say there is don’t (DO NOT) have that or any kind of similar thought if you wish to remain in $cn, because if you do it will eat away at you – quietly, and at a subconscious level – until you will never be able to NOT have it and you will NEVER AGAIN be the kind of uncritical, unquestioning True Believer that the cult demands that you continue to be. In other words, whether under your own power or by getting the boot by the cult, you WILL find yourself on the outside looking in because, very simply, the feeling of being detached from your body is just that, a feeling. It’s novel and intriguing – like phantom limb syndrome – but it is NOT proof of your essential spiritual nature, nor is it a stably attainable state from within which you can actually do anything.
Of course, if there are any OaTys out there who actually do feel that they can demonstrate those super spiffy suppa powerz, then let’s put it to the test, k?
Thanks for filling in the gaps.
My pleasure! Thank you for the series of critical essays on so many of the key aspects of $cn. Discussions like the ones that we’ve had here on those topics would never be allowed within the cult, which should tell folks all they need to know about it right there.
As for third party confirmed OT’s, that could deliver, Pat Price, Hal Puthoff, and Ingo Swann. It is my opinion that III, VII, IIIa were altered(processes on VII were removed), to lower intention.
Curious what they could deliver in your view?
Just a tip for the good folks still picking up the cans…if you find yourself in an unbearable auditing situation (all a matter of time), one quick step to the exit door, tell your auditor “I’ve just gone exterior!” and put on a shit-eating grin. Your auditor will say “Thank you very much – End of Session!”
Then all you have to do is find the exit and never look back.
Hahahaha…your subversive, snarky ass J&Ding has been duly noted and filed away for future reference!
The only thing that I’ve ever achieved in the way of stable exteriorization with full knowingness, is my exteriorization from the cult. I know with absolute certainty that I’ll never go back in, and that is perhaps my biggest win of all related to it 😉 And yes, yes indeed, I WOULD want others to have the same gains that I’ve attained there 😉
Now that’s the best way to go! Wish I’d thought of that! That’s slick…
Here’s my take on it. Exteriorization versus dissociation.
Exteriorization is well explained by dissociation particularly depersonalization. In psychology the out of body feeling is a response to trauma.
It can be recreated with drugs, sensory deprivation and virtual reality experiments. Even hypnosis has it and that is where Hubbard found out how to induce dissociation.
Experiments with neuroscience strongly support this view.
This thing called, “disassociation” is just the realization of the truth that the body/mind you think you are and the world surrounding it are just thought forms and lack the substantiality you once thought they had. Depending on factors I will blessedly decline to enumerate, the experience can be terrifying or blissful. I know this personally.
If it is associated with hallucinations it is called “psychosis”. But if it is just a “sense of detachment”, it’s quite normal. In fact, those who experience ‘disassociation’ are experiencing reality more accurately. If they can understand it for what it is it’s liberating.
Scientology TR’s are modified tantric practices which effect this experience. People experience it all the time.
I experienced it for several hours once after slipping and falling on my ass on stage in front of an audience.
And another time when Denise Thornberry unexpectedly kissed me.
I once went exterior after about 120 hours of Op Pro By Dup.
Or was I just hallucinating by that point?
This is a topic of great interest to me. Thanks, Terra! I quite enjoyed this article 🙂
I went exterior with full perception. It was not during session. I was extremely interested in the subject and i read lots of metirial on this not only LRH but Robert Monroe ( a big no no reading other material…).
What happend to me was astoneshing. I remember trying very hard to have an out of body experience and not secseeding at all. This was months trying. After i gave up it happened spontaneously… I was floating in the room i was the size of the room not seeing through my eyes.
The light was very srong and there where like energy feelds around objects, There was a strong supersonic sound. The feeling was of complete happiness and i was floting upward when i realised what was happening i panicked and in an instance was sucked back into my body…. It was the most liberating experience i had ever had… The whole incident took about 2 seconds but that changed my life forever. I knew i was not my body. I am no longer afraid of death. It was a peek into my true self. It was frightening i wont lie, but it truly changed my perception on reincarnation, spirituality, immortality and gave me hope.
The interesting thing is it happend because i wanted to very badly not becouse of a prosses.
Anyone can have an OEB!!! there are many explanations on youtube.
I had a few more during my life. Not as vivid as the first one. I have descoverd something interesting. At least in my experience i believe we go exterior every time we sleep. About 3 feet above our bodies. But our mind is sleeping so if you can become awake during your sleep or be awake while the brain is in alfah state you will have proof of this amazing phenomenon. I recomend watching youtube tutorials on Out of body experiences and how too’s it really is not hard. It takes practice, bravory (as it can be overwhelming discovering for real you are something other then your body).
It also takes patience.
Concerning OT abilities i.e moving objects and other stuff…well i have not experienced that. But OBEs are relatively easy to attain. Knowing its simpler and in no way will harm you or you will lose your body ( you cannot while you are alive there is a asteral like interbody connecting you ) experiment dont be afraid.
Well i have gotten much invalidation even from seicnologists on this. Made fun of, people said i dream it/on drugs…you name it. Its not easy telling this as its very personal but Nothing can change what i had experienced. I am sharing this now as i want people to know thay can achieve this quite easily, with no expense just keep learning about it and experiment with it.
No one has a monopoly on truth. Not Scientology, nor any other body of knowledge. Look up OBE on youtube.
Thanks very much for sharing your experience.
You mentioned Bob Monroe; he was the one who wrote the book *Journeys out of the Body* and brought much greater awareness to the subject of OOB (exteriorization). He trained two scientists in exchange for them using scientific protocol to study the subject, and they kept records of everything.
One of them was the NASA physicist Tom Campbell. He was open-minded but sceptical and still wondered if it was true after a year of OOB experiences. Then one day they did an experiment where he and the other scientist (Dennis Mennerich) planned to meet each other in a specific place. They did so and communicated with each other telepathically. The two of them were in separate sound-proof chambers and there was no possible way they could have communicated in a physical way.
While exteriorized, they were both using their physical bodies to speak into a recording device and describe what they were perceiving and what they were saying to each other. After the session was over, Bob Monroe played the recordings for them and the data matched completely. Tom said that for the first time he knew that it was real and he was utterly amazed at the implications. After that he wrote book titled *My Big TOE* (theory of everything), in which he explains how consciousness is the only “real” entity. He has millions of followers around the world and there are hundreds of youtube videos of him giving lectures and interviews.
thanks, an ex says…
interesting that it happened to you after you stopped trying hard to exteriorize.
I once while trying to conceive of a static had this feeling of NO time and after that I could just feel in a state I cannot even describe. i was not exterior but I could tell being different from the body… I could have space. I could even say things would happen and they did. I could predict things (not anything too big) to a point it got kind of weird and annoying and at a staff meeting I remember I decided to undo the whole thing. Fron that point it just vanished.
I’ve had similar expeiences Theo. They are real.
Τhanks Brian,
Ok. Let’s talk a bit here in a quiet corner of this blog. I really understand that exteriorization IS a big issue and the fact that it has not been achieved to a satisfying degree within Scientology and in the upper levels is a case in point.
However, and without knowing how the Tech is being applied in upper levels I can say that my wins are real and not a fantasy.
Even in wordclearing I could feel more light around me each time I would get the right concept. Many wins on assists. Recently I gave a contact assist in less than 2 minutes and the pain in the finger of that waitress was totally gone.
Yes, exteriorization is an issue. But maybe all things before that are not in place so that it can be achieved easily or at least in a standard way.
Anyway, my wins are real as you are saying and I hope more will come out here and say this because we are heading to the other direction now and I don’t know who or what is going to stop all this that is going on around the globe.
I agree. I am not of the opinion that all Scientology is bunk. Anytime we want to learn we do. We can learn and have realizations anywhere, anytime, about anything, with anyone.
Learning and cogniting on knowledge and new perceptions is our native state. It’s what we do as sentient beings. It’s what we love to do. Ever expanding knowledge and new perceptions is inevitable when we are curious, and apply the disciplines that put us in a position to be receptive to that knowledge.
Going within to look at the mind can bring very enlightening experiences.
It is my experience that it can be an uphill climb to convince people that Scientology is good for you because there is so much harmful and ignorance producing doctrines.
It’s like eating apples out of a barrel and every other apple has a worm. At some point, no matter how good the good apples are you’d want to move to another barrel and just say,”this barrel has too much crap apples. It’s a crap barrel.
Also, Ron did not sell Scientology as a place to have nice realizations about this or that.
He sold us Total Cause ever Matter Energy Space and Time, subjective and objective.
He sold us stable exterior with full perception. People did not spend hundreds of thousand to help people heal a bruise by touch assists.
Or even a once or twice in a life time out of body experience. People have these in a car accident or in an operation.
He sold us an absolute: Total Freedom…….period!
So just because you or I, or anyone, left the body and experienced an ecstatic sublime experience once or twice is still not what Ron sold.
And in that regard Scientology is a failure because it did not produce what was promised.
Total liberation can only be learned from a liberated being. A spiritual master.
My favorite saying at the moment sums it up:
“You can’t learn weight loss from the fat man”
What’s true is true. It doesn’t matter where we learn truth from. If it’s true it’s true.
There are some wonderful things in Scientology. But there are also some mighty worm ridden apples. Dangerous disease ridden apples.
And because of that observable reality, Scientology as a subject is equated with infamy. That is the fault of the founder and his writings.
It is not the fault of those who complain about the bad apples. It’s the guy who put the apples in the barrel.
A little off topic but pertinent. I just saw a beautiful movie called ‘Lion’. After watching it, I realized how completely destructive it is for anyone to be involved in the breaking up of families. I salute and celebrate anyone taking responsibility for ending this most inhumane practice..
I forgot the women’s name who is suing for enforced abortion, (Laura something) but she responded to my criticism of the evil doctrine “the GE is a family man” and how it denigrates the sacred bonds of love between family and relegates that bond to a delusional psychotic genetic ghost.
She verified my view by telling me that those who were wanting her to abort her baby made her read that piece of shit by that demonic freak (sorry, need to meditate more :-)) and trying to convince her that her urge for motherhood came from this GE.
Then another women chimed in about how her husband was being abusive and telling her that all of this emotional stuff about family was from that same writing.
Believe the GE is a family man doctrine is up there in Hubbard’s top ten evil influences on the sacred bonds of family.
I’m sure DM uses it to justify his tearing apart families.
Pure evil, beyond a doubt.
Agreed Brian. The GE is another one of Hubbard’s delusional constructs. Too bad those still in can’t see it as such, but then again, when I was in I also accepted it as gospel. So good to be out and give my mind the exercise it needs!
Brian: I like your analogy about the barrel of apples. So true.
That’s what got Eve into all that trouble.
Thank you Terra. And thank you so much for your contribution. I know it helps many to rethink some of these imprinted fixed and life damaging ideas.
Thank you❤️??❤️️??
Awesome thread. Validated some of my own thoughts/observations…not that validation should be necessary, but …thanks!
Very nice to read such experiences, similar to mine. We are far more unique than “science” has ever understood. But that is changing…oh so slowly. And just think of the possibility of many people having such experiences and simply not wanting to talk about it? We’ll never know it all.
Reading the posst here, brings back some fun memories.
I remember driving a couple of SO members around Palm Springs back in the late 80s. They were in the backseat of my car, and I kept turning around to talk to them. One of them was getting very nervous because I didn’t have my eyes on the road. The other one said, don’t worry about it she’s OT (I most certainly wasn’t). I was telling them about the location of Gold Base, because I’ve driven by there. It’s close to Palm Springs and I was curious about it. They were VERY interested, because they didn’t have a clue as to its location.
Another fun memory was from the early 80s right after the Int Finance Police descended on the mission where I was working on staff. One of the finance police was a Scottish guy that talked like he had a mouth full of oatmeal. Everyone was terrified because they could hardly understand a little bastard and he was screaming orders left and right along with threatening everyone. The cocky little fuck was going around bragging about his ability to exteriorize. He said he hadn’t yet completed OT III but he had had a VERY good Int Rundown. I almost witnessed his permanent exteriorization when he choked on some food in a restaurant. None of us seated at the table made any attempt to help him. As a side note, he was eating a luxurious meal while the rest of us had coffee we could barely afford. I always wondered what became of him. Hopefully he isn’t choking on kool-aid these days.
Oh gosh. When you have gone exterior – it’s post’s and comments like these that seem so much like a blind person denying the existence of color. It has been researched, some people can do it, there is documentation. But it, like much other Psi phenomena, is treated like a Republican’s view of man causing climate change – no F’ing way.
I grant you that many can’t do it, but that doesn’t mean no one can. Here’s an example – A friend of mine was outside of his body, dreaming when he became aware the mirror on the ceiling was coming loose. He rolled his body aside just as it fell and destroyed itself on his bed where he had just lain. He was not a Scientologist.
It was not a coincidence. Don’t bother posting theories that can explain it away – I have heard them all. You don’t have to believe or disprove it. He truly believes it happened the way i described it. You can write it off as a subjective experience if you wish.
I wholly agree they use it as a carrot, and wrongly so, because they can not make it happen on demand. Par for their course.
YES, Mimsey!
Total Freedom, subjective and objective; total cause.
Stable exterior with full perception; at will
That was the original marketed attainment that Ron said was attainable. The sales pitch was all you had to do was get on the bridge and these states would be yours.
The truth is and was that L Ron Hubbard did not attain these states himself. But we all thought that Mr. Elightened Buddha did attain these. So we trusted him and deditacted our lives to this goal, knowing that we were working for this state for all mankind. That was the greater good we served.
And we, the naive but sincere seekers, sacrificed our precious time and lives to help the world.
As a person who left in 82 but continued on this quest for spiritual liberation, I found that the goal that Ron postulated was a real goal. It was a goal centuries old that has its inception, some scholars and adepts say, in the ancient texts of India: the Vedas.
I believe Ron knew about Paramahansa Yogananda because one of Ron’s friends, that he met at Parsons place, took him all around LA to all of the metaphysical centers that were around.
Yoganada’s centers were established in 1925 and he was all the rage in LA, with the elite jet set old Hollywood crowd: Greta Garbo and many many more.
Paramahansa Yogananda published his first addition of Autobiography of a Yogi in 1945. In that book are multiple stories of liberated yogis who had these powers that Ron drooled over to attain.
Someone told me, or I read, that Ron signed up for the bi monthly lessons that Yogananda sent by mail. I have been a student of those lessons for many decades.
Here is some circumstantial evidence that, to me, suggest strongly that Ron studied and learned from Yogananda and wanted to create his own money making center:
In the lessons that Yogananda wrote, way before Ron hit the scene, are these two ideas:
( I have these lessons and have read this myself)
1) the last physical perception to leave at death is hearing
2) Yogananda defines the soul as the awareness of awareness
Think about that.
If you read the book Autobiography of a Yogi you will read about all of the states and powers that Ron postulated and sold to us. I have no doubt that he studied Yogananda as his centers gave weekly lectures at their churches all over Southern Cal.
It is also very interested that Hollywood Temple is right across the street from BIg Blue.
That is were I got married and learned so much.
The tragedy of Ron’s betrayal, in my view, is that because of this betrayal, most now see the whole spiritual thing as bunk and a pipe dream. That is sad and the result of this betrayal.
If you want to know where Ron got these ideas from read Autobiography of a Yogi. This is not a sales pitch. It is simply a logical expression that tries to connect some dots.
The goal of liberation from the body is real. Many have attained it. Ron did not. But he created a business that used our innate sense, intuitional soul awareness, that life has a deep purpose, that life has a spiritual purpose. And we, like magnets, gravitated to his hypnotic and sometimes wonderful articulations and processes.
We ate it up. But what he fed us was betrayal because he sold us states of being and awareness that he had not attained.
So my prayer and my purpose for being here is to be a cheer leader for continuing your spiritual journey on the path that most suites your natural inclination.
The goal of spiritual freedom is real. Ron was a deceptive spokesperson.
I wish you all much love and happiness in this wonderful season. May all broken families get together.
And may the light of purpose and enthusiasm that we once had for spiritual freedom; the source of all good and happiness, be had by you, and those you love.
Merriest of Merry Christmas to you all. Even to you Dave. May you be filled with unconditional joy and wisdom.
May this Scientology diaspora be healed by the great light of Spirit, now and forever.
Much love and happiness to you too Brian. Thank you for the inspirational words.
BEAUTIFUL post, Brian. And so spot on! I had my first OOB experience when I was 8 years old. No others for a long time. But I’ve been “officially” on the spiritual path since about 16 yo. It never ends. As Richard Bach put it, “Here is a test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t,” (“Illusions” 1977) There are many, many books available commenting on the spiritual journey. They are more than worth hunting for. Even science is (very slowly) coming around. I suggest the 2014 update of his 2010 book, “The Biology of Belief”, Dr. Bruce Lipton. What a revelation!
Richard Bach got me started when I was a teen. His books were marvelous.
Yogananda’s life, teachings and death stand in marked contrast to Elron’s and it is indeed instructive to compare them. One of the most interesting and, I’d argue, instructive of those differences has to do with how they each died.
Within Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the mark of a great sage is his/her ability to choose the time, place and circumstance of their death…to, in effect, will their themselves to die at whatever given moment they so choose. And indeed, Elron misappropriated this bit of Eastern spiritual tradition and incorporated it into his own sci-fi space alien cosmology. But, by all credible accounts and objective evidence available, Elron died, not by causatively dropping his perfectly healthy body in order to fly off to research ever-more advanced spiritual levels in the exterior state, but instead, as a mere mortal who had been in ill health and grown progressively more demented, secondary to years of unhealthy living and after a series of strokes. He died crazy, alone, unable to speak coherently and in no way, shape or form the kind of OT super being that DM and Pat Broecker would tried to snow the $cilon community with at his memorial event.
In marked contrast, Yogananda died at the very end of a brilliant speech that he’d given before an assembled audience of spiritual seekers, as if to say, “I choose this moment for bodily death so that my passing, in continuity with the way in which I lived my life and delivered my teachings, will be in complete accord.”
It’s not necessary to believe in Yogananda’s death as having been consciously chosen and volitionally implemented in order to place a very high value on his life and teachings, but the way that Elron died certainly invalidates his arrogant claims of enlightened mastery and superhuman powers.
I knew people who were with him when he left the body downtown LA at the Biltmore hotel.
Here is what they told me:
“Going up the elevator at the main center in Mount Washington Yogananda told me,”wish me luck, today is my big day”.
The student simply took it as his remark because the delagate from India to the United Nations asked him to give a talk at a banquet held in the ambassadors honor at the Biltmore.
Another student, a women, who was to be the one who was president of the order said he told her that day,”don’t you know that today is my last day in this body.” She was shaken.
So he goes to the podium and gives a talk about the east and west sharing values and that America and India should exchange values and learn from each other. He said America needs to become more spiritual and India needed more material development.
Then he recited a poem he wrote called ” My India”
After reciting almost the entire poem he read the last paragraph
“Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and men dream God – I am hallowed my body touched that sod.
So this is the very last paragraph that he finishes. Then he turned his gaze upward and fell to the floor dead.
This story is in the LA times for anyone wanted to research.
He consciously left his body on March 7th, 1952
In Autobiography of a Yogi there are many such stories of liberated beings attaining what Ron sold.
You can’t learn weight loss from a fat man.
In Sanskrit there is even a word for a yogis conscious, self determined exist from the body.
It’s called Mahasamadhi. Or the great ecstasy. The final conscious exit.
Death is an inforced rudeness to us mortal beings. But liberated spiritual masters are masters of life and death. They are:
Totally free, subjectively and objectively.
The are also total cause over matter, energy, space and time.
Ron got his ideas from these guys. So did Crowley.
And here is a picture of him moments before going to the podium. Doesn’t look like a man ready to die.
Some wonderful posts here. Funny that I am just reading Autobiography of a Yogi. You can read the complete book here:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. WTF is going on here?? Who are these Anand people, giving away their stuff??? They’re letting me read that for FREE????
Don’t they know they’re supposed to charge $50 or something for their most basic text? Oh, wait, there are a good dozen or so other books they have available online at no charge. And look, their newsletters are available on their website, for…. Free. I’m reading an interesting article right now! No sign-up, no giving my name, birthdate, address, telephone number, email address so I can be harassed for the next 25 years. Those DBs!
Yes, there is something very wrong there. It looks as if they actually want to reach people with their way to peace and spiritual fulfillment. And here’s the weird part, maybe they actually want to help people improve every part of their lives, without destroying their families, homes, friends, and jobs.
There’s something seriously wrong with those Anand people, I tell ya. They don’t have that fixed, dedicated glare, that valence of cold chrome steel, that gives wogs the warm-and-fuzzies and makes them want to join Scientology’s sublime spiritual path to total awareness and serenity.
Those Anand people… everybody must hate them! That’s why groups like them and Self-Realization Fellowship and that Yogananda dude are on our list of Suppressive Groups!
PS: OSA, I give full and free permission to you to print that in your next issue of Freedom! mag at no charge. No attribution necessary. No rights reserved.
Jesus must have had a pitch too. Don’t get me started on Buddha.
Yes, Self Realization Fellowship is on the suppressive group list. SRF is the group I belong to. Ananda is an offshoot.
I repect their right to practice as they wish.
But in the final analysis these differences are meaningless to me. All are free to see, practice and live as they see fit.
What is important is our quality of life and how we treat each other.
The Self Realization lessons I think are $90.00 a year; bi monthly. Ha ha ha!
When I first learned the prices I had to laugh.
No patrons in SRF, huh?
Ha ha…. no. People give out of love. Collection plate in Sunday service. I give $15 a month because I love my group.
George Harrison donated the American royalties of My Sweet Lord. All out of free will. And nobody gets a shiny statute. We would consider that obscene. Nobody trumpets their contribution. We give for joy only. That’s enough reward.
People give from the motivation of love. Not coerced at gun point. Just like any church. From love only. All are our own. All are family.
We practice seeing all human beings with love and respect; children of God. Brothers and sisters.
Family is sacred. The building block of life itself. A divine design.
We honor and respect all religions. My wife and I go to different churches sometimes. Only one truth. One God. One love.
GE is a family man would be seen as a demonic doctrine.
Sacred is not a doctrine in Scientology.
Well, maybe money is sacred in Scientology. And power. Power is a value in Scientology.
In most legitimate paths of the Spirit it is the opposite.
Selfless service and humility is honored above all else.
Probably how a good auditor feels: service to others. Helping them to find their own happiness.
I have so much gratitude it’s hard to describe.
So I write songs or poems.
Beautiful. ?
Amen. I studied Yogananda before Scientology. After I left Hubbard’s thought reform institution, I saw a movie about Yogananda and realized he was sincere with no hidden agenda, unlike Ron, who only seemed to say bad things about yoga. Here’s a link to the film if anyone’s interested.
Awake: The Life of Yogananda
It’s possible he dissed those who he learned from to keep and secure paying customers.
If LRH hated anything it was people who stepped on his turf. Or should I say suit cases of cash to off shore accounts.
He made a mockery of the spiritual path with his greed.
I went exterior when I left the church.
That happened to me when I left staff. You might be kidding, but I’m not.
Happy for you. ?
It’s good enough that “Mephisto has left the building.” 😉
For once an appropriate LRH quote: “May you never be the same again.”
Or: “If you want to last, just move fast.”
(Dianetics jingles – )
Miraldi, VWD on going ext upon leaving the church. I went ext reading the truth for the first time about Scn on the internet when I encountered the OT VIII’s letter about it. I’m serious too. He and his wife sued the church over the donations for the cross for the Super Power building. Sorry but I cant’ remember his name just now.
Thanks, Cindy. VWD to you too. Sounds like the same phenomenon, feeling freed from something that wasn’t right in your life.
I can’t think of that man’s name either, but I know who you’re tallking about. I think his court case is still going on.
So….you’re the one I bumped into while exterior? Small universe, isn’t it!
Sure is. ?
This was the carrot that got me in and kept me in. It never happened. Looks like I’m going to have to croak to get out.
I think that although a few people do go exterior from Scientology processes, It is probably no more than those who would have done so spontaneously, or from some other non-scientology method or occurrence.
Ever been to a live sporting game, like a final where it’s equal scores and less than a minute to play. The sheer moment of it all and 10s of thousands around you are all focused on the same thing as you with such incredible high volume excitement. Time and space speed up or slow down depending who’s winning and almost nothing will allow your attention to be placed anywhere else but “out there”. Body, what body?. The only bodies that count are the players. Everyone else is exterior I reckon! BIG group process that one!
“It is probably no more than those who would have done so spontaneously, or from some other non-scientology method or occurrence.” It doesn’t matter which. I suspect that most of those who did have such experiences in scio either left of their own volition or were declared and thrown out. The important thing is now “how” or “where”, but the fact they did.
This is a great topic, thanks TC. My personal experience with exteriorization is scientology is zilch. Never happened even after hundreds of hours of auditing. I never made it to ‘clear’ either because I was never able to find, let alone erase, an engram. And it wasn’t for lack of desire or trying.
That said, I can honestly say that I have had an experience that I would describe as being exterior once. I was about 8 or 9 and my mom took me to the public clinic to get a vaccination. Afterwards I wasn’t feeling well so she dropped me off at home and then went shopping. I was walking to the back door, opened the gate and passed out. I had the distinct sensation of floating above my body and looking down. I came to, and ‘interiorized’ when my dog started licking my face. I don’t know if that would be called exteriorization in scientology or not, but that would be as close as I got to experiencing it.
When I was ‘in’, there were lots of people going around talking about their experiences of being exterior as a result of their auditing. Of course, you couldn’t really press them on this because it brings up the issue of ‘hidden standards’ and doubt that you might have. So, in typical scientology fashion, you are left in a situation where you can’t communicate freely about what you are curious about.
One guy I knew complained of being ‘compulsively exterior’, like he couldn’t control it. I was just jealous, because I wanted to experience exteriorization but was never able to. If exteriorization with full perception is the goal in scientology, I don’t know what this guy was complaining about other than he was probably perpetually on an Int Rundown. If that were the case, I would be complaining too.
After I got out, I used to listen to Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. He would occasionally have guests on that talked about remote viewing, astral travel, ESP, telekinesis, and other outlandish paranormal subjects. It was highly entertaining but just as with scientology, there was no one who was able to demonstrate any of these abilities. I don’t know what their excuses were, they weren’t plagued by Hubbard policy like ‘hidden standards’.
I watched Men Who Stare at Goats when it came out. Even though there was an all star cast, I was disappointed.
It will be very interesting to hear various people’s comments here on this most elusive subject.
Ms B, I’ve been outside my body many, many times! But, I was dreaming it. Guess that doesn’t count. Every night when I go to sleep, I dream vividly! I especially like the dreams where I can fly! Those dreams are just so bitchin!’ AND, I didn’t have to pay for it! Maybe I should go to PAC base and share my wins…
Why wouldn’t it count? OOB is OOB no matter how attained. Congratulations!
I was declared a SP in 1994. I finally experienced exteriorization in 2007. The Church of Scientology is designed more to restrict freedom and suppress thetan abilities than it is to help or liberate people.
It turns out exteriorization is simpler than the church made it seem. They are over-complicating a very natural ability. I now have confidence ~anyone~ can experience exteriorization — even Chuck Beatty!
I went exterior several times before I even found Scn. And also after I was in Scn and after I left the church. So Scn doesn’t have a monopoly on exteriorization. But being able to operate that way ALL the time is something I never achieved, nor anyone else in Scn that I know of. Still, that doesn’t mean that exteriorization doesn’t exist or is not attainable.
Exactly. Humans have been researching out-of-body experiences (OOBE) for thousands of years. L. Ron Hubbard was just one of the more recent “gurus” attempting selling it.
I should add that I exteriorized within a few weeks of solo-auditing the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. This rundown is very simple and could be solo-audited by anyone who can read a meter, assess a 12 button list and then use the reading buttons to run recalls. Self-Analysis is a collection of recall processes anyone can run solo, right? The End of Endless Int Repair rundown is nearly that basic to audit.
“exteriorization is a dream” and a bad dream that the mind rapers of $cientology have sold you. ‘Exteriorization’ ,as practiced by the CO$, is what psychologists call ‘disassociation’. While not exactly a mental illness, it does get its own mention in the ICD.
“The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis.”
Look, I can fly through the air without my red cape and blue clinging suit!!! (loved the Superman reference).
The whole thing is just part of the con. If you’re going to sell them some woo, sell them some really good woo.
As Buckaroo Banzai taught us, ‘where ever you go, there you are’. It’s just your wallet that is not going to hold your down, it will be much lighter.
The problem with reading about Scientology is that one becomes angry in doing so.
“And we’re to believe this contradiction will resolve when one reaches OT 7? Or OT 8, 9, or 10? That is the hope. That is the aforementioned carrot.”
No, L. Con Tubbotard GUARANTEED that you could achieve the full state after Grade IV and L-12.
Just another lie. ALL his grade chart promises that were objective were subjective are 100% lies.
If I could go exterior, I wouldn’t be sitting at an airport right now waiting for a flight (and have to drive to and from those airports in below-zero snowy weather to boot). I would just pop out of my head and have a look at food plants from the comfort of my nice, warm apartment. It would sure cut down on expenses.
But then again, I’m a 1.1, so obviously I’m spiritually incapable of such an exalted state. But the pedophiles who’ve had their crimes covered up by the cult (see yesterday’s thread) are capable of exteriorization, because they’re heterosexual, plus they’ve given money. That action is Scientology’s Universal Penance.
And for those commenting later on, please remember that personal anecdotes are not considered proof. Just because you think it happened to you doesn’t mean it happened.
ESP.:”Just because you think it happened to you doesn’t mean it happened.”
There is a converse that is equally true. The measure of this is demonstrated by people who are certain man did not set foot on the moon.
The converse could be stated as “Just because you can’t imagine it does not mean it can’t be.”
I agree that personal anecdotes cannot be considered as proof. Even equations are not considered proof until they are experimentally proven. Peter Higgs had to wait 40 years for acceptable proof of an idea based on equations. The point is, asking that someone who has had a glimpse of exterior should prove it by reading some hidden card is like asking a toddler to run a marathon after it has just taken its first step. The fool who claims he can do such tricks should be asked to prove it. However, saying that some extraordinary ability could never be achieved is not much different than saying that the toddler will never be able to run a marathon just because it can’t currently run a marathon.
When some status-hungry goofball wants to claim wild abilities while exterior, go ahead and roll your eyes. I do too. And anyone who wants to deny that such a thing can happen without solid scientific evidence is free to do so even if they don’t believe the scientific evidence, if it’s eventually produced. Equally so, there will likely be people who refuse to believe man has set foot on the moon even years after it has become commonplace. Its a reasonably free world.
There are people who insist the holocaust never happened too. The minds of human beings are a smorgasbord of infinite believe-abilities. Let’s see in the evidence built of good, solid & agreeable decisions before we call it true. Imagination, the stock and trade of children is the one thing common to all humans. Given a bit of TLC is provided and enough food is available of course.
Ask a kid if they’ve every gone exterior? Who’s to say what’s a lie is and what it isn’t? The downfall and hardships of life often are drawn from the people of the world who have no imagination. And they even want to rid us of Christmas and the Easter Bunny.
Oh, NO! Not the EASTER BUNNY?????!!! <G
There was a process for finding out if Higg’s boson was there.
What is the process for finding out if “going exterior with full perception” is there? Or, to phrase it differently, how would anyone who experiences this distinguish between dreaming and what they experience?
Getting back to the process, I recently stumbled across this quote (looks like I’m going to have to read that book, too):
“The real purpose of the scientific method is to make sure nature hasn’t misled you into thinking you know something you actually don’t know.”
Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
As usual an excellent and well formulated article.
Yeah in the late seventies that was the cheese in the trap.Up to 1981 Advance was full of those stories and we all ate it up and wanted extra portions.
Of course after OT8,l10,11,12 I do not have any of those abilitiesIn fact I was introverted from alays concentratig onmy small toe than my poink from sending 500.000 space cooties packing.
The only thing bigger aboutme was my stomach.Packed on 20 pounds from all the sitting chasing space cooties.
What pay for an ideal org.where are the next levels..Oh now I get it.
I finally came to my senses and decided to switch religions and go for the one that has those 70 virgins waiting for you in heaven.
If they were able to demonstrate exteriorization working they would have done so long ago and shut all the critics up, but just like the demonstration of ‘a clear’ it would have been a disaster. I met quite a few people who claimed they had experienced going exterior but no one who could demonstrate it as an abiilty you could really believe in.
If it sounds too good to be true….it probably is.
And woe is he, who joins $cientology after being told it cures chronic migraines.
Only to endure endless end of endless int rundowns…endlessly.
My so called ruin was stuttering. I was born with an overarching stuttering problem. The cult said they could handle it for me. Surprise, surprise!!! They couldn’t.
They say they can cure anything. They can’t cure shit! I don’t even think they know the difference between shit & shineola…
Hey, I hear ya Dude. Born with it too. Use to stutter all the time at school and a bit later on. I don’t think the sensation of it ever leaves you. Hated having to get up in front of class and read etc. Got into heaps of situations because of it. M9s were an introverting bitch of a thing too. The military was “real fun” with radio procedure, but I handled it somehow The culties said the same thing to me but in the R&D series Hubbard said the psyches leap in there but they can’t do too much about it. He said it’s a tough situation to handle, stammering and stuttering. As far as I know Hubbard never said it could be handled and didn’t do anything in respect of it in as far as coming up with a procedure for it etc. Typical though, how Scientologists just expect everything to immediately be handled or answered by the “tech”. Plus lying is way of life for Scientology, it’s the foundation of their income and it’s true they can’t cure anything (except maybe wealth).
As far as I’ve seen, some people grow out of it, some don’t, some get great benefit from professions like speech therapists etc or things like singing lessons and others just learn to live with it. King George VI is a great example of a stutterer forced to speak in public. Bruce Willis is a stutterer but acting pilled him out of it, sa la vie.
I’m curious, OSD, do you also stutter when you sing? (Serious question.)
No. However, I did pray for death because of my stuttering. I was a target of the first order. Every single night, when I thought someone was listening, I asked for death. I’d wake up disappointed and head for school.
Exteriorization? Really TC, you just had to go there…And, of course you should. Thanks for bringing it up.
This IS a big deal in Scn, at least for my 30 year involvement.
You are correct to indicate that a key-out can be described as “exterior”, though from my experience it was more common with newbies or the uneducated; for serious or “real” Scnists, it always meant popping out and going into the next room…with full perception.
I was told by more than a few Scnists that some process on L11 produces exteriorization. Something about stepping outside or complete separation from the bank.
Shortly before my departure I asked every OT I was in contact with (about 12), whether they’ve been exterior from the body with some perception? Not a single one said “Yes.” These were 25+ year members, ranging from OT5 to OT8, and many Ls Completions.
I say ‘let’s ask Dave.’ He will tell us the truth. And certainly He has these powerez!
My int is out, but my girlfriend’s in
We like to fool around a lot, is that a sin?
Shit, Dave isn’t even a Scnist 🙂
Perhaps Dave can give us a one time special demonstration of R2-45. I’d happily pay to see that!
When I had my Int RD, all seemed well. Then immediately was put on an old reel to reel having to listen to a tape. I completely interiorized and got to a zombie state sitting on the bathroom floor. I couldn’t talk with the auditor or Qual (I believe) since it was the same person. Went through hell for weeks till finally cleared up, when told: it was an over run and sorry we couldn’t talk about it.
I wasn’t too happy with that. meanwhile they were hunting all reasons of what I must have done or who I was connected to and all were false crap.
Great memories, thanks Terra Cognita
All I know for sure is out-int ain’t fun, and in my experience you weren’t sent to the reg first, but a CL4 grad auditor and pretty quick thank goodness. We actually had auditors in those days. Don’t know what it was like elsewhere but I was well out by the end of the 90s anyway.
This exterior with full perception I think isn’t possible with body perception clarity but I’ve had a few soldiers quietly explain some pretty remarkable occurrences that scared the crap out of them for which they had no explanation nor understanding, and that was before I’d even heard about Scientology. Extreme Fear and excitement does weird things.
Auditing can and does produce some pretty remarkable “key outs” as they call it. If that is exterior, I don’t know? I sure didn’t get the ability to see through walls without a body. I don’t see remote viewing as possible either, but if you could do shit like that, geezers wouldn’t you attract some fear and loathing if you demonstrated it, and I ain’t talking about ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ either.
Like the claims of Dianetics, exteriorization must be viewed similarly but as I said, out-int is a bitch, exterior associated or not!
One of my fondest memories of exteriorizing was when I was here in San Diego. It was at a hospital and I was laying on an operating table – nothing serious, just a colonoscopy. The anesthesiologist had just hooked up the drip and told me to count from 10 to zero. I think I got to about 7 and I felt like I was on the ceiling of the room. My comment at the time, before passing out completely was similar to an SCN success story. I said “Man, that is really some good shit”. Woke up an hour or so later!
It was good shit and I didn’t even have to pay thousands to get it. Medical Insurance covered it. But, I still remember that exteriorizing win!
Wow clearlypissed!
This reminds me of Ron’s 1938-39 early research footsteps, he had his 1938-39 dental surgery anesthesia exteriorization (which inspired his “Excalibur” writing).
Surgery anesthesia is obviously standard tech for exteriorization.
Nice try TC, I just checked Google Maps, and there is no Starbucks at the corner of 9th & State. But, I’m sure the OTs at OSA will have no trouble locating you and other Suppressive Persons using their exteriorization abilities. For that very reason, I always feel a little vulnerable when I post something on these scientology critics blogs. I just worry they will be able to find me and start in with the Fair Gaming. So far, I have been able to deflect their efforts because I wear a tin foil hat whenever I sit down at my laptop. It works like a charm.
Tin Foil rules!!! And it gives God something to aim at when he/she throws lightening.
Ms. B: My bad. It was a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
Perfect article/essay explaining the Scientology “soul” snipe-hunting promises
In Scientology one was supposed to learn how to soul-fly out of one’s body, as if one was learning how to ride a bicycle.
You explain the Scientology soul/snipe hunt/soul-flying promises so well.
The “Int Rundown” corrective pseudo-therapy is just a more intense sideline snipe-hunting rationalization activity.
Excellent article.
You’re welcome Chuck.