Here is a new paid press release from scientology in Clearwater.
They are trying to make people think everyone is welcome to come on down to the Ft Harrison and hold their event under the grandeur of the Bohemian crystal chandelier.
Anyone, unless it is someone that espouses an idea the church disagrees with — despite its repeated claims to champion free speech.
And any group that chooses to do an event there had better realize they will be used as PR fodder — scientology promoting their presence as if it means a full endorsement of the church.
But perhaps the most remarkable thing about this is that there are supposedly 12,000 scientologists in the local area and they have a single ballroom and an auditorium amongst all of them. How is it possible they are not using these facilities full time? Hell, I took my son to VPK this morning at a local christian church. It was “grandparents day” at the primary school and there was literally nowhere to park — at least 400 cars. This local church, one of HUNDREDS in Pinellas County, has 4 Sheriffs there every Sunday morning to direct traffic. And it is by far NOT the biggest church even in north Pinellas County.
Scientology claims they are “uplifting countries” — they don’t even manage to uplift counties. Even the county with what they claim is the largest number of scientologist on earth (LA is spread over 4 counties). Scientology is like a flea on the end of an elephant’s tail claiming responsibility for it swishing to swat flies. “Our epic elephant moving is 63x anything in our history – we are the largest force of elephant wranglers in the universe and have the only effective tech to accomplish this proven by our unprecedented effectiveness in directing elephants. We 8ced them to the watering hole –without us they would perish. We are their only hope.”
Poor Tom Cruise has to stick with the cult now – it’s the only place where he can get any love anymore.
For most people, our circles of influence diminish as we get older and we settle in with the associations we can trust and rely on going into older age.
Cruise can’t get the adulation he craves from the film world anymore, and definitely can’t attract eligible starlets. David Miscavige and the doomed promise of scientology expansion are his only prom dates anymore.
This is the first time I’ve ever felt sorry for him.
“.. at least 400 cars. This local church, one of HUNDREDS in Pinellas County, has 4 Sheriffs there every Sunday morning to direct traffic.”
The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology will have 400 off duty sheriffs and guard dogs if 4 “SPs” show up!!
I guess this means that they’re trying to pull in event fees because they’re not selling enough Scientology services. Next thing will be parking space sales, like the Denver Org.
“Please, will someone come in here and treat us like a “church” that does nice things for people!! We are so desperate for bodies…anyone’s body”
Wogs: “Nope – we hated you in 1950, thought you were bat shit crazy in the 70’s and now know you are a certifiable evil cult that destroy lives and hurt people. We don’t need your free auditorium because some poor soul was bankrupted to pay for it!”
I know an EPA superfund toxic waste cleanup site in New Jersey that advertises itself as “an inexpensive location to host your next corporate picnic or team-building exercise.” Approximately the same as Scientology making the Fort Harrison available for select human rights organizations.
Us anti-Co$ crowd, ASC? – should hold an event there. We could rename it ASBC, the Anti-Social Betterment Club … or some such.
I was wondering if BEFORE their event is held HOW MUCH it costs to “clear the hurdles” to having an event there. Because any place that is that OT of a place to have an event at would and should be popular for doing so anywhere in the world, not just in church circles.
And by the way, I went to Flag for services a long time ago. I lived in Clearwater for a while. I did not make any friends there. I would say this under oath. I would say this to a 10 different Class XII sec-checkers. 🙂 All the services I got ever amounted to is a HUGE cluster mass of staff and public inter-combined, end of story. To describe it any other way is open one’s self up to ridicule. This is why I never lost my faith in the word of LRH. It is his words that drew me to that church, and his words that kept me there. 🙂
Juliette Lewis a Scientologist said something that makes a lot of sense. She said “The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die”. Although I never actually consider what life would be like without me prematurely, one can get a lowly type of feeling when dealing with semi-conscious church members. Some of their tone level are unreal. This one girl at Flag that I said “Hi” to near the pool barked at me nasty “I DON”T WANT TO TALK” and shook her hand at me. I thought to myself, this is the friendliest place in the whole world? This is a distraction free environment? The publicity about does not match the reality of the Flag Land Base. Bottom line “Even the NOT’s HGC Case Supervisor wanted to tell my ass off”.
I swear to God because I was born a Catholic. 🙂
You know, there is no “ASC” anti-scientology cult.
There are loosely formed groups of diverse people, with similar interests in this subject, who post on Scientology forums: some are former members, some have no personal experience in practicing scientology, some are still practicing some form of scientology outside of the ‘church’, perhaps auditing in the freezone or elsewhere, or individually, some people are still employing forms of ‘the tech’ or using things they have learned in scientology that they still feel are relevant in their lives, some commenters may be current scientologists who are considering a change or want to gather more information or are ‘under the radar’, some of the people who post on scientology forums object to the methods used for fundraising and how members are pressured to donate more than they can afford, or object to how the I.A.S. is not upfront about how the money is used, some have family members still in and are afraid of and opposed to the policy of disconnection…
However there really is no uniform consensus about scientology or its merits or future viability, within this ever changing and re-configuring group of people who comment on discussion forums such as this one, there is no ‘action plan’ or agreement on what could be or should be done, no one ‘falls in step’ with anyone and gives up their own views or concerns, if anything, commenters often do not agree on the various matters being discussed, so it certainly couldn’t be termed “a cult” by any definition… but it seems a small faction with their own purposes have chosen to refer to anyone who posts at one of the major discussion sites as a member of a fictitious, made-up organization that they have named the “ASC”.
This is offensive and kind of insulting, to denigrate every poster who comments on scientology, of every viewpoint and unique personal experience and opinion, as a “cult member” and to say they have all the same thoughts and purposes… it isn’t accurate. The reason I believe someone is trying to impose this label on people and lump everyone together into this fictional group, is because it is easier to hate people when you have labelled them as a part of an organized ‘enemy’ group, you can then see them as one body, not as individuals, each with their own mind and thoughts and feelings. So you can then mentally dismiss everyone who may not think exactly as you do, or follow in your footsteps, by making them seem somehow less human. We then become not Mike, and Ann, and T.J., Rob, Karen, Mephisto, Espiando, Old Surfer Dude, and many other unique individuals, each with their own opinions and feelings about scientology, but rather just another nameless faceless member of the enemy “ASC”. It’s easy to hate those you consider part of some enemy group, it’s harder to hate individuals who have names and lives and opinions and are altogether human.
Showers of ?????? for your perceptive comment.Your poem is percolating!❤️❤️
Thank you Ann B. 🙂 Much love to you!
The weird part is that it isn’t the Church of Scientology who is doing this. They can’t deal with amorphous enemies, as we Anons found out back in 2008. OSA needs a specific target who has performed specific “crimes” against them in order to apply their SOP (negative web sites and videos, usually). They tried this once with Anon, claiming we were terrorists, and were laughed at by everyone. They gave up after that.
The people who usually consider us Antis a cult are the KSW Uber Alles Kool-Aid Drinking Indies. They can’t stand the fact that there are some out here who don’t bow down before LRH’s dead ass and acknowledge him as Mankind’s Greatest Friend And Savior. They REALLY can’t stand the fact that a lot of the Antis out here laugh at them for expressing that view. A few years ago over at Ortega’s, a couple of them appeared there, claiming that all of the posters there were a cult worshipping Tony. You know what a bunch of us said? “Yeah, we are a cult. Do you have a problem with that?” We laughed it off. That made them go away.
Remember that when Millstone Two starts up their next attack on Mike or the KSW people show up here with the next Tech discussion (you know, Marildi, Proof of a Fool, etc.). They just can’t stand being wrong, so any disagreement is a conspiracy of the highest order.
Thank you Espiando.You are one of the good ones.❤️
Ouch hardly covers what a bad case of shingles is like. I had a very bad case in 97 on the ship. THE SHIPS DOCTOR GAVE ME A HOMEOPATIC REMEDY, WHICH WAS.WORTHLESS. The pain was so bad that I got no more than 5 minutes of sleep a day for weeks. You didnt even need to touch the skin; if you touched a hair on my chest it felt like someone driving an ice pick into it. At times the pain was so bad I could not even scream any more. I couldn’t eat or talk sometimes. A few weeks later I was asked about the cycle by a CMO staff member. After a few questions my mind went blank and I had to tell her that my memory was shot and I did not remember the question and she had to start over. After the 1st engineer gave me a touch assist as he left the room I heard a messinger say “What did you doing to that guy Shane; You are.supposed to be helping him”. It was Christmas eve 97 and the doctor kicked me out of the hospital. I went to the bosuns party. After about 6 beers I was.still in a lot.of pain so I crawled back into the hospital. Apparantly the only thing that will stop the pain are antidepressents and no chance of getting those so I just had to tough it out. I did not know at the time that I had AIDS and no immune system. For years afterward I would double up in pain like I was having a heart attack and would tell people not to call 911 as it was not a heart attack. I still have some pain from it today 19 years later.
Bill, how in the world did you suffer this terrible pain without going to an emergency room? A better question: why didn’t anyone insist you get medical treatment? This seems awful, I don’t think I could stand by and watch someone suffer like that. I hope you are not having a hard time of it right now.. I read what you said, but hoping you are in a remission time, or have things under control as well as possible right now.
I saw the ships doctor who is a licenced medical doctor (by law) but she was a SO member and of course the Church doesn’t believe in painkillers although she did give me a tylenol once. That was like using a flyswatter to stop the Jap aircraft bombing Pearl Harbor. After a week she took me to a doctor on shore who perscribed an antiviral drug. However, this drug has to be taken within 48 hrs in order to be effective. It is similar to Lisa Mcpherson who died about the same time. This shore doctor also prescribed antidepressents as that is the only thing that will help that kind of nerve pain. It is called “shooting pain” as it is a fast pain that rips through you similar to a high voltage electric shock. The ships doctor told me to lie to the shore doctor the next week; telling me to say that I had dry mouth from the antidepressents which is a side effect of the drug. A Sea Org member is considered the property of the org. As incredibly bad as the pain was, it did not compare with holding my wife against her will, telling her I was going to die and that she should end cycle on me, that she shouldn’t communicate with me etc. For 6 months I did not know if I would ever see her again. And my comm with the ship was just met with stalling tactics designed to stall me until I was dead. This was frighteningly effective and resulted in my being almost dead before I received any medical treatment for my AIDS. When my wife and I left my parents house in Jan 03 I am sure that my parents did not expect to see me alive again. My wife told me that my father was crying when we left. I had never seen him cry in my life. It was a very close call.
Thank you for this post.A very very close all and a very important post.When I went to Qual after Quentin passed,a lady who I guess was the Medical Officerin quotes took me temp and it was 1031/2.She said What did you do? Go lie down in the Ladies @ Asho for 30 minutes,splash cold water on your face and get back on the ASR post.Nothing matters but getting thetans up the Bridge.My experience was nothing like yours but it does illustrate an ongoing pattern with the Cult regarding bodies,illness and meds.❤️❤️
Dear Ann, You are absolutely right. We are lucky to be alive after trusting our lives to the cult. I read what happened to you and I hope that you are Ok now. I am fine.
Very kind of you Bill it inquire after me.I think I am doing well but every six months I have to be monitored for the return of breast cancer which has come back twice and colon cancer which has remained quiet thank goodness.No family history either.I do not get nervous till the night before and then after the tests I go howl at the moon and pray the results stay in remission.So stressful but nothing like Sea Org as you know so well.So happy you are fine.That is wonderful! ❤️❤️
Good works well publicized? Or attempting to cover up bad works with paid-for ads.. hahaha…no one falls for that crap anymore. Hahaaha
Like the Fleece Winds, the FLB does not have enough paying public to keep the doors open. The last of the delusional have been milked.
Don’t leave the light on for me.
What if you trip & fall because the light isn’t on??? But, hey, it’s your postulate!
You know, I actually read that at first as “Hey, it’s your prostate.” All I could think of was, “Well, it all depends which direction you fall, doesn’t it?”
All this effort that goes into promotion, good news, good PR, upward stats, blah blah blah. All for nought. Wouldn’t it be easier to simply treat people kindly, stop hurting and abusing people, stop lying, etc., and actually help people without expecting anything in return? Be recognised for something positive, genuinely useful and valuable to the wider world. Oh wait, sorry. That’s a wog attitude. Or squirrel. Or something. Well, carry on then. See how far it gets you…sigh.
More and More real estate acquisitions and more and more rentals and cash and revenue from Real Estate activity. it’s so ecclesiastical !
That Crystal ballroom had the blood sweat and tears of RPFers for years. If one could only roll back the slave labor behind it all…
Karen, would it or would it not be totally ironic if the church had to sell 15 or 20 of their empty ideal org buildings for cash needed for real activities at hand? I would love to answer that question! 🙂
Something really smells here. Like the really rotten smell of something dead! The words “free of charge” are officially written in a Flag communique, and in their first sentence too!
Nothing, but nothing is free from that bunch of bloodsucking assholes. Believing that would be the same as believing the Mafia give free personal loans to cover gambling debts.
The Cof$ makes it’s money selling you your place in eternity. (Oh, and Brooklyn Bridge too if you want a real bargain).
Mike, are those 4 sheriffs deputies directing traffic at your church also enforcing what are no doubt numerous restraining orders issued against enemies of the church? No? I can’t believe it. How does that church bring its enemies to heel?
“Gentleman’s Ball Against Human Trafficking”
The gentleman ought to be more careful about where he puts his gentlemanly bits.
Equally entertaining, they offer that hey have hosted over 500 charitable events since 2009. Credible? It is, if you accept the idea that they have been hosting–constantly and without fail–SIX charitable events per month. Think they’re telling the truth?
Well, a sentence later they are trying to pass a D-list sci-fi writer off as a “philosopher and humanitarian.” And wasn’t he the one selling swamp land in Florida, or was it a bridge or something…
It was a bridge. He said it was going to someplace called Total Freedom. Never heard of that place.
If you go then I will too.❤️
Hi the above was for Bill.My IPad is being very bad today.❤️
Wonder how much of their operating expenses they will attempt to write-off against these events?
“We’re from Anonymous and we want to hold an annual convention…do you mind?”
Surely they won’t mind if Bryan Seymour and his band, ‘The Channel Nines,’ want to book the venue at the same time. I wonder if they’re negotiable on the free of charge thingo? Maybe a double act?
I reckon they would just stand there, with their mouths wide open, for about 30 minutes. Drool would start falling off their lower lip…
“Well…we have to get our stats up or it’s the RPF for us!”
When applied to number of events, seminars and fleecings aka briefings, I believe that 47x expansion is a conservative number.
I call dibs on the chocolate fountain!!! And all the rice krispie treats I can find!!! Keep out of my way body thetans, I’ll stab you with my rice krispie treat sticks!!! They have pointed ends!!! Three exclamation points is clam correct for this type of behavior, isn’t it?
I can’t believe that food and drink will be furnished for free. Lron’s ashes will rise up and fuse into Godzilla or a giant abalone and terrorize some where until this is Lron corrected. Just handing out some cheep plaque or certificate to the Ft Harrison crew would not suffice. There must be money involved, somehow, some way.
I believe it’s $250 to leave the Fort Harrison Hotel.
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Incredibly expensive valet parking though. They hold your first born for a billion years as collateral, special discounts apply for all other children and that includes spouses.
New Cherch policy just announced. NO FATHERS! Command intention says they’re more trouble than what they’re worth.
That is right on soooooo many levels. Scary.
“We haven’t had that spirit here since 1969”
When I was at Hotel California, I stashed three bottles of that wine. Room number, 69. On me….
Love love your comment zemoo!❤️❤️
Actually, the free-of-charge-ballroom-and-auditorium-etc contract is pretty standard fare. It’s exactly what you see: everything is free! Absodamnlutely!
Just a single exception. A teeny tiny trivia.
The micro print at the bottom requires “donations” for the air that you breathe. And even that doesn’t have to be paid for on the day of the event, as loans are readily available to cover those costs. Another contract is simply added to the mix–a promissory contract of the interest-compounded-hourly kind!
Everyone will be forever thankful, too!
Renting out spaces? Leasing entire buildings can’t be far off.
Ther’re turning the SP building into an indoor children’s playground…
I thought another paintball emporium would be nice! Can’t get enough of those color choices. Machine washable too!
But, what about the wee ones! Don’t they deserve an indoor playground?
Indeed they do. But another address without the Cof$ being within a couple of days drive.
“they have a shingle ballroom and an auditorium” Mike, do they have special dance events for roofers? Mimsey
Silly missed! The Shingle is a new dance craze! And, they have an entire ballroom dedicated to it.
Shingles is a disease amongst senior sheeple.
Shingles? OUCH! Covers the dance floor like a rash does it?
Nah just warning you not to attend if you’ve never had chicken pox because most people operating the ballroom have shingles.
LRH defined promotion as “to make something known and well thought of” and so this is just a PR action, nothing more and nothing less. Of course there’s nothing wrong with an organization doing a PR action that contributes to their community, but if the CoS thinks that such PR actions will result in more people coming in the door and then be willing to spend tens and usually hundreds of thousands of dollars to attain a spiritual state … (after checking the internet fully before laying down some cold hard cash) … well … let me put it this way … I don’t think so … and neither does any sane individual (and that last term by the way does not include people on a continual inflow of religious Kool-Aid).
Joe, the Internet educated me about Scientology. And what a great education I got! As Mike Rinder said once,”The only people they can get, are those who don’t know how to use Google.” (Or words to that effect).
OSD, this is why I think the only viable option to keep the money flowing in after the current geezer generation dies is Asia (where I live and have widely traveled). About 3.5 billion people live in this continent, and yes there’s Tokyo and Taiwan, but 99% plus Asians have never heard of Scientology. But … of course … as you note … once they get their hands on a computer and start googling …
Once they get their hands on a computer and start googling…
It’s all over…and, they’ll be laughing their asses off.
That ballroom was built by RPFers and children working from 7am until 11pm or until quotas were met which was some nights 2am.
There are plenty of people around that can confirm that first hand.
I’m one of those kids.
So glad you made it out!
Thank you for commenting.Scientology is cruel, mean, nasty and money grubbing.I believe with all my heart and soul there is no Church there just the twisted replica of one that is and has always been a cult of pain and suffering when all facts and all our stories of it are seen as truth,which they are.❤️
Perhaps they could rent it out to the KKK and American Nazi Party and then photoshop those attending into future Org events claiming 67.45% expansion.
Those two groups would fit in just fine with the cult….
They probably will do that.Anything for cold hard cash.❤️
I had some cold hard cash once.But, it was frozen in ice so I couldn’t spend it.
Hah! And I remember whilst fetching ice for the scotch, that you hid your credit cards there, too!
Don’t be running up my credit cards!
Hi OSD, Don’t you always carry your own ice pick?!Whoops how could I forget you are a Scotsman,Walter would have my hide for forgetting that.❤️
How else is downtown Clearwater not going to feel like a ghost town? Good luck to anyone who holds an event there though. They’ll probably request attendees are “cleared” and have an appropriate attendance card.
McCarran, I don’t think that there’s any doubt that the CoS will fully qual (and that means comprehensive internet searches and detective leg work as well) any organization applying for the use. I also assume there will have to be SOME effort to qual attendees at the door too (because let’s say Catholic Charities wanted to hold an event and did some promo work … how will the CoS ensure that EVERYONE who enters is a “legit” supporter of the charity and not someone who posts on a critic web site or is simply an “SP” trouble maker?
Right! The church is screwed. This is what happens when deception and lies are such a primary part of one’s existence.
Wouldn’t they sec check them too?
McCarran……I totally agree with the Ghost Town. I was there a couple of weeks ago…and there was nobody around. I only saw a few Sea Org members on the streets….and absolutely no activity around Flag….just quiet streets….void of people.
Maybe if the Barfitron ride was open…..more peeps would hold events there.
I went on the Barfitron ride once. I got hit in the face from little kid barf.
This is yet another sign that the church is desperate. If they can get a group to use their facilities, the church will take photos of the crowd and lie/claim they are from a $cientology event.
“Humanitarian and philosopher” are not the first two descriptors that pop into my mind. In fact, they don’t come up at all.
Would be interesting to see a full list of those “over 500” community events. Methinks another number plucked out of the air! Might also be revealing to know how many non scio locals have ever attended any such events. But truth in numbers has never been a strong point for scio.
And who in their right mind would associate with them? Besides the cops and politicians taking “donations” under the table.
His Royal Midgnetness is a liar and manipulative asshole whose time thank God is coming to an end. You know it. I know it. The lawyers know it. though they wouldn’t dare voice such blasphemy. It’s delicious watching $cientology’s daily downward spiral into oblivion.
But there’s good news Dave! UTR stats are up. A close friend of mine and his family have seen the light and joined our ranks. Like so many they will receive phone calls to confirm attendance at the next monumental, epic, never before in the history….blah, blah, blah and say, “Oh shoot we really wish we could come but:
l. We’re going to be out of town on vacation.
2. Grandma is deathly ill and we’re all flying out to say our last goodbyes.
3. We all have terrible colds and don’t want to infect anyone.
We actually mean Go Fuck Yourself, but our daughter, grandson, niece, nephew, best friend, etc. is still in your evil grip so for now….
Oh and lastly:
Hi harvez,
Always enjoy reading your posts.
I wonder if anyone wants to trow a figure in the air on how much scientology has shrank since the beginning of 2016.I have done a good amount of work wising up on this the seize of the shrink over the years.My take is 5-10% down since jan but not 15%.
Anyone else wants to chime in.John Q Capitalist today on Tony estimates between 20,000- 22,000 people still in.
I sometimes browse the Facebook pages of people I used to know while in. There are hundreds of names I recognize and invariably none promote Scientology.
And almost 100% are no longer active but nominally still “in good standing”.
If confronted, they probably would defend the organization but actions speak louder than words.
Thanks Cootie! Shrinkage is going to advance at quicker and quicker rates. We have some monumental epic events coming up. The Laura D. case if it goes to trial and the horrors of Scinoland are displayed for all to see will all in itself I predict half the number. How much would a jury award Laura…..enough to empty one or two of the Midgets Swiss accounts I’ll bet. Astronomical numbers for sure.
Then you have Leah Remini’s Reality Show where I hope she follows Southparks totally courageous FUCK YOU to $cientology. They literally called it a worldwide money scam sucking it’s parishioners dry! And the last comment of GO AHEAD AND SUE ME was epic and monumental and what happened? NOTHING!!! The gates are wide open.
Leah is my hero. An ongoing prime time show with sky high ratings! You definitely screwed with the wrong person there Davey boy.
Secondarily, how many years will several billion in book value keep it afloat?
Space Cootie – you’d have to define what “in” means first. Back in the day, there were folks who would ONLY show up at events (we had them every two weeks or so, Heber or Dick Glass might perform, or a special speaker, etc) and I assume there are now just people who will come to the five or so major events a year or Maiden Voyage.
But I would say “in” Scientology would have to be those who have either been on a MAJOR service within the past year. (not a “pamphlet course” or extension course or anything like that)
I’m curious if anyone is aware of the fact that the ft. Harrison had a top to bottom restoration in 2009?
What came of it?
I had a bottom restoration once. It hurt like hell…
That’s what anesthetists are for. You didn’t piss yours off did you?
Well……I thought she was into me…
lol literally. You seen the size of those colonoscopy scopes?! Bring tears to ya eyes they do!
Oh, yeah. When I worked in a hospital, our department was right next to endoscopy.
Hey OSD, you forgot to make sure HE didn’t have both hands on your shoulders when he gave you the exam 🙂
Scientology today is reminding me more and more of those nutcases you sometimes see on the street talking to himself or shouting to passers by.
Hey Space cootie!!!! I was having a bad day!! Oh sure, I was yelling at people, but, who doesn’t? And as for the term ‘nut cases’, I prefer ‘whacked out.’ Now…leave me alone…
Yeah, know what you mean. I’ve been practicing that a lot lately and have expected to be arrested but no one official turns up. Am I doing it right? It’s really lonely out there and the public are so mean!
11,000 churches? In 167 nations? Since when?
Ummmmmm……since never?
Age of Aquarius!
Yes, such a community-focused organisation. I’ve heard rumours from more than one source that the Corbett’s indie group in Joburg has closed down after receiving death threats to their grandchildren. I wonder which part of this charitable church that so desperately wants to help people overcome their ‘tribulations in life’ those threats came from? Huh HCO? Anything to add?
That’s a shame about the Corbetts. They did nothing to deserve the treatment that the cult dished out to them, from declaring the entire family to this. But then again, this is Joburg. Nothing that the De Beers do surprises me. Those two are shitstains on the underwear of life.
We should hold an event there. Get all the SPs together; call it an international drug free, human rights, freedom, interfaith festival, bs made-up name, and then do our thing. What would they do?
Sign me up. I used to work for FSO.
Sigh me up too! I used to…..I used to…..Crap! Just sign me the hell up!
I would attend a “Stop Scientology Disconnection” event there. Hehe. Would the cult even respond to such a request?
Put me on the list. I’m there! Just got to find my bells and whistles suit and I’ll be right over
Ah ha! So…your the one who took my bells & whistles suit!!!!! Eh, just keep it…
Hush now… you got my Mickey Mouse ears remember? I’m still missing my EP, “Gone with the Wind, ” you seen it?
Ummmm……..ahhhhhhhhhhh………errrrrrrrrrr…….I haven’t seen it…I’m out of here.