I don’t normally follow statistics concerning this blog, as I am not trying to generate ad revenue (there are no ads:)). I provide this forum as a public service that I hope gets out information that might otherwise not see the light of day from within the bowels of the bubble.
But the irrepressible Karen De La Carriere sent this to me yesterday and called me up and told me it was good news that people should know.
I felt it was worth noting, not to beat my own drum, but to give hope to those of you who await the day when you may be reunited with friends or family who have been victim of the non-existent disconnection policy. Or to those who still have friends or family who are turning over hard earned income that would be better used for their children’s education. Or those of you who just want to see people able to think for themselves instead of being inculcated into the idea that by thinking what they are told by the church they ARE thinking.
He Who Must Not Be Named often uses kooky internet stats “We have had 19 million visitors to our websites” (unstated that this figure is since 1993 and includes everyone who visits a Narconon website even though Narconon has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM — if you read his court filings — and everyone who has visited a business that is a WISE member EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM — if you read his court filings — and etc etc). He often attempts to portray Scientology as being cool and hip by reason of its “web presence” and sophisticated websites.
Well, I don’t have any of that. I just run a blog in my spare time. I don’t have a network of sites that are all interlinked, I don’t spend tens of millions running ad campaigns appearing on the Grammies or basketball playoffs that ONLY promote my website. I am just a poor, unemployed, bitter defrocked apostate on the very fringe of the internet spewing anti-religious hate and propaganda in a vendetta because I can no longer “run with the big dogs in the tall grass” — according to Tommy Davis channeling Dan Sherman.
Now, I don’t know about the reliability of Alexa. I have been told it is not too accurate. But if it is inaccurate for my website, it is inaccurate for the Scientology.org website in equal measure. So it provides at least a comparison using the same flawed measuring stick for both.
This is a ranking of all websites, so the lower the number the nearer you are to the top. #1 is the most popular website on earth — Google.com. And as this shows, my little blog is by a fair margin, more popular than the all powerful Scientology.org.
What it really says is this: If you want people to read what you have to say on the interwebs, it helps if you provide truth, not transparent bullshit. I provide a lot of rather cynical commentary, but it usually accompanies DOCUMENTS and FACTS about what is happening inside Corporate Scientology. So it makes more sense to readers than the slickly produced PR veneer bs that Scientology tries to peddle.
Here is some advice for you Dave. A little truth goes a long way. A lot of bullshit goes nowhere. You want to get your message out? Start by telling the truth…
And for everyone else — there IS hope. The message is getting through. And thankyou for all your support because without contributors and readers this blog would be pointless.
PS: Voldemort was a no show at Graduation yet again last nite.
The mad cheering “I am still in town” is starting to fade into history like orgs that delivered auditing and training.
Imagine being one of those Outer Org Trainees just sitting around waiting for an announcement about when you will be able to go home to implement the “most important tech in the history of the universe” that you have now been trained on but are not allowed to deliver or tell anyone about because He is too busy frantically trying to get his dick out of the wringer.
Thank you for what you do here. Having a site that is focussed on keeping us informed about what’s going on with our friends is very helpful and appreciated. They sit in self-induced isolation living a very strange life.
And while the train wreck is hard to look away from, there is a comfort in every story of the cult’s dwindling spiral–it is the prediction of a day of reunification.
Thank you again. Keep up the great work!
And without you, adhering to these standards of truth, the entire idea of making the impossible, possible, all miracles and magical possibilities, would be pointless. The red carpet will always roll out for you. Your ability to thin slice and see an inconvenient truth is extraordinary. Thanks for being you.
I, also, thank you for being you. I have read – it seems – hundreds of posts from you. I appreciate your viewpoint, and what you have brought to view. Thanks! All of us travel this journey in life.
Mike, thanks for the Hope, – it means so much to me. Thank you for spending your valuable time writing your blog.
Congratulations, Mike! By those figures you are twice as large as Scn.morgue. By the way, just saw John Sweeney’s BBC documentary tonight on TV2 in Sweden, a national channel. The ambush phone call still brings a laugh, though I was not involved, so it is easy for me to reject it.
1 of 5 for the “Techies”
Mike… you created a great 2 word description of DM’s stat reporting:
“transparent bullshit”
And, it’s getting more transparent everyday..
Miscavige is on the run. He has run himself into the painted corner of that large warehouse. At this point in his existence he is type 3. He does not know what to do. He is stuck in such a big indecision. What we are truly looking at is his demise and the demise of corporate Scientology. I don’t know how long this is going to take but he is standing at the edge of the cliff and he is looking down….. Just do it Dave! Do what you could not get your minions to do to Scott Campbell, think of the release you will get! Your work is done here! I don’t need to egg him on, Dave is a self determined individual that is acting out an other determined purpose that was granted to him by his own doing and LRH. Do it Dave !! Your job is done!! You have successfully destroyed Corporate Scientology which was dreamed up by a mad man.
I found an article on CNN.com yesterday that quoted rating numbers from Alexa. I know some of you probably hate CNN, but it is one of the world’s largest news organizations, and if they use Alexa, it can’t be as wrong as some make it out to be.
(see picture #16):
Actually I thought it was Faux News that was most hated but I guess it would depend on your political perspective or maybe lack thereof.
Personally IMHO any rating system especially an internet rating system would have quite a number of vulnerabilities.
Someone earlier mentioned “click farms” but you can also have bots that are programed to go to various sites. Then of course there is Google Groups which were formerly on Usenet such as Alt. Religion. Scientology which has banners for the CoS website posted in its right hand column which seems somewhat contradictory but there ya go. Not to mention bloggers and eJournalists scraping links to their blogs and articles.
Then again you can look at all the possible ways that the Church, OSA in particular can manipulate their ratings which they do assiduously probably using the best SEO tech (I mean they’ve got Sky in their back pocket when he isn’t working with the Carlyle Group or Brown & Root or the NSA or the MIC in general or whatever to give them advice) and yet they have such a poor showing on Alexa despite all the “millions” (actually maybe a few thousand who are still with the program) of Scientologists they can use as human bots compared to some “apostate” who just has a feeble bunch of “disaffected”, “squirrels” ,”PTSes” and “SPs” like us going to his blog.
You could almost look at it as comical yet tragic in a way that they put so much time and effort, like they do trying to convince they world they are expanding more in the last 5 years than in any previous decade when in fact when you look at their actual stats (Paid Completions) they are contracting faster than a deflated balloon and yet can’t get their ratings higher than “just another” WordPress blog.
Truth and honesty go a very long way. Now is the time for both, and it is very refreshing. One look at the corporate sites shows they are not the place to go for either.
Will the fastest imploding gang on the fringe of society make it into the New Year? Only time will tell…
Mike you made me laugh so much that tears came out of my eyes. Your sense of humour is just terrific.
Mike, you really are appreciated, not only for yourself, but also for your no-baggage postings, which manage to steer a pretty straight course through the avalanche of b/s, lies and totally fraudulent claims, denials and chicanery concocted by Depraved Mestcavige!
The Ol’ man lectured extensively on the “levels of awareness.” My guess is, that Depraved
is, (right now,) totally “aware” of a massively dense cloud over his head, that follows him wherever he goes! And the worst part (for him) is that it (truth) just keeps bucketing down with hail-stones the size of ‘tiny fists’. Despite the mini-legion of bot’s surrounding him, state-of- the-art umbrellas held aloft to shield HIM, said ‘hailstones’ are pelting down relentlessly, ripping the shields to shreds. Every now and again, a boulder sized one, (karma-version) blasts through, to konk him on his already heavily dented noggin!
Mike, never saw yourself as “The Rain Maker” ??? Well, see the power of postulates, pal 🙂
Sorry, Mike, by the time you post this, the above comment should read, “Desperately Depraved Mestcavige.”
Thank you for keeping the truth flowing.
Despite your excellent results in comparison with the COS, the comparison is not really fair because Mi$cavige has indoctrinated sycophants and paid staff who are encouraged to “click” at their web-sites to raise their (false) stats.
On the other hand your stats are honest. We “click” on the pages of your blog because we share a common purpose as Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike who love freedom and honesty. Most of us share an intention to expose this lying, betraying evil-doer and his misguided followers so that the world will be a better, safer place for all.
Well said Espiritu! Mike, you are doing a fabulous job! The regular exposing of true data, with such great humor is priceless. You are running with the big dogs and that’s us. A bunch of sassy, fringey saint Bernard puppies. I’m proud to be part of the fun.
The “Fringe of the Internet” is THE place to be these days! There is a waiting list and a velvet rope, but if tell them you’re an SP (no identity badges needed here), they’ll let you right through.
Davey’s name is on the “Do Not Enter” list. To be enforced by a cadre of scowling bouncers.
Congrats on your blog stats, Mike…you and Tony are the wittiest guys in any medium, writing about the rise and fall of corporate Scientology. And your intel is amazing.
Funny, all you need to do to take down the Empire…is keep telling the truth.
So much easier than all the lies and denial, no? And so much more time in the day!
Mike Rinder, you rock around the clock and so do your stats! Powerful truths are emanating from your blog, the RCS’s smug scene is changing, and lemme tellya, your “cynical commentary” can cause me to shout with laughter while at the same time reading facts which aren’t funny at all. Now, that’s a gift. Much appreciation for what you do.
Miscavige abandoning the outer org trainees reminds me of the story Marc Headley tells in his book about being forced to sleep outside at Hemet for months only to find out that it lasted so long because Miscavige forgot to cancel the punishment. Miscavige likes to picture himself as a tough guy, in the tradition of the “rat pack,” (after all, isn’t that why he insists on being called COB like Sinatra was?), but his actions aren’t tough, or smart. They are mean, and small, and very far from smart.
We in RTC wish to point out that COB is not trying “to get his dick out of the wringer.” Factually, the royal member has already been shredded and COB is in fact trying to extricate himself before said shredder. i.e. the internet, shreds him entirely.
Factually, the foreshortening occurred after some CI CS(ker) proffered the bright idea that “it would be a really cool (event) opening if COB were to shred.”
Not being one who needs to clear words and idioms – but knowing he had a dick like a pick – COB decided to practice.
“Various pics of Scientology in the 80s and 90s, unpublished, until now… ”
Nice pics. Looks like some 70s too.
Yes, just like to spread the info so people can enjoy looking at them.
Very cool
Mike, as Pat Gualteri got his goldenrod and NO ONE but POB is capable of running events, maybe 24/7 is insufficient for all the extra “work” he has to do, and so he is moving so fast that nobody can even feel his oiliness on his vicinity!
Last time I looked, the Flat Earth Society had passed Scientology.org. Maybe they should report their stats each Thursday and have a celebrity center.
I think you are doing an awesome job with this blog.
More facts to look at here folks is that Mike here runs a blog as opposed to the CoS which has had a fully functional website that’s been there for two decades.
Yet Mike is kickin’ their ass in the Alexa ratings and has only been posting for maybe a year.
What’s up with that?
Well the fact is that Mike is a whistle blower like Snowden, Agee, etc. who is exposing the rotten spots in the Organization.
He’s actually providing a public service whereas the Church long since has ceased doing that with their obsession about MEST and their slavering obsequious toward Miscavige.
I mean going to their website and reading Miscavige’s “bio” should only be done on an empty stomach and without imbibing any liquids that you might hurl onto your retina screen.
Once again you’re doing a fine job Mike.
Mike, thank you!
Not sure how accurrate these number may be for markrathbun.wordpress.com but for Global shows 175,229
US: 47,796
Switzerland 4,024
Germany 61,157
Australia 19,527
I admire you, Tony and all the other “fringe” bloggers out there who generate more traffic than the slick, multi-million dollar, linked Scientology sites. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it’s free!
About the BS stats, at some point up the ladder, the buck has to stop. Someone has to know the real situation even if they don’t really want to admit that it runs counter to everything they believe to be true about RCS or His Oiliness himself. How high does the BS go? Does Davey himself believe there are millions of members or that he’s conquering China just because there’s Chinese translations of the books? What does he tell his top lieutenants?
It’s an interesting question.
I think Miscavige has become the biggest believer of his own bullshit.
Because he has been in an environment for so long where no questioning or challenge of his utterances is tolerated and all he has around him is cowering sycophants, he truly believes that what he says is true.
So, if he proclaims he is the “only one” that knows how to “handle an SP” and dishes out a bunch of orders to get “Squirrel Busters” deployed (“just like I did with Mayo and shut him down”) then this is what is done. ANd when it starts to go haywire and results in enormous public outcry he doesnt think for a minute that his idea was wrong, he is convinced it was messed up by some CI underling who has screwed up his orders (“if I had been handling it personally it would not have happened, they are just a bunch of CI c**ksuckers”).
And this is why you see so many footnukes emanating out of the bubble. He has no thought about what anyone else thinks or feels. They do not exist in his self-centered world. So the statements he makes for the media sound increasingly nuts. His handling of his internal public generates new disaffection and enemies every day. And his legal contortions trying to wiggle out of being held accountable are painting himself into a corner with C4 explosive paint. He has about 3 square feet left after painting an entire warehouse in retreat.
With some chagrin I’ll admit I was on the original “Squirrel Busters” Project in the early ’80’s and from what I remember Miscavige had nothing to do with shutting down Mayo’s AAC.
Though I know for a fact that he was in charge of the ops against Wollershiem, Fishman, Lermer, et al and we both know how “successful” those operations were.
He was VERY involved with the handling of Mayo. In fact the Squirrel Busters were His idea.
He took it from a PAB 53 Ownership which says in part: Personally, if I were an auditor and found my area being muddied up to that extent, I would have a definite feeling, if I permitted it to go on, that I was not doing all I could do to spread Scientology in my area. I would have taken such a screwball out of the running so fast he would have thought he had been hit by a Mack truck, and I don’t mean thought-wise. But then the difference between me and an apathetic auditor is that I fight, and I get things done. Miscavige as “COB” of ASI/Special Project Ops ordered Vicki Aznaran D/Inspector General and head of RTC to get people who would confront Mayo. Aznaran then came to me as CO OSA US and I was ordered to get Dennis Clark from Hawaii to LA to do this, along with Jim Jackson as his cohort in crime.
Miscavige was the originator of the Squirrel Busters.
Thanks Mike,
I was pretty much on the bottom rung of the op.
Just one of the techies in the background doing folder work on cases who had been on either Mayo’s or Horner’s or maybe CADA’s lines and getting them programed for repair.
Never saw much action other than that.
Starrated the “Squirrel Busters” pack but don’t remember that exact passage but reread PAB 53 and there it was!
Leave it to someone like Miscavige to take what is basically a comment and use it as an operating policy.
It figures!
Anyway while I was toiling in the vineyards prepping case folders Red Van Dyke called us into to the Quad and announced that the AAC had folded up because they were caught with copyrighted materials.
Ta Dah!!!
If David Miscavige is on his way out he is moving Bank accounts around now.
He will have to do this in person to maintain control and integrity with payoffs
and confidential transactions. Aside note is that a million dollar check looks exactly like a normal check except that it has a check sheet attached to it for the Federal Reserve Bank. Offshore is similar but can be bypassed and jumpered out making millions vanish
to outside investigators. It does take a little time to do this, once fiat currency ( paper)
is turned in Hard Currency it further becomes more invisible and if recycled untraceable.
D.M.s personal shredder is probably not far and very busy.
“D.M.s personal shredder is probably not far and very busy.”
And ……it is coming for Him next! It might bog down a little as the golden thong goes through but other than that should be a walk in the park ……..as TC says.
And Thank you Mike for all you have done and continue to do.
What DM has overlooked is the damage caused directly to individuals has had it’s fall-out. Mothers, Fathers, sisters, brothers, children, grandchildren, Grandparents, friends, acquaintances, bosses, employees around the world have witnessed disconnection, financial ruin, and foul play by Scn Inc under the leadership of DM. The world is watching!
What DM has overlooked is the damage caused directly to individuals has had it’s fall-out.
Lucy, he looks right at the damage and assigns blame elsewhere. Nothing’s his fault, so there’s nothing for him to fix or change. He’s a sociopath with a ser-fac bigger than Mount Everest, hence, he’s completely blind to the evil of his own deeds.
Yes indeed. Anyone having difficulty imagining that this is a correct description of DM should read “The Sociopath Next Door.” I’m not even halfway through it and IT ROCKS. All the characteristics of an SP are discussed in this book but not in those terms. It’s a readable, interesting book coming from an entirely different sector of the world–a psychiatrist who gives a shit. (They do exist, and they are not all the same as the people who chained mentally ill patients to stone walls and fed them gruel every other day in the 1800’s in England or who fried people’s brains in the US in the 50’s.)
I’m amazed with this woman’s observations of what we know as “an SP” and how she describes a basic sociopath. So far into the book a big qualification of a sociopath is having no conscience. And there you have it! DM has no conscience whatsoever, doesn’t care who he harms (and even likes doing it) and doesn’t care what it takes to keep winning above all other living beings (in his own mind).
IMO he will stick around as long as there are still people he can control, cause to jump how high, and make them bow down to him in their own minds and hand over to him all their own personal determinism. As soon as the rest of the SO staff and monied public and celebs STOP that, the sooner he will crawl away into some other sewer pipe where he can control the rats or bacteria or something.
as soon as i heard this blog was going online i had a very good feeling about it. and it’s turned out that way. i haven’t missed a day yet.
i was very glad to see you stake out some ground and stand up to someone who really needs to be made to know that he can be stood up to. that he is wrong if he thinks people are just going to worm away because he’s some “big bean”. in the end he’s just a school yard bully.
and i’m also grateful for the contributors to the blog.
who take personal risks in order to get info out into the daylight, for all to see just what kind of documented lunacy goes on inside the bubble. your efforts and Mike’s do not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
this a VERY valuable tool in ending that lunacy once and for all.
I hope it lives on for a very long time.
and i love your writing style mike, you crack me up a LOT. though it’s never gratuitous.
the mark of a good writer IMHO.
“in the end he’s just a school yard bully.” But only if he’s got his six bodyguards standing around to back him up. Such a frightened little creep.
I think you are awesome!
It’s the content that counts, and, I think, the purpose. Many know how the Co$ has blackened lives, but not everyone can do something about it.
ABC Late Line news (above link) confirms the above…Scientology is shrinking rapidly. The report states there are only 2,000 plus Scientology Members in Australia.
Facts are facts
Scientology – the fastest shrinking religion of the world.
If Mike’s blog is at the fringe of the Internet – is “scientology.org” now outer-fringe?
Headline news: “Once a prominent force, the church of scientology under the leadership of david miscavige is now relegated to being just another cult on the fringe of extinction.”
The excellent use, proper use, use // no-use // alteration, misuse, perversion, and outright suppression of Scientology, is the spectrum. You sound like you come in near the top of the scale. And I think it shows in your character.
Big dogs running through the tall grass when they should be doing their job at home is just Tommy Davis’ way of saying that upper managment is totally out of control and has no discipline. They are carefree and don’t care what the master wants (us).
Dave is going to find out there is power in the people.
Went to the Pasadena Idle Morgue yesterday. All staff, no visitors. Took the personality test. I told the kid that was going to explain my results to me that I thought this had been written back in the 50s and didn’t think it applied to 2013. He replied, “We meant to make it like that.” I brought up Miscavage changing the definition of a floating needle. He told me he didn’t change anything. He did talk about the Dear Leader is glowing terms. I don’t think they had any classes going on. There are banners up extoling the clams to get through the basics as fast as they can. When I left, there were still no visitors.
I did run across a stack of flyers with the title “Beware of Scientology!” as I was walkng through Old Towne. It gave subjects to ‘google'(i.e. Operation Freak Out) as well as books to read. It warned parents about the cult going after young people. However, when I was walking back to my car, the pile of flyers was gone. The cult probaby sends out members to walk the streets to make sure there’s no suppression going on. To whoever left those flyers, I suggest you wait for the Santa Ana winds to start and then put your flyers out. That’ll make it much tougher for them to get everyone of them.
Way to go Surfer Dude!
As of this last week there are only about 100 people left to get through their GAG II tips. That means about 900 OOTs are being kept from going home. Disgusting.
Personally love the blog, Mike. Very informative and extremely entertaining.
Re: Dave’s absence…maybe he’s spending the holidays with Shelly?
Flag is the new Hotel California for trainees or anyone else who arrives, you can check in but you can never leave.
Also, if you go further down in Alexa, you will see that Scientology pays for massive Click Farming. When I first mentioned click farming in a comment to this Blog in September, only 4% of their overall hits were click farm hits.
Now 13.9% of their worldwide visitors are from India, so even their Alexa stat is a false stat.
Neither Tony or Mike have hits from India.
Now that’s most interesting. I had never heard the term “click-farming” before, so I looked it up a bit on the internet, and you’re quite right! Low paid workers in poor areas like Bangladesh and India are paid a few dollars for thousands of “like” or “follow” clicks to make a person or business look popular. How am I NOT surprised that radical corporate scientology is padding their stats in that way?
Wow, Valerie, good catch!
Leonore, you’re so right — we shouldn’t be surprised by this sleazy tactic. What’s striking, I think, is that they’re still losing this “game” so badly even AFTER they’ve cheated on it. These chuckleheads couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel. (That’s a quote, but I can’t remember whose.)
+1 on both your points, Richard. “Shouldn’t be surprised…” and “…losing the game so badly.”
Maybe the RCS might like to run an add here for a small fee. Then they could link it to their site so the Kool Aide vendors could check out your blog with a simple click.
Yo Dave ………………..whadayasay about that? BTW Dave, given the stated importance of all of this GAG II tech perhaps you should fire the OOTs back home and let them dig in. If you hadn’t noticed, things are getting a tad dire out here on the fringes and we sure could use a boost!
And after you get these pesky court cases wrapped up (should not be any big deal for a big beings like you and Tom) you can put on a real nice tent event and let everyone know how you saved the RCS and the planet ……………………..again! Just more random thoughts…
I like Mikes’ Kool-Aid, it taste better and I don’t get a bad reaction from it.
If you run in the tall grass, you get burrs, ticks and chiggers.
But thats mostly around Hemet ……… I know they are trying to clean that up to make it easier for the surveillance cameras.
Note that your Alexa rating in the US [ the best comparison I expect as its english language
only] is twice as high as that of “He Who Must Not Be Named.”
The “Big dogs ” can’t even catch a glimpse of you you’re so fast. 🙂
I think you’re wise, Mike, not to follow this kind of thing too closely. To the extent that this is a battle of truth vs lies, you can’t measure the outcome in hit counts. BUT, this raw “unscrubbed” data is certainly heartening.
Dave’s disappearance is becoming a bigger story the longer it continues. October is drawing to a close. The holiday season almost upon us. Doubt and rumors creep in naturally to fill a void, and this void is widening by the day.
Lacking in empathy, David may have no understanding of what the members of his flock are thinking and feeling right now. It may not matter to him. But it’s rather crucial to his personal future. He will surely notice the dearth of attendees at his big tent show if and when it ever happens. Predictably, this will drive him even further into impotent rage and terrifying isolation. Alcoholism too, I suppose. The RCS will stagger onward in zombie-like fashion but even zombies, as I understand it, need a brain to properly function. Those rotten teeth can’t dine on flesh all by themselves.
If Flag were the set of a horror movie, this is the creepy sequence just before the big finale where the soundtrack has faded to near-silence — just some confusing, mechanical sounds in the darkness, labored breathing, the maddening drip-drip-drip of unseen leaks.
.Richard Grant, I love your atmospheric interpretations of what’s happening with the Church lately. Despite being funny, the descriptions are haunting – perhaps because they ring of truth.
You’re awesome Richard! Fabulous!
Richard, have you published books? I’d love to read more by you. Seriously.
You’re too kind! My name above links to my Twitter profile, I think. But this is Mike’s great blog and it’s an honor to be here so I’m surely not trying to pimp myself.
Your “cynical commentary” is some of the funniest stuff I get to read. 🙂
“I am just a poor, unemployed, bitter defrocked apostate on the very fringe of the internet spewing anti-religious hate and propaganda in a vendetta because I can no longer “run with the big dogs in the tall grass” — according to Tommy Davis channeling Dan Sherman.”
I love this phrase too, Mike. So funny.
Epic stuff
Dear Mike, Your site is so much on the mark for truth.It’s gaining momentum by the hour.
RCS is getting close to a Firesale ( everything goes) I have seen possibly
the worst of the worst and David Miscavige unthinkably towers above all as being the supreme King of worst possible management. Everything D.M. does if put into a Business Model and presented to Harvard Business, they would laugh it off as an April Fools Joke ,
nobody could possibly be that twisted and demented.( I believe that is his defense, people cannot believe anyone could be that evil stupid )
My take on things
The Marine
Another “no show” for Miscavige at graduation, translating into a “no announcement” for event dates (as promised to be announced at graduation) is turning into a “no surprise.”
Can’t speak for anyone else – obviously – but I would have NO PROBLEM with some Ads on the site if it helped with the funding. It is a great public service you provide and should be recompensed with additional sources if possible.
I agree – so you can speak for me too 😉
Let me jump in here and join those who give carte blanche for ads or anything that helps you in what you’re doing with this blog, Mike. I’m rather unschooled and a late comer to the Internet and I’m still processing what I’ve just learned from some comments here that people in India get paid to go onto websites. How that can be ethical is beyond me but maybe I’m Internet-naive as well as untrained.
Well, yeah … but when Miscavige offers orders of magnitude money to run a full-screen pop-up ad of All-Star Squirrel Busters he has nothing to do with, and it gets turned down, we’ll see some hired Taliban attorneys to wail in Arabic about prayer meetings and religious discrimination and the Great Satan (guess who??) and violations of their First Amendment rights.
It’s probably eating Miscavige alive right now that he can’t place an ad here – something like “Mike Rinder Does Not Exist!”
Funny that you say that, Carcha – that Mike Rinder does not exist. Like I said above, Dave’s the one who’s missing.
Oh, darn it. There he goes again, accusing others of what He, Himself is guilty of. 😀
What Martin said!
Congratulations Mike! Compared to the RCS, your blog stat is phenomenal. Its also phenomenal compared to everyone else on the Web. Its riveting stuff!
I second what Wendy said! And also remember the church is paying for hits on their site by sending money to India to buy the hits. Mike doesn’t buy traffic and he doesn’t advertise for it, nor do any links send them to it. So Mike wins! And also the traffic to Co$ might be people looking for info on the Leah Remini thing or wondering what Scn is and those people are not seeking answers, they might still hate it but just looked out of curiosity or were looking for something else and stumbled on it.
No ads here but why not? I’d love to help you generate some revenue off this site.
Thanks for all you do Mike.
You freaking ROCK, Mike! I love hanging out here with you, Karen, TonyO, and Marty on the fringes of the internet!
Applause! Brilliant, Mike.
Well done on your stellar stats. Only up since March and already you’re doing this well with no advertising and no links from other sites! That’s great. And I also noticed that when you look at the pictures of the graph lines on each of Alexis’ pictures, that the Co$ one is down at the bottom and heading off the bottom of the graph.. Non E or lower. And when you compare it to the graph lines on yours on the bottom right corner, your lines are trending up up up. You’re going UP while DM goes down! I like those lyrics to the song much better. Kudos to you, Mike!
Jane, Mike, anyone…..what happened around June of 2012, cof$ stats went through the roof. When did Katie leave Tom?? Some other juicy thing had to be driving this stat, I can’t imagine that everyone’s implants turned on that week and they started logging onto the church’s site all of a sudden???!! I never really did get the stats/conditions down like I want to but, I’m not blind either. Mike’s trend up, Dave’s are schizy up and down and definitely going off the bottom of the charts. Yahoooo!
It is Katie filing for divorce. It spiked everyone’s interest in Scientology
Yes, Mike – this is amazing. Your blog has been up since March with no investment and your traffic is WAY more than theirs. The difference is mind-boggling. But as you say, you are presenting the truth (albeit with a tad of cynicism 🙂 and his site is slick PR. I’ve sat for one of those Meet a Scientologist videos – all has to be so perfectly set up.
Mike, you and the work you do are are very much appreciated (and very valuable and worthwhile as well). I hope too to be re-united with some loved ones who disconnected from me. I think also that your website provides a very vital source of information for those who might otherwise fall into the trap of becoming involved with and thus have their lives dominated by the RCS. Thank you.
someone needs to send little dave a hallmark card … one with cute puppies to cheer him up !!!
Maybe Davie has been blown for weeks. He might already be in hiding; after all, he will to anything to avoid having to appear in court. Mike, do you think he already blew?
No, I dont think he has blown. He is conducting endless meetings where he is ranting and raving about how nobody has his back and he is being persecuted by a bunch of DB’s, but because he has to do everything, he is being prevented from doing what is REALLY important (holding his events) because he is so consumed with having to deal with the legal cases. In truth, if he cancelled all his pontification meetings and phone calls where he loves to hear the sound of his own voice, he would have plenty of time. And if he stopped trying to figure out some “clever” (read dishonest) strategy to deal with the legal cases, he would save himself a LOT of money, time and future catastrophes he is busy creating with his short term panic “handlings.”
Thanks for that. I’ve actually been meaning to ask for a while what a typical David Miscavige day is like. For real. And I understand that these recent days aren’t necessarily typical, what with the major catastrophe he is engulfed with.
I mean. most of us lead normal lives. Shopping, chores, family, friends, TV, sports, restaurants, music, joy, sorrow, cutting the lawn, cleaning, wiping the baby’s ass, joking, talking about anything, and nothing.
Even after his evil-abusive-cult-ruler day is done, what the hell does the man do?
I won’t speculate, because it is a serious question, and if you, or anyone with personal knowledge, could answer, it would be greatly appreciated.
(I’m chuckling to myself, because a while back I did an amateur video “A Day in the Life of a Teacher” about a friend, and am thinking it would be hilarious to do a video “A Day in the Life of an Evil-Cult-Leader.”)
Hey, Jane Doe!
I have been busy thinking the same freakin’ thing. I’ve been saying he should just blow for a long time. Maybe he finally listened. haha.
But, seriously, I would like to genuinely ask this of anyone who’s at Flag right now…has anyone seen him on/around the base? Not hearsay but an actual sighting?
If this keeps up, he’s going to be as unbelievable as Sasquatch or little green men. Oh wait. That’s already happened. First nobody believes him and now, nobody can find him. Does he really exist? What about his right hand man/woman/boy, Lou? Has anybody seen her lately – or His entourage?
Can anyone report on this? Is he actually at the base? Have his closest cronies been seen or did he blow his little racketeering racket with them in tow?
Ha. We’ve been asking, “Where’s Heber” and “Where’s Shelley.” Maybe now we’ll have to start asking, “Where’s Davey.” This song seems appropriate at the moment; especially the line that says, “He’s a missing person that nobody misses at all.”
“Goodbye Dave” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw7gNf_9njs
Legal disclaimer: No one is suggesting that Dave should die. Just sayin’, “He’s a missing person who nobody misses at all.” Good riddance.
Hey Indie8Mill, Yes, I can see your song put to country western music…” he’s a missing person that no one misses at all.” Cool.
And thanks for the info Mike. Yes, I imagine that now more than ever it sucks to be Dave.