Leah and I are taking a break from our Fair Game podcast for a very brief time.
Until then, there are 80 episodes we recorded so far (FairGamePodcast.com) and all episodes of Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath are available on Netflix if you are yet to see it.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to getting back to you in a few weeks.
I’ve been waiting for new episodes, but only just realised you started a new one! Yay! Thank youuuuu!
I binged this podcast, and loved it, any update on if/ when it will be back?
I sincerely appreciate all the work you and Leah have done. I’m sure there are reasons you can not disclose as to the podcast not returning yet (hopefully it will). I want to thank you and Leah, and all your amazing contributors, for telling your truths. I’m sure the radio silence is a product of your own continuing aftermaths. Just know that I, and I’m sure many others, send the most heartfelt, best wishes possible for you both, and will be patiently waiting for the time to come where you can speak up again.
Whatever is next for you both, whether the podcast returns or not, I remain a loyal fan and follower of your fight. Take care of yourselves. That is the most important thing you can do, and I encourage everyone else to recognize that. This can’t be easy. You’re human too, and fighting your own unimaginable battles as well. Probably worse than anyone else, and worse than what we hear your contributors talk about, because of the courageous lengths you’ve gone to fighting this fight.
Much love to you and Leah. Be well.
Thank you Cory.
Just to be clear, I have not stopped speaking up. In fact, with my book, I have done considerably more media appearances and podcasts in the last 4 months than any time ever. We did one podcast a week. I have been doing 5 times that much.
Scientology gummed up the works on the distribution of the podcast and that is being sorted out. But I have also been extremely busy with writing and then promoting the book, so I just haven’t had the time to devote to sorting this out. Things are calming down now after the holidays, so I will get back to working on the podcast.
So you know, I live stream with Aaron Smith-Levin and Marc Headley on their YouTube channels (Growing up in Scientology and Blown for Good) on Mondays at 7pm EST and we answer questions from listeners.
Thank you so much for that information Mike. I greatly appreciate it! I hope you had a great holiday and I look forward to what 2023 brings.
Could we please get an update on the podcast? I don’t mean to be critical, because I so appreciate and enjoy everything you all have done so far. But with social media, blogs, and the podcast itself, it seems like we could get another 2min update on when we can expect to have new episodes. Even a once-a-month update that says “nope, not yet” or “here’s what we are working on” would really be helpful.
Nope, not yet. Still trying to wrap up book activities….
Thanks, that helps. I know y’all need a break – I mean you both lived it for a long time, and I trust that even exposing it leaves a little slime you need to wash off and stay away from for a time. Take care!
Ina Birko – both of my parents immigrated from ukraine with their parents, in the late 40’s – my mother will be 94,we know propaganda.
this war is breaking her heart but she is from remarkable Ukrainian stock!!
Glad hear something!. Just the 2 minute thing saying “new stuff starting in august” and then nothing… is pretty frustrating. I’ve looked everywhere for some kind of update. Even thinking maybe I had to subscribe to another podcast !?? At least now I know you’re still working on it….
Looking forward to the new and latest podcasts whenever they become available. I would like to hear your (Mike & Leah’s) perspectives on the Danny Masterson’s mistrial.
Listened to you on Mike Rowe’s podcast. It was great to hear your voice.
I’m saddened hearing there have been problems with the podcast. This is ridiculous and another example of Scientology’s dirty tricks. When will they be stopped. How can they have the power to stop freedom of speech. We are all behind you Mike and Leah. Don’t give up.
Yes, when can we hear you again?
Still hoping for Mike and Leah’s return. Because of them I have been studying cults and trying to reach people who have been impacted by them. Mike and Leah are heroes. I miss the podcast so much.
All episodes have been removed from YouTube too, there was a whole playlist that doesn’t exist anymore
Leah Remini’s YT has a playlist of all 80 episodes.
My pre order for Kindle via Amazon UK has been cancelled received an email today???? Are they up to their tricks Mike?
No. See other reply I posted a short while ago. It’s an Amazon algorithm
Ok thanks Mike
Where is the podcast? You said end of august. Seems Scientology maybe got their way, especially with no further communication
Working on sorting out some issues that came up. Made more difficult by everything else going on right now.
Thank you for replying. I think we are all so excited for more, it’s hard to be patient.
Started listening to your new audio book today!
I am so proud of you both for being courageous in these efforts to expose this fraudulent entity.
Any thoughts on putting Aftermath on Prime??
Miss you and am looking forward to hearing you soon!
Am I missing something here in the UK. Waiting on podcast to recommence?
Hope they’re not trying to tie you up in legal proceedings & silence you.
Are you able to advise?
Got your book on pre-order
Hey Mike. Don’t know if you noticed but your episodes are disappearing. I have been traveling and listening while on the road. I had saved your interview with Tory and it disappeared this morning. Only the past 10 episodes are left. I use an app and they were all there yesterday. I found the rest on the iheart radio site but they are gone elsewhere.
Cheers. And enjoy your time off.
I still have access to all the episodes VIA Google podcast.
Yeah they are back now. They were gone for several days. Very weird.
i cannot find them on any of the usual websites including iheart radio where i usually listen. where are they?
I listen on Google podcast, they’re still there. May need to search for fair game podcast and see what comes up. They could be revamping all of the episodes preparing for their come back next month.
I cannot find them either. I’ve tried all the platforms (Google podcasts, iheart radio ect.) They all say “unavailable”….. I only recently discovered them and am only half way through and now I can’t access them. Does anyone know what’s happening??
Trying to find out what is going on with this…
I can’t get any episodes to play on different platforms
It still says. Temporarily unavailable.
It’s been 2 days. I was on episode 75 and it stopped playing in the middle.
I was also working my way through them on iheart radio then they disappeared, and I sure didn’t think you or Leah took them down! Good luck!
So far, they are still on Stitcher, thankfully!
I have started having trouble downloading episodes of fair game podcast on amazon and Spotify and episodes won’t even stream online on amazon. Is it just me or is anyone else having this issue? (Not having this issue with any other podcast)
Trying to find out what is happening
Hi—all the episodes disappeared for me for a couple days, as well. But then they came back. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad they’re back! I love listening and I’m up to episode 64!
It seems the whole podcast is no longer available on Iheart
don’t know how or why but THEY’RE BACK!!!
thank you, thank you. thank you to whoever is responsible.
Hello! I just finished the Netflix series and was flabbergasted. I am curious if you and Leah will be doing any commentary on the Masterson trial? Having your intake once that begins would be incredible. I just read that his defense team filed a motion with the US Supreme Court to get it tossed to arbitration within the church. That is INSANITY at the highest level.
I guess I’m part of the choir. I miss your podcasts. I understand that you need to take some well deserved time off as I’m sure you have other commitments as well as families. Return in the fall?
Well, yes. Writing the book was one of them!
I miss you both so much! You are my favorite podcast, please come back soon:)
Oh I do so hope your fabulous podcast comes back stronger than ever. You and Leah are true heroes and I am sure you have just scratched the surface of the stories yet to be told about Scientology. Come back soon!
Hi Mike, Leah,
Quit it with the horseshit. When are you getting back to work?! I expect this free of charge service to be readily available and current at all times. Come on!
When are you guys coming back? I check back every week hoping to see a new podcast 🙁 I absolutely love this podcast, I learn so much and I love the friendship you and Leah have.
Agreed! I just finished listening to the 80 podcast episodes and now am rewatching Aftermath on Netflix. I am really hoping that when you come back you will have news of an FBI investigation!
I love the podcast and the show-you two make a great team.
I totally agree with Leah that we need some women to take action from the law enforcement community and the IRS. Working on my letter writing campaign now!
I will join the song! Please come back! Especially to remind people about good ol’ Tommy C.
Hope you both are enjoying your well deserved time off but, as many other listeners, I am missing your podcast! It’s incredibly insightful and I believe it made me a better person, it has changed my approach to religion and how the mind works.
I’d be interested in hearing about life with a Scientologist from a non Scientologist point of view. Have you thought of having Angelo or someone that has been in the same situation as a guest?
Hi Mike I really really hope the podcast comes back soon! It is my fave for my long runs. So really missing you guys. I must look like a total loon as I have been running with laughing out loud, crying, swearing in anger – all the emotions. Please come back soon!
Same here! I miss jogging/walking while listening to this great podcast. I have learned so much from this series!
We miss you, come back please!
Yes!! Please come back ASAP! We miss you both!
Me too here in UK. I am now re-listening to all 80 eps. Pls come back soon we miss you
I’ll join the chorus of voices who miss Fair Game and hope it returns soon..
Here also!
Miss you guys
Still nothing from Mike and Leah. I can’t believe that they can’t say anything about when they MIGHT be back? Even a month of the year. I love the podcast and really miss it 😕
He says in his statement “very brief period” and “a few weeks” I imagine it’s their summer vacation time off to be with family and friends. I hope they are relaxing and not feeling badgered by all the people worrying about their podcasts return, LOL.
Leah’s IG mentions her daughter’s graduation. Perhaps Leah is just enjoying this time with her before she goes off to college. I miss the podcast too, but it has to be draining. I’m hoping they’ll be back in the Fall.
I hope you two return soon. Missing this podcast. I’m halfway through Marc Headley’s “Blown For Good” and holy fuck! Can’t believe the bullet some of my friends and family dodged by backing out when they did.
Really missing your podcast and hope everything is ok with you and your families. Maybe Leah is focusing on school. Hope the classes are going well. I’ll keep checking every week for your return. Take care!
I’ve been checking every week for a new episode, I am seriously having withdrawals! 😉 I hope you two are back super soon, yours is my favorite podcast and I’ve only chosen 3 others to follow.
Your work is very important and impactful to get the word out on the truths of all of these diabolical cults, just know that you both have made great strides in making the public more aware.
Their ilk will soon die out. Hope to hear from you soon, please 🙏🥰
Miss you guys. Hope everything is OK.
Missing the podcast. Hope the break is not too much longer.
Me too
Love your podcast and the show on Netflix. You are both doing amazing work and are Amazing individuals as are all of your guests (both on the podcast on in the show) that have shared your stories. Wishing you both bright light and love and relaxing vibes.
A “few weeks” is now over 2 months so there must be something going on other than a taking a break. Hopefully it won’t be much longer. 🙏
I think so too. Hope whatever is happening is resolved happily.
Now 3 Months so there is definitely something.
I’ve been checking my podcast app waiting for a new ep. After seeing this announcement and that Leah has a new gig, my guess is that the podcast won’t be back until at least after ‘so you think you can dance’ ends, which looks to be September. Hope I’m wrong though.
Gunna assume this is due to some legal garbage from the Danny masters on camp trying to silence things as much as possible
So Glad you are not gone forever! Just like everyone else, I was worried. I kept checking to see if there was a new episode posted. You guys definitely deserve a break. Will look forward to your return.
Well said!!! Totally agree!!
Seems that they are gone.
Sure does.
Too bad. There such a huge pool of people that could speak but not necessarily want to. Maybe it is for the favor. Only, I still have the habit of open it up every Tuesday and see if they are back. Silly addiction, even though I decided not to talk, listen or watch anything about it because then it feels that I’m still currently in Scientology and engaging in it actively if I’m part of even listening to podcast, and I want it out of my universe. I absolutely detest it with every fiber of my body and soul. So yep, it is definitely for my favor.
Good point. I have stopped looking to see if they’re back because it’s a waste of time. There’s more to it than what they’re saying about taking a little break so I’ve moved on but I hope eventually they’ll continue to raise awareness
I had been sending you contact messages asking you what had happened to my favorite podcast. I knew it was a longshot that you could answer. But now I feel like a fool for not seeing this post previously.
You guys definitely deserve a break, but I look forward to your return!
Man, I have searched and commented EVERYWHERE but here wondering what had happened to the podcast. I will now patiently wait…..
I was actually “away” from checking the podcast since late February and was shocked to find that I only missed 2 episodes. I checked back in last week after a heated debate in my household about going to see the new Top Gun movie (I’m not, btw). I just caught up after listening to the Lularoe ep. Glad to read that y’all just on a break! Patiently waiting for new content, in the meantime I will comb through to see if there are eps I may have missed or not finished. Mike, I love you and Leah and what you are doing to help end the abusivley criminal org of Scientology!
Ditto. I’ve been looking for news about if the podcast was canceled or what was up for about a month now, and couldn’t find anything. Finally sent a message through this website this evening, and 10 minutes later – I find this post! 🙄
They definitely could use a break, and I do hope everything‘s OK. I was presuming they got some kind of legal cease-and-desist… 🤔
Thanks for keeping us updated, i was wondering and worried. Enjoy your well deserved break! You guys are amazing for the work you all do and are so loved for your bravery. I miss you guys though, feels weird not hearing hi mikey and hi lee lee, every week lol. I can’t wait until you guys get back! Enjoy your time!!!
Me too!! I was worried!
Oh thank goodness you’re just on a break, I was getting worried! I love your podcast, you two are amazing, the world needs to know the truth and who better to tell it than two survivors! Sending you love and hoping you are enjoying your well earned rest. Looking forward to ep.81 and beyond!
Been 2 months,Ok I’m starting to worry 🤔
My friends and I are alcohol free, waiting for the next podcast and Leah to use the F*** word. Don’t let us down, we love our drinking game and learning about Scientology.
Can’t wait for you to get back! Although of course I’m happy you’re taking your, much deserved, break.
I’m glad you are all getting a rest from the weekly Podcast!
I’m all caught up so I’ll be waiting patiently! Lol
Love & regards,
Lisa, California 🙏🌸
I came here to say the same thing as Laurie! Will wait very patiently as you two take a much-needed break. Until then, looking forward to more episodes! Love you both so much!!
Taylor from MN
Happy for you guys that you’re getting a break, but boy do I miss my weekly Mike and Leah fix! You guys are the best.
Thanks. Will be back. A lot of other things to do…
I am glad that you are taking a break. Everyone needs one every so often. That being said, I do miss the Podcast and hope it returns soon.
Sure will be glad when y’all are back. Tuesday mornings just aren’t the same.
Please oh please tell me the podcast is coming back SOON?! It’s one of my favorite podcasts & I miss you all so much.
On a brighter note, it did get me to finally subscribe to this blog after thinking about it for years!
Thanks so much, Mike for all that you & Leah do:)
Oh good. I’ve been wondering if something happened the last couple weeks. Glad you’re just taking a well-deserved break and I hope you have fun!
Thank goodness had to check. I miss seeing that little green dot on the podcast to let me know there is another episode waiting for me.
Whew! Glad I checked. Enjoy the break and I’m looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to. Take care!
Me too. Can’t wait until next one.
is it possible the podcast has received a cease and desist order from the court?
Awesome! I was a bit worried as well. <3
Whew! I was getting worried that you and Leah weren’t coming back. I hope you are enjoying time with your families, you both deserve a break!
Thank you for this post! I was worried that the podcast had ended. Enjoy listening to you and Leah and look forward to hearing your next podcast.
PHEWWWW….. I got worried there! Enjoy your break!
Me too!!!
Definitely glad to hear that it’s a break and not an end to the podcasts. I look forward to them when they come out.
Didn’t realize how much I would miss you both. We have our standing date every Tuesday on my way home from work. Enjoy your break and I look forward to your return.
Me too! I miss these podcasts so much.
Please don’t ever stop. Take a break- we totally get that, but don’t ever stop what you’re doing.
Including making an occasional ass out of a simple minded troll.
We love you, and stand behind you.❤️
Oh, thank goodness you will continue with the podcast, as it is an important part of your efforts to help others. With humor and grace, your work has helped me and my sister heal from being Jehovah’s Witnesses. Especially helpful was the Mormon episode. Thank you for all that you do. (My husband will know when your podcast returns because I will resume saying the word *fuck* a lot…). Bless you both!
I have literally just searched the web for reasons why there hasn’t been an episode!!!!! Glad to see you are okay. Was worried something had happened, enjoy your well deserved break and look forward to hearing you again soon !
Having just finished the “Aftermath” series yesterday, I’d like to thank every participant for their courage, and modeling-for one another and for the audience(s). Included in this are Muslim and former Witnesses; I’m grateful y’all opted to feature these additional cohorts. When I first began to follow Mike and Leah, I was struck by the brash behavior and after learning more about why it exists at all, I understood the degree of contempt that Scientology, Hubbard and his successor have for others. Not easy to get on board with but you humanized it and its impact, so thank you for offering that education as well. Special hugs to Mary Kahn, by the way, mom to mom.
I believe you’ve made a monumental impact in helping us to understand not only the dynamics of abuse within this cult in particular, but its greed as well. I share Leah’s frustration at the lack of action on the part of the IRS and law enforcement though having worked in DV, some of that seems understandable. Not acceptable, but understandable. Thank you both so much for bringing this information to the public, and for your persistence and discernment. As long as you have the energy and the interest, don’t give up! You’ve helped convince a couple of people I’d been working with for a while, to leave completely and though that achievement is solely theirs, I think it would have been a lot harder for them to move past this abuse had it not been for you. Thank you so much for your bravery, and thank all of your contributors as well!
So happy that it is just a break. I was worried, knew I’d find the answer on Mike’s blog.
I look forward to hearing you each week…Just made us all bit spoiled 🙂
Amen. Thank you so much for the update. Hoping all is well for you both and your families during this break.
What you and Leah are doing represents the future of our media—educating from self-experience, using humor, for the greater good of our planet. Huge Thanks to both of you.
I’m so glad you are both ok! I also felt a little worried when there wasn’t a new podcast! I look forward every week to the new one. Thank you both for all of your work!
So glad you are just taking a break. Enjoy!
Are there other podcasts you can recommend while we wait for your return? Thanks!
Enjoy your well earned break. I am sure there is so much work that goes into it we are not aware of (not to mention everything else you do in this fight). Looking forward to more episodes when you’re ready.
If you only knew how much I miss your podcast…(sigh).
Have a good vacation. Hope you’re back soon.
I was looking for them too!! I’ve already listened to the podcast through three times. Love these guys!
They should have a morning radio show where they just discuss the events of the day. I would listen!
Is there a possibility for a class action case on behalf of the ones who paid but did not get what they were promised? Claim sounds like the ones brought against Trump University.
When you come back, I would like to hear you comment on how similar woke-ism’s “cancel culture” is to Scientology’s “Fair Game” tactics.
It feels as if some bureaucrats got recruited into Scientology during that little undercover operation led by LRH’s then wife. The surveillance, messaging, public humiliation and exile from friends/famiy meted out to anyone who questions or criticizes the woke Gods is very Fair Game.
Have I listened to too many podcasts or is ‘woke’ a theological dictatorship like Scientology, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormans, and other cult-like religions?
I am glad you are only taking a break and nothing bad has happened. When there wasn’t a new podcast for two weeks, I got worried. I am also thankful you are keeping up with your blog, Mike, even while on a break. There are many of us who support what you do, and will worry about you when we don’t hear from you and Lele. Have a great break. Sending love and support to you both!
Thank you Lyn. All is well. 🙂
That’s exactly what I thought – something has happened!
Phew, thank goodness you’ll be back!
Enjoy your break 🙂
Thank you for your work in helping people understand Scientology. I was always somewhat interested in what it was all about, because my name is in Dianetics. I had plenty of other things to occupy my time, so never really took the time to learn about. After hearing all the stories from the Aftermath and the podcast, I have learned so much. What a battle you fight every day. It is truly inspiring. I hope some day you can reconnect with family and friends and they can gain freedom from this destructive cult.
Blessings to you both.
Thank you for what you guys do. I can only imagine how exhausting it is for you guys. Enjoy your time off. We will be here when you get back.
What will I do?!?! 😩🥺 😆 I completely understand the need for a break and I hope it’s restful for you and Leah. Come back reenergized for the work you both continue to do!
Ok yes, I know everyone needs a break and especially from such a mentally draining topic, but PLEASE COME BACK!!!! We miss you!
I would never annoy any other podcasters because I can always catch up another time, but we like you and the amazing people you are!!!
Just get back as soon as possible so we can get back to normality again 🤣
Love you Mike and Lele xx
I am missing the podcast but will wait patiently, as you and Leah deserve a break. Thank you both for all you are doing and enduring to help others.
Enjoy your break, I’ll miss your show while you are away and will look forward to when you get back and we get a new episode. I might listen again to older episodes to keep me going, my favourite guests have been Jon Atack, Paulette Cooper and the Australian journalist, can’t remember his name, but he was great.
Which episode had Paulette Cooper?
Love your insight into the mind of a cult. So happy you a Leah made it out. Looking forward to more Scientology fair game, soon. It looks like the only thing the feds
get interested in is under age sex crime with physical scaring….there must a a sex dungeon at one of the many top secret compounds that miscavidge runs… he’s got to be as crazy as keith reniere. Have a nice vaca-enjoy your families.
Thank you for all you do. God bless.
Enjoy your break! I imagine it’s pretty exhausting to put this show together week after week. You will be missed, though! (You guys are part of my Monday night routine!)
Part of my job takes me out to Hemet/San Jacinto, CA on a regular basis. It’s crazy to think something so horrible lurks at the base of those hills… Keep up the good work of exposing that organization for what it is!
In 1968 when I joined the Army in Viet Nam. I was designated the fair game expert with the M14-Sniper rifle.
Hubbard deserved a far deeper meaning of fair game meaning from me.
I had the ability to put three rounds in his forehead.
I’m bummed. I really love this podcast. I live near Clearwater and wanted to understand why it is the way it is downtown.
I feel compelled to do something for the people I see out there in their uniforms – I wonder what they’re going through.
Thank you so much for educating us.
Ok…. But…. What am I supposed to do until then LOL. I know like every episode of the podcast and The aftermath by heart…. So I guess I’ll just sit here and stare at a wall until you guys come back lol. Kidding! (Kind of) you guys do much hard work fighting these injustices, you definitely deserve a break. Can’t wait to hear y’all again!
I could tell you some funny stories about money and the love for money. But I just don’t think you would appreciate my stories. There is a big difference between the love for money and the hate for those people who love money.
Before you can appreciate my stories you first must select just what category you belong to.
Mr. Rinder tells us that he has no serious job. From what little we know about TV shows and their revenue streams, it would seem that Leah must get some serious money for her work on the Aftermath TV show. But Mr. Rinder is very unlikely to get anywhere close to that much money.
We know that Mr. Rinder has a button on his blog asking people to “DONATE” money to this blog. But just how much money people donate to him or how he makes enough money to support his family is none of anyone’s business.
Except – of course – when Mr. Rinder brings his revenue stream into the public domain. Then it becomes fair game for the public to ask questions about it.
I’ve tried to ask a few questions in the past. But Mr. Rinder acts as if it no one’s business but his own. But that is not true. When someone puts themself in the public domain, they can expect the public will ask just how much money they make and where it comes from.
I would suspect that Mr. Rinder probably get about $100K donated to this blog. But that is just a guess. Let me now try to ask again.
Mr. Rinder? Do you have any kind of steady job that provides you with some steady income? I suggested once before you might learn the practice of Dolah. It seems like a very useful skill and one that will be in demand more and more as time progresses. I would suggest that being a Doulah would be a valuable skill and would give you a good deal of satisfaction.
But, if you choose not to reply, at least, could you give us some idea as to just how you make money to support yourself? I’ve seen it said that you have sold used cars at one point. But what do you do these days aside from your “DONATE” button? What are you doing to bring in the money we all need to survive?
The money donated to this blog doesn’t cover the expenses of hosting it, keeping it secure from attacks and domain name registration.
As for the “dolah” you apparently don’t know more than a word your handlers told you. It’s a D-O-U-L-A…
As for the rest of your idiotic questions, you could figure it out if you bothered to check even my social media. I routinely post about the work I do there.
Other than that, I feel not the slightest need to explain my life to you. You are clearly a troll.
PS: Don’t forget those checks I get from Big Pharma
Mr. Rinder has called me a troll several times now.
“You are clearly a troll. You are clearly a troll.”
I have called him “repetitive” several times. But not just because he keeps calling me a troll.
Consider his blog entry, “Big Time Dissemination in Vancouver…”.
This entry repeats many times just how hapless and clueless the cult is. We get this kind of entry several times each week.
That is why I call him “repetitive and boring”. There is almost zero news about the cult. There is little for Mr. Rinder to do more than repeat all of his past comments about how hapless and ridiculous the cult has become. It is just old news repeated ad nauseam.
As for his remark that I don’t know how to spell “Doula”? Correcting spelling errors is the act of someone who has little better to contribute. My entry clearly shows that I spelled it correctly once and made a typo once. It’s pretty sad that he feels correcting a typo is landing a good blow. It is actually akin to many of the other shots he takes at the cult – repetitive and boring.
Losing the recent byelection flies in the face of Mr. Rinder’s claim, “Something Can be Done About it”.
If it is true that something can be done about it, it’s pretty clear that Mr. Rinder just doesn’t know what that is.
He will be making the same repetitive and boring charges for years to come and the cult will not change much.
As I said, you are free to ignore my repetitive commentary. Please don’t waste any more of your precious time.
Trolling is not your strong suit.
Believe it or not, I am sorry that your kids remain imprisoned. I searched the entire Trolling Handbook of Clever Remarks and there was not one satisfying comeback that could be used in that case.
My problem has nothing to do with your position on the cult. It is simply that your headline says “Something can be done about it” and I truly believe you do not know what to do about it.
Many people think that by writing a daily poll and shining a light on the terrible things this cut does to people – like the high pressure methods they use extort people to send them money and the so-called “Fair Game” techniques to destroy families … many people think that will lead to the end of the cult. But the cult just keeps on chugging along.
My problem with you is that you unfairly hold out the illusion to people that by writing a daily blog, you will hasten the demise of the cult snd that is simply is not true.
One thing has almost nothing to do with the other.
The problem is that by asking people to donate, you are taking their money and leaving them with the impression their donations will somehow lead to the end of this cult.
That simply is not true. The fact that Levin-Smith ;lost his by-election indicates that all your blogs has little effect in the real world to put an end to this cult.
I’m sorry to spell it out like that. But I just think it’s unfair for you to ask people for money and leave them with the impression their money will be used to hasten the end to the cult. That just ain’t so.
I’m very sorry. But that is just the truth.
And I fully believe that I ain’t no troll.
Well, if you walk like a troll, talk like a troll and write like a troll, it doesn’t matter much what you “believe.”
Your “reasoning” is cult logic, based on the lie that scientology is NOT contracting at a rapid rate.
Merely saying we had “32X VIP visits” is proof of that in the minds of the gullible.
The scratched record returns. Give it up, you’re embarrassing yourself again by repeating the same tiresome bullshit yet again.
“And I fully believe that I ain’t no troll.”
You might believe that you aren’t a troll, but your continued rehashing of the same themes proves well and truly otherwise.
Give us a break and eff off.
Mike has to repeat himself that often because the operation calling itself scientology keeps doing EXACTLY the same thing, expecting a different outcome — one working definition of insanity.
What YOU are doing so repetitively is NOT an “effective blow” against the irresistible forces bringing scientology to its knees.
scientology, itself, is the primary force suppressing scientology — especially that twit of a high-school drop out currently running the (dis)organization. That kid couldn’t audit hisself put of a wet paper bag, yet he presumes to know more than Hubbard, himself, “correcting”his writings, even his use of punctuation nilly-willy. If you want to know the REAL “why” and the “WHO you should be going after, look toward that pint-sized cob. Mike, through this blog, is just trying to help trying to help folks recover from the false data which was force-fed those who dabbled at all in scientology.
Do you imagine you’re bringing anything of value to the table, or is this merely the bleating of a Scientologist in sheep’s clothing. Whatever the case, please go away.
You clearly sound 1.1ish and pathetic in your attempts ‘to be at cause’ and ‘shatter suppression’.
Here again with another sock trying to convince (yourself??) that Mike Rinder’s blog is “repetive and boring”. Hahaha.
Yes, you are so clearly a troll and with your lame attempts to push MR’s buttons. But you also know that it is obvious.
So what’s the purpose of your ‘comments’? Getting the stats up or is it on some kind of program; or is it just to feed your cognitive dissonance with how great Scientology is doing?
Here, check the Alexa Ranks: https://www.mikerindersblog.org/scientology-tv-hit-or-miss/
Helfreid Weber III babbled, “Losing the recent byelection flies in the face of Mr. Rinder’s claim, … ”
We don’t have byelections m0r0n. So, you are doing lower conditions for OSA UK. What else do you have to tell us?
BIG PHARMA! Bahahahaha
Yet COB is running his scam largely with the proceeds of one of the biggest Big Pharma outfits, Abbvie.
scientology is guilty of most of the O/Ws – and more – it claims of Pharma, big or small. And what the heck is so BAD about Mike’s delivering a product (this blog) which people are willing to support monetarily?
scientology scoops in mega dollars, but delivers merely statuses which are valuable only to the gullible marks donating to DM’s various bank accounts. I can tell you as the guy who attested to “clear”#5875 in 1978 that “clear” isn’t anything but a fleeting “feel good” thing.
During my time “in” there, I observed that most who truthfully attested to the state of “clear” as then defined suffered a similar crash of deep depression. Before being stationed at Flag, I’d noticed that those who had attested to OT III and above were the sickliest people I knew, suffering unending aches and pains, especially HEADaches at the level of migraines.
No, scientology doesn’t deliver anything positive, certainly not the exalted states it promises, for all the money and effort you ‘donate’ to it.
Yet the little guy keeps the scam going on the donations from Pharma, a few “whales” and some average folk who have been scammed into bankrupting themselves for the sake of Davey’s comfortable kingship. BETTER than kingship because he doesn’t have to care for the people who are supporting his lifestyle. He’s in an impregnable fortress guarded by people like “Helfreid” attacking any who tell the truth about that multi-national criminal organization declaring itself to be “scientology”. We who were around before DM assumed his mantle of power remember what things used to be like.
We remember KSW in it’s truest form.
Remember when scientology was vital and growing, not the crippled thing DM & his crew has created out of the study.
Jere – You wrote, “We who were around before DM assumed his mantle of power remember what things used to be like.
We remember KSW in it’s truest form.
Remember when scientology was vital and growing, not the crippled thing DM & his crew has created out of the study.”
I agree. If I walked into a scn org today as a possible participant I would be back out the door in a hurry,
I thought you previously mentioned that your clear # was higher. I “attested to Dianetic Clear” in the same time period and I’m pretty sure my # was in the 8000’s. I thought clear was okay. I let go of any regrets I had about the past, not that I had many when I first entered, and believed that nothing in my past could affect me negatively in the present.
I split scn soon after attesting because of the price increases so I never delved into Elron’s so called Operating Thetan levels and his mystical path to Total Freedom.
The above is not meant to be an apologist but to let a current scientologist who is in doubt that scn was not always delivered the way DM is doing it. If they still believe in LRH and scn they’d be better off finding an online or Indie group if they can find one.
“. . . know that scn was not always delivered . . .” dumb careless typo – lol
It will be a major milestone for me when I can finally write a comment without spotting my typos.
Come on Mike! You know he can’t check any social media. He’s not allowed (drilled into the tiny skull) and what’s more, if he did try, the (real) internet is blocked.
“Except – of course – when Mr. Rinder brings his revenue stream into the public domain. Then it becomes fair game for the public to ask questions about it.”
Now, would that statement also apply to scientology? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Just where does, in detail, all the money go that scientology demands from its members for training or donations? Not generally where does it go but specifically where does it go? A detailed accounting of where they spend that money and why.
I would hazard a guess that we will never get that because the details would probably cause them to lose their designation as a church or religious organization. or cause the leaders to end up in prison for fraud. Just my guess though.
That would be a good guess, from what I’ve seen and heard.
If you follow the true stats, the Dwarfenführer® would be in Confusion, at best, shot at dawn more likely. As he’s operated, the most effective SP and squirrel in scn’s history, scientology is no longer an operation which can support itself by delivering Scientology services and courses. Instead, it is merely a set of Potemkin villages propped up by the money DM has appropriated from the operation for his own purposes. A monarch wouldn’t live as well as he does with his ill-gotten gains. Of a monarchy SHOULD be impossible according to his draconian rules: NO children in the remains of scientology. Of course, he’d have to break his own rules, but he don’t need to obey no stinking rules, not even his own. Of course, he’d have to divorce his wife, to create an heir, IF he’s capable of fathering one. I see no evidence that he’s capable. There’s this little complication that he’d have to divorce his wife to marry and produce a legitimate heir.
Thinking of that:
I do not think that DM has to divorce Shelly.
I got married and I recall the contract is “Till Death do us part”.
Herfreid – I have a lifelong friend who is a liberal bordering on progressive. “Rich people are too rich and that’s not fair.” says he. He suggests Jeff Bezo should be more than happy with an annual income of $50 million a year. No sense arguing – We’ve been buddies since the first grade and have plenty of other things to talk about.
Herfreid – Did I miss the point you are making?? I certainly don’t want to be accused of trolling. It’s quite alright with me if you are a progressive liberal. :-))
“It’s quite alright with me if you are a progressive liberal and believe Mike makes too much money from running this blog.” . . . . I meant to say.
(I’m just messing with you Helfreud}
Raise your hand if you think this tool is a Scientology troll… SPOILER ALERT: I’m raising my hand.
Katie – Mike has said he occasionally allows trolls to post comments. It keeps things interesting and it’s kind of fun messing with them if they choose to participate.
Haha oh I agree!
He might have well put in his “Posting Order” with OSA.
And having failed, again, to make any sort of meaningful impact with his “gotcha” comments “Helfreid” will move on and wait to pounce on (under yet another name) on more postings from Mike and repeat the same old bs, thereby cementing his $camology tool and fool status.
Oh please, not you again… coming back here with a different name. Did you really think we wouldn’t notice? You’re embarrassing yourself.. AGAIN.
Thank you for all you have done. You deserve a break! I have really been inspired by the broadcasts to speak out more and not ignore my own Scientology past. I was a class 8 c/s, working in two different missions – Berkeley and then Palo Alto and left at the time of the Financial Police coming to the centers. Left behind many family in Scientology who I wonder about frequently as we all age. I would be content to see S stumble along if only they would get over themselves and stop with the disconnection policy and harassment.
I agree. Mr. Rinder certainly does deserve a break.
Why not investigate some of the other cults and evil groups?
Like the American Nazis or The Mormons?
I’m sure they’d appreciate if you would shine your light on some of them.
Don’t you get the feeling that people are growing weary of the same old sarcasm you pitch all the time at Scientology?
Don’t you feel it’s time to try a new target?
Nope. As I have said many times. I won’t stop. My children are still captive.
If you don’t like my style you are free to pay no attention…
But somehow you seem eager to participate here.
I just hope you, Leah, and so many others keep up the good work. Thank you again for all you do.
Those of us whose families have been broken because of Scientology will never get tired of Mike and Leah and the work they do to shine light on this cult. As you point out, there are other groups worth looking at. Perhaps you should do so and leave Mike to his good work.
“Why not investigate some of the other cults and evil groups?” $camology deserves to have their greed driven behaviour and cult like destruction and mind bending of people and families continually being put out in public. No matter what shine they put on their “religion” (created by a racist, crazed, drunken and drug soaked, z-rated pulp writer, liar and coward, hypochondriac and thoroughly creepy man who surrounded himself with underage and teenaged girls) it’s still just a giant polished turd run by a vile sociopathic greedy vain little narcissist.
So, yes, it well and truly deserves to have a spotlight continually shined upon them.
scientology, or what’s claiming to be scientology these days, is a target-rich environment, fully deserving of the attention we give it.
Why don’t you go “investigate” the little operation you seem to be a member of? Stop trying to deliver an “effective blow” against folks who know more about Scientology as it was when it was alive and at least TRYING to be the organization it claimed to be. These days, the operation claiming to be scientology seems merely a method by which DM can accumulate funds for his own purposes.
AND a protection for his having to atone for the sins he’s committed along the way. They are legion, starting by my observation of his falsely attesting to having studied the OEC back in ’76 after he blew from school to become a “Messenger”.
He was merely one of dozens who came through, but was the only one to argue against what was written in green-on-white. Of course, that was just his FIRST attempt to squirrel the tech and admin I’ve observed evidence of.
Of course you haven’t been paying attention – your minders don’t allow you the freedom to search and decide for yourself. Mike and Leah have been involved in critical looks at the JW church, and have interviewed very intelligent people like Jon Atack who are authorities on the inner workings of high control cults, not just the CoS. But please, just ignore the facts, it is easier to just make a fly-by sound-bite, especially if they are handed down from on high.
BYW, have you asked the same questions of Dave Miscavige that you are asking of Mike Rinder? Do you think he would reply to you? Does he even have a blog, email, snail mail, street address, or any other means of being personally contacted? And don’t say he is too busy – the CoS has done nothing but spraying a few gallons of hydrogen peroxide mist for the past two years. Oh, yeh, I forgot all the worrying he has to do about Danny Masterson, and whether or not his case(s) will bring the lying liars within the Church of Scientology to light of day.
p.s. Mike was not correcting your spelling error – he was indirectly hinting that you were not familiar with the concept, and had simply been handed a word to use by one of your minders. So to ask clearly – what is your personal experience with a doulah?
A $camology doula: gives you a one hand back rub while trying to steal your wallet with the other.
Actually, Mike and Leah have spoken with ex members of Mormonism, Nxivm, Jehovah’s Witness, LuLaRoe… they are and have investigated other cults and have given a cross-promotion platform to those doing the deep-dive investigations into those cults.
In social media marketing, we like to advise clients that it isn’t as important to be on every platform but to ensure that you are giving the right attention to the platforms for your audience and product. Well, in this case, it isn’t as important to become an expert in all cults as it is to present a thorough and deeply detailed look into the one cult in which they have expert knowledge.
Also, people are not growing weary of the “same old sarcasm” he pitches at Scientology. For more than four years I have been learning about the Cult of Scientology through various documentaries, as well as from watching The Aftermath and listening to the Fair Game podcast, and I have not grown weary of it yet. Why? Because people are still being abused emotionally, physically and financially from this cult, and until that stops, I will never grow weary of learning more and supporting those doing the work.
Mike, you are loved by people all around the world who respect what you do and why you keep doing it. Thank you and I will try to be patient till the next episode is posted.
My Monday’s will suck until you come back but I understand. You have lives and need a break. Please don’t take too long. 😀
Thank you
Hi Mike
I’m from Ireland (Belfast) and been watching from the start with the first Panama with John Sweeney and the follow up show, you have came a long way from the hole and you where reborn into world to tell the truth and expose Scientology with Leah and what such scumbag and bully David miscavige really is and fair game with corruption using tax payers money it’s got to stop can this be highlighted to the president to step in and get a investigation into and have a special tag on the investigation if private eyes and fair game is used on IRS then arrests will be carried out, because they bullied IRS into get tax free status and cause of that there should be another investigation.
Keep up the great work looking to your next podcast Mike and Leah.
Hi I had a question about the founder and his wife of ABC.com or Age of Learning Inc. I have used their programs for one of my children but refuse to use it again. With Scientology not caring about education, does Doug and Laurie not believe in their own company or how it gives children a head start or is it that Scientology doesn’t give a crap what they promote as long as they get their money or maybe both?
Money is the God of scientology
“The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil.”
So simplistic but so true.
So they do have GOD 🤔
Now make sense 🤣🤣
I see there is an interesting article on Jeffrey Augustines’ Scientology Money Project website re Doug and Laurie Dorhing, owners of Age of Learning (ABCmouse) being fined $10million by the US Trade Commission back in Sept 2020 for their illegal billing and marketing practices. It is all about the money!
I have a special interest in this due to a family member involved in a similar shady “business”. It seems to be one of Scientology’s tactics they promote to try and recruit people into Scientology under the disguise of educating children, and others, whilst drawing people into more and more payments often through funnelling them into more expensive courses that ultimately line Scientology’s pockets. The Mexican Agami brothers And their Applied Scholastics are another “business” deploying similar education learning systems / “technologies” linked directly back to Scientology and being honoured for their high donations to Scientology. They all seem to include arbitration as a terms of condition rather than court for dispute resolution, and there is often eventual links/connections back to Hubbards Administrative Technology and WISE. It appears there is a definite link of Doug and Laurie Dorhing being WISE members.
If it brings money into DM’s coffers, it’s ‘ethical’ in scientology’s eyes; the more, the better