In addition to the post from yesterday Panic Stations in the Bubble: A Billion Years Is Coming which documents scientology’s efforts to retaliate with paid Google ads and new smears on social media, they are now having their minions put up “reviews” of the book they have not read on sites that allow them before the book is available.
It’s funny to see them claiming they have a “reviewer friend” who gave them the book (highly unlikely — anyone who got a review copy had to sign a confidentiality agreement until after the publication date) and citing to “Mark” Rathbun (funny, if this person had ACTUALLY followed Marty they would have seen his many, many positive statements about me and his even more frequent derisive takedowns of Miscavige which Scientology ignores today).
Two days from now, people will be able to actually read/listen to the book, and REAL reviews will be posted. It will be interesting to watch.
This is just another indicator — A Billion Years is scaring scientology witless…
Kind of telling that they only managed 3 whole accounts to post fake reviews.
I have never been so excited for a book to come out. Might have to call in sick from work tomorrow so I can stay home and read it.
oh they are absolutely bricking it!!!!!
There are now 5 alternative/summary books on Amazon UK to date – tragic and bloody creepy
Mike, hope you get on every talk show on TV, radio & podcast to publicize the book. Joe Rogan podcast? Bill Maher’s got a podcast now too. Ben Shapiro’s got a Sunday podcast and he’s in Florida. Sure there are many more.
I would like to be a fly on the wall in Miscavige’s office when the book hits the best seller list, when the credible reviews flow in.
And more importantly when Mike Rinder gets interviewed on the media concerning the book, his journey, and the Scientology scam.
I ordered all three, audio, hardback and Kindle.
Kindle allows incredible detailed searching every sentence for what’s all in the book.
Audio, since I like listening to books.
Hardback, for when the power’s out, and I want to look something up. Also, hardback page reading searching for stuff, is quite fast.
I usually will take a week to review it, and think it over.
I’m sure I won’t be disappointed, couldn’t be disappointed.
I don’t think they are scared witless though, since they don’t even know about the book. They’re going ostrich mode, heads in the sand to pretend nothing is happening.
What will be devastating will be the media interviewing you get, and the public hearing you speak on matters.
When anyone interviewer asks why are the smearing you, just say it’s likely to hide David Miscavige’s beatings history, which you were the likely worst recipient of all of Miscavige’s beatings. And Miscavige isn’t “handled” on his “body-thetans” exorcism nor on Hubbard’s “evil purposes” quack therapy.
Just turn all their smearing back on Miscavige’s violence history of which you firsthand received more than any Scientologist beaten up by Miscavige.
Perhaps the saddest part is that not one of those reviewer(s) is likely to actually read a copy of the book. They wouldn’t even accept it if someone offered a gift copy. They’re drivel is actually laughably sad.
* Who writes a memoir and claims they may have some facts wrong or misremembered?
An honest person. Claiming to know every fact exactly and to remember everything perfectly, who does that? (Even Scn gave up claiming Clears could do that.)
* How come some of the details have not come up before?
Because the context of the story being told may not have made those details relevant. (And is this person seriously complaining that there are untold details provided?)
* All the stories have been on the fringe of the internet or the tabs.
Well, we know where this reviewer spends their time. It wasn’t on the Student Hat course, given the grammar fails.
I am not the sort of person to post reviews of books I read, but I’m horribly tempted to do so once I legitimately have a copy and have finished reading it, just to show what a real review is like. Oh, right. There is already one real review, an authorized by the publisher one, and it is informative and useful to potential readers unlike these.
Ha! I finished reading here and went to Amazon to pre-order again (my first one got dropped in the snafu you wrote about recently.) Typing in the search bar, I got as far as “a bil – ” and your book popped up.
I can just imagine the level of frothing and pounding going on. Poor Sci-bots.
If only OSA and others put as much time and money as they do fair gaming into promoting the successes and miracles of the only tech that works and can save humanity!
Btw, still waiting to hear what actual present day crimes those guys from South Park could be put away for! Lmfao. You’d think even that would wake these idiots up!
$camology sheepbots will be falling over themselves in fear trying to flee from Demento goes into an incandescent office wrecking fit of rage.
You sure were a cutie Mike (not sayin’ you aren’t one now). Can’t wait for 9/27, as well as the return of the podcast. Best wishes.
Those dark clouds on the horizon are just getting darker & darker as they get closer for Scientology. The storm is just about to hit.
Marty Rathbun. A name that hasn’t been mentioned in a loooooong time, as though he disappeared off the face of the earth. A horrible punishment for a narcissist to have no attention. Poor Marty. I’m just wondering, does he still do those POW type videos? And I”m wondering if the church will pull out Marty to give bad reviews of the book and of Mike himself on some new videos? What do you all think?
With the conscience that guy’s got, anything is possible, except earned happiness. I believe he’s similar got a similar problem to Miscavige – a sore neck from looking over his shoulder all the time. Having to hide will do that and much, much more. Pleasant dreams Marty…
Book Lover should have used a dictionary so he wouldn’t fall asleep! Yes, I know it’s a fake review and he didn’t actually read the book. Maybe this is a tactic by the Scientologists to make it look like a real review done by a WOG?
You don’t even have to have a Goodreads account to click on the reviewer name and get their timeline of each comment, review, like, etc.
Your dress is tucked into your underpants and toilet paper trails your shoes, ya bleedin fools.
The squeal heard across the internet!
Ooh, I can hardly wait for my ebook to drop!
To have Scientology as your enemy, is to have the world as your friend.
MIScavige is having his MISinformed minions MISintrepret your book MISdated in time and MISundrestood through MISsing data.. Just a standard day in Scientology.
Truth! They don’t need no stinking truth! They have the word of Ron.
I remember the trash reviews when Ruthless, Ron’s book, was getting ready to come out. Amazing to think of the effort put into trying to defame. You’d think “someone” would recall their own datum on publicity good or bad. Lol 😂
Congrats Mike. I can’t wait for my hardcover to arrive.
Love, Becky
It’s also interesting that they were all posted on the exact same day. Probably within minutes of each other. I mean, after all, they had to take turns sending in their “reviews” from the same computer at the same morg.
Miscavige is going to completely freak when Mike gets invited to the usual talk show rounds for a new book and is asked to appear to give $cientology’s side of the story. Especially when he knows there will be process serviers waiting in the winds.
‘Book Lover’ says in their review that Mike’s book is a real snoozer and they fell asleep over five times while reading it. Sounds to me like they have gone past a misunderstood word or two. Once they get those words cleared up maybe they will be able to pull their head out of their ass and take Hubbard’s only good advice, “look don’t listen”.
I have a message for the OSA goons: if you want to believe in the Lord Xenu and Body Thetans as long as you leave me alone I DON’T CARE. If the study of history has taught me anything it’s that standing around and doing nothing is NOT an option. No person should suffer for telling the truth.