This is the last post on this site. I have shuffled off this mortal coil in accordance with the immutable law that there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes.
The site will remain as an archive of more than 4000 posts and 300 thousand comments.
It has been a labor of love and passion which has allowed me to speak my mind and offer my perspective with no outside filters.
I have been lucky — living two lives in one lifetime. The second one the most wonderful years anyone could wish for with all of you and my new family!
My only real regret is not having achieved what I said I wanted to — ending the abuses of Scientology, especially disconnection and seeing Jack into adulthood. If you are in any way fighting to end those abuses please keep the flag flying — never give up. And please, if you are able in some way, help Christie and the boys to move forward into the next chapter of their lives.
I know many of you will be inclined to send flowers, I ask you not to. Instead contribute to Jack’s family college fund. Unfortunately this is a government site so is not very user friendly, if you want to use a credit card click this donation button and Christie will redirect it.
Let the flowers grow and look to the future…
With that said, I rest in peace.
The life of the dead is placed in
the memory of the living — Cicero
I just want to say what Mike did for me and how he opened my eyes to a scam religion that one time I believed I could help and change the world. The effect that he was doing everyday was pure pleasure and education. Everyday I learned about how to be a better person and fight ignorance and tyrany. This is what Mike and Leah have done for me.
I just don’t want this to be forgotten
And as you look and see if Mike posted anything when you visit you feel like I do that the work is not finished.
I think you all feel the same way I do when you visit.
Believe me he is still alive.
Let me know your thoughts.
Just a thought, couldn’t we keep Mike’s dream alive and spread as much entheata as possible, to our beloved religion. I still would love to see scientology stopped. I don’t think it should end like this.
We need to do something.
I think we owe it to MIKE and his family,
I hate to see this all for not.
This blog still works and is a great tool he built. What do you think?
This still could be used as a thorn in scientology’s side.
I still have Mike’s spirit in me.
Don’t you?
I just decided to get on here tonight to request that this blog be allowed to remain. Of course we won’t see updates from Mike anymore 💔 but it contains so much good information and links, etc. I would like to still be able to come here to search, find, read.
I also think that your suggestion is great, Rick. I don’t know a thing about how this kind of stuff works, but if it would be possible to make this blog live on – YES!
Regarded being would you be interested in more of your revivery.
This would be great come back story.
I think Mike would look down and say awesome.
What do you think.
I truly miss it.
I agree. Mike’s blog probably has a few thousand readers. There is no other such rational forum for me and them.
Thus I’d love to see a continuation of the site – perhaps along the line of
Something Can Be Done About It – Blog by the Friends of Mike.
Perhaps someone could put it up in the same way as Mike’s blog. Then invite people to submit essays, news, stories to a team of changing moderators (depending how much time each of them has).
“…keep the flag flying — never give up.” Mike Rinder.
Rick, I hear you. “We need to do something. I think we owe it to MIKE and his family. OUR FAMILY.”
First, don’t assume that nothing is being done 🙂
Second, I still have Mike’s spirit in me too.
Mike always cheered up to hear from his followers in Europe – from a group of rebels in HUNGARY, we salute you, Sir! A man who has been (and remains!) a true inspiration for all of us on how to fight against Evil. Farewell to a great warrior, and a key leader of the resistance movement – his life, passion and legacy shine through the lines of the poem by Dylan Thomas:
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.”
I am heartbroken when I heard of your passing. Your and Leah’s work helped so many people including me and I am a Christian. There are similar abuses in Christian churches and I believe that exposing these abuses is the work of the Lord even in other religions.
Sorry for your loss I learned from Mike. Blessings to you and your family
Rest in Peace, Mike. You are the bravest of the brave. I’m sending my condolences to your family.
Just now found out about Mike’s passing and want to leave my post of condolences. Mike, you answered a lot of questions about things I noticed when I was on staff at CCNashville that didn’t seem right to me. You enabled me to understand what the so called church of Scientology was all about. Thank you for all you have done. May you find peace and happiness in your new life. Having said that, it is now time for me to come out from under the radar and tell all of you about myself. My name is Todd Miller and I was on staff at CCNashville from 2009 to 2011. I was not one of those kool aid drinkers who just went along with Miscavige and his horseshit! I hated call in and all of the pressure to sell Basics packages or confirm, reconfirm then re reconfirm public to come to events worthy of any Nazi rally in Nuremberg that Hitler could have conceived! My financial situation? You told me ‘make it go right!’ and I did so by quitting staff and getting an entry level job that paid far more than staff did! So to all of you OSAbots who are reading this, fuck all of you! Now that I’m done ranting, let me conclude with my condolences to the Rinder family. You are in my prayers. Stay strong. And don’t give up on Ben. Keep hoping and praying that something helps him see the light and blow that crooked organization that masquerades as a religion!
God bless you, Rinder family.
God bless you, all of my friends on this blog.
“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Robert Frost
Thank you Mike, sending love and prayers for you and family. Thank you for having a safe space for us to heal. You are a forever pillar in the fortress of freedom and truth.
I will always be grateful for your caring for the healing of broken hearts and minds
Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from ignorance to wisdom
Lead us from darkness to light
And lead us from death to immortality The Upanishads
Love Always
Rest in peace, sir.
Thank you so much for all you have done throughout the decades to expose the crimes of that cult you’ve been part of. It won’t be forgotten.
My condolences to your family and friends.
Farewell my friend, travel well.
From one of the wisest in human history:
“All soul is immortal. For that which is always in movement is immortal; that which moves something else, and is moved by something else, in ceasing from movement ceases from living. So only that which moves itself, because it does not abandon itself, never stops moving. But it is also source and first principle of movement for the other things which move. Now a first principle is something which does not come into being. For all that comes into being must come into being from a first principle, but a first principle itself cannot come into being from anything at all; for if a first principle came into being from anything, it would not do so from a first principle. Since it is something that does not come into being, it must also be something which does not perish. For if a first principle is destroyed, neither will it ever come into being from anything itself nor will anything else come into being from it, given that all things must come into being from a first principle. It is in this way, then, that that which moves itself is a first principle of movement. It is not possible for this either to be destroyed or to come into being, or else the whole universe and the whole of that which comes to be might collapse together and come to a halt, and never again have a source from which things will be moved and come to be. And since that which is moved by itself has been shown to be immortal, it will incur no shame to say that this is the essence and the definition of the soul”
― plato, Phaedrus
You accomplished much more than you realized as only a fraction of the people you caused to leave and open their eyes ever posted back on your site.. I’m glad I know you are not really gone though. We are eternal.
Mike, I didn’t know you, but I so deeply admired your kindness, courage, and talent. You showed us all a path forward into the unknown. How to rebuild and make amends. Thank you and rest in peace.
Thank you Mike. You will be missed. Redemption is a hard journey. Your work and kindness and love for those trapped in the prison of the mind redeemed you ten fold. Though I feel you thought there was more work ahead…always more and you fought till the end. Fought trying to redeem yourself. Your work will last. You helped so many. More than you even knew. Journey well my friend.
“ God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.” – Kierkegaard
Thank you for posting your last series of videos. The record needed to set straight for all of us and especially your children. Even the ones still in.
Condolences to your Christy…from another widow, stay strong but lean on trusted friends when needed.
You are my hero Mike.
And mine.
And mine. Only saw this today Jan 16 and am gutted. Truly. Big fan of Mike’s contribution, turn around, sincerity and real courage since I saw that doc in 2015. May his family have strength and peace onwards now and make the best of his legacy. All of us who were informed by all your courage have much to thank you, across the world. Very shocked by this news now, must admit. Strength and Honor, Mike, wonderful Mike.
You did something about it. Thank you my friend.
Love to the family.
How lucky I feel that I had an opportunity to know you and spend time with you personally. You were a giant among men; a lifetime both literally and figuratively for the books. I have trouble finding words to acknowledge your courage and integrity. The hundreds of acknowledgements posted here hardly come close to revealing the magnitude of the difference you have made. Yes, you did “something about it”.
My deepest condolences to Christie and the boys. May you find all the love and support you can use to move ahead. My love to all of you.
Rest easy, Mike. Thank you for all your hard work and courage.
Been silently following your work for years. Barely know what to say, just knew I had to say something. You leave us with a legacy that will continue to change so many lives for the better. Thank you so much for everything.
Christie, your boys, family, friends: sending you so, so much love from across the Atlantic.
Oh…I just have no words, coming from a person who never stops talking. I have followed Leah and Mike from their very first episode, to now watching them on YouTube. I have no idea why I cannot stop crying… like ugly crying. I don’t do that when people I don’t know pass away. My husband and I started watching the show on the very first night it premiered… from there, we never stopped watching him- or Leah! Every time we could get their friendly faces into our living room, we most definitely took the opportunity. I think because I’m 41, and I’ve been struggling lately with having come across bad people/people who are ugly to others… I’ve sort of had a hard time. Maybe it’s knowing Mike was in the world, meant that I was certain there would always be good people. Of course Leah is included in that sentiment, btw. Anyway, I can’t seem to verbalize why this is so painful to hear. One thing is for sure: the world will miss Mike Rinder. We were a better place when he was here. Love you Mike! I know you’re in a better place, wherever that is. No more pain. To Mike’s wife and sons—just know that Mike changed someone’s life for the better, who has never even been a Scientologist! I try to “fight the good fight,” by jumping in online to encourage others to educate themselves. (Always in a kind way)
I wish I could do more. However, Mike has left a footprint on our hearts here; so I think he would be proud to know that strangers are still fighting in honor of him. Love to all, and I’m so very sorry for your loss. Mike was a beacon, and his light still shines in his absence.
Super sad to hear of this news 😭.
Mikey really proved that people can change. He did amazing work once he was ‘out.’ He helped so many, and will continue to help many with the legacy he left behind.
Fly free, mate! Make sure to drop in and visit your family from time to time 💗
Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble’s a ton, or a trouble’s an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it,
And it isn’t the fact that you’re hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?
You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what’s that?
Come up with a smiling face.
It’s nothing against you to fall down flat,
But to lie there — that’s disgrace.
The harder you’re thrown, why the higher you bounce;
Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn’t the fact that you’re licked that counts,
It’s how did you fight — and why?
And though you be done to the death, what then?
If you battled the best you could,
If you played your part in the world of men,
Why, the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he’s slow or spry,
It isn’t the fact that you’re dead that counts,
But only how did you die?
Simply beautiful. A great tribute for a great man who was filled with more courage than most. He never gave up, he never backed down.
R.I.P. Mike Rinder. Thank you.
One of my favorite poems.
RIP Mike Rinder – a humanitarian with the highest honors
Thank you for your dedicated service to expose the evil cult of Scientology, the criminal con man L Ron Hubbard and the abusive dictator and leader – David Miscavige
You delivered epic blow after blow after blow that has had devastating effects on the cult
You helped humanity
Our deepest sympathy to your loving wife, Christie and children Shane & Jack.
Mike Rinder was a brave man.
We will all miss you.
So sad to hear of this brave man departing this world. He made a huge difference to the world of exes. He died way too young. We will miss him and his courage. Long may his memory reign.
Wish I had read your courageous words the day you wrote them to share my thoughts with you. I will let your wonderful family read them instead. You are now continuing your eternal journey somewhere else and will be missed but goodbyes are only temporary. There is a promise of eternal life for all of us and someday we will join you. May you keep working on in the next life with your great light and may your beautiful family be blessed here. Someday we will all meet again. Godspeed and God bless.
Rest in Peace, Mike.
I as well as many others are heart broken seeing this news. Mike was a hero to so many. He shown light on the abuses going on in Scientology he is proof that people can change. Rest in Peace Mike Rinder. We will keep your story and memory alive and we will continue to try to take Scientology down. We love you.
To Christie and the boys and friends… we love you all very much. We are all here for you.
Sending all of our love to you❤️
I have been following Mike since the Aftermath, quietly, reading his posts and his book, listening to the podcasts and the interviews .. I am heartbroken, I know it sounds strange. I didn’t know him, but somehow I felt I did, because he shared so much with all of us! I appreciated how, despite what he was forced to do by the evil cult for decades, once he got out of their claws, he showed the world what a decent human being he actually was. I loved his sense of humor, I loved hearing him talking in his aussie accent, I was fascinated by his knowledge of the cult, which was deep and wide. I know I learned a lot from him about the human spirit and its potential for terrible wickedness. Coming out of that, he decided to use his experience and his knowledge to help others, even though he knew exactly the risk he was getting into with the fair game practice. As an outsider, I believe that his effort to stop the spread of the disease that is scientology was not in vain, and I understand that it will be hard to fill his shoes.
What an interesting life. What an interesting human being. Thank you Mike, for teaching the world about the real Scientology.
I hope his family will find some solace in knowing that Mike touched the lives of many random people around the world, like me. My condolences to his wife and kids, and to those who knew and loved him.
Dear Mike,
thank you for your courage and commitment to stand up against injustice and keep the flame of freedom alive for all of us, despite all the adversities you faced.
You are a true hero, we will never forget you
Rest in peace
Searched yesterday for wwp, after years. Did not find it – gone.
Searched today for those strong people who inspired me once also to protest. Finding out one of them died two days ago.
Sad days.
May the good force be with him and his family.
I never met Mike, we just exchanged emails a couple of times, when I sent in links to the New Haven Independent’s stories on their version of Scientology’s Ideal Morgue. Unlike Marty, Mike never went back on his commitment to ending Scientology’s evil behavior. IMO Mike more then made up for his previous actions within the Cult in his second life Best wishes to his family.
Thank you for the friendship and support you’ve given Tami and me when we so needed it.
Thank you for being brave and wise.
Thank you for speaking your mind and telling me your truth even when we differed.
I am so sad you’re gone way too early.
Christie, Shane, Jack: please let me know if we can be of help.
Love you and wish you a great journey ahead, Dani and Tami Lemberger
So sorry for your loss. Mike was an inspiration for me at an incredibly difficult time in my life. I wrote to him and he wrote me back, a small kindness among the sea of amazing things he has done, but that meant so much to me. I will always be thinking of Mike as a source of inspiration, and I know he must have found that inspiration in you also. I’m so sorry for your loss, and sad that this will be my last time posting on here.
Farewell Mike, and thank you ❤️
Rest in Peace Mike.
You are a warrior for taking on Scientology, I hope your legacy continues and the fight against Scientology continues, with the ultimate goal being that Scientology is shut down.
Condolences to all of Mike’s Family and Friends.
RIP Mike. I feel like I know you, as I suspect many others do as well. I have zero connection to scientology, but I’ve admired your efforts to educate us on the various aspects of that cult. Thank you for your passion.
Thoughts and prayers for Christie and Jack.
Rest in Peace Mike. You changed the world for the better. You saved and changed countless lives. You will always be remembered. You mattered.
Slán Abhaile
To Mike’s family and friends, may your memories sustain you in the dark days ahead. To Mike thank you for shining a bright light on the corruption and false teachings of this cult. May those in the cult find the strength to move to the lights and out of the darkness of cult. Rest in peace Mike Rinder you fought the good fight ,Good and faithful servant.
Mike, thank you for all you have done, you are the reason I managed to get my family out of Scientology and for that I am eternally grateful. Enjoy whatever comes next.
I used to read and post here several years ago, but I haven’t visited in quite awhile so I never knew of Mike’s diagnosis. This evening, quite randomly, the phrase “Something can be done about it” popped into my brain for NO reason that I can discern. I thought, “I wonder if that blog is still active….” so I did a web search…only to learn that Mike died *yesterday*. I don’t know what cosmic coincidence brought him to mind in this way, but I am very saddened to learn of his passing. Condolences to his wife and children, and I hope this blog’s existence continues to inform people about the dangers of the Scientology cult. That will be a very valuable legacy.
Rest in peace Mike! You touched my life, from far…..through the Netflix documentary with Leah Remini.
You taught me to fight for justice and never give up!
God bless your wife and sons and give them comfort and strength to carry on your light. 🕊️
Although I never met Mike Rinder, I think I have watched or listened to almost every podcast, tv show, interview and YouTube video he participated in. In my opinion, he was a selfless warrior who chose to affect change when he easily could have stepped away to enjoy a post-Scientology life. The courage, accountability and integrity he possessed was apparent in all that he did, and the way he owned his past while working tirelessly to help others.
“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.“ – Benjamin Franklin
Christie and family, thank you for sharing him with all of us💕. He will be missed but rest assured that his legacy lives on.
I’m saddened to hear that Mike has passed away. What a warrior! thank you for enlightening the world to the abuse of this cult! I can’t stand Scientology or the people who defend it. You were brave and I know that God – the true God – will say welcome my son!
Love to you and your family. Thank you for fighting the fight and inspiring others to carry the torch.
what dreams may come
I am one of many individuals that Mike showed kindness, support and understanding to. He was a great man who left an indelible mark on my life and countless others through his commitment and tireless work to help people. He will be missed dearly and may his legacy of work go on to help others.
Rest in Power, Mike. 💐
May Mikes light and beautiful soul shine bright in the heart of every soul who has been touched by him…
You uniquely moved and inspired me, and so many others. What a model of truth and love. You did it the right way Mike. I love you. Sending light and love.
Dear Christie & boys,
There’s so many of us who adored Mike even though we never met. His humor, goodness and honesty was always shining through. I saw him fighting and sacrificing to help others escape and expose evil. He was a hero to many and should be remembered & honored as such. 🤍 Rest in peace Mike, your work here is done.🤍
One of Mike’s contributions has been this blog, with Mike’s posts, and his friends’ and allies’ commenting here. It’s been a “safe space” for protagonists and antagonists and exes and never-ins to give and take and argue and get along, and sometimes piss each other off. But grudges were few and far between and good faith and appreciation were most prevalent.
I would come and comment often in the site’s early years, as I knew that this was one of the most likely places that old friends I had lost would visit, and that it might create a chance to meet again.
And that came true! I’ve been so fortunate in re-connecting with old friends and acquaintances by virtue of this site being here. So, “thanks Mike!” for helping me re-connect! You defied disconnection just by your ongoing communication here.
Just living life has disabused me of many Scientology datums that I once held true. But the truths we shared with the great religions of the world: that we are much, much more than who we appear to be, and that there are things about us that are forever; these stable data just can’t be shaken. I’ll never, ever let go of the idea that we are going to see again all the wonderful people we were so fortunate to rub shoulders with here on Earth this time around. And we’ll get to know each other more completely, and understand and appreciate our value even more.
Thanks Mike, and love to Christie and the kids, and to all our friends, mutual, and not yet met.
So sorry for your loss. Im not being insensitive; that is an awful cancer to have. He is now out of pain but it doesn’t take away from the loss of him in your daily life. May you heal knowing he is pain free now. #RIPMike
I don’t have the right words. This is a tremendous loss. Mike, I was helped so much by you. Still processing, you know?
Rest in Peace, Mike, you deserve a restful peace after all you’ve been through. You’ve fought more than the average person in your lifetime. Your fight against Scientology as well as your fight against cancer. You will be missed dearly.
Hugs to Christie and family. Strength and Comfort to you all.
You have fought a mighty battle for many years. Your strength and courage have led many others to freedom and the fight. Rest in peace now and let the next generation of warriors carry on the battle to the ultimate victory.
Rest in Peace Mike Rinder. Thank you for all that you have done and the positive influence you have made.
Dear Mike, I know you can’t read this now, but I wish that I could have told you thank you in person. While fighting Scientology, you helped me recover from my own cultish upbringing. You helped bring awareness to an organization that many of us knew nothing about, and I appreciate that.
Praying for your whole family, and praying that your adult children get out of there too, there would be nothing greater than that.
Thank you dear man for your labor of love!
I feel exactly the same. Mike and Leah’s work brought light to my processing childhood religious abuse.
It felt like he was understanding and supportive family on the path forward.
My deepest condolences to Mike’s family and friends. I was never in Scn but I had good friends who were and suffered as many former members have. Mike’s work helped me understand what they went through and will live on as a testament to his life and character. Rest in peace.
You have touched many lives, helped many people and built a legacy that will live on. My deepest condolences to your family, and to your many friends who care about you. Quoting (juco) from other social media: you had “an awesome redemption arc”.
Thank you for everything you have accomplished since bravely escaping and building an entire second part of your life with Christie and sons, and working so hard to help others and expose the abuses of Scientology.
Rest in Peace Mike. You will be missed and fondly remembered.
Sending all of my love to Christie and the boys.❤️ We love you very much.
Rest in peace Mike…
We will keep your legacy and memory alive.
Thank you, Mike, for your tireless work. You’ve lived a remarkable life.
Those in your sphere are better for your having been here.
Mike, your story is an inspiration to me. Eloquent, funny, insightful, brave and so much more. You were and always will be loved by all the lives you touched. An amazing life – an amazing human! Rest easy. Much love to your family and all who miss you.
Mike there is one word tjat describes you. Class act, Thank you for all your work. I am sad. Kim
Rest In Peace Dear Sir.
I learned so much about scientology in such a short amount of time from you.
Mike will surely be missed.
I first learned of Mike when my mom and I would watch the A&E show. We had always loved Leah and through her, we learned of Mike. My mom passed of cancer years ago, but I continued to follow Mike and Leah both together and on their own. I really enjoyed listening to the podcast and was sad to see it go. I had never been a member of any cult but the ways people get stuck in them fascinated me. I always enjoyed the stories of those who got out because to me, it was like a hero story. The good guys won. And I’m thankful there are people like Mike, who’s life was dedicated to helping those people. I began following Mike a long time ago and learned about him and his family through his Facebook page. He really was a great man. It breaks my heart that he is gone but his legacy will continue on.
My prayers are with his family. May you find peace in the moments of joy. We’ll miss you, Mike.
This is so heartbreaking for those left behind. Mike lived a full and honorable life, and was loved and cherished and in turn he loved and cherished family and even strangers needing his help. There is nothing more to accomplish than that. Christie and the boys, I wish love to wash over you on the sad days
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.”
Thank you Mike for everything you did.
We will take it from here.
Rest in Peace MIke.
My condolences to the family.
I don’t even know what to say exactly , I have opened this page every morning , no fail , since its inception . It helped me through difficult times , just like all of us of course , his bravery , his own pain , the rebuilding of his life with so much love , his inherent goodness and common sense with a twinge of humor .
I am heartbroken .
Rest in Peace.
So sorry to hear about this
I’m sure Miscavege is happy the thorn in his side is gone.. it’s up to us to take up the mantle and become a bigger thorn than ever before. Peace and comfort to all who loved Mike.
Happiness is not an emotion the perp has knowledge of. The thorn shall remain ……. and now it will fester!!
Yo Dave,
You’re on deck good buddy. Start countin !
I still can’t find my own words. I do believe that the body dies but that via love – via love past, present and future – the spirit lives indefinitely. I’m saying it badly. This poem says what I can’t even attempt to articulate right now:
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave bereft
I am not there; I have not left.
Thank you for everything, Mike.
Thank you so much!
With love and respect always,
The takedown of the Scientology Cult and it’s leader is just beginning.
RIP, Mike. You will be sorely missed. You made my last few months at the base very uncomfortable, so years later I was very glad to see that you had seen the error of your ways and were working so hard to make amends. For your recent efforts, you will be remembered as a true hero. Go in peace! ❤️😪😪
Farewell to a champion and compassionate person. My condolences to Christie and the family. He will be missed by all.
May you journey boldly to the halls of Valhalla, where warriors rest in honor and eternal peace!
Rest in peace Mike. 🌹
“And when great souls die,
after a period peace blooms,
slowly and always
irregularly. Spaces fill
with a kind of
soothing electric vibration.
Our senses, restored, never
to be the same, whisper to us.
They existed. They existed.
We can be. Be and be
better. For they existed. ”
– Maya Angelou
Farewell, Mike. Thank you for fighting the good fight, and for never giving up.
Condolences to Christie, the boys, and other loved ones.
Just wanted to note here that Mike’s legacy reached more people than just (ex-)scientologists.
Over at the the subreddit exmormon people mourn too.
I myself was never in Scientology and also never in mormonism. One of the reasons my interest for mormonism started was the interview Mike did with Mormon Stories host John Dehlin.
A very good way to understand you’re in a cult is too see what it’s like in OTHER cults.
Thankyou for everything you have done in this fight, you cannot imagine what an impact you have had on me and so many others. You will be sorely missed Mike.
I never met Mike, but I felt like I knew him as a friend from just reading this blog. his book, and Aftermath. Even for those of us never in Scientology, he was an example of what it means to be human — to have the capacity to change and to grow. He was a genius of compassion.
I think his fundamental honesty eventually led him to leave Scientology. There are some people who cannot be contained. Mike was one of them. Like us all, he made mistakes but he had the courage to find his way and help so many others.
I am just glad that he had the support and love of his family and friends. And that he knew how much he was loved by so many of us like myself. It is an understatement to say he will be missed. The world is diminished by his passing.
So sorry to hear you have passed Mike. I was never “in” but experienced some of that Scientology world as an outside contractor with Golden Media Productions and the obvious cult I was witnessing first hand though thankfully briefly. So I appreciate all you did to help people out of that cult. I think the damage has been done and I hope a fatal wound has been delivered to end that sham once and for all. You and Leah helped make that possible.
There’s a great Twilight Zone called Changing Of The Guard where the professor played by Donald Pleasence reads a quote by Horace Mann – “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” You Michael have nothing to be ashamed of. Thank you for your service to humanity. And God rest your eternal soul.
A good man who will be missed. Best to his wife and two young sons.
His book made Mike feel like a friend and someone I knew personally. I would have loved to have met him. RIP Mike and my heart is with the family. He was a trailblazer in those who have been brave enough to speak out against such a dreadful cult.
(Hi Berman btw…. It’s been too long!)
God speed Mike
Mike Rinder. I will always appreciate the kindness and courage of your example and your demeanor. You have stood up against evil with grace. But I disagree that you “shuffle off this mortal coil”. I feel that you can confidently walk off “this mortal coil” knowing that countless friends you have made will carry on too.
For some reason when I first heard the news of your passing, words from a famous Civil War song came to mind:
I’m so very sorry to learn this tragic news. My deepest sympathies to Mike’s family and friends, his memory will live on. Rest in peace, Mike.
It is rare that the loss of someone I don’t “know” hits this hard. But then, I feel we did know you. You shared so much of yourself with all of us, warts and all. I believe that there is something after this earthly life, and that you have more than redeemed yourself for any wrongs you believe you’ve done. I am sad for Christie and the boys, and for all who loved you. I will miss your humor and grace, your strength and character. Rest well, Mike, and thank you for all you’ve done to help others. Thank you for enriching my life by knowing you in the limited capacity I did as a listener/viewer of your podcast and videos, and a reader of your book. Rest easy.
Well said, I feel exactly the same way and agree with everything yogi said especially the bit about being being saddened for somebody I’ve never met
Mike I’ll miss you my Australian brother – you are an absolute legend and from your generous, charitable and helpful actions in the second part of your life I believe all including God have forgiven you.
Life has its tough moments- this is one of them, I hope you and the kids are ok Christie – as hard as it is to believe right now – it will get better and the sun will shine again,
Thank you, Mike! My family and I learned much about the Scientology cult because of you. You did wonderful work for the benefit of humanity. Thanks for your very important work.
Mike, you are so beloved. You touched many more people than you could dream of. 💔
Dear, Dear, Mike,
I am heartbroken. I have admired you ever since seeing you in the Aftermath documentary with Leah. Ever since I’ve steeped myself in Scientology — I’m a Never In, but fascinated by cults. It WILL be taken down.I send my deepest condolences to you, your family, and your chosen family. All you have loved and have loved you.
You have touched so many lives. You have done amazing things to help battles Scientology. I loved your book. You have helped so many people.
It always astounds me that I’ve never met you yet feel you have been an important part of my life.
May you be at peace. Many, many people love you. Many, many miss you.
Sandy, Ann Arbor, MI
With heartbreaking sorrow i say that there are not enough words to express the gratitude for all the selfless and generous work you have done. The world has lost a truly great human and your legacy will live on. All of my love goes out to Christie, Jack, all at the Aftermath Foundation and family and friends that loved him. 💔
How do you thank Superman after he leaves the building? I guess just by thanking the woman behind the cape. Christie and the boys, I’m glad you have the collective hugs of your family of choice right there, He fought so hard only because he had the lioness at his side. I, for one hope to continue in his footsteps, although they will be hard ones to fill. I’m glad we got those 2 podcasts together.
Live long and prosper my friend. See you down the road a bit.
My last services in the Church were in 2007. At some point after that I suddenly wondered where everyone was and I typed into my computer Where is Ray Mithoff? I typed while shaking I might add. And that really started my journey. You have been with me the whole time although we never met. I am so heartbroken for Christie, Shane and Jack and you too because I know you didn’t want to leave them, but such is life and death. I hope you have peace in knowing that they are loved by so many. Thank you for being a great example of a man, strong and courageous and compassionate. Thank you for being there for all of us. Now it’s time for others to take on the work. You, my good man can rest in peace.
A life well lived and a good friend to so many of us. Thank you, Mike.
You did the best you could do. I didn’t always agree with you but I do believe your heart was true in the end. Cancer is a merciless beast. I am currently taking care of my dying brother. Cancer will get him too in the end. Chin up to Mike’s family and friends.
My deepest condolences to his chosen family, friends and to his dear wife. I’d like to briefly address Mikes children. One day you may look on this blog to feel a connection with your father, maybe read the comments to see how your father touched other people during his life.
I was lucky enough to have a father that was a hero to me, some of us are lucky enough to have fathers who are our heroes. But your father was one of my hero’s up there with the best, and many others feel the same way. He was my hero for so many things he did after he left the CoS, he’s a hero for having the strength to build a new life, he’s as hero for selflessly helping those who reached out in times of need. He’s a hero for having strong conviction and fortitude in the face of attacks that would have broken many people. He’s a hero for never giving up hope he may be reunited with your brother and sister, I hope someday all his children read his blog free and enjoying their lives in freedom. I wish you all the best from the deepest place in my heart, he leaves a legacy of hope. Your father was a special man, for far more than his activism and courage against the CoS. Good people build, they don’t destroy, your father was an exemplary example of a good man,
This world has lost an amazing human. Christie, much love to you and wish you and the boys the best. Sincere condolences.
These eyes are crying,
Thank you, Mike Rinder.
Mike, may you rest in peace and pride in all that you accomplished in your second act. You have done so much for so many and will be greatly missed. I hope that Christie and Jack can take some solace in that in this heart-breaking time. Love to you all.
Rest in Peace, Mike. Thanks for have inspired so many of us. Thanks for sharing so many of your story with us. Thanks for fighting to right the wrongs. May you keep serving as inspiration to anybody who ever wishes to turn their life around, start over, and/or fight for what’s right in this crazy world. ML to you, always and even in the afterlife, to Christie and the boys. ❤️
I say Thank You with all my heart.
Mike, I can’t emphasis enough what an important, and much needed part you played in my post-$€ientology years. I was four years in the cult in L.A. leaving in 1983.
I’ve been reading your words daily since you went online! I didn’t write much though.
For many, me included, you were a major figure, a Positive Force we could count on in our own lives.
Many good things can and will be said about you, and all of them true.
Jory Kenneth
Rest In Peace Good Sir.
I learned so much about scientology in such a short amount of time from you.
I do not know you, I have never met you. However, last Christmas my “surprise” gift from my husband was a signed copy of your book because he knew how much I loved you.
I never met you Mike but you gave light to my life. Thanks for everything. rest in peace
Dear Mike,
I’ve been praying for you every night since I saw your last video. I asked God to save your life or at least for you not to suffer. I’m afraid by being the fighter you are, you fought to stay with your family until the end. Your life has left a profound mark on many of us who didn’t even know you, I can’t imagine how your loved ones are feeling right now. Rest in peace sweet prince. You destroyed the dragon’s heart.
My condolences to you Christie.
Thank you Mike and your memory, thusly you, will live on..Comfort and hugs to Chrissie and Jack.
“The tide recedes but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand
The sun goes down but gentle warmth
still lingers on the land
The music stops and yet it echoes on
in sweet refrains
For every joy that passes
something beautiful remains” *
Condolences to Mike’s family and all of us who will sing his praises, read his stories, share our memories and keep his light shining…
until they all come home.
* author unknown
God Bless you, Mike….and blessings to your lovely family. You have fought for so many…now rest.
You will be sorely missed, Mike. Peace be with Christie and the boys.
I am heartbroken that Mike has passed. He was, by far, a great man devoted to helping people and doing good things, doing the right things. Although he left this world too soon, his legacy will live on. He inspired so many people to support the cause of stopping the abuses of Scientology, this will continue and I have no doubt many, many more people will benefit from the work he has done. He hasn’t stopped the work, merely passed the baton for others to carry.
Dear Christie, may you be comforted by joyful memories and surrounded by the love of family and friends (including the thousands of us you’ve never met, but will be praying for you and the boys). Hugs!!
So many people are heartbroken today. I wish Mike Rinder had far more time among us and wish he had gotten so much more life to live.
Thank you so much, Mike, for everything you did to use your experience and past position to spread awareness about the dangers of Scientology. Thanks for coming on Oh No, Ross and Carrie to share your knowledge, for your excellent book, the series with Leah, your website, and everything else. You’ve left an enduring legacy that will continue to bear fruit.
The world has lost a special man. Heaven has gain a wonderful person today.
Thanks for alm your knowledge you shared.
Rest in peace, Mike. You deserve nothing less. You were a good man, loving, strong, and brave. Thank you for all that you have done.
To Christie and the boys – my hearts and love and light goes out to you at this difficult time.
Oh, Mike,
You will be missed. A fighter, a father, a husband, a man full of strength and kindness. Rest in peace.
Happy trails Mike. Thanks for all you did righting things.
Christie, I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve just lost a dear friend a month ago who also fell to cancer and her partner isn’t having a good time of it. It’s a shit journey, especially when you have to put your own grief aside to look after your kids while they suffer – I know, I’ve been there. It gets easier, especially with good friends and family around.
Take good care of yourself and please remember that you DID get to spend many wonderful years with a fellow Ozzie who was a true giant of a man in what he achieved fighting this dreadful kult. He will be missed but not forgotten. He IS a legend for us all.
And thank you for loving him and supporting him through the good and the bad. Be proud of your not-insignificant contribution to what Mike achieved.
I have been watching the site and expecting – but hoping against finding – this. Goodbye, Mike. I was never in Scientology, but you woke me up to it and I honor you for your fight to help others get free. Much, much love and heartfelt sympathy to your family and friends – thank goodness so many of you got one last gathering at Thanksgiving.
RIP, Warrior.
Rest in Peace, Dear Mike. You have brought such goodness to the world and we will miss you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us over these past few years. Your good work will continue and we will always remember you as a fighter and a kind soul.
Alas justice for the hundreds of child victims trafficked under Mike Rinders decision making .
You will be sadly missed, you have worked hard in this life, rest in the next. Know that those you left behind are in the embrace of the community that you created to shine a light on the evil you fought. 💙
Rest in peace Mike. We will carry the load from here.
Sending love and light to all that knew Mike. My deepest condolences to his family Christie and the boys along with his chosen family.
He has left behind a beautiful legacy, one that I know will keep going.
My heart is broken, I’ve been following the Aftermath foundation for years now. Have loved listening / watching the show, along with the YouTube channels. I hope the ex-scientology community will come together and join forces once more and keep his legacy going to achieve the one common goal.
Love, light and healing to all. ❤️🫶✨️🙏
Rest in Peace Mike.
God is with you. You have done more than anyone in exposing that godless cult. Your legacy will live on.. thank you for everything you have done and for your gracious heart.
So sad to see the cancer didn’t give up. Your light will shine on, your very important work and life will be remembered and admired by all those who understood the profound impact you had and will still have. You were loved by your family and friends, but also so many others who didn’t know you personally, but through your tireless work and obvious love for your famiily and friends, people and the cause you fought for. I wish your family love and peace, both Christie and the boys and your found family.
I’m sad to see you go, Mike, but thank you for all you were and all you did. You will be remembered.
Rest in peace, warrior. You did good.
Rest in peace Mike❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Fly high Mike Rinder, you are a good man. Love to you and the boys Christie.xoxo
Mr. Rinder,
Thank you for all you have done and may your children with your first family one day walk free as you did
You were a gentleman who possessed both bravery and strength in integrity laden abundance. I have very strong reason to suspect that you never so much as fully knew the positive depths your very life touched towards others because your “second life” was a life of redemption and courage tantamount to that of Job himself. You were undoubtedly one of the most articulate, most knowledgeable, and most ethical voices the Anti Cult of Scientology movement has ever had and I know that I am not alone in vowing that the fight will continue out of respect for someone as tremendous as you.
May your wife and all of your very children find peace with your passing and I do so pray that they find half the very strength you once possessed to guide them through during their time of grief and sorrow.
Bless and rest your almighty soul, kind Sir!
Rest easy Mike. Thank you for everything. We will carry on your legacy. We love you.
For Christie and the boys I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you all. I wish you all peace and strength as you move forward. Our love is with you.
Farwell Mike, you will be missed. Your work on exposing this awful Cult is priceless and your legacy will live on. My condolences to Christie, Mikes family and friends.
Mike, you were a true warrior. Thanks for all the battles fought and won. You live on in all of your great accomplishments as you do in the hearts of your family and friends. You were truly appreciated. R.I.P.
Rest in peace warrior and truth seeker. I was fortunate to have met you twice and will treasure those memories and your generosity of thought and spirit. The ripples of your work and love will continue long after your passing. Love and prayers to Christie and the boys. Till we meet again.
Rest in peace Mike
and I wish peace and consolation to your family and to all who grieve your passing from this life.
Oh, my heart. I hate that this day has come. I hoped so much it wouldn’t. You were so loved, Mike. We will continue the fight. Thank you for everything. Always. Always. Always.
To Christie and the boys – sending you so much love.
Rest in peace, Mike.
My condolences to your family.
Thanks for all you have done. We will always remember you.
Oh dear Mike,
The world has lost a very good man and a Champion for truth and justice. As you wished, I donated to Jack’s 529 plan. My heart is so heavy knowing this day has come. I know you are free but this community will surely miss you so much. I can’t even imagine how Christie and the boys, your many friends and other fans are coping. Rest. Rest. Rest. In peace!
Anne Piccolo from Oregon
Rest in peace Mike. Thank you for all that you have done. My love and best wishes to Christie
and your children.
Oh, Mr. Rinder, you will be missed 😢 💔.
I love you, Mike. Thank you for everything
Rest peacefully my earthly friend. Your work here is done. Others will gladly carry on what you have begun. ♥️
Thank you Mike.
I never met you Mike, but I am so heartbroken that you have left us.
Not everyone gets two lives, you lived your second to the fullest, sadly cut short.
Your presence will be greatly missed.
Christie I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and prayers to your family. Please know Mike touched so many lives with his work since leaving scientology, he showed us what can happen when people work together for a common goal, bringing the truth to the wider world about scientology. I hope you take strength from all he did and the lives he touched. Never forget the bumps in the road they show the truth of the people who ride them with you. I wish you peace and strength for the future and hope his legacy lives on through the people he leaves behind.
Safe travels, Mike.
Legends never die.
Rest in peace, Mike.
May Mike’s memory be a blessing. I appreciate all the years of hard work to fight the abuses of Scientology. My heart goes out to Christie and Jack, as well as to all who loved Mike. F Cancer!
May you rest in peace 🙏 You did your darnedest to expose the cult. Let others continue the fight!
Farewell to a great man. My sympathies to all his friends and family.
We will miss you.
I have known you since 1975 and will never forget you. See you in the next life old friend.
Farewell Mike and Rest In Peace. You were a champion for your cause and it is regretful that you didn’t see the end of the cult in your time.
Thank you for everything you did and hopefully you will continue to fight for the next billion years in the afterlife.
Good bye.
Christie, Jack, family and loved ones of Mike. My sencere condoleances to you in this time of loss. I hope you are surrounded by love and hugs.
Rest in Peace A kind And gentle man who lives a difficult life in Scientology and truly lives to put an end to the abuses of this ham of religion. He opened our eyes to something we had no idea existed. May his memory live on and on, and his children live with love in their hearts to know what a gentle human being Their dad was very sorry for your loss Kristi and family
Rest in peace, Mike. Rest in a place where there is no evil, no condemnation, no pain. With the One, true God who is pure LOVE. Condolences to Christie and Jack. Sending love, Joanna from Poland.
Hail and farewell , Traveler! Valhalla receives.
I grieve with his family and friends. Thank you, Mike, for all you’ve done. Scientology, Inc. will fall. Blessed be.
My sincere condolences. I learned so much from Mike and read his book. My heart goes out to his wife, children and friends…..
A sad day for sure. Thank you Mike for exposing scientology and showing us how redemption is possible. Much love to your family.
Rest in peace Mike
I have so much admiration and respect for Mike Rinder. I am so saddened by his passing. A huge huge loss to the world. Thinking of and sending love to Mike’s family and friends. Holding you in my heart.
I am so very sorry for your loss I wish I could take away your pain but, I cant so I give you this lean into your pain it’s proof of the love you shared and depths of what you lost it is a reminder of the one you loved.
RIP Mike!
Rest in Power, Mike
God bless you.
May Mike’s memory always be a blessing.
You ARE a hero.
Thank you for what you did and achieved.
Fly high and (maybe?) see you on the other side.
May he rest in peace and I hope those who loved him can find peace as well. I’m so sorry.
You are so missed.
OH My!
RIP dear Mike. Thank you for everything you have done to help your fellows.
You were brave. You were an amazing father and husband.
You have left an amazing legacy.
Judi Light
Thank you for All your hard work.
RIP Mike.
I send My love to your friends and your lovely family.
Kindly Christina
Rest in peace Mike. Your work will live on. You have made such an incredible impact. Thank you for all the lives you’ve touched, and saved. My heart is with your loved ones ❤️
Oh no! I knew it was coming but I am still sad! Memory eternal Mike!💔☦️🌹⭐️🙏 Prayers to Christie the boys and your two older kids!
Mike, you fought for most of your adult life in one way or another. You deserve your rest.
My condolences go out to all Mike’s family and friends. He was a kind spirited man and a force for good which will be notable by his absence.
God bless and rest easy Mike.
I had a sad feeling the other day that you had left us, when I checked your blog to see what you’d been up to, I didn’t think your last set of videos would be the last time I heard your voice or seen your shining face trying to spread your very important message about abuses not just in Scientology but in the wider cult sphere, even in the ex member community!
You did more for ending the abuses than anyone will ever know; because you put yourself out there and exposed yourself and your past behaviour in Scientology at a high level, warts and all, you have informed and saved many people from high control groups, abusive relationships and coercion.
Your work and your memory will not be in vain Mike Rinder. Now to the stars
You have been I big inspiration in life for me Mike. Both what you have done after you left the cult but also that you showed that we all can start again and get a beautiful life.
Thank you for all you have done, the cults stats have been on their way down for decades, and as a organisation with big reach and much power is over as we know it. Hope you have patted yourself on the shoulders for what you have done together with your allies. Again, a big thank you.
What a fascinating man. What a blessed man in an ugly world. I feel for his wife and children and dear colleague Leah Rimini. Your book changed me for the better.
Rest in peace Mike. Thank you for all of you hard work and thank you for teaching me and the rest of the world.
Farewell, Mike. You will be much missed.
The struggle continues.
Rest in peace dear Mike. Know that your work has helped and inspired many people. My deepest condolences to your family and your family of choice. You are all in my prayers.
RIP Mike. Thanks bringing awareness to this awful cult. My love to your family.
The world, the anti-Scientology movement, and his family and friends have lost such a good man. Rest in peace Mike. I never knew you, but I have admired your strength, integrity, and willingness to fight for a very long time. Your legacy remains within us all. My thoughts go out to those left behind.
I wish your family nothing but the best and you the peaceful rest you deserve, Mike. You were great! 🌹
Mike accomplished SO MUCH in his life after Scn.
This is so true: Every man has 2 lives and the second one begins when he realizes he only has one.
Thanks to Mike: my family and I escaped Scn.
His blog, the TV show, and the groundwork he laid for so many to speak out.
Thank you, and Godspeed Mike Rinder.
Good bye my lovely friend. I will miss you.
Thank you for leading the way, Mike. You lit the torch I and many others must now carry in your honour. Thank you for your mentorship, your guidance and your support over the last year.. and for laying the groundwork for a new generation of survivors to speak out. Today is a very sad day indeed and my heart goes out to Christie and family.
I just made a donation to the Aftermath Foundation before I saw this about Jack’s college fund. Will donate to that as well.
For the Family: You may not know us and may never know how much Mike helped us. I want you to know that I thank you for letting him dedicate so much to helping those of us that are “out here”.
His love and devotion to his family was stated time & time again. What a wonderful man he was – but you know that.
May his memory bring joy to your heart each and every day.
Goodbye Mike, thank you for everything.
Mike, thank you for what you have done and for your help.
Nothing has ever been in vain or not enough. Quite the opposite.
You have turned on such a light of truth on the cult that can never be turned off again.
Your personal life journey has given you an awareness of yourself and others that in the end is the precious thing that one takes away with oneself.
A heartfelt hug to Christie and the boys.
Thank you and farewell.
Dear Christie and family, please know that we are with you and sending you so much supportive love as you navigate through the loss of your beloved Mike. Blessings and courage to you too. Sending our condolences and may Mike fly high and be in peace. Xxx
dearest Christie. i am so sorry to hear of Mikes passing. i had hope until the end that a miracle would happen. we are here for you. my deepest condolences for you and the boys.😔🙏❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
I am so sad to hear this as I just rediscovered your blog after watching Aftermath again. In your honor, I reached out to the Aftermath Foundation to help in any ways that I possibly can.
Thank you for all you have done. Your story and legacy will carry on for many lifetimes.
Wishing you health and luck in your life.
I can’t believe you’re gone… I can’t imagine the pain of your familly and friends… You’re such a beautifull human being, you inspire me so much. I’m french and I never been in a cult but still, knowing someone like you exist bring me so much hope. You’re a light in darkness that will continue to shine. Thank you Mike, I love you dearly