Fast Eddie is a one-man dumpster fire of crazy.
His tweets become more and more unhinged as he frantically tried to think of something to say that is going to get anyone to believe that the abuses (and policies) exposed on The Aftermath are not the truth. I am variously a bobblehead, wife-beater, liar, Big Pharma Whore, bigot, anti-religionist, hater and now Goebbels protege.
Now, if we apply a little of Hubbard “technology” of a “criminal accuses others of what he himself is doing.”
This is the entry on Goebbels from Wikipedia:
Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s close associates and most devoted followers, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deep, virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.
Now, we all know Eddie is the main public “spokes”person for the propaganda ministry of scientology (OSA). Unlike me, he is actually a figure who has the job of trying to propagandize the abuses of an organization.
Also unlike me, Fast Eddie is a supporter and champion of Louis Farrakhan and HIS Minister of Propaganda Tony Mohammed who recently promoted one of his appearances with a despicable Nazi anti-semitic image.
Fast Eddie, who loves to announce himself as a champion of tolerance and fighter of hate has not made a single comment decrying the hate that spews from the Scientology “Freedom Medal” Winner TonyMo.
So, who REALLY deserves the description of following in the evil tradition of Dr. Joseph Goebbels?
And then, here is this — give Fast Eddie a toupee and lower his ears…
PS: If there is an expert out there on Twitter and how they are gaming the system with click farms and bots I would like to hear from you….
Hi Mike –
I’m not a twitter expert, but I know one, his name is Ash Bhat (@theashbhat on twitter). His website is … he set up this algorithm ostensibly for Russian bots, but I imagine he knows a lot about or can help you with organizational bots and technologies.
I was never a Scientologist, but my parents dabbled a little in the 70’s and luckily it never went anywhere. I’ve been watching you & Leah since the show began and I’m flabbergasted by what goes on. I don’t doubt you or anyone who as appeared for a single minute. My own religious experiences and work in law give me enough background to know that this can absolutely be reality even in today’s world. I’m not surprised, but I am still shocked. I keep thinking of Jonestown — I’m sure this similarity has been brought up in the past.
Best of luck to you, and keep on keepin on. You’re doing the right thing, and as your blog header says, something CAN be done about it. You have lots of support. Never give up.
Eddie is a fine example of an RPF graduate.
Wait a minute….
I thought the “drop-the-body-pick-up-a-new-one” stuff was horseshit.
But those side-by-side photos are scientific proof that it’s true!! Praise Xenu!!
I’m dreaming of the time when Scientology gets completely shut down by the FBI. At that point fast Eddie becomes Allfeddie.
You may have already seen this.
This is completely disgusting! Talk to us about the NOI Eddie. Explain why it’s ok for Tony Mo to spew his hatred and bigotry without one word from you?? Tell us please…. ?
Scientologists have an innate inability, as a result of their training. Their ability to dialogue has been damaged. Fascinating that they claim mastery of communication and actually have an inability to communicate like adults.
Fast Eddie, and like minded cultists, never address ideas and issues. They always attack people because that’s what Hubbard taught them.
The below definition, that defines Scientology responses to critics, is 100% proof of a bankruptcy of ideas.
Basically they have been trained to be fools and idiots who think they are being OT.
Ad hominem (Latin for “to the person”[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]
Exactly right! It´s like the Awareness of Awareness Unit in them are totally whacked! (Brain-Mind-Theta-washed !) And I think most of us speaks of personal experience as well, we´ve been there…
Sorry, my last comment linked to a deleted tweet. Corrected:
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
Saturday, January 5, 2019 lecture at the Church of Scientology of Dallas.
Sunday, January 6, 2019 lecture using a Nazi propaganda image on “the Jews” at Dallas Muhammad Mosque 48.
I don’t see Scn as promoting or endorsing the NOI, just accepting it without criticism. Scn gets some extra income and gets to say Scn is non discriminatory by accepting an all black group into its ranks. On the other hand the NOI promotes Scn to the membership with the blessing of Rev. Louis. Tony obviously doesn’t go on anti semitic or white devil rants while doing events on Scn premises.
Speaking of devils, the NOI believes in devils and “Satan within” so I guess they can audit BTs from that frame of reference. Mr. Hubbard got confused and mistook the Mother Wheel for DC-8 airplanes which reconciles that. Devils would be some pretty scary BTs.
This is from the wiki article on Nation of Islam:
[The Mother Plane and Ezekiel’s Wheel
Main article: Ezekiel’s Wheel
Elijah Muhammad taught his followers about a Mother Plane or Wheel, a UFO that was seen and described in the visions of the prophet Ezekiel in the “Book of Ezekiel”, in the Hebrew Bible.]
NOI who are also Oh Tea will certainly be first in line to enter the Mother Plane when it arrives, yet another good reason to get “up the bridge” in a hurry.
I don’t know how NOI mosque services are conducted but they probably go into a discussion of various scripture. Like most religions they have an end of the world prophecy which says selected or chosen individuals will be transported to some kind of paradise somewhere “up there”. That’s my general overview and it may not be correct.
“I don’t see Scn as promoting or endorsing the NOI, just accepting it without criticism.”
Richard, the people of Germany once accepted without criticism what the Nazis were doing to Jews.
Just saying.
And no, Scientology is NOT the SS, and Miscavige is NOT Hitler, so PLEASE don’t give me THAT refutation because I’m NOT making any kind of equivocation.
Here’s another example: If you lived during the Jim Crow era across the street from an African America family and saw the KKK burn a cross on their lawn, and “accepted it without criticism”, would that be an endorsement of cross burnings? By your silence would you be effectively “promoting” the KKK?
IMO, the real answer to questions such as these lie not in dictionary definitions but within ones’ own heart.
The Scientology whales and celebs “accept without criticism” what they know about the Scientology’s persecutions of people who leave and tell the truth. They don’t criticize their church for splitting up families and if you’ll notice THEIR families don’t get split up.
So you can parse words as carefully as you like and the dictionary is certainly your friend in doing so, but how will saying nothing, doing nothing about human rights abuses sit with one’s own conscience?
Btw, I’m a word-lover, Richard. I love civilized debate and I love dictionaries and looking up words. 🙂
Non discriminatory and non denominational is the official position of the cherch even though Elron trashed every religion and practice he could think of from Buddhist croaking frogs to religions as implants. He didn’t miss a beat on that.
Scientologists should decry scientology abuses but they don’t. A cult is a cult and fundamentalism is fundamentalism. Some scientologists are aware of the abuses and some are clueless. Mysticism is a part of life on earth and I’m not expecting it to go away.
Speaking of words, I did the study course where Elron expounded on the Study Tek over four or five tapes. Every word on the tapes was listed in alphabetical order and looked up in the dictionary the first time it appeared on a tape. It was time consuming but worth the effort. To this day a misunderstood word or symbol rarely escapes my notice. If I recall correctly, after that I escaped most word clearing by claiming my status as “Super Literate” which was the claimed end phenomenon of the course. haha
That course is surely history since it took a long time and slowed down the gross income from people paying for their next admin or auditor training courses.
Thanks for your response, Richard. Good to know we’re on the same page as re doing something about human rights abuses 🙂 And I did the course you and I did KTL too. Misunderstood words really do “leap” off the page at me. 🙂 I might not always look them up but at least I know that I don’t know what they mean.
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
Saturday, January 5, 2019 lecture at the Church of Scientology of Dallas.
Sunday, January 6, 2019 lecture at Dallas Muhammad Mosque 48 on “the Jews” using a Nazi propaganda image.
Fast Eddie and $ci play fast and loose with references to nazism and it is a terrible thing to do. They accuse anyone who criticizes $ci’s abuse as bigots and compare themselves as victims of criticism to the mass murder of millions. This is a disgusting trivialization of the truth of things.
And then this unholy alliance between $ci and NOI. $ci is aligning itself with anti-semitism, racial separation, subservience of woman, homophobia. It will eventually have to answer for it. They complain about bigotry but partner with a group that uses Nazi propaganda, imagery and rhetoric. The $ci “human rights” front groups have nothing to say about it. You can’t promote Holocaust Memorials on the one hand and partner with a group that thinks Hitler was right on the other. There will be a reckoning at some point.
Creepy Eddie
No one cares about what you think or what you have to say
No one is looking
Except your Dictator David Miscavige
I wouldn’t go as far as comparing a nazi with a scientologist. To me, scientology is composed of cartoon villains taking advantage of the dupes still in.
On a side note:
“A Scientology spokesperson for the church in NSW said there were, “a substantial number of Scientologists in NSW, which I would estimate in the many thousands.”
“The Church of Scientology has experienced the greatest expansion last year worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Taiwan,” the spokesperson said.” as they glugged down a two litre bottle of lime Kool-Aid.
I’m fairly certain that there is a massive five $camologists (although I might be out by a thousand or two if I use their “estimate” for the whole country) in Launceston.
Parkin is, plainly and simply, a barking mad lunatic and beneath contempt.
It would be funny to see someone shoop their above shooped photo of you with you staring at the tomato, ala Hubbard. Then again…. you have never been that weird.
“..a one-man dumpster fire of crazy.” Priceless!!!
So that’s what an clean shaven asshole looks like. But like the laws of nature, all assholes have a master – an even bigger asshole!
Ron promised fantastic results
Between high-flown talk and insults
He criticized wogs
And gave us fake cogs
His ‘science’ was truly a cult
That Nazi anti-semitic image the Scientology-affiliated NOI uses in promoting Scientology “freedom medal” winner Muhammad comes via a neo-Nazi website, which has colorized an original cartoon from a 1938 issue of Der Stürmer, a tabloid that “was a significant part of Nazi propaganda, and was vehemently anti-Semitic”:
That paper was published by Julius Streicher, a longtime Nazi party member and political operative. His incitement of hatred and violence towards Jews was considered so egregious that he was tried for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg, convicted and executed:
Interestingly, when looking up Streicher, my eye was caught by a reference to a case in which he was sued for libel by a Jewish civil servant who he had attacked in his paper, and lost – but in the process, he had managed to introduce unrelated testimony in court, and drag the man’s name through the mud. Streicher was fined, but declared a personal victory, and made “something always sticks” his new motto.
Goebbels may not be the only Nazi propagandist in whose footsteps Scientology and its operatives seem to follow.
“The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very easily to harass….” Hubbard, A Manual on the Dissemination of Material
That picture of you made me laugh Mike!
Wow, was that taken right after reading Fast Eddie’s articles? Ha ha. ?
What a liar and jerk Eddie is, eh? ?
the pic of Mike looks like the photoshopped or touched it up to make dark circles under the eyes even darker. They must have looked far and wide to find that pic. If they were booming with students and pcs, they wouldn’t have the time to look for a bad pic everywhere because they’d be too busy delivering.
sounds like it’s time to have a lawyer step in.
I can’t imagine how anyone affiliates themselves with this ludicrous organization.
thee are many weak & foolish followers in this world.
I need to point out that although some people are weak and foolish as you say… each and every time I watch Leah & Mike and their guests… I can’t help but ask… how do these smart, savvy people get caught up in this?
It’s not only the weak & foolish who are searching for something meaningful to them…
Mike, I went on twitter to see what kind of response Mr. Eddie gets for his tweets.
First off, he is reaching no one. He is tweeting into thin air. And secondly the reply’s to his tweets are appropriately negative.
The level of insanity emanating from Mr. Parkin is on par with first rate tin foil hat cults.
I recommend that readers of Mike’s blog see for themselves.
I hate to give Fast Eddie a stat.
There’s lots of info online if you just google “click farms,” “twitter bots,” etc.
Meanwhile, I’m thinking that Parkin is taking his job home with him, so to speak, and is probably sleep deprived. I wonder if he has to produce so many “stats” every night before he can go to sleep. Sounds like he’s on the verge of losing his shit completely. What karma if he had to be carted off to – Xenu forbid – a psych hospital.
Scientology reacts to criticism much like elementary school children do! They call their enemy a liar or insult them, followed by Non sequitur accusations of various crimes or alleged character flaws.
“I saw you steal Sally’s lunch money and hit her,”
“Oh yeah? Well, you’re a butt face and chew gum in class all the time!”
“”Well, I guess I,m defeated by your devastatingly logical defense,”
There are services out there where you can get fake followers, clicks, retweets, likes, etc. I’m not an expert, but I’ve sometimes gotten DMs or messages on Instagram advertising X number of followers for $X.
It’s probably a foregone conclusion that Scientology uses these, since there are so few actual Scientologists in the world and fewer still who are allowed/allow themselves to use parts of the net where they might encounter entheta
NOT-IS-NESS, (“PXL” – refers to the book, “The Phoenix Lectures”)
1. Trying to put out of existence by postulate or force something which one knows, priorly, exists. One is trying to talk against his own agreements and postulates with his new postulates, or is trying to spray down something with the force of other is-nesses in order to cause a cessation of the isness he objects to. (PXL, p. 64)
2 . Not-is-ness is the effort to handle is-ness by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an is-ness. (PXL, p. 154)
3 . There are two different conditions of not-is-ness: one is just vanishment. The other one is an is-ness which somebody is trying to postulate out of existence by simply saying, “It isn’t.” A not-is-ness, in our terminology, would be this second specialized case of an individual trying to vanish something without taking responsibility for having created it. (PXL, p. 100)
4 . Not-is-ness is manifested as and is in itself the mechanism we know as unreality. (PXL, p. 55)
Any old time Scientologist would look at Ed’s treatment of Mike and see that Ed’s committing overts. (A current onlines Scientologist might not so consider, due to indoctrination and the enforcement of their moral code.) And overts are not-is-ness.
I have not yet found a succinct LRH quote about it, but I recall there’s something about, aa a person commits more and more overts against a person, he gradually becomes more like the person he is attacking. Have I got that right?
Pondering Tory “Magoo” and the story of her departure, and Mike Rider as well. They “pushed against” the ex-Scientology world, quite hard, and then, “voila!”, here they are! I got along quite well with Ed, I thought, in the past. It would be nice to talk with him again.
I am wondering if someone in Scientology, in preparation for this event, has already bought up a lot of domain names with Ed Parkins’ name in it? I wonder how long till Ed Parkins speaks out with the others? I wonder who, amongst Ed’s friends in Scientology would stick up for him in that event, and how many would decide to stand in line for the GOLD video crew to do videos of what a jerk he was all the time, how he never got anything done, and ignored his children?
Dan, I remember that Hubbard said something to the effect that you become what you hate – I haven’t been able to find the exact quote for that, either, so maybe it’s whatever it is that you’re thinking of it. I’m guessing that, like most of his wiser-seeming sayings, it didn’t originate with Hubbard, though he may have restated it with a writer’s and guru’s flair.
I always think of that idea in terms of Scientology’s frothing hatred of psychiatry. They’ve ended up stuck emulating (dramatizing?) the pseudo-scientific, marginally effective and sometimes harmful practices of that profession before the modern era, while real science and treatment have moved on, and abandoned practices including the trouble-prone abreactive therapy that inspired Hubbard.
Also, I was reading about the quack who infamously performed thousands of “ice pick” lobotomies for a couple of years in the late 1940s, before being shut down by the early anti-psychiatry movement prior to Hubbard’s coming on the scene (and, typically, being late to the party). It sounds as if he was careless and full of himself, pursuing fame and money – just like Hubbard.
“You become what you resist” THE PHOENIX LECTURES
Werner Erhardt said it as well.
Thanks, that actually leads to the real “source” – Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
I also see that associated with additional phrases “…but it grows inside” and/or “What you fight you get more of.” It’s such a popular quote that among the many citations and variations of it, I can’t reading find a reference to whatever was Jung’s exact formulation, except for the essential first words.
And who knows where Erhard got the quote from – possibly even from reading the actual source Jung himself. I’ve discovered that Hubbard, as confirmed by the second wife he “never had,” wasn’t really much of a reader and relied on other on other people around him for his knowledge (often rather superficial) of source material, and ideas. The Scientology propaganda line that anything wise-sounding said by anyone during the era of consciousness expansion and the human potential movement of half a century or more ago, had its source in Hubbard, is virtually the opposite of what is actually true, though it’s been a fairly successful “big lie.”
See, for instance – citing Erhard on a related point, as well:
No matter who said it, boy is it true!
“I have not yet found a succinct LRH quote about it, but I recall there’s something about, a person commits more and more overts against a person, he gradually becomes more like the person he is attacking. Have I got that right?”
If memory serves, you are wandering into the self GPM area. Hubbard would have the PC search out who they opposed (the opposite terminal(OpTerm)) and run R3-doodle-da to achieve separation between the two, A way to break up a ‘closed terminal’ maybe?.
Or, is it succumbing to the powerful valence that overwhelmed them?;
Or, was it all just a bad dream?????????
Bad dream, at least. Clever con, in reality.
It is sad to see people who probably have been out of the CoS for years revert to spouting Hubbard’s nonsensical phrases, knowing full well Hubbard simply stole and rephrased the ‘wisdom’ of others. Those original others in fact were also just pulling their philosophical ‘wisdom’ out of their asses, simple precursers to Hubbard himself.
It takes years to wash Hubbard’s deep indoctrination from one’s thinking and feeling. I wish everyone luck in their own process of moving away from being a captive ronbot. I think snuffling at the pig trough of Hubbard-think is not the way to leave his nonsense behind and regain true freedom of self.
I remember a similar concept/quote. A person who commits overts on another will go into the other’s valence.
Scientologists believe in reincarnation, I wonder who Ed thinks he was last lifetime. Probably thinks he was some heroic Brit during WW II.
But, due to the resemblance, the next time Ed Parkin hits the RPF and has to do some more Truth Rundown co-quackery with another busted OSA staffer (since on the RPF, the OSA staffers co-deliver the Truth Rundown on each other, for security reasons, sometimes an RTC staff will co-quack deliver the quackery to an OSA staffer for security hiding purposes) then Ed will discover he may indeed have been on Goebbels staff or somesuch.
Could it be that creepy Ed is clumsily trying to denigrate Mike Rinder like that, while he is trying at the same time to divert from the anti-semitic doctrines of the NOI and their leader Farrakhan and their disgusting promo against Jewish people even taking images from the Nazi magazine “Der Stürmer”?
Vito Corleone had his Fredo,
Hubbard had his David Miscavige
David Miscavige has his Fast Eddie
Hubbare’s “Office of Special Affairs” staff training policies, all based on Hubbard’s years of writings for what OSA and Goebbels’ Eddy does today, it is so fruitful to read Hubbard’s “Office of Special Affairs” issues, and if interested, dig up all the leaked Hubbard original despatches, some of which are leaked on the internet.
Ed Parkin trained on Hubbard.
I wish Ed’s family and relatives would pressure Ed to get the hell out.
Ed would someday be a good guest on the Leah Aftermath show.
Oh he sure would Chuck! There are so many acronyms and so many different departments I get lost trying to figure out what’s what and who’s who, not to mention history. I really appreciate any coaching.
I wonder why the Jewish organizations don’t take a stronger stand against Scientology. They get Angela Davis’ civil rights award taken away because she defended the human rights of Palestinians, but no reaction to all these years of Scientology promoting open anti-Semites? It’s weird.
Maybe (hopefully) that is real evidence of how inconsequential anything scientology says or does is.
The Jews survived the Holocaust. They’re stoic. In America they are very protected. They’re mostly not confrontational people anyway. Their attitude is to alertly observe and monitor Farrakhan’s rants and to not give him any unnecessary national press.
Don’t forget, along with the NOI there is also a tiny but hardcore group of American WHITES who hate Jews and blame them for everything. These whites ALSO believe that Jews totally control the media, banking, have world domination as their goal, etc.
So the NOI is not the only major anti-Semitic group in America.
But the good news is that these anti-semitic American whites will NEVER align with the NOI because along with Jews they also hate black people and brown people. (From the way they post on various websites these Christian whites seem to hate just about anybody who isn’t them or Donald Trump.) They talk in slogans a lot…”Jews will not have our blood.”…”Blood and Soil”…Don’t ask me what these mean but in any event, point is that the NOI is not alone in viciously ranting about and targeting the Jews as the root of all evil. . So this anti-Semitic thing in America is factionalized. Thankfully, these groups, along with hating the Jews, hate each other too. So that’s something 🙂
These groups are being watched, monitored. When something is DONE, not just SAID, that is anti-Semitic, they raise say PLENTY and it gets press.
If an NOI member ever went off the reservation like that white guy in in PA did, Farrakahn would be toast and he knows it.
Eddie, you need more bark to your bite. How ’bout CSWing your boss Dave to loan you out Jenny Linson. She got tons of views on her YouTube video at the airport. Both of you together would be a big hit. Like Irving Berlin said, there’s no business like show business.
I just thought of his new nickname – Barkin’ Parkin
I just thought of his new nickname – Barkin’ Parkin
Apologies if this posts twice, don’t know if the first one went through.
“I am variously a bobblehead, wife-beater, liar, Big Pharma Whore, bigot, anti-religionist, hater and now Goebbels protege.” Is that all they got?
Seriously, though, the NOI connection really can and should become a MAJOR issue for C of S. NOI is becoming more and more controversial in the mainstream recently. It already became an albatross for the Women’s March. It is the living DA to Scientology’s claims of tolerance and respect for human rights.
Doesn’t anyone in the C of S even notice this fact (anyone…anyone…Fast Eddie?)
Eddie is the perfect example of someone with an unflat-Grade 4, making someone else wrong in order to be right. Come to think about it, the whole of scientology and all of its disciples behave the same way. Behaviors tend to trickle down from the top.
Wow. The vitriol he resorts to shows where his mind lives. I wonder if he thinks about that?
He doesn’t think at all.
If you shout “Hello.” in his left ear it echoes around in his skull for about ten minutes before exiting his right ear.
Creepy Eddy Parkin is one of THE most despicable, hypocritical, ignorant people I have ever seen. Between him, Gemma and JAW as representatives of Scientology on Social Media no wonder the numbers are dropping. Parkin is nothing more than a schoolyard bully. If he had any honor whatsoever he would not attack people from behind a block. Grrrr he makes my blood boil!
p.s. Mike I may have someone to talk to you about the bots and click farms. I sent him a message.