Fortunately, Fast Eddie Parkin, the head of STAAD League and OSA International old-timer (he used to be Heber Jentzsch’s assistant back before Heber was “disappeared”) cannot block everyone on Twitter.
Fast Eddie makes a habit of sliming people scientology doesn’t like with his STAAD League account (@EPStandLeague). But everyone he targets is blocked from seeing his Tweets, and anyone who ever responds to him with anything less than fawning agreement of his assessment of himself as a genius is instantly blocked. This is such a cowardly way of doing things — but is a typical scientology tactic in the era of Miscavige. Miscavige has created an environment in his image — he dispenses with anyone who does not agree to his self-asserted infallibility. He hides behind lawyers and “spokespeople” (who don’t actually speak) to deliver his messages. He is a coward.
Fast Eddie is employed as an anti-Aftermath stirrer. The success of his efforts is apparently not a factor, as he keeps rolling out the footbullets. It is always interesting to read his hate-filled drivel, and I find it especially amusing when I see him complain that “scientology’s side” is not presented. Fast Eddie is one of the “go-to” guys sent out to deal with camera crews if they find themselves in a circumstance where they cannot just hide inside their buildings being keyboard warriors. It’s amazing to watch anyone try to ask him a question face to face. He calls the police or security… so much for “scientology’s side.”
But Eddie has outdone himself with this new tweet.
Big Pharma Whores? Wow. Even for Fast Eddie that one is a bit of a stretch…
But there are a couple of other whoppers in these 3 sentences.
“Cast of performers”? No doubt the intended message here is that these people are a “cast” like in a movie? And they are “performers” like actors? It is interesting that the only thing scientology has to respond to the recounting of the lives of real people is to yell “liar” and “actor” but never, ever to address any of the events that took place? And by the way, have you looked at ScientologyTV for even 2 minutes?
Everyone is “simply people expelled from a religion for trying to damage it.” Another of scientology’s pat (false) responses. Everyone was “kicked out” and “expelled.” Actually, these people escaped or “blew” and scientology went crazy trying to get them back. Only after they couldn’t get them to come back did they suddenly become “failures who could not live up to the ethical standards of scientology”…
They “concoct blame where none exists” — concoct? Blame? No, they tell their experiences. If by doing so you feel you are to blame, then that is a reflection of your guilt.
And this is all to “make money”? Perhaps you should ask any of these people if they have made ANY money in telling their stories. Not a penny. But the one thing we DO know is that the ONLY things scientology does are to make money. Without exception. It is a Hubbard law. Nothing is given away for free. That is a high crime in scientology.
Now as for Big Pharma – they must be sending my checks to the wrong address. Or your PIs are stealing them from my mailbox. I will be sure to let everyone know if the checks do start arriving. Maybe then I could afford to hire a lawyer to put an end to your defamation…
And just as a note: While there are plenty of things to be critical about Big Pharma, it is undeniable they have developed treatments and cures for an enormous number of diseases and conditions in this world. So there is good with the bad.
Scientology? Not so much.
Personally, I would rather be getting checks from Big Pharma than a full time slave to a cult that controls everything I do, every choice I make and even what food I eat and what time I may eat it. Maybe one day Big Pharma will develop a cure for brainwashing?
That’s a very attractive photo of Rinder that Perkin uses in his hate tweets.
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night.
Dear everyone,
I have lurked on the fringes of this blog for a long time. My morbid fascination with Scn has turned to horrified sympathy for those who have and those who continue to be burdened with the dreadful weight of their passion to do something good being twisted and used to encourage them to hurt themselves and others. Such a sad and cruel way to exist.
I wish everyone reading this happiness, a light heart, and true friendship. As a wog, these things seem a simple ask. Would that that was true for everyone.
Seasons greetings to you Mike. Thank you for your selflessness and thanks to your family for sharing you and your precious time with all of us.
Fast Eddie has aroused fierce jealousy and burning envy within me.
I am no longer content with my life.
In the twinkling of an eye, everything changed; I’m restless and discontented.
I want to be a Big Pharma Whore.
Come the New Year I’ll be selling the business and entering into talks with BP.
I’ll do anything, say anything they want.
Mike, I have watched every episode of S, the Aftermath, and applaud you and Leah for turning the mirror onto this beehive of brainwashing. Miscaviage is no different from a Nazi regime, but is supported by what is likely the longest running ponzi scheme known to man. No other “church” in the world makes parishoners pay for knowledge and enlightenment. I grew up with narcissists: Miscaviage is a malignant narcissist and worse. (Akin to Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin…) You and Leah are doing such valuable work, hopefully it will disuade people from falling for the toxic brainwashing Scientology is. Being a tax free entity is a travesty and hopefully the show will prompt the IRS to rescind the exemption status. God bless you and Leah!
Well said Nancy. I have been binge watching Sata. The 2 things that proves to me this is not a “Religion” are the amount of $ they expect for each class and the way the ruin families. This is no religion and it pisses me off that they are tax exempt. I will help if o can to get the IRS, Senate, Congress whomever to look into that. They are a cult pure and simple.
Keep up the good work and bless you for your strength.
To: Nancy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: narcissists
How dare you call me a narcissist! That’s a bad word! And stop criticizing men like Hitler and Stalin! They were doing the world a favor by making mankind perfect! That’s our goal here in Scientology! See, me, Josef, and Adolf think on the same wavelength and that’s why were all so theta! So I demand that these criticisms of really super people like Hitler and Stalin stop immediately!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: WTF??????!!!!!!!!
Hitler was doing the world a favor?
Are you nuts?!!
Have you ever read a book called ‘Self-Analysis’?
I didn’t think so.
I think you need to stop swilling the scotch by the case.
On second thought, keep it up.
We’ll be rid of you and your ideas a lot sooner.
No Love At All
Alcoboy, remember, narcs, short for narcissists, speak a different language than we mortals speak. They have a much different, twisted perspective from which they view the world, and it is never questioned, never criticized, or you will be kicked to the curb. Narcissists love, use, demean, then discard. But when the victim finally sees the truth and tries to leave, all hell breaks loose with the narcissist and they go to battle. The fact that Scientology’s members support the ponzi scheme, even losing one is a blow to their program of control and repress.
Big Pharma Whores? Mmmmmm, that sounds familiar.
One of the fascinating traits of bubble people is an inability to see that what they project as other’s faults is actually what they are doing in real time.
It’s a mental derangement of unawareness. They have no awareness of self. So they have no idea how foolish they look.
What they blame others for is what they are actually doing.
Yea, he’s a real commodeian. That’s quite a schtick.
Can he pull a wascally wabbit out of his hat?
I wonder if he’s paid in Monopoly money.
I wonder if it hurts when DM yanks on those marionette strings. (I sure hope so 🙂 )
It really struck me, that it’s pretty unhinged to be using a Stand account to call people “whores.” This is definitely one to save screenshots of. It ought to be brought to the attention of some of the various outsiders and groups Scientology is trying to co-opt and “safepoint” – who ought to re-consider whether Scientology could somehow be considered normal or mainstream (which this shows, it can’t).
Once a day Demonic Moptop gets a sycophant to ring Crazy Eddie (aplogies to Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle) and play a short recording of the door squeaking and creaking (and moans from the damned inside) of the “non-existent” Hole to spur him on.
When I was doing my doubt formula on the church, this was the type of thing that drove me out.
To attack the person and not the so called crime has got to be down there with the lowest point of human behaviour. Any one who has anything to do with staff or so or seen or been the subject of a Thursday 2pm stat push knows that these people are more than likely telling the truth.
Eddies behaviour is self defeating, it is the behaviour of a person who is losing and it is indicative of this church which is off the rails and also losing.
Merry Xmas to all you brave whistle blowers.
This guy needs some new material. I scrolled through his unoriginal tweets and it appears that his only talent is to copy/paste the same accusations over… and over… and over. As for the accusation that ex-Scientologists are getting rich from telling their stories, I have never once had to pay a dime to read this blog, but I am quite certain that I would have to pay a small fortune to read Scientology’s “tech” materials. So, who exactly is getting rich here?
Well said, Mike
I have never interacted with @EPStandLeague on Twitter and yet I just noticed that he has me blocked. I was also blocked by ScientologyTV as soon as that account appeared. My guess is that Scientology maintains some giant list of Twitter users who follow folks like Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, Leah Remini and Chris Shelton, and as soon as one of their “official” accounts goes live, they preemptively block everyone on the list. I have Tweeted a few times about “Aftermath” but I really don’t spend much time poking at Scientology on Twitter, so the fact that I’m on their list shows just how ridiculous they are.
Scientology’s propaganda hypocrisies are so copious, it’s hard to catalog them all. What I noticed among Parkins’ accusations* is that Scientology are also the only ones hiring actors, as they can no longer make general-purpose Scientology propaganda with their own members, since they then have to pull the productions when some of the people involved are declared or blow. The “meet a scientologist” type pieces only focus on individual people or couples, and can more easily be made to disappear if the those involved become unpersons (to use Orwell’s term from 1984).
* Hubbard said that criminals accuse others of that which they themselves are guilty, a restatement of the psychological principle of projection that that his followers seem to constantly demonstrate
A beautiful concept bought into being by Hubbard to get people to second guess there accusations in relation to the church and to get the parishioners to focus attention on the accusers rather than the real crimes being commited by the church, miscavige or Hubbard himself.
That moron’s entire demographic he is addressing are bubble dwelling, brain-washed scamologists. No one outside of that cares or will even understand what he is trying to say.
True, no-one but a hard core Scio would give a damn what that idiot says. Except maybe someone with a long memory of being abused and believes in justice, especially in some of its more opportunistic, off the cuff methods. People like Eddie are often unaware they present a certain satisfaction for others until the brutal regime they support collapses, then the payback mentality flexes its muscles. It is no accident that the serious Scientologist puts considerable effort and thought into hiding.
Best wishes to all this holidays season! I would just like to extend the hope and wish that all former Scientologists one day will have free and unhindered communication with their parents, son’s daughters, relatives and friends who only wish them well. Best wishes for the new year.
I just can’t imagine why ALL of you “celebs, TV Stars, Cast of Performers” in these Aftermath episodes are unwilling to admit that YOU are & were guilty of MALFEASANCE….that’s correct…every single one of you PAID & guilty by association with each other for continued nattering on a pack of lies.
You were DECLARED (kicked out) for being EVIL…so Evil that you forced yourself to BLOW, ESCAPE, RUN OFF to hide your embarrassment for your MALFEASANCE to this “wonderful organization that simply wants to clear the planet”……at all costs.
Oh of course, YES, you ALL know you are being “handsomely paid” to expound & critic this this this….”church” who has done everything to keep you under lock & key & watch 24/7 to protect your eternal spirit & assure you of multiple lives, & we also helped RID you of those family members who wished to separate you from “us” because we wish to do you harm???
You prefer to hide behind this mask of discontent & blame us for the so called wrongs done to you & yours while you were helping us do Lron’s work to help make man capable of “solving his own problems” WITHOUT the use of Pharmaceuticals that would hurt you when you know perfectly well WE are capable of curing you of any ills you might have
Yes indeed MALFEASANCE is the GUILT you must carry with you daily for spilling your guts on that A & E ah…ah…ah….show that makes US look bad, when it’s all your fault you put yourself in this position.
So wear you Scarlet Letter “M”….MALFEASANCE……YOU know WHAT CRIMES YOU COMMITTED!
P.S. For a nominal fee of $$$$, we would gladly consider taking you back after you’ve repented for your MALFEASANCE by spending several months in “The Hole”..
He’s a noisy little bastard, I’ll give him that.
I liked this line from Mike best: “It is interesting that the only thing scientology has to respond to the recounting of the lives of real people is to yell “liar” and “actor” but never, ever to address any of the events that took place?”
And this on the best: “And by the way, have you looked at ScientologyTV for even 2 minutes?”
NO. Lol
One could almost go into histerics calling out Scientology on their voluminous, blatant hypocrisy, but Mike’s calm and consistent points are better than a damn flamethrower. He has roasted Scientology on their own skewers every time.
Projection, thy real name is $cientology and Eddie Parkin. The old ‘rubber and glue’ taunt fits Eddie to a tee. As this is the level of ‘confront’ that $cientology has these days, you’d get hurt worse by a little dog that is trying to hump your leg.
I respect everyone who has ever escaped from $cientology and testified about their experiences. They are my heroes. I wish them all a happy R6 implant day and a happy new year. Now, if only those wishes could pierce the bubble of the $cieno staff and Sea bOrg, it would indeed be a Happy New Year.
I’m beginning to think they really have no idea how idiotic they sound.
It would be easy to shrug off Parkin’s work as merely clumsy, ill-conceived, and pathetically feeble PR spin. But the Church’s incompetence goes deeper than just plain stupid. Ed and his fellow staff of deranged commentators are genuinely pathological. They truly believe their own ridiculous crap. I think it’s best to give such people a kindly smile–the same sort of look you might give a lunatic on the street who’s yelling at the pavement. In either case, you can only hope that they somehow manage to wake up from their mental sickness.
It´s about the same level as the Sociopath Miscavige writes re Leah and Jason from Friday the 13th. They will probably never wake up from that level.
I’m not so sure that Mr. Eddie has ‘lost his mind’. I’m not sure that he ever had one—- of his own. He may have had one at some point before he got overwhelmed by Ron’s pontifications. No; he must not have had much of anything in the way of a mind before he came across the effluent of Ron and tiny David, the Munchkin beater.
What I see now is a wind-up toy that performs when switched on. It has a limited range and number of responses programmed into it. It is a poor meat body, containing no mind (of it’s own), no heart, nor courage. Like the Cowardly lion, Tin Man, and Straw man from The Wizard of Oz. Maybe Mr. Eddie will get restored when a better Wizard comes along to free his mind, give him a heart, and infuse him with courage. One can hope.
Yeah “Fast Eddie’s” routine never varies. He just simply recycles the same nonsensical tweets. What is interesting to me is I have tried to be blocked on Twitter by various Scientology accounts ever since season 3 of “Aftermath” started. And the only attention or replies I have gotten are from critics of Scientology. It appears as if we anti-Scientologists actually more closely monitor Scientology’s twitter traffic than they do! You, Leah, Tony Ortega, and yes even Marty Rathbun in his pre psychosis stage are doing immense damage to Miscavige’s cult. The only thing that the cult tries my faith on is I believe that Jesus ultimately redeems all mankind. But Miscavige and LRH sometimes cause that component of my faith to be tested. However unlike Davey I can actually point to strong scholarly and historical facts to show my I believe as I do. I can tell you in about a minute or two the basics of my religious faith. With Scientology it takes 8 years and $300,000 or more to learn! Jesus said “don’t hide your light under a bushel”. No wonder LRH considered Christ a fraud!
Merry Christmas to you Mike and your family! Also Merry Christmas to everyone out there!
I find him the pot calling the kettle…..or the frying pan and the fire….one of those cliches. Mike is spot on…they only call you names they don’t ever address the issues. Plus, they certainly are not above flat out lying…ie. we kicked them out. Riiiiiiight.
Well maybe LRH was right when he said that “when we are winning the squirrels scream and cry and carry on.” So Leah and Mike and this movement of anti Scns must be winning judging from the amount of shit throwing monkey Ed Parkin is doing. For more info on Ed Parkin, see Steve Poore’s coming out story on Marty’s or Mike’s site back in 2013 and some of Steve’s comments. He was Ed’s roommate for a while and has inside scoop on him.
I hope the noise continues and I hope that USC responds to the letter I sent them. Murphy’s email bounced oddly enough. USC now has to react on their social media policies being violated and the use of the good name USC has made being used to leverage STAND’s false positioning. My letters to my congressmen and senators get “we don’t get involved in tax status matters,” and my response has always been “you voted to increase or decrease them so you are involved, and this is a reminder to me to vote for someone next time who does.” I can only imagine what could be done if the US were to revoke the exemption and collect the taxes all the way back to day 1. We could probably buy homes for everyone who needed it and give college educations to every child who wanted one.
Here’s a text copy of the one email I think must respond: USC brand management. (Identity Management)
Identity Management via
Dec 23, 2018, 1:43 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
In observance of Winter recess, USC University Communications / Identity Management will be closed from 12/21/2018 to 01/01/2019. All emails received during that time will be answered in the order they were received starting on 01/02/2019.
Thank you and happy holidays!
USC Identity Management Team
My response:
In all fairness I didn’t expect the office to be open, but as Communications and Identity management when you do return, I am deadly serious about staying on this until USC officially responds to the letter sent out using USC branding to give weight to the items in the letter. As a fellow brand steward, I know this is wrong and so do you. My expectation is that USC make as public a statement in the media that the use of their brand was not authorized and doesn’t speak for the university in the media, on STAND and in response to every press release blazing the USC brand followed by the unsupported allegations. In the alternative, I expect proof of the statements in the letter. I have a lot of time to devote to this and I will extend the outreach of this ask until you do address it – as publicly as it was put out in the media and with an apology to Disney that your letterhead was used.
Robin Athlyn Thompson MBA
Wow Mike, a major $cientology tit-for-tat busting article! They are their own comic relief and bumbling stumbling cult oafs without a clue as to how to defend themselves – defending the indefensible that is. If they were outside the cult they would be laughing at the hapless effarts of a self-asserted leader doofus along with the rest of us. Pure clunky amateurs living in a made-up world of fantasy and nowhere remotely objective to go!!
Was “effarts” deliberate??? In any case, gave me a good laugh. LOL
Oh man yeah! I use it so often I had to add it to my spell checker. The double meaning is perfect for many occasions. Glad you got a laugh!
Thank you for actually saying something nice about the pharmaceutical industry. I am alive because some company developed a cure for my cancer.
As for the twit’s tweet, it stands for itself, doesn’t it? It’s so stupid I almost can’t believe anyone wrote it. I honestly can’t believe anyone believes it.
Big Pharma Whores….is that all you’ve got? Jeez, fast Eddie, I think I understand now why your tweets aren’t gathering much in the way of support. You are being way too mild-mannered, soft spoken and polite.
Fast Eddie can only follow Hubbard’s playbook for responding to critics. Never defend, always attack. Destroy them utterly. Cost them their jobs, take away their family. Lies and personal destruction are OK according to Hubbard if the person is a threat to Scientology.
It’s not remarkable that someone rolls out the same tired old strategy that Hubbard came up with 50 years ago before the internet, when people couldn’t access the truth for themselves. That’s the only thing they are allowed to do and they believe it works. It’s just surprising to me that this one person is both glad to lower himself to it, and so bad at doing it, all at the same time.
The man is a coward and a bully. I don’t like cowards or bullies. Lil Eddie does put paid to the whole “what’s true for you is true” idea, though. Everything he comes up with is edited, twisted or just plain lies. He has to block everyone because what is true for him is patently false for everyone else. Which brings me to a question that’s been hanging out in the back of my head for a while.
Little Davie is in charge of keeping all of LRH’s bullshit ramblings pure and unadulterated. But he changes or deletes anything that may shed a bad light on Hubbard or Scientology. If he can recognize something “off” that might look bad to his followers, let alone the rest of the world, and has the wherewithal to adjust it into something more suitable for consumption then he also has to have the ability to recognize the contradictions and chaos also found in those writings. How can he spend his life squirreling the Sacred Scripture into something different yet still be a believer in any of it?
Stefani, good point. Full marks for the pithy logical analysis.
Dim Miscreant, The Pimping Pope of Mankind’s Only Hope, believes in $ MONEY$ !
I don’t believe that he has the heart or the intellect or the motivation or the desire to rise above his decades-old habits of screaming, abusing, drinking expensive scotch, and engaging in all of the evil, nasty, ruthless behaviors that keep his criminal corporation raking in the blood money.
There are two distinct reality tunnels here. The response here has both sides trying to argue who is the good guy in the story. Personally I find it more fun to accept the villain role and then tell the story with a shared reality tunnel.
Well obviously everybody on the show is expelled, people have been declared for far less, and if you were not declared beforehand I’m pretty sure DM has a standing order to excommunicate anybody who’s face he does see on TV.
Concocting blame where none exists, but obviously by definition the Church of Scientology is perfect and as everybody on the show is automatically an SP, then obviously they are to blame. This is a completely foolproof and circular argument.
Making money? Well this is a hollywood TV show and I assume its not running at a loss. Scientology itself also makes a tidy profit from all its activities.
As for big pharma, that just getting membership on the official enemies list confused.
Don’t a lot of Scientology’s donations come from big pharma? I seem to recall a couple of whales that have money due to big pharma. Duggan for example.
Would you kindly refrain from muddying up Eddie’s arguments with your accurate and very inconvenient facts?
Thank you.
Hey, that’s what the #antivaxxers call me. Dang,thought I was special.
What’s it all about, Eddie?
Is it just for the slander you live?
What’s it all about
When you sort it out, Eddie?
Are we meant to take more than we give?
Or are we meant to be kind
And if only fools are kind, Eddie
Then I guess
It is wise to be cruel
And if life belongs
Only to the strong Eddie
Who will you lean on
When you find out the truth?
As sure as I believe
There’s a heaven above, Eddie
I know there’s something much more
Something even non-believers
Can believe in
Don’t believe in Dave, Eddie
With phony stats you’re just a cyst, Eddie
Until you find the love you’ve missed
You’re nothing, Eddie…
When you walk let your heart lead the way
And you’ll find love any day
LOL Scribe 🙂
No, Eddie did not lose his mind; he sold it to miscavige and scn long time ago.
He alone has allowed the cult to use him as a puppet. Maybe one day, like Leak, Mike and 100s of others would wake up.
do any ex insiders know if scientology’s money is drying up? they may own a lot of property but that must be rented or sold too generate income..does Miscavige have to file personnel income taxes? marty zurn
Not a chance martin. Scamology probably has $500-$1,000 million in cash and yes, Miscavige does taxes like everyone else. Except he has more expensive tax preparation people..
Fast Eddie doesn’t look too fast these days. Looks like he should be retired, but not a chance in the Sea Borg unless you keel over. And what ‘s all this yap yap about un-American? Since when were you born on this side of the pond? Enjoy your rice and beans tonight.
Does anyone ever go to the Beer and Cheese Party after dining on rice and beans? Asking for a friend.
The sad thing is that he might actually believe his own bullshit, ludicrous as it is to us.
Big Pharma? Does Mr. Parkin mean the same Big Pharma as in Bob Duggan (until he departed) now Trish Duggan (after her divorce settlement), two of the biggest whales ever to swim in the scientology pond?
Of course drugs are ok if the proceeds go to the cult’s coffers or if the Founder is in distress and needs a little something to take the edge off. Visteral(sp?) comes to mind.
Miss B Haven – that is exactly what they will use with the Dugan’s if they ever wake up to the fact they have been duped beyond belief and contributed tons of money to keep the cult of Scientology abusing and using members for the Leaders gain.
They are actually, by L Ron Hubbard’s own tech – ILLEGAL PC’S. They are connected to THE PSYCH’s!
So if they ever question Scientology, L Ron Hubbard or his tech or the leader – they will be discarded without sorrow after a mind fuck of epic proportions.
Anyone who fails to contribute to the Cause® is discarded without a second thought —or more correctly, without ANY thought. For all the tech saying the ideal is otherwise, the whole organization( never call it a church) is nothing but stimulus-response, only reacting as Ron’s Bank of PLs and Bulletins decrees, never actually considering the consequences of their actions as long as it serves the right “End”. BTW, I’ve not noticed: Has a GO/OSA operative actually USED process R2-45 that has been documented? I frankly hope not, but I’m afraid there ARE those who are that fanatical in the heat of the moment.
Fast Eddie is a “whore” for Scientology, an incredibly evil criminal organization that pretends to be a church so it can steal more money.
Faat Eddie is a “whore for scientology —An incredibly dull-witted one at that as he still must believe in the advertized super-powers which have NEVER been demonstrated in any way. At most, something good happens to an OT and he claims he caused that to happen –AFTER the fact, never before. I, too wanted those powers, but was disabused of the possibility by watching the OTs in real life struggling worse than the rest of us.
Great post. Stealing checks from the mail is a federal offense. Private Investigators should know better. Also, slander is the spoken word, libel is the written. Have a happy holiday Mike.
Thank you Jill. Slip of the fingers. Meant to say the all-encompassing defamation. Now fixed.
Hey OSA! Here’s a project for you. Without identifying yourself, hire a college kid who has never heard the word “Scientology” to research Scientology and write an essay on what is found. I bet you won’t like it. You did not plan for the internet and the sheer quantity of truth available to those “wogs,” did you? Fuck you OSA!
Wow! I made the cut! I am truly flattered. My little ole story in Season One of The Aftermath Series must have made an impact! There I am! “Thank ya Thank ya” (Bow) Now, I know it doesn’t meet the standard of making the cover of Freedom Magazine’s Posse of Lunatics, but it’s something.
And here I thought I was just some little ole ex scientologist that got declared a Suppressive Person for refusing to go in and recant my disagreement with david miscavige’s “self-asserted infallibility” and his self-asserted right to beat people. Nope couldn’t recant that or get it sec checked out of my mind.
Thanks for the shout out Ed Parkin of STAAD, you have validated that I did the right thing in speaking out against your abusive, small-minded, vile little boss.
You just gave me an idea. Pay to be seen on the Leah and Mike’s show. For a donation to the Aftermath Foundation you can have your picture flash during one of the A&E episode reruns. This will get you your very own goldenrod from the cult of greed, Scientology itself. Even if you were never in you can have the distinction of being shunned by a group you would never have joined in the first place.
If you want to be on the cover of Freedom Rag, you have to do something more dramatic. Like renting a billboard on Sunset and post: “SCIENTOLOGY KILLED SHELLY : PROVE ME WRONG’. That will give you additional benefits, such as lifetime PIs and garbage removal services.
Mary Kahn…..
You broke my heart with your story. YOU were the first one to give me a wake up call as to what this is truly really all about. Your moxie & bravery…after all the years you spent trying to help mankind only to receive your own personal wake up call was beyond anyone’s imagination, how YOU stood up to “them”.
So much anguish & pain still exists in your heart, the pain of being separated from someone you love so very much & will hopefully one day be returned to the loving arms of family.
It took unimaginable guts to speak out to them, then even more guts to turn that doorknob, walk down that hallway, & out that door….I bow down to your bravery just for doing that.
As with others who’ve reached the end of their rope & decided to BLOW….escape, run off, with NOTHING in their pockets, no $, no I.D., nowhere to go….you are ALL beacons of shining light on what IS possible, a life away from the Hell you’ve endured or are still enduring.
Thank you so much✨?✨
Mary – you have helped many people get out of the cult.
I can relate to what you are going through. I am one pissed off mother that was a member of Scientology.
I am not brave enough to come out publicly YET.
My kids are trapped in the cult of Scientology.
Thanks to you – I am out of Scientology but pretending to be in ….for now until I get my kids out.
FYI – you all have provided us parents with some very effective tools to help people see the truth.
The best tool for me right now is the A&E; Scientology the Aftermath. I am getting my kids to watch it with me….and it is working.
Next I will expose them to all of the books and other documentaries written by Ex Members and award winning authors and producers. If you are reading this – Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright – thank you.
I have had some success. I have rehabilitated their doubt. It is a lot easier to do now with the massive information available on the internet….so you can do it without leading them to think you are out or disaffected.
Use the shows and books to rehabilitate their doubt. Scientologists are very curious about this show. I told my kids that Leah discovered some outpoints within the church that we can all identify it and she is trying to get it corrected.
So to all of the people who helped; Mary, Mike, Leah, Aaron, Alanzo, Marty, Jason, Tory, Chris, Nancy, Janis and so many more courageous to tell your story and tell the truth. You have all helped me so much and I believe you will save my family.
So –
With all of my heart and soul
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Wow. That is good news.
Wow. I have tears in my eyes now and hope you succeed.
Can’t help but once again give the link to the big list:
Also you may be interested in the background to the big list:
This article gives even more resources about what is going on in the COS.
Good luck Midwest Mom. I totally know your pain. My daughter is so brainwashed right now and there appears to be no way out for her and no way I can get the true message through to her. Its heart breaking to watch. I dare say there are more & more people treading very carefully on their way out of the cult. Great job Mike & Leah you guys are amazing. Oh by the way i am pretty sure we will be able to watch season 3 in Aus early Jan.
As a “never in” I can honestly say sometimes it take a few little bits & pieces to make the whole Puzzle come together! Little by little as the pieces fall into place…the entire scenario picture is then visible to the eye.
If all they ever GOT to see is only ONE side of the coin, your kids cannot achieve CRITICAL THINKING because they’ve only been exposed to that one side of the coin over and over again.
No matter how flat you make a pancake…it always has TWO sides. To have withheld them seeing the OTHER side of that same pancake STUNTS their mental development, it causes them to loose objectivity because they know nothing else to object to….until they’ve seen it ALL.
As your growing or grown children turn that coin over, the veil of being spoon fed only one thing will lose it’s taste as OTHER values, morals, ways of thinking become visible & they can begin to COMPARE the “new thing” with the way they’ve been led to believe life should be.
You are doing it absolutely perfectly….allowing them on their own time to seeing BOTH sides of the coin…one day….they WILL SEE THE TRUTH.
Mary, your “little ole story” in Season One was an eye-opening, heartbreaking, unforgettable one that definitely “dealt a crushing blow” to the cult. Hell yeah you made the cut!
Fortunately, Fast Eddie Parkin, … (he used to be Heber Jentzsch’s assistant back before Heber was “disappeared”) … .
Interesting. So he is Sea Org? How long has he been in? For me he is Creepy Ed (Parking), because his expression has something real creepy.
He has been Sea Org since at least 1980, probably a little longer than this.
I think he started out in Div 6.
Thank you! Somehow I had the idea that he would be a Scn public working for OSA (maybe because of the weird cloths he was wearing and with the hat). But now it makes sense; he is immerged in the OSA valence to the extreme. But he must have been weird already before to emanate that level of creepy. He could enact in a pschyological/horror thriller sans make-up.
His eyes have a certain fanatical mad expression.
” His eyes have a certain fanatical mad expression “. This is a standard feature of ron-bots whose intelligence, emotions, and moral compass have been pulverized by years of abuse, misinformation, hypnotic indoctrination, sleep deprivation, and miscellaneous cult fuckery…
Edward Parkin – what a low life piece of trash. It’s amazing how Scientology laps up his brand of crazy, he fits their role model criteria to a ‘T’.
I, for one, am happy that, to this day, I get a weekly check from Pfizer in the mail.
Guess that makes me a “big pharma whore”.
Anyone of you who doesn’t get that, is doing it wrong. Please contact your local Pfizer office to get paid good money for posting all kinds of crap at blogs that are on the fringes of the internet.
Hey, Trev and the other “whores” getting paid by “Big pharma”: these days, direct deposit into your bank accoubt is trivial. No paper check to be stolen/lost,’paper trail’ non-existent, money hits your account a few days earlier. It’s all good. There are also prepaid debit cards you could have them deposit to, though you have to keep track of the account balances.