The sockpuppet who heads the “Stand League”, Ed Parkin, is the poster child for scientology crazy.
Fast Eddie has been a low-level gofor in the Office of Special Affairs for many years. As I recall, he started out as Heber’s administrative assistant sometime in the late 80’s or early 90’s and has remained a drone since then.
He is the “face” of the “Stand League” and he has his “own” Twitter account. Though I have never commented on any of his posts, and he tweets at me often, he has me blocked. So do the Stand League.
And like the Stand League and every other OSA twitter account (including my daughter @TarynTeutsch) they have tens of thousands of paid-for bot “followers” with a string of numbers and letters as their “name,” dozens of “Deepaks” and “Gonzo Baloney” type handles and “people” who don’t even speak english.
Each post Fast Eddie does gets 2 likes from the same 2 people. Apparently their budget does not include paying for people to click like on his posts.
But the status of his twitter account is not the real measure of the man.
What he says on it is. And that is where he demonstrates the most unlikable attributes of any good scientology drone. They have an uncanny ability to revel in their own superiority, condemning others for doing EXACTLY what they are doing themselves.
As avowed and avid supporters of the Nation of Islam — lauding Tony Muhammad with an IAS Freedom Medal, harboring Rizza Islam in their “Youth for Human Rights” program and generally walking arm-in-arm with the NOI — they should be decrying the rabid and rampant anti-semitism of the Nation.
But, while remaining conspicuously silent about the NOI hate speech, they jump on the bandwagon every chance they get preaching holier-than-thou to “condemn” anti-Semitism. Here is the latest example.
Hey Fast Eddie, if this is so terrible, why aren’t you tweeting about Tony Muhammad and the NOI fostering anti-Semitism?
It’s like official scientology statements about a lot of things. They profess to stand up for Human Rights while violating them left, right and center. They are against “human trafficking” while engaging in it with Sea Org members all day, every day. They complain about the immorality of society and how they are the only hope for man, while ripping off the elderly with forged credit cards and bank loans. They claim to be champions of gay rights while making gays “unqualified” for executive positions and proclaiming them “dangerous” and that their “aberrations” can be “erased with auditing.” They claim to be the largest relief force on earth but are virtually invisible unless a camera crew is on the scene. The examples are almost endless.
If scientology spokespeople are saying it, it probably means they are doing just the opposite.
Remember the infamous words of Tommy Davis: “There is no such thing as disconnection.”
On a sort of side note: I found out what “stats” means for the higher ups in $camology when they talk about sheepbots; Stupid Twits Accepting Twisted Shit.
let’s not forget what Tomy Davis also said about disconnection, when he thought his intimidation attempt was not being taped
“Anyway, I think I’ve sort of said my piece. I’ve read you the key policies, I’ve read you the one in terms of organizational suppressive acts…LRH puts it in historical precedence as it relates to groups, period, not just to Scientology. There’s a reason groups do this, it’s integral to their survival. Groups who don’t do it get destroyed. And it’s just been proven over and over and over again in Scientology’s 58-year history…to whatever degree SP’s scream about how horrible it is, bottom line, it is what works, it is what safeguards the church”
Heber told people on an IAS meeting in Copenhagen that psychs do things to people and he got applauds from the audience..
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths do to them. They make them run around a pole. To say no to scientology is to say yes to a circle around a pole.
Eddie looks like Nosferatu
I was thinking the same thing. I’ve often likened these people to vampires, not as an insult to vampires but because these people suck any form of energy out of people and then discard them. Forms of energy include money, effort and life force.
ANOTHER CoS foot bullet in Australia.
Ed Parkin looks exhausted. Spooky looking dude. Dark circles AND bags under his eyes. Get some sleep, Ed. Maybe get an eye tuck too.
If the fellow in question didn’t have such a black heart he would look alot better, people like that have no compassion, they only pretend to in order to destroy, in org parlance, he’s very massy.
I don’t want to make free irony, but this guy always reminded me of someone. And I was always wondering who. Now I know!
Gonzo the Great from the Muppet show!
I agree with you, Ed has the Gonzo puffy eyes! I love the Muppets, my mom was always amused by Gonzo and his lady chicken friends.
Also similar in that they’re both puppets.
Espy. Thank you. Exact. Too laughing at the sketches of him and the chicken!
In addition to physical resemblance, Gonzo is also a bit of a stuntman and always tries certain businesses with which he has little or no success.
And if by chance it goes well, he remains incredulous.
Of course it is only to smile and I apologize to Gonzo for the comparison with Ed.
Sometimes I say that Scientology is the “science” of accusing others of that which they themselves are doing – to paraphrase an L. Ron Hubbard quote. They indeed seem characteristically prone to it, a form of psychological projection, I think due to their practice of thought-stopping their own doubts about the organization and what it makes them do, combined with their indoctrination to focus ire outwards by habitually scapegoating others based on the teachings about “SP”s and the supposed “Third Party Law.”
From the same HCO:
” A criminal is one who is motivated by evil intentions and who has committed so many harmful overt acts that he considers such activities ordinary.”
That also sounds like it fits operatives such as Parkin to a “T”. I suspect that unlike some members who got in under truly sincere but misguided intentions that they would somehow be helping the planet, Parkin is someone who had anti-social tendencies to begin with, and has become so inured by the harmful acts he’s been ordered to commit against others, that he’s been turned into an evil henchman.
Superb comment, Peacemaker.
Please do me a favor and spend a minute or two looking into Eddie’s face?
Do you see a person who is essentially happy or unhappy?
Lifelong Scientologists tend to be a contradiction, speaking of things they don’t have: power, wealth, accomplishment, satisfaction. Like Source himself, the Creator of this magnificent modern science of mental health, suffered multiple disorders, addictions and terrible health.
And the farce of them having any fulfillment and personal strength when they come across as petty, insecure, unhappy, pressured, and fearful. Like the demented abusive trio (Marc Yager, Jenny Linson DeVocht, and Dave Bloomberg) confronting Marty at LAX, or The Inch Wives on Anderson Cooper, or Catherine Fraser at Gold dealing with Louis Theroux. Or Mike many years ago. But fortunately, looking back, Mike never seemed to have any nasty meanness in him.
There is a cure though! A solution, a miraculous way that has a great chance of offering powerful recovery of mental and physical health: leave Scientology completely. It did wonders for the proprietor of this site.
Skyler. Few minutes staring his face? Lol!
My personal perception is that he hasn’t clear what happiness really is.
Perhaps his indoctrination of what means to be “happy” make him to think he feel so. But happiness is also temporary and usually it is due to something that happened (and then leaves). He may even confuse other feelings with it. Who knows?
However what I surely don’t perceive in him is JOY. This is not a mental state but a spiritual one, it is mainly based on the consciousness and acceptance of the present moment and yourself. It includes loving and respecting others and living the current moment instead of being always in a hurry and keep losing moments of your life.
Life is now and it has always been now.
I see a hunted animal.
Skyler, let me put it this way: I wouldn’t want this face coming towards me in a dark alley. But like my Grandma used to say, “Beauty is as beauty does; handsome is as handsome does.” In other words, what we know about his unconscionable lying and evil purposes make him very unattractive to us. If we didn’t know anything bad about him we’d just say he was utterly exhausted and recommend that he tuck into bed for a month.
I’ve spent that last few minutes staring at Eddie’s face in the above picture and when I look at his face, I see someone who has some very pressing shit on his mind. I do not have any serious evidence or proof of this unhappiness but it is definitely my belief that something is troubling this fellow and it’s not something that he will have an easy time with. It is something that will provide him with considerable unhappiness for the rest of his life. I think the main reason that he appears that way to me are the bulges under his eyes. Many people refer to those kind of bulges as people with “bags under their eyes” and often their belief is those bags are caused by difficulties in getting a full night’s sleep on a regular basis. I believe that most people also feel that is due to something that is causing them considerable worry and is preventing them from having full and restive sleep at night.
To be honest, I must say, this is all just my own opinion. I have no evidence or proof that any of this is factual. I am basing this opinion on the many people that I have gotten to know over the years. When I look into Eddie’s eyes, I see a profoundly unhappy man. I have no idea how much of that unhappiness is owing to his involvement with the scam. But as many of you have previously made clear, it is almost always true that a life in this scam is not a happy life. In fact, it is almost always an extremely unhappy life. The only people I have known who are longtime members of this scam and seem to be happy about that are people with mental disabilities that enable them to go through life in the belief they are happy campers and in many cases, their happiness is somehow due to the scam.
I must state that I honestly do have a strong feeling that our boy Eddie is not a happy camper. Not happy at all. Not in the least little bit.
The COS has become the “Truman Show” of religious organizations. It’s become an enormous and elaborate movie set constructed to look like a successful worldwide church with millions of devoted and happy parishioners. Everything they do is staged and scripted. None of it is real.
Everything they say and do is fake. Membership numbers and support: fake. Good works accomplished: Fake. Expansion numbers: fake. Victories and wins: fake. Triumphs over their adversaries: fake.
There are only two things that are real. One: In their universe, their unawareness that a real world outside of Scn exists. In our universe, their despicable fraud and abuse against the public.
Great comment.
I love the era of the internet, where so much of the scientology fantasy is revealed and the lies are easily exposed. There is no doubt in my mind that even the most hardcore of the Still-Ins will take a peak at the entheta on the net from time to time.
The Global Institute of Health is proud to announce the formation of The Department of Scioncology, whose sole purpose is the prevention, treatment and eradication of a malignant form of cancer caused by overexposure to the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.
It’s a good thing that Eddie doesn’t care what people think of him…
Eddie don’t care ’bout NUTTIN’ in the real world, only what his OSA handlers are telling him to think/feel at the moment. Of course, that may be because Eddie ain’t a real person; only a name used by some puppet-master for propaganda purposes.
Scientologists must have to really max out their cognitive dissonance to reconcile their supposed support of tolerance with their being joined at the hip with NOI.
Maybe it starts on a gradient. One small excuse, one little justification. Then more, because they’re enabling, so of course it continues. Then more and bigger excuses and justifications, It gets easier and easier to lie to others and to oneself until one day their excuses and justifications in order to stay with the cult are so huge, so absurd – they’re so far off the mental reservation not seeing and not confronting, their thinking is so tortured and contorted and they’re so suggestible that they could be and should be institutionalized.
If it weren’t for the lies, $cientology would have nothing to say.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can’t say this often enough.
Not at all otheries. The U.S. House has several on both sides of the aisle and they have no problem staying in office.
That’s because they’re in safe seats. Those seats should be made unsafe.
I think you should have posted his picture in your previous commentary section…..with the pictures of the VULTURES.
What Ed doesn’t understand is that THOSE SAME VULTURES will be picking even the tiniest $$$ from his remains clean…& he will NEVER get that new meat body because THERE ISN”T ONE.
Ballet Lady. I agree with your comment. But let’s no forget that it is Eddie wanting to be a puppet.
Do you think he can write what he wants? Every single word must be approved by OSA and others. He is barely insignificant.
Additionally the face he has in the picture and the background fits even more with that picture of the vultures.
Amen LMR….Eddie looks like a vulture relative. Of course, like Taryn…so deeply ingrained & brain washed he’ll keep drinking the Kool Aid.
Both will be lllloooonnnngggg gone & buried & long forgotten….David M or his “successor” will NOT be leaving floral arrangements on either one’s grave.
Great follow up commentary my friend!
Ballet Lady. Thank you. Personally I would take Taryn out because she is a bit an hostage of the cult. When you are in the SO you have no internet, TV, etc. So the leadership tells you what is good for you and for the others. You have no chance to do a comparison.
I am sure that many things posted on her name are not known even by herself.
Instead Eddie is another kind of person. A willing serving puppet like a kid that wants to please dad and mom. Am I too bad?
Dave wouldn’t care about them. He is the antithesis of freedom, life and love. Egocentric #1.
Do well my friend.
How old does someone have to get before he or she is no longer to be considered a victim of and a hostage to the cult’s abuses but instead a perpetrator of the cult’s abuses?
What is the age at which the victim becomes the active perpetrator? 40? 50? Older? Younger? Never?
is it possible that is there a point in the cult victims life where said victim “cognites” that he or she is no longer at effect but at cause in the abuse? The individual has been up until that time the cult’s victim. But something occurs, inwardly; a point is passed, and from then on the he or she ceases being a victim and assumes the role of perpetrator, willingly. The victim has morphed into the perpetrator, and knows it….I’m just musing out loud.
I totally agree with you. My point was only to distance Eddie from Taryn in terms of personality and intentions.
It doesn’t diminish the fact that she puts her face to attack Mike. My point is that there is what is called ‘Prison of Belief’ and she was born and raised solely in that reality and has no second experience with which to make a comparison.
But Eddie is another story.
Look. I have been in the sea org for 15 years. But before joining I had lived more closely with reality. With my friends we ended up dealing with bad people and you get out of there slowly, but you really learn to understand indicators and the “TRs” are useless and games for children in those contexts. If you’re not awake and have nice straight antennae, it’s pain. You have to know what to say or do without too many delays. A simple sketch of a smile already tells you what can happen. And you have to be there to notice it. So for me many scn things were doubtful. And I saw that in the end they were stupid. But only because I had a measuring tape due to a certain life experience. Finally: Eddie could sleep for a month in a row but on waking he would go back to being one who sold himself.
Ciao Aqua!
Eddie looks like a man beaten down by his own belief system. What will he have in the future…..what he has now…..nothing.
When he dies his remains will be tossed unceremoniously into a state run pauper’s grave since no one will pay for his burial……& for as much as he’s “done for COS”….no one will place flowers on his grave site.
He CANNOT leave…he will NEVER get that “new meat body & eternal life” he’s been promised….it’s a fantasy a low level Science Fiction Writer wrote.
If anything, despite all he’s said and done…I feel sorry for him. He will NEVER KNOW the TRUE JOY & HAPPINESS the rest of YOU feel.
That’s the TRUTH, the biting Revenge you now have come to understand….the sweet feeling of REVENGE that David M & any successor will NEVER understand because the Kool Aid keeps flowing & the mega bucks $$$ keep lining their pockets.
YOU FEEL the FREEDOM to CHOOSE…to breathe in deeply how, where & what kind of life you live……. without worry of being written up, locked up, beaten up, demoted, transferred without warning, declared as an S.P. & living penny to penny……aaaahhhh…..BREATHE FRIENDS BREATHE
Ballet Lady. This cult put the attention of the person in becoming some body isn’t yet or anymore. But the trick is throwing the person attention in the future instead of living the present. And it must be understood that what a person will ever really have to live as a ‘place’ is always the present. Eddie suffer of this problem. He is trying to be elsewhere.
Thanks, Loosing, and your point is well taken – Taryn and the other Born-Ins have NO frame of reference with which to evaluate data. For them, their sole “Ideal Scene” is whatever is emanating as Command Intention at any given time. Yes…wow. I get it. So then its possible that these Born Ins with their unevaluated stable data are for the entirety of their lives both victims AND perpetrators – both, at the same time. Interesting. You’ve given me more to ponder but that’s good.
Aqua. Thanks. You see this is not to ‘justify’ anybody but is a fact to consider in an proper evaluation.
The cult is very creative when we come to disconnections. Very creative and convincing.
Loosing: “Eddie” is nothing more than a puppet to someone or some group within OSA
Jere I know. He can’t even sneeze without an OK.
Not wanting to be mean, but I found some similarity with Gonzo the Great from muppet show.
The CoS, in its public relations, ONLY cares about getting support from other groups . They will take whatever they can get, from the NOI or from anyone else . Simple as that. They will take support from Anti- Semites and also try to get it from Jewish organizations. The contradiction means nothing to the CoS. They will lie, obfuscate, attack, kiss ass, it doesn’t matter to them. But as they THINK they are “safe pointing”, in fact their PR all around the world has never been lower and gets worse all the time.
Summed it up PERFECTLY
Just like Hubtard’s attempts to safe point the Apollo in the Med area. He was as good at PR as he was at all other aspects of management.
Right, Wynski!
And then he and his “fleet” ran out of ports to offend and moved to the Caribbean, where he quickly ran out of ports, again. That’s pretty much what’s happened with the fartwinds recently. Soon, The Twit™ will need to give up and switch to another boat without the pre-existing reputation. Quite likely, thatll be the boat he makes his escape with — to Bulgravia with his pockets full of money — or Columbia, wherever the officials are honest enough to STAY “bought”.
Sounds about right jere.
Sea Org true blue Eddie Parkin
Up the wrong tree he goes barkin’
A verified tool
In OSA’s cesspool
Davy says where he’ll be marchin’
But Eddie looks so at cause … having long ago conquered MEST. His visage is the embodiment of contentment, happiness, health and fulfillment. A life in (still in) Scientology having led to his elevated condition. Able to shatter suppression with just a glance. Such power and capability.
Those famous lies from Tommy Davis opened a can of PR whoop ass on Scientology that has never slowed down. Thanks again Tommy for being the mouthpiece for Miscavige. We miss you.
Axiom #1 in Scamology is: If a Scamologist is communicating they are lying.
How do you tell if a Scientologist is lying?
I won’t answer, it’s too easy.
Wynski. They apply Joseph Goebbel’s nazi PR tech. He used to say that a lie repeated many times and from different corners would have become at the end a “truth”.
“They apply Joseph Goebbel’s nazi PR tech. He used to say that a lie repeated many times and from different corners would have become at the end a “truth”.
Just like any group that survives on hatred they HAVE to believe the lies or their world would crash down around them. It’s what things like Goebbel relied and DM rely and on.
Peggy. Absolutely. I just realized that the new breed of scientologists have a constant “tone level” that is actually around hate.
Thanks Life that I can see it from outside and I am no more involved in it.
So he receives little or no comments…..
Okay. I know very well that this blog for scientologists is an inhospitable and dangerous land.
But if Eddie deigns us a couple of his comments on the NOI or some criticisms of Mike or Leah, I’m sure the comments he would receive would be highest ever.
Come on Eddie, we STAND here for you!
I’m sure they block all comments they perceive as negative.
Cre8tiveamn. Sure, mine was a sarcastic invitation. They block any bad or uncertain comment. In fact they have always only few people posting only good comments. Hypocrisy.