Leader of the STAAD League and Westworld extra hopeful “Fast Eddie” Parkin has dropped another foot-nuke in his desperation to smear Leah Remini and me.
In late November we aired an episode about the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
In mid-December an arsonist burned down a Kingdom Hall in Washington State. Ever fast on the draw, Eddie got busy on Twitter, posing the not-so-subtle question whether this could be the latest “A&E and Leah Remini product”? It seems even Fast Eddie was a little worried about what he was saying — it’s an old trick to accuse by posing a question, like if I asked “Does Ed Parkin wear a hat like a cowboy and act effected because he is a pedophile?” or “were 11 people murdered in Pittsburgh because ScientologyTV promoted notorious anti-Semite Tony Muhammad?”
Once again, Eddie is assigning enormous powers to Leah Remini.
He also asked whether we were “happy” that JW “churches” (you know Eddie, you should get a little more educated on the terminology of the JW’s, they call them Kingdom Halls and definitely NOT churches) are burning? And if we are “proud of” “creating such destruction.”
This statement is more directly slanderous. He is outright alleging we “created” this destruction — thus are accessories to the commission of felonies. To answer your first question though Eddie — no, we are NOT happy that “churches” are being burned. We ARE happy that nobody was in the building at the time.
Leah and I have never advocated ANY sort of attacks against anyone. We have advocated two things:
- That abusers stop their abusive activities
- That the appropriate government agencies take action where needed to stop abuses.
Taking the law into your own hands is a scientology thing. It is L. Ron Hubbard that preaches destroying people utterly, manufacturing evidence, causing “enemies” professional demise and costing them their jobs. For a more thorough explanation of this, see Dealing With Critics of Scientology: the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.
But then there is this, and this is where the real footbullet comes into sharp focus.
While it was really convenient for Fast Eddie to latch onto the coincidence of the dates of the arson and the Jehovah’s Witness show, there is just one very large problem:
This is in fact one in a series of attacks that began in March. 6 months BEFORE the show aired.
PS: Though you have me blocked, people routinely send me your tweets that mention me and Leah.
I must say, even for you, this is pretty rich. Last I checked you are english. I was born in Australia. Can you enlighten me on your insult of accusing me of being un-American?
Using Ed Parkin’s logic, Tony Mohammed, Louis Farakkhan and David Miscavige must be ” very happy” about the slaughter of 11 innocent Jewish Americans in the Tree of Life Synogogue.
Yo Tony, Louis, Dave –
Talk about a VFP ” in sufficient volume so as to be viable”!
Excellent production I must say!
Eleven of them wiped out in only an hour.
Hope you’re applying the Affluence Formula, Dave!
“Find out what caused the Affluence and strengthen it”.
Well, that’s not hard to figure out!
Get Louis and Tony broadcasting their anti-Semitism 24/7 on SuMP.
Get them more seminars in your orgs so that everyone understands how evile the Jews are and how everything that’s wrong with modern society is the Jews’ fault!
Ramp it up, get the word out!
Don’t let that Affluence Stat crash for Gawd’s sake.
Much love,
Great comment Aqua!
Just got back from NYC. Was on a Christmas shopping trip with my daughter. So I wanted to see the building that the “church “ was in. The big sign is only lit at night, along the front at first floor level there are five big windows with three Christmas wreaths , as you face the building one possibly two offices are lit on the first floor, the lobby area looks very dark. One of the Christmas wreaths has fallen down as a result it looks totally neglected. Two women were huddled together in a side doorway, it was freezing and windy the day we were there, the hand written all welcome sign did nothing to entice you in. The windows were dirty the building looked cold it was only the lights on the first floor that let you know the building was occupied. This is a building a few steps from time square and opposite the Marriott hotel it should be jumping but we must have walked past it a number of times on past visits and never noticed it. How do they believe that they are expanding when they cannot light up the building in the busiest city in the USA?
Just got the message that Karen De La Carriere has been invited to debate Scientology with the Nation of Islam. Talk about shooting ones self in the foot. I can just bet that DM and gang is screaming at the picture of LRH for instructions. Can you imagine the fall out from such a debate with the Nation of Islam who know just about nothing about the cult and its past history with black people and how LRH felt about them. I can almost bet that Davey boy is sorry he has gotten involved with the Muslim group. I wonder if “Miss Blinky” will be there with the rest of the lawyer gang to disclaim everything Karen has to say. I really want to watch that show, and can’t wait for it to go out the rest of the World.
I want the ticket franchise…
Lance, DM will only be sorry about something which doesn’t make him a pile of money to play with. I don’t see the NOI to be much of a money-maker, given their target demographics, but as long as there’s SOME $$$ in it, he’ll be on it like white on rice.
I’m sorry, but if someone wants to do multiple suicide bombings and joins Scientology and the Sea Org, then they can sign a billion year contract, and do a suicide bombing over and over again with all of their future lives. Those in the cult are really on the ball and have an answer for everything.
Parkin the brownnose mouthpiece
Had a very shit-stained nose
And if you ever saw it
You would think Pinocchio
All of time the COB-ster
Used to laugh and call him names
He never let poor Parkin
Be more than an OSA slave
Then one fateful Aftermath
Davy came to say
“Parkin, with your nose so brown
Kill this dumb show, shut it down!”
Then how the SPs watched him
As they shouted out with glee
“Parkin the brownnose mouthpiece
You’re already history!”
Mike, the “old trick” you accuse STAAD’s Eddie Parkin of is called “Betteridges Law Of Headlines” which states “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”
Used by useless reporters, clueless posters and evil agents of $cienmythology.
Mr. Rinder, I am a JW (Inactive) and I have not seen your show on JW’s. I chose not to because I’ve heard it all before. A lot of it is from people who blame the organization for their being disfellowshipped and hold a grudge. I think you and Leah are awesome people. You have been through a horrible ordeal with the Scientology organization and I don’t blame you for believing some religious organizations, including JW’s are a cult. I don’t think these Hall burning’s are a result of your show because it isn’t the first time this has happened. Before I became a JW, I was told not to talk with them because they are a cult. I heeded this advice for several years until I sat in on a study my sister was having (I only sat in because I was bored). I realized most of what I was told about them was false. I have been told by several people I was going to Hell if I continued to associate with them. One person who told me this was a very good friend of the family who was a Baptist preacher. He hurt my feelings, but I still love him. I have been yelled at by people at the door, people who claim to be Christian. I’ve had a gun pulled on me once, and a woman threatened to douse me with her water hose, and yet another threatening to sick his dog on me. On top of that, every year arriving at a JW Convention, my children and I had to walk by so-called Christian folk with protest signs condemning us. And people say we are terrible. JW’s do their best to live by the scriptures, even if modern society thinks it’s outdated. Shouldn’t all Christians?
Well, at least he acknowledges that you are “gracing” the earth.
Fast Eddie… mmmm, the hate is strong in him it is.
Being effectively taught to hate above all else is Hubbard’s gift to mankind. To test this is easy, just hang out with a Scientologist, won’t take but a couple of minutes if you mention Leah, Mike or A&E to see where they really live.
Mike has got the aftermath, Ed supports a psychopath.
Scientologists Terrorizing, Aggravating, Nattering, Destroying
Scientologists Traumatizing, Annihilating, Nobble, Dehumanizing
Scientologists, Trickery, Assassins, Nefarious, Duped
As has been noted here by many before me, the acronym ” STAND ” is not accurate
( SCIENTOLOGISTS TAKING ACTION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION= STAAD ). They don’t present links to police reports, government statistics, academic studies, statistical analyses, or or other empirical data to support their ad hominem screeds. They are
bumpkins, bigots, propagandists, and bullshitters…just like the OSA bots who give them their marching orders and The Macallan Bitch Slapper who drives the whole sordid affair with his Command Sadist Intention.
Mark, the correct acronym is actually SAD:
Scientologists Approaching Dementia.
Scientologists Traumatizing Annihilating Destroying
Does that make the SRD Scientologists REACHING Dementia?
Could be. Another possibility is Scientology Radical Defecator.
In the oilpatch, we require people to wear hardhats and steel toed shoes before they go to work. Perhaps it should be a job requirement of scientologists these days to get blindfolds and bulletproof shoes.
“And if we are “proud of” “creating such destruction.” Ed Parkin is a long time OSA volunteer or staff who does lots of Fair Game and did it even on me when I first came out. When he asks (states) that you to created such destruction of the Kingdom Halls, that is something that is or borders on libel and slander. Maybe you should slap him with a lawsuit.
Yes. Slander.
They’ll need uniforms with special material to keep all the shit they create not to stick to them thus making them unwelcome in polite society. Alas, there is no such fabric, so they’ll have to live with the self-generated stench they carry around.
Fast Eddie Parkin and the diminutive ‘Wizard of ID’ could/should join in a chorus of ‘If I Only Had a Brain’ . . . .
That’s hilarious Marne. ?
I’m curious, has the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses responded to you with attacks and surveillance as Scientology continues to do? I haven’t read any accounts of such activity. Do they seem to be responding differently than Scientology?
My wife is a JW. They stay out of the public eye as much as possible when it comes to matters that impact the hall in a negative way. So you will not hear anything publicly from them
They never respond to criticism, nor do they attack the critic, they just direct people to their website.
Thank you Ken. I am hoping to learn from Mike though, whether they use their funds as Scientology uses them. I have no problem with any group of people deciding to not have contact with anyone who no longer agrees to live by a vow they’ve made. No person has a hold on any other concerning the criteria they use to determine who they wish to call ‘friends’. If you no longer wish to hold to a moral standard to which you previously agreed and vowed, then all the emotional blackmail in the world can’t force me to hang out with you – or even talk to you any further. Everyone is free to choose and determine for themselves with whom they wish to associate.
However… Leah and Mike are making a case that the use of funds to harass former members – and anyone who speaks or writes things against the ‘religion’ – should be a basis upon which tax-exempt status should be revoked. In the end, it’s the society at large (or their representatives,) of any nation, that should make such a determination.
If the Jehovah’s Witness organization is not engaging in such activities, then what is the basis for the uproar? A group of disgruntled members (perhaps some with very real pain) can be formed against any group. Mike and Leah though, have provided proof positive that Scientology goes FAR beyond simply deciding to cut off ties. The organization of Scientology seems to be using their tax-free funds to go as far as hire private investigators to harass and surveil. This seems, to an outside observer, to be a gross misuse of contributions collected for ‘charity work’ and improving the society at large.
If the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not misusing funds in this manner, then they should not be lumped together in with this year’s theme of the show…. revoking ‘tax-free status’.
We can each agree or disagree with the beliefs and practices of any group. And, every large group of adherents will have detractors.that can be brought together to air real (or even imagined) grievances [yes, perhaps victimization and cases of unjust treatment]. But, I am wondering from Mike whether there is similar evidence of harassment.
You said… “You won’t hear anything public from them’. That to me seems the same as…’They don’t practice the same atrocious behavior in which Scientology engages’ – making them a different case all-together.
Thank you.
I’m curious, too: Has the JW taken any notice at ALL of your JW “Aftermath” episode? Any lawyers’ letters, suits, etc?
I don’t know why I’m still shocked. Typical scientology robotic response.
Wasn’t Tumwater formerly called “Gastric Juice”?
I’ll get my coat…
I’ve never once heard Leah or Mike advocate for the destruction of property. They’ve actually condemned these acts in the past (and now).
However, I believe it was none other than Hubbard himself who advocated for the destruction of property if Scientology ever places more importance on buildings than services (which is exactly what is occurring now with Miscavige’s whole Ideal Org program/tax scheme). Straight from the mouth of the Biggest Being There Ever Was and Ever Will Be:
“When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters.”
–L. Ron Hubbard
31 December 1960 lecture, The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology.
I’m sure Slick Eddie would prefer to just keep conveniently ignoring that little tidbit.
I’m actually quite impressed with the STAAD League’s stellar ability to continually undermine themselves by doing the very things they’re accused of (and that they call a “lie” by “bitter apostates”). You’re doing one helluva bang-up job there guys. Don’t change Eddie, please don’t ever change.
I would love to see the look on Mr Parkin’s face when and if he eventually reads Mike’s post but as I am quite sure he like all the other Kool Aide drinkers will not see how stupid this makes him and of course Scientology look. Hard to fathom their utter refusal to acknowledge the reality of what is happening. I pity them.
You pity them. That is noble and big hearted of you.
I don’t.
Thank God I don’t pity people like Ed Parkin anymore.
They’re purposefully blind. They’re bigoted.. They’re stubborn, stupid, and hateful People like Parkin are hardened, soulless, blindly obedient, vicious attack humans. Derived from memories and having nothing to do with present time, its possible that only the parents or children of such types can summon up any love for humanoids like this.. Its the family members who have my heartfelt sympathy. . Still Ins like Parkin will go down with the ship. Good riddance. The world is better off without them.
Those same words were once used to describe the lovely Mike Rinder when he was still in. There is always hope.
Yes, mwesten, you’re totally right, and while writing what I did, I did think of who – and what – Mike Rinder used to be, once.
But something made Mike look and confront and decide to leave. Something gave Mike Rinder his “aha” moment – even if the “aha” that finally did the job came on top of other “aha’s” that weren’t strong enough, convincing enough, to do the job.
Whatever “it” was – in any given instance – whatever the “something” was, that did it for Mike Rinder, Leah Remini and countless others who’ve renounced the cult – whatever it would take to do the job COULD do it for Ed Parkin, yes, its possible, you’re right. You’re right.
This is not black and white, good versus evil. There is always hope.
In the meantime though, Ed and Mike’s daughter Taryn, and all the other soulless humanoids whether they be staff, Sea Org or public, these heels dug in have to be right at all costs/ purposefully blind Still Ins who disconnected and/or who support Disconnection, these emotional zombies breaking the hearts of parents, children, siblings, etc. who miss them,; these soul-less Still ins, indifferent to, or even taking pleasure in the agony and suffering they are causing the honest, innocent, decent people who love them and long for the day when they can even gaze upon their countenances again – in the meantime, these ” people” are WHO they are and they are WHAT they are.
And I hate them.
This is where I am right now. Not trying to be right about it at all. This is very subjective and personal to me.
I hope they have their AHA moment, I hold out hope that they have it, theoretically I know its possible.
At the same time,in their present state, and until they have their AHA moment and leave, I hate them and wouldn’t be sorry at all if they dropped dead tomorrow.
That’s beyond horrible, I know. But that’s the way I feel..
I hear ya. They are human beings, doing what they do because of their absolute certainty in their beliefs.
Not hugely dissimilar to those with black-and-white, us vs them, political ideologies. This seems to be the issue of our time. How do we bring people together? What is the solution to extreme political division? I’m reminded of Hubbard’s You Can Be Right essay. Ignoring his typical fallacious word slop (as well as all the redefined utilitarianist guff) his encouragement to find/acknowledge even a smidgeon of truth in those you disagree with is a real nugget of wisdom, imho.
Dismissing people wholesale without attempting to understand them is intellectual laziness. We are all guilty of it. It’s far easier to write someone off and label them than it is to go through the often lengthy and uncomfortable process of understanding why they think as they do. I see this every day in the UK with Brexit. Yanks must see it too with Trump. People are becoming more and more cultic in their thinking and it’s terrifying, quite frankly. There are no shades of grey. No appreciation for nuance.
How do you communicate with someone you hate? How do you learn from them? How do they learn from you? It’s farcical.
As ex-scientologists, at least we are in a position to understand why scientologists think and do what they do. It’s uncomfortable for many of us to put ourselves back in the shoes we once walked in, to understand the decisions we made. But we can. And we should.
Imagine telling your former scientologist self you wouldn’t be sorry to see him/her dead. That floors me just thinking about it.
A greater religious threat is arguably Islamic extremism. Do we hate all muslims for the terrorist activities of the few? I live in London. I work less than 2 minutes away from where a major terrorist atrocity occurred last year. It was hard not to be reactive, to succumb to hate for all muslims for somehow “allowing” or being “indifferent” to this horror. It would be so easy to think that way. Aside from being scary in its familiarity, it’s just lazy. It simplifies an issue that is extremely complex. As someone who craves knowledge, who loves to learn and see as many sides to a debate as I can, this type of thinking does not serve me in any way. It doesn’t help me understand or relate to my fellow man. It doesn’t help me communicate ideas more effectively. It doesn’t make me be a better listener or a kinder, more compassionate person. It only fuels further division.
And I get that not everyone cares about those things so each to their own. But some people seem to forget that compassion is not something you give to others. It’s not a sacrifice or an offering made to please or appease another. It’s a gift you give yourself. It reconnects you to your basic humanity. It keeps your mind open. It keeps you grounded. It’s pretty special.
My $0.02.
mwestern I completely agree with your .02. Well said ☺
“and I hate them”…. Sadly, that’s counter-productive in any civilized discussion. A hard-won lesson I learned in on-line debating is to realize that the other guy isn’t evil, stupid, or in this case, Suppressive®, he just disagrees with you. He believes he’s doing the “right thing”™ in his heart of hearts, but because he’s been so deliberately deluded by the powers that be, he can’t see that he’s so pathetically fighting his own better ideals. All who are in and fighting for the demented Machiavelli of scientology originally wanted to help better Mankind’s situation through scientology. About the only guy I can see who has always been in it for what HE can get out of it has been “the Kid” who rose to the top of the bureaucracy through a series of naked power grabs
Hubbard also directed that his followers “bust up” meetings of supposed “squirrel” groups. There are reports that in the 50s and 60s they really did barge into meetings and get physical, and while there aren’t any well-documented accounts I can readily find, here Mike cites some of Hubbard’s writings and what was done in the 1980s to David Mayo and his ACC:
Back in the 1960s, when the Berners (the originators of study tech) left and set up a program of their own at a remote location, they reported harassment such as their signs being shot up, until they talked to the FBI, who went to Scientology, after which things quieted down.
I’m not certain where the story is but I was told by Trey Lotz that his home where he audits in the field was ransacked. His certificates he kept hanging were taken and never returned. Not sure the year but after 2000 I believe.
Fast Eddie would probably be embarrassed at such a massive public relations fail, except of course that he’s a kool-aide drinker and believes the tech works every time.
Since the tech works every time, his tweets must be shattering suppression because nothing else can happen. It works every time. So if you see the whole world laughing at you and laughing at STAND as they always do (or maybe more accurately, not even taking notice of the tiny blip in the cultural landscape that Scientology is) then you have to disbelieve your eyes.
Applying the tech makes poor hapless Edward look a lot more like the Iraqi Information Minister than anyone else.
“Applying the tech makes poor hapless Edward look a lot more like the Iraqi Information Minister than anyone else.”
Ha! We were thinking along the same lines. This guy truly does remind me of “Baghdad Bob”.
MarcAnon, he also tells himself that ” the more the SP’s crow “, the more he is ” shattering suppression ” and winning( like Charlie Sheen? ). Hubbard provides a plethora of thought-stopping clichés that he can robotically repeat to maintain his ” tone 40 ” idiocy.
I’m sure Fast Eddie also has to maintain a high degree of “good standing” with Miss Cabbage, who has no doubt issued marching orders and is monitoring closely. Such a cluster f**k!
You know, say what we will about Farakkhan – and if its not already clear I loathe him – at LEAST he gets out in public and SPEAKS. I mean, he’s whacko, and what he says is whacko, and he’s nuts and utterly misinformed and hateful and harmful and off the wall and all the rest of it, but at LEAST he gets OUT and spews his stuff, and doesn’t HIDE the way Miscavige does! Just saying.
Dave: Parkin, what the fuck are you doing?
Ed: Working on exposing Leah and Mike sir.
Dave: It’s crap. Do you know the definition of an overt product?
Ed: Yes sir.
Dave: So you’re telling me you’re creating overt products?
Ed: No sir.
Dave: Are you contradicting me?
Ed: No sir.
Dave: Whatever. I want you to tie in the bombings at the JW church to the Aftermath show. You got a problem with that?
Ed: No sir.
Dave: Then why are you still on the phone?
Ed: Yes sir.
Dave: Don’t yes sir me. Get cracking.
Ed: Yes sir.
Dave: You’re pathetic, you know that?
Ed: (pauses)
Dave: Are you ignoring me motherfucker?
Ed: Yes sir, I mean no sir.
Dave: Jesus Christ, you’re worse than Rinder.
Ed: Sorry sir.
Dave: (hangs up in disgust).
That’s probably pretty accurate! ?
Mr. DAVID MISCAVIGE, there just might be a listening device in your plush office. You better rip it all apart to get to the bottom of it.
Lou, Lou, Lou! Drop whatever the fuck you’re doing now and see if that goddamn Mark Headley planted some electronic eavesdropping devices. Check all my offices and bedrooms in all locations. I don’t care about the fucking expense. Schedule another fundraiser to cover the costs.
Just by looking at that thing I can tell that he is a real demented creep. God bless him.
God bless him as in the Southern version of God bless him?
LoL. Yes, my Southern relatives say that when they talk about someone they hate.
Here in Kentucky we say “Well bless your heart” . which ranges from sincere genuine compassion to sarcastic smart assness. It’s all encompassing. Lol. ☺
Mine say godluver or godluveem. I come from hillbillies.
Where I come from we say, “What a fucking jerk” …when we’re being polite 🙂
Never mind, its all good 🙂
Well, bless your heart!
? Yes! That’s how you use it.
*Wow, there may be a lot of hidden deep messages within these statements! I once read a paragraph about what people are divulging about themselves in their words and maybe this dude is subconsciously saying that he wants to take down DM. It requites a look for hidden meanings and rearranging words.
Disclaimer: *It’s not an exact science. Definitely would require more research.
Interesting Peggy!
Well….maybe I don’t remember all the details, and it’s all hogwash (meaning what that dude said about Mike and Leah having anything remotely to do with any violence), so maybe he needs to rethink his words and quit trying to kiss DM’s ass. News flash dude, DM would toss you under the bus in a second. Keep puckering up buttercup for all the good it’s going to do you.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic watching DM’s little marionettes dance dance dance to his every whim. He must just sit back and laugh at what he’s able to get them to do, thinking that when they do the dance that it will actually get them any gain.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave has life sized dolls made up of former high ranking Sea Org execs that he sticks pins in.
The Kid would throw someone under a bus in a second if he could, but he’d much rather have someone else do it.
OMG, the “5 minutes to edit” option has returned!
You see Eddie, Mike Rinder is an expert in the art of dead-agenting false propaganda. YOUR false propaganda, Eddie.
At some point you’re going to have to realize, Eddie, that there is absolutely no way you are going to win the game you are playing.
Never use lies in PR, Eddie. That’s the maxim. What to do when all you have is lies?
One by one the good folks are seeing the truth of what you have become, Eddie. And one by one they are drifting away.
One by one, two by two, four by four, it’s exponential!
Gotta hand it to Dave – with his Golden Age of Dreck and Ideal Morgues, he’s achieving monumental contraction.
Hip, hip, cray-cray!
In the scientology “Hall of Shame” dedicated to those who have been the biggest suppressives of scientology, DM certainly belongs up front and center. I’m tempted to send him a “Super Squirrel bumper sticker I saw somewhere on the ‘net. Would be fun to stick them various places around his quarters and vehicles –more fun to see him hurt himself lashing out at them.
I think you should do a repost of How Scientology Handles Critics: the L Ron Hubbard Playbook.
It’s like getting a synopsis when you go to a play or opera. They act like thugs and people can read about why the act the way they do,
They are all so predictable when their sicko thug synopsis on critics is read. It’s the writings of a very mentally unwell man.
That post Mike is so important in understanding their actions for the world at large.
Brian — I added a link to the post now. Everyone should read that piece as it is a summary of what L. Ron Hubbard directs his minions to do.
Thanks Brian and Mike. What a great idea!
The irony of this guy calling others hate mongers or un-american when his tweets are exactly that! He falsely accuses others of being destructive, then slanders Mike and Leah while screeching that others are doing what he just did in his tweet!? Does he not look in the mirror or listen to himself?
I firmly believe that Ed Parkin and his ilk are mentally ill and as such incapable of observation and introspection and making distinctions between things. Any normal person would perceive and be hindered from acting out in such a hypocritical manner, rosemarietropf. B
ut these people are not normal. Scientology has made narcissists of them. They exist in a narcissistic bubble of delusion that anyone attacking Scientology is EVIL – PERIOD. And evil has to be attacked.
They’re oblivious to facts. Facts are irrelevant other than knowing whether the facts help or harm them.
By their very words and actions what they see out of their eyes is not what normal people see.
They don’t get embarrassed. Not at all.
They lash out, blindly, viciously, following Hubbard’s “Never defend, always attack” dictum.
HOW they attack doesn’t matter so long as it doesn’t get them in legal trouble. TRUTH matters not a whit.
They’ll say ANYTHING. They’ll fling any kind of mud. (That’s LRH Scripture too – if there’s nothing real to accuse an enemy of, make it up!)
Consequently, there isn’t much THOUGHT behind their attacks. What’s important – the only thing that’s important as regards their attacks is that it IS an attack, and one that (they believe) will “shudder the enemy into silence.”
Someone very prominent in the news today has taken a page out OSA’s playbook, whether by accident of design.
It sounds to me like Mr. Parkin is fully embracing and using the foolproof logic of Hubbard’s ‘Data Series’ to try and make his point to the bubble dwellers. Good for him. In the cult’s typical ham fisted way, more and more bubble dwellers will be inadvertently directed to take a chance and watch The Aftermath to see what Mr. Parkin is talking about. At that point, perhaps they will experience a bit of cognitive dissonance and begin to wake up from the scientology nightmare. We can only hope. Thanks Mr. Parkin and keep up the good work!
Eddie and Foolproof are twinning on the SRD. Once either one achieves the EP I’m sure they’ll be able to clear things up for us. That is, unless study time is canceled or Dave re-revises shit again. You never know with the COB-ster. Stay tuned!
Disagree, Ms. B. Parkin is so NOT using the Data Series.
COB is redoing the Data Series. It will be repackaged as the Dave Series.
🙂 Scribe
As a current resident of the Seattle/Tacoma area, I know that the arson’s of the Kingdom Halls in Pierce County and elsewhere, have been occurring for many months, way before the JW episode aired.
Fast Eddie is just smearing you and Leah, as you have correctly noted.
Eddie and his handler, DM, have no concept of cause and effect. That Aftermath airs a episode on JW in December “caused” anti-JW crimes months and months ago. Ron DID mention something aout “date coincidence”, so Eddie P CAN be faulted for neglecting to realize that effects FOLLOW causes. That’s elementary science stuff, there, which even a high-school dropout should know.
Deluded is as deluded does.
Reminds me of the Steely Dan song ‘Rikki Don’t Lose That Number’ morphed into ‘Eddie That’s Quite A Number’.
His propaganda really sounds like Hitler’s times. (Even though they accused Leah of doing so).
And he also uses a scientology technique: – generalities. NO specifics, no evidence. Coming from another coward is not a surprise though.
Maybe this Eddie should keep watching the Aftermath to learn how to present FACTS…
That’s rich. Leah and Mike are un-American.
Un-American is when an organization routinely collects millions of dollars a month tax free, takes the money out of the country into offshore bank accounts and spends it on accruing empty buildings and attacking US citizens who actually pay their taxes.
That’s un-American. Scientologists are cowardly hypocritics who hide behind a religious vale. Let’s see if we can pull Mr. Parkin from under the rock he is hiding under and expose the real truth about Scientology’s latest front group, STAAD.
“Un-American is when an organization routinely collects millions of dollars a month tax free, takes the money out of the country into offshore bank accounts and spends it on accruing empty buildings and attacking US citizens who actually pay their taxes.”
To be fair, that is pretty uniquely American. I somehow doubt Scientology would have taken off as much as it did if it had been born anywhere else. Same with Mormonism and JW. Not that other countries don’t have cults, but these are very much American-flavored ones, born and bred here in the US of A.
Even when the term un-American was in vogue (back around the time Hubbard invented scientology) it was sort of a dirty word. Funny that they are still dragging out that tired old phrase.
I’m glad that this site as well (as The Aftermath series) exposes over and over again tactics the church uses of accusing others of doing what IT IS DOING. Mules like Parkin are only taken seriously by david misavige and his sycophants.
He needs to be on Karen’s Donkey list if not already:
Something wrong with the link.
2nd try http://www.forum.exscn.net/threads/new-elite-club-exclusive-to-100-members-only-donkeys-of-the-church.32078/page-8#post-1054146
Nothing comes up.
ESMB search Donkey. Its a good list but not updated for a few years.
Eddie is very good at “editing” to suit his needs. I’ve noticed that taking something out of context and then making sure there are no links or any other identifying notations so that anyone can see the original source. (Funnily enough I have actually seen him quote himself in his own piece, ?) There is an article on STAND’s blog site where he cites 10 cases of crime against CO$ blaming you and Leah. He was very careful to keep each instance vague and source free but I hunted down as many of them as I could.
For example a pipe bombing threat was attributed to you and Leah. But when I sourced it out:
(a) In June someone called the Church in Los Angeles, claiming to have planted a pipe bomb. Police are actively investigating. (This is how Eddie noted the hate crime)
1. In 2016 there was a threat against Tom Cruise and Scientology by a Muslim wanting to “do a suicide bombing”.
“TMZ broke the news that Tom Cruise and Scientology are in the middle of an investigation that includes terrorism and a suicide bomber. The LAPD says that a man called into the Church of Scientology and made specific threats towards Cruise and Scientology.
‘Are there any bombings I can do?” The man, who ID’d himself as a Muslim, said he “liked to do suicide bombings.’”
“Someone called…” he knew who made the threat and since they caught the guy he knew exactly what the man said as his reasons.
Eddie Parkin is just desperate to try and up his Stats.
Like I always say; Consider the source!
How can a guy say he “likes to do suicide bombings?” Last I checked, you could only do one in a lifetime. Haha, such dorks.
I just got that! ☺
Oh my God, good point!! ???
He was thinking in whole track. 🙂
Mary, ????
Of course! ☺ How silly of me.
Good one Miss B!