Just as I like to check in on my “daughter’s” site, I also like to check in on Fast Eddie Parkin every now and then and his crazy Twitter feed.
Leader of the STAND League, Ed Parkin is an OSA flunkie last seen in public sitting in the gallery of one of the hearings on Val Haney’s legal case taking notes to report back to the higher ups.
Let’s just start with an amazing piece of hypocrisy. Parkin is known for jumping on the bandwagon decrying violence against Jews. But at the same time he supports hate-filled anti-semitic rants from his bedfellows at the Nation of Islam.
And then there is this. Eddie tries to cloak himself in the idea that he is above hate by tweeting a quote from someone else.
Now, with that quote in mind, here is his latest tweet:
Three-Way? That’s not hateful Ed?
And I love the fact your go-to guy is Marty Rathbun.
When it comes to Leah Remini, Mike Rinder or Tony Ortega every utterance he makes is filled with hate. Admittedly, he HAS met me. But he has never talked to Leah or Tony. So what is his vitriol towards them based on? He (and scientology generally) never responds to the facts that are presented about the abuses in scientology — they merely launch ad hominem attacks. Exclusively and only. He loves the term “bigot,” even hashtags it. I wonder if he considers the people who came forward about the abuses of Warren Jeffs to be bigots too?
And here is his previous recent tweet targeting Leah and me:
I brainwashed her? I thought “brainwashing” wasn’t a “thing” because a LOT of people have reported the brainwashing done by scientology and you always deny it. Meantime, you are the ONLY person on earth who thinks I could brainwash Leah Remini.
Finally, for a little humor here, like everyone else in the Sea Org, Ed is an expert sycophant. But he goes that extra mile, stretching his brown-nosing beyond his seniors and COB to suck up to scientology “celebrities.”
Kirstie Alley is one of the more unhinged people on FB:
And I bet Greta just loves being highlighted by him — though 4 likes in 10 days isn’t setting the world on fire…
Thank you
To everyone who offered to help JB. It looks like his needs are taken care of for the time being. The generosity and heart displayed by so many was a reminder of how many good people there are in the world and it doesn’t require a trophy or certificate from scientology to be a real humanitarian.
OSA Flunkey eh?
Wasn’t this what you were until you got thrown out?
Thrown out? Are you referring to me?
You have your “facts” a little skewed there Eddie.
Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth: Eddie ain’t worth keeping track of. He’s of no consequence. Not even the scns pay any real attention to him.
Maybe Ed needs to add more fiber to his diet because he sure is a cranky man. Looks like and sounds like someone who has one stuck in the chamber.
Constipation of the brain and diarreah of the mouth: Eddie ain’t worth keeping track of, other than comic relief.
Peggy L, what Eddie needs is quite a bit more substantial than fiber. There’s a bunch of it in the rice and beans anyway, I believe, so that’ll sort itself out eventually. Now there’s a shortage of TP in the stores, so wiping is going to be an even messier job than it’s been for staff with the abysmal stats like his. The only stats he gets are negative: number of people responding that he’s a total asshat.
ETA: Thanks for the “edit” function’s return, whomever caused that.
What a sad life he has led when all said and done Jere. All that effort and money just wasted on a mirage.
Those giant bags under his eyes 🤣 He also looks like he’s probably a Deep throat specialist.
Ed Parkin…looks….like… one….tired…. guy.
Just shows what scientology can do to a guy.
Good for Eddie on getting rehabilitated on the RPF program, and learning that all important lesson of not having other fish to fry, though it might be nice now and then to cook up some tuna to give a little variety to the rice and beans fare.
Their minds have been sucked out of their cabesas and reinstalled with Hubbard’s implant machine.
One of the traits of haters is that they don’t know they are haters. This is especially true in Scientology as they are trained to hate. Hate is higher than sympathy on the tone scale. So this doctrine really screws with their discriminating faculties. They become 1984 mentality’s: hate is love, Peace is war and truth is a lie.
Ad to the mix that Hubbard made hatred a sacred religious Scientology sacrament to use against the evil Santan SPs.
I don’t blame this guy for being like this; this is the training and education he has been in for decades. At this point I don’t believe they know any better.
For them; to not hate would be seen as being reasonable, showing sympathy (which we “know” will aberrated you) and not confronting evil; which means that you have evil in yourself and that’s why your not dealing with evil as Hubbard says.
What a labyrinth of distorted mind noise these poor people are hypno slaves of.
I think my best emotion to them is pity. What an ugly state of mind Hubbard had and imprinted on these poor souls. Sad really, very tragic.
There is nothing more dangerous, in my view, than a world saver. They can be dangerous people.
The victims of this cult who have been trained to be haters have been brainwashed to believe their hatred is actually a way they can express their love for the scam.
Remember the definition of “Doublespeak” from George Orwell’s 1984? I can never remember if it was called Doublespeak or Doublethink. I Googled both of the following:
“examples of doublespeak” and “examples of double think” and found the following two sites that list several examples of each. I must be honest and admit I can’t really tell the difference between them. But here they are:
The thing I find interesting is that when victims of this cult spew their hatred for all things the scam tells them to hate, they believe they are actually expressing their love – love for the scam.
In terms of doublespeak … “Hate is Love”.
I’ve been waiting for some of the more ardent victims to tell us that COVID is actually a “thinning agent” designed by the Tub to release itself during 2020 in order to thin out the world’s WOG population. I would put nothing behind the twisted, crazy logic employed by these poor vics.
I see it that way also. We have free will, in that regard we are responsible for our experiences.
But I also have compassion for a person who has trusted a malignant narcissistic and congenital liar to install thoughts and thus behaviors into their character.
Sometimes those who feel morally superior, through some kind of education, can justify bad behavior and truly believe they are acting for the greater good. People can act like spies or undercover agents with deception as their goal all the while thinking they are saving the world.
But all the while they are corrupting their souls.
This man has the pained face of a suffering thought slave. I feel sorry for his state of being. His very facial demeanor is a study in mental anguish, in my view.
Yes he created it, but he is still a thing of pity.
Brian. I do blame him to be like this. Hate is a choice most of the times. When I was in I never felt or allowed such emotion despite how I could have been implanted, It was my choice. And this guy is having is own.
And now even if in some comment I go down heavy well it’s not hate for sure. I am just so pissed off you can’t believe it. I really want help the people inside the bubble to wake up and get back to life free from control.
I see it that way also. We have free will, in that regard we are responsible for our experiences.
But I also have compassion for a person who has trusted a malignant narcissistic and congenital liar to install thoughts and thus behaviors into their character.
Sometimes those who feel morally superior, through some kind of education, can justify bad behavior and truly believe they are acting for the greater good. People can act like spies or undercover agents with deception as their goal all the while thinking they are saving the world.
But all the while they are corrupting their souls.
This man has the pained face of a suffering thought slave. I feel sorry for his state of being. His very facial demeanor is a study in mental anguish, in my view.
Yes he created it, but he is still a thing of pity.
Brian thank you. I totally agree with you. With friends I am seeing how to do our part to organize something that can help those in the bubble. One of them was SP declare for a stupid family situation while another was staff with me and has the whole family in the Cult and would like to save them.
As for this Eddie he is living his life experience and his choices, I know.
I just hope he understands that TRUE reality is not based on the appreciation of others, but what one accepts to see.
“I just hope he understands that TRUE reality is not based on the appreciation of others, but what one accepts to see.“
Can you explain what this means?
Brian. Excuse my English. I just meant that in the long run, what he ultimately considers to be reality is no longer tied to his personal judgment of real facts, but the mere fact that to please others (OSA, etc) he sees things altered and offers them to others through his blog.
Mine was a wish. That he could go back to the present and realize it.
Absolutely correct, LMR.
I was too nice a guy to suit my seniors in the SO. When I wrote a KR, it stated the obvious facts and little or no opinion. Opinion was not needed in the KRs I wrote. The hard, cold proven facts were far better than any slander. The last major KRs I wrote on the Captain Freewinds were not quieried nor were the facts within denied.
I ordinarily only wrote about things I could prove. And if you got eyes, ears and half a brain you could prove a lot. Unfortunately by then being able to prove everything you said just made it more likely you would be attacked. Why? Because it made you appear more dangerous. The absolutely worst thing you could do is to attach an LRH policy to it that backed up what you said in the report. I did that a few times.
And I had no wish to be controversial. I was fine with doing my post until I keeled over dead; which would have certainly happened within a year of my leaving there. But I was given no choice but to attack; not because they threatened me, as I knew for years that my death was imminent. It was because my wife was attacked and her life made a living hell that I did what I did. Of course she has now disconnected from me
The irony in Greta’s statement!
While I agree with the sentiment of the statement – a Scientologist calling someone out for not listening to the press briefings?
The same Scientologist who can’t even so much as look at “entheta”
That would be a great response to Greta btw:
The WH briefings are to some members of the media as entheta (ie the entire non Scientology internet) is to Scientologists
That’s a great point you’re making, Chee!
Greta is tweet/whining that media coverage of the White House’s CV -19 briefings is inadequate and uninformed; she’s inferring that media criticism of the President’s breifings is unwarranted unless fully televised.
Kirstie, on the other hand is tweet/advising that we should shut off the news altogether.
Yo Greta and Kirstie,
Wassup whicha koolaid-drinkin’ selves?
Maybe you two should “get in comm”?
Much love,
In fairness to Greta, I think she makes a good point
How can someone criticize that which they haven’t seen, heard or read in its entirety?
The irony is that a Scientologist is saying that – they self censor what they read and hear because a science fiction writer
told them to
I don’t think Greta was defending the WH – I think she was calling out certain members of the media and I agree with her.
It’s like dealing with a child – “I’m going to stick my fingers in my ears and not listen to what you say and then complain about the fact you said something”
I’m all for criticizing those in power, but it seems to me one has to understand what one is criticizing first
IMO the media is a shell of what it once was. The hypocrisy and double standards has made the media nothing more than an obvious mouthpiece.
As Americans we should be furious. Just give us the information. We are big boys and girls. We can make up our own minds
Today’s media is taking a page from Ron’s playbook, which Ron no doubt took from another source – don’t listen to what others tell you. Listen to what we tell you. And don’t worry – we won’t tell you the things we think you won’t like! We won’t hold powerful people that we like to account and we’ll manufacture sh*t about people we don’t like!
Today’s media has also convinced us we can no longer calmly and peacefully debate ideas and respect those with whom we disagree.
Instead we must label them them the enemy! (At least Scientology has the balls to come right out and call them “enemies”)
The media calls people bigots (sound familiar?), racists, sexists, homo and transphobics, etc etc etc
The parallels between today’s media and Scientology are frightening.
Kirstie on the other hand ….. what does one say about a lemur owning millionaire telling the rest of the world to ignore reality?
Chee –
This perfectly encompasses my thoughts, as well. Very well said!
And yes there is absolute irony in what Greta said. But hell, there’s irony in the fact she can do what she does for a living while being exposed to all news that’s out there, but then continue to choose blindness towards what her “church” truly is and does to people.
Chee Chalker, excellent post about the media and what it has devolved into. Well said.
I hear you on the media, but all they do is report what Trump tweets and says. And, my God, the inanities, i.e, what those fat little twittering fingers produce and what comes out of his mouth, well, that’s HIM, not the media. They’re just relaying what he has just communicated! I would think your issue would be with HIM and his communications. But perhaps not? Does this man “speak” to you? Well, OK 🙂 Btw, Trump has ALWAYS been like this. This is nothing new except now he’s the President. He’s just being himself, saying whatever comes into his head at any given time. He’s always done that. Its why he was a favorite and very frequent guest on Howard’s Stern’s radio show. He’d say ANYTHING. In all his various incarnations he has always been entertaining, in a dancing bear kind of way. The perfect guest for a radio shock jock. And he hasn’t changed! Not one bit. He still likes to shock people. And as for him “hating” the media – LOL! Yeah! Like a dope addict “hates” his pusher!
Greta, now, she’s Rupert Murdoch’s creature. A holdover from the Rupert era. A FoxHole. But she won’t be at Fox much longer. Fox is changing. It has to, to survive.
I have to respectfully disagree.
If the media simply reported what Trump actually said or tweeted, I would be thrilled because at least then they would be doing their jobs.
But I can point to many examples, more than should be allowed, of the media interpreting what Trump said or editing speeches he gave in
order to promote a narrative.
My argument is – hey, if you dislike the guy or disagree with his policies – fine – argue the facts and why you disagree with him.
That is what western
democracy is built upon. Just don’t edit videos or report news in an attempt to mislead the public.
Out of respect for Mike and what he has said about not turning his blog into a political debate/firestorm, I won’t go any further than that.
And I’m not blaming media on one side or the other because they’re all doing it.
IMO a news program should contain news – which is made up of facts. It’s just insulting what the media thinks it can get away with – truth be damned.
IMO the media is using the public as useful idiots to promote agendas that they and some of their pals will benefit from – either through money or power.
The average person gets nothing.
I think if you look objectively – there is proof certain people were looking to impeach Trump before he was even inaugurated. That is not good faith governance. And I ask myself why – why the rush? It’s too dangerous to follow the rules, wait 4 years and try again? We must manufacture fake dossiers and spend millions of
dollars investigating nothing?
More information comes to light every day of abuse of power. We have to hold those people accountable, regardless of who they are.
It’s scary and I think some people are ok with this behavior because they think “well, this is just directed at Trump and his friends and since I hate Trump, abuse of power is ok and once he’s gone, everything will go back to normal.”
Nope. Not even close.
I think there exists a culture, or a class of people who profit off keeping the status quo and when that is threatened, all bets are off – the constitution is suspended because, after all, they know what is best for the country and we the taxpayers should just keep our mouths shut and allow them to deny us our constitutional rights.
We’ve all seen how Scientology has been able to abuse the justice process by essentially throwing money at a problem – whether that be by hiring dozens of the most expensive lawyers or buying 50 yard line Super Bowl
tickets with a guest appearance by John Travolta.
Accepting abuse of power because we don’t like the person it is aimed at is an incredibly dangerous proposition.
Because if money controls all decisions, groups like Scientology gain power and people like Jeffrey Epstein rape children for years without consequences.
I’m not defending Trump nor the Dems
My loyalty is to the truth.
I believe free speech is absolute. It saddens me to see college kids so confused about this concept.
I did see one video that I thought summed it up perfectly where a young lady was being arrested for stealing a sign from a protestor and she was justifying her actions to the cop and he finally said
“You don’t have to stand there and listen to what he (the protester) is saying – you are free to walk away …. what you don’t have the right to do is take property that is not yours …..”
The look on her face – as if this was a entirely new concept to her!
I will defend Joe Biden until it is proven he did what has been alleged. Most importantly – he has the right to due process.
I tend to view things from the “better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man suffer wrongful imprisonment” perspective.
My loyalties are not to any person or party. That’s not to say I don’t have opinions or
beliefs about issues, of course I do.
I don’t defend everything Donald Trump says, but I defend his right to say it.
And when someone in the media tells you NOT to listen to this person or that person?? That is exactly when we should be listening.
But if we (society as a whole, not you and me) can’t even peacefully disagree and come to some kind of peaceful resolution, then the US is headed down a dangerous path.
When I see the name calling and the shaming and the attempts to cancel speakers or get people fired, it makes me think there are other agendas afoot – ones we are not even privy to and certainly don’t benefit from.
As a famous man once said – “Follow the Money”
Because at the end of the day money buys power. And people like Miscavige have way too much money
Chee, I’m all for the ability to disagree peacefully, if we must disagree! My first point was that if you read his tweets and listen to his words, the media have been quoting him accurately. They even replicate his exact tweets when they do commentary on them. Now, if you’re saying that they’re NOT duplicating what he is saying and tweeting, then we can certainly and respectfully and peacefully disagree! And my second point was that Trump PURPOSEFULLY says outrageous stuff. He loves to get people riled and talking about him. We in my area are VERY familiar with this man, Chee! His avid craving for continual attention is NOT new! This has nothing to do with him being a Republican now because for most of his life he was a Democrat with the same constant need for the spotlight. That’s just a fact, Chee! Don’t believe me, read his books! He’ll TELL you this in his own books! And he’s written about 12 of them. In them he tells you exactly who he is, and what he is, very proudly! So, respectfully, I would suggest that you read what he says about himself in his own words. And your points well taken about the media. The media does “feed” off of controversy. But you see, he is a media DREAM. He always and continuously has said outrageous stuff that they can pile onto. He always has and he always will! Being President hasn’t changed him one bit! The media are the tigers; he never fails to throw the red meat. I could furnish lots of examples of him doing this for decades before he became POTUS but I suspect Mike’s off-topic patience has been tested enough.
Thursday Funnies is back at last! And all it takes is one guy, a clerical collar and a Twitter account (with his handlers watching over his shoulders to keep him on the path). Thank you, “Reverend” Ed!
I don’t want to share bad news but as many will know today is David’s birthday.
Every single year, tons of gifts arrive from all over the world. Sea org staff also need to participate, although they takes (if that’s okay) much less than $ 50.
I have no doubt that a toadies like Eddie will do its part in some way.
The good news is that for his 60 years he will get a lot less than usual since the orgs are closed and the SO does not have a wad to pay staff. Dave, a gift for you from me and other thousands of people, a nice trip:
Go to hell!
I sent Dave an insulated package of dog poop, but the label says “Hair Gel” … Use it in health , “sir” …
Joe. Seems like a good idea. It is one of those gifts that can be reused several times. Not the disposable ones.
I was thinking, if Dave isn’t still fetishistically fixated with Mike’s trash, to send him mine. You know during the quarantine something accumulates … But it is well ordered.
Chee Chalker: I read every word of your comment and I agree with all of it. I also agree with Aquamarine’s comment, I believe that the is-ness of the situation contains both of your viewpoints.
You mean to tell me that the SO still only gets 50 bucks a week?( when they are lucky).
That is what we were paid 18 years ago when I was in the SO. I don’t know if Dave has gotten a raise since then but it seems that Dave ( Heil Miscaviage! ) is one of the greatest (by stats) robbers in history. Well, that may be an exaggeration as Hitler looted Europe after conquest. But then, Dave is still going after all these years and is not about to stop soon. I’ll imagine Dave has looted more than anyone in U.S. history. If he has not, HE WILL.
Bill until I was there the pay per FO was supposed to be 50 bucks. Even if in these last 15 year they increased it to 70 (I am just guessing) the guys there never got it. After all keeping a low havingness on staff helps to keep control on them.
That’d j is right LMR. When I joined the SO in 79 I made $7.50 a week. It was 50.00 when I left in 2002. I did not leave because of the lousy pay. I was sent off to die. When my wife finally got off the ship she was told by someone on the ship to put me in a hospice to die.
It is interesting that she is probably in good standing while I have allegedly been declared.
I was declared for telling my story. A lot of the data in my story came from her; I.e not only did she tell me that she was told by them to put me in a hospice to die, but I have heard her tell others the exact same thing. If they did a thing known as a “Rollback” in Scientology, they would find that most of the derogatory things I said about the Church is virtually word for word what she told me. But she is probably a Patron With Honors. I would rather crawl back into my coffin as trade places with her.
Heil Miscaviage!
Bill. I just heard that at the moment with the current situation in clo eu some staff is trying to make it go right doing ‘other things’. I am trying to know what exactly this means. But we are away from any kind of ‘pay’.
Bill. By the way I know what is roll back I even received a few. When the person coming up was an high int exec then they dropped the search.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear ADOLF, happy birthday to you…and you thought April 30 was a scientology day… No, it is a Hitler day….
Yes, Take Em Down, April 30 is a Hitler day. April 30 1945 is the day he shot himself. He was born on April 20 1889.
So Hitler died on the same day of the year that DM was born. If it was not 15 years difference, I could suggest that they are one and the same. DM is not a quarter of the orator that Hitler was. Hitler was also more honest. I never heard him lie about anything. In his book “Mein Kamph written about 1923 he talked about conquering Russia and hints at what he would do to the Jews when he came to power. He was a very bad guy
Guys like him are so far behind the pack of sensible humans that he thinks he’s first in line! Lol. What a douche! 😑👌
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
You look like a (fill in 2 syllable ad hom)
And you act like one too!
Much love,
Oh yeah, Marty Rathbun: This is what he said about David Miscavige after he had fled the Church of Scientology, respectively “The Hole” — David Miscavig’s prison, which he used to abuse his executives — and got many people to leave the Church of Scientology for good and to speak out.
That was before he turned again… to oblige to David Miscavig’s attack against exactly those who were speaking out and exposing David Miscavige’s doings and what is going on behind the facade of the Church of Scientology.
If I understand you correctly Mike, you don’t think, or at least you are not convinced, that your daughter posts the things posted on “her” sites herself.
Is there a chance that Eddie doesn’t post “his” tweets (and other dreck) too?
Of course I know SOMEONE has to do it.
YEs, I doubt my daughter writes the stuff that is put on her blog. It’s probably written by someone like Ed Parkin — he is posted in PR OSA Int and it is their job to pump out propaganda. So, he likely writes his own stuff.
Just like he’s been writing Marty’s blog after Rathbun was utterly shattered by OSA Tech. You can’t even attribute what Marty was coerced to film in that DM scripted series to Marty. The last sincere comm gave he was calling DM Hitler, Stalin, psychopathic.
None of it matters. Nobody cares what Ed or DM write.
Frankly, nobody cares about scientology, but a tiny speck of the planet that got run over by LRH and DM and their goons.
I think possibly Taryn writes some of it and THEN “it gets edited” as does letters going in and out of prisons or OTHER CULTS.
You MUST say you are happy Or you MUST say you are staying in willingly and that everyone who has ESCAPED is a dirty filthy liar.
I would also consider that David Miscavige MUST review each and every response and then say “NO…I WANT IT CHANGED TO SAY….
As a favor, I TYPED a handwritten letter one of my friend’s Boss’s (Frank) wrote.. After I handed him/Frank the TYPED letter…he had the cojones to tell me “THAT IS NOT WHAT IT WROTE>>>YOU CHANGED THINGS”….HUH?
I went over & got HIS OWN HANDWRITTEN LETTER & we COMPARED them WORD FOR WORD….Everything I had typed was 100% accurate & matched 100%.
He then said to me “I am glad I didn’t have you mail that out, I sound like an ASSHOLE”…..all I could do is shake my head in agreement….
I imagine the face of this half-sock guy if for his misfortune he really had to meet a woman with two balls like Leah.
Immediately afterwards he would end up in an endless Pub 6 taking long walks and spitting in different directions, trying in vain to recover.
I meant PAB 6
(Public Auditor Bulletin n 6. In it was published a ‘tech’ to get people type 3 – people with overwhelmed mental mess – calmed down and back in present)
I now watch tRump’s daily ‘press briefings’ on the comedy channels. They properly out his ignorence. I’ll get my glass of watered downed Clorox now.
If slimy Ed is trying to emulate Goebbels, he’s got a long way to go. Someday he is going to cross the line to a libel suit. I bet Ed’s shelf life is about to expire. DM will find another shill just to keep everyone guessing. I wonder what Ed’s NDA looks like?
It appears that Scientology’s handling of their critiques is about as effective as a squirt gun in a forest fire.
I used be a part of all that. One has to be fully brainwashed to support that cult. It is actually a horror story watching people engulfed in this scifi like organization that replicates the StarTrek borg episodes.
Per the aforementioned Mr. Ortega, it’s COB’s Spawnday, so a heartfelt tribute to the Captain of the Marie Celeste is in order:
May visions of those disconnected fill your head
May you be haunted by Narconon clients among the dead
May the coercion you inflicted infest your soul
And darkness your home in your very own HOLE
May banquets turn rancid as the fork meets your lips
May Freewinds join the armada of Hate’s Hellbound ships
Long may you sail on that Mary Celeste
Your ticket awaits, Satan’s most honored guest
Thereon you’ll be feted, you’ve earned the Award
As the Afterlife’s minions escort you aboard
Magnimus Platinum Diamond Palladium
Medallion of Sin, glowing like Radium
Shining in glory, consuming your flesh
As your Familiar’s cheers echo afresh
Triumph resounds in the Hubbardian Morgue
Saluting their Chairman in his ideal org
As malificent breezes fill sails long rotted
Your skeleton crew lies Blown, besotted
The tiller long gone, no captain in sight
Master’s Charts strewn unread in hope’s dwindling light
Faithful Bos’n then trumpets, “Our Bridge, Oh My King!”
But you scowl in rage, well-worn Cat you unstring
Your Leige falls trembling, in quaking apostasy
You’ll give 50 lashes, for such grievious lèse majesté
A cry from the Crow’s Nest, “The Bridge comes now Clear.”
Your volley of grapeshot rewards that Buccaneer
Your Spyglass to eye, “Lo, an arch appears there!
Its bulwarks are mighty, at last I Declare,
My Path will be Free, My Game will be Fair!
You’ll kneel at my throne, all bow to my will!
Blessed by LRon The Mighty, God of Saint Hill!”
My vessel draws nigh, Charon welcomes me waving
The wicked prosperity my black heart’s been craving
Once in the wheelhouse, Charon’s eyes meet the shore
“Charybdis lies ahead and Scylla before
We’ve sailing to do, no time to make land!
Pirate of Souls, you do understand!
Our ocean is fire, our plunder divine
Our kingdom those lost, whose hearts we would mine
Every last nugget, until barren and bare
Then on to the next, no mercy to spare!”
Darkness descended as Charon resumed
Past lighthouses lifeless, their bodies exhumed
“I’ll serve you with faith, my Commander of Death
Right up to end, my very last breath
So stay firm our rigging, tighten it well
Prepare to make ready
For landfall in Hell”
Oh, OUTSTANDING, V Vendetta! I was an English major as an undergrad and this is a VERY nice take on the poem!
“Spawnday”. That’s hysterical!
All of his tweets don’t even have clickfarms to like or retweet the diarrhea he spews. All of them have a handful of likes and hardly any retweets. Who is he saying this stuff to?
He’s saying it to himself. He’s saying it to a few psycho-phants always near him who exist and get paid solely for the purpose of saying “Yes, Sir, totally right, Sir” in response to whatever he says or does at any given time. He is saying it to the Whales and Celebs, who agree with all his pronouncements, who spoon up his lies and inanities like ice cream, his Whales and Celebs who fall over themselves in their eagerness to praise his wisdom and leadership. He is saying it to the die hard oldsters both public and Class V staff who’ve spent their entire adult lives believing him and his lies and following his orders – people who are terrified to admit that they’ve wasted their lives. He’s saying it to the children and grandchildren of these die hard oldsters, the “kids” who managed to grow up into empty-headed adulthood without even the mental capacity to question their religion. He is saying it to the Sea Org who very like know better but yet agree with everything and obey automatically out of avery real fear of being severely punished.
The rest of us, now, we just roll out eyes, and ask, “How is this even POSSIBLE?”
The good news is that those who listen to and obey David Miscavige number at best in the tens of thousands, and “the rest of us” number in the billions.
Labelling someone a “bigot” is, by definition, bigoted. 🤦
You’ve been working out of OSA
All the livelong day
You’ve been working out of OSA
Just to waste your life away
Can you hear Gavino screaming
Rise up so early in the morn
Rice and beans is what you’re eating
Roaches in your dorm
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow the Org
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow the Org
Someone got a Comm-Ev last Thursday
Someone got a Comm-Ev you know
Someone got a Comm-Ev last Thursday
RPFed for 2D flows
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow the Org
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow
Eddie won’t you blow the Org!
I couldn’t help but sing this to myself.
Very funny! Thanks Elron.
Glad I made you smile Joe. 😉
This is perfect, Elron 🙂