Fast Eddie Parkin is a source of continuing entertainment and blog posts.
Here is a new one from him — he seems to be falling into a pattern of quoting anonymous people who supposedly send him messages. Perhaps he is hearing body thetans and misidentifying them? He has been a Sea Org member for 30+ years but is still not OT 3…
But you realize Eddie, this might actually have been written about The Aftermath exposing the abuses by “individuals and organizations” (like you, Dave and scientology) — and along with a nice picture of Leah this could well be a promotional item for the show.
Your masters will not be pleased.
And though I am blocked from seeing your tweets, I do note that you get virtually no likes or retweets? The only thing you have going for you is some clickfarm retweets of a strange comment you keep promoting “is this the right letter”? It must drive you crazy to see how many tweets and retweets there are of those who talk about scientology abuses?
Off to a less than auspicious start Eddie. And as covered by Tony Ortega this morning, you are also up to your old tricks of taking things out of confessional files to smear people who appear on the show.
You all deserve to be pitied – but only after you can no longer hurt anyone.
I have seen everyn episode of “Aftermath” plus anything nI can read on the internet. My question is not related to “Fast Eddie’ but I feel it is worth considering.
Fight fire with fire. Scientology is infamous for their “scare tactics” re: the use (abuse) of P.I.’s to infultrate, intimidate and create “fake news”. Has the thought occured to turn the tables and unleash a blizzard of P.I.’s to do to them what they have done to innocent former parishoners. I know,some would say that we would be stooping the their level. Maybe it would finally shine a damaging light onn Scientology once and for all and get the attention on authorities (IRS, FBI, Homeland Security among others)
Mike/Leah, by now there must be enough support (manpower & financial) from various source to take the fight to COB and the rest of those with power. Lets take the paper-cut and turn it into an all out bleed.
Hello and a tip of the hat to all the growing ranks of UTRs out there!
We love you, support you, and wish you well. The happiest feeling is knowing that David Miscavige is aware of all the secret UTRs in his midst and he really worries about it. So fucking satisfying.
As a father to two precious children, both of whom have piggy banks, I still can’t get over the fact that they were enticing and encouraging children to “donate” the money from their piggy banks. How deranged must one be to actually encourage something like that?
Obviously the money from these piggy banks is just a drop in the bucket at these extortionary fundraising events, but the bigger issue is that they’re conditioning these kids to give up everything they’ve earned/saved for themselves to go towards a hopeless endeavor. After hearing that on last night’s episode, now when I look at Eddie Parkins, I just envision him as some creepy guy hanging around and trying to take money from children.
Scientology certainly doesn’t need any hyperbole whatsoever to reveal the true depths of their cruelty and depravity.
The piggy banks are also a symbol of an environment in which the kids are growing up, where the supposed adults’ time and resources that should be expended on parenting, are instead focused selfishly on their own “bridge” or “eternity” – it’s not unlike being the children of addicts. They’re being robbed of many opportunities, and not having their needs met, sometimes to the point of neglect and abuse. Ultimately, many won’t be able to do things like go to college, and will be consigned to lives of far less real meaning than they might have had.
Hey, as long as Tom Cruise has slave labor tricking out warehouse hangers for him, and vetting potential wives for him, what do the few pennies of innocent children matter?
Fuck scientology into the fucking stone age, everyone.
It’s always about COS unwritten policy to “Train Them While They’re Young”… know that EVERY cent they have is EXPECTED to be “donated” (handed over) to COS for their own good to clear the planet.
Thank goodness your children have wonderful, loving, caring, dedicated parents & that your children will NEVER be exposed to these horrors.
Hugs for those beautiful children & wife from me!
One thing that has disappointed me in regards to this show (Aftermath) is the lack of action from Government agencies and popular celebrities. Why hasn’t anyone gone in there to get Shelley? Why hasn’t their tax exempt status been questioned or revoked?
Also, why have these popular celebrities not made some sort of a stance! Especially Elizabeth Moss, considering the show she is doing now.
I hope this series gains some more traction and some action can be done.
It truly is an outrage… but the moment Miscavige feels the most at ease is the ideal time for authorities to perp-walk his yellow ass into a paddy wagon.
Have fun when that day happens COB, ya little shit.
COS definitely has eyes and ears all over the place…all it would take is one ” tip” & Shelly would be moved to yet another secret location, just like other family members that belong to now former members who are now “declared S.P.”…..& probably some of the “missing in actions”…who have YET to be officially declared.
There’s a huge stinking smelly disgusting putrid scent in the air, & that’s the stench of RATS who tip off the head RAT so that he’s able to keep her well hidden.
I am sure the IRS is taking notes, writing down names, documenting what’s been stated, reviewing those PRINTED LRH POLICY STATEMENT materials that are flashed on the screen during A & E’s Aftermath show & no doubt have read any and ALL LRH books & materials……
Kathleen, the reason the celebrities (other than the ones with real integrity, like Leah) don’t stand up against Must-savage’s predation is because they aren’t personally affected. They get love-bombed at the CC, told by BY VIPs in the org that anything not part of the party line is a lie and an attempt by SPs to destroy their Eternity®, a 1984-ish redefinition of “truth” to be BAD and not to be considered seriously if they want to get those super-powers Ron promised but clearly failed to deliver, didn’t intend to deliver, and couldn’t have delivered had he wanted to.
When I first read this I thought it was a description of a die hard scamologist:
Insanity. n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.
Fast Eddie, Foolproof & marildi definitely fit this definition.
These 3 are totally trolls. I agree Winsky. BTW, it’s a badge of honor for them to troll my posts. You must feel good as well as they always include you. Well done!
What’s amazing about the their incredible lack of self awareness:
They think somehow they are disrupting the SPs but are only verifying everyones view that Scientologists, at least the OSA types, have been trained by LRH to be nasty people. That’s their real stat. They are utter PR failures. But they think they are saving the universe. God….. Hubbard made people crazy.
I’m 99 % certain that Marildi is a bubble troll. Her angle is that she’s “into other practices” and she understands other philosophies. But how she deflects, sticks up for Hubbard, and uses passive agression, convinces me that she only knows enough of other philosophies to convince her target audience that she is an outsider.
She is a trained operative.
If she was truly a student of other schools of thought she would never behave like OSA. She would never default to nasty and avoid as much as she does.
There is a tone not on the tone scale that they all have: nasty.
Fast Eddie is a pitiful creature. What ugly people L Ron Hubbard has created.
I have another essay coming so we get to toy with those kooky well trained Bubble Bots again.
Mike, last nights Aftermath was pivotal in my view. You guys made your case for fraud. At least I think so.
Come on Feds…………… get these thugs off the streets.
I love your posts Brian! Keep ’em coming.
Yes Brian, definitely act like trained seals of a fetid kind. Probably too far goneto allow themselves to be saved from it all.
Most of Mark Rathbun’s blog topics stayed up for a week or more which allowed for side conversations generally but not always relating to scientology. People shared knowledge and experience from investigating and practicing other philosophical studies and practices.
Marty is history and the days of debating any potential benefits within the subject itself are over with DM’s cherch being the main topic of conversation. Scattered Independents continue to claim benefits which I don’t think is unusual. Scientology had hundreds of mental “processes” which produced benefits for some people some of the time. It was an exploration of the metaphysical and the paranormal with some people regarding Hubbard as Source/Prophet.
The Richard Gere and gerbil nonsense is easier to believe than any of the crap that Crazy Eddie, Foolproof, and Marildi spout. Let’s wait and see if…
Hurray for Mike Rinder. Hurray for Leah
I know that I’ve watched just about enough “Aftermath” when I hear Mike’s comments in his voice. Carry on!
Every time I see a picture of EP, I imagine one of those morphing images where he morphs into Heinrich Himmler. (Another guy who loved his position of power within his organization and didn’t care how lousy of a human he had to be to keep it.)
Scientology took every dime my mother made, 100s thousands. Im the only one out of us six kids to go to collage. I paid for my college education. Its a tragic what they did…
Mike and Leah, GREAT episode last night. Bert Schippers was so credible and believable and is such a sweetheart. And the man from the Int Landlord’s office who did space engineering was also excellent. He built these prized buildings and first hand saw that no one was in them.
My friend is a CPA for a well known firm, and has never been in Scn. Here are his comments so that you can see how the Non Scn people who are professionals in the know about the IRS view the Aftermath show. His comment gives me hope I’ll see my kids one day:
“Extremely well done and credible episode. They are really using believable people in their episodes to demonstrate the moral bankruptcy of the Church. I love the Church’s commentary about not having disconnection practices and that, in fact, such practices run counter to the Church’s philosophy.
The North Hollywood church that Mike Rinder spoke about I pass all the time. I have never seen a single person in or about the building and it is huge… At a certain point in time, the I.R.S. will resume the attack on the Church. It won’t take very much to prove the sham of them spending money on unneeded buildings for the sole purpose of demonstrating that same need for money for no reason other than justification for the preservation of tax exempt status.”
My favorite part of the show last night was when Leah explained how Cabbage Head structured his argument that Scientology is always buying new buildings because the scam is expanding so quickly, they need somewhere for all the thousands of new members to go. But of course, that means that she suckers have to send in more money so they can keep their tax exempt status. If they didn’t keep sending in all that money, the scam might be in danger of losing their tax-exempt status. Talk about a circular argument.
I am reminded about the tactic that Adolph Hitler used when he marched into Austria and took it over and it became part of his Thousand Year Reich. He only had a small number of soldiers. So he marched them over a bridge at night making a lot of noise, then he ordered them to go back quietly. Then he ordered them to march back over the bridge very noisily again. All told, he did this many times so the Austrian suckers believed that he had led a huge army into Austria and there was no resisting The Big Fuhrer.
Funny how The Little Fuhrer and The Big Fuhrer think along the same lines. I guess diseased minds think alike.
Superb comment, Skyler.
I’d only add to it with the reminder of how Fascists attack the free press as being “the enemy of the people”. Fascistic organizations and governments,instruct their followers to only trust news that emanates from THEM. The Church of Scientology has been doing this for half a century and in fact its in their scripture that the free press is evil, ignored and never to be trusted.
“…evil, TO BE ignored and never to be trusted.”
Sorry, my posts have been awash in typos for some time now. I still have internet connection problems.
Yup, Aqua: Didn’t they/he say at one time, “If it’s in the media, it MUST be a lie?” The shoe’s on the other foot: Pretty much everything scientology says that is specific enough to be verified turns out to be a lie. The REAL “enemy of the people” is scientology, itself, but those still inside have no way to evaluate the stories intelligently. At times like this, scientology bypasses thought and relies on emotional appeals, even when they conflict with the stronger emotions caused by Dwarfenführer’s insanity (along with that of those connected to him, the PTS sycophants). Perhaps Eddie will wake up. I’m not holding my breath, though as he’s sufficiently ineffective that having him switch sides would likely be a *blessing* for Davey-boy’s efforts. Some folks are liabilities whatever they do.
Thanks, jere. Yes, for sure the shoe’s on the other foot now. All the cult can do is lie because there isn’t any good news for public consumption. And it brings to mind what LRH has in the tech which I’m paraphrasing as “What you resist, persists.” They’ve been opposing the “lying media” for so long that they now have BECOME the lying media!
Aqua–“Sorry, my posts have been awash in typos for some time now. I still have internet connection problems”
You might try something that’s worked for me: Copy any text I want to quote, then switch to a little text-editor app that comes with the OS. Once edited to my satisfaction, select all of the text, cut, then come back online and paste into the message and click “post message”. Worked wonders when I first tried to do this stuff with a laptop. Resting my thumb on the trackpad caused the *strangest* errors I couldn’t correct so easily while online, but did see after I’d pasted and reviewed my comment. Since, I don’t bother typing except on an external keyboard(no trackpad). And, pressing “save” from the app lets me keep my initial thoughts for later revision and expansion. My wife enjoys that as she can then see what my thoughts are on the subject; I don’t discuss scn much with her except as a result of “Aftermath” episodes and my blathering along about these blog posts.
That’s a great idea, jere, thank you. I’m definitely due for a tech upgrade all around!
To have donated $300,000 to purchase, renovate and open a building & then to be DENIED ENTRANCE because you just can’t afford to donate any more money, is a huge slap in the face, kick in the ass, gross insult. Add insult to injury by being “declared”…..there aren’t enough words.
There is in the Catholic Religion i.e. “what’s said during the Confessional”…well, you do know about that…AND…the “lawyer client deal”….you do know about that too, correct.
Yet there “they are”…..when a member or someone who’s blown is exposing the wrongs of this “cherch” they are LOW ENOUGH to use your OWN taped & recorded “Auditing Session”….having ALL of your private “crimes” reviewed & then EXPOSED because you spoke out again the “Cherch”……how DO they get away with that?
The person who’s your Auditor, is NOT a Professional, he has NO LICENSE to counsel you, he has NO education or background in a health field….yet there YOU are telling him or her EVERYTHING. Wow, whoever thought up THAT idea is a GENIUS…..what a way to get even with the “loud mouth” who complains and wishes to cause “harm” to COS.
A high level celeb who has spilled his most private “moments, sexual peccadillos” etc during an Auditing session…..they must walk around wearing “Depends”….in case they pee or crap themselves for fear one of those deep dark secrets will be EXPOSED if they don’t “ante up & keep their mouths shut”…..
Scientology cares not about the 1st Amendment or free speach except to use it as a battering ram against any who would take an HONEST look at scientology.
OT but not really. I was at lunch with my son, my brother, my nephew and my hubby yesterday. Somehow the topic got to Tom Cruise. My son said “as young as he still looks, it almost makes me want to check out scientology.”
My brother, sitting next to me said “uh oh” and looked at me. I said “them’s fighting words”, my hubby said “not in this lifetime” my son (who shares Apple Watch activity with me) said, “Hmm.. you just got your whole 30 minutes of exercise time in in 1 minute with that heart rate increase, sorry mom, bad joke.”
My 22 year old nephew then started relating an experience about how when he and his friend were walking down the street in Hollywood, some cute girl tried to get he and a friend to come watch a scientology video with her and wouldn’t take no for an answer. They finally had to run two different directions to get her to leave them alone.
Scientology is its own worst enemy.
The more they talk, the faster their demise.
Valerie, Good handle for your son’s comment. You could add in the future, all the stars get botox, face lifts, hair plugs, fillers, and you name it. ALL of them enhance their looks with plastic surgeon and facial stuff. They have the money for it and the need to always look “forever young.”
It’s telling that Parkin has few retweets or likes. That suggests he’s really just operating in the echo chamber of Scientology’s bubble.
The quotes he’s using apparently aren’t coming though Twitter – Scientology probably doesn’t want to encourage members using such online forums, lest they find themselves inundated with with the sort of overwhelmingly critical commentary found though the #scientology hashtag. My guess is that selections are taken from written comments gathered after ScnTV viewing parties at orgs, or some similar internal event or “briefing.”
If he’s “inundated” with material it’s probably only because Scientology is somehow requiring members to produce it, as is done with “success stories.”
#haters. Ha. Funniest old person thing I’ve seen typed on the interwebs in a long time. Next time it will be #blessed.
As I alluded to the other day, this Eddie guy presents all that Scientology has to offer in the form of an individual acting as an example of the effectiveness of Hubbard’s whacky social defense/policy directives. Try for a moment if you can, imagine what Eddie convinces himself of while looking at the reflection of himself in front of a mirror. Scientology’s mind manipulation is an attempt to rationalize and put to use insanity to make it ‘fit it’ as normal in the minds of their members. Eddie is not sane by any stretch of the imagination, instead he is an example of Scientology’s mental state at large. Insanity has a specific meaning imo,- to say you can understand it is a contradiction in terms. By its very nature Scientology’s insanity cannot be understood, only observed and labeled as such. The guy is crazy, like anyone who believes that Scientology is saving the world. Rationalizing his actions is an attempt to rationalize Scientology, which by the way is the source of his “applied crazy”. I hope the idiot is harmless when cornered or made to confront his lies. Getting Miscavige to confront his lies would see an explosion of insanity. You cannot cure Scientology – removing it from it’s ability to influence individuals via it’s vast stolen money reserves and abolish its tax exempt status sure is a logical approach.
The only real antidote to Scientology for the individual believing it, is for them to wake up to themselves and realize they’ve been had. The longer an individual believes Scientology is the solution for insanity, the crazier they become.
The still-ins who want to leave but can’t deserve support and assistance. But that is not Fast Eddy. He seems to wallow in his infamy as church non-spokesperson. He has lost any ability to think for himself. He’s limited in his life to what his masters tell him he can and can not do. He actually appears to have no inkling that there is something better than being a slave to the policies of Hubbard and the whims of Miscavige.
The term ‘brainwashed’ was invented for just such persons as Fast Eddy.
It verges on the unbelievable that Scilons like him are unable to find and absorb the
‘entheta’ that exists in so many places, in so many formats, all clearly revealing Hubbard’s scam and DM’s abuses. I can only think he enjoys being the way he is… which is to say he borders on being psychopathic.
I believe you are spot on here Ammo.
Every one of them can leave if they want to. Many courageous people posting here and elsewhere gave the middle finger to the cult’s disconnection blackmail. What these former-ins did, the current still iins can do. No one can hold them against their will. That’s kidnapping. All they have have to do is 1)Be willing to look, 2) Look and learn the truth , and 3) Leave.
That’s what every single person who left the cult did – in that sequence.
Decide to look, look, learn the truth, leave.
Its simple.
Easy – no; simple, yes.
And there’s not a single still in who doesn’t know this very well.
The church not only takes stuff out of confessionals, they out right lie. Almost everything the church says about me on their site is either an out right lie or a fabrication or twisting of the truth.
It only took a few seconds watching you on the TV show to realize that what you are saying is the truth.
I hope and pray that your son will soon return to you. God Bless you Mary.
Same with me, Mary. My goldenrod, which I never saw, but heard about from one friend who dared to ask to see it, was lies and fabrications. The part that hurts is this is what they told my kids and this is what they believe of their mom.
Yes. I know that hurt. Horrible.
Mike – what a show. I sat with my entire family as we did an intervention with the few people left in.
The show is helping crack that hard bubble of delusion around my family members still intoxicated by Hubbard’s promises of super powers coupled with thought stopping techniques like “don’t look at anything critical about Scientology” and “that is entheta”.
We simply asked them to watch the show and decide for themselves. We just wanted them to see what the church was hiding.
It is working! Bubble.Cracked!
Thank you Mike and Leah – for doing something about Scientology.
Great news!
Have them take a look at the big list:
(I never get tired posting it.)
After watching lady night’s episode I’m so angry at the level of deception by scientology. To see good people’s lives constantly trying to be destroyed by the cult is infuriating!
Well, since you asked, 😉 I wanted to give you my take on last night’s episode. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I just wanted to talk about one aspect of the show.
Mr. Schippers could have been me and hundreds, if not thousands, of other scientologists. Just change the principal players and the location and it’s the same damn story: The church of scientology uses its power to declare you Suppressive Person which means you lose income, family and/or friends, plus years of your life spent in believing in this church’s “good works.” Sometimes I feel the public at large and justice depts. have no idea the mental torture one goes through trying to hang onto those they love, their friends, income and lifestyle. It is pure hell and shunning/disconnection needs to start to be recognized as a control mechanism that works against the good faith intentions of the First Amendment. When this guest on this episode last night mentioned giving money to the church just because he wanted it to stop, the IRS, or the FBI or better yet our legislators need to understand that this is mental abuse resulting in extortion of monies. Criminals, psychopaths and sociopaths have done far less and given major jail sentences. ONE HAS TO BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE A “RELIGION” OR SPEAK OUT AGAINST ONE WITHOUT REPERCUSSIONS FROM THAT RELIGION otherwise one just becomes a willing or unwilling hostage to it.
It can’t be that hard to revoke 501c3 status of the church of scientology. COME ON IRS!!!! What else do you need to hear?! and how many times do you need to hear it?
I had a look at scientology’s rancid and rabid anti-aftermath video but had to cancel it after less than two minutes as I found the editing nausea-inducing. The lack of professionalism hits one like projectile vomitus, accompanied by a soundtrack that is equally way over the top. Clearly, this is a video constructed by some seriously disturbed people. No danger of an Emmy for these morons.
Go Leah! Go Mike! It’s very obvious that you are hitting the target. And then some!
Good work! Thank you.
Let’s keep in mind that all of this attention is keeping EP smug and satisfied that he’s doing his job. If he reads any of these posts and comments, he no doubt believes he’s living inside our heads rent free. We can’t stop talking about him. I’d recommend a different tactic. I would simply point out his years of no real accomplishments, and no production stats that have ever contributed to the expansion of his Church. Let him quack, but turn it around as an indication of his epic failure as a staff member. Pointing out the grim realities of their incompetence and ineptitude is our greatest weapon.
Well, I suppose the retired federal worker could be a disgruntled post office employee, maybe Fast Eddie’s old mailman? The use of the words Federal worker covers a wide range. (Personally I think Federal Employee would have been much scarier!) The word federal just makes it sound like some great authority I guess. Sort of like saying “I am calling my attorney” is supposed to intimidate. Hey, it’s your nickle.
Anyway…loved last night’s show! I bet it made DM feel like he was getting a nuclear wedgie 🙂
Let me set the context of Fast Eddie. This guy is like a priest, and acting as a spokesman of a Bishop or Pope. He uses confidential individual folders that are supposed to be for the spiritual enlightenment of that person and uses it to attack them? Whoever authorized this has a severely flawed plan for helping through hatred. Fast Eddie should write a blog on the unethical nature of abuse by his own church. Can’t believe this is what Scientology calls Spiritual Technology. Shameful.
I notice the grammar of that ” ex- federal employee”isn’t exactly up to par. LOL Just saying. He’s so obvious. Only a long time sea org member without an education would write like that and not notice it. sheepish
The IRS is supporting the only religion in the world that requires a detailed confessional from all new members and then threatens to disclose it later if any member speaks out about the abuses of Scientology. This is what happened to me. My confessions in 1972 were put on the internet as soon as I spoke out in 2012…40 years later.
EVERY CURRENT SCIENTOLOGIST knows the nasty crap they read about EX-MEMBERS is coming from their respective PC folders. This technique is fair warning to current members of what will happen to THEM if they should ever speak out about the abuses of Scientology….
Is this blackmail, in the criminal sense, to everyone inside the cult to keep them inside the cult?
Scientology operates above and outside the law. They search for ways to skirt the law to get more money and to find more ways to keep their ill-gotten gains offshore and out of the reach of the law….
L Ron Hubbard could abuse Americans because it is the land of freedom of religion. There should be an American law that prevents this mass blackmail by ANY RELIGION including fake ones like Scientology. All other real religions would condemn Scientology for this practice of disclosing “forced” new member confessionals in order to stop whistleblowing members when they finally learn their money is going to a commercial enterprise and fake religion.
Had to laugh at Last Eddie on the show last night. A snide little weirdo with a goofy grin giving non-responses to questions and siccing his goons on people.
I would like to see more done in a future episode to refute the lies told to all Scientologists that the religion is expanding.
For a Still In, this is a big part of why you shake off the negative things you hear as all being lies, or why you disregard what you see with your eyes, that nothing is happening in your org. All the phony stats are up, they keep showing us all these new buildings they are opening, they call us the “fastest growing religion” which must be based on some kind of fact… they say there are “millions” of other clams around the world.
If people could see clearly that the church peaked decades ago and is in decline all around the world, they’d be able to see that they are being lied to and once that dam breaks, they’ll see they are being pervasively lied to by the church about EVERYTHING.
“For a Still In, this is a big part of why you shake off the negative things you hear as being lies, or why your disregard what you see with your eyes, that nothing is happening in your org.”
What about the people who HAVE left?
As regards those who HAVE left and/or those UTR and planning to leave, is it not true that each of them at SOME point DECIDED to STOP doing exactly what you’ve described above?
Mark, its like this – for Still Ins, for anybody – for some people, seeing is believing. For others, believing is seeing.
Ed Parkin was RPF’s RPF MAA and even was a watch of mine, over Xmas when I threatened blowing the RPF and going to the press or get a lawyer, I had special watches for a few days, Ed was one for one shift or two.
I wonder what Ed’s family in UK thinks about his career and role today. They must be beyond sad about the way Ed’s life turned out.
You have to wonder why some of them boast about being in for 30, 40 years … but are still low on the bridge. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Mrs. B., Especially when Xenu’s ‘body-thetans” talk is something Ed’s not supposed to expose himself to, and Xenu’s “body-thetans” talk is so prevalently in the news and media and people walking into Scientology more and more are learning that Scientology’s “Advanced Orgs” are simply where Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism is taught and the exorcism done.
Ed’s to me routinely crying wolf, hyping up Scientology’s enemies as wolves and worse, and it’s just weighing so against Scientology’s hype false crying wolf claims of Scientology’s enemies.
Again, it’s always the fault of the rules Hubbard left the movement staff (OSA) stuck as their only options for countering the public’s criticism of Hubbard’s Scientology’s obvious continuing institutionalized controversial self caused problems.
Scientologists are really left holding Hubbard’s bag/cult bad rules.
Do you know how long he was on the RPF and for what?
But…but…. Mike!
You tell us you get so much material for your own blog about idle, empty orgs, or for Thursday funnies, or… “from some correspondent”!
Are you saying you’re pulling all that out of your you-know-where?!
Off topic….. i live here in South Africa. So not one single newsite or website has any word whatsoever about the “Monumental” opening of Kyalami Castle.
in fact, not a single news story about scientology in south africa at all since 2014.
What an impact they must be having here!!!???
Where did all the whores go who were shacking up in Kyalami Castle?
They were sent to Hemet to spruce the place upl
Eddie takes stuff out of my confessional files to smear me, and I am not even on your show!
Or, maybe that is my ex-wife, Church attorney & Sea Org Member, Jeanne Reynolds…..
Is Jeanne Reynolds the same as Jeanne Hough (once married to a psychiatrist)?