Scientology is circulating this promotional piece:
The FBI should be investigating scientology for human rights abuses not legitimizing them with “presentations” at their front groups. The earlier FBI investigation, targeting scientology human trafficking, was scuttled.
Now, a scientology front group is trying to legitimize itself by claiming FBI sanction/support. This is happening in a scientology building in downtown Clearwater. The FBI Field Office in Tampa knew a lot about the scientology Human Trafficking investigation. What are they thinking? We KNOW what scientology is thinking – it is what they do all the time, getting “official endorsements” to legitimize themselves.
This is where this “FBI presentation” is scheduled to take place — image from the website:
Even by Scientology’s standards, that’s an incredible amount of hypocrisy. I don’t know how an organization could be more hypocritical unless the Westboro Baptist Church hosted a Gay Pride rally or the KKK organized a Black Lives Matter protest.
I live in Tacoma Wa, which is a pretty big metro area south of Seattle. There used to be a Scientology building here, but no more? I wonder why? Tacoma is lower income, is that why? I think L. Ron lived here at one point. An ideology is interesting because they are set up to fail. There may be suckcess in ones mind but the reality is there will always be an opposing view because the doctrine is not set up by only facts. Conflict is inevitable from the beginning. – Be a light to ones self
There are so many comments on this thread that I haven’t been able to read them all (a testament to the difference Mike and Leah are making). Just to add to the human rights discussion, I run an entertainment website for TV and music coverage. As such, I get emails from PR companies wanting us to promote news stories that pertain to those topics. In April of this year I received a PR email from a company I don’t ever work with that wanted us to promote a news story about the humanitarian work Scientology is doing. I find it very ironic that an organization that tells its members to stay off the internet unless they are supervising them would be attempting to use it to promote themselves. Though, nothing they do is shocking at this point.
Maybe this is what they really are doing?
Is there any plan to protest their FAKE HUMAN TRAFFICING AWARENESS EVENT, to further shed light that THEY are the largest group guilty of Human Trafficing? If not, there should be. So very proud of your tenacity and fearless strength. Our Government needs to WAKE UP!!
I wouldn’t be in least little bit surprised if the FBI offers the service free of charge and being $camology they used it as a way to rake in some more cash (no doubt after the agent or relations person left) and give themselves an air of legitimacy. Business as usual, if it’s free we’ll find a way to monetise it.
Leah and Mike are doing a fantastic job exposing this crazy “Cult”.
Keep shining the light of reason on this group. Congress pays close attention to the tactics used in our *military* to interrogate and psychologically break enemy prisoners. They need to realize that Scientology (and other groups) use these same exact tactics to control and exploit American citizens. It shouldn’t matter that it is a non-violent coercion. Scientology is a total bait-and-switch operation. The Government should require an investigation and disclosure of all psychological methodologies in their recruiting, training, auditing and fund raising. We have stiff laws against predatory lending tactics in finance. Scientology is just a form of predatory lending of psychological capital.
Right! Who was it here that Mike Rinder blogged about who was in essence “waterboarded” made to stand in a trash can with water poured on her? What “church” tortures people? Only CULTS do that.
That would be Debbie Cook
Thank you! Yes. I’m a wog trying to get up to speed in this previously unfamiliar territory.
I see my comment went through.
I just want to tell you,Mike and Leah what a great thing you are doing.And especially those of you who got out and started telling what was going on before you had much support.
I thought I read on @twitter that the FBI backed out of that?
This is a test
Two things specifically that I find very interesting about the website. First, the only indication I can find of a connection to Scientology is Mary Shuttleworth’s name. Secondly, they have a whole bunch of pdf downloads of documents and declarations but they want you to sign up with a name and e-mail address in order to download them.
I’d be interested to know how many poor unfortunate souls have done just that and found themselves subjected to a constant barrage of e-mails and phone calls for donations.
Yingling does a great job of showing how ridiculous the lies spouted by scientology are. Worst public relations speaker ever. What a ridiculous mess. Twitchy, horrible eye contact, stutters. The definition of hot mess.
Is the exact feeling I’ve got
when I saw her…
her rolling eyes closed.
herself don’t believe what coming
out her mouth to defend this culte
also is funny how from being in duo
with the “angry man” tommy Davis
now she’s alone, after the mouthpiece
Wow!! Now the church of Scientology is holding you and Leah responsible for death threats to their dictator – DM! You and Leah have the “church” on the run…don’t let up!!!
You are being CANCELLED.
You may want to overweight your investment portfolio with some Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). They are purveyors of many coping products that are increasing in popularity with those finding themselves on the wrong side of public sentiment; against those with a history of decades of depravity: facial scrubs (capable of washing several layers of encrusted egg off of ones face) along with black, platinum, and purple hair dies.
MIke, I just saw the entire 20/20 presentation on ABC about Lean with the Cof$ sending their lawyer, Monique Yingling. Wow, the interviewer did a great job as did Leah and others in the show. Tony O was great too. But what really struck me was how easy it was to see that Monique Lingling was lying. Her body language gave her away. She has nonstop eye flutters, as she keeps blinking continuously. That alone says she is lying per the science of looking at body language. There used to be an entire show based on that scientific evidence of how to tell if someone is lying called, “Lie To Me” and it was good. Also Monique blushed at times, showing her guilt too. And she never once answered a question directly. It was all deflect and attack Leah, deflect and give a general denial without any specifics of the specifics. It was one generality after another, denial constantly, deflect on how bad these apostates are, but never actually give a truthful answer. Amazing that she sold her soul for money and will lie for money. I hope the world at large can see through the church’s attorney on that 20/20 show.
And the walls keep tumbling down…
Lieing her ass off
I used to watch ‘Lie to Me’ and it was a great show. I recall there was an episode on rescuing a woman from a cult. The doctors on the show read the body language of the cult members who were all saying how happy they were to be there and were sure that they were doing the right thing for their lives. It was a compound out in the middle of nowhere too. Sounds familiar…
I wonder if whoever at ‘United for Human Rights’ arrange this event with the FBI told them, “We’re not part of $cientology.”? Last I checked, lying to the FBI was illegal and they arrested people for it.
Regarding the campaign of exposing the abuses and of particular interest, abuse of children and young people, do we have a timeline anywhere of the church policy on children and the SO? You’re pretty fantastic at whipping out the references and laying things out. I’m thinking that somewhere it would be good to have this information.
Here’s a thumbnail of what I know/think I heard/witnessed during almost 4 decades in – it would be good to get it fleshed out and the actual timeline and truth nailed, with references where available:
(I could be wrong about any/all of this, I was Class V org staff and trained at Flag and LA, but never in the SO) (and I don’t have the “2D Rules” HCOPL to hand. (oops, burnt in the big fire)
1. SO beginning: no “2D” rules – free-for-all – there were random couplings, lots of sex and no rules. Unmarried people coupled. This created “flaps” and problems. Babies got made.
2. SO members must be married. They do and they have babies. There are childcare set ups, rules on family time. (broken all the time)
3. Cadet orgs formed? There were various incarnations of “orgs” for kids – the Ranch, etc. (Hitler youth orgs)
4. No babies to be born in SO. Kids can join with parents but the kid must be 6 years old or older
5. Children can’t join unless they sign up themselves, They can’t just be brought in with the parents, they have to be in agreement and sign a contract, (age of this? not sure, but in 93 it included kids as young as 10)
6. Up to now there are rules about school, and attending school within the SO. Here’s a big area of interest: how much “post time” these little guys had to do, how often they saw their parents, WHO “taught” them this so-called school, how they ran wild…..the punishments, the ethics applied to the kids, (horror stories)
7. You have to be 16 to join
8. School is not working, (labelled a “distraction”) so therefore you must have a GED to join.
9. Current rules?
Along this timeline you also have the added rules public didn’t know about, with marriage rules within the SO. We’ve heard tales of not being allowed to marry outside your SO org, or different levels of management, with marriages being forbidden at INT, etc. There are undoubtedly stories of “forced” divorces.
It’s my understanding that what we’re going for here is to expose the abuses and abusive practices and policies as opposed to making fun of the OT levels and TR0 Bullbait. The treatment of children is rife, as we know.
(feel free to save this comment/question for a different thread. It’s off topic but with the 20/20 thing coming up with info on young people sec checking elders on sex, it’s apropos.)
Off topic but interesting question.
My brother ,who is French and lives in a very small town where most people have never heard of scientology, told me a story of a recently widowed lady with a very healthy bank account. A week after the death of her husband 2 Scientologists showed up at her house . Obviously , they were after the money.
The lady threw them out . But how could they know? A grieving widow , inheritance available , cash in bank account. This is odd. Do they read obituaries?
That is down right scary and need to be shared everywhere…
Yes. It is “Paper Moon” scaled up. They found me recently by accessing my water bill. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I am.
Could her banker, lawyer or notary (notaire) be a scientologist? He/She would have access to that kind of information.
Of course, it would be highly unethical but at this point it wouldn’t surprise me.
The Church of Scientology and … “human rights” … a “church” that forces parents not to associate with their children … that forces grandparents never to even meet their grandchildren … that forces people to break off contact with their own parents and makes them agree that their parents and children are evil … that forbids their parishioners from reading or watching anything critical about their “church” … that as a matter of course, extorts money from its parishioners to the point of bankruptcy … that CONTINUALLY lies to its parishioners and spreads vicious stories about anyone whose reputation they decide to destroy … that works people of all ages around the clock with insufficient sleep and when they get too old or sick to work, even after decades of contribution, throws them in the trash bin like garbage …
… yes, this is the organization that wants to be known as fighting for “human rights” …. anyone still wonder why Alice in Wonderland is a daily scientology text? … talk about mental conditioning!
I just called Sanna about reserving a seat at the event. She said that it was full but to leave my phone and email and she would contact me when a seat was available???????
Well, don’t hold your breath waiting for her call. But you may get some calls asking for money…
BTW, Mike, you got $20 you can spot me?
A bit off-topic, but the Daily Mail site has a new story today about Leah’s upcoming 20/20 episode, including some of Monique Yingling’s ludicrous statements to ABC. (The most interesting thing about the Daily Mail is the comments, and there are currently about 400 comments on the story, overwhelmingly pro-Leah.)
A facial expression expert on yingling’s talk would be worthwhile and fun!
Wishing we had a way to ^up vote/like these comments there are so many good ones! Good job blog followers!!
Until a full government investigation into scientology human trafficking and abuse of members can be conducted, the least that can be done is have a Leo Ryan/Jackie Speier type visit to Int Base by concerned government officials (sans the assault rifle/mass suicide episode.)
Local, state or federal officials could conduct this to identify if there are members trapped there who want to leave.
This would at least make some progress towards freeing captive members who are desperate to leave. Those who still buy into the bubble can stay.
A mere fact finding mission of this sort should be conducted at all sites where sea org members are based.
Nobody’s religious rights would be trampled.
I completely understand the outrage of everyone, but the FBI may have had an intension that we aren’t aware of?? They may be subtly trying to get a foot in the door, they are NOT stupid! In the mean time, everyone is free to react to this news anyway they want. Down with the $ilons and all their front groups! Keep up the great work Mike and please give Leah a hug for me!
Well all due respect but the FBI does not need a foot in the door. They need to simply open an investigation. If the door is locked ….. which it always will be…………get a warrant!
Investigating a church is one thing. Investigating for child abuse is another. Go for the abuses and let the cherch believe anything they want.
I get it. My point is that the FBI was investigating the cherch at times in the past and for some reason unknown to us … they were unable to get the appropriate paperwork to serve on the cherch. So I am just allowing for another tactic to gather the evidence needed to take them down. The 1st amendment can be a tricky tightrope to walk when you are a government org. Good comment Newcomer either way.
The Mann Act is a very old law and it’s IMHO quite appropriate with $ci’s behaviors
That is exactly what I was thinking. If I remember reading, a group of family and former members went to Ryan’s office to complain, which started the investigation.
I agree. That could be described as an appropriate “ethics gradient”. Thgose can be very effective. It will make people inside awate that someone cares and that there are other options.
Mike: Leah mentioned dropping flyers at one point. Why not one of those advertizing/crop duster type airplanes with a banner behind it flying over each of the $ci Org/Morgues the three in CoCal and CL Fla? Let the banner read simply: CALL HOME
What a media buzz this would create plus raise hope for those being held/stuck/in thought prison.
United for Human Rights is the largest non-governmental human rights outfit in the world? Interestingly I found no mention of it anywhere except on its own official-looking website. I wonder if the church was stupid enough to introduce the FBI to it as such. That would be very misleading and I don’t think the FBI likes being misled. That and a few timely phone calls may have dashed Miscavige’s hopes of an attractive alliance. As if…
Alrighty then! Now the FBI needs to do a welfare check on whoever Sanna is – she’s listed on that Sci front group poster and anyone else who had a hand in this bright idea. We all know there is the wrath of hell is going to hurled her way now. Maybe she’ll be interested in defecting to the real world by tonight. At least we know she has the number to the FBI. I would still like to know if an FBI rep was actually planning on making this presentation, and a name. Maybe a badge number? So good to hear about all the others who contacted the FBI – by land, by sea, and by tweet.
Sara Goldberg commented below that the FBI told her when she called “Your voices have been heard”.
LOL. Seems like everyone’s a songstress/comedian these days. So good! And tonight we get to see Monique Yingling Not address the abuses but instead attack Leah Remini who as of this moment has millions of new fans for her role as Queen Leah vs. Darth David. Yeah, that should work. Scientology, the Religion of Billable Hours.
Suddenly I am feeling a bit tingly all over. Oh my.
Best thing I’ve read on so very long….
“A Voice for the Voiceless…”
An utter mockery of the people which got harmed in the Church of Scientology and who got silenced or they tried to silence. It is an effort to try to dead-agent Leah Remini who says she gives “a voice” to the victims of the CoS.
I wonder if this FBI agent knows that he could not be a member of the church (and receive services) due to his association with a police/intelligence agency.
If they didn’t know enough NOT to put on a human trafficking presentation hosted by one of the worst offenders of human trafficking in the guhlaxy, I highly doubt they’d know they’re ineligible to become members themselves. Boy I wish I had been ineligible. Oh well….
I’m sorry for what happened to you
Pat Harney: Hello Agent Dawson, so nice to hear from you. We’re so looking forward to your presentation.
Agent Dawson: Pat, we have a problem.
Not sure where you found out that CoS was circulating that announcement, but if it was on a website, do you know if it’s been updated that they’re cancelling the event? Just curious if they’re still trying to figure out how to do damage control or if they are going to keep the event and invite a guest speaker, like perhaps hiring (and paying) a former FBI agent to come, so they don’t have to tell their members who were planning on coming.
I called the Tampa Bay office of the FBI, as many of you did here. They told me that the event was canceled. I said “thank God” and proceeded to gave the FBI person an earfull on Scientology. She said to me: YOUR VOICES HAVE BEEN HEARD. i thanked them for listening and she said “You’re welcome.”
Howdy Doody: What time is it boys and girls?
Lil’ Davey Miscavige: Time to beat the shit out of somebody?
No need for an assault today Harvey. He has lockdown in place.
Yo Dave,
You will need to be sure no one is allowed to escape from Your cult. You certainly cannot afford to let any of the kids out to tell the world of their tales of imprisonment and abuse.
But Dave, know this; I am calling the FBI in Tampa to let them know that I have not heard from my daughter in over four years and I cannot even get Your cherch to put me through on a phone call. Seems odd for a group promoting an end to human rights violations.
Well good on ya folks! I cannot even get through to the FBI number due to heavy traffic. That is the kind of human traffic I like to see.
Yo Dave,
The FBI stats are up today good buddy due to an exponential rise in numbers of Scientology abuse reports.
I’m glad more are speaking out, with more interviews and publicity maybe I won’t have to be a little scared of the seasons. About time.
Sorry to hear that Newcomer. Keep the faith brother.
Praying for your daughter’s safe return to her family.
Thanks Teresa,
My biggest worry is how Haley will come through this. For many years I chose to say nothing because of the worry that I would be disconnected. When I realized that even though I could talk to her, there was never any time to visit or say anything and that even if I did say something, she would have to report it ……….. that was the day things changed.
I was looking at a photo of her last evening. She was asleep. We had gone for a Christmas visit and were staying at the Manor. She stayed in our room. She got in late …3:00AM or something and slept the next day. Then she had to go on post that next evening. At least I got a photo of her sleeping.
I felt good that I was at least able to provide a good days rest for her. Although she is an adult now, years of cumulative processing from the cult has produced a willing slave for them.
Yo OSA Losers,
I hope the day I meet up with you on the street that I am in a better frame of mind. At the moment it would not work out well for you. And I don’t think you are winning many friends these days. For that I am happy.
Gee Newcomer. I wish you the best in getting Haley back in your life and feel your pain. After doing what I can for the last 2 years to get my son back, I have sort of written him off (he is 26 so he is a grown man) but to hear your story actually hurts a bit more. Perhaps it is just the compounded feeling of losing my son and hearing the story of you losing your daughter.
All the best. Gary
Terrible Newcomer that there are so many of us in this situation. I feel sad for you. Sending lots of hugs.
OK now! Back to Regraded Being!
Great job on getting the event cancelled. I just saw that the cherch owns When you go to the site, it is a totally obvious SCN site, but NO mention of scientology that I could find.
Running a whois on the domain shows a Beth Akiyama of Los Angeles. Googling her name + scientology ties the two.
Is there an updated list of Politicians who are still members of Scientology or are Scientology supports (i.e. received “benefits” from CO$)?
I read that Florida resident whose area covered Clearwater, FL Rep David Jolly lost his re election bid????
I found an old link with some good info:
I just got off the phone with the FBI in Tampa (813 253-1000) and let them know that the Church of Scientology was using them in an effort to position themselves against Human Trafficking and to legitimize their front group. I let them know that I worked in the Sea Org for 28 years (20 years in Clearwater) and Scientology takes the passports away from all foreign recruits, covers up child rapes, works children 80 plus hours a week, strong arms staff to have abortions, holds people against their will, etc, etc. I know this first hand. Feel welcome to call the FBI and express your concern.
People like you make a huge difference
Thank you !
Mat, you are an inspiration. Many thanks to you and Amy Scobee (I think she’s your wife; if I’m mistaken, I’m sorry, but I still thank her too!
) for fighting on for justice, especially after the abuse you endured from COS.
You and Amy are awesome. Did you point them to Leah’s A&E show – especially the one with Amy describing being raped as a child and the cover-up?
Good on you, Mat! Way to go!
I just called Tampa FBI. They told me it has been cancelled!!!!!!!!
I said to the women on the phone, “Thank you God”!!!!!
She just giggled and thanked me!!
We did it!!!!.
Great news! Good work everyone!
This strategy should be employed for every one of their attempts at “safe pointing”. Schools and wherever else they spread their lies.
Find out where they’re going, supply the number and POOF…..gone like a messy engram.
I used my Jedi Knight mind power to help out….
No OSD I did!
My thetan is bigger than your thetan!
This is a sign of things to come.
Our numbers are growing exponentially.
You guys are awesome! How do you measure Dave’s thetan?
ANSW: You need a device that has graduations in micromilli givashits!
CLUE: That’s really really small.
Grasshopper, you still have much to learn before you become a Jedi Night……..ummmmmmm……I mean Jedi Knight. I will be there to help you.
Now if the FBI would reopen their investigation into SCN. – Sort of make up for the damage done!
Have you and Lois called the FBI and asked them to reopen an investigation (no investigation is ever actually ‘closed’)? You two would carry plenty of weight and validity; especially after Lois’ Episode on A&E.
We have a friend who is an ex-FBI agent and my next door neighbor is a CA Attorney General and I have spoken to both of them about the church. My uptake from our conversation with both is that unless you have some factual evidence of a crime, there isn’t much they can do. We have abuse, anger, ruining our family, PI’s patrolling our house, our childhoods taken away from us, losing a child thru disconnection – but no actual crimes.
I’ll keep fighting though. Something has got to give.
I just called the Tampa office as well and can confirm this. I started by saying “I heard that you guys were….” and before I could even finish my sentence, she said “the human trafficking presentation with Scientology?” I said yes, and she confirmed that it has in fact been cancelled. Thank you Mike for making us aware of this and to the many others who called.
Winning the good fight!!!
Kickin’ ass & takin’ names. Lots & lots of names.
That is great news indeed! It is one thing to be able to snow some small group of administrators of a private fundamentalist Christian school regarding the $cn affiliation of Narconon or CCHR into allowing their representatives to speak at assemblies, but it is another thing altogether for the FBI to be taken in by the cult!
What is tragically ironic (call it, “elronic”) about any $cn front group speaking out about human trafficking in the form of forced labor and domestic servitude is that the cult is itself one of the worst offenders! Because the $ea Orgy’s domestic recruiting pool has been reduced to a few thousand 2nd gen $cilons young people, they’ve increasingly looked to foreign labor sources to exploit in recent years.
It’s high time that the FBI and other national security and law enforcement agencies investigated the cult to see just how many foreign workers have been recruited into the $ea Orgy to work long hours under harsh conditions and duress for less than prison industry wages. They could start by getting a hold of the “New Foreign Workers” routing form and finding out exactly where they’re “asked” to give up their passports for “safekeeping”.
Perhaps this is just the result of the oversight and stupidity of this one FBI field office (I sure hope so), but it’s still extremely troubling that this killer cult, which thinks nothing of exploiting the hell out of minors and whoever falls victim to its lies and propaganda, could get anyone – let alone the FBI – to chump for their transparent con!
Oooh VERY well done you guys
I couldn’t have done it without you, Antonia…
Foiled again Dave! Muwahahahaha!!
Cancelled, YAY!!
Thank you, your fortitude is truly admirable.
Geeze Brian, now lil Davey is gonna have to fly the photo op crew back to Hemet for a major ass chewing since they failed to get their product.
Maybe they will swing by Tom’s new chateau and do a PR piece on Mission Impossible …….”Getting Good PR for the Cherch of Cultology”
Maybe they can air brush in some FBI people. Or make a life size card board cut out that stands up. Have someone pull a string to move the mouth.
Humpy is in pieces all over the place and Lie-in-tology is make believing that nothing is happening.
I guess if you practice make believe your whole life and do irreparable damage to your reasoning skills, at some point the church of Scientology will collapse under the weight of it’s own self created make believe.
It’s inability to see what is real. What is actually before it.
That’s what happened to Hubbard.
It’s what happens when the road your on does not lead to truth: but to lies and falsehoods.
Wait, doesn’t CoS consider government agencies to be “suppressive”? Why would they work in conjunction with an agency that previously investigated THEM for human trafficking violations? I still get amazed by the mounting logical fallacies of this organization (unless I’m misinformed about any of this).
Do not mistake this as Scn’s “moral conviction”. The only conviction Scn has is “if its good for Scn, it’s moral.” They will get in bed with ANYONE, if there’s some profit in it.
I just got a call from the FBI Tampa. They said the event I wrote them about was CANCELLED.
Great work Toot!
Way to go, tooters!
This is interesting. I would almost certainly bet that this little foray will evolve into another hefty pack of lies broadly spewing forth from the Cof$ in due course (once they get the legal go ahead). They just can’t help themselves. But we must remember Scientology is at war with the truth about about themselves and anyone who mentions or deals with it in any way. It is not surprising that they would attempt something like this. They probably think this is going to scare the pants off its enemies. However, the more stuff they come up with like this is simply more stuff that can be used against them. Tick tock you silly, silly people of Scientology, the FBI is not the type of organisation that sees the lighter side of things when they wake up to being used.
In Scientologese, the Cof$ is motivating.
This is outrageous! I am going to inquire about seats to see what kind of response I get.
Sent this letter to this email address:
I personally was held at the Scientology International Base in Hemet California against my will and made to work from 9am until 11pm, sometimes longer (like 24/48 hours) when I was 14-16 years old. We were behind locked, armed guard gated fences. We had to be a roll calls 3 times a day or we would be hunted town with a person called an Master At Arms holding a swagger stick. I was never hit with it, but there was always the threat. I did NOT get to to go school and finish my education. Instead I was sent to study the church doctrine and learn VERBATIM every utterance that L. Ron Hubbard spoke, wrote or filmed. On most Thursdays (toward the end of my time there) I would be made to stay awake from 9am Thursday until 11am Friday working on collecting and graphing the international statistics from every single mission, group, church that existed on the planet.
I escaped by hiding on a mail run in a mail van then hiding in Santa Monica while they hunted for me (and eventually found me). I rode a train (sleeper car so I could watch for people looking for me) from LA to Naperville Illinois. That’s where they tracked me down. It took 3 days. I was then put on a Greyhound Bus to Columbus Ohio where my mother took me home. At our house was a member of the church of scientology sitting at our kitchen table waiting for me to then put me on a plane to Newark NJ then back to Los Angeles. When I arrived at Los Angeles I was put on what they call “the decks” and did manual labor every day. We worked next to the trash dumpster loading docks in an open garage. It was awful. In the eyes of the church I was in big trouble and if I wanted to remain connected to my mother and sister I would have to write down all of the trangressions I had done. This is called an Overt Withhold Write Up (OW Write-Up). The purpose is to make me be responsible for causing all of the trouble I did for running away from the International Base headquarters. The story continues and it’s not good.
It was even WORSE what happened to my little sister.
When I saw that the FBI was doing a Human Rights my heart stopped beating.
HOW could this scientology organization be supported by the government organization that would sincerely stop the human trafficking I experienced??
I called into the number on their flyer and spoke to a lady that confirmed they were sponsored by scientology BUT SHE SAID THEY WERE NOT SCIENTOLOGY. This is just a flat out lie.
Please do not help scientology.
Please go into their buildings and let people know they can talk to you and GET OUT. These people (like me) have probably been part of the organization for decades and do not have anyone they can go to outside for help, food, shelter, clothing. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.
I thought I could get out and go to my own mom for help. She was told my sister and I would be cared for by a guardian when we were away. WE WERE NOT. We had no help, no parent, no guidance, no medical, nothing…we were on our own and completely dependent on the sea organization of the scientology group to keep us alive. And they only would do that IF I would work work work work work.
It’s an awful trap.
Heart breaking. Thanks for your story and your courage TOOT.
This story may have been the information that stopped the event. Very powerful and honest.
First, I am so terribly sorry for what you went through. Second your testimony, so eloquently stated, is vital for bringing this cult to its knees. Keep up the good fight and know that a growing legion of never ins are at the ready to help in any way we can.
Hear, hear!
Toot, that is so sad that you had to suffer such to the hands of that cult. I’m so glad you emailed the FBI about it.
I don’t keep track of the labels for various crimes but this surely sounds like false imprisonment and perhaps kidnapping and I would think that the statute of limitations for those crimes must be quite lengthy. I surely hope the FBI could do something about this still.
I’d love to hear if they ever respond to your emailed letter.
Toot, I’m so sorry you had to endure this torment and I pray for much love and happiness to come your way. This testimony should stop any official in their tracks and consider righting this wrong. This should be attached to letters written to all elected Members of Congress. Residents of Florida should flood testimonials like this all over Senator Rubio’s State and DC offices. I’m in Texas and unaware of any CO$ presence here, but I’d like to pass this on to my Senator who often takes a hard stand against such matters? I love seeing results like this. Ya’ll got it done.
Toot, please consider sending copies of what you wrote to every Congressperson and Senator. It’s a very powerful message, one that should be heard by as many people as possible.
+1! Absolutely! ASAP!
Toot, this makes me so sad – I live in Naperville and can see the train from my window. I’m glad you made it out, and if your letter didn’t wake some people up in that office, I can’t imagine what will.
You’re my hero, Toot. Way to go!
Dear TOOT for OTs,
If Scientology Sea Org life scares you away, in your first moments of desparation, call 911, call nearest FBI, and walk to nearby other churches.
All decent churches can be reached 24/7 (I have a contact for Clearwater, half a dozen Clearwater ministers are willing privately discretely, to help.)
… “expands its international movement to a Florida region beset by a human trafficking crisis” …OF ITS OWN MAKING!!
This is beyond the pale.
Several thoughts come to mind regarding the flier….
Was it meant for Scientologist eyes only? And, if so, is there *really* any FBI agent involvement in the “presentation?” OR, just a hired actor who has signed a sworn to secrecy contract since the ruse will be for the greater good?
Or, if an agent actually is involved might it be a sting operation? And, could the message be worded such that it will open the eyes, ears, hearts and minds of some in attendance.
Perhaps only time will tell.
To quote the infamous SP Mike Rinder: The hypocrisy….it burns or something to that effect. I think the days of safe pointing are coming to an end Davey boy unless the sheriffs, politicians, anybody in the judiciary capacity who’re you’re bribing with TAX EXEMPT FUNDS aren’t bothered by the backlash that will undoubtedly result. Because this cult is going down.
In other news:
Hey ABC, Scientology, A War Without Guns? Those PI’s following David Miscavige’s father weren’t packing pea shooters. They were packing an arsenal including a home made silencer if I recall.
I hope Leah responds to the religious bigotry charge simply as this:
“I don’t care what you believe in. The Marcab Confederation, Evil Body Thetans, dropping souls into volcanoes, etc, etc, etc. This is a free country that provides it’s citizens with the God given right to choose to believe in whatever they want so long as: THEY DON’T HURT PEOPLE, ABUSE PEOPLE.”
Help me here please somebody. Isn’t the interaction of a minor with an adult as described in the story of this young man illegal in some form? Why is it illegal for an adult citizen to carry on an x-rated correspondence on the internet with a minor (which I’m pretty sure it is), but you can do it in $cientology because of it’s reglious cloak??????
Oh, and finally Davey, in the short clip I saw of your personal liar….I mean lawyer, she looks terrible. What’s the matter hiding behind Mommy’s skirt? You’re such a coward.
‘Help me here please somebody. Isn’t the interaction of a minor with an adult as described in the story of this young man illegal in some form? Why is it illegal for an adult citizen to carry on an x-rated correspondence on the internet with a minor (which I’m pretty sure it is), but you can do it in $cientology because of it’s reglious cloak??????’ ^^^ this. Good question.
That was an excellent post Harvey.
Keeping Scientology Working – thanks FBI – you fucking morons!
Oh – and mark all 8 of us down OSA – we WILL be attending THAT event for sure!
Leah has been very good about staying on point. It’s about the ABUSES!
It’s not about the beliefs. “Religious Bigotry” cry by Monique the Blink is just another red herring, as well as the implication that Leah is inciting death threats against David Miscavige, which reminds me of “the pity play” that Martha Stout talks about in her book The Psychopath Next Door.
Dave’s trying the ole, “Please, everybody, feel sorry for me. I work so hard as the ecclesiastical leader of the fastest growing religion on earth. It’s so haaaarrdddd. And this meanie, Leah, is making people hate me. That’s a hate crime.”
No, Leah is informing people in the hopes of making them mad enough to write their lawmakers.
Oh, Mary, I know you weren’t trying to be funny, but you crack me up – I love you! ♥ (And I agree!!)
Child Protective Services would be interested in seeing these Internet “correspondences”…..
The short answer there is, it’s not legal. But getting someone in LE interested in pursuing it as a crime, or an attorney willing to take the case on a contingency basis and pursue it as a civil matter, is another thing altogether.
Wherever you find insular high-demand/high-control groups in which all matters of concern involving parishioners are required to be dealt with privately and within the group’s internal system of oversight and justice, you have the potential for serious abuse and cover up. When that involves the sexual/physical abuse of minors, then whatever you might think about the right of adults to choose for themselves to get involved with these kinds of groups goes right out the window because it should never apply in the same way to minors.
Just as there can be no informed consent by minors in signing contracts or engaging in sexual relations with adults, there should be no informed consent to join a pseudo-military, “cult within a cult” group like the $ea Org. No parent should have the legal right to approve their child’s recruitment into the $ea Orgy because to do so is, in effect, to give the cult the right to deprive them of a standard education and to deny them of any kind of recourse outside of the cult in matters involving sexual and physical abuse.
Because the cult regularly and as a matter of course deals with all allegations of crime and abuse involving cherch members within the private, internal ethics system, minors who are treated in the same way are placed at serious risk for sexual exploitation because potential sexual abusers know that the cult will not expose them or report allegations to outside LE authorities, except when there’s no way around it. As a result, children can be vicitimized by sexual predators who are not only afforded impunity by the cherch, but can be counted on to enter into criminal conspiracy to cover up their crimes as well.
Parents who sign approval forms for their children to join the $ea Org and no longer be under their direct care and supervision are guilty of what could be termed “child neglect by proxy,” in that the working conditions, long hours, lack of standard education, fear conditioning and lack of safeguards to protect them from sexual/physical abuse that exist as the norm within the $ea Orgy are ones that no child should be allowed to become a part of. Without the “religious cloaking” the cherch enjoys, this type of treatment of minor workers would never be allowed to continue in any kind of regular business employment situation. And since minors, by legal definition, can not give informed consent to sign binding contracts, their parents should not be allowed to do so for them in situations like this, where neglect, overwork, deprival of education and an culture of tolerance for sexual/physical abuse are endemic within the group.
Supporting the efforts of folks like Serge to recover damages from the cherch for allowing and enabling their abuse while they were minors and employed as members of the $ea Orgy will bring justice and recompense to those individuals, while exposing one of the darkest and most evil aspects of the cherch’s treatment of children to some much-needed disinfecting sunlight. Banning the recruitment and employment of minors by the cherch is a very worthwhile goal that needs to receive priority attention by everyone who wishes to see this killer cult either fundamentally reformed or completely shut down.
Thank you Harpoona. Appreciate the reply.
Ya know I’m just so sick and tired of all this legal bullshit. You abuse a child you go to jail, whoever you are. Period, end of conversation. Unless of course you’re David Miscavige and have a 3 billion dollar slush fund to buy your innocence.
This is very interesting. How is CoS monitoring who attends this? Do they already have their audience handpicked? After all, they can’t allow the possibility of heckling, or some “wog” from the audience bringing up the indelicate question of CoS’s own human rights violations. Or Sea Org staff maybe hearing something about human trafficking that might apply to their own situation.
I am willing to bet that any people applying to be part of the audience will be told that all seats are already taken. Which they will be – all OSA staff and Flag execs who are part of their own human trafficking operations.
Would they refuse a local reporter interested in writing an article on the massive humanitarian work done by this “cherch”? Why don’t you give it a shot Tampa Bay Times? I’ll betcha their response will be something like, “Oh, we’d love to have you, unfortunately we’re sold out.”
Somebody might like to mention to this local FBI office that $cientology is responsible for the largest infiltration of government agencies in U.S. history. What the fuck is going on here?
Why don’t we invite Adolph Hitler to speak on religious tolerance and the important role Jews have played in our society?
If the meeting is cancelled that’s just fine. But if it weren’t, think of how appropriate a TV star with a camera crew in tow would be
Yes but we must look to the gifts we’ve been given! We have a phone number and name an email address and a whole lot of pissed off people! Think we might be able to change there minds on holding this seminar! Option #2 pack the house and make everything about why’d they let Scientology off.
You know, in Chicago in 06′ the murder rate was about 1person a day. People in the neighborhood would not cooperate with police for fear of repercussions to them or their families even thou they knew the drug dealers, gang members, thugs, and murders, they said nothing. Today 2 lives are lost each day with these same people sitting praying there loved one makes it home an if they do they won’t be killed in their own home by a drive by.
My point, I know many of you have loved ones still in the religion but your not doing them any favors by letting them continue living a lie. Your program has brought great awareness to this issue and to not use the sleeping giant you have awakened what’s the point! Use the people you’ve awakened an raise holy hell! God does not want this and neither do we!
I realize this is Scientology safe pointing themselves. And although the FBI probably gives these presentations whenever they’re asked, I agree they have to be aware of the Human Rights Abuses and Trafficking accusations against the COS.. AND they probably know the people at the presentation are true believers, and have no idea what goes on behind the facade presented by their ‘religion’.
My hope is that the presentation will plant a seed in some SOs mind (if they use them to pad the audience). And they will come to realize that is what happened to them, and possibly give them information about what they can do and where they can go if they want to leave. (This is the only explanation that makes sense to me. I don’t want to believe the F freaking BI is ignorant and blythely supporting this group.)
Please, Sweet Baby Xenu in your tiny alien Manger, make it so!
I realize it’s “limited seating” haha, but shouldn’t they want someone in the press to be there? Like from the St. Pete Times who write those lovely articles on human rights violations? Otherwise it will just appear to be an inside event and they are going to a lot of trouble to make it sound like it isn’t. Also, wouldn’t the Tampa FBI like a copy of this invite so they can toot their own horn about a “spokesperson” giving a lecture on trafficking? Sounds like an event other human rights organizations would like to hear about and attend. Spread the word!
Oh, Spread the Word! Reminds me of this Heywood Banks song (you need to listen to the whole song to get to that line
What happens if a member of the general public goes to these things?
They get regged.
Copy that. You know…forget I even asked the question. I am glad it’s cxld!!!
This is the power of our large voice!!
Outrageous is the tip of the iceberg & once again along with Always Attack,the old Cult rolls out the quotes from so called legitimate groups in their eyes,that will make all the planet stop and say Wow,Scientology is so prescient!Ha!As long as children are born into or sign a Sea Org contract at 16 & younger Scientology is still lying about the conditions under which the cult operates.Love you & RB.?
does the human rights from the Church do ANYTHING at all?
While they have done good, rarely, they lied about it.. Fascinating story, check out “Fair Game” by Steve Cananne.
I assume that question was rhetorical…
Maybe it’s a way for the FBI agent to come in to CO$ facilities and do a “look around” for investigative purposes without the CO$ suspecting.
I know, I know. Wishful thinking on my part.
is it too optimistic to hope that the presentation will open the eyes of those in attendance?
(813) 253-1000 is the contact phone number for the Tampa FBI field office. I wonder if a flood of angry phone calls might have any effect on the FBI’s decision to participate in this event.
I called and had a good talk with the agent there. Lots of real good people in the FBI. They just need information. One can always communicate or file a report with the FBI.
Write to Obama. They are under his command. The IRS under him also seemed much more interested in going after partisan targets…
Or Trump after January 20th.
I highly doubt the new Pres will have this as any kind of priority. No new Pres would who went through a highly partisan fight like this last one. Maybe in a few years
Everyone should call the Tampa FBI to complain about this. It’s also an opportunity to report new evidence, as I just did.
Those of us who tweet can demand answers here:
(Include a link to Mike’s article or a copy of the original flyer/leaflet.)
There needs to be a very good reason why the local FBI, as knowledgeable as they are about Scientology’s human rights abuses, would be involved in this attempt to legitimise one of Scientology’s most disreputable front groups.
I tweeted to the FBI and point blank asked them if they are now shilling for Scientology in Florida. Asked for a comment from the Director.
Trying to remember who stated a while back that the Clearwater (Tampa?) FBI office was safepointed.
I hope Leah Remini can expose this to all media connections. I want an answer from the FBI. You can’t swing a cat in Clearwater without bumping into a shill or a plant. Even Winter the Dolphin got The Scientology Treatment. It’s obvious a direct kicker to Leah’s “giving a voice to the voiceless”.
Holy Hell. Scientology must be at DEFCON 1 for them to step in it this deep. Why do I sense something imminent coming down?
I share your sense of doom here. Scientology is nothing if not a shape shifter non pareil.
Hi, THDE! ‘You can’t swing a cat in Clearwater without bumping into a shill or a plant.’ Lol! I’m going to use this if I ever get the chance (I’ll try to give credit where credit is due, but as RE over at the Bunker said ‘my mind is not such much a steel trap these days, as a lint trap in a dryer that collects stray bits of fluff’.)
I think the Clear Water FBI office looks closed.
Here is the nearest office.
5525 W Gray St, Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 253-1000
Call them and complain
I will look for an email address. FLOOD the office.
Just called and spoke to a live person. I urge others to call and urge the FBI to cancel this event and NOT hold it at a Scientology owned venue.
Pisses me off. Yet another example of a US government agency swaying towards that all mighty dollar. COB must be freaking out, so he’s putting his big bucks to use. It’s not going to work on us though. WE SEE YOU MISCAVIGE! (Type David M into Google and he’s the first name that pops up HA! Hope he can feel that sting!)
Time to picket!
It’s ALWAYS time to picket.
Yes, beyond belief Mike. The falsehood of this group has no limits, but on the other hand, how many will they reach? Sitting is limited and I doubt that “Alice in wonderland’ building style can hold more than 200.
Yes, of course the psycho of miscavige will attempt to spread this mini meeting as a ‘broad support from the FBI to his unprecedented leadership’.
And how come scientology does not follow his sacred scripture about how The FBI is an evil government organization? Or when parishioners got interrogated if they ever were, or have any family member being part of FBI?
A liar and a coward, but too late; miscavige will never ever stop the snowball started a while ago and accelerated with Leah’s programs. False endorsements like this will never reach the many, many individuals that Going Clear, Blogs, Programs and so forth have reached with facts and truths.
Sorry miscavige, too little too late.
Why would you think the FBI is any better than the Church of Scientology. They use many of the same tactics and have the same sordid background.
Sordid is right. Just look at J Edgar in real life!
I love the dresses he wore! Very becoming…
I called the Tampa FBI office and asked to speak with the Community Relations (PR) person there. Got her voice mail and registered my complaint about this matter and told her I was a victim of trafficking by the Church of Scientology. Not sure if she’ll call me back but at least that was something. I highly recommend others here do the same. Number of the office is 813-253-1000.
Go Chris! I hope to hear all about it on your Sunday video.
This event seems ripe for a protest.
Ya think???
From things that are being said about underage kids sent across state lines to ‘Flag’ in the comments of ‘The Underground Bunker’ today, the FBI should be tearing the place apart, not giving presentations there.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder” – See ya next week RB!
Duh, I missed that RB is here in earlier article. My bad… to ethics I go.
FBI presentation on combating:
1. Human trafficking
2. Forced labor
3. Domestic servitude
They should bring handcuffs with them to this presentation……for all 3 of the above counts…..
Looks like they still have the FBI under their thumb, next week the IRS will probably be doing a “maximize your religious tax deduction” seminar at the Fort Harrison. I’ve always thought that Operation Snow White probably managed to place some employees undercover in both those organizations.
Now, if Pam Biondi ends up in the Justice Department their bases will be covered.
J Swift, please do a mock up poster of an IRS Maximize your Religious Tax Deduction seminar.
Lol but seriously tragic !
Sorry to the many Regraded Being fans. I have never pre-empted an RB strip before. But I felt this information must be circulated far and wide as it is so outrageous. You can of course still comment on the RB strip.
Just keep doing what you are doing good sir. No need to apologize!
Maybe Leah could invite the FBI to do a question and answer segment on her show concerning human trafficking and what defines it. Just a thought…
Outstanding! The Feds should be there! What better way to find out what’s going on!
It’s a first–Regraded Being pre-empted! Good call, Mike.
That fact that the FBI was a.) initially suckered into committing to this typical Scientology “event”, and b. ) quickly BACKED OUT after hearing from so many C of Scientology critics is awesome!
Many people surely protested as a result of seeing the awful truth about COS via “Scientology-The Aftermath”. This proves the difference that you, Leah and other series participants are making. You are inspiring multitudes of people to join you in demanding that something be done to halt the abuse of members and society by this destructive cult.
Ever onward. Wake up, IRS! Wake up, FBI!