Great punch-line, RB, but the rest is just stone cold social reality. From a random lawsuit (I was actually searching for the more recent one which is still on-going which has the full set of “training” also, but this will do)
Mike and RB, this collection is perhaps the most jagged glass ‘shard’ yet, to pierce the underfoot uf der DMented Fuerer und hi$$$ tottering ge$httappo!! Und vee all know how *F^$(EI*^^%((*@_+(**U!!?<!!! PAINFUL a f*%ing glass shard can BE, jawol???
Of course, I'm referring to this RB piece AND the priceless responses thereto!
Amazing content for a world wide E-mail 'wake up call' (a la the Debbie Cook impact) me thinks!
The cherch is run on WISE principles? Interesting! Case in point: Per today’s Underground Bunker blog, they showed up in small claims court in Arizona to avoid doing the one decent thing they could have done that even made business (not to mention PR) sense, namely refunding a mark’s measly $2 k for UNUSED “services.”
WISE principles have allowed them to become the “religion” everyone laughs about and the criminal organization that everyone in the know deplores. The “religion” that even its adherents don’t want to talk about as its become so cringe-inducing.
Now THAT is the kind of success that I need to pull in for my own business! In fact, I’m willing to go into hock right now to pay for that pleasure! Then again, maybe I’d better not…
Your average scientologist has lived gazillions of previous lives, run bazillions of businesses–most likely entire civilizations or planets–has mastered an infinite number of situations and earned more titles than even El Con himself. And yet s/he needs WISE to straighten them out for their one measly small business in this one crappy lifetime?
Regraded Being’s vignettes always pack in a ton of education and information (along with whatever drollery RB might find appropriate or be in the mood for). This one is as informative a piece on WISE as I’ve ever seen. Fantastic comments too. Thanks RB and everybody!
If anyone is wondering how WISE recruitment works here is a little quote lifted from their own PR. I found here
1. Find someone who refuses to become a member of WISE.
2. Verify they are a valid prospect to become a member (business owner or Individual professional).
3. Ensure they have been fully enlightened on the purpose of WISE, The Code of a WISE Member, the benefits of membership, etc.
4. If the person still refuses to sign up, do the steps laid out in HCO PL 11 May 1965 I, ETHICS OFFICER HAT, and pull the string until you find the General Sherman tank. Handle if you can, or report it to the Reports Officer of your nearest WISE office, with an info copy to the Reports Officer at WISE International.
WISE was started so L Ron Hubbard could “make money and get others to make money”. End of explanation. If you think for one hot minute it was started for any other reason – FLUNK.
All Scientology front groups were started to “make money and get others to make money”.
Because – after Ron did his research, he had a wognition:
No, Willie P., the real reason for WISE was that Scientology companies were making money and Ron was not getting a cut. He called it “businesses on the backs of Organizations” to make it sound like these little sandwich shops or vitamin shops near the orgs etc. were making money from staff or public unfairly or something. In reality he just wanted to get his claws into them for a commission.
They like to pretend that they are there to improve the business, or act as “consultants” or make sure the Scientologists involved are not straying from the straight and narrow Hubbard approved “admin tech”, but in reality they are there to collect money for the Cherch.
Bruce — this is half of the coin. What he was most concerned about was that staff in orgs worked for scientology businessmen “moonlighting” (which throughout his WISE era rants he termed “moonripping”). He thought there were scientology businessmen (especially GO staff) who were “taking advantage” of the orgs by hiring the staff to work for them, thus splitting their loyalties and giving the businessmen “trained staff” to work in their businesses. The businesses were seen as some sort of parasites on the orgs and were to be “gotten off the backs of orgs.” I think there is even a PL he wrote called “moonripping.”
Yes Mike he wrote a PL called Moonripping. It was a policy based on El Con’s delusion that businesses coveted central org staff because only they had the Tech of business administration.
The REALITY of the situation was that sometimes businesses would hire org staff after hours for low level clerical work because the staff member pleaded for PAID work as they had no food to eat, were losing their rented room do to no money, etc.
The end result being FURTHER hardship for Class IV Org staff members, more staff leaving, staff member’s kids being even more neglected. In other words, more human suffering. The usual E.P. of Hubbard exercising authority over dupes.
Back in the early 90’s I worked for a computer s/w company that brought in a WISE consultant. He did the usual Org board insanity PLUS, he took everyone off of internal computer communication (email) and instituted a 3 basket system. Almost crashed the business overnight. Instead of instantly sending a comm and getting a reply in minutes, staff now had a week to answer communications and it took a day to get a comm from one staff member to another.
How on Earth could the management of a software company permit this kind of backwards step? Scientologists are a funny bunch. They are utterly submissive to authority.
OMG – you reminded me John – the THREE basket system.
I paid these Staff 28 year old goons, who never had a real job that had to produce anything of real value, to apply the TEK to grow our already very successful business.
After several hundred dollars of them coming in, smoking cigerettes and drinking coffee, they implemented the 3 basket system. LOL
The “system” was taking up 1/3 of our desks…IN/ Pending and OUT. People that worked for us were pissed. (Meanwhile, I was applying the PTS/SP TEK that I paid a few grand to “have” and was wondering if they had crimes they were hiding – sordid ones; baby sellers, child molesters, murderer’s – you know, the ones LRH describes when anyone has a beef with his TEK).
Thank God – I did not fire everyone.
We never used them and threw them in the trash after 1 week.
You were mild, my friend. In your position, I would have flashed back to my college lab time and reverted to experimentalist. The question to be answered: how many baskets can fit up a WISE consultant’s rectum. And I would be out to gather as many data points as possible.
I was a business consultant and was hired to help a Dr. who had lost his wife the year before, and had two kids to support. I came in AFTER Sterling Management. The office was relatively small, and only had the Dr. and his Front Desk person. I asked what Sterling had done for the $10,000 he had paid them…. He walked me to the back and showed me a white plywood sheet – huge.
It was a 9 division org board, in full. All with the correct “division colors”, hundreds of positions – all “Held From Above”.
I was sickened by the preying on a widower who was desperate to make more money to support his children.
Thanks again, RB. I love the, “I totally duplicate you and can understand how you’re being duped by the apparent isness of your company’s success.” Classic. This is the way they talk AND think.
You have a successful business? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have a loving family? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have money in Savings/IRA? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have logical reasoning? Here; the church can help you with that.
Yes, McCarran, I loved that line also. One can be so utterly deluded by the “apparent isness” of your company’s success. Right! People buying your product or service in high volume is only an APPARANCY of success. Just because they’re buying quite a lot of it doesn’t mean they’re happy and you could be AT RISK! These people may actually hate your product, they may possibly believe your service sucks, yet they’re buying it…yes, of COURSE its confusing…very confusing to you…which is why you need WISE to help you sort this out…
I want to add one more name to the RB cartoon.
REX FOWLER. The Flag got their IAS hooks in him deep,
he was a source of free flowing cash while on OT 7
till it all went south ( which is not Daveys problem)
REX shot his Chief Financial Officer and committed
a botched suicide. Tried and convicted of murder,
Scientology was off limits during the trial.( Davey Said so behind the scenes)
This you will never see as a Regraded Being cartoon skit
because it’s the brutal bloody truth and backed up by
public records available by computer on the internet
everywhere in the World.
Rex Fowler’s fleecing whilst on the “level” until financially ruined and then suicide is the EP of Scientology – when applied standardly.
David Miscavige would say – “people die” or “let him die”. Can’t wait until the new book coming out by Ron Senior – “Let Him Die” – My secret life spawning a demon and then allowing him to torture me for 30 years whilst trapped in a Cult.
By the way, I am not convinced we come back – at least with the proof that was NOT provided by Scientology and the Science of “Knowing How To Know”. I did prove to myself however that watching Game of Thrones and The Tudor’s before my sessions helped me create a very lively and colorful back track. LOL
How the Hell did you lose your business, pal??? I was very stupid and Wised UP. You never, ever want to Wise Up! Trust me! It’ll ruin your business and your life…
Perfect and 100% accurate. I WILL give El Con credit for developing the Tech of destruction. Apply El Con tech and you have an almost 100% chance of destroying what it touches!
The most ethical financial group on this and 12 other planets.
Let us dear your finances down the right fourth dynamic Road. We’ll train you to recognize which arbitrarys are actually good for you.
Join us or hire us. We’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse!
Become a made man by rocketing up the status ladder in weeks, not years!!
Our tech is so standard it makes Ponzi look like a pansy!!!
Our policies are better than source. You’ll have cash in your registrar’s hands every week before Thursday 2 PM.
We show you how to steer your CICS SPs into wiseguys mediation for all disputes so you can when all settlements with the comfort of knowing that all your false reports will stick!!!
Does your 2-D or business partner protest your donations? Will make you write and them wrong every time!!!
Learn how to get your CICS SPs finances before you disconnect!!!
We are a family oriented outfit!!!
Clean out your kids education and trust funds!!!
Have your parents sign over your inheritance in life!!!
We show you how to get a quick divorce and keep it all!!!
“Truth Revealed ” I bailed early from WISE
as they never had an answer or replied to the one question I ever persisted on asking them. They only wanted money, never delivered any service.
Post WISE, Long list of success and ownership, signed up for a cruise with cream of industry and science,none are in scientology or God forbid WISE.
When I was in WISE, I heard from them once a year to renew my membership. The BEC meetings were all about how many guests you would be bringing. WISE insists you manage ENTIRELY by WEEKLY statistics. If I did that my wonderful staff would be out the door in a month if not sooner. I’d sooner slit my throat. I use the LRH Tech that works for my business and ignore the rest, and I’ve had a successful business for 22 years.
The statics and most of the admin tech of Scientology was probably not written by LRH and even if it was it was pretty much just copied and altered from other sources.
Oh – just to share a “win” my sister had from investing $40,000 in WISE CONSULTING for her business – “Pay your phone bill first”. Mind.Blown. Thank you LRH, Sir, for the TEK! Not kidding…
Another thing that irritated me was how in the beginning I got some WISE guy who told me that for a Scientology business person to not be a WISE member was OUT ETHICS. He hounded, hounded, hounded…to this day I regret that I capitulated. I really, really hate people who nag, who repeat themselves endlessly, who try to run you by wearing you down. A happy day for me was when I cancelled my WISE membership and blocked them from my phone and my email.
As the Treas Sec FSO, I called the Treas Sec of every org on the planet and found all but one were insolvent and were wayyy behind on paying their bills. The great Scientology tech at work. These orgs barely stay open by keeping money they gave no exchange for, not paying staff, not paying taxes, constantly begging public to give them donations in exchange for the latest cert, T-shirt or trophy. .
I think the orgs and missions just might have had a chance if uplines/management would quit making them buy stupid equipment they are not going to use because of some dumb-ass program. The equipment costs a fortune the orgs don’t have money to spend on it and it is mandatory per the program to get it purchased.
Also the cost of having uplines do the local magazine which would cost a lot less if done in house, but no it has to be done professionally.
Then with some of the fundraisers the orgs get close to completing one project for renos they have to do it all over again. No wonder they are going broke.
Not to mention the big beautiful buildings are empty of staff and public. Really sad and a shame they can not see this; all though it did take me several years to finally have the nerve to get out. It wasn’t until so many staff and public started to die and my own body started having problems that I decided I was done.
I stayed on for another year taking some Div 6 courses and helping out a little, but not really helping since you get pulled away to get regged. And since the courses just weren’t doing it for me I finally just walked away without doing any more.
And Mike I just can’t say it enough, your blogs are great. I look forward to reading them and the comments every day. I may not have liked you so much while you were in Scientology only knowing of you as an exec in the church on the big screen; but I do finally agree with you now. Thanks for your daily blogs.
Shadow – “might have a chance if Uplines…” The goal is to keep the other Orgs broke and people working for free. That is Scientology. Always was meant to be that way right from the get go with the Turd – L Ron Hubbard.
Some of the french WISE self-called consultants are to be sent before courts for fraud… once again.
The celebrity center could as well be sent at the same time.
Then scientology should be forbidden in France.
Like it’s the same for Belgium and its long running suits in Brussels, no surprise to have learned that COB bought a big building near the french-swiss-belgian frontiers in Basel, so as to be able to keep on defrauding frenchies and beligian customers in what is called an “ideal org”!
Ah, dude mixed up Switzerland and Luxemburg. Considering the mutual histories of money laundering, tax evasion, corporate whoring, and no-tell banking that the two countries have, it’s excusable.
And Switzerland would make a fallback position if Europe finally gets its act together about the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. Personally, I think Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is fully capable of running the Co$ into the ground before Europe gets real, but it would still be a fine thing.
As Administrative Systems go, Admin Tech has a demonstrably horrible track record. All one has to do is look at the pinnacle of application – Scn Orgs. Are there ANY solvent orgs? These guys have been religiously applying Admin Tech for decades and never managed to bring about any meaningful, sustainable growth. Most, if not all, are technically bankrupt.
Just think of all the advantages they have over traditional businesses:
1) Tax exemption
2) They do not have to pay their staff a minimum wage
3) Their staff are bound to many labor laws, since they are “volunteers”, which means they can work them much longer and harder
4) They do not have to provide staff with health care or benefits
5) They receive “free” money by way of fundraising, without having to deliver anything in exchange
6) Some may say they have a monopoly on the delivery of Scn services (though this has changed in recent years)
Regular businesses would be laughing if they had just ONE of these; yet Scn Orgs have ALL of them – and they still manage to FAIL. You have to work mighty hard to fuck that up. And they do that by dedicated application of LRH Admin Tech.
The Day Siagon Collapsed the nation currency inflated
minute by minute till a half hour before NVA tanks arrived
then it was zero. Scientology as I see it is in a spiral that
copies the fall of Siagon. Not a question of IF but When.
Funny you should mention Saigon, Jose. I just watch “The Last Days of Saigon.” It was heartbreaking! Our forces could only take so many people and the rest were left to fend for themselves. Many, who didn’t get on one of the many ships to freedom, ended up in slave labor/reeducation camps (just like scientology). Jose, if you get a chance, watch that video.
And I do believe you are quite correct regarding the money situation. No question it’s not IF but WHEN.
Oh no…First off, thanks for serving. I barely got out with a high draft number. I wanted no part in the conflict. Very, very glad you came back in one piece, my friend. You did come back in one piece, right? Would love to hear your stories from those times.
Dear OSD,
Thank you again.
Flew out in a full DC 3. In PI I went to the Air Force exchange for clothes, there were none except a yellow arrow shirt and plaid slacks. ( I looked liked a used car salesman) next day was on a starlifter to Travis. Took a cab home and slept for 5 days. I bought a sailboat and lived in it for 3 years. One of my Navy boats was featured by a UPI photographer in Cambodia all shot up, it sank in the Mekong River a few days later.
THAT is what you talk to Scientologist’s about – the insolvent Orgs and that they have at least $1,000,000 in UNDELIVERED services with 99% of the people that came in and got bamboozled to put money on account – BLOWN FOR GOOD!
Kick the hornets nest and get them in two way live comm about LRH’s DOCTRINE of EXCHANGE until they have a wognition.
Friend 1: Hey Matt! What are doing in this store???
Friend 2: I finally left the cult.
Friend 1: Holy shit! That’s fantastic news! I’m so glad you’re out of that evil organization! All they’ll do to you is ruin lives! There’s no such thing as ‘Clear’ or super powers. It’s all a scam. A worldwide scam! BTW, can I take you out for a beer or two to celebrate?
Friend 2: Absolutely! Thanks for being such a great friend all these years! Having the freedom to go out and have a beer with a buddy is fantastic! I’m free at least!
Friend 1: So, what was it that caused to you leave?
Friend 2: I had a Wognition!
Friend 1: Yep, I’ve heard of those! They’re becoming quite popular! as I understand it!. So, shall we head to Huntington Beach and pick up Old Surfer Dude and throw back some suds?
Friend 2: You know, pal, after going through what I went through with the cult, having a beers with you and OSD will be the start of the rest of my life! Freedom never tasted better! Both you guys have been such great friends and you never gave up on me. BTW, I’m buying! I know OSD will like that being the cheap ass Scot that he is!
Friend 1: Let me give OSD a quick call to let him know. (a minute or two later…). Whoa! You’re not going to believe this, but, OSD said he would pay!!!!
Friend 2: Wow! Miracles REALLY do happen! I can’t believe how HAPPY I am! And it’s just a natural happiness! Nothing fake like in the cult. Hey, do you think OSD would buy us lunch too!
Friend 1: Yes there are miracles, but, now you’re just being ridiculous…
The orgs do have a big money hole in the floor at the door that sucks down 10% of the gross income that comes in before they even start paying costs. (There are other money holes, but that’s the big one.)
Orgs are non-profit because they ship the profit uplines.
OMG – this was a “coffee spit splatter” of epic magnitude. You nailed it – WISE – scamming business owners out of their hard earned money for 60 years.
I had a very successful business LONG before Scientology got their hands on it. Only a few people running it.
I got into Scientology and ended up being convinced by 2 staff members (who never ran a popcorn stand or a lemon aide stand and were living in a flop house sleeping on couches and eating ramen noodles) that I NEEDED their consulting. I paid them $50 per hour to advise me how to “GROW” my business.
After several weeks – I caught one of them “word clearing” the words used in my trade (car sales) to make sure they did not go by an MU. This person was an Oat Tea Five. I was like WTF???
I still stayed in…. cringe – cringe – cringe!
I ended up with an ORG BOARD blown up and posted on our entryway – with the six names on it and was told to hire 27 more people to fill up the Org Board. I WAS IN CONFUSION and that is the goal of Scientology. Now they proceeded to fleece me of a lot of money.
We had made millions without any WISE tek or Scientology. Now – I was giving it all away to Scientology. I was such a fool.
I ended up going up the Bridge and getting rid of all my worker’s and partner (because they were not waxing enthusiasm about Scientology and just “knew” they were hiding crimes. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe~ Sorry guys! I hope you forgive me!
I spent hundreds of thousands on the Bridge to no where and left after Debbie Cook’s E-mail and an encounter with the Facebook Police telling me to disconnect from her.
My win – I know what it feels like to “BE HUMILIATED”.
To all of my friends and family who hung in there with me during my cult tenure – THANK YOU! To all of the SP’s that Suppressed Scientology – THANK YOU – you all saved my life and I love you very much!!
Wow IM, painful lesson, thanks for sharing that. I understand how one can fall for that, we all have to a certain degree. Church services isn’t much different really. Lots of hype, lots of promises, lots of money – short on results.
Just when you think RB might be exaggerating a post like yours appears proving it is very close to the truth.
I remember my own involvements with WISE – we run a very small business and regularly I was asked if we had our org board posted yet and all the other points of the admin know how check list. All this seemed like massive overkill for a 2 person business.
To be fair the leader of the local wise group did try to be helpful and never tried to push consultants on to us.
This also happened to an old friend of mine who has since disconnected from me. Her husband’s company started to really expand through diligence, hard work, great marketing and lots of service..then he tried to operate via the org board, brought in field SCNer’s who had been FEBC trained (and who knows how much they got paid to be his consultants.. some were even on staff and on the pay role). He made everyone have study time each day and felt it was my duty as an Ex S.O staff member to set a good example and readily dig in. I refused. He is still hanging in there and his company is a shadow of what it was. Stupid is as stupid does.. and also no doubt ruled by a good does of fear of losing his bridge if he didn’t comply.
I’ve never been in, so I’m dying of curiosity – what was the draw? Was the email enough to snap you out of it or was it an accumulation of things? Thanks for sharing.
Lawgrrl34, generally it is the accumulation of things until that final BOOM! The draw is spiritual freedom and handling ones life to make it better and to help others and mankind. After years of study and sweat one realizes what one is reading just doesn’t match what is really happening. It’s sad too, because some of the data actually makes sense. But it is an accumulation of other philosophies and religions so of course it makes some kind of sense.
Lawgrrrl – the draw is many different angles. I was looking for a group to be part of (just moved to a new area). My loved one had just passed away – feeling vulnerable and suffering from grief. Could not seem to get out of it.
My sister got into Scientology through the WISE consulting – her story is another nightmare. I did not know what it was so I just walked into the Org, took a Div 6 Class and before I knew it – I was suffering from cognitive dissonance and reaching for more Scientology to solve that.
By the way, my sister, who is also OUT of the cult – spent $40,000 on WISE CONSULTING in two years – got regged for her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom to the tune of $200,000 on credit card debt and refinancing home. She never made it past Drug Rundown either….they kept all of her money.
She EPed a few years later to experience FORECLOSURE and BANKRUPTCY. Two common side effects of Scientology.
Yes – embarrassed to say – I STILL STAYED IN. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe.
Every time I tried to bring this situation up in Session – the auditor would give me an ack and then do a sec check…”let me check something here…have you ever….”
It worked – THAT sec checking got the focus off of registrars bankrupting people to get their stats up and onto ourselves. How convenient too – to have “lived before” so we can dig through 75 million years of past lives to see if I ever caused someone to go bankrupt or lose their house. I recall being in Rome in the 14th Century. I was a King and I would take people’s homes away from them if they did not pay their taxes. LOL (not kidding).
It worked like a charm. I got the focus off of the Organization and onto myself. Until – I got Debbie Cook’s e-mail…and had witnessed too many “financial irregularities” within the Organization all over the planet. Then I looked at the internet – went ALL the way down the rabbit home and had the EP (Scientology, LRH and the entire religion) is a criminal organization parading as a religion and hiding behind the religious cloak. I had been convinced Scientology was hanging on financially by a thread too – (due to no toilet paper in the Ideal Org) – I found out they also were sitting on BILLIONS of dollars.
Actually – I thought I had to BE OAT TEA to understand why this responsible woman would be so irresponsible with her money – why would she do that? My $olution – “Get up the Bridge”. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe~ there is some more of that humility burning off – kind of like Dope Off. LOL
Scientology’s main goal is to get people into confusion. Then – manipulate them more by $elling them $olutions $ciendollatry creates.
Sorry lawgrrl34. I’m at my home computer now and can see your comment was for Idle Morgue.
Should know better by now than to think I know what I’m doing with a smart phone. I wasn’t one of those lucky ones who was able to leave their glasses in the jar by the door at the Org after a couple of cognitions.
Scientology tells you that YOU are a broken person and that they have the solution to FIX you. NOTHING could be further from the truth. You are fine as you are. Just look at the sheeple still inside as well as staff and SO! These are NOT happy people. Live life the way YOU want to. No one needs advice from a cult…
Regraded Being, a lot of people left their eyeglasses, gold & gold fillings behind at the org. Hmm, there was another place that also used to collect these items from its victims…
Idle Morgue,
Hiring people for the purpose of filling up a cookie-cutter org chart has got to rank as one of the nuttiest things any business consultant could push for. It’s the ultimate in form over function. I’m sorry you wasted so much opportunity in your pursuit of counterfeit dreams. I hope and trust your business has or will eventually recover from your brush with WISE scam.
I recovered nicely and am flourishing and prospering, which drives Scientologist’s NUTS. They so desperately want to see anyone that left Scientology go crazy, die or get sick. THAT IS THE TECH! LRH
I talk about all the divorces and cancer sick staff and ask how they are doing. You would think they would have a wognition of some sort – but they just don’t.
I had to get out of confusion first and that took a while. Now I know why the Scientology Cult has one sign a bunch of lawyer ed up contracts stating that if you “GET WORSE” you won’t sue Scientology.
I have heard from a few of the UTR’s that go to the local Org to stay in the good graces of the cult (so they don’t lose their family and friends) that the Staff tell people I was am an ” Illegal PC ”
(I saw a counselor for a while after a loved one died) and that is why I don’t come around – it is my case impinging on me.
When they call me I tell them I am too busy and not interested. I use ARC and ask them about the expansion and how they are doing.
I get a lot of silence on the other line and then they have to go….(the being just knows…that Scientology isn’t working for them or anyone). I ask a lot about that big empty building they are in and if people are coming in – in droves as COB said they would.
I have heard recently that staff are instructed not to call me anymore and that I need to meet with the MAA at FLAG. LOL
Holy crap, Idle! So very, very glad you’re out. Very out. And yes, you are quite correct about leaving the cult. They WANT you to fail, go bankrupt, get cancer, go insane or get sick and DIE! And they want that because when someone leaves, it invalidates THEM! And they get all riled up about it. I remember hearing that staff and SO would tell people that if they leave, they’ll be dead in 6 months or come back in a deformed body. Whew, man that Kool-Aid must be extra strong! These are very sick fucks that tell people they’re going to die. IMHO, what you wish for others, you wish for yourself. But, what do you expect from a vicious, evil, toxic, militant, brainwashing, mind bending, family destroying, financial ruining CULT!
Hey Idle, I’ll be glad to make that trip with you to see the MAA at FLAG! For some odd reason, I think we’d have a great time! We can stop by and see Mike too!
” Holy crap, Idle! So very, very glad you’re out. Very out. And yes, you are quite correct about leaving the cult. They WANT you to fail, go bankrupt, get cancer, go insane or get sick and DIE! And they want that because when someone leaves, it invalidates THEM! And they get all riled up about it. I remember hearing that staff and SO would tell people that if they leave, they’ll be dead in 6 months or come back in a deformed body. Whew, man that Kool-Aid must be extra strong! These are very sick fucks that tell people they’re going to die. IMHO, what you wish for others, you wish for yourself. But, what do you expect from a vicious, evil, toxic, militant, brainwashing, mind bending, family destroying, financial ruining CULT!”
There you go again OSD ……. sugar coating the truth to make it more palatable. 🙂
So were you thinking of stopping by to see Kathy False? If so, I wanna go and also invite Jasmin and Alphonso. It’s good to have at least three know best losers to deal with otherwise it isn’t even a game! Hell, lets get Mr fitness himself into the mix (Paul Miller). The last time I talked to that lying fatass was three in the morning, just before he coerced my ex into giving another pile of worthless fiat currency to the International ASSociation of Sociopaths by telling her I had agreed to it. Geeesch!!!!
Glad that is over! I’d love to but the first round at Mikes favorite pub!
It wouldn’t be a party at Flag without you, Coop! So far that Idle, me, you and some of your friends. And yes, let’s go to Mike’s favorite watering hole! OMG! We would have the greatest of times! I’d love to bring a camera and start taking pics of the downtown area (the No Life Zone) to see what happens! You see, you ALWAYS come up with the best ideas!
If you guys can hold out a bit, I’ll be working for a few days in Tampa at the end of the month. I’d love nothing better than to be the fifth wheel at a real SP Party.
“I recovered nicely and am flourishing and prospering, which drives Scientologist’s NUTS.”
I loved your post, Idle. I too recovered easily, flourished and prospered after leaving the cult. The fact that my business has never depended upon any Scientologists was certainly a factor. But then, for many years when I was in, I made money but was always broke. As soon as I left Scientology my finance situations ceased. I stopped being a high earner who never had any money as soon as I left the cult. It was almost magical.
My heart goes out to you. What a horrific experience. I’m glad you’re surviving and healing. This kind of thing keeps me mouthing off on Twitter. Maybe someone else can be saved. Thank you. Thanks to Regraded Being and Mike for yet another explosive post.
Great post , dear RB ; I really had a lot of fun with it. You really have the knack!
Great punch-line, RB, but the rest is just stone cold social reality. From a random lawsuit (I was actually searching for the more recent one which is still on-going which has the full set of “training” also, but this will do)
Mike and RB, this collection is perhaps the most jagged glass ‘shard’ yet, to pierce the underfoot uf der DMented Fuerer und hi$$$ tottering ge$httappo!! Und vee all know how *F^$(EI*^^%((*@_+(**U!!?<!!! PAINFUL a f*%ing glass shard can BE, jawol???
Of course, I'm referring to this RB piece AND the priceless responses thereto!
Amazing content for a world wide E-mail 'wake up call' (a la the Debbie Cook impact) me thinks!
Wotchoo think, fellow Ess Pees?
The cherch is run on WISE principles? Interesting! Case in point: Per today’s Underground Bunker blog, they showed up in small claims court in Arizona to avoid doing the one decent thing they could have done that even made business (not to mention PR) sense, namely refunding a mark’s measly $2 k for UNUSED “services.”
WISE principles have allowed them to become the “religion” everyone laughs about and the criminal organization that everyone in the know deplores. The “religion” that even its adherents don’t want to talk about as its become so cringe-inducing.
Now THAT is the kind of success that I need to pull in for my own business! In fact, I’m willing to go into hock right now to pay for that pleasure! Then again, maybe I’d better not…
Your average scientologist has lived gazillions of previous lives, run bazillions of businesses–most likely entire civilizations or planets–has mastered an infinite number of situations and earned more titles than even El Con himself. And yet s/he needs WISE to straighten them out for their one measly small business in this one crappy lifetime?
Regraded Being’s vignettes always pack in a ton of education and information (along with whatever drollery RB might find appropriate or be in the mood for). This one is as informative a piece on WISE as I’ve ever seen. Fantastic comments too. Thanks RB and everybody!
If anyone is wondering how WISE recruitment works here is a little quote lifted from their own PR. I found here
1. Find someone who refuses to become a member of WISE.
2. Verify they are a valid prospect to become a member (business owner or Individual professional).
3. Ensure they have been fully enlightened on the purpose of WISE, The Code of a WISE Member, the benefits of membership, etc.
4. If the person still refuses to sign up, do the steps laid out in HCO PL 11 May 1965 I, ETHICS OFFICER HAT, and pull the string until you find the General Sherman tank. Handle if you can, or report it to the Reports Officer of your nearest WISE office, with an info copy to the Reports Officer at WISE International.
Admin tech can work if applied creatively in conjunction with harnessing the collective forces of prayer, good karma and a lucky rabbit’s foot.
Admin Tech can turn your net worth into million dollars very quickly … if you have two million dollars to start with.
WISE was started so L Ron Hubbard could “make money and get others to make money”. End of explanation. If you think for one hot minute it was started for any other reason – FLUNK.
All Scientology front groups were started to “make money and get others to make money”.
Because – after Ron did his research, he had a wognition:
“If you want to get rich, start a Religion”. LRH
Wasn’t WISE started to make sure org staff would not moon-lite ?
No, Willie P., the real reason for WISE was that Scientology companies were making money and Ron was not getting a cut. He called it “businesses on the backs of Organizations” to make it sound like these little sandwich shops or vitamin shops near the orgs etc. were making money from staff or public unfairly or something. In reality he just wanted to get his claws into them for a commission.
They like to pretend that they are there to improve the business, or act as “consultants” or make sure the Scientologists involved are not straying from the straight and narrow Hubbard approved “admin tech”, but in reality they are there to collect money for the Cherch.
Bruce — this is half of the coin. What he was most concerned about was that staff in orgs worked for scientology businessmen “moonlighting” (which throughout his WISE era rants he termed “moonripping”). He thought there were scientology businessmen (especially GO staff) who were “taking advantage” of the orgs by hiring the staff to work for them, thus splitting their loyalties and giving the businessmen “trained staff” to work in their businesses. The businesses were seen as some sort of parasites on the orgs and were to be “gotten off the backs of orgs.” I think there is even a PL he wrote called “moonripping.”
Yes Mike he wrote a PL called Moonripping. It was a policy based on El Con’s delusion that businesses coveted central org staff because only they had the Tech of business administration.
The REALITY of the situation was that sometimes businesses would hire org staff after hours for low level clerical work because the staff member pleaded for PAID work as they had no food to eat, were losing their rented room do to no money, etc.
The end result being FURTHER hardship for Class IV Org staff members, more staff leaving, staff member’s kids being even more neglected. In other words, more human suffering. The usual E.P. of Hubbard exercising authority over dupes.
Back in the early 90’s I worked for a computer s/w company that brought in a WISE consultant. He did the usual Org board insanity PLUS, he took everyone off of internal computer communication (email) and instituted a 3 basket system. Almost crashed the business overnight. Instead of instantly sending a comm and getting a reply in minutes, staff now had a week to answer communications and it took a day to get a comm from one staff member to another.
100% Standard Admin tech. Speaks for itself.
How on Earth could the management of a software company permit this kind of backwards step? Scientologists are a funny bunch. They are utterly submissive to authority.
hgc10 The same way that the management could do one of Hubbard’s “OT levels” and not immediately quit the church I guess. Equally stupid.
OMG – you reminded me John – the THREE basket system.
I paid these Staff 28 year old goons, who never had a real job that had to produce anything of real value, to apply the TEK to grow our already very successful business.
After several hundred dollars of them coming in, smoking cigerettes and drinking coffee, they implemented the 3 basket system. LOL
The “system” was taking up 1/3 of our desks…IN/ Pending and OUT. People that worked for us were pissed. (Meanwhile, I was applying the PTS/SP TEK that I paid a few grand to “have” and was wondering if they had crimes they were hiding – sordid ones; baby sellers, child molesters, murderer’s – you know, the ones LRH describes when anyone has a beef with his TEK).
Thank God – I did not fire everyone.
We never used them and threw them in the trash after 1 week.
You were mild, my friend. In your position, I would have flashed back to my college lab time and reverted to experimentalist. The question to be answered: how many baskets can fit up a WISE consultant’s rectum. And I would be out to gather as many data points as possible.
I was a business consultant and was hired to help a Dr. who had lost his wife the year before, and had two kids to support. I came in AFTER Sterling Management. The office was relatively small, and only had the Dr. and his Front Desk person. I asked what Sterling had done for the $10,000 he had paid them…. He walked me to the back and showed me a white plywood sheet – huge.
It was a 9 division org board, in full. All with the correct “division colors”, hundreds of positions – all “Held From Above”.
I was sickened by the preying on a widower who was desperate to make more money to support his children.
Beyond sick…
It is truly beyond sick Nancy. And if they could have taken his kids and enslaved them into the See Ogre, they certainly would have.
Oh, waaaaay beyond sick. He’s lucky that they didn’t, at least, try to recruit his kids for the SO.
Hey IRS! Are you guys watching all of this???
Thanks again, RB. I love the, “I totally duplicate you and can understand how you’re being duped by the apparent isness of your company’s success.” Classic. This is the way they talk AND think.
You have a successful business? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have a loving family? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have money in Savings/IRA? Here; the church can help you with that.
You have logical reasoning? Here; the church can help you with that.
Yes, McCarran, I loved that line also. One can be so utterly deluded by the “apparent isness” of your company’s success. Right! People buying your product or service in high volume is only an APPARANCY of success. Just because they’re buying quite a lot of it doesn’t mean they’re happy and you could be AT RISK! These people may actually hate your product, they may possibly believe your service sucks, yet they’re buying it…yes, of COURSE its confusing…very confusing to you…which is why you need WISE to help you sort this out…
I want to add one more name to the RB cartoon.
REX FOWLER. The Flag got their IAS hooks in him deep,
he was a source of free flowing cash while on OT 7
till it all went south ( which is not Daveys problem)
REX shot his Chief Financial Officer and committed
a botched suicide. Tried and convicted of murder,
Scientology was off limits during the trial.( Davey Said so behind the scenes)
This you will never see as a Regraded Being cartoon skit
because it’s the brutal bloody truth and backed up by
public records available by computer on the internet
everywhere in the World.
Rex Fowler’s fleecing whilst on the “level” until financially ruined and then suicide is the EP of Scientology – when applied standardly.
David Miscavige would say – “people die” or “let him die”. Can’t wait until the new book coming out by Ron Senior – “Let Him Die” – My secret life spawning a demon and then allowing him to torture me for 30 years whilst trapped in a Cult.
By the way, I am not convinced we come back – at least with the proof that was NOT provided by Scientology and the Science of “Knowing How To Know”. I did prove to myself however that watching Game of Thrones and The Tudor’s before my sessions helped me create a very lively and colorful back track. LOL
We used to have a family bussiness. Then WISE entered and now: no business, a lot of debts, heavy legal liabilities. UNwise mission accomplished!
Yep, you WISED UP, Ed. And when you do WISE UP, you put yourself on the road to perdition…
How the Hell did you lose your business, pal??? I was very stupid and Wised UP. You never, ever want to Wise Up! Trust me! It’ll ruin your business and your life…
Perfect and 100% accurate. I WILL give El Con credit for developing the Tech of destruction. Apply El Con tech and you have an almost 100% chance of destroying what it touches!
Long after the cult collapses, they will be talking about the “Tech of Destruction.”
The print from the poster:
The most ethical financial group on this and 12 other planets.
Let us dear your finances down the right fourth dynamic Road. We’ll train you to recognize which arbitrarys are actually good for you.
Join us or hire us. We’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse!
Become a made man by rocketing up the status ladder in weeks, not years!!
Our tech is so standard it makes Ponzi look like a pansy!!!
Our policies are better than source. You’ll have cash in your registrar’s hands every week before Thursday 2 PM.
We show you how to steer your CICS SPs into wiseguys mediation for all disputes so you can when all settlements with the comfort of knowing that all your false reports will stick!!!
Does your 2-D or business partner protest your donations? Will make you write and them wrong every time!!!
Learn how to get your CICS SPs finances before you disconnect!!!
We are a family oriented outfit!!!
Clean out your kids education and trust funds!!!
Have your parents sign over your inheritance in life!!!
We show you how to get a quick divorce and keep it all!!!
All our policies are certified IDEAL!!!
Thanks Dan, but you can view the full frame Wiseguys flyer on Mike Rinder’s Thursday Funnies October 30, 2014.
“Truth Revealed ” I bailed early from WISE
as they never had an answer or replied to the one question I ever persisted on asking them. They only wanted money, never delivered any service.
Post WISE, Long list of success and ownership, signed up for a cruise with cream of industry and science,none are in scientology or God forbid WISE.
When I was in WISE, I heard from them once a year to renew my membership. The BEC meetings were all about how many guests you would be bringing. WISE insists you manage ENTIRELY by WEEKLY statistics. If I did that my wonderful staff would be out the door in a month if not sooner. I’d sooner slit my throat. I use the LRH Tech that works for my business and ignore the rest, and I’ve had a successful business for 22 years.
The statics and most of the admin tech of Scientology was probably not written by LRH and even if it was it was pretty much just copied and altered from other sources.
Oh – just to share a “win” my sister had from investing $40,000 in WISE CONSULTING for her business – “Pay your phone bill first”. Mind.Blown. Thank you LRH, Sir, for the TEK! Not kidding…
Another thing that irritated me was how in the beginning I got some WISE guy who told me that for a Scientology business person to not be a WISE member was OUT ETHICS. He hounded, hounded, hounded…to this day I regret that I capitulated. I really, really hate people who nag, who repeat themselves endlessly, who try to run you by wearing you down. A happy day for me was when I cancelled my WISE membership and blocked them from my phone and my email.
As the Treas Sec FSO, I called the Treas Sec of every org on the planet and found all but one were insolvent and were wayyy behind on paying their bills. The great Scientology tech at work. These orgs barely stay open by keeping money they gave no exchange for, not paying staff, not paying taxes, constantly begging public to give them donations in exchange for the latest cert, T-shirt or trophy. .
I think the orgs and missions just might have had a chance if uplines/management would quit making them buy stupid equipment they are not going to use because of some dumb-ass program. The equipment costs a fortune the orgs don’t have money to spend on it and it is mandatory per the program to get it purchased.
Also the cost of having uplines do the local magazine which would cost a lot less if done in house, but no it has to be done professionally.
Then with some of the fundraisers the orgs get close to completing one project for renos they have to do it all over again. No wonder they are going broke.
Not to mention the big beautiful buildings are empty of staff and public. Really sad and a shame they can not see this; all though it did take me several years to finally have the nerve to get out. It wasn’t until so many staff and public started to die and my own body started having problems that I decided I was done.
I stayed on for another year taking some Div 6 courses and helping out a little, but not really helping since you get pulled away to get regged. And since the courses just weren’t doing it for me I finally just walked away without doing any more.
And Mike I just can’t say it enough, your blogs are great. I look forward to reading them and the comments every day. I may not have liked you so much while you were in Scientology only knowing of you as an exec in the church on the big screen; but I do finally agree with you now. Thanks for your daily blogs.
Shadow, historic data says differently. LONG before all that crap, new people INTO orgs and missions was drying up. That was in the mid-70’s.
Shadow – “might have a chance if Uplines…” The goal is to keep the other Orgs broke and people working for free. That is Scientology. Always was meant to be that way right from the get go with the Turd – L Ron Hubbard.
Some of the french WISE self-called consultants are to be sent before courts for fraud… once again.
The celebrity center could as well be sent at the same time.
Then scientology should be forbidden in France.
Like it’s the same for Belgium and its long running suits in Brussels, no surprise to have learned that COB bought a big building near the french-swiss-belgian frontiers in Basel, so as to be able to keep on defrauding frenchies and beligian customers in what is called an “ideal org”!
Point of information: Basel is at the junction of Switzerland, France and Germany, NOT Belgium which is about 350 miles to the north.
Ah, dude mixed up Switzerland and Luxemburg. Considering the mutual histories of money laundering, tax evasion, corporate whoring, and no-tell banking that the two countries have, it’s excusable.
And Switzerland would make a fallback position if Europe finally gets its act together about the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. Personally, I think Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is fully capable of running the Co$ into the ground before Europe gets real, but it would still be a fine thing.
Ouch! Nailed it, RB.
As Administrative Systems go, Admin Tech has a demonstrably horrible track record. All one has to do is look at the pinnacle of application – Scn Orgs. Are there ANY solvent orgs? These guys have been religiously applying Admin Tech for decades and never managed to bring about any meaningful, sustainable growth. Most, if not all, are technically bankrupt.
Just think of all the advantages they have over traditional businesses:
1) Tax exemption
2) They do not have to pay their staff a minimum wage
3) Their staff are bound to many labor laws, since they are “volunteers”, which means they can work them much longer and harder
4) They do not have to provide staff with health care or benefits
5) They receive “free” money by way of fundraising, without having to deliver anything in exchange
6) Some may say they have a monopoly on the delivery of Scn services (though this has changed in recent years)
Regular businesses would be laughing if they had just ONE of these; yet Scn Orgs have ALL of them – and they still manage to FAIL. You have to work mighty hard to fuck that up. And they do that by dedicated application of LRH Admin Tech.
When you put it like that, you make CoS sound like a freeloader…
Hmmmmmm. So, Dollar Morgue, does that mean the cult has a freeloader debt? When do you think they’ll pay it??? Oh, right, when HELL freezes over…
The Day Siagon Collapsed the nation currency inflated
minute by minute till a half hour before NVA tanks arrived
then it was zero. Scientology as I see it is in a spiral that
copies the fall of Siagon. Not a question of IF but When.
Funny you should mention Saigon, Jose. I just watch “The Last Days of Saigon.” It was heartbreaking! Our forces could only take so many people and the rest were left to fend for themselves. Many, who didn’t get on one of the many ships to freedom, ended up in slave labor/reeducation camps (just like scientology). Jose, if you get a chance, watch that video.
And I do believe you are quite correct regarding the money situation. No question it’s not IF but WHEN.
Thank you OSD but I was there !
A bearded Lt jg. in torn up greens.
Oh no…First off, thanks for serving. I barely got out with a high draft number. I wanted no part in the conflict. Very, very glad you came back in one piece, my friend. You did come back in one piece, right? Would love to hear your stories from those times.
Dear OSD,
Thank you again.
Flew out in a full DC 3. In PI I went to the Air Force exchange for clothes, there were none except a yellow arrow shirt and plaid slacks. ( I looked liked a used car salesman) next day was on a starlifter to Travis. Took a cab home and slept for 5 days. I bought a sailboat and lived in it for 3 years. One of my Navy boats was featured by a UPI photographer in Cambodia all shot up, it sank in the Mekong River a few days later.
THAT is what you talk to Scientologist’s about – the insolvent Orgs and that they have at least $1,000,000 in UNDELIVERED services with 99% of the people that came in and got bamboozled to put money on account – BLOWN FOR GOOD!
Kick the hornets nest and get them in two way live comm about LRH’s DOCTRINE of EXCHANGE until they have a wognition.
I LOVE that term, Idle! Wognition! Priceless!
Friend 1: Hey Matt! What are doing in this store???
Friend 2: I finally left the cult.
Friend 1: Holy shit! That’s fantastic news! I’m so glad you’re out of that evil organization! All they’ll do to you is ruin lives! There’s no such thing as ‘Clear’ or super powers. It’s all a scam. A worldwide scam! BTW, can I take you out for a beer or two to celebrate?
Friend 2: Absolutely! Thanks for being such a great friend all these years! Having the freedom to go out and have a beer with a buddy is fantastic! I’m free at least!
Friend 1: So, what was it that caused to you leave?
Friend 2: I had a Wognition!
Friend 1: Yep, I’ve heard of those! They’re becoming quite popular! as I understand it!. So, shall we head to Huntington Beach and pick up Old Surfer Dude and throw back some suds?
Friend 2: You know, pal, after going through what I went through with the cult, having a beers with you and OSD will be the start of the rest of my life! Freedom never tasted better! Both you guys have been such great friends and you never gave up on me. BTW, I’m buying! I know OSD will like that being the cheap ass Scot that he is!
Friend 1: Let me give OSD a quick call to let him know. (a minute or two later…). Whoa! You’re not going to believe this, but, OSD said he would pay!!!!
Friend 2: Wow! Miracles REALLY do happen! I can’t believe how HAPPY I am! And it’s just a natural happiness! Nothing fake like in the cult. Hey, do you think OSD would buy us lunch too!
Friend 1: Yes there are miracles, but, now you’re just being ridiculous…
The orgs do have a big money hole in the floor at the door that sucks down 10% of the gross income that comes in before they even start paying costs. (There are other money holes, but that’s the big one.)
Orgs are non-profit because they ship the profit uplines.
So sad, but so true…
Thank you Regraded Being! You don’t know how much I look forward to Friday mornings!
OMG – this was a “coffee spit splatter” of epic magnitude. You nailed it – WISE – scamming business owners out of their hard earned money for 60 years.
I had a very successful business LONG before Scientology got their hands on it. Only a few people running it.
I got into Scientology and ended up being convinced by 2 staff members (who never ran a popcorn stand or a lemon aide stand and were living in a flop house sleeping on couches and eating ramen noodles) that I NEEDED their consulting. I paid them $50 per hour to advise me how to “GROW” my business.
After several weeks – I caught one of them “word clearing” the words used in my trade (car sales) to make sure they did not go by an MU. This person was an Oat Tea Five. I was like WTF???
I still stayed in…. cringe – cringe – cringe!
I ended up with an ORG BOARD blown up and posted on our entryway – with the six names on it and was told to hire 27 more people to fill up the Org Board. I WAS IN CONFUSION and that is the goal of Scientology. Now they proceeded to fleece me of a lot of money.
We had made millions without any WISE tek or Scientology. Now – I was giving it all away to Scientology. I was such a fool.
I ended up going up the Bridge and getting rid of all my worker’s and partner (because they were not waxing enthusiasm about Scientology and just “knew” they were hiding crimes. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe~ Sorry guys! I hope you forgive me!
I spent hundreds of thousands on the Bridge to no where and left after Debbie Cook’s E-mail and an encounter with the Facebook Police telling me to disconnect from her.
My win – I know what it feels like to “BE HUMILIATED”.
To all of my friends and family who hung in there with me during my cult tenure – THANK YOU! To all of the SP’s that Suppressed Scientology – THANK YOU – you all saved my life and I love you very much!!
Wow IM, painful lesson, thanks for sharing that. I understand how one can fall for that, we all have to a certain degree. Church services isn’t much different really. Lots of hype, lots of promises, lots of money – short on results.
Just when you think RB might be exaggerating a post like yours appears proving it is very close to the truth.
I remember my own involvements with WISE – we run a very small business and regularly I was asked if we had our org board posted yet and all the other points of the admin know how check list. All this seemed like massive overkill for a 2 person business.
To be fair the leader of the local wise group did try to be helpful and never tried to push consultants on to us.
This also happened to an old friend of mine who has since disconnected from me. Her husband’s company started to really expand through diligence, hard work, great marketing and lots of service..then he tried to operate via the org board, brought in field SCNer’s who had been FEBC trained (and who knows how much they got paid to be his consultants.. some were even on staff and on the pay role). He made everyone have study time each day and felt it was my duty as an Ex S.O staff member to set a good example and readily dig in. I refused. He is still hanging in there and his company is a shadow of what it was. Stupid is as stupid does.. and also no doubt ruled by a good does of fear of losing his bridge if he didn’t comply.
I’ve never been in, so I’m dying of curiosity – what was the draw? Was the email enough to snap you out of it or was it an accumulation of things? Thanks for sharing.
Hi lawgrrl34. Is this quertion for Regraded Being and are you referring to the Debbie Cook email?
Lawgrrl34, generally it is the accumulation of things until that final BOOM! The draw is spiritual freedom and handling ones life to make it better and to help others and mankind. After years of study and sweat one realizes what one is reading just doesn’t match what is really happening. It’s sad too, because some of the data actually makes sense. But it is an accumulation of other philosophies and religions so of course it makes some kind of sense.
Lawgrrrl – the draw is many different angles. I was looking for a group to be part of (just moved to a new area). My loved one had just passed away – feeling vulnerable and suffering from grief. Could not seem to get out of it.
My sister got into Scientology through the WISE consulting – her story is another nightmare. I did not know what it was so I just walked into the Org, took a Div 6 Class and before I knew it – I was suffering from cognitive dissonance and reaching for more Scientology to solve that.
By the way, my sister, who is also OUT of the cult – spent $40,000 on WISE CONSULTING in two years – got regged for her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom to the tune of $200,000 on credit card debt and refinancing home. She never made it past Drug Rundown either….they kept all of her money.
She EPed a few years later to experience FORECLOSURE and BANKRUPTCY. Two common side effects of Scientology.
Yes – embarrassed to say – I STILL STAYED IN. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe.
Every time I tried to bring this situation up in Session – the auditor would give me an ack and then do a sec check…”let me check something here…have you ever….”
It worked – THAT sec checking got the focus off of registrars bankrupting people to get their stats up and onto ourselves. How convenient too – to have “lived before” so we can dig through 75 million years of past lives to see if I ever caused someone to go bankrupt or lose their house. I recall being in Rome in the 14th Century. I was a King and I would take people’s homes away from them if they did not pay their taxes. LOL (not kidding).
It worked like a charm. I got the focus off of the Organization and onto myself. Until – I got Debbie Cook’s e-mail…and had witnessed too many “financial irregularities” within the Organization all over the planet. Then I looked at the internet – went ALL the way down the rabbit home and had the EP (Scientology, LRH and the entire religion) is a criminal organization parading as a religion and hiding behind the religious cloak. I had been convinced Scientology was hanging on financially by a thread too – (due to no toilet paper in the Ideal Org) – I found out they also were sitting on BILLIONS of dollars.
Actually – I thought I had to BE OAT TEA to understand why this responsible woman would be so irresponsible with her money – why would she do that? My $olution – “Get up the Bridge”. Cringe~Cringe~Cringe~ there is some more of that humility burning off – kind of like Dope Off. LOL
Scientology’s main goal is to get people into confusion. Then – manipulate them more by $elling them $olutions $ciendollatry creates.
Hey…wait a minute…Rome,14th Century…YOU were the King? I want my house back! Just kidding 🙂
Sorry lawgrrl34. I’m at my home computer now and can see your comment was for Idle Morgue.
Should know better by now than to think I know what I’m doing with a smart phone. I wasn’t one of those lucky ones who was able to leave their glasses in the jar by the door at the Org after a couple of cognitions.
Scientology tells you that YOU are a broken person and that they have the solution to FIX you. NOTHING could be further from the truth. You are fine as you are. Just look at the sheeple still inside as well as staff and SO! These are NOT happy people. Live life the way YOU want to. No one needs advice from a cult…
Regraded Being, a lot of people left their eyeglasses, gold & gold fillings behind at the org. Hmm, there was another place that also used to collect these items from its victims…
Idle Morgue,
Hiring people for the purpose of filling up a cookie-cutter org chart has got to rank as one of the nuttiest things any business consultant could push for. It’s the ultimate in form over function. I’m sorry you wasted so much opportunity in your pursuit of counterfeit dreams. I hope and trust your business has or will eventually recover from your brush with WISE scam.
At the orgs, aren’t most of their org charts half-empty or worse, with loads of stuff “held from above” or just not filled?
I recovered nicely and am flourishing and prospering, which drives Scientologist’s NUTS. They so desperately want to see anyone that left Scientology go crazy, die or get sick. THAT IS THE TECH! LRH
I talk about all the divorces and cancer sick staff and ask how they are doing. You would think they would have a wognition of some sort – but they just don’t.
I had to get out of confusion first and that took a while. Now I know why the Scientology Cult has one sign a bunch of lawyer ed up contracts stating that if you “GET WORSE” you won’t sue Scientology.
I have heard from a few of the UTR’s that go to the local Org to stay in the good graces of the cult (so they don’t lose their family and friends) that the Staff tell people I was am an ” Illegal PC ”
(I saw a counselor for a while after a loved one died) and that is why I don’t come around – it is my case impinging on me.
When they call me I tell them I am too busy and not interested. I use ARC and ask them about the expansion and how they are doing.
I get a lot of silence on the other line and then they have to go….(the being just knows…that Scientology isn’t working for them or anyone). I ask a lot about that big empty building they are in and if people are coming in – in droves as COB said they would.
I have heard recently that staff are instructed not to call me anymore and that I need to meet with the MAA at FLAG. LOL
Holy crap, Idle! So very, very glad you’re out. Very out. And yes, you are quite correct about leaving the cult. They WANT you to fail, go bankrupt, get cancer, go insane or get sick and DIE! And they want that because when someone leaves, it invalidates THEM! And they get all riled up about it. I remember hearing that staff and SO would tell people that if they leave, they’ll be dead in 6 months or come back in a deformed body. Whew, man that Kool-Aid must be extra strong! These are very sick fucks that tell people they’re going to die. IMHO, what you wish for others, you wish for yourself. But, what do you expect from a vicious, evil, toxic, militant, brainwashing, mind bending, family destroying, financial ruining CULT!
Hey Idle, I’ll be glad to make that trip with you to see the MAA at FLAG! For some odd reason, I think we’d have a great time! We can stop by and see Mike too!
” Holy crap, Idle! So very, very glad you’re out. Very out. And yes, you are quite correct about leaving the cult. They WANT you to fail, go bankrupt, get cancer, go insane or get sick and DIE! And they want that because when someone leaves, it invalidates THEM! And they get all riled up about it. I remember hearing that staff and SO would tell people that if they leave, they’ll be dead in 6 months or come back in a deformed body. Whew, man that Kool-Aid must be extra strong! These are very sick fucks that tell people they’re going to die. IMHO, what you wish for others, you wish for yourself. But, what do you expect from a vicious, evil, toxic, militant, brainwashing, mind bending, family destroying, financial ruining CULT!”
There you go again OSD ……. sugar coating the truth to make it more palatable. 🙂
So were you thinking of stopping by to see Kathy False? If so, I wanna go and also invite Jasmin and Alphonso. It’s good to have at least three know best losers to deal with otherwise it isn’t even a game! Hell, lets get Mr fitness himself into the mix (Paul Miller). The last time I talked to that lying fatass was three in the morning, just before he coerced my ex into giving another pile of worthless fiat currency to the International ASSociation of Sociopaths by telling her I had agreed to it. Geeesch!!!!
Glad that is over! I’d love to but the first round at Mikes favorite pub!
It wouldn’t be a party at Flag without you, Coop! So far that Idle, me, you and some of your friends. And yes, let’s go to Mike’s favorite watering hole! OMG! We would have the greatest of times! I’d love to bring a camera and start taking pics of the downtown area (the No Life Zone) to see what happens! You see, you ALWAYS come up with the best ideas!
If you guys can hold out a bit, I’ll be working for a few days in Tampa at the end of the month. I’d love nothing better than to be the fifth wheel at a real SP Party.
“I recovered nicely and am flourishing and prospering, which drives Scientologist’s NUTS.”
I loved your post, Idle. I too recovered easily, flourished and prospered after leaving the cult. The fact that my business has never depended upon any Scientologists was certainly a factor. But then, for many years when I was in, I made money but was always broke. As soon as I left Scientology my finance situations ceased. I stopped being a high earner who never had any money as soon as I left the cult. It was almost magical.
Me too! Me too! I wanna come too, Coop.
My heart goes out to you. What a horrific experience. I’m glad you’re surviving and healing. This kind of thing keeps me mouthing off on Twitter. Maybe someone else can be saved. Thank you. Thanks to Regraded Being and Mike for yet another explosive post.
Thank you to everyone who answered me, especially IM. I appreciate your candor!
Gee, Idle Morgue ; I think I am understanding you better now.
Glad, that you got out.