The rah-rah is reaching nutball levels in PAC — promoting completing Valley org will make them the first “Ideal City”? How do they figure these things out? There are lot of cities that only have one org and it is “ideal” so arent they “ideal cities”? Or do they require more than one org (of course they do — even 5 orgs in LA is not even scratching the surface). But you will hear the sheeple in London talking about how their ideal org is “going to Clear London” and the same in Melbourne and Joburg and everywhere else. They have long since considered themselves an “ideal city.” Ah well, anything to motivate the sheeple to keep on giving.
But also buried in here is another remarkable piece of news: The Children’s Org? Really? Just a spur of the moment money-raising gimmick has now turned into “the only org in the Americas with special facilities to cater to the child Scientologists to guarantee their ascent up the Bridge” (even though it doesnt exist yet….)
And you will note, the entirety of what is talked about is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.
The Children’s Org? Really? Just a spur of the moment money-raising gimmick has now turned into “the only org in the Americas with special facilities to cater to the child Scientologists to guarantee their ascent up the Bridge”
What’s worse is the creation of “child benefactors”. What kind of a confused message on the subject of exchange does this teach a child?
Did the child earn this money that they are “donating”? Unlikely, unless they inherited a lot of wealth at birth or are a child Hollywood star.
If it is coming from Mommy and Daddy, did they actually give the child the money with no strings attached first and then the child decided on their own to give it all to the COS. Again, unlikely.
So let’s take a look at what message is being communicated here…..
That you can own stuff that you do not earn. And…..
That you will gain a lot of admiration if you give away stuff that you do not own.
I must of missed those precepts in I The Way to Happiness.
Taking money from children
What a bunch of BASTARDS.
Still its not my money so I really don’t give a flying pig.
If these narcassistic scychophants are happy to hand over all these $$$$$$’s for a silly pin or badge just to keep the rat faced dwarf Miscaviage in smoked salmon and whisky who are we to complain hum??
Dave, may your salmon turn to salmonella.
They have campaigns for an ideal planet, continent, region, and now city. What’s next? Ideal Zip Code and Ideal Census Tract?? I can hardly wait.
I think you can get ideal kitchens and bathrooms at Home Depot.
I bought my IAS membership first in 1995 .. have never paid one cent more ..
Prediction: YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. Miscavige understands group games over time and how to transition from one to another. So…
There is probably a “drop dead date” for the Valley Org already figured out. As much money as possible will be squeezed from the sheeple and when it is clear not much more is coming, the IAS will generously swoop in and make the final donation. They will not only get their own brownie points to continue to promote, but also “a big win” will be promoted/celebrated on completing Valley. Then ……. ha ha ha ….. you guessed it, the next game begins. (Renos for Valley or the new Hotel or Auditorium in Pac or something). And THIS cycle will then run its course. Grind grind grind … take the win …. the sheeple can feel they “did it”, then get them to do it all over again. Yeah, Dave IS in fact a genius in his chosen field. No denying it.
Hey any of you “High Status” people who may be lurking here, Get this:
……ANY auditor spending 1 hour actually helping another actual person with Scientology Tech has more actual status than you will EVER be able to buy in a million years with any amount of money.
Get it? Good.
So, knock off the bullshit and get to work if you want to call yourself a Scientologist.
In this spirit, here’s a message from the real Chairman of the Board in a song he wrote, performed by the wonderful Stacy Kent. Listen to the lyrics get inspired, stop jacking off, actually help another person improve their actual life, and get with the program of freeing beings.
This is just a little samba
Built upon a single note
Other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note
Now this new note is the consequence
Of the one we’ve just been through
As I’m bound to be
The unavoidable consequence of you
There’s so many people
Who can talk and talk, and talk
And just say nothing
Or nearly nothing
I have used up all the scale
I know and at the end
I’ve come to nothing
I mean nothing
So I come back to my first note
As I come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you
Any one who wants the whole show
Re mi fa so la ti do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know
So I come back to my first note
I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you
Any one who wants the whole show
Re mi fa so la ti do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know
This is so gross…Your posts continue to enlighten and are always read. I can’t imagine what these people are thinking about?
I followed this BS for years when I did not agree with my IAS membership and bought it because it was required and I did not agree with the out tech sold to me at full rates but accepted this in hopes that I could get the earlier wins achieved. So happy to be out of this trap!
May 2010, I left very publicly with a letter stating such to the AOLA. Got my refund with the threat of a lawsuit, I believe within two months. The first year was heartbreaking, the second, better, the third great and the fourth amazing.
Your work is appreciated Mike.
Has anyone noticed that 99% of the people in the photographs above appear to be middle-aged? I did note two children. Rare to be seen are people in their 20’s – 30’s. A bad sign for membership.
Yo Dave: “When your whales are beached and there’s no more reach, realize you lived life like a leech.”
OK, so what’s next? The Pet Org? The Animal Org? The Winged and Quadroped Org? Get me outta here! Any of you self-respecting species do NOT, I repeat do NOT go with your human(s) to any place other than the vet. (Not that that’s much fun either, but….)
If you get there and it’s not the vet, make a run for it! Then hunt around and find new humans. I mean….these guys will make a buck out of anything, you and me included! Mee-friggin’–OW!
I bet it was a rocking good time with non-stop music, dancing, clapping and smiling with guards at every door making sure no one left without moving up in status. Also watching for people who might display the slightest bit of doubt at the whole charade, thinking to themselves, ‘wait a minute. This is bullshit!’
I see they’re ostensibly so concerned about the children these days. They should really call it the Church of Soccer Moms.
More false threes acting false four about throwing their money away.
How nice.
One wonders how they will clear this city with out auditors or people to train ’em but I guess that’s for another time and place.
A friend who is connected to a KA drinking devotee said she wanted to go to the Ship to do the OT Debug. She found out the Ship is no longer offering the OT Debug service anymore. Why not? My guess is that it is too labor intensive and too many do not get debugged. It requires using a word clearer, courses, study, auditing, qual actions. It is labor intensive. So now on the Ship instead of labor intensive things, they get you all into a room and do a seminar with one speaker who is not a trained auditor and as many people as they can cram into the room. Again, it is not labor intensive and carries on with the out exchange theme.
This concentration on events and “group services” that do not require an auditor is what GAG II’s re-do of the bottom of the Bridge is all about. Same with doing the basics. They just want bodies in the shop so IAS etc… can jump on them. When will the sheeple learn? When all their fleece is gone.
Like I said years ago prior to being 86ed from Marty’s blog due to my sparkling personality.
Scientology has gone into the valance of EST.
Yet the public who are left don’t “get it” while the regs are getting all they can before to paraphrase Jim Morrison the whole shit house collapses.
What I always find most amazing is the push for increasing “Status”. Yes, they want your money, but any Scientologist with even a hint of discernment should be able to cognite on the fact that “status”, social or otherwise, is the absolute antithesis of what Scientology used to be about. This is so lost on these people, and they’re not youngsters either. Look at the pics of people at their events. They are middle-aged and on up…and that’s because they are the ones with the deep pockets. They apparently have money and status, but not a shred of common sense. It’s really still mind boggling to me…
Next thing they will be asking donations for will be an Ideal Old Scientologists Home
Targeting children, such filthy god damned criminals and their human rights crimes!!!
By the way, for insights in to these filthy crooks in Ottawa, and for a laugh to help brighten up the day which is sullied by Scientology’s human rights crimes against kids, check the blog entry for lulz:
The public that remain must largely be “Scientologists” who never really understood much of anything about the subject at all.
true dat !!!!!!!!!!!
There should be a Black warning Label for Reg’s also ( not only public warnings)
Two Reg’s who worked very hard to financially smash me to bits have dropped dead.
Psycho Gretchen Swartz and Extortionst Carrie Alkins. Don’t give them a cent and they
die !!!!!!
Refreshments included a delicious lemming casserole, I hear.
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” –Adolf Hitler
Edward Behrendt, once a member of the Hitler Youth stated; “If you can capture the minds of young children and persuade them to become dedicated to your cause, your theory of the truth and your theory of what is right and wrong, then you can hold the whole country captive and you have complete control”
But you have to mention that the Project “3rd Reich” did fail.
So there was not enough time to prove the truth of the Statement.
I can envision the lineup of basic courses for the Children’s Org – featuring new titles like “How to write a KR on mom and dad”, :How to ask Grandma and Grandpa for money” , “Why COB is more of a parent to you than your birth parents.” and last but not least “College? You don’t need no stinkin college!”
And lastly, “Why you should join the Sea Org if you’re not a millionaire by thirteen.”
It´s Hubbard´s creation and head bitch-in-charge is dramatizing. It´s boring and predictable.
I look at the faces of these people and I wonder if there is even one truly spiritually enlightened being in the entirety of the cult of miscavology.
Possibly an auditor here or there who keeps his door closed to the insanity and tries desperately to help someone?
Most of the people you can see look like Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker devotees who gladly give up their weekly gas money to the glory of god and Jim’s Rolls Royce payments.
Same con, different stage.
Considering how anal the Church of Scientology is about the ludicrous activity of “word-clearing,” why is it that almost NO Scientologists can spell? Considering the Church of Scientology seems to be modelled on a fascist organization, where are the grammar/spelling Nazis?
The ones I know who are left in the Church are the dunce low IQ poor student types who never could study or only with a great deal of help. Really! I know them.
Yep. There really messing up they’re elementary school grammar and spelling over their. Its a problem with written language when you think your two smart too learn it’s rules.
I Highly commend you for posting this Michael. I am sure that the Co$ is horrified that you post this. Keep it up!
“…and really this era of mass policy violation was what triggered me to get out.”
I find it hard to comprehend WHY all those sheeple still go for this stuff. Hook, line and sinker. Literally… sinker. It’s a good way to sink your life.
How much longer can it go on? It’s fascinating to watch.
Zana – there is not a person who goes to the Freewinds or goes to these events who doesn’t know the drill. They all know what is coming and they go. There’s your answer. That is the spiritual and mental condition these people are in. Once you make the decision to or even allow an external source to determine who or what you can feel affinity for, agree with or communicate to, you are lost as a being. And so the sheeple are; and that is why they keep participating. In the wog world, it would be said that they are mentally ill, and of course they are. They are sick people. But as folks who have studied the spirit and life in Scientology, they are responsible for their own condition. Have no more money? Going bankrupt as you keep using credit? Tough shit, my former friends. Maybe you should acquire the skill of being able to handle any situation with communication alone.
Think I’m going to change my handle to “Moving Up in STatus”.
Or how about a new license plate for the truly elite: “MovingUPinStatus= MUST”?
“Must”…as in the state male elephants go into during the mating season when their testosterone goes straight up and vertical and they behave like twenty-ton maniacs, destroying everything in their path in order to get close to a female? Wouldn’t that be a more appropriate license plate for a reg?
>Too cheap to event rent an event hall and too desperate to show that there are “lots of Scentologists” in Los Angeles (even though half that crowd are SO and Class V staff members), they use the LA org parking lot for their summer events.
$cientology also: buses in staff and SO from outside the area (e.g., Portland opening) and hires extras. They use Photoshop to falsify photos to make it appear there are more $cientologists than there really are. They are the “church” of fraud and deceit, and led by a psychopathic & sociopathic madman (DM).
As an aside, there could be a kind of reverse status for those getting settlements from the Co$. For those receiving over $1,000,000 from COB’s church, I submit the following: Miscavige Unmocker Meritorious with Honors, etc.
Look at the very first photo, to the left you will see staff (or public?) lining up against the wall. This reminded me of late 2000s where MAAs and registrars were also lining up at against the wall, plus blocking the doors, during the Flag Graduations, Events, Special Briefings with the whole purpose to not let anyone out until they “willingly donated”.
Now, the worst parti was after 2010 when, as evidenced by pre clears, they were not allowed to leave the auditing room until he/she also ‘willingly donated’ for the IAS. In the room were the auditor, a Qual Consultant of AO and an MAA or D of P (three people). This is coercion, greed, abuse and a degrade of the staff and public alike.
They do have however the Ideal Criminal Organization of greed, abuses and the devil will help them to have more celebrations once they reach hell as they don’t belong anywhere else.
Those are staff blocking the exit. Were they public, there are plenty of empty seats they could have chosen.
The more I look, the less I understand.
Silvia and DollarMorgue – You are correct in that staff block the exits out of the events at PAC base and at the Ballroom at the “posh” Hollywood and Highland. They set up barricades at the ends of LRH Way at PAC and if you continue to pass through them, they yell loudly at you in an antagonistic tone that you “can’t go out that way”. There is no “way” to get out unless you go to either end of the street.
Once at PAC my husband was stopped by a guy who grabbed his arms tightly and wouldn’t let him go while trying to drag him over to a table where the regges were waiting. I watched as my husband looked down at the guy’s hands and and then into his eyes and said “take your hands off of me”. He’s a very well mannered person and polite but the line was crossed and he was and ready to take care of business if this guy didn’t remove his grip, which he did. At PAC, it’s still easy to ignore the shouts and continue to exit because your outside on a public street. People do it anyway although it’s very annoying.
At the “posh” Ballroom at Hollywood and Highland, they close all the doors except for one door and there is a continuous, steady stream people constantly going in and out. More going out than in. It’s difficult to pass through this door when you want to get out and they know it. There are hundreds of people inside and only one exit door is open. I don’t believe that is legal and it certainly isn’t safe in the event of a fire, an earthquake or other emergency. I refused to attend events there for this reason, not to mention that the Ballroom is all the way at the top of the structure and there is only one escalator up and down. I hated that space and never really felt safe there. I noticed at the Shrine they don’t do this, probably because the Shrine has strict rules about blocking entrance doors.
I forgot to mention that at the Ballroom, once you squeeze yourself out of the “one” exit door, you then have to run the gauntlet of Sea Org / Staff recruiters, IAS regges and all the other people who are fundraising and or taking surveys to get you on staff. You are continuously stopped until you hit the escalator or elevator which runs pretty slow. Not fun.
And they wonder why they’re shrinking. This is some really lame shit. All for the greatest good, right? Seems to be the least good for the mostest – catch my drift Davey boy?
At the Shrine they started forming a human chain late ’90’s early 00’s at the front entrance so you were forced to go downstairs.
Some of us got wise to this tactic and left just before the event was over.
It sounds completely insane. I think we’re really soft over here in Europe by comparison.
I am definitely not a photo expert but something isn’t right about that photo of the outdoor event. Is it just me?
What your visual senses are telling you is that you shouldn’t be able to see anyone in the rows closest to the viewscreen due to the intensive oversaturated white light coming from some parts of it. Also, the light illuminating the people in the right foreground corner isn’t enough to dispel the halo effect of the light hitting the heads of some people coming from the left background just a few rows from where the light is so intense as to cast visible shadows of the people behind them. The two people wearing striped t-shirts stand out because everyone else is dressed more formally, so that doesn’t make sense as well.
Probably photoshopped and definitely shot with a wide angle lens to give it the appearance broader field.
It is all so bizarre. As much as Scientology policy always seemed to lead to crush regging, crim regging, and money grabbing, at least before Miscavige really ramped up the IAS and launched the Ideal Org and Basic campaigns, the regging was mostly for money for services, and when not abusive had some arguable purpose related to what Scientology was supposed to do. The donation campaigns are so blatantly and obviously in direct and clearcut violation of Scientology policy and the violation is so massive that I found it impossible to ignore, justify, or explain away, and really this era of mass policy violation was what triggered me to get out. The seeds of this type of insanity were always there perhaps, but anyone who ever made any serious study of LRH tech and policy cannot help but know this is squirrel as hell. The public that remain must largely be “Scientologists” who never really understood much of anything about the subject at all.
Exactly. And everybody who remains there supports it. And anyone who knows a tiny bit of data showing the actual reality and ignoring it is just on the same criminal board as DM. I guess we can afford this sort of make-wrong since in their view it is a make-right to have their whatever put into His Majesty’s ass. There will be a lot of apologies in the end, yet more important is to have the Tech delivered, or for those who are already repelled by sci jargon here, to have some little help on spiritual path available.
SadStateofAffairs – I have just realized a further extension of the DM game. Losing the technology! With the facts that relatively few auditors are being made and also interned under knowledgeable C/Ses, who have by now all left the building, leaving only those who dare not say “no”, the technology of auditing will eventually be fully lost, if it has not already been lost. I first heard of intimations of this decades ago when so called auditors started threatening their PCs in session (which I learned about afterwards). I fear the tech has already been lost within the Church. This was DM’s target with his blind leading the blind idea – he wanted that experience that was formerly being passed on from generation to generation of auditors and C/Ses, to be destroyed. In some areas in the field it is still alive and well though, fortunately.
Message to Miscavige: “My contempt for you grows exponentially.”
Wow, they got DC’s Superman and Batman together with Marvel’s Iron Man and Cap’n America!
Where do I sing up? (I can’t give as much as Batman, OK? Sign me up on the AntMan level…)
I’m in on the microbe level. Patron Subatomic Particle Uproarious.
Childrens’s Org….”To guarantee your child’s rapid
descent into the Sea Org” is more like it.
Absolutely. Don’t forget that your kids will also be indoctrinated that they are “billion year old Thetans”, who don’t have to listen to their Mom or Dad. My daughter was told that right in my presence, as though I was a nothing- nobody. They will also be led into thinking that families don’t matter, we’ve had tons of lifetimes and bodies anyway, so why be focused on parents, siblings, grandparents, or friends? Not to mention an education, which will only make you stupid, or promiscuous if you go to college.
Folks, your children are not safe at the orgs. Don’t be fooled by a “Children’s Org” one bit. This is a cherry-picking station to hustle your kids into the SO as minors, which is what they like. Teach Scientology principles to your kids in your home, if that’s what you want to do. When they come of age they can then decide if they want to “rocket up the Bridge” on their own determinism.
Two points. One: The parking lot event picture looks more like a painting than a real event. Two: Can you see any of the overweight whales ever doing the running program?
They do The Floating Program.
Notice on the first photo above that the exit is guarded by uniformed staff? The last event I went to in 2003 had the same guards and when I tried to leave in the middle of the fund raiser, they tried to stop me. I said “right” and just physically pushed passed them and kept walking… I never went to another event because they had guards at the exit. Unbelievable. I guess the sheeple heed the guards at the exits. That’s how the sheeple and their money are soon separated.
They did the same thing at the Freewinds. Forced us all into the Starlight lounge and wouldn’t let anyone out until they had donated. It made me furious. They finally got $600 from me for the stupid Columbian police… however, I saw really nice people… one woman whom I know lives in a 1 room apartment and makes her living as a waitress… she put $5,000 on a credit card to give to them. It was disgusting. And little kids coming up as shills donating their piggy banks to fan the crowd to greater fervor. It was truly like bobbing for apples. Shooting fish in a barrel. Disgusting. I made it known that I would NEVER go back. And I would NEVER send anyone.
Yes zana, disgusting.
These criminals do not distinguish between waitresses, whales or pensioners now forced to eat cat food in their waning years.
Zana – I got briefed on the Columbian police project too, except at home by the famous Gavin Potter. How much money does it take to put together a course room to study The Way to Happiness? Not much in my book. Of course in the RCS it takes MUCHO dollars to do this – hundreds of thousands if not a million dollars was raised under this guise. This was run on public world-wide.
These guys will take your last penny if you let them.
Nice. Lets get this straight. This is a CHURCH that justifies this truly disgusting behavior towards their own parishnors while aboard sea vessel that HOLDS THIER PASSPORT at their discretion. (probably illegal) The evidence is overwhelming and the only rational conclusion one can make is that these guys are criminals, and immoral ones at that. The Freewinds is that last place anyone would want to get trapped in a Scientology organization, because they think they OWN you. Chick Corea, wake up and confront what you have been supporting.
Oh, and please note who made the fully self-determined, adult decision to “move up in status” in order to be part of the Children’s Org.
I guess the idea of selling any Bridge services is too mundane (too much effort band) these days. Money money money, indeed. Makes me want to puke if I dwell on it much.
That’s the outpoint that I keep coming back to…I know there are many but just fundraising as opposed to actually training and getting auditing (for the non-wealthy) seems to be the elephant in the room.
“Upon discovering their was a Children’s Org….”
Absolutely appalling isn’t it? They truly have no shame (and no grammar skills either).
It is craven and obscene use of children. Maybe this will help the fence-sitting and time-biding to realize the “church” is expecting their children to drink deep the kool aid too.
Blow now because it will never be better.
I see they are back to doing parking lot events. Too cheap to event rent an event hall and too desperate to show that there are “lots of Scentologists” in Los Angeles (even though half that crowd are SO and Class V staff members), they use the LA org parking lot for their summer events. That was supposed to end with all the expansion that was going to occur when LA org opened. Another pipe dream gone south.
Not to get all nostalgic for the “good old days” since there never were any good old days as far as I’m concerned, but I can remember when big announcements like this were all about how many auditors were being made and how many people were actually making it up the grades to the top of the Bridge. I remember when Briefing Course graduates and OT III and OT V completions actually seemed to matter more than the money they were paying for those services. Now, you don’t even need services or completions. Just money.
That’s all Scientology cares about. Your money. I hope anyone who is reading this who is still in can see that. Just get out while you still have something in your bank accounts. The regges will not stop until they have it all. And isn’t it pretty obvious at this point that they don’t care one bit whether your money is even buying anything?
@Chris Shelton: ” That’s all Scientology cares about. Your money. I hope anyone who is reading this who is still in can see that. Just get out while you still have something in your bank accounts. The regges will not stop until they have it all. ” ………. So true Chris and very clearly stated with no BS, the church WILL NOT STOP until they have exhausted ALL of your assets and then they will drop you like a rock. Here’s one of the BIG LIES……”It’s not about the money”. The Church of Scientology; lying sacks of shit.
From the Urban dictionary:
lying sack of shit
n. (metaphorical, yet, often simultaneously literal) one who habitually and effortlessly utters falsehoods in a most blatant and profane manner, all the while maintaining a lackadaisical appearance of ingenuousness; despite, or perhaps, due to the fact that their entire corporeal membrane is filled to bursting with an inexhaustible supply of foul, though nitrogen-rich fecal mendacities waiting to be excreted into their victims’ ears
Parking lot event, doesn’t that just mean it’s not viable to spend the 10-30 Gs to rent the Shrine or lesser hall?
I would like to see the whole stack of event planning CSWs through the years. That would be interesting to see the Data section of those CSWs that explain why the parking was proposed, which has been the majority of the summer events for years now, hasn’t it?
Do any public actually stay in the Main Building now as hotel accommodations or is Main Building still only Sea Org berthing?
I don’t think LA has that many out of town public to worry about accommodations these days.
Personally I think they spend most of their time regging whales who are mostly Flag public but live in the LA area.
They probably have a total of maybe 1500 public from the LA area come to these events and the rest are probably staff, such as Bridge, IAS, Flag Office, RTC Rep, ABLE, CCHR, HGB, HI, CCI, AO, ASHO, LA Org making a total of maybe 3000 which is half the number who used to show up at the Shrine just over a decade ago.
You know that they really are dying when their only new feeder line consists of the children of Scientologists. This cannibalization will very shortly have run it’s course, with the net result of empty wallets followed by more empty buildings.
The operative word to describe Scientology is EMPTY.
The camaraderie, the on-purposeness, the sheer joy of donating! Can you feel the love?
MJ the perfect comment!!!
Thanks Carol. I wonder what the percentage is of members leaving and the comparison between new people starting a service to old ones falling off lines.