The first episode of the new Scientology: Fair Game podcast will be available at midnight EDT tonight. (When iHeart says July 21st, they mean one minute past midnight, something I learned yesterday!)
It can be listened to on ANY podcast App. Of course, if you don’t already listen to podcasts, we would like you to download the iHeart App as they are the ones who are producing the podcast. But it can be listened to on iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc. etc. Anywhere you currently listen to podcasts will have Scientology: Fair Game, though the producers at iHeart told me it might take an hour or more to show up on other platforms after it is available on iHeart.
If you have not listened to podcasts before, it is very easy to do. You just need an App downloaded and you will be able to search for the podcast and tune in.
Looking forward to this first episode and hearing your feedback. I will have a posting tomorrow where you will be able to comment, and also documents that are relevant to the first episode.
Well, so Leah’s makeup and cute outfit don’t go to waste, why not do what Ron Miscavige does and video your podcasts? His is called Life After Scientology. I think your show would be hugely popular. Think about it!
We do Zoom calls so we can se each other. But iHeart is an audio platform not video. If we were hosting it ourselves that would be a different story. But appreciate the suggestion.
Oh, okay. Thanks for the explanation.
Cannot wait for this podcast! I will be listening to it regularly. Mike and Leah, you both have been so brave to bring so much light to these issues that most of us ‘wogs’ would never have known about. God bless you both – what a GREAT team you all make!! Keep fighting the good fight.
Just listened to your first episode. Look forward to hearing it every week. You guys are awesome!
I can’t imagine how much work went into each episode of the Aftermath. Not only were the guests very compelling, but the production editing top notch. I’m looking forward to this podcast, knowing well you and Leah will do an excellent job.
Bravo Mike, I commend you on your fight against this evil organization and wish you and Leah much success.
Mike, will a video version of the podcast ever be posted on YouTube, or will it always be audio only?
Link to audio for everyone:
I’ve configured it as a priority podcast and will listen to it first in my queue.
Your show with Leah played a very important part in helping me to unravel the mind control. I look forward to this new enterprise.
“So hold on Scientology. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!” Leah Remini
My daughter-in-law just got her degree in Sociology w/a minor (& 2 AA’s) in Psychology and Human Behavior. Just in the last 2yrs this subject is coming up in classes much more often and she’s had 2 Prof’s mention the show.
She got interested because of all my talk of TUB and your blog, then having her watch the show with me. She recently included the subject in a midterm paper. Prior to the show, it only came up in a psychology class in the context of the Industry of Death “museum” and their involvement in the psychological abuse cases in AU (that Steve Cannane raised in Fair Game) as a side note that they helped expose it.
So you guys have done an EXCELLENT job of taking this from a specialty subject known only within specific circles to mainstream and created so much awareness! She even jokes she’s “now officially an evil psych” and others get the joke.
Lastly, 2 English Prof friends said they’ve had a number of students raise the subject recently in current event papers (lots of people discovering the show on lockdown). One said prior to this, she’d see a rare mention every blue moon in her 20+ yrs. The other said she’d never heard about it outside of me, but suddenly she’s similarly seeing it appear in papers and discussions. (Yes I told both about the new podcast!) It’s been incredible to watch the fruit of your work ensure that the many courageous who started speaking out years ago are now being heard by so many more!
That’s great news Jenyfurrr… thanks so much. And Congrats to your daughter-in-law!
That’s really great news! We need more visibility on this evil cult. They’ve been operating in relative obscurity for way too long
I’m looking forward to the podcast!
Cannot wait, so excited. I think it is a great way to do this and be able to get into more details about things.
I will be tuning in on a regular
O/T. Church of Scientology Dianetics Auditor of the Year and Scientology Classed Auditor-in-Training Nation of Islam Sister Charlene Muhammad tweets about “powerful Satanic Jews” and “imposter Jews.”
Also posted to Instagram, which by necessity is condensed.
Did your Twitter get reinstated? What happened? My immediate assumption when I saw your posts was that YOU were essentially “blamed” (or complained about by the very originators of the hate speech) for propagating what they believed to be hate speech, vs recognizing you’re creating awareness.
Your work seems especially important right now that NOI is being conflated with BLM and getting more press, sadly lumped in with genuine activist groups that are making a difference. When I saw the Nick Cannon debacle I thought of you. The exposure and desire for more info will likely lead people to your extensive work on the NOI/CO$ relationship and how divisive (NOI) and hypocritical (STAND) truly are.
Hugs, appreciation and encouragement for all you do. I know it is quite thankless much of the time but so important. If you hadn’t persevered, there wouldn’t be a WEALTH of searchable info and history for so many to find when these headlines break.
Thanks for your dedicated hard work and PLZ keep it up!
PS – Might be fun to eventually have you interviewed by Mike & Leah to do an expanded deep dive on the progression of that relationship. That show was quite talked about. I have an interracial family and got numerous messages about being “into all that scientology stuff, did you know about this???!”
Jenyfurrr – Thank you very much for the kind words. I really appreciate them. They mean a lot.
My Twitter account has not been reinstated. My account was suspended for spam / artificially increasing distribution. FWIW: (1) I never received a complaint from anyone; (2) I tagged only relevant people, (e.g., often government officials, law enforcement, Jewish organizations regarding anti-Semitism, and journalists who had in fact covered a story about the subject); and (3) my tagging was targeted (e.g., I have a pro-vax / mask / social distancing / public health group, a group concerned about anti-Semitism, a MAGA group, etc.). I tried to tweet substantive news, sometimes based on my own reporting with links to ESMB Redux threads containing supporting material.
Hopefully not to sound paranoid, but I think OSA may have a hand in this. My account only has (had?) 200 followers, but I had recently gotten some traction with tbe pro-vax / mask / social distancing / public health community. My suspension also occurred right after I outed “Highly Commended” Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad as an anti-Semite.
I’m troubled by the fact that I have not heard anything back from Twitter after a week. I have no idea why this is taking so long. In my appeal I also informed Twitter that I would be much more careful and conservative it they unsuspended my account. I would hope that would be enough.
I find it very frustrating that I can’t tweet my story today.
Are you deleting my comments?
I admit it, Dice. But I’m not deleting any comments. Don’t worry…
Midnight?…. What timezone?
What are we dealing with here? Penguins?
I kinda like it when the timer goes down and i am just staring at it.
Ahhh, crap. They found out about the Penguins. CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!
They did? You mean they found out that Penguins are delicious? Darn!
This is really cool, and even though this is your blog I am excited to see Leah Remini is hosting the podcast too. The partnership is years in the making. There is so much to cover, and I am sure you both will do it well. #OvertTheAbuse
“Break a leg!”
Great news!!
I have 4 different apps. I’m not going to miss any episode!!
Great, I can’t wait. The intro was full of good energy. You two are damned determined and very powerful.
It’s so great that they are.
Can’t wait to listen.
Thank you Mike and Leah.
Can I use Google on my desktop PC to find it and watch it?
Yes you can… Right here
Thank you very much. I’m currently listening to it.
I really enjoyed hearing Leah describing Ed Parkin. If it was me, I would have called him much worse names. But Leah did a great job in describing him.
On a more serious note, I hope you won’t mind if I make some minor suggestions to improve the show.
At one point Leah said that this cult costs people, “thousands and thousands of dollars”. I would suggest saying, “hundreds of thousands of dollars”, because that will help people know they should stay away from this cult.
I have some more suggestions but I’d like to be sure it is OK for me to make them in this forum?
See new post. We invite comments and suggestions!
Sorry Mike. I looked and looked but could not find that.
Could not find what?
I could not find where you said to make suggestions or how you would like them made. Would it be possible to make them privately to you? I fear some people might take offense at one or two of the comments I would like to make.
Well, the only person you really need to worry about offending is me! And I am pretty hard to offend. I graduated the David Miscavige charm school and it grows you a pretty thick skin. I am always interested to hear people’s perspective on things, even if I don’t agree.
A few commenters here that might take issue with you is nothing to stay awake at night about.
“A few commenters here that might take issue with you is nothing to stay awake at night about.”
Hmmm … does that mean it would be OK for me to give you some advice on how to dress better for these podcasts?
By the way, you recently posted this picture of you and Leah together and you were wearing a very dark suit. That suit looked terrific. You came across as some of real “bad ass”. Well done!
Ummm … in case anyone is thinking I was criticizing Mike, I should make it clear that I was just trying to be funny because the Podcasts are entirely audio. There is no video component. So no one can see what Mike is wearing when he does those podcasts.
I hope you understand I just made that suggestion because I’d like to help you improve the podcasts. If you would prefer that I do this elsewhere (or not at all), I will be happy to comply. Please just let me know.
Young and stupid have a future as old and wise.
Hey Roger! My bands name is Young & Stupid.
OSD. Rockabilly or Punkabilly?
Definitely Punkabilly!!!
OSD. Punkabilly?!? Damn! I am your fan!
OSD. Mine is called Born to be Wiped. But some of the guys didn’t wait for it. They started wiping them self out when still young.
Soon we will change it into The Rotting Bones.
Born to To Be Wiped & The Rotting Bones. LMR, your good!!! Very good!!! You’re on the way to stardom!!!
OSD. Thanks alot. At the moment we are well progressed on the way to StarveDoom.
LMR, you can ALWAYS bunk down in our hole. It’s not much, but it’s all we got.
OSD. Thanks for the invitation. If I wouldn’t be in italy I could even come. The place we were playing for many years was called The chicken coop. And wasnt a nickname. All eggs were being scrambled when playing acdc and deep purple. LOL!
I’m thrilled that you are both entering the podcast universe. For those of us with long commutes, it’s an awesome consumption platform. I’m also excited that some of your restrictions are gone. I’ve really missed the A&E show but this is MORE than adequate compensation. Good luck with it!
Exactly Elizabeth! The bonus with this format is my husband (who’s interest I’ve finally piqued on the subject) plans to listen on his way to/from work. (“This is something you care about a lot, it did impact our family and I never really processed it, so I want to listen and understand more about why this has stayed so important to you!”)
I believe many people – especially young adults – will appreciate this medium. One of my adult sons even said, “OK Mom, now that they have a podcast I’ll definitely listen and mention on my Twitch channel, just for you!”
In this editon of the podcast, Leah said that Parkin was bragging about how he was responsible for getting Mike & Leah’s TV show cancelled. I don’t think that is true. But Leah referred to a lawsuit and I hope Mike and Leah sue the shit out of him. How bright can this man be if he admits to getting a show cancelled? They can now sue him for all the money they would have made had their show never been cancelled. This Parkin fellow must not be getting very good advice. That was a really stupid thing for him to say on the record.
No, it is not true, and we should have made that clear….
He (they) did not get the show canceled. We should have made that more clear…