The leak plugging efforts just don’t seem to be working. They even have a full time person in OSA Flag assigned to get to the bottom of this situation. But the OTC Minutes just keep rolling in. And though they have taken out a lot of embarrassing statistical specifics, they still have what should be embarrassing details (I think most of these people are oblivious to how ridiculous they are). Part of the problem is that they can turn ANYTHING into good news and “huge impact” so they THINK they are relaying good news. The delusion is a sight to behold. They remind me of the proverbial fleas climbing up the elephant’s leg with rape on their minds.
Let’s begin with the mighty powerhouses at Flag. The biggest and baddest OT Committee in this sector of the universe.
Two completions is pretty impressive, including a Purif for the OTs. Remember when they had the “game” of 100% of the OTC on service and they were touting that virtually everyone was on service? Hmmm, doesn’t quite add up to two completions. But then again, there has been no mention of that game for some time, so as with everything else in scientology, when the pressure eases off things revert to their usual dead state. Oh, and one person was helped with an ethics condition. Woohoo.
Big news, ideal org fundraising is in Affluence. And the entire rest of the report is about “ideal org fundraising.” It is the ONLY thing they really have going on. And this is FLAG.
Kaye “wants” Miami and Atlanta to be opened by LRH’s birthday as an appropriate gift to COB. There isn’t a chance of this happening, but she seems a bit confused about the identities of LRH and COB. This is increasingly the case as Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than LRH at this point.
Now, from the “other” local Tampa OT Committee and here again, OT wonderwoman Kaye Champagne made an appearance to support the troops, she is flitting about to Atlanta and Miami and Tampa (though they don’t seem able to spell either of her names correctly). By the way, I wonder why Orlando never gets a mention? It’s only an hour away and is the CLOSEST Org that is not ideal. Where is the Flag OT Committee coming to the rescue of Orlando? It gets about as much attention as those orgs in France which are NEVER mentioned anywhere (except in the press).
Tampa OT Committee Meeting Minutes
12 August 2014
Jill welcomed us all to the Tampa OT Committee potluck meeting! And special guest welcome to Kay Champaign, OTC Flag Chairwoman. Good to see Jim Thompson again. And always appreciate Mike Hoy’s smiling presence.
Kafir Barram, OES Foundation, came and shared some GAT II wins with us.
Since Jan 17 Tampa Ideal Org has made 17 Clears (2 in one day!!), 262 grade completions and is the top SRD classroom in USA! But even more, what this means to planetary clearing – The impact is HUGE!!
It is a reality that Foundation will become Saint Hill size within the next 2 months.
There are now 32 auditors-in-training and when they graduate every auditing room in the HGC will be filled and can handle 120 pcs. This raises our expectancy level to CLEAR the area!!!
Kafir needs our help:
1. CF Project needs to be brought up to PT and organized so 10,000 recoveries can be back on course!
2. FSM to keep org filled up! Get people on these services!
If you have any questions – Kafir would be more than happy to answer them. Thank you so MUCH, Kafir, for sharing these exciting wins with us. Very inspiring!
Book Selling:
Ocala this Friday!! There will be live bands, car show, food! Help out in VM tent and/or inside the Ocala Org.
Friday Night ALIVE!
Saturday Night ALIVE!
Saturday 2-7 Plant City Classic Car Show. Carpool from Clearwater with Mike Hoy.
Sunday Big Top Flea Market
4-D Campaign:
Jill read Marlin Anderson’s report about the huge success at East Tampa Back-to-School Bash. There was a constant flow of people and 403 TWTH booklets were handed out. Someone shared that he received a TWTH booklet on his doorstep and is now on Overcoming Ups and Downs! We just keep hearing WINS people have from receiving TWTH and changing lives for the better. Mike Cardin and Ami Amolgy handed out 200 TWTH booklets on Sunday. They would LOVE your help 9-11 am Sundays.
Upcoming Events:
This Wednesday – Mike Fine speaks at 7 pm on “What is Love?” All proceeds go to Miami Org. Louise Cournoyer could use your help at the registration table.
Sunday, August 24 is Race for the Future. This is a fund raiser for the Ideal Miami Org. Kay shared with us the details of the event, and it is really going to be fun! Flag OTC is renting the Sebring race track and you can race real race cars on a real race track. There are various levels of participation, but don’t forget the $$ that you are spending on this unique, exciting experience is for clearing the planet.
Birthday Game:
#7 cumulative, but that can change…
New Business:
WISE is changing it’s meeting time from Wednesday to every other Saturday afternoon. Rich Byrd will let you know the details soon.
Very Highly commended were: Brett Miller and Ingrid Collewijn for high high hours.
Ended with LRH quote:
“What a true friend does:
For one thing they stand up for one.
Give him counsel.
They help in adversity.
They safeguard his reputation.
Won’t hear ill of him.
Share his triumphs,
Ignore his faults.” LRH
Minutes submitted by Deborah Otto.
Tampa – 4D Campaign Report – Marlin Anderson:
At about 9:15 am, OT VIII and Tampa OTC New Civilization I/C Marlin Anderson arrived at the Jackson Heights Youth Education Town in East Tampa to set up TWTH table for distribution at the East Tampa Back to School Bash on 8/9/14.
Tampa OTC volunteer Susan Hawley showed up at about 9:45 to help set up. The Flag Events Unit showed up at almost the same time as Susan, with still cameras and a video camera.
Before the event started at 10:00 we got into comm with people from two different organizations involved with suicide prevention, and they were extremely interested in what we had to offer with TWTH. Katrina Osborne of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay asked for 20 copies of TWTH to give out to two teen groups through her church. Susan Burke was working with the same organization.
Marlin very briefly showed Susan a couple of chapters from TWTH, and told her that he was a volunteer with the Church of Scientology. She had only looked at the book for something like 15 seconds and then told me “This totally changes my opinion of Scientology.” She went on to say that she had only seen the negative stuff in the media, and could see that we really did have a lot to offer. That was by far the fastest handle step Marlin had ever witnessed.
The Foundation for a Drug Free World showed up a couple of minutes later and set up a table right next to ours. Rene Gomez and Yvonne Guevara came by first, quickly followed by Julieta Gil Santagostino, the ED of the group.
Marlin had donated $100 for TWTH table, but the TAD table was a last-minute entry. He spoke to one of the organizers about a donation but nothing had been paid. Then right before the event started, Marlin was approached about how the overall I/C had noticed that we hadn’t paid anything for the table. So Marlin gave them $100 in cash which they used immediately for gift cards to give out to the attendees, and everyone was happy.
Marlin noticed that there were about 50 people waiting outside the building for the event to start, and when 10:00 came along we had a steady flow of visitors to our table. There were actually far more visitors to our table than in previous years. As before, prizes are the incentive at these events to get people to attend, but somehow they promoted this event better than in previous events.
Marlin saw Kevin Adderley, director of the Peak Academy school and tutoring center, who had told Marlin at the safe summer event in June that he was using TWTH video at his school. Marlin pointed at the TAD table and told him that he could also get free material from them on drug education and he was very interested. Marlin then told Julieta that he was interested, and recommended that she go over and introduce herself.
We brought lots of candy, which proved to be the most successful method of initially attracting people to the table. We also had a display showing the neighborhoods that we had thus far blanketed with TWTH in Police District 3 (high crime area – one-third of Tampa which includes East Tampa).
Vivian Heyward, a community leader that Marlin had met in 2012 as part of the Stop of Violence campaign, came by the table and talked to Marlin. Vivian told him about a Stop the Violence march that is taking place on Sunday, August 17th, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. She invited us to participate in the march.
Around 11:00 am, two Tampa Org Div 6 staff members came by to help out, Harrison Thomas and Gage. Marlin stayed until 12:00, and also took some photos and video while he was there. Aja Anderson came along a little before noon to take over for Marlin.
Marlin talked to Aja afterwards, and she said that they continued to have aconstant flow of traffic to the table. She also said that she had heard from Harrison that a guy came up to him and told him that he had received one of TWTH booklets on his doorstep from our house-to-house distribution, and that he is now on the Ups and Downs course at the Tampa Org.
We didn’t get a count for the TAD table, but could see they had lots of visitors continually picking up the booklets and signing the drug-free pledge. We got out 403 TWTH booklets. Just to get the significance of that number, we give out 1 booklet to each person, so factoring in instances of giving out multiple booklets from time to time, we had at least 350 people come to our table. Marlin doesn’t recall ever having that much traffic at one of these events. We also gave out some TWTH DVDs and Scientology How We Help brochures. A very successful event for both TWTH and TAD!
A few points of note:
This is the “Model Ideal St Hill Size Class V Org” — the best of the best. The big daddy of ideal orgs clearing the planet. In 6 months they have made 17 Clears. That is LESS THAN ONE A WEEK. They are responsible for a metropolitan area of 4.3 MILLION people. At one per month (which is more than what they are doing) it will take 4.3 million months or THREE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND YEARS TO CLEAR TAMPA. And their tag to this stat is: But even more, what this means to planetary clearing – The impact is HUGE!!
Really? Flea, meet the elephant.
And then, this perfect, SH size ideal org needs to get their Central Files up to date? Now how can that be? They are ideal? AND SH size? AND a model for everyone else? And this is “so 10,000 recoveries can be back on course!” They have had 10,000 blows from courses in Tampa?
Just for a little humor, an imported Sea Org member is going to speak on “What is Love?” with all proceeds going to Miami Org. I expect this will be an absolutely riveting talk with some deep insights into how to raise and love your family. Could be as entertaining as Hitler giving a talk on holding a good seder.
Tampa OT Committee Meeting Minutes
5 August 2014
Jill welcomed us all to Tampa OT Committee meeting. And welcome back to Daniel Corrado and to Aja Anderson!! Also a warm welcome to guest Jim Thompson, who lives in Tampa!!
New Postings:
Please intoduce new members to Lynette Barry Dir I & R – she can be reached at (813) 335 – 4422. This will be the best way to get them on the email lines and grooved in.
Book Selling:
Friday Night ALIVE! starts around 7 pm at the Org- go out into lively Ybor City Saturday Night ALIVE! 7pm at the Org–again, go out into Ybor. Women’s Show coming in October. A great venue
Come to the potluck next Tuesday and hear WINS and interesting stories of GAT II!! Early start at 6:15. Theme is Italian foods.
We will also have tech terminals from the Org brief us on the progress made in this area.
Daniel reported on the event in Washington DC to fundraise for the LRH Hall. Though this is technically not IAS, the report about the continuation of creating the Flag Mecca was inspiring.
4D Compaigns:
Natalie Mannechia and Ami Amolgy distributed 200 TWTH door-to-door this Sunday. Way to go, you two! Keep it up, and we need some more to go out on Sunday morning.
Saturday Aug 9 is East Tampa’s Back – to – School Bash where volunteers hand out TWTH booklets to every child. You can help. Marlin Anderson has the details: [email protected].
Oct 7 is National Night Out where we will have a TWTH table. The Tampa Chief-of-Police and possibly the Mayor will show up for this one.
Jan 19 2015–Joyce Anderson’s convertible is registered to be in the MLK parade with 50 kids from Washburn Academy marching behind!! There will be a TWTH banner and volunteers distributing booklets to the crowd. And beads! Yes, this is a long way away, but you have to register now and be invited to participate, and Marlin got ‘er done!
Friday night will be a VM tent in Ocala – to flow POWER to Ocala. Sunday VM booth at Big Top Flea Market. Miracle WINS happen every week! Has been a great bookselling event.
Upcoming events:
This Sunday August 10, 11 am is the Field Briefing at Flag Auditorium. There will be hundreds of people and brunch. The Captain will speak on the most important issues including getting more people on service. There will be a reserved table up front for Tampa. Confirm with Debbie Phelps at 805-245-2669. Text is fine.
WISE meeting with Rich Byrd and his group., 6 pm at the Org, every Wed. LRH data discussed and cogs about how to implement! Stay for…..
Next Wednesday August 13, 7 pm, Mike Fine will give a lecture on “What is Love?” Cost is $10 and proceeds go to Ideal Orgs. Pay with cash, check, or credit card. 25 confirms already!! OTC is SOOOOO behind this. Bring all your friends.
Birthday Game:
Tampa Org #6 weekly and #8 cumulative with Highest-ever: student points, SRD co-audit hours and SRD students!!!
Ended with LRH quote.
Then……..Deb, Lorraine, Louise and Marlin and..(did I miss anyone?) stayed and labeled some TWTH booklets because we have given all the others out! Thanks, guys.
Minutes submitted by Deborah Otto.
Wow, that Jim Thompson really gets around… He is almost as popular as Kaye Champagne though it seems they can spell his name right.
And in the “IAS” category was a report about “the fundraise” for the “LRH Hall.” I have to get around to this one of these days as the boondoggle of the “LRH Hall” is really something. The usual gang of thieves are at it full bore — Charmaine, Bruce and Laurie. They have taken to conducting tours of LRH properties to try and raise money. Miscavige must rue the day he was forced to open the SP Building — income has plummeted as they HAD to stop fundraising, and the vast majority of people had already pre-paid for Sooper Power and the Running Program so it’s not generating any real new income. And if there is one thing that gets his knickers in a twist, it is less money coming in (not because he needs the money, in his mind it reflects lessened support for him).
It sucks to be Miscavige.
“What Is Love? Davey don’t hurt me… Don’t hurt me no more”
This situation is getting to a crisis point.
There has to be at least one infiltrator on every OTC.
…..Obviously there are only so many members who receive these minutes, so there must be someone who is training these OTC members to beat the sec checks.
Or maybe it is someone in the RTC who is forwarding the data to you.
….Or (Aha!) someone on DM’s personal staff who directs the RTC!
…..No wait! It must be DM himself! That’s it! He is sending them out himself while in a blackout after one his all night rendezvous with his collection of rare and very expensive Scotch.
Now he has no choice but to take himself off post and send himself to the RPF’s RPF’s RPF for one billion years.
Regarding Andres Rodriguez, I had a written comm cycle with Andres once regarding a technical question. He seemed like a sincere, caring person with good knowledge of the Tech. At first he seemed very interested in the question, but in the end he could not make a decision and would not even comment or give an exact reference on the subject which might have questioned the “powers that be”. All he could do was to refer me back to someone lower on the org board to perpetuate an endless loop. He was nice enough to “wish me luck”, but I picked up that his hands were tied as far as being a actual Tech terminal was concerned.
Re: the “someone who was helped […] with an ethics condition” followed by “we have people who can assist.” Is that paying IAS contributions to the fundraising drives for other idle mOrgues to get out of “ethics conditions?” Like the Edinburgh idle mOrgue was helped recently by someone in the US (who was not noted to have Scottish ties)?
Oh, wait! Never mind. Mike posted all of this in a recent article a week or so ago – a leaked Exec ED or something. I’ll find it. Gosh, I should have word-cleared it back then, it being from COB and all. Sorry Sir. You are right. You’re just so right about everything!
Another MU: What was OT Ambassador Program Target 1?
Boy, that was as dull as a box of hair. Trying to play normal isn’t working.
MU Alert:
“Kaye briefed us on what the Captain FSO had said regarding OT Ambassador Program Target 2: that Clearwater locals are ‘staying all the way’, mentioning that this included doing BOTH sides of the Bridge: Training and Processing.
So, my question is, what ELSE would “staying all the way” include, besides being trained and processed?
Never ceases to amaze me all the effort Scientology goes to in order to make money for THEMSELVES.
Do they ever donate a penny to anyone? Have they EVER worked for any other organization?
It is the most selfish narcissistic ‘religion’ in existence. And supposedly to top it all of, they are saving the world. Delusional.
Not only that, they are also the “most ethical group on earth.”
Correcting Mike’s typo: Not only that, they are also the “most pathetic group on earth.”
Not only that, but they “dwarf” all other groups! (Sorry, getting a bit carried away now – but I at least am having a good laugh – ha!)
I love picking out the actual DONES in these things. The actual products obtained, embedded in the chitchat and the “We plan to”s, “We need to”s, “We want to”s “We’ve made progress in”s, We’re going for”s – I look for them, like little pearls.
Slim pickin’s, for sure.
“We are currently manning up to deliver on an unprecedented scale that will dwarf earlier efforts by taking them to a whole new level.”
Translation: “We have no real production but figure you’re impressed by exaggerated predictions as proven by the carrots we’ve successfully dangled in front of you for the last several years.”
“We are currently manning up to deliver on an unprecedented scale that will dwarf earlier efforts – by the Dwarf – taking them to a whole new level – of Dwarfdom.”
“as we dwarf your income to minus scale levels of dwarfedness.”
They’re already delivering something on an unprecedented scale. They’re in Power delivering it.
Something in the way Dave moves, detracts me like no other…
And don’t forget! Thank you COB for all you have done.
This “dwarfs” all previous shows of gratitude!
i thought miscavige ordered flag not to be referred to as “Mecca” anymore since their involvement with NOI.
it seemed they had a brief flash of self awareness in realizing that referring to their “holy land” by borrowing the name used by another religion makes them look stupid, not to mention it’s insulting.
just like calling himself the “Pope of scientology”. can you imagine the Pope referring to himself as the “COB or Imam of Catholicism”?
See the cob/pope at the mecca of introspection. Jews and protestants welcome. Donations accepted in all currencies.
Hilarious, War Horse! And VERY telling.
I actually noticed that line about the candy myself. It seems strange that they’re actually BOASTING about bringing people to their table by handing out free candy!!
Next there will be a fund raiser for money for the candy……to aid in clearing mankind of course.
“We brought lots of candy, which proved to be the most successful method of initially attracting people to the table.”
Isn’t there another type of person known for using candy to entice?
Interesting positioning.
The more this PR or promo or whatever rolls out, the more it seems like bake-sales and pot-luck dinners, bingo, and stuff you would expect from a good church. Maybe the lawyers are starting to fear something, and are hastily patching a “cover story” together? Like the opening of the Garcia building in CW?
Carcha, I hear you and would mostly agree, except for the Ideal Morgue fundraisers where they dress up as chickens and pirates and Superman and so forth. I mean, what other church DOES this? Other churches have fundraisers, from time to time, but they’re fairly dignified affairs with men in jackets and ties and women in cocktail attire. Can you imagine a Roman Catholic or an Episcopal Church or a Jewish synagogue holding a reception /fundraiser with everyone tricked out like that? I’m laughing and wincing at the same time. The Church of Scientology is a considerable embarrassment to me, and that’s the good news.
Aquamarine – We could suggest this to the radical Islam people. Instead of trying to kill us, they could try to scare us to death, wearing stupid costumes and making faces, yelling WHOOHOO!
I think it’d be cool to see Miscavige in a “facekini” at the next “big event.”
It’s a one man show in a Ghost Town.
One thing I would like to mention … Sharon Weber … a now die-hard KA drinker was one of the MOST courageous young women I’d even met. Her pre-scientology story is simply unbelievable. How she went from wealthy Palm Springs teenager to a disgraced teenager because of her father, how her boyfriend’s family turned on her AND the boyfriend and she wandered with baby son in hand down the highway of Palm Springs … saw a help wanted sign at a road side motel. The owners took her in. She cleaned rooms in exchange for a room and board for herself and her son. A year or so passed and the owners sent her to beauticians school. She became a manicurist. She had a chain of shops. She sold them and joined the SO.
Her ex decided to try to rip the son from her. YEARS LATER with ho prior interest in her son — Chris — and she left the SO.
YEARS later when her son was grown. She rejoined.
And the rest is SO history.
EVERYONE has a back story. EVERYONE on this board has SOMETHING about themselves that we *could* if we tried relate to. A human aspect.
EVERY ONE. Which includes dm.
I trained Sharron Weber as an auditor in the late 70s. I would describe her in those days as “perky intense “, uptone, good auditor, fun to work with. We all change over time in many different directions.
Mike fine looks like he is totally burned out the last time I saw his picture. It looks like HE needs some love. If he only knew where to to find it.
I did it my way .. that is the way it goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and goes ,, but there is no way .. you know control with the parts of Start, Change, Stop .. I did it my way ..
With stress on STOP.
Many city officials attend “National Night Out” events. If the Chief of Police and the Mayor of Tampa show up, it’s not because of the TWTH campaign. But thanks for pointing them out, I’ll be sure to mention in my email to them that you’re using them.
Way to go, NolaGirl. They’ll appreciate the heads-up.
I know that the “church” is dead and the subject itself is dead. But, I wonder what would happen if, right now, DM were to disappear from the scene. (I mean croak or just bail). I wonder what the Execs in the Hole would do. Would they tell the truth to the remaining flock about how OT levels were a scam and that LRH lied to them for decades? Would they try to continue the scam that DM took over from LRH? Would they sell the buildings and return the donation as possible? How this all unwinds will be interesting.
LOL. Swampland4Sale. You’re kidding, right?
It’s over. It’s going through the motions of an organism gasping for its last breath. The body is alive but no one is home.
Great question. You have to start by trying to answer the question of what keeps them there. Are they really trying to ensure their own eternity by staying within the good graces of church (and by extension its leader)? If so, their concern about eternity won’t just evaporate when the leader vacates the scene.
Mike has been there. He has insight, I’m sure.
I don’t think you understood my questions hgc. Marc Yeager won’t think that his eternity is threatened if he tells people that LRH lied about the OT levels, etc. The situation of knowing those truths obviates the concern you are thinking about. (That’ why Jeff Walker bailed) Also, I’m talking about if the Dear Leader were GONE.
What motivates people to stay in at that level is now mainly 1) no outside life to go back to, in the case of most of those in the hole. 2) forced disconnection from family. 3) no money (fear of having to be homeless & penniless.) Only those who don’t know the truth will fear for their “eternity”.
If those are the reasons they stay in the Hole for years on end, that’s mind-boggling. I was thinkin that at least if they’re concerned with their eternity, there’d be a plausible (within context!) good reason to stick it out. But how much worse could life be if they left behind the tender mercies of the Hole and Int for a life outside, even if they do have no money, family or friends?
There is no one in the Cult capable of thinking on there own and acting. Maybe Monique Yingling would move in and position her lawfirm to manage the carnage and assign posts. This way she could continue to get a paycheck since someone will have to represent the Cult in there ever growing mountain of lawsuits.
The OPCs could maintain the morgues until the undertakers arrived.
Swampland4Sale, I think if David Miscavige were to be GONE, no one would tell those left that there was a scam of any kind ever going on. I also don’t believe that donations will EVER be returned.
I think Mike gave his take on what would happen and not to put words into his mouth, I believe he said it would slowly fade.
Well, whatever happens, it’ll be interesting to watch.
McCarran, interesting. Yes, I agree it will fade as that is what is currently happening anyway. I think that DM will retreat to running the IAS (outside of US gov reach) and live off that money for the rest of his natural life by being a paid exec at that entity.
“The members knew and had keep the secerate all week” made it past the original writing and two edits. What OTness! This seriously sounds like notes from a neighborhood koffee klatch of stepford wives trying to convince the hubby they are up to something.
OT committee minutes are, to me, insight into the desperation of those few seeking to hang on hoping for better. The continual leaks are a sign that so few really believe the OT committee means anything now.
The minutes are indeed no longer “secerate”. One assumes the writer has done the Student Hat, KTL (?) etc. and read many books (?) I find any spelling or grammar errors for a “Scientologist” totally incongruous, but then, do these people now justify this title of “Scientologist”? Perhaps they should have a post in CMO of “Spelling and Grammar Nazi” – but that would be admitting failure. More or less confirms my idea that all the literate Scientologists (PRD etc.) left decades ago and the subject went with them.
Wait until you get a load of the posting tomorrow morning. 🙂
Clearing the planet? Ain’t nobody got time for that!! We’re too busy getting stats up by Thursday at 2PM.
Random thoughts that everyone on the Tampa / Flag OTCs should have but don’t…
Why does all the news about goings-on in the Church come from COB, but not CO CMO INT or ED INT like it used to?
Why do strategic management programs come from RTC and not Middle Management like they used to?
Why does COB do org inspections, but not CO CMO INT /. ED INT / CO CLO or CO FOLO?
What is the purpose of having Flag Reps in SO Orgs to report up to middle management if RTC Reps and CMO Pgms Ops are already in the orgs representing even higher Church echelons, and the orders come down from those higher echelons?
Why are OT Eligs approved by RTC Reps and not the Snr C/S of the Cont?
And a real kicker for all org tech staff…what the hell does a Cont Snr C/S even do anymore? He sure as hell doesn’t C/S folders. I can tell you from a decade plus of experience at PAC that the con’t Snr C/S is not on ANY of the folder routing lines. And PAC at least had a Cont Snr C/S (Andres Rodriguez) unlike many other Conts.
Didn’t actively C/S on any line. Didn’t do any program approvals. Doesn’t do any preps / elig approvals (RTC does all that). Didn’t do any tech inspections. Didn’t do technical drilling. All he did was give oddly delivered and poorly spoken speeches at Base Briefing every now and then about how important it was to get trained (if you have to tell this to Sea Org members something is wrong). He seemed to speak English less-well the longer he was in the US. He also continued to look more and more dead in the eyes.
Taking Andres out of the Cont where he was famous and loved (LATAM) was probably a calculated move on COB’s part.
Of all Cont Snr C/S’es Andres was the most qualified (Class 8 / OT 7) and yet it was like he wasn’t even there. He had no use. He was non-existent on the tech lines of the Base.
Could it be that RTC has usurped the entire function of Cont / Middle / Int management, making them irrelevant???
Just some random thoughts…
How about the fact that CO CMO Int/ ED Int and Snr CS Int were not present at the opening of the SP Building or release of GAG II?
Gee Mike, you think that was intentional? 😉
Possibly, though it could have been due to a scheduling conflict. They all had proctologist appointments that very day for consultation on reconstructive surgery….
Or perhaps it was knitting classes so they can get going on making some new winter Captain Uniforms for Miscavige’s dogs?
Last thing I heard Davey was getting donations for a pooch fund he set up to give the mutt special culinary treats from Remy of Ratatouille fame. Sorry to hear about all those proctology exams. Getting ripped a new asshole is never pleasant.
By now you know they all need one.
Shannon, you’re being rhetorical, right?
Damn Shannon….you go girl! Great comment.
“What a true friend does:
For one thing they stand up for one.
Give him counsel.
They help in adversity.
They safeguard his reputation.
Won’t hear ill of him.
Share his triumphs,
Ignore his faults.” LRH
As I read this, I was thinking about the way LRH treated David Mayo. “Won’t hear ill of him?”
I was also thinking about the way your family treated you, Mike.
There is an apparancy of using this type of friendship as long as you adhere to every rule the cult dictates, especially, “give me money, give me more money, get others to give me ALL their money.”
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Their abiltiy to observe the obvious is, on a scale of 1-100, at zero.
Les — agreed. I might modify your statement that their abiltiy to observe the obvious is, on a scale of 1-100, at zero. I think on that scale it is in the minus range. They not only do not observe the obvious, they INVENT things to see.
“They not only do not observe the obvious, they INVENT things to see”.
Exactly. They’re delusional. This word is in frequent use nowadays, mostly as a mild or humorous putdown, but when it comes to the Still-Ins of the Church of Scientology, the strict dictionary definition applies.
YEs Mike, not only do they choose NOT to see, but they invent dub-in to see. Delusional.
LRH was a friend to the auditor who saved his life, David Mayo? No, he betrayed him. LRH was a friend to his loving and loyal wife who took the fall for him and endured years in prison as a result? NO, he betrayed her. It’s too bad LRH didn’t betray David Miscavige while he was at it. He wrong targeted good people and let the real SPs run rampant. So maybe LRH went PTS to his SP’s to the point of not being able to see at all.
Exact-A-Moondo, Les!
So many Scientologists are so far gone they have no clue what a true friend is any more.
The events of that period of history are yet to be definitively clarified. I’ve heard from someone with no ax to grind that Miscavige, Pat and Annie Broeker, and one other, controlled LRH’s communication lines, entirely. What if you were in hiding, and I were your only comm line, your only source of information? Would you believe me if I told you the FBI had orders to shoot to kill?
Standard false data stripping is to identify WHOM you heard that from. You know the other steps.
Well, you are right about the control of the communication lines. The “one other” was Sarge. This is covered in Larry Wright’s book.
In hindsight, the “true friend” quote seems extremely self-serving.
“Marlin had donated $100 for TWTH table, but the TAD table was a last-minute entry. He spoke to one of the organizers about a donation but nothing had been paid. Then right before the event started, Marlin was approached about how the overall I/C had noticed that we hadn’t paid anything for the table. So Marlin gave them $100 in cash which they used immediately for gift cards to give out to the attendees, and everyone was happy.”
Everyone was happy? Including Marlin? I only ask because Marlin just had to fork over $100 to calm down some screaming ninny of an “I/C” who was likely going ballistic because there was blood left unsqueezed from every turnip. As always with Scientology, no good deed goes unpunished. Marlin had already coughed up the $100 for something else, and so was immediately targeted for another hit. It’s like when you toss a coin to a begging child in some 3rd world country and then the rest of the kids in the area immediately swarm in for a slice off the sucker.
Important historically, is that Marlin Anderson used to be the Sea Org post called “LRH Accounts” in the old “LRH Personal Office” the setup that was illegal per the IRS, in that Sea Org staff, Marlin being the best example, were working on LRH’s actual accounts, LRH’s actual money!
The post title itself, that Marlin held back up to the late 1970s, was called “LRH Accounts”, couldn’t be more demonstrably illegal than that!
It’s good to know that Marlin is alive.
Should Marlin ever come to his senses, he is one human being who could firsthand corroborate that he held a Sea Org post, and dealt with LRH’s actual accounts, something the IRS wished to NOT give Scientology tax exemption, if Scientology had Sea Org members who’s jobs it was to do LRH’s banking!
In that sense, Marlin Anderson is always someone who could pretty much conclusively spill the beans, firsthand, on working for LRH, from the “LRH Personal Office”.
The LRH Personal Office is discussed in the Admin Dictionary, and so are a number of the LRH Pers Office posts, all of them directly beholding to LRH, all of them Sea Org posts, all of them the types of positions that made the IRS not wish to give Scientology tax exemption, since how could “non profit” employees of the LRH Pers Office be working for LRH, keeping up Ron’s bank acount(s)?
LRH made the mistake of thinking his LRH Pers Office was “okay”, and people like Marlin were only being loyal to LRH and following orders.
ASI was ultimately set up and the people who used to do the LRH Pers Office functions, those functions went into the for profit company, Author Services Inc.
To celebrate DM’s nearly 30 years of increasing the church’s real estate portfolio while decreasing actual delivery of services, I give you this:
And now, the end is near
As I await your final curtain
Yo Dave, I’ll say it clear
You never cared, that much is certain
You lived a life of greed
You drove the tech right off the highway
Made others wrong, now sing your song
I did it my way
What is Love? Love = Money!!! Oh Yeah!!!!!! Love is getting all paid up for EVERYTHING before 2pm on Thursday! Love is sacrificing your future and your kids future to help poor little Davey build another dead Org! That’s what I’m talking about!
Poor Mike…is he still in the SO? Does anyone know what ever happened to Leona?
And sacrificing the future of OPCs (other people’s children).
The good news in this list of OT blah blah blah — it that Mike Fine is still alive. Last I had heard he had cancer and was very ill.
He’s a wonderful being — definitely been drinking kool-aid FOREVER but at his age no doubt having spent his inheritance ON the bridge for himself and wife … and IAS levels … he doesn’t have a huge chance of leaving.
Not that many many people who have left wouldn’t love to extend to him a hand.
I’m sure many have “bad memories” of having been regged to death and beyond by Mike — I however prefer to remember my great memories of hosting Mike and his wife to a luxury weekend at the Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel when they were on leave …
As for Mike doing the “what is love” seminar — I will say — he stayed by his wife’s side — a darling girl after she had at least one affair and wanted to leave the SO MANY years ago — he does have a good sense of family. Not sure what his marital status is now.
And to me — that is important.
Family is most important. Loyalty to family is key.
Windhorse, Mike Fine beat the cancer and had a party to celebrate it.
I agree, he’s a good guy (as good as one can be when they are toeing the line for someone who is pure evil that is).
Yes Mike – I agree – I think we were both more or less stating the same thing but coming at it from a different angle.
There sure seem to be allot of scientologists who have (or had) cancer. Has anyone done some research on this?
Certainly not the C of S. I was so stressed out before finishing VII, I had an ice-pack on my head quite a bit of the time. When I finally made it through it all and knew I was done, no more headaches, stress etc. It’s humorous to think that I had this persistent springy F/N. LOL. My C/S said it must be hormones. I ran with that, the truth would have cost a lot more money. ;o) But I tell ya, Annette, the stress was enormous! The Overrun phenomenon was ridiculous and much much more.
I was an idiot to try and persevere as long as I did because the result was the same.
I think what I’ve said here may answer your question.
I don’t believe it is any worse than any other group of people (apart from the groups on the planet who don’t get cancer that is). It is just highlighted a lot by anti-Scientologists on various message boards for whatever reasons they have to do so. But McCarran above in his statement implied or more or less stated directly that stress would be a big factor for Scientologists still in the Church and especially for those on Flag lines. When I remember Scientology it was fun to be there, most of the time anyway and we had a lot of laughs. Now? Stress pure! If there was a link then that would be it – the stress of being on lines and somehow having to drum up money by unusual solutions or turning semi-criminal through real estate scams or other financial get-rich-quick schemes. I think you just have to read some of the stories of OTVIIs on Flag lines and you will immediately feel or see the stress they underwent. Horribly put – getting sick or ill is a way of removing oneself from the stress of being on lines. A sorry state of affairs but probably nevertheless quite true in many cases.
You may be correct, though I do believe there is another factor that enters into the equation.
On the whole, Scientologists, especially those higher on the Bridge tend to approach EVERY problem with a “scientology solution.” They look to “resolve their PTSness” or “handle their out lists” or “get off their OWs” as the resolution to all problems INCLUDING physical illness. I think they are LESS likely to seek medical help, or at least it is delayed.
Is the rate of cancer higher, I don’t have any facts one way or the other.
But certainly the touted benefits of “being OT” and not having a reactive mind and having the “tech of suppression” should make the incidence of debilitating illnesses far LESS in scientology than in the average population (unless the idea that case state and being effect of suppression predisposes you to illness is NOT true). And I do not believe there is any evidence that it IS less, though there is some anecdotal evidence that it is more.
I think part of the reason for a seemingly high occurrence of cancer may simply be ignorance, an indoctrinated aversion to big pharma (and possibly also the medical profession), too much faith in alternative methods (vitamins and herbs and unusual diets) and generally too little too late (a lack of regular medical check ups, not just while on OT7 but in the years leading up to it).
Also, from what I understand the health system in the US is largely “Pay to use”. Scientologists, chronically short of money and indoctrinated into “it’s just a body, end cycle and get a new one”, probably don’t afford themselves the same level of care as perhaps other people do.
All of this in addition to the firmly held belief that knowing the tech and getting auditing makes you invincible.
Anyone actively on lines is being suppressed, or thru out tech previous conditions have not been handled, they are the 2 factors I have seen and experienced while still in. From what I remember of the PTS course LRH didnt say you wont be PTS after a certain case state. Suppression is suppression no matter where you are. He gave us the tools to handle it, it then becomes up to us to apply those tools. People on lines are effectively pinned down and their out ethics is that they go along with it. Also OTs are not being made in church, those who get to the Nots area are being recycled and invalidated, another source of suppression. Whats amazing is there are not more dying!
Mike: re “Scientologists” not seeking proper medical help: yes that is now probably the case, again because of verbal tech being passed around among “Scientologists”. But I would reckon there about 20+ HCOBs which state exactly the opposite to this and state that one should get competent medical advice in such cases. So again, it is not something that can be laid at the feet of LRH but people’s misunderstandings of what he writes and advocates. LRH stated this in many many HCOBs. Any C/S worthy of his name knows and applies this – unless they have also fallen for this hidden coffee shop verbal tech passed around amongst the old ladies sewing circle of natterers and nincompoops that is now public (and staff) “Scientologists”. Is it any wonder that LRH had tirades and anger fits? Ha!
That is a true, but somewhat disingenuous response Foolproof. Like much of what is written in scientology, there is a contradictory position or caveat that can be pulled out for almost everything that “explains” how it is not “the tech” to blame for failures, it is the people that are not applying it right.
Nobody can convince me that the references about CSes and D of Ps sending people for medical checks prior to auditing are senior datums in scientology to:
1. You are not a body
2. Auditing and training put you at cause over your body
3. The thetan is senior to the mind and body
4. Auditing (especially Dianetics and NOTs) removes/erases physical conditions and cures psychosomatic ills
5. Clears are not supposed to get illnesses caused by the reactive mind
6. ALL illness comes about as a result of being PTS
7. With the tech of “PTS/SP” one can shatter and control suppression and be at cause and no longer PTS and thus not predisposed to illness
And a lot of other “everyone knows” data that tends scientologists towards “handling” their “body problems” with scientology, or at least trying to do so, as a preference over medical treatment.
And also as a note, most of the references concerning getting medical treatment before auditing are subsequent to the FDA raids — the fear was being charged with practicing medicine without a license and this was a method of avoiding that allegation — to insist that pc’s on lines with any sign of medical condition be sent to a doctor. Prior to that, this is hardly mentioned, but many claims were made about how dianetics and scientology would resolve certain conditions. There were even “pilot programs” run to “cure polio” and a lot of other things. Probably some of these people ONLY end up going to a doctor because of the insistence that they do so by the church when they try to route onto auditing lines — missing the opportunity for early treatment.
Sorry, but the explanation that “there are plenty of HCOBs that tell people to go to doctors” really doesn’t hold water when there is overwhelming dogma throughout the entire subject that says “you, the thetan, can heal your mind and body”
These are all really good points here on the cancer incidence amongst Scientologists. I don’t think that Scns necessarily get cancer more than the average but no real study has ever been done on this, so we are basically speculating.
I would like to add that although I think stress can play a huge role in Scns getting cancer and other illnesses, asbestos may also have a role here too. The Complex (PAC base) and the Ship still are/were no doubt full of asbestos. This has always been a concern of mine. Asbestos is highly linked to mesothelioma, a lung cancer but to abdominal cancers too. Don’t forget smoking, which is also highly linked to lung, pancreatic, head and neck, and Gyn cancers.
There are other factors such as the foods we eat, the water, and air quality. Many Scns, staff and SO who spend much or all of their time on bases may be more prone to these environmental hazards than others.
I have also observed Scns taking an extraordinary amount of supplements/vitamins and have known some to have elevated liver enzymes or abnormal liver/kidney labs due to the overload on the digestive organs. Not that this necessarily causes cancer but its certainly not a healthy condition either.
Yes Mike, but the “dogma” is what individual Scientologists have dubbed in. Whenever I had physical problems (not often) or whatever, I and all of my peers would always go to a doctor. I remember many C/S directives in folders saying “send to Doctor” or using other words. Now both things are actually correct – firstly the thing about “you, the thetan, can heal your mind and body” is of course true – I have applied this many times and I don’t see what the argument is against it? But if the person applying it also refuses to follow the other LRH advice about seeking competent medical help – when needed – then again you can hardly blame the subject but the people applying it. It is the same with Policy – LRH wrote them and if current management choose to ignore it what can one do? You can’t blame the Policies.
Also personally however I find most doctors that I have come across to be charlatans and pill pushers but that is a personal observation which many many others claim as well, and has nothing to do with the subject of Scientology – there are many books about this theme.Nearly every time I have been to a doctor in the past 20-30 years I have been misdiagnosed (deliberately?) and they have also attempted to start some usually lucrative (for them) treatment on me.
No point continuing this debate. You have made your point. And mine, perhaps better than I could….
My ex-mother-in-law is one of the ones who died of brain cancer after completing OTVII. She said she started getting headaches while auditing OTVII. She quit Scientology and sued them before dying.
Whether or not Scientology was the cause was never determined, how can you determine a physical connection to a metaphysical process? But . . . it left doubt in the rest of her immediate family. No one else went past OTV and they all left Scientology. It is an odd phenomenon, exacerbated by the refusal to seek actual medical help before it’s too late.
She was auditing long hours and under great pressure to complete, eating poorly and dozens of other things which could well be contributing factors.
I had ovarian cancer after leaving Sea Org and Scientology. I was at ASHO. I have no clue if the two were related, nor do I care. I was in remission 13 years then it recurred, I have now been in remission another 18 years.
It is hard to link Scientology to causing cancer when the causes of cancer are still so nebulous, Once someone can actually come up with concrete cancer agents (i.e. smoking will cause cancer every time – not true, but it’s a strong factor), then maybe it will be easier to link other things to them. Until then, speculation really is just that.
Whoa! Who gave me a soapbox?
Thank you all for the thoughtful insight on this sensitive subject. I’m a never in; I ask the question from observation. I have been reading this blog and others daily for years and many times have thought, wow another one passed from cancer. Could it be the same rate as on the outside? I don’t know…. The scientologist population is much smaller than the general population (especially now) and the number of those that were actually very high on the OT levels who I have read have died of cancer seems high…. To me. No scientific data, just my observation. This is why I asked if anyone looked at this.
I agree with the observations that it could be: stress, smoking, asbestos, poor diet, and perhaps more (a broken spirit?). It is just interesting to me because I thought being audited, going clear and going to the upper levels is supposed to create a superior type of being who has a type of control over their physical body. instead, I read about these same people suffering very serious illnesses.
Again, thank you all for your thoughtful insight, I admire each and every one of you for your brave journeys back to a full life!
Namaste, Annette
Thanks Annette and also for being interested in people recovering their lives.
Well done for being fair and complimentary (to Mike Fine).
Reading these OTC minutes is about as enjoyable as leafing through a chemical analysis of the constituents of Scope mouthwash in Russian. Less.
Well said. I couldn’t get through them. I just wondered how many of those “Clears” are re-treads who were told to go back to the beginning of the Bridge.
I’m at the point where the whole thing is meaningless. Only important thing is getting the sham exposed.
Love your header graphic, Mike.
This stuff CONTINUES to boggle my mind. What a load of horse shit! Kaye et al. and the OT Committee games of crap.
Mike Fine delivering a seminar on love at the Org? Really? Poor Mike. I remember when Belleair Mission (or Flag) would have him come in and deliver a seminar on a few Wednesday nights. The Mission would count the people that they got to come as “new” people if they had never been to Belleair Mission, even if they were OT’s from Flag or public from Tampa Org.
And a full time OSA Flag to try and get to the bottom of the leaks. What a life. I remember when OSA Flag was hounding my husband to bring them the one email that I had sent Trey Lotz a year earlier. This was a no-big-deal email, mind you, but they HAD TO HAVE IT! It PROVED I had “joined a squirrel group.” This is what they are wasting their lives doing. Crazy shit.
McCarran, it’s got to be driving them NUTS! I told a scientologist once that they had become the laughing stock of the world. He was silent for what seemed like forever before he said, “We’ll see about that!” Yep, we sure will! BTW, how’s that working out for you?
I know, OSD. A laughing stock. And they just can’t see it.
Hey Dave,
How do you like being the hack who has been hacked?
WE Deliver What We Promise !
Wait a minute ,Who said that ! Declare that person an S.P.!
Head on a pike, now,now, now!!!!!
” They even have a full time person in OSA Flag assigned to get to the bottom of this situation.”
Yo Dave,
Have you ever wondered about all those tried and true OSA bots doing your bidding? I’m thinkin that perhaps you might want to round up a few of your very best sec check auditors (sorry, I realize that all auditors are now sec check auditors) and see about finding out who is the CICS who is leaking your highly confidential info and get that MF into the hole for some of your fine rehabbing techniques.
Seriously. If the OSA people “can’t find” the leak then they ARE the leak! Pretty obvious really. OSA isn’t just incompetent Davey, they’re traitorous scum!
” OSA isn’t just incompetent Davey, they’re traitorous scum!”
Amen to that! It is a requirement to remain in the SO, especially if you want to be in upper management.
There is one other option; Davey leaks the OTC minutes so he can then justify his tirades on staff for the leaks getting out! I can see him snickering (Sharon Webber style) as he posts the leaked minutes and plans out who’s face he is going to remove.
Yo Dave you piece of shit, I think we have the source of the leaks figured out. Who would have guessed? Take a win shithead, you are one clever CSMFCIPOS.
I don’t think there are now competent sec checkers remaining in the Church, ironically. I have a little theory in that if their sec checkers were that competent then the “remaining ins” would have left the chicken coop years ago. My theory is that those still on lines have many MWHs (disagreements etc.) and they donate as a way of avoiding getting their real withholds pulled – throws the attention off them – and their withholds. And if they got all of their actual withholds off they would all leave the Church straight away, again ironically. Think about what I say – it is actually quite straightforward – those with no MWHS can’t be bullied or forced into donating.
Your theory makes a heap of sense to me, Foolproof.
Actually of course “my little theory” is derived from LRH HCOBs – I think LRH stated more or less the same thing somewhere.I have just extrapolated it a bit further and specifically here.
I totally agree with you in that. The public still in and those on “the level” constantly deal with this because they have to go back for the six month checks and be security checked. All the ones I know have disagreements just as you said. They talk about this socially, albeit in a stilted manner. Still, the disagreements are there.
You can imagine the mental gymnastics these people go through and believe me, they do. Often it’s “handled” by making a donation, volunteering time on OTC projects or the like. Personally, I do not consider any of this productive to true case gain. They are being “other determined”.
So the Tampa Org made 17 clears in the last eight months. Big whoop.
I’lll bet that all of those 17 individuals are the children of Scientologists too. Or probably recycled people on/off The Bridge. I wish there was a stat on brand new, raw public with no familial association going Clear but that would be impossible to gage anyway. The parameter for the above would be tweaked to show unprecedented expansion regardless.
The ‘What is Love?” talk stood out to me too. What does the RCS know about love?
About ten years ago, I attended a seminar with Sharon Webber at AOLA. I’ll never forget that during that seminar Sharon told us that “love is 1.1”. She imitated people telling each other that they love each other in a snarky and ridiculing manner. That confirmed even more for me that love has no place for parishioners in the church. No Scientologist wants to be 1.1 do they?
Pepper, love, compassion & kindness have absolutely no place in this cult. None. Those traits are signs of weakness. This cult prides itself on family destruction and going after ANYONE who dares to speak up against them.
It’s not surprising that Sharon told you that love is 1.1. Actually it fits in quite nicely with their twisted logic.
I’ve heard a first-hand report of Sharon Webber’s brand of love. She is a face-ripper extraordinaire.
Face ripping (Aussie military slang) – A one-way discussion, usually between a soldier and a superior, where the “face ripper” gets so close that the “face rippee” can see the pores on his forehead.
I remember Sharon Webber well from my stint on the Fleecewinds. “Love is 1.1” The Scientology cult produces a culture of sociopaths.
Doug, what was it like on the Fleecwinds?
For me, OSD? Two months of hell.
The best part about it was walking off for the last time, knowing it was the last time.
I was out, over and done.
I ditto that McCarran. I was only there for a few weeks but I KNEW IT WAS THE LAST TIME! The night I finished OT VIII I was up on the bridge about 2:00am looking at the stars …it was a beautiful night……and as I peered in to the sky I had the perception of being in prison. Little did I know that there were staff in the bilges who were literally in prison. I knew that I was in a mental prison as regards my free thoughts.
Then the pressure cooker began in 2004 and I was told to BE ON THE MAIDEN VOYAGE ..NO OPTIONS! I never returned and I began to look.
I do miss Teddy Bragin and Sharon Webber; two of the warmest and friendliest people on the planet! I have something I would like to give them both. OK ..movin on!
what is a true friend?
wow, they have no idea ,do they, that Scientology doesn’t breed friends who will hear no ill and safeguard your reputation.
Even disregarding disconnection , i never felt I had a true friend in 35 years, knowing full well I could be dropped like a hot potato anytime, for a person of better status or whatever.
I would read these gems from LRH , and keep on hoping I would experience them in real time. Ah!
Marie, I have talked to several people that mentioned how they didn’t have many or any friends when they were IN and now that they are OUT, they have so many good friends. That is a phenomenon that is so easy to dissect.
I had plenty of friends while in the corporate Co$. But turned out they were all 1.1 and threw me under the bus to save their own necks. One friend even spied on me for the MAA and then told me things the MAA told her to tell me, force and utimatimes and disconnection etc. She and her husband even told their employee to never ever work for “that woman” again and if they caught him working for me (even on his own time after work), they would fire him. This from a former CS at AOLA and a “friend” for over 30 years. And the rest disconnected when the FB black PR rumors came around. None even demanded to see the goldenrod. Just took it with no proof at all.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
The ‘What is Love?” talk stood out to me too. What does the RCS know about love?
They missed a word
It should read What is Love of Money?
Just goes to show the level of understanding of these “remaining ins”. Now I suppose “Love” could be quite low toned (if you remember your teenage years) but it can also be high toned, can it not? These “pearls of wisdom” from these OTC people should of course be taken with a pinch of salt as if they cannot seemingly understand what is going on in the Church for the last 30 years then expecting them to understand philosophical or life concepts is not really on the cards is it. What she is covertly promoting (i.e. love being 1.1) is that the Second Dynamic is to be avoided at all costs – that was the covert message she is somehow putting across. She probably fell in love with some dude when she was younger and he jilted her and she never got it handled in session – because the auditors don’t exist anymore and the cost of intensives is too high as well.I felt there was more 1.1 in her statement than there ever could be in “Love”.
Wow Pepper, it sounds like that seminar was what was covertly hostile. What a stupid thing to say. Love is the highest level of affinity possible, something that woman wouldn’t know if it landed on her, and if you asked her to DO it, she’d probably get confused.
Hey Davey! You know what your problem is? You got rid of all your best guys! Now you’re trying to fight ’em off with a room full of expeditors and other people’s children. Good luck with that!
Davey, you have no idea how much fun it is to watch you twist in the wind. I for one want to see your ship go down real slow so we can get as much fun out of it as possible. Are you ready for your Jim Baker perp walk?
“…with a room full of expeditors and OPCs (other people’s children).” Nice, Sammy. I’ll bet OPCs becomes part of their lingo. “Hey Fred! Who are you going to get to clean up that toxic sludge?”
“I assigned some OCPs to”
“Perfect! And…it serves them right! Freakin’ DBs!”