Some more drivel from the OT Committee Chairman Flag. But it gives some interesting insight into what it means when Miscavige or Freedom mag claims there are “2000 people on lines at Flag at any given time.”
You can see what the Flag OT Committee counts as “starts” — anyone, anywhere OR AN EXTENSION COURSE!
This is desperation.
Really, with the Golden Age of Tech II flooding people up the Bridge, with more ideal orgs than ever, the release of Super Power and the Running Program, more IAS Dissemination Campaigns than ever in history, a massive internet presence and interest in scientology higher than EVER before — how is it possible that FLAG has a “Star High Target” of 350 arrivals IN A YEAR!!!
“I love you guys” — such sincerity…
A message from 30,000 feet up!
Flying inspires me! It makes me think of big production and star high goals and that of course, makes me think of you, the awesome and incredible Flag OTC members.
With Maiden Voyage right around the corner, we are on the final push for Highest Ever Arrivals for Service. Our Star-High Target is 350 by June 1st!
The only way to pull this off is for everyone in the OTC to play the game. If each of you brought in one person, or sent someone to an org or mission in some other part of the world, or got someone to sign up for an Ext course, we could make our target and then some!
Here’s the recipe for target attainment.
1. Reply to this email that you are playing the game and who you are getting in.
2. Call other OTC friends and get them playing. (We’ll publish a list of players daily.)
3. When you get someone arrived, email us right away.
4. Keep asking everyone who they know that needs to come in and follow it up.
Let’s give the FSO, the Captain Flag and The Chairman of the Board RTC an upstat Flag OT Committee and Arrivals out the roof for this year’s Maiden Voyage! They really deserve it, don’t you think?
Let the Games Begin!
I love you guys.
If you would like a wog perspective about membership stats…..for all my 40 years on this earth, I have lived in 3 major cities (one had an org) plus I have traveled thru much of the major cities in Europe many times and never ever in my life have i met a scientologists or even an ex-scientologists! (And I’m a people person who talks to just about everyone I come into contact with!) my husband who is from a major city in Europe didn’t even know what Scientology was until I made him watch going clear on HBO! Neither have my parents or my other family members ( some have heard of it but never met anyone who was involved in it)!
Hi Aquamarine, Oh I would love that Meeting all of you @ OSD’s just Heaven.I’m really trying & a post like yours melts my heart.I love all your posts too.LOTS of Hugs & Kisses.Ann B.
Ann b, have u ever heard of or read the book “change your thoughts, change your life (living the wisdom of the Tao),”? It’s by Wayne dyer. This book has gotten me thru some rough times! I highly recommend it! As far as the cancer goes, you are a strong tough brave woman as you survived Scientology!!!! I think that once or out, that’s when you gain ur super powers! So cancer is no match for a brave woman as yourself! From your woggy friend Lori! Ps there is no way in hell I would have lasted in the SO, I can’t get out of bed before 8am to do anything!!!! I would be the first person where they would say ” here’s your $ back and don’t come back ” lol good luck and lots of love to u❤️
Hi Lori, Thank you so much for your sweet post. Your take on yourself in The SO is wonderful.The thing is when you sign that billion year contract you get an iv of Kool Aid along with your cert to join & you become part of Ron’s World or David Miscavige’s now. The only way you can stop the Kool Aid is if something really horrific happens to you within the Team & you know in your heart you will die or lose your mind if you do not get out.I know it is hard to wrap one’s head around how strong the original pull is, it is tremendous.But all on this blog & the other blogs like Tony’s are out, we can send tons of light & love to those you choose to stay in even if they can’t see of feel it because they don’t want to look.Hugs & Kisses to you.Ann B.
The situation within Flag and any where else the church owes may look all Well and Good from the outside
with The status it points out.
Its the products of the tech that count and the best evidence is interviews by recent public taking services at any given place for their propective and self inspections by actually seeing the facts for oneself unless thats possible its based on what some might see or get from the grape vine through word of mouth and via’s acting as spys within for the outside and even that is uncertain.
All the building’s and promotional scams don’t convince people if they have any brains to look and see before taking there trip to disaster zone.But some don’t even after the amount of stories of what has gone on, They take the road , but what is certain it does give false hope which tells you that the message is not getting through to eve those entering that are New or thsoe still in and old within it, plus any and all
remaininbg half way in doubt . The church blocks that true. And any one attempting to reveal truth is put stoped or slaugthered theirs enough evidence from thsoe that have left , Or they are trapped and harrassed or paid off and never heard of again . Somestart gets law suits pending endless , or never completed and the Sarger carries on.Its destruction from the true of what scientology is and they are destroying and have within the current church Wake up.
Around 350 people are hit by lightning in the US each year. And they did not have to pay for the privilege by being wallet-raped and cultified.
I’m with you, Ann B. We all are. You are going to come thru this. Don’t succumb to fear; hold your head up and do the next thing, and then the next thing, and then the next, etc. until you’re home-free. Flowing you loving support for the huge strength you already possess. Look at all the other trials by fire you came thru. You’ll come thru this too, and one day we’ll all meet at OSD’s beach place to celebrate. Love and hugs to you, and more power to the huge power you already have. Aquamarine.
Flag is failing and has been since before Debbie Cook left. The OT Committee in trying to get people to come to Flag calls it a game! Scientology games are no fun. They really aren’t games you know. They call them games but it’s really work and lots of effort for what? You don’t win anything. It’s not like playing call of duty or hide and go seek or dodge ball or any other fun game. The Birthday “Game” is another example. Who the hell ever had fun playing that game? Scientology, David Miscavige, and Flag are all living in another universe separate from the one that everyone else is living in.
The “Birthday Game” was, and always has been, for El Wrong. Remember, this is what he wanted instead of a chocolate cake. He wanted all Class 5 orgs to become the Size of Old Saint Hill. Hip Hip!!! 35 years later, we’re still waiting for just ONE Class 5 org to become the size of Old Saint Hill. Don’t get me started on Idle Morgues!
Hi Ann. My best wishes to you. All will be okay. A good friend (an Ex Scn) beat it and you will too! It’s a tough road. I have confidence that you will be victorious. Truly.
Hi Steph, Thank you so much. If your good friend & Ex Scn can beat it well I’ll try my best.The road will be dark & tough but I know y’all are @ the end keeping the light on for me.Hugs & kisses Ann B
Hi Racingintheblood39, Thank you for your wonderful & sweet post.I’ll do my best with that postulate.I hear South Africa is a lovely country.Hugs & kisses to you Calvin.Ann B
Hi Mike, Thank you so much. I will put both your wishes right next to my heart when I go in the OR if that is to be.Hugs & kisses always. Ann B
Hi Newcomer, Thank you from my heart. You can never be late to,this party.Everyone is going to make my eyes well up before all is over.Love your posts always.Hugs & kisses Ann B.
Hi GTBO, Thank you so much for your 100 percent.It means a lot to me. Hugs & Kisses Ann B.
Kaye’s overture sounds like flat-out begging. It might be time to employ Sally Struthers and her tears to sob and cry for the church as she did so successfully for the hungry children. “I love you guys”??? WTF? No, get Sally, she’s good at this sort of thing, David Miscavige isn’t.
“Arrivals” is one of the most falsified stats in the Co$. Joe Blow (pun intended) has been off his extension course for three months. Sally Simpleton from the OT committee gets him to turn in his next lesson and he’s now an “arrival.”
They might even be so desperate that they consider that since it was an arrival generated by a Flag OT committee member, that it also counts as a stat for Flag.
With ten million members worldwide, their arrivals should be around a million a week. Geeze, what a farce.
Hi Old Surfer Dude, Amazing thank you so much. OK here is where it gets really interesting my paternal great grand father was Judge Henry E Cooper & his 1st daughter Alice Cooper Bailey went to the Islands in the 1890s.He was Head of the so called committee of safety & wrote the Constitution for Hawaii & was not nice to the last Queen at all.Alice or Puna as we called her lectured all over the U.S. In the 30’s 40’s & 50s about Hawaii & also wrote books for teenagers based on her growing up on her Dad’s estate in Manoa sp?Valley & their weekend house on a bluff @ Pearl Harbor that a plane fell into during 12/7/41 & burnt it down.I came along 8/1/51 & was born @ 1 lb.So after 4 months in the incubator in Boston Mass my lungs could not take the cold so my late parents flew all the way to Honolulu when I was 6 months old .We lived there & Hilo until I was 41/2 & the call of Boston became to much for my mother.Her maiden name was Bradford & yes a direct descendant of you know who @ Plymouth Plantation.I have always been pulled to both coasts but much prefer the warmth so Walter & I came to Baton Rouge La in 96 not knowing anyone & retired here. Incidentally he says the Duncan Clan were very war like & not welcome in parts of Scotland either but the Mclaurin dude was a lord & member of the Scottish Parliament.So you ARE STUCK with me forever too.I’m aboard now let’s get underway & sink that rust bucket Fleece Winds & the cos with all the Kool aid drinkers except David Miscavige safely off & home with their loved ones first.I need to let some others do their thing on this blog now y’all have had enough of me I’m sure.MANY hugs & kisses Ann B.
Hi Ann B……good to see you keeping in good spirits…….a little O/T….Robin Williams (RIP) was a McLaurin (on his mother’s side IIRC). Maybe you’re related!
Hi Chee Chalker. Good catch & thank you! Walter found out after Robin had sadly passed that he was his 2nd cousin.So he is related by blood & I’m the tag along by marriage. You can kind if see the connection in their faces.Hugs & kisses to you. Ann B.
Scientology’s influence on the world has been reduced to zero. The Flag OT committee does not reach out beyond existing Scientologists “in good standing”… to push them to Flag… and 350 in a year for the committee is pathetic. And, you can be sure they took credit for everyone they “slightly knew” that went to Flag the past year.
Over the past 5 years as Scientology has shrunk, it has also turned more and more inward. It reaches out only to its current declining members. It has gotten more and more culty, if that is possible.
Hi Ann B Watson, all my love to you. You could check out It’s a guy that can possibly help you heal through free lifestreaming events, next one on 5th of June. No promisses, but there is definitely something happening with this guy. Just give it a try, if you like.
Hi Ludo Vermeulen, Thank you so much. I’ll note 6/5/15. I’m open to good healers as long as they are not David Miscavige The SO The now OSA the whole cos Sci deprogramers lawyers & Satanists.Had really bad encounters with the latter from 79-80 after I blew in 78.not by choice either. This blog is like the cleanest coolest most comforting breeze always blowing into the cracks between the fancy cos buildings & between the ears of a certain cob.Hugs & Kisses Ann B.
Wish you all the best Ann B.
Ahhhh, the insanity of the endless pushing, pushing, pushing and convincing in order to get some people on servive. It tells you right away they’re not interested, really. What an overt product. The childish logic of LRH admin tech sometimes.
For comparison, I have been participating in Oneness meditation recently. They just announce their activity on a site, or email if you want to, but no one is regging anyone to come, they don’t care about statistics, no targets to make … If you’re interested, you go and that’s it. They did a weekend recently. There were more people than I have ever seen together in the CofS in Brussels in my ten years on staff there. There was wayyyyy more “theta” than I’ve ever felt in a CofS as well.
Hi Statpush, I’m really glad to have you with me! Love you posts & we’ll see each other soon as we all walk this path together. Hugs & Kisses, Ann B.
Ann B. How about you post a link to your FB so we can give you some support here and there? I couldn’t find it under your name here.
Hi Cece, You are dealing with an old school computer lady. I do not have Facebook, I just have my email addresses. If that would be what you would like I’ll send it on.If not I really can feel your support right now.Thank you so much & hugs & kisses to you.Ann B
Hi The Oracle, Thank you your post is beautiful. My husband says cue those bag pipes. Love your posts.Hugs & kisses Ann B
Hi Maureen, Thank you so much I appreciate your support, it means so much to me.Hugs & Kisses Ann B.
In all fairness, I don’t think she meant 350 arrivals in one year, I think she meant 350 arrivals between the time she wrote this email and June 1.
Not that that number in that smaller time range lives up to the “clearing the planet for real” hype either.
I took highest ever by June 1st to mean highest ever for an MV, which would mean per year.
When you know from the get go you are reading false stats and the false stats are so embarrassingly low you squirm, you wonder why they even bother to publish them. If they had a shred of dignity, they would quietly close the doors and slink away into the night.
One of the Oat Tea Comm. members should claim a bunch of arrivals at some closed down Mission that DM claims is still alive! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John, I’m still wondering how the L.A. Morgue can say they have HUNDREDS of new public flooding their Idle Org every week!
OSD, I REALLY cannot imagine what it is like inside the SO bubble at this point. Hell, I rebelled WAY back before DM was running everything. I had a habit of cold cocking CMO members who got snotty with me. I would have broken DM’s neck if he tried the crap he pulls on people these day. LOL!
Way to go, John! Mark Headley almost did the same thing to the psychotic dwarf! Glad you rebelled! Keep it up…
I hope we get some intel on how many for maiden voyage.
72 maybe?
Really? That many?
Shit! We better get to cracking OSD. Whaddya say we take a little trip down to Curacao and hang out?
I’d bet the MV regges are trying to keep the travel itineraries under wraps so no one knows for sure where they are sailing from.
Yo Dave,
Wanna make a bet we can find it out? I could show up on the dock and hawk my OT VIII bracelet for it’s real value in gold and undercut your bookstore price of ……what Dave? It’s melt value is about $600.00. Real world status value is a negative $10,000 at least and the cult status value is what …..$3500.00 or so Dave? Just one more example of a good clean butt f%#king by our favorite cult.
Right there with you, pal!
So when does David ‘Let Him Die’ Miscavige close Flag because the empty building is too embarrassing and is causing Entheta with his remaining flock? And of course a Maiden Voyage with just himself, Tom Cruise, the Travoltas, the Duggans, and her Royal Governorship would be real entertaining.
A lot of those remaining have to be wondering why every Org is empty, why Flag is empty, why the ship is empty…
I could be wrong, but I think the hard core Sea Org members still believe that statistics worldwide are highest ever. I think that is because that is what they are being told by upper management, who knows better. The non Sea Org staff at places like Denver, St. Louis, Kansas City, or Minneapolis would have to be in denial to not recognize by now that something is seriously wrong.
Beryl, I’m surprised some disaffected staff member doesn’t go up to the ED and say, “Eh Luuuuuuuuccccccy!!! You have some ‘splaining to do!” And then walk out…
The SO is truly a captive audience. Dictatorship run organisations are truth (reversed) unto themselves because anyone not in agreement with them is a liar if they speak out. Simple logic, but the violent reaction generated when honesty does eventually infiltrate their ranks is what revolution is all about. Scientology’s time is coming, slowly apparently but coming none the less. Truth and criminality always converge at some point.
I also was wondering if sea org members were allowed or even able to vote? Especially in presidential campaigns?
Highly unlikely. Democracy is tooooo low-toned for the fascist Sea Org. 🙂
This is a group that does not wish to integrate with society. The “wog” world is filled with dramatizing reactive minds, that includes politicians (presidents are no exception). Little, if any, respect is given to reactive minds.
They are a closed, secretive, insular group that has opted not to be part of mainstream society; which is one definition of a cult.
Thanks for the response! I must say I’m proud to be a wog! Now I just need to find a “xenu is my co-pilot” bumper sticker and my woggy life will be complete!
statpush, along with opting out of being a part of mainstream society is: Slave Labor/Reeducation Camps, restriction of what you can and CANNOT read or view, a cult mindset, a leader who is not responsible to anyone, no financial accountability. and a willingness to destroy people and family for the GREATER GOOD!
Good point, OSD.
Actually those who can vote DO vote for whoever they are told to vote for by SO execs i.e DLHDM
Hi Lori. No when I was in no voting no drivers license & keep well away from anything remotely connected with the outside.When I joined The SO in 74 & signed that billion yr contract & boy was the Kool Aid strong, I believed Ron’s Dream 1 billion percent.In other words you become a slave literally.Take Care Ann B.
We all did, Ann. However, no one predicted the advent of the internet and that changed everything! Now, the only people they MIGHT have a chance of recruiting are those who don’t know how to use google. BTW, I think Going Clear is going worldwide now.
Lori, there is no rule against voting. Most don’t bother as they pay no attention.
” my woggy life will be complete!”
Welcome Lori and cherish it. I’m glad to have the acquaintance of a wog with the smarts to avoid organized religion!
I come from a long line of atheists and critical thinkers lol
BTW Lori,
Independent thought is seriously frowned on inside the cult. And taking time off to vote, unless it pertains to something involving the cult is taking away from the real job at hand and thus considered out ethics. At the very least you may be considered as’ having other fish to fry’.
If you are encouraged to vote, you will also be told how to vote!
I guess I just thought he (cob) would encourage everybody to vote for some of the more conservative republicans bc they are the ones behind most of the religious freedom/ anti-gay /anti-tax legislation … enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing. I just want to tell u guys that you are some of the bravest ppl out there! But I feel the most sorry for the kids (2nd, 3rd generation scientologists) that have no idea of the outside world and what their lives could have been in it. I would think that cob would encourage members to have children so there would always be a fresh amount of ppl to enslave generation after generation? But I really don’t think he’s the brightest bulb in the bunch! Thanks for the responses guys! This subject facinates me.
I have been a lurker now for sometime but I just can’t lurk anymore! I have never been involved w sciecultogy as I despise organized religions. Your blog is great! It’s just so hard to wrap my head around that these poor people are being so so duped! How do these sea org members read emails like the one u posted and not wonder why the busses are fricken empty!!!! Please keep it coming! I also love the underground bunker and Marty’s blog ( I’m not sure if he posts any new stuff tho). Ps : I just ordered “the unbreakable miss lovely” and haven’t put down my kindle since I got it! To borrow a quote “I love you guys!” Lol and keep up the good work!
Hi Lori, FYI, re your mention of wanting the bumper sticker, has a nice selection of Scientology bumper stickers, one says “Lord Xenu is my homeboy”!! My personal favorite one says “Scientology, making Mormons look sane since 1952”!!! Hope this helps!!
Love the Mormon joke lol
And the word from MiniTruth is that the chocolate ration keeps on expanding!
There is no one new going into Scientology. The ones that are “in” have been burned at Flag. I noticed maybe 1 person from the local Morgue – going to Flag each year…and then obnosing them coming back – convinced me Flag has highest EXTORTS evah!
I bet those Fruit Plate wars are nasty. (google: Hy Levy fruit plate wars)
It’s unclear to me from reading the email but I think she means 350 arrivals produced by the OT committee.
I think a list of the OT committee stats has been posted. I bet one of them is “arrivals” or “people gotten on service” or something like that. That would be a stat for how many people the OT committee got on service and not a Flag total.
Also, is it a total or do they want 350 more in addition to what they already have? As in, “we sold 50 DMSMH this week and we have a “star-high target” to sell 20 more today”.
Looks like its a total of 350. Geez, and she’s excited about this? I wonder what it was last year or the year there was no MV.
It matters not McCarran because that number is going to be ZERO very very soon! With folks such as you and all the other frequenters of this blog there is no chance for the Cult to survive.
Yo ElCon and Dimwit,
Give it up boys, the posse is here and you are both exposed for the derelict pieces of hammered Daveshit that you are.
Hi Roger Hornaday, Thank you from my heart for your love bombs to me.I will know in a few days if I need to call on you for heavy duty ones if I have to have a mastectomy.Way before the anesthesia drugs started via iv,I was chilling out in my room for 31/2 hrs before surgery, & I was doing the trinity that my dear friends Brian & his wife had taught me to, when suddenly there was a huge blue flash of light in front of my face,& I knew instantly it was you & Brian & his wife & all the prayers thoughts dreams & intentions of all those ,Thank you Regraded Being so much, who want me to keep myself here a little longer.Hugs & Kisses Ann B.
Ann, I don’t know you, but, this Old Surfer Dude is sending you thoughts of perfect health, happiness, joy & love. As a cancer survivor (I wasn’t expected to live to see 50 and I’m way beyond that) I can relate. However, I do have a secret weapon I use against my cancer: I’m Scottish! We’re the cheapest people on Teegeeack, so I’m just too cheap to die! And, Ann? I believe you’re now getting positive and life affirming thought from every poster here. Hey gang! Am I right?
100% with you on that OSD. Good thoughts sent your way, Ann.
From a Scottish lass too cheap to die, Aye, Laddy. Yes we ur.
We wish ye th’ best ay health wealth an’ happiness hen Anne. And greener pastures oan tomorrow’s paths.
I’m with ya! See you soon, Ann.
Hi Old Surfer Dude, What a joy you are!! Thank you!! My body is 63 & if I survived the GOI for over a year, well I can whip cancer again, And guess what my husband’s family on both sides is totally Scottish The Duncan & Mclaurin Clans & boy is he cheap! I’m English, Welch. with a little Spanish thrown in plus a great uncle who was half Native Hawaiian,way before my time. Walter & I have been married 34 yrs July & are opposites & without kids, but 4 legged ones inside cats & dashunds as our family, we haven’t killed each other yet!! I believe in all the incredible & positive life affirming thoughts from all you sweet posters,If I have to have a mastectomy my Drs & team better watch out that OR will be very crowded with all the good Intentions coming in with me.Hey @ least I’m not drinking bleach or having Dr. Eyebrow with me yuck!! Seriously I love your posts & all of you help my nightmares of Ron’s SO World fade a little,like the Sun of the Dawn hitting the waves.My prayer & intention is that all are reunited with their children or family members still in & that all in cos everywhere will cognate they don’t need what is occurring for them inside.It is beautiful here & no John Travolta not the way you interpret beauty! Hugs & Ksses Ann B.
Aye, TO! Great to have a Scottish lass with us! Tis good to be a Celt! Cheap bastards that we are!
Ann, thank you so very much for your kind words! The pleasure was all mine! Our family name is Burns and we have a blood link to the poet, Robert Burns. Arrrrrgggg! Tis good to be a Scot! Also, my family was in Hawai’i from 1890 until about 7 years ago. I’ve lived there, off and on, my entire life. And, I’m also your age! Hey, 63 is the new 43! Myself and all the posters here engulf you in pure, unbridled, UNCONDITIONAL love! You’re one of us and we take care of our own. And, yes, honey, if you survived the GO, by God you can survive ANYTHING!
Burns is not a clan. We are a sept, or part of, Clan Campbell. The trouble with being part of Clan Campbell is if we weren’t beating up on the English, we were beating up on the other clans! We’re feisty bunch, we are! But not welcomed with open arms in some parts of Scotland. So..Ann? I’ve got to give you the bad news now. YOU’RE STUCK WITH US FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Welcome aboard!
100% correct
And while I’m late to the well wishing party, it is still not to late to say thank you Ann for being willing to speak out and to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Ann, I know you’ve survived cancer twice now which takes resolve and courage. I wish you well and a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you.
Hi Pepper, Bless you & thank you so much. I love your posts! Hugs & Kisses Ann B.
Ann B here are my thoughts too. I am a 2x ovarian cancer survivor. I wasn’t supposed to live past 35. I’m 60 now. Age is just a number. My sister in law is fighting cancer too (bone marrow cancer). I had to go give my her a pep talk a couple of weeks ago when she was at her down and out worst and she’s out of bed and walking again. That’s a huge step forward.
The best way to fight it is to remember you can’t lose to something if you don’t give it the power to beat you, and above all, don’t forget to let the doctors do their part too. Between yourself and the medical community you can beat this.
Hi Valerie, My gosh you are amazing Thank you!! Yes I really believe in letting my Drs do their thing & they know Miss Ann too so it becomes a partnership. Thank you for reminding me.Right now I am sending your sister in law huge waves of love light healing & hope.You both deserve that & much more.I get down too but when I get really bad I go out to our garden & scream @ a tree! Poor tree but it knows why.The moon stars & planets @ night help too it’s calming to look @ them.& if I have a mastectomy I’ve got the padded bras so might as well roll with it!! Love your posts Hugs & Kisses to you both Ann B
Hi Ann. Make that a LOT longer. By the way… I already sent Mike this weeks cartoon but seeing your use of the word “trinity” inspired me to make a change. I don’t know what you mean in your use of the word but thanks for putting it out there. It’s perfect for what I have in mind. Look for it Friday. Thanks!
(Mike, you have a correction coming your way)
Hi Regraded Being, Thank you so much, what a ray of light you are.Whatever way you want to use the word trinity or Trinity, have at it. I will look for it Friday. ALOT of hugs & kisses for you always. Hi Mike & Christie XO Ann B.
🙂 Hi Ann — all the best wishes from us.
Ann. Maaaayyyke it a goood, cleaannn postulate, will yooo? I knooo I’m roooot’n furrr ye ta poooll throoo wi’ flyaaa’yin colorrrs!
XXX Calvin, (Soooth Afrrrica) 🙂
Hi Ann, lovely to hear from you and thank you. I hope you’re not in severe pain but that’s why God gave us pain meds. I understand that species of suffering based on waiting for a verdict. Let me repeat what my vedanta teacher likes to say: “Woe to the person whose happiness is dependent upon a specific outcome.” That means existence itself is happiness. Lots of love and affection to you.
Hi Roger, Boy did your post come @ the right moment! You are so right about pain meds.I don’t want them but @ a time like this I need them.I will know tomorrow or Fri what the verdict is to be.If it is a mastectomy then I will try with grace to somehow make it another life experience although I have to admit to fear rearing it’s head a little right now.Your Vedanta teacher is very wise I will tuck that quote away.If another trip to the OR is to be & suddenly the lights dim I’ll just tell my surgeon & his team that Roger Hornaday dropped by to give the whole process a shot of pure light! 1 billion hugs & kisses to you Ann B.
You’ll do good Ann. Modern medicine is far, far in advance of where it was 20 years ago. I’m a living breathing example of it’s magic – heart attack, 2 major spinal operations plus a new hip following misguided military misadventures, numerous other things and I’m now over 60 & still causing trouble.
Best of luck and keep a positive attitude and it’ll all work out, I’m flowing positive vibes your way.
Hi I Yawnalot, Thank you kindly for your positive vibes.I really like your posts too. I want to cause trouble like you now I have a wonderful spirit to look up to. I went through colon cancer in 99, & this time around I am amazed about how much better all the medical tech is.Not like the other tech we both know & love!! Hugs & Kisses Ann B
I am thinking of you and wishing you well.
Hi Raindog, Thank you so much. I love your posts also.Hugs & Kisses Ann B
Do they mean Arrivals for Service sent by the OTC or Flag arrivals, period? Highest ever counted as of when?
Either way, in a world where down is up, they are only too willing to loudly announce their crashed stats as huge accomplishments to the world. Wonderful.
Censorship is the main hat (job) of the LRH Communicator, I am surprised the OTC is allowed to communicate to the public without sending a CSW explaining how this promotional item being sent out does not violate any LRH trade secrets or vital Intel for Scientology to the LRH Comm first so she can censor it. Must be that low protein diet.
350 is highest evers for Flag? Wow, it is bad. If there are “2,000 at Flag on service at any given time” does that mean that the other 1,650 people are just ones that arrived to get onto VII and have spent 5 to 10 months doing that and thus are counted in the 2,000?
There was a time when 350 actually would arrive over a 2 week period. That was in the early ’90’s. I know because I was there trying to get auditing when there weren’t enough auditors for all the pcs and the waiting rooms were full to the brim with people waiting all day and night for one session if they were lucky. Others didn’t even get that as they weren’t even on a lineup yet. That’s how crowded it was. One veteran VII person told me that when you come to Flag you just turn in your routing form and then go shopping for 3 days and check in on the 3rd day and see where things are at. Steinmart was her store of choice. I came to love that store. But now it is not there anymore.
I’m pretty sure the 350 arrivals is the hopeful stat of only the Flag OT Committee’s production, not the whole target of the FSO itself.
YEs, I am sure you are correct. But this is the biggest, baddest OT Committee in the world. 350 “arrivals” onto Extension Courses or onto service ANYWHERE is a joke. Especially as extension courses have become a great way for people to avoid harassment to “get onto service” — they simply respond “I am on a course already and progressing through it well” [As they read a chapter of a book a month…]
It really is a pitiful target, especially considering the ‘anywhere’ factor. Not to mention that every single FSO OT committee member is most likely included as an arrival point at least once in that hopeful 350 figure. I can just see them running around in circles to find which one of themselves can be the next one to arrive for something before June 1st. LOL
Actually 350 arrivals at Flag or on the Extension Courses would be stellar for the Flag OT Committee. Anything is better than nothing to the OTC members, even reading a chapter of a Basic book a month. Numbers are probably the most important thing in the CoS, not necessarily quality or truth. I could see why they might be thrilled with this, even though to those of us who’ve been out of it for a while might see it a whole other way…
Oops – my bad – MONEY is the most important thing in the CoS. Now start counting the numbers.
Cindy, You are right. In the late 80’s and early 90’s it was common to have 75+ public hanging out in the Div 4 HGC (Hubbard Guidance Center – where auditing is delivered). By 2005 Flag was lucky to have 5 people sitting in that waiting area. By 2005 public would also tend to HIDE while at Flag so as to avoid all the people asking them for money.
With the release of the original NOTS and SOLO NOTS.. in 1980-ish.. we were SLAMMED. Hundreds of public at the FH. That was just before the Flag Mission Holders Meeting.
Matt, your recollection and mine match. We gots reality! (remember that song?) And by 2011 my last trip to Flag, I was the ONLY pc on my auditor’s lineup and the pc waiting lounge was empty. I know a KA drinking OT VII and she told me long ago that the way to keep the registrars and IAS vultures away from you was to, “never step foot into an org and to just do some cheap Div 6 Ext Course by mail to prove you were on a course.” And she said if anyone asked you could say, “can’t do that because I’m on course.”
This is Flag’s own fault of creating “the walk of shame”, i.e. a SMI office, followed by an ABLE office, followed by a WTH office, followed by a Super Powers office (never mind the IAS office – they were everywhere). And this was back in 1994, before GAT 1 even. With all the constant regging of Flag public just waiting to get into session, it was pretty easy to see how the left the moniker of “the friendliest place in the whole wide world.”
And soon Flog won’t be there anymore either. No more IAS Floggings, no more whipped dogs on the streets, a Clearwater cleared of Cult. Can’t wait for the celebration!
Along those lines, I know for a fact that the cult received two written resignation letters from non declared parishioners within the last month. I wonder what the total wus stat is.
Yo Dave,
I’d say you are really having to put the hammer down to fill your Maidan Voyeur rustbucket this year. Good luck with that!
You made my day, Coop & Cindy! I always love hearing GREAT NEWS!
Jig Jig Jig
Coop, I’m UTR and I can’t say most of what I think and feel when commenting, but I’m on this blog and Tony’s every day. I love hearing news about resignations because it gives me hope for my family and friends. Any chance we’ll hear their story? I may even know them 😉
” Any chance we’ll hear their story?”
De Attested,
For the most part I think they are in the same place as you are. I always recommend speaking out myself and had to do so knowing I could lose my wife and kids (although I really did not think it would actually happen).
Well it actually did. But there is no way I would be alive if I had knuckled under to the pressure. It is just not who I am. That said, I carry no grudge with those that choose to remain quiet in order to maintain contact with loved ones. It is a choice made on an individual basis.
The other side of the coin for me is that an oppressive Cult like $cientology will continue it’s evil ways until someone says ‘That Is Enough’. It was me who spoke out and disseminated to my friends and got them involved including my wife and kids. It is me who now is saying “I made a serious mistake! Get the Hell Out!” Yea well, I’m thinking I should have done something when I first had the thought rather than waiting until the eleventh hour.
My message to all lurkers and non lurkers, tell someone the truth about Scientology each and every day. Tell it from your heart and tell it like it is for you. Before long the malady known as Scientology will be no more.
So I encourage you and all others who have a story about the cult to speak out and leave a mark in the sand.
Yo Dave,
If you don’t like my message, call me and we can discuss it, Remember the number Dave? Yep, same one. 209-928-4822. Leave a message dickhead.:)
That was all very well said and I couldn’t agree with you more. You definitely got me thinking and I hope to be able to share the result with you soon. Thank you!
Well said Coop. I agree with your viewpoint. I also tried to get my kids out and felt blood was thicker than water but learned with surprise how effective the Org’s Black PR was against me, to my own kids. Their disconnection surprised me because we had such love before that. That’s how evil DM and his church are: they turn loving kids against their mother.
But one thing I don’t understand. These UTR’s who just sent resignation letters in to the church — why not tell their story publicly? They’ll suffer with disconnection with or without telling their story because the church will declare them for the resignation letter they sent… just sayin’
By this measure they’re still counting me as ‘on lines’ at Flag. When I got onto VII in 2007 I was coerced into signing on for a FOT ext course. I eventually completed it back home in Joburg, but for years afterwards I got these automated requests for my next lesson which took no notice whatsoever of my protestations that I’d finished the course years previously. So if anyone’s listening – DON’T count me as one of the 10,000 and don’t count me as still on lines at Flag, cos I’M NOT!!