This was posted on someone’s Facebook page just now.
Apparently there is no bottom of the begging barrel when it comes to the “Friendliest Place In The World(tm)”
Dear ……….
I want to send to you my CSW, please read it and give me answer as soon as possible ,thank you very much
1. Situation: I am at Flag and I working to get back my Super Power right now.
2. Data: I just completed Cause Resurgence rundown and I got incredible success.
I got the full picture, Sciantology is the first and only help to understand
and to win in this universe for all free being. My case level is Drug Rundown,
and my purpose is to be OT8,do 3 L’s,Super Power and Cause Resurgence as much I can.
Also I will be FLAG Class 8 auditor and C/S and do OEC completion in the next 7 years all this.
My next step in my way to get back my Super Power and if it is possible also get Clear on it.
For this right now I need 20.000 dollar and get my rockets to make this planet Clear.
For this unbeliveble help I can give back to you 22.000 dollar in 6 months.
3. Solution: To get 20.000 dollar or any amount of money that you can give me and go in session.
Yes? or No?
Doing $cientology seems a lot like teaching a bear to play the bagpipes:
1. It won’t end well
2. Someone will get hurt.
3. I guarantee it won’t be the bear.
And if the reges find out you have that kind of coin to loan out, you’ll end up having yet other monkeys on your back.
A lady I knew and quite liked called me (and, I’m sure, many others) from Flag, trying to get more money for her Ls. I didn’t send her any, knowing I’d never get it back. Later, the lady (who also had a gambling problem) lost everything and was living in her vehicle. What a terrible terrible shame.
Hi claire Swazey, Nice to meet you.Your post is incredibly sad,but what we post here exposes to the planet the terrible awful toll this evil enterprise takes on all who follow & are conned & destroyed by it Thank you.Ann B.
David “Let Him Die” Miscavidge NEEDS that $20,000 for another ermine pocket handkerchief.
BTW, everyone, if you didn’t see the short video of Andres Rodriguez talking with a group of scientologists (obviously NOT at the L.A. Org) he said “…it’s happening, It is. It is. It is…” (meaning expansion) And then he said that 700 people A DAY are flooding into the L.A. Org. Every single day…
I want to send you my CSW (period instead of a comma). Please read it & give me (your) answer as soon as possible (period instead of a comma) Thank you very much.
Did these people ever graduate from high school? Junior high? Or, is he from another country? If he is, I guess he deserves a ‘pass.’
Although I did kind of like “…give me answer…” It has a bullying feel to it.
Hi RolandRB,Sorry I spelled you wrong,I was emotional.Your last comment on David Miscavige is really mean.But no worries I won’t bother you further.Ann B.
I like the comprehensive plan to repay $22,000 in six months.
I used to see loan deals like this all the time, in fact I was taken in by a few, until I wised up and realized that scn’s are the worst people to lend money to. As soon as they have paid in one lot they are being told to pay more so their commitment to you gets sidelined. I remember loaning a staff member money to get to flag, and was promised faithfully I would get it back when they came home, 5 years later when they eventually escaped the whole loan thing seemed to have slipped their memory.
Cindy, I agree that this “Borrowing for the Bridge” is an out-ethics scam which the COS permits to operated un-checked.
A similar thing happened to me. Once upon a time a fellow who was renting from me joined staff and then stiffed me for two month’s rent. When I contacted the Chaplain and the Ethics officer about his, I was told that he was getting hatted as a staff member and that therefore they weren’t interested in making him pay me. Of course as a Church member I had agreed not to sue another Scientologist in a court of law so I was out of luck. This is the same mechanism used in the “Borrowing for the Bridge” scam.
However, I later found out that this Org had paid to send the guy for executive training at an upper org ….and that after receiving the training he stiffed them and went on staff with a different org. Then I heard that he blew from THAT org and disappeared from the face of the Earth!
Yep, ” ‘Borrowing’ for the Bridge”…. the game where EVERYBODY loses.
Sorry for your loss of money and aggravation, Espiritu. That same guy who was on staff and “borrowed” money from me and never paid it back — I went to his org and got the same thing…. the comm was that he was on staff and so I shouldn’t ask him for money because he is getting his exchange in as a staff member. I kept on insisting to get my money and then they treated me like the criminal.
Of course that’s what they do! Lying comes as easily to cult members as breathing come to the rest of humanity! Once you “loan” money to a clam, you’ll never, ever, ever, get it back. Why? Because it for the greatest good for the greatest number of spazmatics, ummm, ahhhhh, I mean dynamics. Again, this is a “The means justifies the end” cult. If they can justify the destruction of families, they can justify ANYTHING! And…they do.
So nice to see that Reed Slatkin is back on the bridge.
You’ve got a potent stab.
What a way to start the day? Reading the above over morning coffee, made the coffee a little bitter today.
The “cycle of doom” has began in another win happy junkie. Nothing wrong with wins, people have ’em all the time. But to give to the RCS is a financial and social death sentence. As sure as death and taxes that PC is doomed to a life of exactly the opposite of what he’s (I’m just assuming it’s a guy?) thinking of buying with borrowed money. Now the cancer is beginning to spread even before he’s ripped off, his family & friends are already under pressure with this type of begging. They’ll never see that $22k again. Plus $20 is nothing, a couple of sec checks and “poof” that’s gone.
I find it hard to see this sort of thing now and not get really angry. But that is what cults do and the RCS is up there with best of them.
There is no life in the RCS, it’s a dead entity with a vampire’s conscience.
What still affects me is the scale and nature of the betrayal that staff and Sea Org inflict on their ordinary public. It’s like they, as Scientology public, had hopes and aspirations like I think we all did as members, but as staff and Sea Org they turn into vampires whose aim is to suck every cent out of the public, uncaring and oblivious to the harm they are doing and the lives of fellow Scientologists they are destroying. But, again, it is this betrayal that still affects me. It is such that I enjoy reading stories about Sea Org members beaten and tortured by their Church and ending up as helpless slaves, ending their wasted lives dying of the cancer they have neglected and allowed to creep up on them until it is too late for them to be saved by wog medicine – not that they would opt for wog medicine in any case, their minds being so rotted that their delusions go beyond Hubbard’s wildest ramblings.For me, DM is the King of that whole mess and I admire him for piling on the suffering of Sea Org and staff.
Hi Rland RB,I think you are piling it on thick & very deep! There are XSO here who have cancer & have something done about & as I do,& there are those here who cry in the dark about how we treated public & took money they did’nt have & made them go into great debt for services.I’m one of those also & I’m out 40+ years.However put the shoe on the other foot for a minute.There are a lot of us who have good hearts & souls & believe it or not we joined staff & SO out of love for this planet & a burning desire to help.Were we foolish yes Were we duped yes,but please do not make fun of beaten & badly hurt in body & soul SO & all other members unless you have been beaten or hurt also.I know you are not the type who would watch that because you are pissed off.Thank you.Ann B.
If that was a real begging letter, it was nauseating.
Laughter! Should have read:
Situation: I’m begging.
Data: They fixing to throw my broke ass out on the street if I don’t find some cash.
Solution: Pay the beggar 20K.
Approved _______________
That’s funny!
Lets just say I’m really good at reading tea leaves
and picking winning horses at the track .
1. You paid for Super Power ONCE and now it’s gone,
it was a package OT 8 to infinity deal.
2.Your reg is David Foster and he got several phone calls as you sat with at his desk after paying for your Bridge to to total freedom.
You don’t know who was listening on the hidden microphone.
3. Slavka Bottomley is your MAA and Brandon Strattener is always there when you take
your next step up the Bridge in the MAA’s room with Slavka.
4. The sharks know they can feed on you and that includes
whoever gives you money on credit.
5. You will never do Super Power now it can be taken from you once.
6. There is not enough money on Earth for you to go OT 8 in Scientology because you cannot say NO.
7. Sooner you realize you have been “HAD” the better.
Come on, step up to the plate.
Mike, are you gonna keep us all in suspense? What did the facebook scientologists say in response to this “csw”? Love to see the screen shot.
I agree with espiando, this is coming across so much like the Nigerian scammers. Too bad we can’t give them some kind of access to Co$. On the borrow thing, my wife was called out ethics for exactly not loaning a “friend” money for services. It really grated on her for the rest of her life. Really cool if Nigerians are going to start trying to use the tech of Co$, They do everything else!!!
He wants his ROCKETS???? Hey baby, I want MY rockets too! Can’t Nancy or Duggan help this poor Eastern European guy out? Or AT LEAST have him read The Bean Theory PL so he knows what “cap in hand” means. I love how his “completed” staff work includes HOW he will be earning the 22 G’s in the next few months. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! REALLY? Hey, that ain’t gonna keep you in breakfast money to get to OT8 at Flag! My advice pardner …… GET A FUCKING JOB (oh, you need a visa or green card first? Marry a sea org member and become flag estates crew or something. At least then you can clean some toilets for exchange) Or just call the Russian Mafia (but they will probably hold you to that six month payback, unlike some moron flag public, who will have no way of collecting)
Hi Joe Pendleton, Good to meet you.The rockets thing is so bizarre! Really if he needed his rockets so badly what in the world happened to his Super Power! And he is going to need one fine breakfast to keep the body scrubbing those toilets 24 7. My gosh at OT 8 watch out planet this guy is in perpetual orbit around his own mock ups.Hey Bob & Nancy Duggan how about a new Morgue it’ll hold 10,000 at least & old Ron will be the hologram pilot with the 200 year old real birth certificate. I know y’all have the big bucks, give us all a break! Thank you Joe I liked your post.Always Ann B.
If this guy was sending this on some command channel he would be sent to cramming for omitting the most important part…
“This is OK”
Can’t this guy just attend a Michael Chan seminar?
Poor bastard.
Haha. If it were only this easy with the banks. “I want money. The solution is you give it to me.”
$cientologists are taught early in their indoctrination that only DBs actually go out and earn the money for their auditing and status donations. Real big beings just take it by whatever means from some idiot who worked hard and saved some up.
Welcome to the most unethical group on the planet. Disingenuous is our middle name.
Regraded Being will have no dearth of satirical material with idiots like this mocking it up daily. Or, maybe something stupid is now being said by a scientologist every 3.8 seconds, every day of the year. Now this is expansion in the correct order of magnitude… bla bla bla.
Yet, if he has such a Cause Resurgence, how come he can not afford to cover his Bridge? Rather he became the effect of registrars, money and, as the post noted, became a beggar.
No. The “solution” is to run screaming from the F.H. and don’t stop until you are on an airplane.
Dear Scientologist, I send you best wishes for your future, and commend you on wanting to improve yourself and the world for others. However, I do not believe this is a good plan, and urge you to instead sign up for classes at your local community college. The tuition is low, and affordable and they have financial aid that can help you pay for your classes and study materials. You will get a well-rounded education and better insight into the world and how more effectively help mankind. After 2 years, you will have an AA degree, which translates into a better rate of pay on any job, and much good knowledge about the world around you, which is something that you will not get in Scientology. After you achieve your degree, if you still think Scientology is the best route, ask again. We’ll discuss.
If this person can get $22,000 within 6 months, why doesn’t he/she just do that and pay for the services him/herself? 6 months is not that long a time, especially considering this person is on a 7-year plan.
I just completed my Lunch Resurgence.
Best response so far…and funniest! LOL
He can’t even spell the name of the cult. Sciantology? Really???
“I am at Flag and I working to get back my Super Power right now.”
Ah, so you lost your Super Power? Well, think back! Where was the last time you used it?
Jack 99, best post this year.
Does this person even realize the cost of all the items he lists? Probably well in excess of $500k
NO! (spoken with perfect TRs and tone 40 intention)
I’ll repeat the auditing command. Give me all your money. I’ll pay it back. No, really.
Improvements in grammar and spelling might help your CSW presentation. On second thought, I don’t think anything you do would help, except take what money you have left and RUN!.
I was told many times that scientology auditing and courses would increase my havingness and my ability to generate money would 10X. Furthermore an investment in scientology courses was an investment in me and far better than a college/university degree.
Armed with this incredible info I approached the only OT in my area. I told her about my business ambitions and asked her to sponsor my bridge. When I attest to Clear, I would repay the loan WITH INTEREST!
It was a true win/win situation. When she declined my offer, the local org staff all told me that she was not a real OT, that she was out-exchange , blah,blah, blah. Unfortunately,what I refused to see was that scientology and its members lack the courage and strength in their own belief structures. This was blatantly obvious but I was too sold on the benefits of “the tech” to see the contradictions.
The poor bastard who wrote the above email is walking the same pot-holed road I was travelling on and all the bumps in the road are justified as “my bank resisting being cleared”, or “when order is brought to bear, chaos shows up and blows”.
There is a reason why scientology is not expanding across the world and that is that it is not wanted.
Because it has not value.
You disagree?
Go ask a scientologist to loan you money to “go OT”.
Good point.
Good point. Some of the richest OTs are the most “frugal” when it comes to helping other scientologists get up the bridge. About 20 years I knew a woman who wrote a CSW to Craig Jenson (CEO of Executive Software) to loan her $20,000 to start the OT levels. She had the income lined up based on future revenue that was expected to come in (the sales were already closed). However, Mr. Jensen denied the CSW on the basis that “it wasn’t his policy to loan scientologists money.” FWIW, I had also heard from more than one scietnologist that Executive Software paid below market salaries and employees didn’t have stock options, which is unusual for a software company.I was told that scientologists should just be happy to work at an “on policy” scientology company, and that it was more important to push an Opinion Leader like Craig Jensen up in status, than it was to make the individual employees wealthy.
Um, how exactly are you going to give back $22K in 6 months? This reminds me of the time an Ottawa Org staff member asked me to pay for his flight to go to Flag for training… I was public, on course at the time. He didn’t ask it as a loan, he just expected students to pay for his air fare.
For all of LRH’s preaching about ‘exchange’, the cult is so out of touch with the day to day reality of people who work for a living, everyday people who pay their own way and in many cases are caring for others and/or raising a family. The cult somehow thinks they are more worthy of your money than you are, even though it is you that earned it.
I like to think there is hope for the individuals in Scientology, as I was once in myself, but as far as the group goes, it is so fantastically ”out exchange” that it is beyond redemption. Ideal Orgs are another example of grossly disproportionate exchange. What, or who, are they ideal for? Golden Age of this or that? Unprecedented expansion? Its all just so much bullshit. Even after the church members themselves go broke raising the money for an Ideal Org, they have to pay rent to use the damn building they just finished paying for!
Exchange doesn’t exist in Scientology, it is a one-way flow that will roll right over families, health, education, medical care, sleep, friends, housing – you name it, in the eyes of these parasites, nothing is as important as giving your money to them.
Plus One! Very well put.
Paying for air fare to go to Flag for training is mild compared to this one. In LA there is a Scn woman who used to teach, maybe still does, dance to kids. She decided to join the SO so she sent out massive emails an calls asking all her KA drinking acquaintences to donate money to her to pay off her $100,000 debt so that she could join the SO and “make a difference.” She even used guilt as in, “if you aren’t doing something about it by joining SO, you can help it so someone else can.”
So she go a lot of money. Next thing I knew, a few months later, there she was as a public staying at the Fort Harrison Hotel at Flag and getting auditing. How did she go from flat broke to now staying in a posh hotel and getting auditing? I asked her tactfully about this and reminded her, “Didn’t you say you were joining the SO?” She said oh yes, she still planned on joining the SO, but would wait until she was on OT VII because it would be best to be through her OT VII before joining SO. (She was maybe Clear at that time). So she was using all her people’s donations to pay for her own personal enhancement and never did join the SO at all. It was such a scam.
And when I told my FSM about this, she said that this isn’t the first time that this same dance teacher had pulled this same scam. She said about 10 years earlier she did the same thing and got a bunch of money donated and paid off all her bills with it. And because it is a donation, it never gets paid back. To this day this person has never joined the SO at all. What happened to all that money? She follows the same path as the IAS and makes it to where no one has to show the money trail or accounting. What a scam.
She’s a con-artist! It’s amazing that people didn’t remember the stunt she pulled ten years earlier. Short memories. No- one wrote her up to Flag? Perhaps if people did, the church wouldn’t get too involved in it anyway because money is coming their way, and public should always support that. I wonder if she’ll try again and what would happen in today’s climate with people being tapped out on the constant begging, and if she is able to maintain her communication lines with the same people.
Wow. Good luck there buddy.
Dear Desperate Scientologist,
I fully duplicate your need for $20,000 NOW NOW NOW..!!!
Fortunately for you I am happy to help!!!!!!!
I can send you this money directly to your bank account as soon as I receive some monies owed to me by a real Nigerian Prince for whom I am doing a favor by being an intermediary for his inheritance. I expect this money to come my way any day now. In the meantime, in order to expedite this matter and insure your spiritual freedom and secure your eternity before this coming Thursday at 2:00pm, please send me your bank account number, bank routing number, social security number, a copy of your birth certificate and a copy of your passport. Since we are both Scientologists(™), there is no need to draw up a contract. I know you’re good for the money. Since we are some distance apart (in the MEST Universe), let’s just seal this deal with a theta handshake and we can both get our butts up The Bridge to Total Freedom. Here’s to a Clear Planet where honest people have rights too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ms. B. Haven
PS. If you are having trouble getting your passport back, call 1-866-EXSEAORG. They may be able to point you in the right direction.
Nigerian Princes are now at Flag!
I always knew someday my prince would come. I just didn’t know it would be a Nigerian Prince at Flag.
Isn’t it sad that the person who wrote that is probably in abject misery right now, begging for his/her passport to be returned because their life savings just went up in smoke on the mandatory pre-anything sec checks, so now they can’t even do what they came to Flag for without begging someone for money. I hope enough people say no that the poor dupe wakes up.
No. No. No.
Interesting. The Nigerian scams had success because they could send out such a huge spam volume that they’d be sure to rope in a few suckers. But what happens if you have a fairly small list of already qualified suckers?
Hmmm . . .
The Nigerian scams make sure to add spelling/grammar errors and unbelievable facts so as to weed out all but the terminally stupid, and this begging letter seems to have learned that trick.
Flag – the GREEDIEST place on earth
“I just completed cause resurgence rundown and got incredible success” . Apparently not enough success to pay for the next level………
I am guessing is to be read in Russian accent. Or is mebbe not so good at grammar?
Nigerian bank account?
I’d front him the money only how do I know he won’t take it and blow it on an engineering degree?
Hi Roger,You made my evening.He will have to do some fast engineering work in the electrical area to get his rockets off the ground! Clearing the Planet here he comes,wait Aknu wants to come too.Always Ann B.
I’m roaring with laughter at your comment! Aknu, oh yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever forget Aknu! I’ve tried but it’s no use!
That is super funny 🙂
Touche, Roger Hornaday!
Wow. It’s too looney to be believed!
True story: A guy borrowed money from his FSM so he could continue his CCRD and rehab going Clear LLT. He told the FSM he would have it paid back in two weeks. Seemed like a good deal, so she lent him the money. He never paid her back. When questioned on how did he think he could pay it back in two weeks, he said, “I was covering things in session of how I stole money from a bank LLT and hid it and I just had to get in session again to find out where I hid it and then go and get it. That’s what I was going to pay you back from.” OMG! Does it get any more theetie wheetie and out ethics than this?!!!!! The only worse thing than that person is the fact that I was the one who lent him the money. Did I ever feel like a complete idiotic fool after that. Decades later I saw him in the OT VI Courseroom at Flag and was still incensed that he could be getting on OT VII while still owing another Scn money. YOu just can’t make up this shit.
W.O.W. Sorry that you got gypped Cindy but that’s a great story. Cuckoo-Cray-Cray.
Yep I was naïve and swililng the Kool aide back then. But no more! I finally woke up and go out.
Cindy, just when I think I’ve read everything, this absurd tale of paying someone back with money you’d stolen in a “last lifetime” and could now “recover” with auditing comes along. Now, that’s magical thinking.
Well I have bared my belly to you and shown you how stupid and naïve and KA drinking I was to have lent it to him. I didn’t find out till later that that was how he planned to pay the money back. He was crazy and so was I. But I am not that way anymore, thank goodness. So if I could finally see the light, maybe some of those other KA drinkers will see the light and get out too. But sometimes I think all the ones that were able to see are already out and the ones left are the doomed beyond doom who cannot and will not see and will go down with the ship.
Hi Cindy,A very eloquent & sincere post.I too wish those that cannot see out,but I cannot force them to do so.They must find the will to pull the blindfolds off their eyes,minds,& siprits.Thank you. Ann B.
Amen to that RolandRB!
“Also I will be FLAG Class 8 auditor and C/S and do OEC completion in the next 7 years all this.” How will he become a Class 8 when that course is not being taught? How will he do the OEC Course when that course is not being taught?
“My next step in my way to get back my Super Power and if it is possible also get Clear on it.” No one goes Clear on Super Power. Or did they change the Bridge yet again so that you can go Clear on whatever you want — anything as long as you fork over the money for Elig and OT Levels pronto.
Yes you can go clear on Superpower. They changed the rules sometime last year. My reg told me the same thing.
cindy, since “clear” is a made up, delusional state, one can become one any time and by any means.
Why else do you think that there isn’t a single person on this planet who exhibits the qualities that El Con said would exist when one went “clear”?
Cindy,you’ve obviously been off-lines for far too long. The GATII Grade Chart has 3 sections. Training, auditing and donations. You can get audited and trained from here to kingdom come but without the proper donations you will never achieve stable case gain. Status achievement supercedes all training and auditing levels as they relate towards becoming a Big Being. You’ll need to route yourself to Qual and get star-rated on RB Issue June 5, 2015 PATRON VICTIMORIOUS, Why I Donated.
Great comment, Regraded Being!
“You can get audited and trained from here to kingdom come but without the proper donations you will never achieve stable case gain. ”
Regraded Being, If I didn’t know better I would think you’re Howard Becker with a paper bag over his head. You truly understand what it takes to go OT.
If I got that email I would think it was from a Nigerian prince.
I lent a scientologist money for auditing once. In 1982. He was going to pay me back in 6 months. I forgot to ask him which six months. I expect to see that money any time now.
I guess if you “lend” someone money the same way you prepay a course with reassurances you can ask for your money back at any time, and go in with the same expectations of ever getting that money back, you will not be disappointed.
This is amazing on so many levels….. (sigh…….)
I love the two answers above…..
So, a promise of 10% return in six months. I’m sure that JP will have some words from his experience to describe the type of transaction that yields that type of return. I’m sure that “fraudulent” will be one of the words he uses.
The whole post reads exactly like a Nigerian 419 scam, replete with bad Scientology English. Flag’s standards have really gone downhill.
Right on!
I can see the “game” Flag plays. Like a cat with some mice. Flag get DESPERATE people – many have lost family members or suffering from some type of distaster in their life.
So – promise the World to them to bait them to come down. CHARGE LOTS OF MONEY TOO…can’t come unless you have ‘money on account’.
Make them jump through hoops to get off work and handle the Tu Dee’s.
Once they arrive – You make them wait and wait and wait….Tubb’s says thetans hate to wait – it creates a static)….and then Ethics to torture them some more and really drive in the point that Scientology looks at all beings as evil and degraded beings ..
.then wait some more…while the vulture regges rip apart any financial security they may be sitting on or coming into….
then charge more money once the MAA has sufficiently picked open some scab of an overt from long ago – to thoroughly introvert them…makes them more controllable because they are now sufficiently weakened by the entire “routing form” – cleverly disguised, I must say. Good ole Ron!
Many have to beg – get on the phone and BEG family and friends and if they get the money – miracles will happen to the person just because they have moved so many mountains…they something at stake.
So the miracles are created by the person “handling” all the OBSTACLES – Scientology puts in the way.
It is sad to see this now that I understand the game. The poor people that get so trapped.
So much for “cause resurgence”…
He is causatively begging.
One of the first things you learn in Scientology is to never lend another Scientologist any money, because you will never get it back.
Why payback money you owe, when you can spend it on the next course.
Right on!
Hi RolandRB, Yes yes & yes to your post I learned that the hard way trying to help fellow SO members.It is particularly true for the person who is desperate for $ to go clear & beyond.The Emerald City does not glow & the man behind the curtain was heartless & cruel. Always Ann B.
How many ‘friends’ does this might clam have? He probably lost a few with this bad attempt at dunning? If he can raise 22k in 6 months, but needs only 7 years to complete the ‘training’, going from ‘clear’ to OT8? So many caution flags in this that even well blindered clams must be thinking WTF?
Does ‘Check Sheet Time’ bypass the laws of the Einsteinian universe?
Yeah. This is because any money they have they will donate to IAS, Ideal org etc, and that is more important than repaying your loan. If you pester them you are being entheta. They will use this as a justification for not repaying you.
Don’t forget to also mention that if you do try to get your money back, the “Church” will protect the borrower (every time) from ever having to give back any funds, and if you try to use any normal legal means to enforce the repayments, you’ll be attacked and probably declared by the “Church” for going outside of the “Justice” system. I have seen it many times…
Man, regges must be making his life hell for him to have to beg.
Advice……note to self, get the F out of Flag now while you can keep a measure of self respect!
Yup. Been there, done that. How true!
End of Session.
Get out of Scientology.
You are being bamboozled.
Idle Morgue, Best answer ever
I just spit my water on the screen LOLOLOL