This is the “Bridge Flow News” from the OT Committee in Clearwater.
They got an “OT VIII” through the Purif and are shouting about it from the rooftops.
These people have truly lost touch with reality.
I am sure that if David Miscavige tells the “OT Committee” next week that their highest priority as part of the “Golden Age of Tech II” is to have everyone in the “clearwater field” buy a hula hoop and do 2 hours of hula-hooping on the Clearwater Causeway while handing out copies of History of Man in Russian, there will be some sheeple out there and we will shortly thereafter read “amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!” success stories about the brilliance of Chairman of the Board and what astonishing case gain they achieved.
This is like Harvard running a promotional campaign that people on their doctoral program are now re-doing 3rd grade.
Absolutely bonkers. But these people are told to enjoy it, so they are “enjoying it” and even writing “success stories” to prove it.
The OTC is still working to get every local through the purification program!!
Check out the wins below!! Who wouldn’t want to have similar wins!!!
Please help us get everyone on board and through this action!!!!
Just imagine a fully purified Clearwater!!!
21 February 2015
Looking back I can see I was really out of it and felt lousy from all the detox in those first several days on the Purif. It surprised me just how much I was sleeping, it was 9+ hours every night instead of my normal 7 hours; the body needed that much healing time each night.
It was several days later when I started feeling “lighter” and energy returning that I began to see there had been that much detox going on. Then a few days after that I felt even lighter and I could see I was getting benefit from the Purif. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I had more clarity and focus. Things in the body seemed to connect better and faster. I could move and think a little faster. Man did I have a lot of skin rashes and itching break out and clear up.
The real surprise came on day 15 when there was this feeling of relief that spread through the whole body and something changed in my stomach and it was calm for the first time in a long time. It was like I stepped out of an old dusty, dirty house where you could hardly breathe into fresh clean air with oxygen that left me feeling invigorated. After that win, I felt like I had just made it over the peak of a tall mountain and it was going to be an easy journey the rest of the way.
I had a couple of unexpected wins which were great! One was my skin: smooth skin, no dryness. The other one was that my knee joints functioned better with all that heat. Additionally, my left knee now has a much greater range of motion, the stiffness is gone and inflammation is gone.
The niacin is amazing as well as the whole program really. I’m feeling healthier and stronger and the body is a cleaner running machine.
Delon Wilson, OT VIII
Stop the press! There is now a “Model Ideal Saint Hill Size Org” – official.
“Mr. Miscavige also presented a special award to honor a Scientology Organization (Org) in a league of its own. The Model Ideal Organization of Los Angeles’ speed of expansion was so profound they reached the size of Old Saint Hill—the Organization that Mr. Hubbard himself headed in East Grinstead, Sussex. In fact they obtained these heights two times over. In so doing Los Angeles, not only became a model for every other org to emulate but a standard-bearer for a Golden Age of Administration and thus was awarded the singular status of Model Ideal Saint Hill Size Org.” (from scientology dot org)
Martin thanks. For everything in scientology there is a special status bestowed by Dear Leader. Wonder if he put gold stars on their foreheads. And now he has the perfect model — send 200 SO Members with 3,000 years of experience to EVERY org. What a genius.
Of course, this is a lie. See post this morning about one of his other wondrous ideal orgs.
Student, this pisses me off on so many levels. It is pure greed. I was trained to deliver the purification rundown. It can and has benefited many people. However, people with heart problems and several other conditions are for the most part NOT supposed to be allowed to do this action at all. Under rare circumstances, with the approval of an MD, a C/S MIGHT allow someone in this situation to TRY it on a very low gradient, but only under CONTINUING MONITORING by the MD. Everyone is supposed to have approval by their MD before doing this action. That is what it says in the written materials. It also emphasized that it is a very rigorous action which must be done in an exact way. If he is not being tested and monitored continually by an MD, the COS is NOT following its own technical bulletins with your friend.
What they are doing is dangerous and can only be based on greed with no consideration for this gentleman’s well-being.
Thank you, Espiritu, for confirming in detail exactly what I knew to be the medical requirements for anyone to do the Purif, back in the day.
Thank you for that info, Expiritu. I would think that letting older people and people with heart conditions and other medical conditions on the Purif would be a severe Liability for DM and the church in case they died or got severely harmed and decided to sue. I wonder if they had to up their insurance to cover this huge liability. But then again, maybe the KA drinkers will never sue even if it maims them. I know one Scn lady who did the Purif and lost her eyesight from it and she never sued anyone. She is now deceased, at too early an age, I might add.
That’s exactly what I was saying the other day. FreedumbMag, itself, is dead agenting the Church of Dave. It is actually a great “dissemination tool” for getting bubble dwellers to understand the depths to which the COD has sunk. The whole FreedumbMag site is just another automatic foot bullet generator because it attacks people instead of exposing the “lies” that critics have said. For the most part they can’t expose any “lies” because for the most part the critics are telling the truth. So, under the circumstances it is impossible to follow their actual policies.
Oh me, oh my. It does suck to be David Miscavige.
Back in the day it was my understanding that no-one of any age with high blood pressure, diabetes, a weak heart, anyone who had had a heart attack, with arteriosclerosis, or any body issue requiring regular,serious meds could be allowed to do the purif. But that was then. Maybe its different now,, and if so, God help them because the sauna and the niacin and the running put strain on even a young healthy body with a strong heart.
Wouldn’t be cheaper to just join a gym or health club with a sauna and overdose on Niacin and heat? At least in a gym, the management would call 911 if anyone stayed in the sauna for five hours in one day, and downed huge amounts of niacin. There is absolutely no way a gym would allow anyone to sit in sauna for five hours a day for 15 days (!!!!). No gym or health club wants a crazy person dying in their facility.
Can’t help but notice the reference to her own body as; the body,like its her cell phone over on the table and she put a new otter box on it. Un real how stupid. Sad really,I’m sure she is a great person and very smart. Oh sheesh
I’ve come to realize, and even admit to others, that I glibber my way through much of Scientology because … well … I had to. Without my ability to bullshit myself and others, I’d never had gotten through as much of it as I did over the 16 years I was involved. The purif was no exception to my glibness: I completed it in 3 weeks because I WANTED TO! I hated the heat. I hated the niacin. I hated the boredom of it. I hated the whole idea of it.
So now an OT8 is getting rid of body ailments on the purif? Are you friggin’ kidding me???
I got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell him.
Auto correct correction: “glibber” means “glibbed” in the above post.
Got it, Robin, but each person has his own body chemistry. We’re not all the same. I did the Purif and was bored out of my mind, but I got some benefits. I was physically better when I came out. Nothing dramatic, but noticable to me. A sinus thing I had cleared up, and I did get a pattern of an old sunburn on my body, a very bad burn from when I was in my teens and I experienced the chills and nausea from that very bad sunburn 20 years later. The Purif ran out some radiation for me. Just saying.
Confessions of a Scientologist – (If they were allowed to tell the truth)
I just got home from Flag where I did my purif for the umpteenth time….
I am so VGI’s to be out of that rat hole, extortion ring, Flag – the Mecca of Extortion and Bribery.
FLAG – Where criminals are allowed to rape your bank accounts daily.
If the MAA can’t find an overt – they will dig through your PC folders and rehab one you have already “handled”…and you will pay and pay and pay or you won’t move forward – you will sit and wait foreever until you cough up money to move forward.
Since I got home – I no longer have the toxic effects of the endless regging, nullification and invalidation by the Flag, IAS and other front group Sea Org Slaves and registrars.
Since I got home, I actually have a dollar in my pocket.
I have now realized that my bank account WON’t get any worse.
Thank you LRH – for the tech, sir.
Good story Idle Morgue. “I have now realized that my bank account won’t get any worse.” EP! Write a success story. Key question: “Would you like others to have the same empty bank account you now have?” ARCX F/N. BI’s. Congratulations. Go get announced. Show up and speak at graduation.
Yes – Spirit – I would love for others to get the fuck out of Flag – the Mecca of Criminal Extortion – get home and read the internet!! They will go CLEAR!
“I have now realized that my bank account won’t get any worse.” LOL, Idle Morge, I’m stealing that one.
That Bridge Flow is a blocked toilet.
Yuck. Daveshit everywhere…
Hello from a Never In—–OMG, OMG! WTF! Niacin is used to reduce cholesterol and certain fatty substances in the blood. NO post cardiac surgical person should be doing any of this and needs to go STAT to the ER after this snow job is done. This also prevents pellagra, but not a whole lot of cases in Clearwater, I would imagine. If allergic to aspirin-PROBLEMS. If taking blood thinners, (as I imagine the cardiac person is), medicine for high blood pressure, or diabetes, well there might be issues!
THIS IS A MEDICATION(practicing without a license are we?)that causes flushing of the face and neck;(hence REDNECK-sorry about that as this is serious but I am so overwhelmed at the total disregard for human life!)SHOULD NOT TAKE alcohol, hot drinks, aspirin or non steroid anti-inflammatory like Advil, Motrin, Aleve taken 30 minutes before the Niacin may reduce flushing.
SIDE EFFECTS ARE: itching, stinging, tingling, burning of the skin, headache, blurred vision,nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn and bloating.
This so called Purif needs to be changed to “Thank God I survived CRAZINESS!” then run to the nearest exit and flee. I understand that with all the brain-training they do it would be extremely difficult to get anyone to leave but hopefully those who still have a dialogue with the person(s) trapped in the butterfly net that some how they can get through. As the Baby Boomers age this Purif craziness along with the sauna’s and Niacin overdosing, you might began to see more deaths or debilitating consequences.
Good luck, many prayers and safe journey in your lives so that all may live to fight another day.
Those HBO documentaries are gaining a reputation for giving criminals ‘Severe Reality Adjustments’.
I just can’t get the idea out of head that George Jetson of Spacely Sprockets is the new LRH Host at Flag. Am I mistaken?
Being in the toxic environment of the church these days, you’re bound to take in some toxicity.
Makes sense now why all the upper level Scns especially need purification.
First step: walk out the door into the broader, brighter world. Suggested donation=free. State attained–Toxic Environment Relief Release.
Hell I did the purif pilot with Capt.Bill at big blue. Now that was a purif!! I would love to
see one of these OTVIII kool-aide drinkers in that purif! You would have to tie them down.
While I had been in the German Army I had been for 2 days at a US base test shoot site. After that, some month later I did the purif, in 1981. Later I found a 1 inch sunburn like skin irritation that looked like a second degree sun burn. Later it almost disappeared. Then it came back again. Till now. Disappear, come back, disappear. Later after the first Iraq war with the stories about Uranium ammunition I guessed that this irritation is in fact a radioactive burn.
As I did the purif after my army time I can say, that this pruif did not handle radiation.
I cannot remember the very details. But the dose of niacin had been not 5000 milligrams. Maybe max 1000. I had some wins on the pruif. Before the purif I had very often a cold. Since my childhood. After the purif it decreased dramatically. Typically one cold in spring and one at autumn. Basically those times the body changes his metabolism to winter time and then again to summer mode. The time as the purif had been designed there had been no or at least not broadly known a detox procedure for the body. The only method I knew back at that time had been fasting.
Like fasting the purif or other body clean procedures can be re applied. But as everything Scientology does it not for the benefit of the person but to make money.
Schorsch, The radiation from US DU weaponry is too low to damage skin. And CERTAINLY not in that pattern. It is only dangerous if it is turned to dust and inhaled for weeks/months on end. What “turned on” with you wasn’t radiation damage from DU ammo as that level of rad cannot even penetrate the dead skin on the outside of your body. Take a round of it and put a Geiger counter on it.
Scientology: The criminal leading the duped.
That’s it in a nutshell and ALWAYS has been…
To remove excess bodily fluids, forget the sauna. Try Bumex. Just stay close to a toilet for 12 hours. lol I am taking 500 mg of niacin daily to raise my “good cholesterol” to help prevent heart attacks. 5k mg’s is pure insanity. Also given Scientology’s obsession with radiation it’s strange they aren’t recommending potassium iodide 65 mg’s daily to protect the thyroid gland which tends to attract and accumulate radioactive particles.
The thyroid gland attracts Iodine, one isotope of which is both short-lived and emits gamma rays when it decays, thus setting the stage for illnesses involving the thyroid gland including cancer later on in life.
Also, they shouldn’t eat bananas, because the high concentration of potassium also includes an isotope of potassium that is radioactive, so you’re zapping yourself a little bit with each bite of that delicious white fruit.
The Purif was great for me in the 1980’s and it has decent science behind it… to the extent of improving your health…. but what the devil are OT VIIIs doing the Purif for particularly later in their life? LRH was not doing the Purif or running around a poll later in HIS life!
I think the only reason an OT VIII would do the purif at 55 to 70 years of age (average age of OT VIIIs is “old”) is so that he/she can continue getting income from some church related activity or Scn business or in order to NOT get disconnected from his/her spouse or family.
It’s just nuts to do this Purif at 65 years of age. Also, there is no precedent for this mass C/S to re-do the Bridge from the bottom… certainly LRH never re-did the bottom of the Bridge or went on running program around a pole at the end of his life. No way.
I think Miscavige just wants to keep these OT VIIIs in the Org and keep them “alive” and keep them paying money. With no new people coming into Scientology (other than Russians with no Internet connections) , he needs healthy OT VIIIs to pay for his single malt scotch. He does not need any of them to start looking at offing themselves as the last step on the Bridge.
Decent science behind it? Check your sources, no health professional will recommend this regimen.
Unfortunately, the current Church of Scientology gives any good technology a bad name.
Yes, I did check it… In fact I had 40 Vietnam vets do the Purif program in 1983 with a biopsy done before and after with great results in lowering many toxins including agent orange, dioxin, etc… (The tests were done by an independent lab and the study cost me $100K+ .)
The Purif is actually old technology (sauna and exercise) that was used to detox miners 30 years before the Purif, particularly with lead poisoning… and it worked reasonably well. Regarding vitamins and high doses of niacin, I don’t know. But a lot of research into vitamins and has resulted in a lot of health professionals not recommending vitamins too, which is probably wrong.
The Purif is fundamentally good technology. But, what DM is doing with this technology is making OTs re-do it and then deriving pleasure from their pain, suffering and humiliation they suffer by doing it again and again…. you can bet DM would NEVER do it himself. He’ll drink his scotch and laugh at the poor bastards that are doing what he, the Midget of Mayhem, tells them to do… he’s a sadist and a control freak. Too bad he cannot control HBO. Ha.
Isn’t the niacin therapy sine qua non for Hubbard’s purification rundown? Since you don’t want to own up to its efficacy, it’s kind of polishing a turd to then say that the purif is “good technology,” when all you’re talking about is saunas and exercise.
As for Hubbard’s claims of cleansing latent toxins through saunas (and he was/is far from alone), that’s patently ridiculous. There is no scientific basis for any of it. I am sure that for the price of $100,000 you commissioned a study worthy of publication. In which journal was it published?
hgc10 says
You have more certain answers than I do… so I will leave you with undisturbed certainty.
Eileen, back when I did the Purif I had to go to a medical doctor and get an exam to be qualified to do it. I was given an MD with a practice near my org. The MD examined me although I don’t recall the procedures except, vaguely, an EKG, but there were other things. Now, he didn’t “recommend” the Purif to me but pronounced me healthy enough to do it. Perhaps nowadays anyone and everyone is mandated to do the Purif, unlike when I did it.
Re: OT 8’s willingness (eagerness?) to re-do the bottom of the grade chart: I can only conclude that essentially these people still feel unhandled as cases, and to the point that they will re-do any lower level service (even student hat) and mock up these tremendous “wins” in order to somehow convince themselves that they are indeed becoming less fucked up. I guess to each his own on how you get through life. And if you have the money to throw away … (and if you don’t have it and go into total hock, well … you’re an “OT”, so no complaining, ok?)
Joe, Yes, this could be. Hard to tell what’s in their heads. Cotton? Well, maybe they are just trying to get to the next level (IX?) where their case will get handled? And, to get off the Purif and on to next level they have to have big wins on the Purif or they will never be let off the Purif. It’s sort of an RPF or “hole” for the public.
“You have more certain answers than I do… so I will leave you with undisturbed certainty.”
Robert may I please add that to my collection of net responses elsewhere. Just love it…
The “Punching Pontiff” has his moves worked out to
stay the Champ for a long time.
I skipped the Purif all together and went to a spa. I went in the sauna, the whirlpool, the outdoor pool, had several massages, ate delicious food, slept like a baby and never got asked for a single dollar the whole time. Winning!!
I bet the food you ate had lots of good vitamins and you didn’t have to chug niacin or eat in five minutes so you could get back to work. Oh yes, I bet there was a sign in the sauna that stated you couldn’t stay in there for more than 20 minutes. I can’t imagine anyone sitting in a sauna for 30-35 hours a week. Their dehydration must be life threatening. The First Amendment does not allow suicides as a religious rite.
My skin feels softer too. Long hot soak in a bubble bath and followed up with ‘Lush’ whipped cocoa butter body lotion. Cost me about a fiver.
I took a very long, hot shower the other day. My wins were fantastic! The overhead shower made it feel like very warm rain. I popped right out of my body and circled the earth several times. And when I came back, MY BODY WAS STILL THERE (several times it has walked off by itself). I was able to complete all the OT levels by remote viewing. I’m telling you, SHOWER TECH is the next great thing! My skin is clearer. My eyesight became so good I can see things that are 10s of miles away! My hair is thicker and more luxurious. As a singer in a rock and roll band, SHOWER TECH made my voice 10x greater than it was! BUT, the greatest win was at the end of the SHOWER TECH session when I stepped out of the shower and my entire body was clean! Not just a little clean, but 50,000x cleaner than it had ever been!
I’m so blown out right now! I’d like to thank my water heater and the water that fell on me as well as the SHOWER TECH! Wins beyond your wildest, wettest imagination!
So, I say to you, run, don’t walk, to your nearest shower to experience all that’s there to experience with the greatest tech in the world! SHOWER TECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great wins OSD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doing it with a friend might even enhance the experience!
“Doing it with a friend might even enhance the experience!”
Newcomer, I’m waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy ahead of you. Plus each of the two people in the shower can share their SHOWER TECH wins! Along with ‘other’ wins they might encounter…
Sounds like a real beach party OSD! You be da man to properly organize such an event!
Depends on how tubby your twin is.
You know OSD, Newcomer is right about doing SHOWER TECH with a friend. It’s out Tech to do it without a twin! I expect you to correct your outness and report compliance!
Aye aye sir!
I personally like TUB TECH™
Is that done solo or with a twin?
Ahhh, yes! TUB TECH! For those aging scientologists who just can’t stand in the shower to receive SHOWER TECH.
OSD, if we could “like” comments, I would give 100 ups for your comment. I only hope your body doesn’t do a walk about while your conscioness circles the globe.
Thanks, SOYS! Unfortunately, just yesterday, my body went surfing without me! Luckily, it was at my usual surf spot so I found my body and give it a good scolding!
I ran the Purif. in Adelaide for a couple of years in the 1980’s and most of the ”turn ons” are caused by the prolonged heat and humidity, fatigue, plus extreme and dangerous levels of vitamins and minerals. The belief that niacin ”runs out” radiation is crap and what it does do is open up your capillaries with greater blood flow occurring. Laughable also is that you are getting rid of ”bad fat” and when your weight fluctuates on the pgm. by a pound or two, an increase or decrease of vegetable oil is needed to replace the bad fat… hilarious!
A good percentage of people get nothing to very little out of it and their ”vgi’s” is from the relief of finishing it cause they have decided they have had enough torture after sitting in a sauna 4 1/2 hours daily for a month! Some people do get improvements from it but many also read the purif picture book and Clear Body Clear Mind book and see the success stories in there and they act as positive suggestions that they agree with and they fool themselves into believing they have those incredible ”wins” too.
I think the end product should be changed to ”Freedom from the restimulation of heat torture in a small enclosed space with parasitic reges hovering around the edge of that space”.
Lastly, none of the vitamins or minerals they take get rid of the most damaging toxins which are heavy metals. I have done some research and come up with a far more effective and safer purification program and you can see it here on my blog and it is free to do except the cost of the supplements and sauna hire or gym fees of where the sauna is
I want to make my viewpoint towards redoing the purification rundown clear. I think we can all agree that people do the purification rundown for two reasons. 1. You have to continue up the bridge and 2. you feel that you’ll get a detox benefit from it. Assuming you’re not just completely hypnotized. (Yes, I already see people attacking those two first ideas but that is why people do the purf. If you don’t want or believe in those things then it explains why you’re not doing the purf. but also explains why are people doing it.) That being said I think if one believes the purf. works to detox, then an argument could be made for redoing it after major use of drugs, several sunburns, chemical exposure, etc. I would be fine with the Church promoting something along the lines of “Hey, What have you put your body through since you last did the Purf?? Jill over here did the Purf. in ’79. Since then she put her body through a lot. Like when she needed pain killers to help her through labor, Chemo therapy to help her fight cancer, etc. Here is her success on redoing the purf…” Oh, wait, isn’t going up the bridge supposed to make all that unnecessary/impossible??? Well, shit… I still think that people high on bridge would be willing to redo the purf. because they had similar experiences. So what I’m against is the forced redoing of the Purf. and promoting it like they never did it before.
The justification is you have to redo it because SPs alerted the tech and gold age 2, yadda, yadda. If that’s the case where are the correction sheets with the write-ups detailing the the SPs alterations and the corrections to them??? The worst has to be redoing All the Academy levels even if you were hand trained by LRH because he some how didn’t make his intentions on auditing clear to you when you were on the most direct shortest distance com-line possible for meat bodies??? Now, it would be one thing to offer a correction list to people and have them go quickly through it to fix any “SP alterations” that had occurred but no instead you have to redo it. Because it’s the only way to get meat into the academies.
As a WOG helicopter pilot, I can tell that recurrent training is a almost a must. People simply tend to forget and/or make alterations. So I wouldn’t be against some form of recurrent training for auditors. After all times over the materiel equals competency in the data. And Doubly so when combined with the experience gained through actual application. Of course, that would be considered invalidating study tech by some but lets face facts LRH makes simply over reaching CLAIMS for everything.
Maybe “Ex-Scientologist Helicopter Pilot” would be more accurate. BTW, learning to fly a Helicopter can lead to great CASE GAIN!!!! Getting a private license is also about a 1/3 the price of going “clear.” Plus, when you tell people about it impresses them regardless of if they’re into Scientology or not. LRH was a pilot (gliders) so therefor it’s on source to become a pilot yourself.
Thanks — very intelligent comment.
You make a fine logical argument From83. And yes, there are those out-there that will attack what you say. I look at the LRH tech phenomena as something like… at the fringes there are two definite opposed sets of fanatics – those 100% blindly pro and those fanatically opposed to anything that man ever said, no matter how logical, “it’s all part of a trap anyway…” Then there’s those in between, which is more or less what I where I find myself and dare I say it, a number of others that frequent this site imho.
I was sent to the Navy once to be trained as a scuba diver (even though I was army but we operated a lot over water, bridging etc. a safety diver is required) and even though I hung up my fins many years ago, the training is and has to be ongoing in such an activity, like your helicopter flying. Equipment changes/advancement in technology, different protocols in medical, all sorts of things and especially just plain old familiarisation. Without regular training and check-ups roboticness can and does set in which can be dangerous in real life scenarios and creates life threatening”know bests” which are out of touch with reality. Who hasn’t run into a fat lazy bureaucrat who at one time or another was once a player, but many years ago.
What makes all the difference is the intention behind the retraining, rehash or whatever you want to call it. In the case of Scientology, miscavige threw out anyone experienced in the craft of auditing many years ago. Whether the tech works or not is not an issue in this comment because by their own system they have failed to maintain competence within their own technical ranks. (Miscavige destroyed Qual as well as anything that works). Hence so much attention has fallen onto purifs and objectives etc. It’s the only thing they can deliver because it takes minimum technical knowhow – anyone can run a purify with a couple of days instruction. They have descended to a common technical application denominator within their group. The higher training technical delivery scenarios such as the BC and auditing internships are only figments of their imagination now and exist only in their imagination and dusty texts.
Even the boss of $cientology cannot use Hubbard’s tech, even if his life depended on it. He’s into what is the only thing any of them can do, simple baby talk processes and the party faithful write fabulous success stories about them too, just like they did 30 years ago when they first did them.
As I said this comment isn’t an endorsement of the tech of Hubbard but just a reflection on the complete incompetence of modern day Scientologists to even come close to what their own technology states and requires – it’s written in their own texts!
Miscavige has long gone past the point of having acquired enough money, he’s in it for other reasons and if you have to ask what they are, you are part of the problem of why he’s gotten away with it for so long.
Damn, this is so great! If only Gandhi and Martin Luther King had done this program, things would have ended up so much better for them. Thanks to COB for giving us all this priceless gift!
And here is an article the locals could read while in the sauna; it may enlighten them about their church.
I was very happy with the purif I did. I did it when it first came out. It did what it said it was supposed to. I don’t need to do it again. But I would like to hula hoop on Clearwater Causeway while handing out copies of History of Man in Russian.
But before Purif they would have to get the ‘locals’ to complete the gag of knowledge; yes, there are still some that have not completed it since 2007.
They must be counter intention and maybe the purify will purify these intentions so they can get ‘with the deprogram…sorry, the program’.
if the “top of the Bridge” gets so much gain from the bottom of the Bridge, what does that say about OT8?
If the 7s and 8s are in such dire need of the intro steps, doesn’t that pretty much put the lie to the State of OT?
Cognited and Out, the COMPLETE lack of a SINGLE OT (much less clear) EVER having been produced by the church put lie to this decades ago. It’s funny though. Every single “8” I’ve ever asked, “So, is your whole track recall fixed?” has looked at me with a stupid, zombie like countenance. I guess when they do 8 they aren’t told that it was the LRH prescribed EP. So, they just had to make up “wins” in order to finish the level.
I think you’re making a very good point. A profound one actually. For the scientology scam to continue indefinitely the shift from EP’s to WINS!!! must take place. End phenomenon means you’re finished with something but WINS!!! can be sold forever and ever and ever.
Yes… and the fact that her knees finally got out of pain… What’s that about? I thought OTVIIIs were perfect. Had no pain. Were cause over MEST. As Mike says…it’s like sending the people on their doctoral program back to re-do 3rd grade.
I’m so glad that the church is taking such an aggressive attack on Going Clear. They are proving who they are for the whole world to see. It is actually shocking to me, and I’ve read everything. To watch it play out like this in real-time is like watching a movie unfold. Stunning.
Number of times through equals certainty.
I don’t know if number of times through equals certainty, but one thing I know is number of times through certainly equals moar income for the org.
Number of times through equals number of times through.
Kind of reminds me of LRH’s interview with Tony Hitchman when asked about life after death.
“Well, life after death is life after death.” (laughter)
Lol, it was meant tongue in cheek. If they weren’t ot after ot8, well, start over! Maybe do it several times.
I guess what marks the significance of top of the bridge is body ownership.
Now you realise you have one it’s time your cleaned and oiled it, nice and regular.
Miscavige has turned Flag into Jiffy Lube.
I think you mostly need a lot of vaseline from Johnson and Johnson to make it out of the regges offices.
If Flag is Jiffy Lube, get set for the release of OT10W30.
It would be interesting to see a medical doctor’s analysis of what is actually happening on the purif as I think a lot of what is mentioned in the success story above is just phenomena associated with overdosing on vitamins, all the other awful crap you take and spending hours in a sauna. For example I know from experience that dehydration and salt loss make you feel tired and lousy, the sheer volume of vitamins make you feel ill, and being in a sauna for extended times can lead to stress on your body and internal organs.
When I did the purif I did experience better skin which has been a lasting result, so I’m not totally against it, just not sure about the so called science behind it.
I am concerned after talking with Basketball Jane that my 75 year old OT5 business partner, world renowned in his field,is now in Day 43 today on the Purif at Clearwater after he was told his surgery from a heart condition filled him with poisons. They had him on 5000 mgs of Niacin per day and he’s very thin now and they just took the dosage down. He told me radiation is pouring out of his head on Day 40 on the phone (he’s been in since 1978 so he’s saturated with the evil kool-aid of Hubbard).. My OT2 partner told me he’s not even close being done and she at 63 just went through the purif in 20 days. OT5 had to borrow the $8,200 for the puriff from another Scientologist (I won’t give him a cent after I wasted ten years of my life being conned as a never-in) . This lady was told that supporting this “great” man (who can’t pay his rent now and is begging for money after living the life of a prince formerly) would result in his suddenly earning millions and she would be paid back many times over. After I talked with Jane, it became apparent OT5 nearly died in Dec of 2013 due to only seeing $cion chiroprators (he lived in Ventura area near me until recently) and his thyroid condition which triggered a heart condition was never diagnosed which caused him to faint and nearly die from his head bashing against the concrete. Jane says they could kill him due to his age and the large doses of Niacin. I can tell you he’s normally a guy who can appear “bright” but he’s losing his faculties apparently on this purif. Though I will soon be declared SP, I am torn as to what I should say to him now as I’ve not disconnected trying to salvage part of the business for the other partners who I have to tell their money is likely all gone.
so sorry ! What a sad condition. I’m a never in so I doubt I have any answers.
Perhaps if you tell him you’re concerned about him especially in light of his recent heart problems it might plant a small seed. He should consult his cardiologist, even if by phone or video chat.
Listen to your heart. You know exactly what the right thing to say and do is. Not easy tho, I know. Good luck!
A heart patient on niacin? They might as well be feeding hm arsenic. You should refer people to this recent discovery:
The materials state specifically that the purif takes 2-3 weeks. That’s 21 days. Get that boy out of there. I’ve seen those retards keep people on the program for as long as 120 days. They are STUPID and utterly arrogant in their wrongness.
You have every right to be concerned.
Get him the hell out of there and over to a doctor.
I feel for you Student of LIfe. I do hope you have a conversation with your friend to perhaps save his life. Niacin thins the blood and on a heart patient, this could be bad if they are already on blood thinning meds such as Coumadin or Warfarin. The niacin in combination with their drugs could make the blood way too thin and cause hemmoraging.
“OTC Production Secretary” – this sounds like a sales manager?
In the end, aren’t all $cieno ‘jobs’ about sales? Buy books, buy courses, buy another purif, buy that huge golden cross on the top of the building. Buy your ‘eternity’.
Where is all the money going? Yeah, the offshore accounts must have huge balances, but how much is being ‘loaned’ to New Zealand, or paying for the Toronto rehab? Is the facade crumbling? When will the cash in not equal or exceed cash out?
If flag has trouble getting clams in for service, what hope does Portland or Sacramento have? mOrgs have been caught stealing each others ‘customers’. What’s next light bulb raiding parties?
They have to go for the lightbulbs. There’s no org left that has toilet paper.
Hula Hoops …. Cause Resurgence Rundown Phase II
Running around in animal costumes to give it a Fifth Dynamic flavor.
they don’t need such dresses, Roland: they are parked in animals stalls… by their tamer.
“Fully purified clear water” can be purchased in virtually any store, and it’s a lot cheaper and a whole lot safer than to stick yourself into a roasting sauna for hours a day and overdose significantly on niacin.
The Purif is a total fraud and probably harmful to your body due to that niacin overdose. It originated in the comedy book called All About Radiation, where the laws of physics were shit upon from start to finish as revenge for Hubbard being flunked on his only college physics course (And who fails differential calculus? It’s simple!). Stories are abundant of people harmed on the Purif. Anyone who’s ever taken it should be allowed to sue for malpractice.
Yes, I do take this personally. You see, I passed all of my physics courses in college, all four years of them, and I’ve got the paper to prove it. Yet on a question regarding my subject, a Scientologist will tell me I’m wrong and L. Ron Flunk-Out is right. Wouldn’t you be insulted?
But LRH is Source (God). That overrides all of you wog educated people.
Damn! I’ve been over ridden! I’m such a Wog…
Congratulations OSD. I can’t wait to get my degree in that; I’d give anything to shed the degree I did get.
It’s a life lived in a bubble Espiando. El Wrong was always right ……. about everything. Now it’s Dave.
A belief system holds it’s perp in prison for the duration. It seems to be a rubits cube conundrum in that you never know what will unlock it or when. Fortunately, the cult is so over the top that it seems their own actions are the best at providing the stimulus needed for the sheeple to be ‘slapped’ into a wake up call!! One by one the fog lifts revealing the Fuhrers sorry ass for what it is.
Yo Dave,
Keep it up good buddy, you are doing fine. How about a few more Freedum articles leading up to the B-Day Ogre event.
Then you see that Hubbard’s definition of power, “the ability to hold your position in space” is incorrect. The law of inertia states that a body at rest tends to remain at rest, therefore if you have a position in space it is effortless to hold it. Hubbard would have been wiser to have said, “Power is the ability to CHANGE your position in space”. That way he wouldn’t have been contradicting the laws of physics and he wouldn’t be wording his gospel in a way that required interpretation (squirrel) in order for it to make sense.
Well, let me insult you a little further, then! 🙂 I actually have no desire to start a debate, but I would like to be on record as saying I did the Purif back when it was first released around 1980. I liked it and feel it did me a lot of good. Out of the thousands of people who have done it, I doubt you could find a dozen who were harmed by it.
Are you going to do it again?
I know of one woman who was blinded by it. How do you want to measure “harm”?
A lady friend of mine was blinded by the purif in the early 80’s Los Angeles. She was diabetic and the mega doses of niacin caused her ocular capillaries to rupture while she was in the sauna. Extensive micro-surgeries in Switzerland helped restore a little bit of her vision but the real unfortunate part of the story is she was effectively declared PTS because of what happened to her and lost many of her “friends”.
Did Hub do the purif?
I wouldn’t think that anyone who has diabetes should be on the Purif. That’s kind of a no brainer, I would think.
Lisa McPherson was not harmed by the Purif, but she was harmed by another one of LRH’S ‘brilliant’ innovations.
At this point in my life, no, I’m not going to do it again, although I do feel I could use a detox, having had several close encounters of the medical kind in the past few years. Bu I am aging and not in good physical shape. The hippies among us mentioned, back then, that a person wouldn’t necessarily have to give up “tripping” to go up the bridge; one could do a quick purif and go back in session….. 🙂
Espiando: “Wouldn’t you be insulted?” No, I’d be quietly amused. Why would what any of them have to say bother anyone at all? They’re like children of poor breeding.
Some of us take our academic accomplishments (and military accomplishments, which gives me a further excuse to hate Hubbard for his Stolen Glory) seriously. His bullshit in All About Radiation is a direct insult to anyone who’s actually studied the field.
So, the great Purification results in another Success Story. Hmm. Let me analyze.
“… I was really out of it and felt lousy from all the detox in those first several days …” –> body reacts like that to toxicity as it tries to adjust.
” … It surprised me just how much I was sleeping, it was 9+ hours every night instead of my normal 7 hours; the body needed that much healing time each night.” –> indeed, your body was trying to heal from being poisoned. Extreme tiredness is one of the well-known symptoms of niacin toxicity.
“It was several days later when I started feeling “lighter” and energy returning …” –> body was trying to compensate? Or were you becoming delusional? Even Hubbard pointed out that all drugs taken to excess became a poison.
“Man did I have a lot of skin rashes and itching break out and clear up.” –> yep. Well known side effects of niacin toxicity. And you believed that somehow you were detoxing engrams! No more than you are if you burn your hand on a stove and than delude yourself into saying, “Wow! Burning my hand really gave me case gain!”
Sounds like she did get some positives: ” … on day 15 when there was this feeling of relief that spread through the whole body and something changed in my stomach and it was calm for the first time in a long time …. my skin: smooth skin, no dryness …. my knee joints functioned better with all that heat. Additionally, my left knee now has a much greater range of motion, the stiffness is gone and inflammation is gone.”
So I will grant that she got some positive effects, probably more from the sauna than anything else, but at some risk of liver damage and other side effects from niacin overdose that may not be correctable when they occur.
But I am certain that the Most Ethical Group on the Planet fully discloses all possible adverse side effects, right? My hunch is that there have been more bad outcomes than we will ever know, because Scientology will only publish Success Stories and quash negative outcomes (“entheta”).
For what it’s worth I overheard a person who was staying with our neighbor (they are all on service) say Flag is basically empty.
Matches all the other info Kevin. Everything in scientology is about maintaining appearances, nothing to do with reality. The rah rah at the vent on Saturday was all about the incredible “international expansion.” Hah
Any estimates on how many people were actually at the event?
Mike: It is rather amazing the unguarded “talk” you hear from Scientologists in public places around town. Confused is the word that comes to mind.
I got auditing at Flag in 2011 and I was the only pc on my auditor’s lineup
Was the wee COB at Saturday’s event?
Thanks Kevin; verifies my query as to why two floors of the SP Bldg look blacked out at night when I have driven by there. Also, it FEELS dead and like a ghost town; the energy of the 80’s is gone.
I hear ya. For what it’s worth I am not anti-Scientology. I am however anti-stupid. It’s time some adults over at Scientology realize that some of Ron’s policies simply don’t work in the internet age if they ever did. We all know which policies are bat shit crazy. As to the rest of it the vast majority of Scientologists are good people so I say live and let live.
Now they will make a point to start turning on some lights on those floors. They’ll probably put some cut out figures in front of the windows as well. I would say put some ‘dummys’ in the window, but I don’t want to be offensive
Do tell. Of course if asked, they’d tell you that the expansion is happening elsewhere, and that they’ve found the SP responsible for Flag’s poor state.
Of course they still haven’t found the SP responsible for the out-tech use of exclamation marks. When they do all the Orgs where that SP has done damage will BOOM like there’s no tomorrow.
Is this not practicing medicine without a licence?
No, not in the US. It is simply Darwinism at work MonkeyChuff. No license required for that.
According to this page, some of the phenomena Delon experienced was down to excessive niacin. Rashes, stomach pain. What a great scam.
OT VII, huh?
Wow…must be the level where the end product involves creating your own reality through the ability to mock up acceptable delusions, wholeheartedly share them with others, and here is the hardest part – actually believe they are real.
Sorry for budding in Mike. Check it out. The media is actually giving links to Freedom Mag to see how crazy they are.
Please feel free to put this in or not. I just felt it’s a great milestone.
Their attacks are now being seen as nut job.
Google “Tim and Eric” to see how this site boingboing, above, is defining the stupidity of Freedom Mag. It is so correct!!
Well that ought to put the frosting on His cake of Daveshit. Having HBO put links to the Freedum Site would be the ultimate slap across His chops!
that video by Haggis’ sister is totally disgusting. she’s created feelings of deep, deep shame for herself.
how can these people even sleep at night.
White Star: It’s the Prison of Belief that no doubt fuels this poor women’s words.
Haggis’s sister looks so conflicted. She reminds me of a prisoner of war being forced to lie to the media under stress and duress. Sad, very very sad.