More bs from Flag. Do people really buy this garbage?
Can you imagine promoting the fact that the course you have been delivering for years as “the perfect, standard Golden Age of Tech Solo Course” used to take 5 WEEKS and now takes 8 days? Without ANY explanation, other than “it’s better and more golden than it was before.” Wonder how those people who paid for 5 weeks of rip off hotel and meals at Flag feel about that? Or those who spent 27 extra days slogging through ARBITRARIES when they had been promised a few times previously that “all arbitraries had been removed.”
But more important is yet another tear in the wizard’s green curtain.
These “new” GAG II OT levels has been being pimped for months.
When COP finally released it two weeks ago, you know they had gathered up everyone they could find to come to Flag to do this, including everyone in the local community of 12,000 scientologists (their numbers).
And if the net result of that was 1700 Solo auditing hours over two weeks, then this is really indicative of how shriveled things are inside the bubble.
850 Solo hours per week breaks down like this.
Solo auditors on full time auditing at Flag should be doing at LEAST 3 hours per day or 20 hours per week. That is EXTREMELY conservative.
That means there are a grand total of 42.5 people auditing on ALL Solo (R6EW, Clearing Course, OT 1, OT 2, OT 3) at Flag. It means they probably have less than 10 people auditing on OT 3.
At the biggest Advanced Org on earth.
Straight up and vertical hype about “massive international expansion” is the order of the day. Yet AOLA used to have 50 to 100 people at a time auditing on OT 3.
The trouble with living in a bubble is you can convince yourself how wonderful things are with no correlation to reality. Thus, scientologists convince themselves they are taking over the planet. That they are influencing governments. Bringing peace to the Middle East. And things are expanding faster than ever. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Church of Scientology is literally disappearing up its own asshole.
At this point in 2015-2016 who ever is left in that Cherch (stress on Public members) are the most unethical selfish narscistic SPs on planet earth. Anyone with half a mind joining the Cherch today is a sociopath,kin to closeted pedophiles becoming priests with aspirations to be sent to arch-dioceses boys orphanages in corrupt third world countries That’s what I think when I think of eNY1 joining $cientology this day and age, A Real Golden Age Of Knowlage they are bad ppl. Jumping on the bandwagon to act out there oppressive desires on wide eyed hypnosis victims.
Oh Mike, your last line is a classic, and so true!
Going through the entire 10 runs of the platens – hundreds of lines of commands to “audit” ten times the whole while holding the cans and the worksheets asked some 10 weeks full time in AOSH EU AF in the 80ies. Some other EPs could be run faster.
But seeing the missy cabbage minions promoting now to get that done in few days make me thoughtful. What’s its name? well, that’s Squirreling. That’s quickies. That’s lying…
But true anyway, the whçole lot of the platens was already a pure fraud designed to wash your mind to prepare what was left of it to believe OTIII xenu’s insane addition to past brainwashing.
I finished few days ago the excellent “Troublemaker” by Leah Remini: the next steps of foolishness asks years of audting everyday, hoçping to get rid of unexisting parasites in one’s body.
I can’t understand how the Still Ins accept these edicts to redo/pay again, redo/pay again…I don’t get it…I get furious just reading about other people subjected to such insults and graft, so I don’t understand how or why they just accept it.
Then again, we’re not necessarily hearing from the ones who aren’t going along with the program. From my own experience such people would not be being vocal about their objections but instead, they’d be doing their objecting in a quiet, unspectacular way, by simply withdrawing their support, on a gradient that would not draw attention to themselves.
I would really like to believe that there are many of such Still Ins out there.
I was one.
Good Point. I think David Miscavige would have been happier becoming a Dentist.
Of course he would have to finish high school and a bigger apple box to drill
peoples teeth.
I think, even though I’m a “Never In” I do understand it. I have a lot of friends who bounce from the next new age phenomenon to the next. Reading a lot of this, as someone interested in religion; I keep getting the impression that it is fairly easy to get someone to repeat the levels and basics. They read about the tremendous wins, much like my friends would read about the intense spiritual experiences others would have with this diet, or those crystals, or this culture’s medicine path, and they think, “I’m not getting the same wins, so I must be doing it wrong/doing the right path”, etc.
So they go back and re-do everything thinking, this time, it will be different. “I’ll get the wins/expected experience”. When it doesn’t turn out to be what they thought, they go back and do it again. It’s still craving something more profound, more powerful than self, deeper than the life perceived.
Granted, having said this, I don’t have the answers either. I just muddle my way through like anyone else. My difference is that I try to check myself before I go too far.
Thanks, trdunsworth. I think you’re right and that they see a perpetual carrot before their noses. They keep trying to get a bite of that carrot. Sad.
In my life I’ve been hoodwinked (big time)and made an utter fool of (big time) on a number of occasions and in a number of ways in my life, but being convinced to re-do courses and auditing actions does not number among them.
I think because I had the Data Series under my belt and because I had actually experienced real gains as a person and in my life from my auditing and courses, it was unreal to me that I should do them again.
I had gotten my carrots from these actions.
No one was ever able to convince me that I needed to do these things over and pay for them again.
I answered these attempts to reg me for stuff already done in this calm way:
“Where was QUAL when this course (auditing, etc) was being delivered to me? If there were outpoints in the course (auditing action, etc.) its not MY problem. This is RTC’s out-qual, not mine”.
This always went over very well 🙂
Hey.. Has Ann B. been around? I haven’t seen any posts from her and I miss her and am hoping she is ok
I’ve been wondering the same thing. I hope she is ok.
Me too, best wishes Ann.
I recall her saying she was scheduled for more tests on 11/23. Maybe she’s waiting for the results before joining us again.
Perhaps they’ve recruited Evelyn Wood and dumped “word clearing”…
Nobody is going to finish the study in eight days if org staff has anything to do with it. This is STANDARD TRICK as Ron intended.
“Every self-deception was multiplied as in a hall of distorting mirrors, becoming a repeatedly confirmed picture of a fantastical dream world which no longer bore any relationship to the grim outside world”
– Albert Speer
Anybody know what the highest ever hours were at Flag in about 1985? 1993?
All switch, no bait.
Does anyone have a copy of the “current” Bridge To Total Freedom?
Maybe they added time frames to get the steps done to it.
I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that the bridge is more like a gang plank dropping off at the end into an abyss.
Possible cultist response for why the numbers on OTIII are so low: “Yes, but we are now making OTIIIs faster than ever, so of course we have fewer people studying it.” In fact, the half-hour 2004 Flag promo featuring the now-declared Debbie Cook bragged about how fast one could ascend the Bridge at Flag. Faster than ever.
Still the best Church of Scientology video I’ve ever seen. And that music! Unforgettable. Anyone still have a link to that Flag promo?
Faster than ever? Faster than a speeding bullet? Faster than light? Faster than you can say, “I’m OUT of the freakish cult!?
faster than the cosmic speed limit…oh wait…that’s WOG science…
And we don’t need no stinkin’ Wog science around here!!!!
Leap tall buildings in a single bound… RB’s latest was brilliant in exposing the scio’s think.
It’s easier to travel in vacuum and it’s quick too. All your money and sanity sucked out along the way but you never even get started really as you’re never allowed to complete the intro services.
Ahh… miscavige’s folly and true stat – another one bites the dust…
Arbitrary after arbitrary after arbitrary. Lie after lie after lie.
That’s what you get when you agree to have a sociopathic failed class IV as your mighty leader.
>It means they probably have less than 10 people auditing on OT 3.
Considering that Flag aggressively steals public from other orgs, the flatlining of Flag is very good news indeed. It shows that $cientology is truly dead, propped up only by Miscavige dipping into reserves to buy big, empty buildings to provide false evidence of “expansion” for a few deluded whales (like Bob Duggan).
2015 has been a very bad year for $cientology so far, let’s hope 2016 is way worse for Miscavige and his criminal enterprise of greed: postulate 47X contraction in 2016!
Typically, Flag is dead before the Xmas break when it is ( or was ) packed. That was not the time to do a refresher. Another bad time to do a refresher – around LRH’s birthday when they pushed people to be there so they could win the Birthday game. As to the solo hours – they push # of sessions, not hours – that was how the OT7 was done pre-GAT. They want you to do like 6 sessions a day, and they were supposed to be short, not grindy slog fests. (The OT6 /7 materials definitely eschew long sessions) And, yes, 6 – 1/2hr sessions could rack up 3 hrs / day,
So, they would like to see the average solo auditor so like 40 – 42 sessions a week. I knew a fellow solo auditor who would do 8+ a day on the weekends and somehow manage 6 a day during the week just like a clock, despite owning and running a company. I asked him how he could manage it and he said – Oh, I really like solo auditing.
It doesn’t matter what they do in scientology really. Bullshit is their only option and even that isn’t working very well for them anymore, there’s only so many times you can polish it. But since what’s left of them in scientology believe the hype oozing forth from miscavige, they have accepted all the deluded bullshit which is the mind and case of miscavige himself. It truly is miscavology.
Since the early eighties the tech has been severely and purposely altered from it’s original path so as not to ever be any kind of bridge (except to introversion). Many believe it’s always been crap anyway. For them that is true but I don’t fully accept it’s all that way. Marc Headly made the interesting point when around the Lisa McPherson era that miscavige was micro managing all aspects of Flag at the time, from CSing cases to altering training schedules to tweak the system to make it more efficient (money making) in his estimation (once again he forces his case as a technical pursuit for his minions). Miscavige is majorly responsible for more than just stealing money, he’s a homicidal maniac.
The comedy of errors which is presented as serious study items at Flag and the rest of scientology is earning the stats they deserve. It rivals the arrest record of serious offenders by the Keystone Cops.
I am amazed on how fast the C of $ has gone
down the tubes since 1981. Like a daytime living nightmare
where I expect to discover it was a bad dream.
There will be a GAT 3 and 4 with plunging membership,
death, bankruptcy and broken families.
There will be a straw that breaks the Camels back and the money
will run out , all hoped for , but until then contribute
to the good cause and take the high road .
Pray for the fallen like Lisa Mc Pherson, Rex Fowler,
and many others then soldier on and fight the good fight.
In the army a soldier only had to retrain because he actually failed at something. I had to take the APRT again because I failed to do the two mile run within the set time period.
Cause Resurgence can help with that. see your Flog Registrar. In fact, check with Paul Miller and see how many lbs he has shed while his causativeness has regurgitated in the SP building.
I always bristle at time requirements or time promises having anything to do with the Cult. The seasoned auditors I knew ALL had multiple retrains, not to mention nearly daily cramming. WTF?!!! Given the Cult’s history of FAILED training going back to the 50’s, why bother to advertise any guarantees of time or effectiveness in training. After all, it’s only a matter of time before GATIII comes out.
I’ve got a crazy idea. Why not offer thorough training with lots of individualized attention. Well, I guess that wouldn’t be FLAG. Nah, let’s make ridiculous scheduling promises guaranteeing a stress-filled class, with stress-filled supervisors and false attests and cramming and retrains and ethics and an incredible covert push that people ATTEST–that’s FLAG, the place where attesting in checksheet time is the highest form of accomplishment.
… right up there with Donations for Nothing.
and the chicks ain’t free…
And your chicks for free….
..and your chicks for free.
We singing about scientology here?? Nothin is free in that cult, even the invited and organised food functions like Thanksgiving has a price tag.
A scientology chick… think about how much and what that would cost ya to date one of those? I’ve walked into more accommodating minefields.
Catchy phrase though.
And the chicks want out of the dorms.
Isn’t that promo a Tech Degrade? Oh well. Who cares. If these new brand of holy parishioners can get through Solo Theory now in only 8 days (yea!), then I’d bet big bucks it’s because the 6 Basic Books that they had to read and/or be tested on beforehand is a given and something all of the (60) Clears have already done. “Thank you david miscavige for imposing these Basics before we arrived at Flag and had these rammed down are throats. You da man!”
I thought people were going down the bridge, not up.
David should jump OFF the bridge.
We have some beautiful bridges here in Minneapolis and and one ugly one.
You are correct. They are, indeed, going down the bridge to the basement….
There has been nothing “new” in Scientology since 1987, except for new model emeters and real estate, and packaging. A pain and sex bulletin giving people someone else’s items.
The Key To Life books are great reference books but somewhat unattainable for the people that could really use them. Children, inmates, etc.. People are not so hung up in policies regarding words and grammar, and math, rarely if ever are handwritten letters used anymore. Grammar check educates people and spell checkers correct. People use calculators. But they are quite beautiful. But words and definitions for them, are not new.
By the way, I wonder what happened to Key to Life in the Golden Age of tech? It was promoted as the way to be super literate, then Miscavige decided the Hubbard books just could not be read because of improper editing, and it was Hubbard himself that had sabotaged Scientology. But I haven’t seen anything about Key to Life for decades. And many books are not available for purchase anymore. The tech dictionary, Dianetics today, the second dynamic book, the Art book, and several others. When Hubbard was alive, there was actually more product on the market. But then, book sales were important because he didn’t endorse begging.
It seems Miscavige only pushed the books he gets royalties for.
KTL was promoted as the answer to all of Scn’s problems. It was supposed to solve the last barrier to planetary clearing. It was supposed to solve the problems of Scn executives’ and staff’s inability to duplicate. Now it’s super power that’s supposed to do that.
It boggles the mind how no one sees this. Everyone heard it. Now it’s gone, and everyone moves on to the next flavor of kool-aid.
I noticed it, even back then, before the disappearance of KTL. The results (lack thereof, actually) did not match the enthusiasm of the promotion. Same as with NOTs. At the big intro event, some guys were up on stage and said, in no uncertain terms, that the ep was cause over life, and told a story about how he cured his father’s cancer. How many more OT 5’s and 7’s have to drop dead of cancer before the rest of them realize the emperor is wearing no clothes?
I suppose I need to do the truth rundown so I could come to the realization that I made all of that up to justify my overts.
The fact is, dear Gorillavee, that absolutely nothing in Scientology ever deliver the promised results , and most of the time doesn’t even come near to what was advertized by LRH himself . Learning the rules of grammar though, w/out the need for special spelling/grammar correction programs , is an endeavor that can really markedly improve our communication level at both the written and spoken level. I believe that there is such a thing as a
“Super-literate” individual, even though his abilities might not match LRH’s definition for it. But the KTL materials are an excellent product from my perspective. Every professional student would greatly improve his study and duplication skills if he really study those materials well.
As regards to NOTs, that step symbolize Scientology’s Tech beginning downfall , as Scn went from “An individual is cause of his own problems and situations in life” to “BTs can control your emotions , thoughts , purposes, and behavior” ; a reversal from full Self-determinism to Other-determinism. NOTs destroyed whatever workability remained in Scn. It went from simplicity to complexity and arbitrary factors , an indicator of insanity itself.
I did the super-literate course where I looked up every word on the course in a dictionary from a to z over 30 years ago. To this day a misunderstood word jumps off the page at me. However, that was not LRH tech per Alan Walters (
He states that the study tech was developed by highly qualified educators at Saint Hill. They presented their findings to elron who later gave a lecture presenting HIS wonderful new discovery. According to Walters the educators were highly miffed at receiving zero acknowledgement for their hard work.
I think in terms of the “study tools” I have learned, giving no recognition to elron or scn.
p.s. Happily enough for me I got out of scn before “making friends with my BT s.” (smiling)
The idea of pulling words from a text, clearing them first, then reading the text, was the bright idea of Noah Webster, of “Webster’s Dictionary”. He taught school that way.
Will Durant published in one of his history books in 1962; In this book he has a long chapter about who was living in the 17th century and is called the father of modern education. Will Durant summarized the work of Comenuis as
1. teaching the words
2. learning with the object
3. Taking in account the comprehension Level of the Student
And the after this book was published and LRH was a Fan of Durant he discovered in 1963 study tech and was copying the principles as described by Durant !
This is so unbelievable and funny that Lh sold us modern education as his discovery, while those principles were already known for centuries and we fools just bought his nonsense.
There is no School on this planet that hasn’t dictionnaries or materials that are adapted to the comprehension Level of the pupils and students and that are trying to teach with the object itself, Only Scientologists believe they don’t.
Except I think quoran Schools or Scientology academies where the whole study is transformed into a chinese School (talking to walls, learning through endless repetition)and no thinking and discussion about the subject is aloud.
It was never his discovery ; in fact the clearing of terms and associating them with the objects and actions they represent (the subject of “Mass” and “Conceptual Understanding”) , is as old as ancient Greece when Socrates discussed that subject intensely with his pupil Plato. Unfortunately , Socrates didn’t leave any writings behind. But reading most of Plato one can then learn about Socrates. “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms” , Socrates allegedly said. Korzybski’s General Semantics also covers that point in depth.
Very few things that LRH wrote are his original works if ANY really is at all. For example in General Semantics one finds the concept of “Identification” (A=A=A) as related to involuntary words associations. In Emile Coue’s “Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion” one find a VERY interesting description of the “Unconscious” and the power of “Subconscious Suggestions”. We also discover the description of the “Positive Postulate” , and the relation of past hidden postulates to abnormal behavior , sickness , and general unhappiness. Really a masterpiece. If one carefully reads Freud instead of believing LRH’s bullshit about him , one would also find a lot of DNs and Scn’s ideas in Freud.
So , LRH wasn’t original at almost anything.
By the way , by reading Will Duran’s “History of Philosophy”- a book that introduced philosophy to the layman- one would gain more understanding of life and livingness , Right v/s Wrong , than in all of LRH’s. Another masterpiece worth taking the time to read.
Yes , dear Richard ; I am familiar with Alan Walter’s allegations regarding that. For more on this , please see my reply to Roger from Switzerland.
Theta Clear – it was not my intention to say or imply that the identified problems were not really there (no question duplication is a problem at all levels of humanity), or that some of the solutions (such as student hat course or course elements, or KTL), are not effective. But any efficacy would be limited to that problem (no small achievement, in itself). My point is to show the wide chasm between the course and the grandiose promises. KTL was not just key to your life – it was supposed to deliver the ever-evasive planetary clearing.
Got it , Gorillavee ; thanks for the clarification. I agree that the KTL was sold as THE “solution” to social decay , and that it is very , very far from being capable of accomplishing that. W/out all the hype (impressed in the mind with hypnotic-type of suggestions) LRH would have gone totally broke . Scientology is the greatest deceit in the subject of psychotherapy that has ever happened in the last century.
Laughter! So true!
OT8 was sold and packaged as “Freedom from amnesia on the whole track” right up through the Maiden Voyage of the Freewinds. Then suddenly, and very swiftly, every piece of paper with any evidence of that claim was quickly rounded up and shredded. The slogan was swiftly changed to, “The first REAL OT level”, in other words, “Hubbard lied to all of you”. David Miscavige is the bringer of OT! Until he took it back, and ordered all of the OT8s back onto OTVll, causing a MASS exodus in the Church.
Honestly, David Miscavige is just trying to remain relevant.
My mother tongue is french.
When I studied english grammar, I marvelled at how easy it was compared to french. My generation and following ones are very bad at it generally, even those who become teachers. My parent’s generation OTOH, are good at it, no matter their level of education.
The difference between my parent’s generation and mine is that they were all taught by catholic nuns.
You see, catholic nuns have their own peculiar way of teaching things : they stroll in the class with a thick wooden ruler, and if you happen to be making a mistake, they hit your knuckles with it. After their first taste, most children somehow get very motivated not to make mistakes. It’s all scientasfasmagoric and stuff.
So let me introduce you guys to Nun Tech (TM). If it can teach a bunch of village kids french grammar, it can teach you proper english grammar in record time. You’ll have to buy a Super-Duper, Golden Age of Nuns Ruler, of course. Oh, and a second one, in case the first one gets broken.
Yes, we do take credit cards, with a 2% fee.
“Nun Tech”. So funny, kemist. I went to public school but a number of my childhood friends went to Catholic School. Being a Bride of Christ was a tough job in those days, apparently. These kids had recurring black and blue marks on their bodies all thru elementary school. One of them got good grades because she liked to study and the others, well, all that physical discipline must have really toughened them up because if and/or when they got whacked at school that meant an automatic whacking by a parent later at home. When they got older and turned a corner, they didn’t do it by half.
You cut out the books at the start of Solo I and you’ve considerably reduced time on theory. Probably by them thar 27 days. ip Hip Hoooray for Capt’n Davey Misc
My guess is that to make that new and improved “less time on the course” tech degrade target, they not only are not counting the Basics as that is now a prerequisite to even getting onto the course, but they might have taken out EM 25, Whole Track Dating Drill. I have never met anyone who actually used that data in their Solo Nots sessions, and I’ve asked many. I never had to use it in my sessions either.
Great minds (and SP’s) think alike.
Mike, since you’ve had your blog for awhile now, is there anyway you can graph the numbers? It would be interesting to see just how quickly everything is going to Hell in a hand bag.
Straight down and vertical!!!!!!!!!!
DUH !!!
Just turn David Miscaviges Graph upside down.
Truth Revealed
LMFAO!!!! Still laughing! Oh shit! I finally stopped laughing! Whew! That was fun! Now that’s some funny shit!
Yea, and while you’re at ir, Mike, tell me, what the hell is david miscavige thinking? or doing? or planning? Does he have any advisers beyond his attorneys or Tom Cruise? Or his he just throwing spaghetti up at this point and seeing what sticks?
D.M.’s advisers are for defense only including T.C.
Spaghetti Theory factors in when big ideas are really ruinously bankrupt
which get pawned off as some else’s bad idea (they go to the new HOLE)
Motivator is Personal greed for money , power and revenge for
a long ago battle where D.M. was humiliated and defeated badly.
( likely millions / billions of years ago)
D.M.cannot stand anyone getting more able , better , proper and
OSD, I am afraid your graph would be blank as most of those stats are false anyway……
Just sayin!
And you know, I guess I’ve been out for so loveong, it didn’t even occur to me that they would be false. I mean, falsifying stats is still a crime, isn’t it?
Geezers Dude, Mike confronts enough crap. Give the poor bloke a break, that graph would be enough to make a cat puke in that handbag.