Flag, which may no longer be referred to as the “Mecca” of technical perfection and “friendliest place on earth” must, according to the Pope’s decree, be referred to as the “Cathedral of Scientology.” More fitting for a pope to have a cathedral I guess, and the implications of Mecca are apparently not politically correct in today’s world. Though I would suspect Muslims are happier not to be associated with scientology than vice versa.
Now matter what it is called — Mecca, Cathedral, SP Building or Empty Morgue, the fact remains that the “top of the Bridge” of scientology has become a recycling center to churn the same people back through the bottom of the bridge to nowhere.
If any further proof were needed, take a look at the latest survey from the Flag “OT” Committee.
They are not asking anything about “OT Levels” — it is ALL about “Basics,” Student Hat, Purif and Objectives.
This is not a Mission or even a Class V org surveying their public. This is the “top of the bridge” checking in on their “OT Committee.”
February 2015 FLAG OTC SURVEY:
Dear OTC Members:
Please take a moment to reply, this data is very important to the Flag OTC.
Name: ______________________________
That should be the new logo form the the Silicon Valley Ideal Org project 😀
This sending people back to do stuff over (and over, and over) is such an inval of the people as well as of LRH.
“No matter what it is called – Mecca, Cathedral, SP Building or Empty Morgue, the fact remains that “the top of the Bridge” of Scientology has become a recycling center to churn the same people back through the bottom of the bridge to nowhere”
Neat, Mike. You made my day with this one.
I wouldn’t even waste my good healthy piss on that despicable misanthrope.
This is perfect. They are humiliating and degrading those they have appointed to humiliate and degrade others. Total control over the controllers. They need to do similarly more with the whales.
“Cathedral”. Ha.
How can we tell that this “religion” is not really a religion?
From the terminology.
In Judaism, there are “rabbis”, “synagogues”, “rebbes”, etc. Star of David.
In Islam, there are “imams”, “mosques”, “muezzins”, etc. Crescent moon.
In Christianity, there are “churches”, “ministers”, “priests”, “chapels”, etc, etc. The collection of terms used depends on which version, eg Catholic, Orthodox, Baptists, etc. The Cross.
All terms and symbols that have meaning within, and have grown organically with, those movements.
When it was more akin to a philosophical movement, Scientology had its own terminology too. “Dianetics”, “auditing”, “thetans”, “entheta”, etc. Grown organically with the movement.
But when it became convenient for Scientology to become a recognized “religion”, did it capitalize on those home-grown terms? Stick to its guns and leverage the terms that actually meant something to Scientologists?
No. It borrowed wholesale from the nearest thing it could identify as an actual religion.
It took the cross from Christianity, because that’s what a real religion uses, right? It took “church” because real religions are “churches”, right? “Chapels”, “ministers”, “parishioners”, etc.
Because it knew it was not a real religion, it simply stole its words and symbols from what Hubbard knew of real religions. Some strain of protestantism that he was familiar with from some time in his past.
If Scientology really believed in its religiosity, it would have stood by its beliefs, and “dianetics”, “auditing” and so on would have sufficed.
But no, it had to seem “convincing” and therefore “tricked up” its terms and symbology to seems just like a “real” religion. Of this, the cross is the most egregious thievery.
In summary: if it was a real religion, Scientology would have stood by its home-grown terms and symbols. Instead, it stole all its religious terms and symbols from the nearest handy religion, Christianity.
Mike Nimble, I agree with you but unfortunately coopting signs, symbols, etc.by a religion of other religions or beliefs to make it acceptable to the general public is nothing new. Back in the day the Council of Nicea (spelling?) conflated many pagan symbols, rituals and holidays with Christianity. Easter was a pagan holiday, even our name for it comes from a pagan goddess and the coloring of eggs was a pagan ritual also. Christ’s birth was made to coincide with the Winter Solstice. I could go on with examples but the jist is that around 350AD the world became officially Christian, Jesus was made a divinity, the Son of God, and to make it widely accepted the ongoing pagan rituals and practices were kept with their pagan names changed to reflect Christian “monotheism” in the form of the Holy Trinity, i.e. “Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost”. Even here they couldn’t just make it that there was just one God because that would have been way out-gradient for people accustomed to worshipping dozens of deities, so they created a trinity, three Gods.
Also, the Council allowed the early Christians to have patron saints for their towns, villages and cities, and they encouraged them to fashion graven images of these many saints and to pray to them and worship them With its pagan roots, this is why Catholicism has so much statuary, so many shrines, etc., so many types of solid, earthly, tangible rituals which symbolize the beliefs. The people needed to be stay grounded in their comforting, earthly symbols or they would have rejected Christianity
For decades the Church of Scientology has been doing surveys to find out what religious buttons most resonate with the public. The infamous Flog cross that many of us were regged for is up there because of a survey, that’s all. The Church would just as easily put a Star of David, or any major religious symbol up on top of their “cathedral” if they believed it appeal to the greatest amount of people.
As a never-in and former non-profit manager, the same question has crossed my mind from time to time…is it possible that Miscavige offers his biggest whales some kind of money-laundering and/or tax exemption scheme?
any donations to the CoS would be a deduction, right? and they call all payments for classes and services a donation? is there more going on?
I keep wondering about this. But you would have thought that annual accounts have to be filed… And if the money doesn’t go to US bodies that file tax returns then surely it cannot be tax exempt?!?
The fact that they are requesting this information indicates that they are looking for OTs. That they don’t have records on.
I realise this may not have much to do with the (but who knows) article but I was having a look around the Australian Scientology site, which I’ve never really gone into in any depth, and found this little gem under “WHO IS DAVID MISCAVIGE? / WHO IS THE ECCLESIASTICAL LEADER OF SCIENTOLOGY?” banner:
“Under Mr. Miscavige’s stewardship, Scientology-supported social betterment and humanitarian programs have touched the lives of billions.”
The rest of the piece (I found it somewhat sickening) can be read at
I think they meant to say “torched lives, for billions ($$).
I wonder if this repeating the same courses and spiritual pseudo-therapy over and over is just like other churches that you have to sing the same hymns over and over and pay your donations every Sunday to hear similar sermons over and over.
Reciting the Bible verses in sermons over and over, prayers over and over, I mean it’s kind of a big par for the course of repeating one’s religious rituals over and over.
The new development would be for Scientology to now NOT make their members wrong with any type of condemnatory language (Hubbard’s “retread”, “retrain”, “cramming”, language that is condemnatory) ought just be dispensed with.
To me like more traditional religions, who absolutely regurgitate their teachings and prayers over and over, Scientology’s newest version of the future might need to just take all the condemnatory stuff out of their make wrong.
“Times over equals certainty” would be my next major future campaign aligning with the pie in Scientology’s spiritual sky ever improving re-wording re-branding of it’s Hubbard “Bridge” lineup.
Just admit that “times over equals certainty” is now the “Bridge.”
Re-cycle it all, over and over, until you croak, and nearing croaking you learn the EOC tech, like Marty’s recent posting great summary lays it out.
But EOC isn’t even really EOC if you are true blue future lives believer.
No more make wrong for current Bridge goers, it should all be just “times over equals certainty”, like other religions.
But me, I’m really for the KSW #1 option: “….quit fast….” and leave it all behind ASAP.
The image makes a beautiful rendition of the bridge of OT-IX.
No entrance.
And the only escape?… jumping off.
May 16 HBO, popcorn and beer ready.
March 16
March 16 it is, stocking up at Trader Joe’s to beat the rush.
I’m surprised the form didn’t check if current CC/banking details are on file.
It’s a sick show now that they can be so easily exposed for the fraudsters they are.
There truly comes a time when you just have to accept the evidence and call the right item.
Flag is fucked! Good work Dave – you’ve made yourself famous for wanton destruction and thievery. Your name is already thought of with disgust by those who’ve you’ve influenced, what do you think it’ll be like when you come undone and removed from post. I personally will go out of my way to piss on your grave.
Takes two or three to piss properly. Who was it? Churchill, Eisenhower, and Patton, pissing on the Psychofreid Line outside WWII Germany? I wonder the heck if anyone has a front-view photo of that? That’s be a stitch, wouldn’t it? Patton with pomp and bluster, unzipped next to Churchill in a top hat, and Eisenhower with five stars on his epaulets, all standing there pissing like Everyman. Darn MI 5 or whatever probably seized all film and burned it – for reasons of national security.
The wonders of Google. Found this:
remarkable LOL
I don’t company…
Silvia, excellent point. This survey is not even going to the masses. It goes only to the Flag OTC. If there are members of Flag OTC that are not done with Basics which came out in ’07 and haven’t re done Purif since it came out a year ago, then that means there are some who are quietly withdrawing support. And this amongst the most faithful of the faithful — the OTC members! It means the masses are even more UTR. The end is near.
I watched the YouTube vid of Captain Caligula selling the revamped Basics books. It was sickening, just sickening. Blaming transcription errors and too many semi colons and selling it as if everything anybody had studied was now invalid. How do the poor people bloody take it. It’s wrong just so very wrong.
I can’t get used to how pathetic the church of scn has become. They have adopted a total “cap-in-hand” (this expression was used by hubbard) attitude. But it’s backed by threats. Sorta like the mafia asking for a loan! It’s nothing more than a blatant racket.
By the way, that graphic of the endless bridge is hilarious. Kudos!
And as for the shrimp’s cathedral, it’s called San Quentin. Let’s hope he reaches those lofty heights soon.
Also the survey is only directed at Flag OTC members. Hello!
IF the ‘top, most productive, largest OTC’ has members that haven’t finished the basics since 2007, nor the Purif, SRD, etc., released over a year ago then, we can safely assume it has definitely shrunken and many may have silently withdrawn.
And, if this is happening with OTC members, also means that the arrivals at Flag must be disastrous.
Yeah, it may be named a cathedral, but it is empty, cold, and in desperation to keep it somehow alive.
Strictly speaking, a cathedral is presided over by a bishop, not the Pope. (The name comes from the Greek ‘kathédra’ meaning chair or seat — the building containing the bishop’s ceremonial chair is a cathedral.) So Dave has basically downgraded the SP building from a holy site — symbolic center of the faith — to a building with a chair in it, and the chair doesn’t belong to COB.
I guess that makes these early steps of the Bridge something like the Stations of the Cross — a symbolic reflection of Christ’s journey from Jerusalem to the hill at Golgotha, site of his crucifixion. Devout believers (in some Christian faiths, including Catholicism) reenact this journey *every year*, usually during Lent.
So word up, OTs: Lent starts next Wednesday, Feb 18, and ends on Good Friday. That gives you about six weeks to complete your Basics, Student Hat, TRs and Objectives. No whining that you’ve already done them. And you’ll be doing them again in 2016.
There does appear to be internal agreement that doing everything again, now that it is “finally correct”, is absolutely logical – even if they got their certs from Hubbard himself (if any of those people are still left).
Well, it’s not a bad thing, I guess. Just more proof we’re witnessing this engine slowing down, running out of fuel so to speak.
May many more people find their truth this year.
I just finished George’s new ebook Lucifer’s Bridge, which gives new meaning to a “Bridge to Nowhere”. If any readers are still under the impression that spiritual freedom is a attainable by travelling LRH’s Bridge – think again.
I have no doubts the upper echelon of CoS are fully aware of the dead end that awaits parishioners. And that is probably the cruellest of acts they have committed on good, well-intentioned beings.
I had to look it up…so, here it is
Thank you for the link.
He describes “original” OTVIII, the Satanic majesty level, having done it before it was changed. $2.99 on kindle.
oh, that’s right, thanks. I bought a copy
What really amazes me is that so many of the whales, who by definition must have minds good enough to have achieved “whaledom”, appear to be blind, stupid and illiterate when it comes to scn? And, especially, Miscavige? How could a high school dropout who was flunked from the briefing course, have become smarter/wiser than LRH regarding tech…and everything else?
When a person is hypnotized they can do a lot of things that normally they won’t do. It does not matter how intelligent a person is because under hypnosis
Here’s your answer, Thegman77.
It amazes me too thegman77 why intelligent Whales do this, but when you are a Scientology Whale, you get the “special treatment” from day one. Many Whales got sucked into this black hole and cannot escape because their whole family have become members. These family members followed their rich daddy, uncle or matriarch into the sticky web that Miscavige has perfected for Whales.
However, new Whales are as rare as a dodo birds because of this blog and the internet. The old Latin proverb “forewarned is forearmed” means that “Knowledge in advance enables one to be prepared.” So, NO Whale in an English speaking country can enter Scientology today without EVERY family member, every family lawyer, every family accountant and every business associate screaming their heads off about Miscaviges Ponzi scheme.
I think the Russians and Chinese are still at risk, but their American lawyers will help get them understand the trap before they part with “Bob Duggan” type of money…
Miscavige did not invent the Whale special treatment. That was done way way before dm.
Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch, as much as I personally loved her, absolutely gave special treatment to the celebrities and the wealthy scientologists. They ate in her special dining room — which was rather ridiculous considering what a dungeon it was but hey — she was trying to lift things up.
Just always make me a bit … HUH???… when it’s all on Miscavige. Definitely NO saint and a guilty of massive crimes against human beings and yet he inherited/stole/appropriated a less than holy scene.
That said …
Hubbard was several sandwiches short of a picnic basket — doncha think?
I worked for Yvonne in 1972 and yes she invented this special treatment. But, I never saw Miscavige use it. Yvonne sold auditing and training services. Miscavice only sells statuses to the rich and forgiveness to the crims (i.e. Slatkin). But Mixcavige personally selling Scientology auditing or training services? Can you imagine that? That is sooooo beneath him.
I’m with you, Windhorsegallery. Miscavige is just playing “follow the leader”. He’s doing it extremely well because he is in such a bind. What else can he promote but the circular bridge, under the circumstances?
Not saying he’s not a sociopath/criminal/violent bully, etc.
“Just always make me a bit … HUH???…” – Me, too!
It’s so totally the wrong Why to blame Miscavige for everything. He’s perpetuating what he was trained in by Hubbard himself. The latter ste a good example. Miscavige is following in the footsteps.
This is a curiosity to me as well! If they are that intelligent, then why are they being duped again and again? Unless they make their money off Scientologists. Or inherited the money and are just irresponsible. ??
Money has no meaning to the gangs of regges who have no money and never make any money. They have no clue as to how to create it in the world at large. Their grandiosity of “spending” other people’s money is unquenchable. Kind of like the mentality, “If I can’t have any money, then you shouldn’t be able to have any either.”
Sounds a lot like most of the student activists that clutter up the place. I’ve known folk to protest older generations staying in their own houses when of course should be making way for the young.
because emotional weakness is what’s being exploited and intelligence doesn’t have to be a protection?
The time is near when the only customers Flag will have left is their OT Committee members. I guess they had better “track” them really well. They even have a job for that: OTC Member Services Tracking I/C.
If this means that Flag will put simple orgs out of existence because they can’t compete anymore, than that’s fine with me. How COS comes to an end isn’t important.
Nice thought. 🙂
Möbius Bridge!!
Picture reminds me of this quote from yesterday:
” I’ve been on lines for nearly 40 years, watching ‘them’ re-cycle the same crap over and over. ”
But he was talking about critics, right?
Good catch 1subgenius
Paul says about Gibney & HBO:
” I’ve been on lines for nearly 40 years, watching ‘them’ re-cycle the same crap over and over. ” © Paul Clark all right reserved.
Paul got to Clear in his 1st 10 years and then for 30 years he’s been trying to get up to OT levels so he can recycle to the bottom of the bridge again (why doesn’t he see this?). Anyway, in the mean time, he’s recycling through the basics (like he never read books in 40 years?) … this will keep him busy while donating to the IAS, which after all, is the purpose of the basics: to keep people within arms reach to keep fleecing them.. ha, ha Poor Paul Clark. I feel sorry for him…
just a FLI
I am dead file since 8 years ago.
My husband died 14 years ago.
I never changed my last name to match my husband’s last name.
I live at a different address than the one I lived at while married to my husband
and while on Church lines.
It is interesting to note that on Feb 2, I received a letter addressed to my new address
and addressed to my dead husband, requesting a donation of $1,000 or more for a
“Trust Fund.” to build a Hall.
I also received a Freewinds magazine addressed to me.
I have a friend who is declared. He received a request for donation letter too.
As you are aware,
dead filled and declared folks are not suppose to received contact from the Church.
It appears that the Church is doing a thorough research to track down past parishioners.
So the saying goes “The devil is in the details!”
(Kissing sounds as if I’m calling in my cats). C’mon little OTs. It’s time to come in now. Come out come out wherever you are. Hurry!
Excellent point!